Yeah, as far as I can tell, Sword/Spear/Dog cultivation and similar such monomaniacal Ways either give you a tool or a protagonist.

Like, look at the pros and cons:
--Unrivaled within tier in head to head contests.
--Reduced need for traditional resources, they don't need to compete for generic resources.
--Well known and accounted for eccentricities. You know what you're getting into.

--Basically autolose if unable to turn it into a head to head contest since they can't do anything else. This isn't too hard at the higher levels, but surviving lower tiers is hard.
--Dependent entirely upon specialized enlightenment, either it works for you or it doesn't, even if you find the exact same inspiration as someone else, it might or might not work for you unless someone from a much higher tier drops enlightenment into your lap.
--Quirks are well known to be extreme, be prepared to be pretty far from what most would consider to be human.

This means that your hyperspecialist cultivators based on mimicry of a specific object or creature are extremely useful to a Sect as minions because they are powerful for their upkeep cost, so if you want line infantry or guards your Sword/Spear/Dog cultivators are great, they'd kick the ass of generalists of the same tier.

But if they aren't some kind of fated hero with cheats, they're never getting out of Lieutenant level except for the odd hero who'd shoot all the way to the top and inspire a whole new generation of suckers.
I forgot did I say how unfair spear/weapon cultivation is? They don't need a cultivation manual, while everyone else not in a top tier world in a great sect gets trash or at best mid manuals that create weak foundation.

New review on RR by a practitioner of the Dao of Shit Takes. Basically they said how MC should've been a loner coz of their expectations, they don't like the dystopia(DAFUQ?), depression(DAFUQx2) and gore...
I did my duty and downvoted it.

Manuals are probably more consistent in that a good quality manual guarantees a certain baseline of power, which is more useful for sects that will want to ensure a minimum standard for their recruits and more attractive to most people, since weapon cultivation seems to be more dependent on personal talent and comprehension so it's impossible to guarantee you'll get a strong cultivator.
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Still even if it's inspiration dependent, it seems no has thought to find a weapon they're most compatible with and then Superman the fuck out of it. Fire spear, ice spear, illusion spear, healing spear... and then you got a weapon that can do it all.
I still feel like you're underestimating it. That's like expecting someone to find a musical instrument they're compatible with and just becoming a rock star.
I just like finding the best build >.<
The trick is that "builds" are usually predicated on the assumption that the "built" character is a passive blank slate who will be just as able to perform with any given build.

It's sort of like how the incredibly wealthy and popular "professional athlete" build simply is not available to you if genetics doesn't smile on you, and you don't even find out if that's going to be the case until you're already in high school. It's not a good idea to pursue that build too aggressively, to the extent of ignoring other possibilities, and wind up locked into something that will never work out.

Cultivation is rather like that. Spear Cultivation or whatever works great if you're Xi Fu, but that's true for Xi Fu-specific reasons, not because Xi Fu has unlocked the "build" that makes cultivators "best."
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Cultivation is rather like that. Spear Cultivation or whatever works great if you're Xi Fu, but that's true for Xi Fu-specific reasons, not because Xi Fu has unlocked the "build" that makes cultivators "best."
To torture a metaphor here, Xi Fu can pull off the Football Helmet Clown Shoes "build" because he has the Clown Shoes. On a superficial level, everyone thinks his power comes from the Football Helmet, but Football Helmet is actually mid at best. The whole thing works because he has the Clown Shoes, and Clown Shoes on their own are lackluster enough that most people replace them with something better. However, Football Helmet Clown Shoes needs both of those to work.

Cultivation is also an intensely personal experience, Xia Xuefeng cultivates the Crucified Anthem like Xia Xuefeng, not like anybody else who ever has or ever will cultivate the Crucified Anthem, and she appears (despite her best efforts) to be mixing Karmic cultivation with that.

The downside of using a cultivation manual is that unless it is designed specifically for you by a peerless genius, it will not be a 100% fit. The upside is that they are usually "close enough"* and let you skip reinventing the wheel from first principles.

*Aside from the occasional "If you keep cultivating this, your dantian and meridians will explode, not only will it kill you, it will hurt the entire time you are dying"
Xi Fu Interlude 3: I can't believe this Brothel is such a scam!
Xi Fu Interlude 3: I can't believe this Brothel is such a scam!


Xi Fu trod through the streets of Redscale City. Being in Core Formation, his status had transformed and he no longer had to worry so much about random arrests based on his 'wanted' condition.

