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Original content provided by Redrumsprinkles, concept and content used with permission.

Ashes Scatter; OP (Once More Unto the Breach!)


In Madness Fallen
United States
Original content provided by Redrumsprinkles, concept and content used with permission.

Remnant as it once was is dead. Centuries ago, a great cataclysm tore apart the ancient Four Kingdoms, the once-mighty bastions of civilizations were laid to waste, their people dispersed and scattered. The great Academies were toppled, the CCTS towers splintered and abandoned. Though many cities and relics survive as vestiges of generations past, much more has been lost to ignorance and neglect, worn thin by the sands of time. Now, Remnant belongs to the Grimm, those antediluvian nightmares born of soulless hate and boundless, hungering avarice.

Hunters and Huntresses still labor at their ancient task, one no closer to completion than when their very first member took her first steps on the path to greatness. However, with the Academies now haunted, ruinous wrecks, their way of life has changed irrevocably. They are bound to their masters, the dynastic lords that rule the shattered world from their walled cities, their castles and hillforts.

Yes, much has changed. Where Four Kingdoms once stood, a hundred squabbling realms have consumed their territory, ravenous crows that circle the corpse of the world. Petty Kings, Tribal Chiefs, and Despots by the score squabble endlessly. They are the Carrion Lords, and they vie for riches, power and glory, all of which can be seized if one endeavors to win them.

Religion, once a dormant and soft-spoken whisper in the hearts of Remnants citizens, now roars in the souls of men and faunus alike. Most popular are the Children of Remnant, who pray to the world they trod upon, believing that one day, its dreaming inhabitant will send a Promised Huntsman, one that will purge the grimm forever, allowing them to live in peace and harmony. The Progentorists pray to a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, ignorant of their deities' very real origins, which now lie shrouded in ancient myths and fairytales. Others beseech the Maidens of the Seasons, those rare women that wield immeasurable power. Also, there are whisperings of a much darker cult that grows in strength and influence - a coven of twisted beings that worship the Creatures of Grimm.

It is a time of death, war, betrayal and disease. It is a time where each victory against the dark is rare and hard-fought. It is a time of dynasties, of gods, of soldiers and Huntsmen. It is is a time unlike any other.

But this nightmare is your home, your duty. You are a Carrion Lord, wielding a significant degree of power and prestige. A week after your eighteenth birthday, your realm is thrust upon you. What will you make of the Age of Grimm?

Original content provided by Redrumsprinkles, concept and content used with permission.


Welcome to the Age of Grimm. The world of Remnant is now your home, a sandbox to inhabit and shape according to your whims. Though you will start small, let me be the first to say that the options are limitless! There's countless goals you can set yourself to achieving, some far more challenging than others. What will you choose? Amass untold wealth? Forge a Kingdom? Conquer the world? Purge the Grimm? Construct a invincible dynasty? Become a peerless eugenicist?

Also, there are secret Quests to complete - event chains that can span generations - and might net huge rewards or devastating losses! They may even shape the future of Remnant for centuries to come, or simply provide an extreme source of personal pride and wealth.

First off, the rules…
  1. I am the Quest Master. I am not kind, and neither is the Age of Grimm. This is a CKII quest very much in the spirit of the original game, now with hordes of eldritch abominations waiting to gnaw your face off. Well, aside from the Karlings.

  2. As a secondary QM running a brand new quest in an identical setting, it is necessary to note that canon of the original, From a Single Ember, is not in lock step with A Blaze Alights.

  3. It will not be easy. Unlike several other CKII Quests, you don't get "chances of success" for actions. You don't get saving throws or re-rolls. In the Age of Grimm, you're prey, and the game systems reflect that.

  4. It's a succession game, which means that once your character dies, you will play as their inheritor. Each turn is six months, but time-skips can be granted upon voluminous request.

  5. Also Like CKII, the Quest is over once you no longer hold any titles or your dynasty is extinguished. You must do whatever you can to avoid this fate.

  6. This quest uses a 2d10 system for rolling. I will be performing all the rolls at my own discretion, and will not display them. I'll also be doing secret rolls for things that aren't within your character's ken to know, but let's be honest, you'll know where all the critical rolls are.

  7. This Quest's systems are the product of myself and my own efforts. Those curious about them for their own use can ask privately, though idle curiosity will not be sated.

  8. 99% of voting will be planned. Please use standard planned voting format.

  9. I will close the voting when I feel like there isn't a need to continue it. I'll ask for a tally.

  10. Updates will be completed on availability. You can expect weekly (or near-weekly) updates, primarily because my sense of shame forbids me from squandering Redrumsprinkles' permission to use her concept in this spin-off quest, but more interest and avid discussion will certainly help speed things along.

  11. Be creative! Write-ins are very much allowed and accepted. Don't limit yourself to the presented options! Innovative and imaginative ideas will serve you very well.

  12. You get one fate point. One. You can use it to auto-crit success on a decision or counselor action, survive death, escape imprisonment, or recover from a lethal disease. Completing secret Quests might net you more, but it is rare for any character to hold more than two.

  13. Omakes are welcome and appreciated! They might even net you related bonuses, but that bonus will always be a secret!

  14. Please be kind to your fellow quest-goers. Everyone's here to have fun, and lively debates are encouraged, but this isn't a place to pick fights. Don't be a dick.

  15. This is Redrumsprinkles' amazing brain-baby, I'm just a nanny. She would love to hear from you guys, but about her quest, not mine! If you have questions or concerns, send a PM my way and I'll see if I can't work it out.

  16. Enjoy! Try not to die!
Though you don't need more than the above primer to get started, here's a wonderful bit of worldbuilding to consider when voting for your preferred starting location, and seriously, if you're reading all this for the first time in this quest, why haven't you read the parent yet? Third time's the charm!
Age of Grimm Governments

Feudal Kingdom - A simple system of Lord and Serf, Feudal systems are represented by a series of obligations to progressively higher-ranking Carrion Lords. The Kings and Queens rule, and have significant power over their vassals when leveraged correctly.

Potential Inheritance Types: Gavelkind (split inheritance with all children), Primogeniture (eldest child inherits), Ultimogeniture (youngest child inherits), Tanistry (all vassals one rank below the highest ranked may vote to elect the ruler's heir, ruler counts twice and breaks ties)

Gender and Species Restriction: None.

Organization: King/Queen, Lord/Lady (Duke/Duchess), Knight/Knightess (Count/Countess), Page/Mayor/Religious Head (Barony/City/Temples)

Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Sibling of Ruler/Sibling of Heir (as long as they live), Child of Claimant (weak)
Tribal Chiefdom - A system of honor, familial respect, and local autonomy, the Chief or Chieftess is elected from the ruling family lines, ostensibly for greatest ability.

Potential Inheritance Types: Elected Gavelkind (all land-owning vassals Champion or above vote to elect the heir, split titles among all children of the ruler), Elective Chiefdom (all land-owning vassals Champion or above vote to elect the heir from among the preferred candidates of each dynasty in the Tribe, dynasties are only eligible if they hold at least a Bondman title)

Gender and Species Restriction: None.

Organization: Chief/Chieftess, Bondman/Bondwoman (Duke/Duchess), Champion (Count/Countess), Patriarch/Matriarch/Religious Head (Tribal Holding/Temples)

Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Declared Invasion, Pretender of Heir
Menagerai Dynastic Kingdom - The Menagerai Dynastic Kingdom is a unique type of Country where the Lords boast a lineage of at least ten generations past. These types of Kingdom can rise and fall suddenly in Menagerie.

Dynastic Unity - Unique resource accumulated by Faunus Dynasties hailing from Menagerie.
Declare Dynasty - Forms a Dynastic Kingdom from a Petty Kingdom, only usable by the Primary Title Holder when Dynastic Unity is above 50.

Inheritance law: Seniority (eldest dynasty member inherits)

Gender and Species Restriction: Faunus only.

Organization: Ancestor King/Ancestor Queen (Duke/Duchess), Son Knight/Daughter Knight (Count/Countess), Page/Mayor/Religious Head (Barony/City/Temples)

Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Unify Menagerie (blanket claim on all Menagerie estates), Absorb Dynasty (title claim on any dynasty member subordinate to outsider), Absorb Kin (weak) (title claim on any kinsman subordinate to outsider, forces dynasty change), First or Second Pretender to Heir (weak)
Terminian Caravan Kingdom - Caravan Kingdoms are unique to the Great Desert and the Terminals of Vacuo. They are primarily nomadic in nature.

Terminal Lords - Primary Title Holders control a Terminal, a large ancient mass transit complex considered a tier 4 castle holding.
Caravan Residence - Title Holders under Primary Title travel pre-planned routes and negotiate residence in other kingdoms for six month periods, returning to their Terminals for bi-annual vehicle maintenance and cross-desert trade.
Caravan Raiding - Title Holders can raid settled territories instead of negotiating residence.
Caravan Trading - Title Holders receive a special turn event each turn to bargain for Food and Dust instead of producing it, and have access to special additional resources.
Caravan Freedom - Title Holders manage Free Factions to receive additional benefits or penalties.

