[X] Lay low for the morning and focus on restoring Prana for both yourself and Capitalist.
Leaving Waver to sort out the pressing issue of Rider's chariot, you and Capitalist make your way to the Fuyuki City Library, where Capitalist enters spirit form and you find a chint armchair in the back of the stacks. Since all the books are in Japanese, a language you most certainly do not speak, you have no real choice but to flop back on the chair. Within moments, you fall into a light dozing sleep.
Hello, Nora, a beautiful albino woman says to you. She wears a brilliant dress of white and gold, which nearly blends into the featureless wilderness of white around you. What would you say...if I offered you the chance to wield the Holy Grail?
Um...what's the catch? you respond. This seems fishy to me. Isn't this supposed to be a 'Grail War', where we fight over the Grail, instead of having it immediately given to one person?
This is a limited-time special offer! the figure cheerfully replies. As the one blessed with the Origin of entropy, your life will represent the inexorable decline of everything you hold dear. As you age, you will bring about the continual destruction and decay of all around you. Every company that employs you will go bankrupt; every lover you have will wither and die of disease; every child you bear will be stillborn.
That doesn't seem like a very special offer to me.
It is a special offer, because you can prevent all the suffering your life will cause with one simple wish! A slideshow scrolls down the background wherever you look, extolling the benefits of the 'Angra Mainyu' program. By wishing to erase your Origin and start anew, you can prevent all the suffering and harm you are destined to cause in the world! We'll even help provide a new driving force behind your life, a new Origin that will give you a fresh purpose instead of leaving you as a vegetable!
And what is that new purpose?
Evil. the woman states plainly. You will become the avatar of all of the world's sins and cruelty but in exchange, not only will you spare those around you those cruelties-
Pictures flash on the screens around you. A purple-haired girl, covered in worms. A red-haired boy, being dragged out of flaming rubble by a black-haired man in a suit. A white-haired man you recognize as Kariya Matou, and a woman wearing a ring that matches the one worn by Tokiomi Tohsaka.
And interspersed between all of the images: children, suffering in the most horrible ways imaginable, and several ways you can't even begin to imagine.
I promise you that you will win the Holy Grail, to use as you see fit. [100%]
[ ] Agree to the proposal of the woman in white.
[ ] Take a third option. (Write in)
[ ] Do not agree to the proposal of the woman in white.