He arrived in what seemed to be a residential district, making his way to a large multi-story house. A buff man with a shortsword by his side guarded the door.

Xi Fu approached, pulling up his sleeve to expose a flower tattoo on his wrist. The guard nodded, opening the door.

Within was the Pure Ecstasy Brothel. The place Xi Fu had grown up. Immediately, one's eyes were assaulted by what most would consider pure, disgusting degeneracy.

There was an elderly lady with a suspiciously young boy on her lap, a fat man eagerly whipping the back of a prostitute and other things. Xi Fu did not see any of it as strange. He had no standard of normalcy to compare it to, having grown up within the brothel's warped logic. Even stranger scenes would appear when one looked at the private rooms where the bulk of the Brothel's money was made.

"Brother Xi Fu! Is that you?" A girl ran over to him, eyes wide.

"Hey, Xiaomei," Xi Fu waved.

She pulled him into a tight hug.

The Pure Ecstasy Brothel relied on its own 'employees' to produce the next generation of 'workers'. There were always plenty of kids being born, and Xi Fu had known many of them as his childhood friends.

"How did you manage to come back? You said you had to run because you were wanted?"

"Hah, your old friend Xi Fu doesn't have to worry about that anymore. I've become a powerful cultivator now!"

Qi gathered around Xi Fu's feet and he floated several feet into the air. Xiaomei's eyes widened.

"Wow! No way! Is that some kind of trick?"

"Nope, it's all real," Xi Fu laughed.

"Say, why don't you buy a private room with me, and we can catch up?" Xiaomei leaned forward eyes lidded.

Xi Fu pulled back, an awkward expression on his face. He mostly viewed his childhood friends like they were his siblings. He didn't think Xioamei would try something like that unless she really needed money. He pulled a large bag of gold from his spatial ring and handed it to her.

"Just take it as a gift," he said.

Xiaomei's eyes widened, and she hastily nodded, looking grateful.

"Do you know where my mother is?" he asked. "My sisters?"

"Aunt Huang managed to get a job at the Tianfei library since she's literate. Your sisters are doing fine as well. Xilei got married to the son of a bigwig at the Ironark Mining company, and Hafu became the handmaiden to a minor noble from the Redscale clan, Lady Mei."

Xi Fu noted down the names. He'd visit his remaining family members and drop them off some money, just in case. In the meantime, he had other plans.

"I need to see the matron," Xi Fu said, sighing.

Xiaomei, nodded, watching as Xi Fu strode towards the backrooms. He pushed his way through a door into an office, where an elderly lady scribbled upon papers. She looked up, squinting through her glasses.

"Hmm? Who is it?"

"Do you remmenber Xi Fu?" he smiled.

"Xi Fu? You're that troublemaker from back then- Do you know how much bad attention we got as a result of your escapades?"

Xi Fu shrugged.

"Are you crawling back for a job? I wouldn't normally let a guy like you have one, not pretty enough, but I know you're good at seducing women, I suppose I could consider-"


Qi pulsed from Xi Fu, and the matron froze, eyes widening in fear. She blinked, taking note of the cloud-covered robes that covered Xi Fu.

"When I was young, I didn't really understand it, but now I do. You're one of the people most responsible for the horrible shit that happens in this place, right?"

He had seen too many cases of an elderly prostitutes being tossed out onto the streets to freeze when she had no use anymore. Or people forced to work with disgusting clients who had spent enough money. None of that had to happen. The Brothel made absurd sums of money, it could easily take care of its members.

Xi Fu had been a bandit and a cultivator, had killed his fair share of people in battles. Whether it be the armed escort of a merchant or a cultivator fighting him for a treasured weapon, they all had families who would mourn them. He would never claim to be an upright person, but he also never treated his own people with the cruelty and callous apathy the Pure Ecstasy Brothel did.

The matron tried to speak, but another pulse of Xi Fu's aura forced her to stumble off her chair.

"I'm currently in Core Formation, the third realm of Qi Cultivation. That probably doesn't mean much to a mortal like you but understand that it makes me essentially untouchable in this place. Furthermore, I'm now a Captain of the Sky Swallowing Gulper Armada. Even if a stronger cultivator you have a connection with wants to, he wouldn't dare offend me. I could kill you now and not face a single consequence."

