BAD END QUEST (Fate universe)

[X] Interrupt Bazett and insist that you get back to the topic at hand.
-[X] Waver's grade in Genealogical Principles of Thaumaturgy (???)
[X] Interrupt Bazett and insist that you get back to the topic at hand.
-[X] Sakura Tohsaka/Matou, held, tortured by remains of a Matou vampire
-[X] "And further more, wait!...... Waver's grade in Genealogical Principles of Thaumaturgy?" (???)
[X] Interrupt Bazett and insist that you get back to the topic at hand.
-[X] Sakura Tohsaka/Matou, held, tortured by remains of a Matou vampire
-[X] "And further more, wait!...... Waver's grade in Genealogical Principles of Thaumaturgy?" (???)
[X] Interrupt Bazett and insist that you get back to the topic at hand.
-[X] Sakura Tohsaka/Matou, held, tortured by remains of a Matou vampire
-[X] "And further more, wait!...... Waver's grade in Genealogical Principles of Thaumaturgy?" (???)
[X] Interrupt Bazett and insist that you get back to the topic at hand.
-[X] Sakura Tohsaka/Matou, held, tortured by remains of a Matou vampire
-[X] "And further more, wait!...... Waver's grade in Genealogical Principles of Thaumaturgy?" (???)
[X] Interrupt Bazett and insist that you get back to the topic at hand.
-[X] Sakura Tohsaka/Matou, held, tortured by remains of a Matou vampire
-[X] "And further more, wait!...... Waver's grade in Genealogical Principles of Thaumaturgy?" (???)
Team Kayneth
[X] Interrupt Bazett and insist that you get back to the topic at hand.
-[X] Sakura Tohsaka/Matou, held, tortured by remains of a Matou vampire
-[X] And further more, wait!...... Waver's grade in Genealogical Principles of Thaumaturgy? (???)

"While I really would love to sit here and watch more of you two fighting like an old married couple," you begin, cutting Waver and Bazett off, I would prefer to speak about the matter at hand.

"Yes, let's!" Bazett agrees. "I have been sent to deal with a person that is making a mockery of the Grail War."

"Let me guess," you think. "You're talking about a sociopathic Caster who's kidnapping and torturing children for their own personal enjoyment? Well, this is gonna sound really weird, but I think I've run into one lately. His name is Zouken Matou, and he's kidnapped a young girl named Sakura Tohsaka."

"You are remarkably perceptive, --what's your name again?" Bazett asks.

"Nora Insigne."

"Well, Nora, I regret to inform you that while the prospect of interference was given consideration by the Magus Association, of which I am an Executor in training, it was decided that the Tohsaka patriarch was fully aware of the risks and dangers inherent in such a trade, and that we should not interfere in the private dealings of two mage families." Bazett shrugs her shoulders. "No, I am here to deal with a Master in the Grail War who has made a mockery of it by summoning numerous extra Servants in violation of the rules of the war."

"Who's that?" you ask.

"Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi."

"My PROFESSOR?!" Waver demands.

"Yes," Bazett said bluntly. "The professor who instructed your Genealogical Principles of Thaumaturgy class is a Master in the Grail War, and using his vast magical resources as well as those of his wife, he has summoned a full roster of seven servants of the seven major classes with which to crush the other Masters in the Grail War."

"So those servants that attacked us just now..." Waver muses.

"Were all dispatched directly by Lord El-Melloi, yes," Bazett says. "Furthermore, shortly after I discovered this information, a Command Seal of my own appeared, and I was allowed to summon the servant Lancer."

"So...let me get this straight," you say. "You're here to fight a Grail War, and it's going to be seven Masters and seven Servants against..."

"One Master and seven Servants, correct," Bazett says.

"And just to make sure I really understand this...the professor who failed Waver in the magical equivalent of a high school biology class is the leader of said team."

"I do not understand your reference to a 'high school biology class'," Bazett responds, "but yes, that sounds about right."

"That wasn't my fault! Kayneth is an awful teacher! I wrote a giant thesis on how bloodline was less important in a mage's development then training and disposition towards magical study, and he ripped it up and called it terrible in front of the entire class! I don't even care that he failed me-I just wish he had done it in private!"

You...don't really care about why Waver failed his class, because it's hilarious no matter the reason.

[ ]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[ ] "...we're going to need more Servants."
-[ ] "...we're going to need a lot of money."
-[ ] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."
-[ ] "...we're going to need more allies."
--[ ] The Tohsaka mansion. If you tell him about Kayneth's activities, he'll have to ally with you to have any chance of winning the war.
--[ ] The medieval castle outside the city limits.
--[ ] The church. If the Magus Association determines that a participant in the Grail War is violating the rules, the Church will be bound to step in to reinstate order.

[ ] Write in

EDIT: The Character Sheet has been updated to better reflect the alignments of encountered Servants.
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and it's going to be seven Masters and seven Servants against...

Wait, wouldn't that be eight masters and eight servants, with Nora and Capitalist thrown in the mix?

[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."

Seems legit.
[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[x] "...we're going to need more Servants."
[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."
How the heck is Archibald supplying 7 Servants even with his future wife helping? That is an assload of prana.

[X] "If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."

Edit: I suggest after we free Sakura, we just erase the entire episode with the Matou from her memory via Magecraft. She will be just fine and like her old self again. Just more purple.
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[X] "If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."
How the heck is Archibald supplying 7 Servants even with his future wife helping? That is an assload of prana.

He seriously considered the idea of building a magical fortress spanning 25 floors of a hotel filled with portals to other dimensions, evil spirits, familiars, blackjack, and hookers, but then he decided that his Prana would be more effectively spent just...summoning more Servants.
[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need more Servants."
-[X] "...we're going to need more allies."
--[X] "The Master of Berserker is willing to help. With conditions."
---[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."
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He seriously considered the idea of building a magical fortress spanning 25 floors of a hotel filled with portals to other dimensions, evil spirits, familiars, blackjack, and hookers, but then he decided that his Prana would be more effectively spent just...summoning more Servants.

You don't have to invest prana into that after making it. Bounded fields and location bound stuff like that is self-sufficient after you make them. (See Kiritsugu's bounded field which is still around years after he died.)
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[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need a lot of money."
[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need more Servants."
--[X] "The Master of Berserker is willing to help. With conditions."
[X] "If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."
[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need more Servants."
-[X] "...we're going to need more allies."
--[X] "The Master of Berserker is willing to help. With conditions."
---[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."
[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need more Servants."
-[X] "...we're going to need more allies."
--[X] "The Master of Berserker is willing to help. With conditions."
---[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."

This seems like a good plan.
[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need more Servants."
-[X] "...we're going to need more allies."
--[X] "The Master of Berserker is willing to help. With conditions."
---[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."
[X]"If we're going to take down a master magus with seven Servants to defend him..."
-[X] "...we're going to need more Servants."
-[X] "...we're going to need more allies."
--[X] "The Master of Berserker is willing to help. With conditions."
---[X] "...we're going to need an adorable six year old who's being raped by worms right now."
----[x] "There's also a medieval castle outside the city. Possibly more allies?"
You know, guys, by picking all the options at once, you're pretty sure to trigger the one having a Bad End inside. Which isn't necessarily a criticism, but we might not even realize which one was the trigger! Wouldn't that be a shame?

(my money is on the "we need more Servants". I mean, Bazett told to our face she was here to kill Kayneth because he summoned more servants than usual, so replying that to help, WE will summon more servants than usual might cause friction)