Caravan Inheritance System:
PRIMARY TITLE: Geniture Meritocratic Tournament (all of age children of the primary title holder compete in tournament every ten years, winner declared heir, losers descend to compete for lower titles)
LOWER TITLES: Descended Meritocratic Tournament (all current title holders compete with descended primary title claimants to retain their title), Ruler-Elected Tanistry (current title-holder elects a child of choice to inherit)

Gender and Species Restriction: None.

Organization: Terminus King/Queen, Bannerlord/Bannerlady (Duke/Duchess), Outrider (Count/Countess), Caravaneer (Faction Leader)

Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Declare Trade War, Demand Rematch (Tournament rematch, lowers personal prestige immediately, and Heir's prestige if refused)
Atlesian Military Despotism - Harkening back to the military organization of Old Atlas, these kingdoms are ruled by an all-powerful Despot.

Military Tradition - The Primary Title (not the holder) accumulates Tradition over time, and when fighting battles or winning wars.
Military Structure - The Primary Title Holder has the ability to grant or remove subordinate titles without incurring Tyranny penalties, at the cost of Tradition.
Professionalism - At high Tradition, increase levy quality and quantity, but reduce Dust, Lien, and Food incomes.

Inheritance Law: Favored General (Ruler assigns Command Stars to Commanders, the Commander with the highest number of stars is the Heir, and the second highest is the Marshal)

Gender and Species Restriction: Males Inherit over Females.

Organization: Despot, Regional Commander (Duke/Duchess), Sector Captain (Count/Countess)

Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Atlesian Reclamation War, Coup (Starred Regional Commander overthrows current ruler)
Mistralan Bureaucracy - Anima provides freely for it's people, and Mistral allows great autonomy as long as resources are centralized for distribution.

Decadence - The Primary Title accumulates Decadence during peacetime and when improving holdings. Decadence greatly reduces general ambitiousness of claimants and dynasty members, lending high internal stability, but causes corruption and a loss of Lien, Dust, Food, and Piety incomes.
Appoint New Bureaucrats - The Primary Title Holder can reduce Decadence by replacing Baron or City tier titles.

Inheritance Law: Kingship Appointment (vassals one tier below the primary title elect the ruler from amongst themselves)

Gender and Species Restriction: None.

Organization: Grand Lord/Lady, Pretender King/Queen (Duke/Duchess), Master of Lands (Count/Countess), Officiate/Religious Head (Baron/Mayor/Temples)

Claim Types: Fabricate Claim
Nikean City-State - Due to the difficulty of travel in Mistral, Nikeans often form small city-states and loose leagues. While these cities are often somewhat large, they are individually not as powerful as a true kingdom.

League Formation - Two or more Primary Title Holders of City-States can form a League, promising mutual defensive pacts and trade deals.
Special Holdings - City-States are special holdings that boast several unique improvements and upgrade paths. Grand Acropoli are at the center of any City-State, having their own upgrade track as well.

Potential Inheritance Types: Primogeniture (eldest child inherits), Ultimogeniture (youngest child inherits), Seniority (eldest Dynasty member inherits), Tanistry (The King/Queen and both City Managers vote to elect the heir from among the ruling Dynasty)

Gender and Species Restriction: None.

Organization: King/Queen (Count/Countess), City Manager x2 (Mayor), Shieldbearer (Baron), Religious Head (Temples), Guardian (Tower)

Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Punitive Trade War, Force League Membership, Force Government Type (Republic Only), Feudal Ascension War (weak, requires significant amounts of prestige)
Nikean Republic - Rare even among the Nikeans, the Nikean Republic is a supposedly 'free' collection of city-states.

League Formation - Nikean Republics are composed of a league of Oligarchic City-States, and provide mutual protection and special trade deals.
Family Palace - Nikean Republics are ruled by a coalition of Oligarchs, and each Dynasty of Oligarchs has their own palace, complete with levy and holding improvements.
Republic - The current Senior Doyan cannot perform actions without the approval of the Oligarchy, lest they incur a Tyranny penalty. The members of the Republic's Oligarchy are the two Doyans, the Steward, the Marshal, and the Chancellor.

Inheritance Law: Oligarchic Election (the most prestigious, oldest, and 'most charitable' Dynastic Head inherits, second and third runner up become Doyans)

Gender and Species Restriction: None.

Organization: Senior Doyan (Count/Countess), Doyans x2 (Advisors), High Merchant Prince (Steward), High Commander (Marshal), High Judge (Chancellor)

Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Punitive Trade War, Force Government Type (City-State only)
Age of Grimm Cultures

Atlesian - Hard people from a harsh land, Atlesians hail from Solitas, the north continent, and make up much of the western and norther areas of the continent. From their old kingdom they take their unwavering discipline and ancestral knowledge of Dust.


Dust Masters - Atlesians are experts in the mining, refining, and use of dust. They can squeeze a mine for more than most, and are generally more able to make use of the wondrous crystal.

Stoicism - Atlesians respond to hardship with a grim determination, but their caution makes them less willing to relax. Atlesians are more resistant to all morale shifts.​
Mantler - Much of Solitas fell to chaos in the aftermath of The End, and the Mantlers were the worst-affected. Through generations of trial and suffering, these people have become mighty, crowing defiance into the frozen wastes.


Raiding - When times change, for good or ill, Mantlers respond by seizing the chance to seize the fruits of others' labors. In a land of harsh cold and limited food, the security bought from the suffering of others is a celebrated practice.

Lean Times - Mantlers are used to periods of starvation, and are strongly resistant to loss of morale due to short lean periods.​
Mistralan - Living in lands bursting with popular luxuries and rich soils, Mistralans are well-known for their festivals as well as their complex high culture. Patrons of the arts, they are often envied as much as they look down on others.


High Culture - Mistralans gain more Prestige and have an easier time increasing opinions with other Lords.

Revelry - Mistralans are quick to jump on a fortuitous event, and benefit more from any increase in morale.​
Nikean - At home in the hills of west Anima, the Nikeans lay claim to some of the oldest standing cities and fortresses in all Remnant. Masters of all manner of warfare, Nikeans are popular mercenaries.


Acropoli - Nikean cities and fortresses are difficult to permanently tear down, and though nearly all of them have fallen at some point or had every brick replaced, they still stand. Nikean castles and cities are harder to loot, damage, or siege, and cost less to restore to working order afterwards.

Warrior Culture - Nikeans are master combatants by nature, and often boast entire family lines of skilled soldiery. Nikeans treat any levy as being one tier better than normal.​
Menagerai - Hailing from the ancient colony of Kuo Kuana, Menagerai are very-often Faunus instead of Human. The unique circumstances of the island protected it from most of the storm of madness that was The End, so while it lacked much self-sustenance scientifically or industrially, Menagerie boasts some of the most comprehensive records of history on the planet.


Unified Lineage - Menagerai Carrion Lords can often trace their lineage to other Menagerai Carrion Lords, making diplomacy easier as well as making it easier to unite dynastic lines by marriage.

Hardworking - Menagerie is a poor continent, with generally weak soil. Still, it's people are capable of coaxing things along, and the upkeep of food is reduced universally.​
Vacuan - In the settled territories of West Sanus, the Vacuans rule. With fickle rains, untrustworthy ground, and harsh sunlight, a tradition of talent in rulers and cheapness in construction have taken root.


Slapdash - Vacuo is home to dust-storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, and landslides. After a certain point, architects stop bothering with making sure buildings are built to last. All construction is cheaper, but is more likely to be damaged or destroyed.

Incompetent! - Vacuans are given valid claims on their lieges' titles if they prove to be poor rulers, or display dangerous traits.​
Termina - At the tips of the Great Deserts lie the Terminals, ancient monoliths to the ideas held dear by the Terminian people. In a sense, the most advanced peoples on Remnant, the Terminian people live day by day, deal by deal, and their sense of loyalty and freedom is impressive among Lords.


Practicality - Terminians don't care overmuch for ostentatious displays or posturing, and dynastic purity is of only minor import. There are no prestige penalties for marrying any individual, claims are nearly impossible to gain through marriage, though if they are they are incredibly strong and can last generations before fading, and general family opinion is easier to raise, and harder to reduce.

Functionality - Deserts are bad for advanced tech, but as long as you can keep it running, you can get most of the bang for your buck. Terminians can repair, acquire and maintain advanced technology for lower costs, but it will be less effective than it usually would be if they choose to take advantage of this.​
Valesian - Valesians are known for their love of archaeology and storied past, and they embrace it wholeheartedly. Home to the former leading Old Kingdom, in the most ideal land for civilization, Valesians prefer to have their Lords be as legitimate and deliberate as possible.


Legitimate - Valesian rulers are expected to come from a line of rulers, and to mingle with rulers. Falsifying claims are grounds for war, the questioning of lineage cause for punitive demands, and marriage far outside one's station is so scandalous as to be legitimate cause for a war to oust the couple from power!