The Pure Ecstasy Brothel had a lot of high-class clientele, including elders of the Redscale clan, giving the Matron a broad array of connections to protect herself. But, none of it mattered because Xi Fu was strong enough. Even a Nascent Soul Elder of the Redscale clan would have to treat him with respect.

"From now on, there are going to be some big changes around this place," Xi Fu said. "First of all, you don't own this place anymore, the workers do. they'll make decisions by vote. Secondly, all the slaves who are owned are now free. They can leave if they want, or stay for pay. The profits of the brothel are going to be distributed to the workers fully, and they can refuse any client they want."

Xi Fu couldn't just wave his hand and completely eliminate injustice, but if he could make life better for the people from his home, who he'd grown up alongside, he would. It was the least he could do.

'And one day, if I reach the level of that dragon expert or the Swordfather, then I actually could just directly make life better for all human beings with a single law. maybe something like 'Anything I don't like no longer exists!', huh?'

Xi Fu wasn't like Bing Meilu, who was detached from the mortal world, letting the cycles of joy and suffering churn endlessly below her. He was someone with his own moral compass, who couldn't abide by any rule or law he didn't like. If he hadn't possessed such a personality, he would not have been able to comprehend Heaven Defying Spear Intent.

'No compromise, no restraint. If something displeases me, I'll destroy it. I only need to be strong enough. Otherwise, I'll disappoint my own Spear Intent!'

Xi Fu gave the matron one last look.

"I'll check up on this place in a few years. If it's not run to my standards, believe me when I say there won't be any force capable of keeping you alive."

Xi Fu would announce the change to the prostitutes, before heading to see his family.

He grabbed the Matron by the shoulder and dragged her into the open room.

"Hey everyone, gather up! The Matron has an announcement to make!"


"Wow! That was so cool!" Xiaomei clapped, smiling. "I never imagined seeing the Matron look so terrified would be so cathartic."

Xi Fu laughed, rubbing the back of his hair. He sat on a couch, reminiscing with some of his old childhood friends from the brothel.

"Yeah, fuck that old hag! Serves her right, for scamming us all for so long," agreed Tang Fu, a popular male escort. "Now that I'm not a slave anymore, I'm getting the fuck out of here."

"Where will you go?" Xiaomei asked.

"Well, I could always join the city guard," Tang Fu joked, flexing his non-existent muscles. He had always possessed a slim, androgynous body that was popular with some female clients. "Just kidding. I'll probably find some rich, lonely widow and live off that."

"You always were a mooch," Xi Fu laughed.

Since Tang Fu was a slave, he wasn't paid like Xi Fu and Xiaomei had been, so he was always sponging off them to buy him stuff.

"What about you, Xiaomei?" Tang Fu asked.

"Well, I-" she turned to Xi Fu hesitantly. "I've never wanted to stay in a place like this. Could- Could I come with you, brother Fu?"

Xi Fu blinked in surprise before smiling.

"Sure, my faction is growing fast. I'm sure I could convince my boss to hire some mortal servants. Believe me when I say, you'll never dream of how much money cultivators have. Even servants can afford spirit medicines. Actually, tell any of the others, if they plan on leaving the brothel, they can come with me out of the city for a good job."

Xiaomei smiled happily, giving Xi Fu a hug.


Inside a small library, a middle-aged woman sat, transcribing a book. She had long black hair and a pretty face. Even now, she still possessed an elegant beauty, and it was easy to understand why Xi Huang had been a popular prostitute when she was younger.

With a sudden flash, a large bag of coins appeared on her desk, alongside a note. She raised an eyebrow picking it up.

'Still, regret not aborting me ;)?'

When he had been young, that was how she chided Xi Fu whenever he misbehaved. Xi Huang smiled, shaking her head.

'That boy...'

"Are you so scared you won't even come to see me in person? Did I spank you too hard last time?"

"I'm not scared, I was being suitably mysterious, Mom," Xi Fu complained, appearing behind her.


Xi Xilei sat on a chair, bouncing her son on her lap, a weary expression on her face. No one had told her being a mother would be so tiring!

"It's almost time for studies now, dear," she whispered.

Her son whined.

"But mooom! I spent all yesterday studying, can't I take today off?"

"No, sweety. You know that you have to learn this stuff. Don't you want to be a rich merchant? You can't do that unless you know your characters."

"Can't I just hire a servant to read things to me aloud," he grumbled, hugging her.

"No, sweety," she laughed shaking her head. "What do I always say about wasting money?"

