Avatar Gijinka Insanity [All Outta Bubblegum] (Recruiting)

Well, every humanized or otherwise anthromorphic version of Flowey is terrible, so I went with Chara. And I'm assuming it's playing as our Avatar's, although you could probably do the other.

In the end, it's either going to be something like this:

Or this:

About how long will each 'Episode' be?
Hmmm...well, the last time I played All Outta Bubblegum, things went on for like eight pages. It runs on how long most players' Gum supplies can hold out, and as soon as someone starts running hot, things have to wrap up before stuff starts to get a little on the monotonous side for the low-Gum badasses. That was with six players.

So I'd say each "episode" would play pretty fast.
Name: Regina Ed-Magical Girl Soul Edge/Inferno

Age: Lost count

Appearance: A short young girl with long red hair, slightly bloodshot sulphur colored eyes, and almost prepetually grinning mouth full of sharp teeth. Black-red growth that seem to be a cross of flesh, treebark and metal covered her forearms and legs from the knee down. Giving her sharp claws and raptor-like feet.

Personality: A genrally kind, perky girl who always try to support people in their decisions and believes greatly in individual freedom as well as chasing one dream. Have a pretty big appetite, especially for humans souls. She don't know why people don't like her much

Power and Abilities: Extreme strength, speed, and endurance, capable of single-handedly fighting multiple armies and break castles with a single swing of her weapon. Being essentially a living weapon, she can shift her body to create all kind of weapons. She also consumes the soul of her victim, gaining power and heal herself.

Soul Edge can form bonds with people to greatly enhance both's power. In this state, she become the bond partner's favourite weapon. The relationship can be either symbiotic or parasictic depend on wether they feed her enough humans soul.

Soul Edge's presence causes Malfestation. A corruption what twists the soul and mutates the body, creating mindless servant for her. She cannot be destroyed, only shattered into smaller pieces.

Soul Edge cannot be destroyed, once damaged, she will retreat into the Astral Chaos to recover. Holy forces can shatter her instead.
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Well, every humanized or otherwise anthromorphic version of Flowey is terrible, so I went with Chara. And I'm assuming it's playing as our Avatar's, although you could probably do the other.
You can do either-or, and in the OP for this I added the suggestion to do whichever you think is funnier.

By the way, thank you for your submissions, everyone, you'll be added to the character list as soon as I'm not on the tablet.
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Hmmm. That was something I played really fast and loose with in the last avatar RP; some people used their usernames, others made names up. I called people's results with tags, but it's good everyone has one so far.

How about "Regina?" Work the sound of the word "edge" in there somewhere?
Yeah, why not? I'm thinking Regina Ed or something.
Also, you're ok with me adding the indestructible but shatterable part of Soul Edge in as well?
Yeah, it's fair, since running out of Gum, then having a 10 rolled on you doesn't mean death, it just means whatever puts you out of the scene.

Lots of AOB runs on narrative fluidity, and when characters are out of Gum, the action can get totally nuts.

You're good.

We have several to start with already, and I'm just waiting on if @Dai-Gurren Man would like to play and supply a profile since he seems interested.

Sorry about that.

Name: Asriel Dreemurr- Magical Girl Boy Edition

Age: 12


Personality: Asriel is a kind and loving person but also docile. They care deeply about the people they care about and overall has a good heart.

Powers, Skills and Equipment:

Fire Magic: Like his parents, Asriel can use Fire Magic, as of now though he has only been seen using regular fireballs in a similar vain of his mother. Meaning he can summon fireballs and throw them at an enemy.

Chaos Saber: Asriel can summon two large blades into his hands, which can also break into a few deadly, free floating projectiles.

Chaos Buster: Asriel can summon a large blaster which can fire up to 4 streams of bullets at once though their line of fire is traced by a few non-harmful lasers, making it easy to dodge. After a few moments, the blaster fires a charged beam and disappears.

Shocker Breaker: Asriel can summon bolts of lightning from the sky and onto the enemy. The first bolts are small and locks on to an enemy and then a few, much larger bolts are sent down, having a larger radius but does not lock onto the enemy.

Star Blazing: Asriel can create large stars to bring down onto the enemy. Before impact, the stars explode into a dozen or so miniature stars.
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Awesome! We have seven people, that's plenty. I got mileage for a short one out of six last time. Your profiles have all been added to the Our Heroes list.

We ready for the IC thread to go up? Last call for profiles, and any who are interested in later ones can still chime in.

Having a better-written one will increase your chances of being included in later bits.
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The general story is that the last time I used this setting, everybody was meant to play the world's weirdest Pretty Cure team, and I decided it'd be fun to roll with it and say everyone who's playing now is the second group of guys to blow into town. Seeing as it didn't really come up last time, I dropped the branding but kept the location.

...man, I could've used that when giving Chara a subtitle too. I dunno, like "LV.20 and LOVEing It."
Welp! I'm going to Bees!

EDIT: Forgot I needed to roll for a bit there... :oops:
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So, what do you think is going to happen first? A fight breaking out in a store, someone falling from the top floor, someone getting stabbed, or someone getting shot at?