Discourse Above All - Valesians prefer diplomacy over war, negotiation over threat. If a Valesian Lord is insulted at the negotiating table, threatened, or even survives an attempted assassination, they are given a casus beli for punitive reparations!​
Vytali - The Vytali originally homed on the Vytal Islands at the northern tip of Sanus, but their seafaring nature and natural prowess with Aura quickly saw them overtaking many lesser tribes and townships along the East Sanus coasts.


Spiritual Power - The Vytali are naturals with Aura and matters of the soul. They find it easier to gain Piety, and unlocking or improving one's aura is easier than usual.

The Coasts and Riverways - The Vytali are natural seafarers. They are more capable in ship-to-ship combat, amphibious attack, and can transport larger armies more quickly anywhere with sea or river access.​
Age of Grimm Continents

Solitas - A cold land to the north, rich in dust and preserved ancient technology.


Rich Mines, Poor Soil - Estates in Solitas produce extra Dust, but less Food.

Technology Mastery - Solitas has much preserved technology and a higher number of trained mechanists and scientists, making advanced technology easier to acquire.​
Anima - Eastern lands of luxury and fertile hills, Anima is a land of idylls.


Fantastic Soil - Estates in Anima produce extra Food.

Isolation - It takes longer to travel between estates in Anima, and trade values are reduced.​
Menagerie - An isolated island continent, Menagerie is a long-forgotten 'prison'.


Ancient Infrastructure - Estates in Menagerie begin with a random bonus structure in all holdings.

Poor Soil - Estates in Menagerie produce less Food.​
West Sanus - A land of deserts, steppes, and unstable weather, West Sanus is harsh, but easy to traverse.


Harsh Environment - Negative environmental events are more likely.

Quick Travels - It takes less time to travel between estates in West Sanus, and trade values are much increased.​
East Sanus - Mountains, lush forests, secluded islands, and natural harbors make East Sanus one of the most secure places to live.


Bad for Grimm - Grimm are slightly less dangerous.

Ancient Cradle - Ancient Discovery events are slightly more likely, and archaeological expeditions are more fruitful.​
Spectrum - Long-abandoned in times past, Spectrum is now a shining beacon to the desperate and hopeful.


New Lands - Grimm are less dangerous, Ancient Discovery events are extremely unlikely.

Patron Lands - Spectrum is built on the cultures of outsiders, and all local Lords can request interference by their sponsor kingdoms.​
Age of Grimm Religions

Children of Remnant

The most popular and proselytized religion in Remnant, it teaches that the world has endured a cycle of eons since its creation by the Nameless One, a being that created the universe and bestowed souls upon the people of Remnant before sealing himself within the planet and falling into a fitful sleep. Now, they believe world is in its final eon - the cycle is ending. When that day comes, the Promised Hunter will arrive to purge the lands of Grimm and evil forever. Then, the Nameless One will emerge, and Remnant will become a joyous paradise of eternal life and boundless harvests.

Community is important to its followers, and their temples are often found within rock formations or dug deep into the earth, to be closer to the heart of Remnant. Its priests are referred to as Deacons, and preach the Nameless One's Songs to all that will listen. The head priest or priestess is stripped of their name and identity, and is charged to wander the world as the Blessed Huntsman.

Since Dust is mined from Remnant (and appears to be limitless), they regard the substance with a degree of respect, and often incorporate it into their rituals, clothing, and constructions.

It is most popular in the former realms of Vale and Vacuo, and maintains a strong presence in what was once Mistral.


Concubinage - All souls are one, so why not unite as many as possible under your household? Allows you to take Concubines. Children of Concubines are legitimate heirs, but aren't considered for inheritance until the primary inheritors have their say.

Temple Vassals - Deacons that rule over Temple Lands pay tribute to you, and are connected to the larger network of the Children.

Holy War - The Children are in danger! The Blessed Huntsman has rallied the faithful!

Blessed Huntsman - The Blessed Huntsman is welcome in your realm, and fostering a good relationship with one is beneficial to your rule.

Rites of the Progenitors

The second most common religion found in the Age of Grimm is the Rites of the Progenitors, or more commonly, the Progentiorists. They hold aloft a sacred pantheon of immortal deities, who reign over the forces of Nature and the capricious whims of the Heart. Many stories, myths, and fairytales shroud these luminous beings, legends from a time long forgotten, when Gods and Goddesses walked upon the face of Remnant. They also maintain a strong tradition of ancestor worship, believing those that came before are to be treated with dread respect.

They maintain no formal priesthood, though many communities gather around those commonly known as 'Tellers', humans and faunus well-versed in the stories of their chosen deity (or all of them).

The religion is most popular in the frigid Atlesian Kingdoms, as well as the Eastern City-States that occupy the former Kingdom of Mistral. It is also growing, though its archaic traditions and decentralized nature have slowed its progress.

Counted among their Pantheon are the following:

The Thorned One - The Goddess of Justice, Hope and Hunters, she is most popular among the youthful and bold, who yearn for adventure and to render judgment upon Grimm and the wicked.

The Knight of Frost - The Goddess of Dust, War, and Technology. Immensely popular in the former realm of Atlas, this frigid yet caring Goddess holds domain over the Silverlands, the resting place for those who have died after living righteous lives. She is most popular among soldiers and tinkerers, and many of her adherents possess a strong sense of civic duty.

The Shadowed Sword - Goddess of Death, Faunus, the Moon, and Night. She is commonly depicted as a puma faunus, and her domains are often associated with darkness, but not with evil. In fact, she is one of the more benevolent Goddesses. She is popular in Menagerie, due to being a faunus herself.

The Sun Dragon - The Sun Dragon takes the form of a Human Woman, radiant and alight in holy flame. She is the Goddess of Hosts, Valor and Strength. She is most popular among royalty, raiders, mercenaries, and bandits. Though her followers may sometimes be brutish, they maintain a romanticized code of honor, which is followed according to practicality.

The Kingmaker - God of Wisdom, Learning, and Foresight. King of the Gods, he is said to have whispered the world into existence in the form of stories, now known as fairy tales. He is mysterious and unformed, though often depicted as an aging man. Very few communities worship him exclusively, due to the absence of legends regarding him.

The Stormcaller - The most capricious of the Progenitors, he is commonly referred to as a Trickster God. Portrayed as a raven faunus with storm-grey wings, He holds dominion over fertility, drunkenness, decay, and love. He remains a popular figure with urbanized populations, and many adolescents.

The Nightwing - The Goddess of time, decay, Grimm, hatred and souls. She is seen as the Progenitor's psychopomp, leading the souls of the deceased to their final resting place. Depicted as a magpie faunus with a bloodied beak and decrepit wings, she also holds dominion over the Pit, where souls of the wicked suffer before returning to the world for another chance at reaching the Silverlands.

The Bronzeblade - Once a mortal woman, she was chosen by the gods for her prodigious skill and purity of soul to become a goddess. She holds the title 'Defender of the Hearth', and guards the Home and Heart against those that would do them ill.

The Shieldbearer - God of Audacity, Chivalry, and Agriculture, he is the the gentlest God, said to love his followers unconditionally. His most ardent followers are known as Paladins, Hunters and Huntresses that do not bind themselves to Carrion Lords - only the people.


Favored Progenitor - You are allowed to choose one of the Progenitors to focus your prayers around, netting you related bonuses.

Holy War - The Progenitors are wrathful! Their tellers have been martyred, their groves and holy places despoiled. Become their sword!

Sacred Places - The myths regarding the Progenitors are many, but rooted in the geography of Remnant. Standing Stones, Ruins, Groves, Caves, Coves, Forests, and many other sites of legend that feature in a Teller's stories exist in the world of Remnant. Though they do not count as Holdings, possessing more within your realm brings many benefits.

Pilgrimage - The Progenitors are said to have been birthed from chthonic means in the Land of Vale. Go on a dangerous pilgrimage to the most Sacred Places to connect with your spiritual roots.

Scions of the Maidens

No one doubts the reality of the Seasonal Maidens and their extraordinary power like they did in centuries past, but a smaller, devout group of Remnant citizens have chosen to worship them, believing the spirits that inhabit prodigious young women to be deific. What's more, is that they believe the legend that inspired them is sacred truth, and the Old Man - God - is the ruler of all beings, omnipresent and omnipotent.

They worship the Maidens as avatars of God, and when a Maiden joins the faith or a follower receives a Spirit, they sing praises and hold festivals for months. However, this is a very uncommon occurrence, and no more than one Maiden has been formally associated with the faith for any stretch of time. They believe that, should the Maidens be united in faith within the Scions, God himself may appear.

It is the religion of mendicants, travelers and merchants, and many who wander find the Maiden's power wherever they tread. Shrines dot the roads of Remnant, and are welcome in many inns as well.

Since they share some legends and similar beliefs to the other religions, they are accepted in all lands, and many are searching for the Maidens, attempting to help whomever they can along the way.


Grand Search - An influential Priest has called for a Grand Search! The faithful drop their everyday lives to aid in locating one of the Maidens. Greatly increases the chance of finding a Maiden. Note: They are not warriors - they remain peaceful travelers.

