Avatar Gijinka Insanity [All Outta Bubblegum] (Recruiting)

...In hindsight, yeah...

I was hoping to get out while under timestop.
I figured you'd try getting an impromptu date going; I'm fairly sure everyone is going to run into a threat soon, if anybody hasn't pieced parts of it together yet.


I'll see you at the next episode.
Hmmmm.....There could always be two of us. Nothing wrong with having two Asriels!

Or we could fight to the death until one of us surrenders.
Asriel prepares Star Blazing*
Nooooo! There must be another way! :cry:
Well... It's not like we haven't purposefully the universe and it's timelines before... What if... No, no. That's too silly.
There can be only one! :V
There can only be one!
Asriel prepares Star Blazing*

Well... It's not like we haven't purposefully the universe and it's timelines before... What if... No, no. That's too silly.

There can only be one!

Listen, if you want to play I can just ask the GM if I can change characters. I could play as Kamina or Sans if I am allowed to change.
You could change if you'd like.

If you do pick up Asriel, though, I'd like you to roll with what Asriel's been up to until now. Y'know, just to keep things flowing.
Umm... I think you linked that wrong @Dai-Gurren Man :oops:
It should look like that, like a linky.
Still, I was mostly joking. I'm not even sure what Asriel has been doing. :V
Feel free to continue playing~