8 people have voted [X] [Last Turn] Stabilize The Ecosphere - [Glowple Worker Cooperative]
With the civil war over, and most people expecting a return to normalcy, or what normalcy there could be now in a world of a post-revolutionary planet, many issues are brought to the attention of those with the means to change and shape the future, those at the helm of the ship that is any nation and the levers of power that is a government.
One of these issues is Terra Firma's damages during the civil war. Though the attack against it, as it had served as a central logistical hub, was dashed with ease due to the non-existence of a navy in any sense of the word above (some dinky patrol boats with firehoses and whatever weapons the crew could bring onto deck from their armaments locker) hastily bolted on artillery did manage to kill and injure a score of workers and soldiers, alongside turning some projects from successes into failures, with dangerous disruptions to the stabilization and increased sustainability of the ecosphere to follow.
Luckily, quick and decisive action by the Federalist Unions saw most of the damages quickly healed, and what remained nothing that wouldn't be taken care of by the planet itself within the following decades, if not mere years. And yet, the attention and budget allocated to combat the (admittedly merely incredibly annoying) dangers allowed the scientists and engineers of Glowple to engineer some tweaks and changes into the biosphere, a little bit of fun to be had by those with the time and money to spare, and the expertise to not see it crash and burn the entire effort to the bedrock.
Choose One:
[] Draconian Dance
The Great Eared Nightjar inspired some to look into seeding more suitable species into the mix, their appearance reminding of ancient stories and near-forgotten pride. [] Luminescent Boughs
A minor tweak, a tiny change, and the forests of the future won't be merely changed with the seasons but shimmer in the night with a million lights and a thousand colors. [] Pest Removal
Why bother with the existence of pests that are not wanted nor needed? Let's eliminate a flaw in the biosphere we do not wish to have. [] Terra Nova
We can have a single world unmarred by the pollution of Old Eart. But what is one world if we cannot seed more?
6 people have voted [X] [Last Turn] Education Campaign - [Culture]
6 people have voted [X] [Last Turn] Wonders Of Tomorrow - [Research]
6 people have voted [X] [Last Turn] Flexible Automatry - [Feline Metalwork Incorporated]
[X] Terra Nova
Julian had long since grown used to the crackle of the radio, here so far out from "proper" civilization at the edge of the farmable terrain of his home. However, it felt like every year brought endless swaths of more and more land that could be tilled and seeded. Regardless of that, his evenings remained the same, no matter how the scientists seemed more and more pleased about the quality of the soil and how their visits became ever more infrequent over the weeks, leaving him to listen to the radio as he read a book or some magazine his daughter shipped him from town.
This time, he was reading a murder mystery, yet had only two eyes for the words, reading without really comprehending, as his ears and mind were glued to the conversation of the hostess of the largest radio program on Lakshmibasti with that of a higher-up on the Terra Nova initiative.
"And you are sure that Esther and Eufemia are the best places to test Glowple's theories? Isn't Anjaliguri a far better place to test out our terraforming theories? The planet is akin to Mars after all; the other two are a toxic hellhole like Venus or a frozen ball of nothing but ice?"
"I am certain," the man replied. "Mars-like planets are perhaps marked in their closeness to Earth itself, but lack many of the advantages that planets like Esther and Eufemia hold, such as an actual magnetosphere we don't need to replace with technical means, but the primary advantage is that both have a gravity within human tolerances without causing significant medical problems in the long run."
"Still, gravity and a magnetosphere can't be the only things that place these two over the other, can it?"
"Well, yes. The other advantage would be the natural occurrence of ice, which can be melted with relatively cheap mirrors placed in orbit to create an ocean world dotted with floating cities. The other is that it is far easier to take an atmosphere away than add it to a planet that doesn't want to hold it to itself. While it may make more sense to the average person to seek places that are mild and uncomplicated, Venus-like planets are actually prime real estate if they are in the Goldilocks Zone since the only thing preventing us from making them inhabitable is time. And we have that now, don't we?"
Julian nodded to himself; they did have time. Still, even with living on a planet undergoing terraforming itself, it was kind of wild to think about making yet more worlds humanity's own.
[X] [Last Turn] Education Campaign - [Culture]
With the world changed and the political landscape redefined by the victors, one thing became apparent to one and all who had studied history: the people were divided. Not merely by class but also by culture. Too many thought of themselves as Spanish, Turkish, or Indian, not people who lived on the same planet, too far from the rest of humanity to escape any disaster or be reached by helpers until it was too late. The Unions couldn't have people define themselves with such labels first, not second or third, as it undermined the potential stability of the society they were trying to build free from all, and if not, most, ills that humanity had to live under for the majority of its life. But while this took priority, the question was still...how to go about this, and what was the endpoint?
[][Culture] A New Identity
No more Indian, no more Turkish, no more Spanish. No more us and them, but only we: Prayan's ready to march and work together for a better world built by our hands and crafted for our children and ourselves. [][Culture] A Common Goal
Let us celebrate our roots, but know the present we find ourselves in: that of colonists on the very edge of human expansion, ready to build a world that shall be a beacon for all mankind forevermore. Let us shine in the dark, no matter what arrays itself against us.
[X] [Last Turn] Wonders Of Tomorrow - [Research]
Lakshmibasti was no stranger to research efforts, but such was done by two private (one not so private, while the other no longer the same) corporations seeking to bend knowledge to their whims and profit. Naturally, such was a state that couldn't be tolerated, so a university was opened with branch campuses in every major city on the planet. It's time for our world to play catch-up with the rest of humanity that had no doubt advanced by leaps and bounds already!
[][Research] Civilian Focus
[][Research] Industrial Focus
[][Research] Military Focus
Automation was slowly becoming ever more widespread across the planet as everyone tried to take advantage of the sheer flexibility the industrial robotics offered by FMI displayed, giving factories the ability to retool in a fraction of the time needed to spool up production of different products that had, until then, been the purview of other companies, leading to the creation of Worker Cooperatives and Corporations that specialized in designing and working with information and design specifications, instead of physical products, selling or leasing them to those who wished to create them for the people to buy. Yet, one trend slowly emerged out of the hodgepodge of the early Fleximatry Rush, as it was called.
[][Feline Metalwork Incorporated] Standard Template Construct Factories
Many new factories have become copies of each other, constructed modularly, and expanded as needs and products demanded. Some said no factory on the planet would soon be invaluable, as another dozen could quickly spool up to produce the same product instead. Time will tell... [][Feline Metalwork Incorporated] Subsidized People's Manufactories
What is all the industrial capacity worth it if the people are not the ones that will profit and prosper from it? In that vein, the Unions have started to subsidize the construction of small-scale manufactories to make people accustomed to the idea that self-sufficiency is not something bad, but a goal to be shared with the world, and that ones work is to enrich oneself and help others.
[X][Culture] A Common Goal
[X][Research] Industrial Focus [X][Feline Metalwork Incorporated] Standard Template Construct Factories I'm certain we won't lose this technology for some contrived reason!