Seasonal Festivals - At the beginning of each season, festivals are held to celebrate the oncoming transition. They draw many of your realm to one location. The joyous spirit almost always helps repel grimm, but if a Festival goes awry, the opposite occurs.

Vassal Priesthood - Priests that rule over Scion lands pay tribute to you, and are connected to the larger network of Priests.

Charity - You can more easily practice charity in your lands, which will keep your serfs happier and less stressful.

Maidenage - If you are a Maiden, or one is a vassal to you, your power and influence expands meteorically.
Age of Grimm Player Resources
In the Age of Grimm, wise management of your resources is critical to success. If they dip too low, your rule might grow tenuous or unstable, and your Decisions might become heavily limited. They are as follows:

Lien: The ubiquitous currency that transcends all borders of Remnant. Though few notes are now produced in the Age of Grimm, their use was so common throughout the ages that there is rarely a material shortage of these colored plastic cards. It is used in most transactions, from salaries, taxations, day-to-day purchases, bribes, wages, purchasing raw materials, etc. Measured in Lien.

Dust: Long ago, Humanity discovered Dust, the mysterious resource that allowed them to escape extinction and found civilization. Curiously, it appears to be limitless - overflowing veins appear where they were once spent, and caves once thought empty are one day brimming with crystal growths the next. This does not mean Carrion Lords are possessed with a treasure of the stuff - locating, mining, and refining the substance is very costly, its transportation is dangerous, and very few realms have access to every step of proper production. It can be used in the production of power, weapons, ammunition, airships, construction, wardrobe crafting, androids, bionics, and various other higher-tech projects. Measured in Units.

Food: Since Grimm now hold the majority of land, securing food for the world's population is an important and often challenging prospect. It is a critical undertaking, because if a Carrion Lord cannot keep their people fed, their rule is called into question. However, since the majority of Remnant's population practices a form of subsistence farming (or hunting), they can remain empty indefinitely, as long as the citizens live hand-to-mouth… but one famine, bad season, or Grimm attack can spell utter disaster. Heavily populated areas such as Cities and Castle Towns, however, need much more. Measured in Units.

Morale: Though society has stabilized enough after the ancient cataclysm, it has dispersed among the lands of the Four Kingdoms, making it much more susceptible to the creatures of Grimm. Since negative emotions entice their attentions, keeping a population's morale up is an important undertaking. Should a populace (or vassal) grow malcontent or overly violent, Grimm will descend upon them. Measured qualitatively, in the general 'mood' of the realm.

Prestige: This is a measurement of Carrion Lord's influence and majesty. Prestige represents the ideals of ruling according to the inhabited culture. Marriages, Decisions, noble acts, hunting grimm, and winning wars or glory can all enhance a Lord's prestige. It is also a good indication of Legitimacy - high prestige characters are slightly more secure in their rule, and have a wider diplomatic range. Can be discarded to perform treacherous or dishonorable acts, marry under your station, or can be converted into Lien, Dust, or Piety. Measured in Prestige.

Piety: This is a measurement of a Carrion Lord's piety in their chosen religion. It is not a 'hard-coded' resource - faking the appearance of extreme piety still nets you the bonuses, but is harder to accrue. It can be spent to enact Religious decisions, interact with religious infrastructure, acquire priests, etc. Measured in Piety.
Miscellaneous Notes

: Religious tensions are very low at the moment. Right now, most people of Remnant have adopted "a man's god is his own business" attitude (with the exception of the Masked Ones). Though certain realms have majority religions, you still may select whichever one you wish to follow with no penalty.

Marriage: Though lightyears more open and accepting than Medieval Europe, many of its squickier elements are commonplace on Remnant (aside from Vacuo). Arranged marriages compose the vast majority of unions, children have no say in their future partner, and the age of maturity is seventeen. Since all children inherit regardless of gender, it's important when forging a marriage alliance to specify which dynasty the children will be of.

Homosexuality: Homosexuality is still very much tolerated by the people of Remnant, but the resurgent focus around producing heirs to form a stable dynasty has put a damper on things. All political marriages are heterosexual. However, same-sex concubines, lovers, and later-life marriages (when the original spouse sired/birthed enough heirs) are celebrated just as heartily as others.

Tribal vs. Feudal: Unlike Crusader Kings II, tribes in the Age of Grimm aren't inherently worse than the feudal system of government. Each type of government has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Barbarity: Remnant is a cruel and deadly land. Mercy and kindness have their place, but it is rarely shown in the Age of Grimm. Brutality and realpolitik are the name of the game, and acting accordingly will serve you better than idealism. Basically, if it flies in CKII, it flies here.

Wait a minute, you still haven't checked out the original quest?! That's like only drinking Cherry Pepsi without trying classic! For shame! FOR SHAME!

Tl;dr: Remnant sucks, Machiavelli is king, and you're probably going to get eaten by Grimm. Have fun!

Alright, time to get started! The map is not quite ready yet (still working on it), but you can still select your continent, and specially request certain areas of continents if you wish.

Not quite ready yet~

Have this placeholder:

To begin the ascension of your dynasty, you need to select which kind of realm you'd like to rule.​

[] [Continent] Solitas: Lords of the frigid north, Solitas is home to the Atlesian and Mantler cultures.
[] [Continent] Anima: Boasting a mastery of the sea and many natural luxuries, Anima is the home of the Mistralan and Republics of the Nikean cultures.
[] [Continent] Menagerie: Proud but bare, Menagerie is a land of hardship and charm, home to the Menagerai culture.
[] [Continent] West Sanus: By parts desert and badlands, West Sanus does still have a few oases of fruitfulness, and is home to the Vacuan and Termina cultures.
[] [Continent] East Sanus: A land of mountain and plain, river and dale, East Sanus prides itself on it's rich history, home to the Valesian and Vytali cultures.
[] [Continent] Spectrum: A land mostly free of ancient memories, Spectrum is a land of displaced masses.

But that's not the only step, is it? You have to choose the culture you'll be part of as well.
Note: You can't pick a culture that isn't present on the continent you're voting for! (Spectrum has all cultures, all others are noted in the continent vote)​

[] [Culture] Atlesian: Stalwart and enduring.
[] [Culture] Mantler: Strength and pride.
[] [Culture] Mistralan: Artistic and sanguine.
[] [Culture] Nikean: Spartan and philosophic.
[] [Culture] Menagerai: Welcoming and hardworking.
[] [Culture] Vacuan: Carefree and tough.
[] [Culture] Terminian: Tradesmen and travelers.
[] [Culture] Valesian: Lovers of the Past.
[] [Culture] Vytali: Quaint and Docile.

But government matters, Order beats back chaos. What kind of order are you?
Note: You can't pick a special government if you don't have the right culture! (Spectrum has no special governments, all others are culturally locked)​

[] [Government] Feudal Kingdom
[] [Government] Tribal Chiefdom
[] [Government] Menagerai Dynastic Kingdom
[] [Government] Terminian Caravan Kingdom
[] [Government] Atlesian Military Despotism
[] [Government] Mistralan Bureaucracy
[] [Government] Nikean City-State
[] [Government] Nikean Republic

There is yet more, right? Religion is a shaping factor in any life.​

[] [Religion] Children of Remnant: Love, Life, and prophesied warriors.
[] [Religion] Progenitors: Scattered ideals, united in memories of the past.
[] [Religion] Scions of the Maidens: Reverent of the pure and the unexplained.

Of course, there are other mysteries out there...​

[] [Supernatural] No Supernatural Events: Sometimes, even gods can die. (Maidens are the Highest Magic in Setting)
[] [Supernatural] Supernatural Events: But can that which dies eternal lie? (The Wizard Oz, The Witch Salem, The Silver-Eyed, other strange things)
Dramatis Personae and Dynasty Sheets
Character and Dynasty Statistics

Current Dynasty Head (You): Queen Megara Kiriakidis
Current Heir: Sophia Kiriakidis (Regent Installation)
Highest Dynastic Title: Estate of Letum
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Letum

Dynasty Prestige (Inherited on character deaths only): -17

Dynastic Heraldry
: Blue Domino Mask over a Classic Tower, Green Background

Megara Kiriakidis

Current Age: 21
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Queen (City-State)
Epithets: Whoresdaughter (Isiphus Dynasty)
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Letum

Current Ambition: Improve Diplomacy

Education: Indulgent Wastrel (Stewardship) (+1 Stewardship, -1 Diplomacy)
Bastard (-3 Diplomacy, -1 Trait Opinion)
Architect (+3 Stewardship, -5% build costs)
Calm (+1 All Attributes)
Wellspring Soul (+1 Martial, +0.50 Health, +2.00 Aura)​
Diplomacy - 6
Martial - 6
Stewardship - 14
Intrigue - 10
Learning - 10​