"A penny saved is a penny earned," he recited.

She patted her son on the head and sent him off, pulling out a book.

"So that's my nephew? Only one generation removed from poverty and already so rich in attitude,"

Xilei spun around, blinking in shock at the sight of Xi Fu.

"Big brother? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Just checking up on you,"

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Xi Fu sat down, arms crossed behind his head.

"Are you happy here?"

"Mhmm. My husband loves me and treats me well, and I get to sit around all day reading."

"Sounds good. If your son turns out to be able to cultivate, I'll take him in. Is Hafu doing well?"

"Yeah, she's got this rich lady eating out of the palm of her hand," Xilei smiled.

"Good, I don't have much time left before I have to head back to my faction, take this money for a rainy day, and give Hafu half. I might be able to visit in some years."

"Alright, I'll miss you!"


Xi Fu returned to the hotel where his faction was staying at. He pressed through the door and froze at the sight of a powerful cultivator glaring at Bing Meilu. Xi Fu recognized him from a statue. Grand Elder Houyi of the Redsclane clan.

'Why'd you have to offend someone stronger than a Nascent soul? God dammit Bing Meilu!'
Comrade Xi Fu, allowing the workers to seize the means of reproduction. Rise up, you have nothing to lose but your chains*!

*Unless you're ok with that kind of play.
That's interesting! Never seen a cultivator caring about the whole mortal civilization, at most they care about their family....sort seeing them every once in a 10 000 years for a few minutes.
The way to avoid that is keep some normal people around who'd tell you your plan is shit to your face regardless of the power gap.
No kidding. High power cultivators can kill mortals just by being angry at them. Literally.
As I understand it, high level cultivators can kill mortals by being angry in the same city as them, depending on how "high level" they are. Not even angry at the mortal, but just within range of the cultivator's spiritual perception.
Chapter 56: The Grand Elder
Transmigrated back into the body of her child self, can the mighty Celestial Bing Meilu survive in a Xianxia world all the while staving off the advances of arrogant young masters and wannabe protagonists alike?

Why is life so hard for the Icy Beauty?

Any corrections or criticisms are welcome, I hope you enjoy Chapter 56: The Grand Elder


Li Ji, Xi Fu and the other faction members in the lobby of the hotel looked at Bing Meilu as if she were utterly insane. She calmly sipped her tea, ignoring the disturbed glances of her faction members and the other guests of the hotel.

Bing Meilu's mind was made up. Either Sima Yazhu would want the child, in which case her being taken by the Redscale clan was unacceptable, or Tang Wuhan would, in which case, the same. Regardless, there was no conceivable way the Hong Long Clan could raise the child of a member of the Moon Crying Swan Palace as well as Bing Meilu's faction could. She was, after all, a former Celestial with means beyond anything in the mortal world.

A frown appeared on Grand Elder Houyi's face. In all his centuries in Transcending Impurity, he'd never had a Second-Realm ant speak so disrespectfully to his face. However, she was a member of the Sky Swallowing Gulper Armada, and he couldn't be sure that she didn't have a strong backing, or he would have imminently shown his displeasure.

"So what if I am?" Grand Elder Houyi coldly said, his eyes narrowed. "This is a matter pertaining to the bloodline of the Redscale clan. Naturally, I have to take action."

"Sima Yazha is a member of the Twelve-Headed Bird Sect and my junior sister from the Moon Crying Swan Palace. After her suffering at the hands of your clan member, it's imperative I bring her back to the sect immediately."

"Hphm. I would have preferred for my grandchild to know their mother, but if having the girl is so important to you, I can send her to you after she gives birth, or let your group stay until she gives birth."

It was, at least in the eyes of cultivation culture, an extremely reasonable request. Clans were very possessive of their bloodlines. If a Fifth Realm Grand Elder wanted to ensure the safety of his talented son's child, even if it meant restraining a foundation establishment junior in his city for three months, who would care?

Sadly for him, Bing Meilu did not respect 'Transcending Impurity' Level experts. She had already decided to view Sima Yazhu's daughter as being part of the Moon Crying Swan palace. Let alone a second-rate power like the Redscale clan, even the Twelve-Headed Bird Sect was not as qualified as Bing Meilu when it came to training members of her old sect.

"We should take this deal-" Li Ji whispered in her ear, but she shushed him, before turning back to Houyi with a frosty glare.

