Ji Ran's remaining arm reached for his necklace. A small, carved wooden dragon. It was a Fourth-Realm life-saving talisman called the Violet-Fire Dragon Charm. When activated, Ji Ran would gain the power to kill even a Nascent Soul realm cultivator-for only five minutes. He'd been given it by an elder after that child's birth.

How ironic.

'I'll kill all of us! That bastard peasant-My bitch wife! I'll blow us all to hell! Ji Ran will die on his own terms!'
The most ironic thing here is that, by presenting a threat like this, Ji Ran might not even get the dignity of dying in this poorly-conceived blaze of glory.

After all, if Xi Fu wants to stop Ji Ran from successfully causing any trouble here, well... his technique armory includes such a perfect cultivator-suppressing attack that he got a custom tribulation about inventing it.

Which is the greater loss of status among the Redscale Clan, I wonder? To not have sired Hong Long Xiyi? Or to be returned to mortality?
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