Spouse: Acadia Kiriakidis
Children: Sophia, Ion
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Medea Isiphus (half-sister), Kalinas Isiphus (half-sister), Atlas Isiphus (half-brother), Naksos Isiphus (half-brother), Satis Isiphus (half-brother), Sedea of Lanta (Mother-in-law)
Dynastic Relatives: Sophia Kiriakidis (Daughter), Ion Kiriakidis (Son)

Personal Resources: Rulers can only have Prestige and Piety resources, other resources are tracked in their Realm Sheet.
[PIETY]: 37​
Relic Vault: Long-Cast Transmitter (Powerful Radio, Reduces Envoy Times), Large Purified Gravity Dust Crystal (+15 Personal Combat Value when equipped, retained for ~10 personal engagements)
Acadia Kiriakidis

Current Age: 20
Gender: Male
Highest Title: King-Consort (City-State)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Dutiful Scholar (+4 Learning, -1 Intrigue)
Quick (+1 All Attributes, +3 Personal Combat)
Expressive Genetics (+25% chance of passing down genetic traits, 50% chance to pass down Expressive Genes)
Honest (+3 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue)​
Diplomacy - 8
Martial - 7
Stewardship - 6
Intrigue - 1
Learning - 14​

Opinion of you: (SPOUSE) (2 of 10) Acadia finds you confusing, but is willing to make things work for the better. (You benefit from 1/2 of Acadia's Attributes in most matters)
Known other opinions: Acadia looks a lot like you did when you once visited a foreign court... as a prepubescent girl. He's annoyed more than a few members of court with his eagerness and overly-familiar attitude.

Spouse: Megara Kiriakidis
Children: Sophia, Ion
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Lantian Dynasty
Dynastic Relatives: Megara Kiriakidis (Spouse), Sophia Kiriakidis (Daughter), Ion Kiriakidis (Son)

Personal Resources:
[LIEN]: 7
[PIETY]: -35​
Sophia Kiriakidis

Current Age: 0
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Heir to the Kingdom of Letum
Epithets: Princess
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Infant
Quick (+1 All Attributes, +3 Personal Combat)
Twin (+3 Opinion with Twin)​
Diplomacy - 1
Martial - 1
Stewardship - 1
Intrigue - 1
Learning - 1​

Opinion of you: (DAUGHTER) (10 of 10) Mommy!
Known other opinions: Sophia is a bit young to make sense of her opinions of others.

Spouse: None!
Children: None!

Non-Dynastic Relatives: Lantian Dynasty
Dynastic Relatives: Megara Kiriakidis (Mother), Acadia Kiriakidis (Father), Ion Kiriakidis (Brother)

Personal Resources:
Infants don't have resources!​
Ion Kiriakidis

Current Age: 0
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Pretender to the Kingdom of Letum
Epithets: Prince
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Infant
Quick (+1 All Attributes, +3 Personal Combat)
Twin (+3 Opinion with Twin)​
Diplomacy - 1
Martial - 1
Stewardship - 1
Intrigue - 1
Learning - 1​

Opinion of you: (SON) (10 of 10) Mommy!
Known other opinions: Ion is a bit young to make sense of his opinions of others.

Spouse: None!
Children: None!

Non-Dynastic Relatives: Lantian Dynasty
Dynastic Relatives: Megara Kiriakidis (Mother), Acadia Kiriakidis (Father), Sophia Kiriakidis (Sister)

Personal Resources:
Infants don't have resources!​
Current Dynasty Head: Pretender Atlas Isiphus
Current Heir: Medea Isiphus
Highest Dynastic Title: Strong Claim on Estate of Letum
Held Landed Titles: None!

Dynasty Prestige: 420 (Declining)

Dynasty Heraldry:

Dynasty Resources: (Unlanded Dynasties in decline pool their resources in order to have more ability to reclaim titles) 86 Lien, 3 Dust

Dynastic Forces: (Unlanded Dynasties in decline attract loyal retainers in force, who are willing to take up arms for their ancestral lords to reclaim titles) 200 Soldiers of Varied Quality

Atlas Isiphus

Current Age: 18
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Head of the Isiphus Dynasty (In Decline)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Elusive Shadow (Intrigue) (+6 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Martial, -2 Stewardship)
Known Traits-
Wroth (+3 Martial, +3 Personal Combat, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue)
Prideful (+1 Prestige/turn, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, -1 Martial, -1 Stewardship)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 8
Martial - 10
Stewardship - 7
Intrigue - 15
Learning - 5​

Opinion of you: (RIVAL) (-10 of 10) Atlas Isiphus despises you for being born first, and even before you were outed as your mother's bastard took every opportunity to slight you.
Known other opinions: Atlas has been revealed in a murder plot against you, his own half-sister, staining his reputation forever.

: None!
Children: None!
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Megara Kiriakidis (half-sister)
Dynastic Relatives: Medea Isiphus (sister), Naksos Isiphus (brother), Satis Isiphus (brother)
Medea Isiphus

Current Age: 17
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Heir to the Isiphus Dynasty (In Decline)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Mastermind Historian (Learning) (+6 Learning, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, -2 Intrigue)
Known Traits-
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - ?
Martial - ?
Stewardship - ?
Intrigue - ?
Learning - ?​

Opinion of you: (1 of 10) You have masterfully added your foot to your mouth. Medea is upset.
Known other opinions: Medea seems to treat those around her politely...

Spouse: None!
Children: None!
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Megara Kiriakidis (half-sister)
Dynastic Relatives: Atlas Isiphus (brother), Naksos Isiphus (brother), Satis Isiphus (brother)
Naksos Isiphus

Current Age: 7
Gender: Male
Highest Title: None
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Child (Honor and Pride Focus)
Known Traits-
Haughty (+1 Martial)
Twin (+3 Opinion with Twin)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 2
Martial - 1
Stewardship - 1
Intrigue - 1
Learning - 2​

Opinion of you: (-4 of 10) Naksos knows that Kalinas is gone because of you.
Known other opinions: Naksos is a child, and is as capricious as the open sea.

Spouse: None!
Children: None!
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Megara Kiriakidis (half-sister)
Dynastic Relatives: Medea Isiphus (sister), Atlas Isiphus (brother), Satis Isiphus (brother)
Satis Isiphus

Current Age: 6
Gender: Male
Highest Title: None
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Child (Court Focus)
Known Traits-
Twin (+3 Opinion with Twin)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - ?
Martial - ?
Stewardship - ?
Intrigue - ?
Learning - ?​

Opinion of you: (-4 of 10) Satis knows that Kalinas is gone because of you.
Known other opinions: Satis is a child, and is as capricious as the open sea.

Spouse: None!
Children: None!
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Megara Kiriakidis (half-sister)
Dynastic Relatives: Medea Isiphus (sister), Atlas Isiphus (brother), Naksos Isiphus (brother)
Isiphus Dynasty (Complete) (In Decline) - 5 Characters
Kiriakidis Dynasty (Complete) (Player Dynasty) - 4 Characters
Lesser Nobility, Burghers, and Religious Figures (Low Dynasties/Commoners/Huntsmen) - 10 Characters

Polybia Sisti

Current Age: 29
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Chancellor of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None
Dephis of Letum

Current Age: 28
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Marshal of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estos District
Aristos of Letum

Current Age: 32
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Steward of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Sestus District
San-do the Silent

Current Age: 25
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Spymistress of Letum
Epithets: The Silent
Held Landed Titles: None
Gnostras the Kind

Current Age: 51
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Head Teller of Letum
Epithets: The Kind
Held Landed Titles: None

Current Age: 30
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Captain of the Guard
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None
Sophocles Rex

Current Age: 34
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Huntsman Superior of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None
Aristos of Letum

Current Age: 32
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Steward of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Sestus District

Education: Indulgent Wastrel (+1 Stewardship, -1 Diplomacy)
Known Traits-
Administrator (+3 Stewardship, +1 Diplomacy)
Trusting (+3 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue)
Maimed (-1 Health, -2 Martial)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 11
Martial - 5
Stewardship - 10
Intrigue - 9
Learning - 10​

Opinion of you: (2 of 10) Aristos thinks you're a little headstrong, but you're at least smart and headstrong.
Known other opinions: Aristos is a friendly, talkative man, who has made friends among the court easily.

Resources: 92 Lien

Burghers aren't important enough to note their spouses or children!
Dephis of Letum

Current Age: 28
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Marshal of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estos District

Education: Tough Soldier (Martial) (+3 Martial, -1 Learning)
Known Traits-
Kind (+4 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue)
Just (+3 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 12
Martial - 13
Stewardship - 7
Intrigue - 6
Learning - 0​

Opinion of you: (3 of 10) Dephis respects your place as rightful and lawful ruler of Letum, regardless of parentage.
Known other opinions: Dephis gets on well with Aristos and the rest of the Inner Council.