"You really want to force my Junior Sister to remain in the city she was abused? How cruel and heartless. Is this the attitude shown by the Redscale clan towards the Twelve-Headed Bird Sect? Completely audacious!"

Elder Houyi's eyebrow twitched. This was a relatively small matter between one Grand Elder and his bloodline- Did she have to make it seem like he was leading the Redscale clan in a rebellion?

"She's pregnant with the heir to my estate- I think it's completely reasonable that I ensure my Grandchild is born in Redscale City!" Elder Houyi growled, an invisible pressure descending upon her hotel. Not the full force of his cultivation base, just enough to remind her she was speaking to a superior.

"When the heir of your estate is old enough, she can naturally come back and claim whatever inheritance she is due. Until then, she will be raised in her mother's power, the Twelve-Headed Bird Sect. Or does the Redscale clan think it's entitled to tell the Twelve-Headed Bird Sect where its own children should be raised?"

The Grand Elder grit his teeth. Of course, comparing being a member of a sect to possessing a clan's bloodline was ludicrous, but Bing Meilu was technically correct that Houyi's grandchild had one parent from the Redscale and one parent from the Swan Palace. He couldn't say that he did indeed think that being a member of the Redscale clan gave him a stronger claim to the child compared to the Twelve-Headed Bird Sect parentage in his eyes, or it really would look like he was disparaging the area's hegemon.

"Redscale city is the only power capable of properly raising a possessor of the drake blood of the Hong Long clan. Would you really make a clan member grow up without the training necessary to control their bloodline?! I think I would have full rights to ensure the safe raising of my grandchild in that case."

"Jiang Hu, come out!"

The sabre cultivator walked out from a room in the hotel, to where Bing Meilu was speaking to the Grand Elder. He removed his hood, revealing his long draconic horns.

Houyi's eyes widened as he sensed the powerful draconic aura slumbering within Jiang Hu.

'This bloodline- How incredibly pure! Not even the main branch has such a pure Red Drake bloodline! Who the hell is he?' The Fifth Realm expert thought in shock.

He quickly calmed down. The matter of his own grandchild took precedence. He would have to report the strange man to the clan leader at another date.

"As you can see, my Twelve-Headed Bird Sect is more than capable of raising unique bloodlines. Your objection is invalid."

"Enough. I've already gone out of my way to show you an incredible amount of face, given the difference in our cultivation. If you're so insistent on poaching a member of my bloodline- Don't blame me for being ruthless."

This was a red line for Grand Elder Houyi. His faction had already lost a Nascent Soul prospect in the form of Elder Fang's death. Of all Houyi's sons, Fang was the most talented. There was a good chance Elder Fang's child could become a powerful member of Houyi's faction in the future. There was no way he would let an outside group raise his grandchild.

The Grand Elder raised his hand, the incredible power of a Transcending Impurity level expert roaring forward. Sima Yazhu directly appeared in his hand, looking frightened out of her mind. As far as Houyi was concerned, this was the end of the matter. No one would be willing to offend a fifth-realm expert or a power like the Redscale clan over such a minor issue.

Below, Bing Meilu narrowed her eyes frostily. She had given him a way out, but he was desperate to force her hand. Who had given him permission to raise the child of one of her subordinates without asking her? Furthermore, it would be an unacceptable insult to her old sect to allow such flagrant disrespect. In her past life, Bing Meilu had fought Truth-Dao Realm enemies in the name of her Moon Crying Swan Palace, let alone a mere fifth-realm gnat.

She pulled out her disciple token. Pouring her Qi into it, she sent an emergency report.

'Fifth Realm Redscale clan member has kidnapped a member of the Moon Crying Swan Palace in collusion with his son, a known demonic cultivator. Requesting immediate support.'

Like any major power, the Sky Swallowing Gulper Armada's disciple token could be used for numerous functions, including sending emergency messages, which would alert nearby sect members and the higher-ups. Of course, Sects did not overly baby their members, only through trials of fire could a power grow the strength of its disciples. Higher-ups would only intervene in serious cases, or if the life of someone important was at risk.

Elder Houyi had been in seclusion for several centuries and was not all that aware of what was happening on the Continent. He had only come out when he was informed his son was executed for demonic cultivation. If he had asked someone more informed for advice, they would have told him the current number one danger in the continent: Messing with the survivors of the Moon Crying Swan Palace.