Resources: 25 Lien

Burghers aren't important enough to note their spouses or children!
Polybia Sisti

Current Age: 29
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Chancellor of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Charismatic Negotiator (+4 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, -1 Martial)
Known Traits-
Hedonist (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, -2 Learning, -1 Stewardship, Increased Fertility, + or -1 Trait Opinion, Religious Characters)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 12+?
Martial - ?
Stewardship - ?-1
Intrigue - 2+?
Learning - ?-2​

Opinion of you: (2 of 10) Polybia is ambivalent on your bastard-dom, likely because she's done things significantly more questionable than getting knocked up in secret. You're almost sure she swallowed Aristos' face at a gathering, once.
Known other opinions: Polybia is friendly. While she doesn't get on too well with the tellers or Medea, she's certainly the center of attention often enough...

Resources: 14 Lien

Spouse: None!
Children: Unknown!
San-do the Silent

Current Age: 25
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Spymistress of Letum
Epithets: The Silent
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Intricate Webweaver (+4 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, -1 Stewardship)
Known Traits-
Quiet (+3 Intrigue, +1 Learning, -2 Diplomacy)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 4+?
Martial - 8+?
Stewardship - ?-1
Intrigue - 7+?
Learning - 1+?​

Opinion of you: (3 of 10) San-do is a Mistralan foreigner who arrived in your court seeking asylum from one of the small ingress-cities of the Mistral Ruins. She bears some loyalty to you, though it is expressed rather strangely.
Known other opinions: San-do is a foreigner from a neighboring culture, during times of strife between your peoples. She is viewed with some suspicion by your other courtiers, and makes little effort to disavow the cautious looks.

Spouse: None!
Children: Unknown!

Resources: 9 Lien
Gnostras the Kind

Current Age: 51
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Head Teller of Letum
Epithets: The Kind
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Scholarly Booklearner (Learning) (+4 Learning, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, -1 Intrigue)
Known Traits-
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 1+?
Martial - ?
Stewardship - 1+?
Intrigue - ?-1
Learning - 4+?​

Opinion of you: (2 of 10) You have slain your own father, and while not kinslaying by technicality, is still a terrible thing. Still, you have restored his authority in the clergy and acted within the tenets of the gods, and that is a worthy thing in your circumstance.
Known other opinions: You don't know Gnostras to meet with others, but you suspect he earned his epithet somehow.

Resources: 5 Lien

Tellers cannot produce inheriting children!

Current Age: 30
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Captain of the Guard
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Skilled Tactician (+4 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -1 Learning)
Known Traits-
Strong (+5 Personal Combat, +3 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, Increased Health, Increased Fertility)
Stubborn (-2 Diplomacy, -1 Stewardship, Increased Health)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 7
Martial - 13
Stewardship - 1
Intrigue - 8
Learning - 8​

Opinion of you: (5 of 10) Selected for loyalty by your late mother and previously aware of her indiscretion, Pantakon will serve dutifully, without questioning your legitimacy.
Known other opinions: Pantakon has a low opinion of Atlas, though this is unsurprising.

Resources: 10 Lien

Commoners are not important enough to track the lineage of!
Sophocles Rex

Current Age: 34
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Huntsman Superior of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Disciplined Warrior (+10 Personal Combat, +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, -2 Stewardship)
Known Traits-
Lazy (-1 All Attributes, -3 Personal Combat)
Weak (-5 Personal Combat, -3 Martial, -1 Diplomacy, Reduced Health, Reduced Fertility)
Trained Huntsman (+10 Personal Combat, +4 Martial, +2 Learning, -2 Trait Opinion if landed)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 9
Martial - 7
Stewardship - 7
Intrigue - 6
Learning - 8​

Opinion of you: (4 of 10) Sophocles appreciates your help with the Grimm.
Known other opinions: After rescuing Pantakon from the flames with his... obscure semblance, Sophocles has become somewhat more respected, and carries himself better at court and in the field.

Current Apprentice: Astraea - A young girl of unnatural talent, Astraea was discovered by Sophocles entirely by accident of circumstance. She is a prodigy of impossible skill.

Resources: 9 Lien
Kretes of Hippos
-Critical Assessments self-update-​

Current Age: 29
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Court Physician of Letum
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: None

Education: Dutiful Scholar (+4 Learning, -1 Intrigue)
Known Traits-
Renowned Physician (+4 Learning, advanced healing skill)
Erudite (+2 Learning. +1 Stewardship, +1 Religious Opinion)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 3
Martial - 10
Stewardship - 6
Intrigue - 2
Learning - 15​

Opinion of you: (4 of 10) Kretes is pleased you have paid his retainer and offered him work following his apprenticeship.
Known other opinions: Kretes is well-respected, if not well-liked, by all in your court for his training in medicine. As he is a healer, Gnostras visits with him especially often for religious reasons.

Resources: 40 Lien

Commoners aren't important enough to trace the lineage of!
Three Unremarkable Huntsmen (Omake free, Fleshing out will occur semi-regularly)
One Asp Oros (No apprentice)
Ailus Mora, The Black

Current Age: 48
Gender: Male
Highest Title: King (City-State)
Epithets: The Black
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Mora

Education: Grey Eminence (Diplomacy) (+6 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, +2 Learning, -2 Martial)
Known Traits-
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 15+?
Martial - 7+?
Stewardship - 7+?
Intrigue - 5+?
Learning - 8+?​

Opinion of you: (RIVAL) (-10 of 10) You have killed his brother in cold retribution.
Known other opinions: With his plot being revealed, Ailus is on the back foot lately and has few friends among the other royals.

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Gandymus Mora (son)
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Dynastic Relatives: Gandymus Mora (son)
Nestopheles Vettum

Current Age: 37
Gender: Male
Highest Title: King (City-State)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Capia

Education: Brilliant Tactician (Martial) (+6 Martial, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue, -2 Learning)
Known Traits-
Arbitrary (+3 Intrigue, -2 Stewardship, -3 Diplomacy)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - ?-3
Martial - 6+?
Stewardship - ?
Intrigue - 5+?
Learning - ?-2​

Opinion of you: (? of 10) Nestopheles is untrustworthy and irrational at best. The best you can hope for is that he likes you enough not to act against you, because you can't trust him to help in your time of need.
Known other opinions: Nestopheles is also infamous for putting both feet in his mouth at once.

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Unknown
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Liri Paretta

Current Age: 33
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Queen (City-State)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Paretta

Education: Skilled Tactician (Martial) (+4 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -1 Learning)
Known Traits-
Attractive (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Opposite Sex Opinion, +1 Trait Opinion)
Stubborn (+2 Martial, -2 Diplomacy, -1 Stewardship, +1 Character Health)
Brave (+3 Martial, +5 Personal Combat, +1 Trait Opinion)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 5
Martial - 15
Stewardship - 4
Intrigue - 8
Learning - 6​

Opinion of you: (0 of 10) Liri seems to have cooled her anger somewhat as a year has come and gone.
Known other opinions: Liri is known to be a capable leader in war and peace, but has some issues with the bordering Nishian Republic. Liri has expressed some upset at Ailus' actions.

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Unknown
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Agamedes Phila

Current Age: 40
Gender: Male
Highest Title: King (City-State)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Edana

Education: Unknown
Known Traits-
Just (+3 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - ?
Martial - ?
Stewardship - ?
Intrigue - ?
Learning - ?​

Opinion of you: (5 of 10) Agamedes is appalled on your behalf for Ailus' actions, and is willing to side with you if things sour further.
Known other opinions: Agamedes seems furious with Ailus for his actions. You have heard he has placed crippling restrictions on Moran traders.

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Unknown
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Phithos of Lanta

Current Age: 36
Gender: Male
Highest Title: King (City-State)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Tella

Education: Misguided Warrior (Martial) (+1 Martial, -1 Learning)
Known Traits-
Quick (+2 All Attributes)
Dramatic (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue, +1 Prestige/turn)
Gregarious (+4 Diplomacy)
Collector (+2 Learning, +1 Stewardship)
Secret Progenitorist (Has a second Piety Track)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 13
Martial - 6
Stewardship - 11
Intrigue - 4
Learning - 9​

Opinion of you: (5 of 10) Phithos seems to be especially entertained by you, the source of endless drama and interest.
Known other opinions: Phithos is undeniably popular among the City-States for his regular parties and events. Despite his relative recent rise into royalty, he is simply too good at speaking to be shamed for it.

Spouse: Shiki No
Children: Kandos Elles (son), Shiki Elles (daughter)
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Risen Noble
Dynastic Relatives: Risen Noble
Hermetius Hopolis

Current Age: 28
Gender: Male
Highest Title: King (City-State)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Ei Pella

Education: Thrifty Clerk (Stewardship) (+3 Stewardship, -1 Diplomacy)
Known Traits-
Giant (+3 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, Increased Health)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 4+?
Martial - 10+?
Stewardship - 5+?
Intrigue - 6+?
Learning - 3+?​

Opinion of you: (2 of 10) Hermetius is more indifferent than other royals of the league.
Known other opinions: Hermetius spends most of his time ruling his realm, typically appointing his favored council member to deal with diplomatic events. He is not often seen.

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Unknown
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Gandymus Mora

Current Age: 27
Gender: Male
Highest Title: King (City-State)
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Sai Tzen

Education: Grey Eminence (Diplomacy) (+6 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, +2 Learning, -2 Martial)
Known Traits-
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 14+?
Martial - 4+?
Stewardship - 8+?
Intrigue - 9+?
Learning - 5+?​

Opinion of you: (? of 10) Until recently, Gandymus Mora was a complete unknown to you. Two years past, a war with the Three Rivers Kingdom led to the wresting of some lands from the Irenic Bureaucracy, and Ailus assigned this particular son the plot.
Known other opinions: Like the other Mora Dynasts, you suspect Gandymus is just as closely-knit as the rest.

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Unknown
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Unknown
Dynastic Relatives: Ailus Mora (father)
Sedea of Lanta

Current Age: 45
Gender: Female
Highest Title: Queen (Petty Queen)
Epithets: Of Lanta
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Lanta, Keep of Lanta

Education: Tough Soldier (+4 Martial, -1 Learning)
Known Traits-
Gregarious (+4 Diplomacy)
Prideful (+1 Prestige/turn, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, -1 Martial, -1 Stewardship)
Weak (-5 Personal Combat, -3 Martial, -1 Diplomacy, Reduced Health, Reduced Fertility)​
Known Attributes-
Diplomacy - 8
Martial - 3
Stewardship - 6
Intrigue - 4
Learning - 3​

Opinion of you: (7 of 10) Your aid force, despite it's collapse, helped the Lantian Marines push away a major invasion of the home islands. Sedea will remember this for a long time.
Known other opinions: The Lords of Lanta are known for their isolationism. While Sedea cannot afford to be such in this day and age, most other reports of her interactions are those of a self-absorbed and prideful figure, even among other Carrion Lords!

WARS: The Rising Dragon Kingdom is at war with Sedea's Lantian Kingdom.

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Perseus of Lanta, Sanae of Lanta, Kastor of Lanta, Acadia of Lanta, Erimea of Lanta
Non-Dynastic Relatives: Megara Kiriakidis (Daughter-in-law)
Dynastic Relatives: Perseus of Lanta (son), Kastor of Lanta (son), Acadia of Lanta (son), Sanae of Lanta (daughter), Erimea of Lanta (daughter)

Current Age: 21
Gender: Female
Rank: Initiate

Learning - 11
Your current Learning provides no benefits towards your membership in the Seekers.

Relic Vault: Long-Cast Transmitter (Powerful Radio, Reduces Envoy Times), Large Purified Gravity Dust Crystal (+15 Personal Combat Value when equipped, retained for ~10 personal engagements)

Your relic vault currently provides no benefits towards your membership in the Seekers.

Personal Reputation: Megara is a new initiate, and the contents of her personal vaults are considered a meager collection, despite the curiosity of the finds. Very few Seekers will ask for access to your vault, and you are currently only attending regular meetings.

Current Backing: (1 of 5) Your sponsor, Phithos, would like it if you ascended through the ranks, but, not being the local Mystic, has little to offer to accomplish it. Nobody else knows you or is willing to consider you for a promotion.

Current Age: 34
Gender: Male
Rank: Initiate

Known Attributes-
Learning - 6​

Personal Reputation: Kannas is an initiate like you, but he has been with the Seekers for several years now. His vault has a modest collection, and he may consider requests to borrow or benefit from it due to the distance between your kingdoms.

Current Age: 29
Gender: Female
Rank: Initiate

Known Attributes-
Learning - 8​

Personal Reputation: Oshu is from the neighboring Three Rivers Kingdom, and will not share from her vault due to poor relationships between your kingdoms. Her vault is fairly impressive.

Current Age: 45
Gender: Male
Highest Title: Collector
Epithets: None
Held Landed Titles: Estate of Lanta, Keep of Lanta

Education: Tough Soldier (+4 Martial, -1 Learning)
Known Traits-
Quick (+2 All Attributes)
Dramatic (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue, +1 Prestige/turn)
Gregarious (+4 Diplomacy)
Collector (+2 Learning, +1 Stewardship)
Secret Progenitorist (Has a second Piety Track)​
Known Attributes-
Learning - 9​

Personal Reputation: Phithos is a Collector of the second Rank in the Seekers, and is known to have acquired a number of artifacts for his personal collection. Due to the close nature of your landed territories, he is not likely to consider requests to borrow or benefit from his secrets.

Current Age: 56
Gender: Male
Rank: Collector

Known Attributes-
Learning - 11​

Personal Reputation: Han-Gol is the premier collector in your local chapter of the faction. His vault is very impressive, and he could be receptive to opening it to you.
Alias the Bronze

Current Age: 33
Gender: Female
Rank: Mystic (Bronze - Of West Mistral)

Known Attributes-
Learning - 18​

Personal Reputation: As your direct superior, Alias bears note despite her unlanded status. She has spent most of her life apprenticed to the previous Mystic of Bronze, her father, and has a massive family collection. Her status in the Society and the sheer size of her collection make her wary of sharing with you.

Current Huntsmen: 5
Current Apprentices: 5


You can have one minor boon, such as revealing a hidden mechanic or a +5 to something in character creation.
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Holding and Title Sheets
Map of Mistral
Map of the Morian League

Realm of Letum (Member of the Morian League)

De Jure held Titles: Estate of Letum
Primary Title Holder: Queen Megara Kiriakidis (You)
Holdings within De Jure Titles: 3

Realm Saved Lien: 115 Lien
Realm Stored Food: 9 Food
Realm Stored Dust: 8.5 Dust
Realm Morale: 0 (Neutral)

Realm Lien/turn: 18
Realm Lien Expenses/turn: 4
Realm Lien/turn Balance: 14

Estimated Annual Court Stipend (every 4th turn): 25 Lien

Realm Food/turn: 1

Realm Dust/turn: 0.5

Realm Levy Strength: 535/535 (11 Lien/turn Upkeep while raised)
45 Militia
75 Light Infantry
30 Militia Skirmishers
60 Archers
175 Xiphos Infantry
100 Pikemen
35 Scout Cavalry
15 Kataphrakti

Realm Spartiates Strength: 125/200 (2 Lien/turn Upkeep)
30/100 Elite Xiphos Infantry
35/40 Riflemen
40 Pikeriflers
20 Dragoons

City-State of Letum
: Nikean
Religion: Progenitorist
Title Holder: Queen Megara Kiriakidis

Dust Mines I: Dust Mines in the region are sparse and shallow, pulling up on the minimum amount necessary. Produces 1.5 Dust/turn.
Farm Enclosures II: Efforts to reclaim wilderness have proven successful, and the natural richness of Mistralan soil increases regular yields. Produces 4 Food/turn.
Sworn Townships I: Small villages crop up across Remnant semi-regularly, and the Carrion Lords who own the land they settle on offer relatively benign neglect in return for regular taxation. Produces 2 Lien/turn.

Scouting Report (Grimm): Hunting Packs (Size 1/10) - There are isolated pockets of grimm, used more as sporting hunts than feared as threats.

LOCAL FESTIVITIES: Temporary bonus to local Morale. Increased Prosperity

Title Holder: Queen Megara Kiriakidis
Title Type: Acropolis (Barony)

Title Levy Rating: 0.4 Generic, 0.4 Heavy/Counter
Title Fortification Level: 2 (Weak)

Acropolis Tier I (Charakoma)
: The city Acropolis is in disrepair, it's walls pocked with missing stonework and scars of battle. (+.4 Levy Rating, 2 fortification, 5 Lien/turn)
Bunker System III: The acropolis sports a very advanced underground complex, supporting a number of industrial devices and retaining a modest population. (+3 Lien/turn)
Barracks I: Small dedicated facilities for the renowned Nikean Xiphos, the armored infantry. (+.4 Levy Rating - Heavy/Counter Infantry)

Acropolis Tier II (Koroni): 500 Lien
Fortification I (Grants Fortification): 75 Lien
Bunker System IV: 562
Keep I (Greatly Improves Levy): 175 Lien
Barracks II: 175 Lien
Range I (Adds Light and Skirmish Infantry): 100 Lien
Stables I (Adds Mounted): 125 Lien
Motor Pool I (Adds Vehicles): Disabled, Technologically inferior!
Machine Shop I (Adds Tanks, Enables Advanced): Disabled, Technologically inferior!
Helipad I (Enables Aircraft): Disabled, Technologically inferior!