After all, the Twelve-Headed Bird Sect were the masters of the Bird Talon Continent. To have one of their direct branches exterminated suddenly and with no warning was an incredible loss of reputation. It was practically a slap in the face, proof they were actually fallible. Thus, a huge amount of resources had been mobilized to look into the matter of the Moon Crying Swan Palace's destruction and to find all survivors who had escaped its fate.

Several second and third-rate powers had been directly exterminated for taking advantage of low-ranking survivors, such as trying to force them to reveal secret techniques and the like. If Elder Houyi had been aware of all this, he might have been less forceful in his methods.

Moments later, dozens of huge black voids opened up in the sky. Enormous warships slowly emerged, alongside hundreds of huge white feathered birds. These were Sky Swallowing Gulpers, their very presence seeming to warp the air into them a vortex. A huge banner hung from each ship and Gulper.

'Ox Fleet - Cloudly Skies Sector - Justice Upholding Strike Force'

"Who dares cause trouble in our Prefecture?" A fierce voice could be heard from countless miles.

The aura of a Saint-Realm cultivator engulfed the city, seeming at one with nature and filled with boundless power. Saints could merge their qi with the innate rhythm of the world, allowing them to wield nature around them as their own power. When within the range of a Saint, lower-realm cultivators became helpless.

Grand Elder Houyi stared up at the fleet, a look of shock and confusion on his face. For such a small matter - A whole Strike Force of the Sky Swallowing Gulper Armada had appeared? That was a Saint-level Strike Force Commander, five or six Transcending Impurity Realm Division Commanders, dozens of Nascent Soul Commodores and more. It was a huge force- There was no way it was here because of him?

Below, Bing Meilu gave Houyi a smug smirk. This was the meaning of 'suppressing others with one's background'. Bing Meilu had never been afraid to use the backing of higher realm cultivators to kill her enemies. What else was the point of joining a large sect? In her eyes, it was a simple deal. they would help her when she was weak, in return for her support when she became stronger.

Completely unable to resist, Grand Elder Houyi watched as the girl his son had impregnated was pulled from his hand by a gentle gust of wind onto one of the ships, alongside Bing Meilu and her followers. Moments later, dozens of black spiked chains wrapped around him and all he saw was darkness.

Upon the back of an enormous Sky Swallowing Gulper, with a wingspan almost as broad as a lake, Bing Meilu and her faction stood. A tall, fierce-looking man with a halberd strapped to one man stared down at her. This was a Strike Force Commander, the same rank as the man who had brought her to Port Snake in the first place.

"Report, Bing Meilu of Snake Fleet," he ordered the girl.

She noted that he made no effort to use a Truth determining method on her. Perhaps he thought that she wouldn't dare lie to him, or didn't care about the truth of the matter.

"Yes, sir. I was in the Ashen Mountains for a training trip when I stumbled upon a man named Elder Fang, who was a secret Demonic Cultivator. With the aid of another Redscale elder, we apprehend him and rescued four members of the Moon Crying Swan Palace who he had been torturing for his cultivation. Soon after, Elder Fang's father Grand Elder Houyi came and attempted to forcefully kidnap one of the victims for some nefarious purpose, no doubt. I ask Senior to uphold justice in this matter!"

The Saint waved his hand, and huge black chains surged through the air, bringing the limp form of Houyi towards him.

"Soul Search."

Even unconscious, Elder Houyi let loose a shrill scream of pain. His form crumbled to ash. A burning red Soul was ripped from his body by golden wind. His spirit twisted and turned, causing cracks like that of shattered glass to spread through the air. The very spatial laws of the continent shuddered as Houyi's soul struggled in its bonds. A moment later, the burning soul shattered into dust.

The Saint chuckled uproariously.

"Good, you have some balls for a woman. Even I wouldn't have dared speak to a Fifth Realm cultivator like that when I was in the second." he turned to give Bing Meilu a look of appreciation. "Our Armada has never lacked strength, but we've always been in need of more bold cultivators. Why don't you become my disciple and join the Ox Fleet?"
Regardless, there was no conceivable way the Hong Long Clan could raise the child of a member of the Moon Crying Swan Palace as well as Bing Meilu's faction could.
Bing Meilu is a peerless cultivator.

She also has a habit of adopting strays. She tells herself it is for useful minions, but... she admits the child is going to have yin-yang balance that is off. The child might not even be able to cultivate a yin-heavy method. But Bing Meilu already views the child as something she is responsible for protecting.