Title Lien/turn: 8*131%=10
Title Food/turn: -0.5 (Tier I District)
Title Dust/turn: 0 (Tier I District)
Title Holder: City Manager Aristos
Title Type: City District (Burgher)

Title Levy Rating
: 0.6 Generic, 0.2 Heavy/Counter
Title Fortification Level: 2 (Weak)

District Tier III (Metrus): The city district boasts running water and regulated electricity, as well as increasingly tall building complexes and sprawling markets. (+.6 Levy Rating, +1.5 fortification, +20 Lien/turn)
City Walls I: The local walls are in a sad state, many sections being secured with wooden stakes and packed earth. (+.5 fortification, +.5 Lien/turn)
City Gardens I: Small neighborhood parks and gardens produce specialty fruits and spices. (+.5 Food/turn)
Militia Grounds I: Small parade spaces for the town guard and militia allows them some space to train. (+.2 Levy Rating - Heavy/Counter Infantry)
River Docks I: The docks are still under construction, but when they are complete they will provide new opportunities! 2/4 Progress (+6 Triremes, +1 Lien/Turn)

District Tier IV (Polis): 1000 Lien
City Walls II: 112 Lien
Market Center I (Increases Lien/turn): 175 Lien
City Gardens II: 225 Lien
Drill Yard I (Gives Heavy/Counter Infantry): 100 Lien
Militia Grounds II: 175 Lien
Industrial Grounds I (Enables Light Vehicles, gives Lien/turn): Disabled, Technologically inferior!
Airstrip I (Enables aircraft, gives Lien/turn): Disabled, Technologically inferior!
Academy I (Grants Tech Points, reduces 'low quality' fraction of levy): 250 Lien
River Docks II (Gives Ships, gives Lien/turn): 187 Lien

Title Lien/turn: 20.5*106.5%=22
Title Food/turn: -3 (Tier III District) + 0.5 (Gardens) = -2.5
Title Dust/turn: -1 (Tier III District)
Title Holder: City Manager Dephis
Title Type: City District (Burgher)

Title Levy Rating: 0.2 Generic
Title Fortification Level: 1.5 (Weak)

District Tier I (Chorikolis): The city district is a place of squalor and poor living, housing and even business built to lean upon the few sturdier buildings that have been constructed. (+.2 Levy Rating, +0.5 Fortification, +10 Lien/turn)
City Walls II: The fortifications in this part of the city are maintained well enough, being made of cut stone and mortar. (+1 fortification, +1 Lien/turn)
River Docks I: The docks are still under construction, but when they are complete they will provide new opportunities! 1/4 Progress (+6 Triremes, +1 Lien/Turn)

District Tier II (Emporia): 1000 Lien
City Walls III: 150 Lien
Market Center I (Increases Lien/turn): 175 Lien
City Gardens I (Gives Food/turn): 150 Lien
Drill Yard I (Gives Heavy/Counter Infantry): 100 Lien
Militia Grounds I (Gives Light/Skirmish Infantry): 100 Lien
Industrial Grounds I (Enables Light Vehicles, gives Lien/turn): Disabled, Technologically inferior!
Airstrip I (Enables aircraft, gives Lien/turn): Disabled, Technologically inferior!
Academy I (Grants Tech Points, reduces 'low quality' fraction of levy): 250 Lien
River Docks II (Gives Ships, gives Lien/turn): 187 Lien

Title Lien/turn: 16*106.5%=17
Title Food/turn: -1 (Tier I District)
Title Dust/turn: 0 (Tier I District)

Title Lien/turn to Queen Megara: 10 + 0.2(39)=18
Title Food/turn to Queen Megara: 1
Title Dust/turn to Queen Megara: 0.5

Title Levy to Queen Megara:
45 Militia
75 Light Infantry
30 Militia Skirmishers
60 Archers
175 Xiphos Infantry
100 Pikemen
35 Scout Cavalry
15 Kataphrakti
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[x] [Continent] Anima: Boasting a mastery of the sea and many natural luxuries, Anima is the home of the Mistralan and Republics of the Nikean cultures.

[x] [Culture] Nikean: Spartan and philosophic.

[x] [Government] Tribal Chiefdom

[x] [Religion] Children of Remnant: Love, Life, and prophesied warriors.

[x] [Supernatural] Supernatural Events: But can that which dies eternal lie? (The Wizard Oz, The Witch Salem, The Silver-Eyed, other strange things)
So... tell me, will there be Chaos Dice?

[X] Plan Dice

[X] [Continent] Anima: Boasting a mastery of the sea and many natural luxuries, Anima is the home of the Mistralan and Republics of the Nikean cultures.

[X] [Culture] Nikean: Spartan and philosophic.

[X] [Government] Nikean City-State

[X] [Religion] Progenitors: Scattered ideals, united in memories of the past.

[X] [Supernatural] Supernatural Events: But can that which dies eternal lie? (The Wizard Oz, The Witch Salem, The Silver-Eyed, other strange things)
So... tell me, will there be Chaos Dice?

[X] Plan Dice

[X] [Continent] Anima: Boasting a mastery of the sea and many natural luxuries, Anima is the home of the Mistralan and Republics of the Nikean cultures.

[X] [Culture] Nikean: Spartan and philosophic.

[X] [Government] Nikean City-State

[X] [Religion] Progenitors: Scattered ideals, united in memories of the past.

[X] [Supernatural] Supernatural Events: But can that which dies eternal lie? (The Wizard Oz, The Witch Salem, The Silver-Eyed, other strange things)
I try to keep a lid on totally random things, because I would have to interpret them open-endedly.

I have, however, snuck in a number of exceedingly hard to trigger events that approximate the feeling of 'oh holy shit stuff happen!'
[X] [Continent] East Sanus: A land of mountain and plain, river and dale, East Sanus prides itself on it's rich history, home to the Valesian and Vytali cultures.
[X] [Culture] Valesian: Lovers of the Past.
[X] [Government] Feudal Kingdom
[X] [Religion] Progenitors: Scattered ideals, united in memories of the past.
[X] [Supernatural] Supernatural Events: But can that which dies eternal lie? (The Wizard Oz, The Witch Salem, The Silver-Eyed, other strange things)

Looks like voting is by line due to the tags. Would be interesting to see
[X] Plan @Spectrum Is The Best
[X] [Continent] Spectrum: A land mostly free of ancient memories, Spectrum is a land of displaced masses.
[X] [Culture] Menagerai: Welcoming and hardworking.
[X] [Government] Tribal Chiefdom
[X] [Religion] Children of Remnant: Love, Life, and prophesied warriors.
[X] [Supernatural] No Supernatural Events: Sometimes, even gods can die. (Maidens are the Highest Magic in Setting)

Spectrum, home of the brave, land of the free! The hardworking, the oppressed few, who struck out to claim their futures with their own hands, bereft of being held down by the old world nobility!

Come, friends! We shall rise up, unify Spectrum, and usher in a grand new age!

(Also, we're a dragon continent, a proper one!)

BEGIN PLAN: Then We Fight In The Shade
[X]Plan Then We Fight In The Shade
Continent: Spectrum
Culture: Nikean
Government: Nikean City State
Religion: Seasons (Gotta catch 'em all!)
Supernatural: YES (Let's see some wizards with stupid hats!)
[X] [Continent] East Sanus: A land of mountain and plain, river and dale, East Sanus prides itself on it's rich history, home to the Valesian and Vytali cultures.
[X] [Culture] Valesian: Lovers of the Past.
[X] [Government] Feudal Kingdom
[X] [Religion] Progenitors: Scattered ideals, united in memories of the past.
[X] [Supernatural] Supernatural Events: But can that which dies eternal lie? (The Wizard Oz, The Witch Salem, The Silver-Eyed, other strange things)
[X] [Continent] Anima: Boasting a mastery of the sea and many natural luxuries, Anima is the home of the Mistralan and Republics of the Nikean cultures.
[X] [Culture] Nikean: Spartan and philosophic.
[X] [Government] Nikean City-State
[X] [Religion] Progenitors: Scattered ideals, united in memories of the past.
[X] [Supernatural] Supernatural Events: But can that which dies eternal lie? (The Wizard Oz, The Witch Salem, The Silver-Eyed, other strange things)

Ohh, City-state, eh? Almost feudal but not quite.
So as a Nikean would we want to fit in as a learning martial hybrid, I would go ful martial but I don't want to play as Skye Ravenswood 2.0
I deliberately made learning more than a piety-only stat. It slightly improves all research, and has other uses~
Yes... finally, I don't like how bookish a character is somehow connected to how pious your character is, but I do remember that it does have purposes for research in CK2.
Oooh this is a thing!

[X] [Continent] Anima: Boasting a mastery of the sea and many natural luxuries, Anima is the home of the Mistralan and Republics of the Nikean cultures.

[X] [Culture] Nikean: Spartan and philosophic.

[X] [Government] Nikean City-State

[X] [Religion] Progenitors: Scattered ideals, united in memories of the past.

[X] [Supernatural] No Supernatural Events: Sometimes, even gods can die. (Maidens are the Highest Magic in Setting)

Basically plan dice without the supernatural.
Oooh this is a thing!

[X] [Continent] Anima: Boasting a mastery of the sea and many natural luxuries, Anima is the home of the Mistralan and Republics of the Nikean cultures.

[X] [Culture] Nikean: Spartan and philosophic.

[X] [Government] Nikean City-State

[X] [Religion] Progenitors: Scattered ideals, united in memories of the past.

[X] [Supernatural] No Supernatural Events: Sometimes, even gods can die. (Maidens are the Highest Magic in Setting)

Basically plan dice without the supernatural.
But supernatural shit is fun!