Artifact: A Magic Item Roleplay [Interest Check]

@Old Guard Please do let me know if there's anything in my fluff that might contradict why you have written already, and I'd be happy to change it.

Also, @Sinsystems , I'd be happy to forge a connection with you as part of the reason the Old Empire fell, if interested.
I don't see any problems on my end, just make sure you work with the other players and adjust the backstory as needed to form a coherent whole. This is where Histories & Connections comes in handy.

Also, I have one more slot for Artifacts open. Beyond that, I won't be accepting additional players unless someone wants to just play a Wielder and someone else doesn't mind giving up theirs.
@Old Guard Please do let me know if there's anything in my fluff that might contradict why you have written already, and I'd be happy to change it.

Also, @Sinsystems , I'd be happy to forge a connection with you as part of the reason the Old Empire fell, if interested.
I'm interested, going to need to give your sheet a read through to properly understand the details but I can see that happening. Honestly I am just imagining my Artifact being a sort of Apple of Discord that just keeps appearing to wreck all these carefully built kingdoms.
Much obliged! Say, can/should we write up backgrounds and stuff for the characters you give us?

Yeah feel free, and don't be afraid to be creative in your interpretations of their Personality Tags, and Backgrounds. Of course, keep in mind that these characters are ultimately secondary and tend to die easily.

Oh joy, a Noble with the Lyre of Rebellion.....well time to scheme to overthrow a government.

If she proves too difficult to manage you can always kill her off.

With a second look at my schedule, I probably won't be taking part in this game, but it was nice to make a sheet regardless.

No problem!

In this case, I believe this leaves us with 12 Artifacts, and I'll be closing submissions for them unless someone comes along with an amazing concept.

Wielders will remain open conditional on if anyone wants to give theirs up.
So, for my history it's entirely likely I met other artifacts on the battlefield, either alongside me or against me, pre or post blade division. Any more war-hungry artifacts wanna tie their history with mine?
If she proves too difficult to manage you can always kill her off.
Oh I will see what I am working with, maybe if I am lucky there are some aspects of Noble life that she chafes under and I can encourage her to be Free.

Also going to repeat my suggestion to threadmark all accepted sheets, would make finding a specific one a lot easier.
So, for my history it's entirely likely I met other artifacts on the battlefield, either alongside me or against me, pre or post blade division. Any more war-hungry artifacts wanna tie their history with mine?
My artifact is quite the weapon of war, though perhaps not directly on the battlefield. Maybe there was a battle where the Blade of the Eclipse's Force 5 clashed with Scrystrike's Force 5?
We can remove or add a personality trait yes?

Yes, you can add or remove one.

Oh I will see what I am working with, maybe if I am lucky there are some aspects of Noble life that she chafes under and I can encourage her to be Free.

Also going to repeat my suggestion to threadmark all accepted sheets, would make finding a specific one a lot easier.

A lot of the attitude will depend on the Wielders playing. But they will likely try and reach the Destiny of the character earning themselves a point of Control for their Artifact.

And yes, the will all be threadmarked and cataloged in the OP.
Yes, you can add or remove one.

A lot of the attitude will depend on the Wielders playing. But they will likely try and reach the Destiny of the character earning themselves a point of Control for their Artifact.

And yes, the will all be threadmarked and cataloged in the OP.
Alright, the Archstaff will work hammer out her hypocrisy.
A lot of the attitude will depend on the Wielders playing. But they will likely try and reach the Destiny of the character earning themselves a point of Control for their Artifact.

And yes, the will all be threadmarked and cataloged in the OP.
I'll figure something out, Freedom will not be denied. All I need is the right verse, a good song and a bit of inspiration! Already getting an idea for a nice love story in mind!
Name: Yvette Riesch
Gender: Female

Stats: (Choose One Set)
Finesse: 1
Wits: 0
Arcane: 0

Wounds: 3

Background: Ranger [Wilderness Survival], [Tracker]
Destiny: Be betrayed by a lover and retire to isolation
Personality Tags: [Charismatic], [Mischiveous], [Hypocritical]
Faction: None


Armor (1) [Light]
Shortsword (1) [Reach]
Hunting Bow (2) [Ranged], [Reload], [Good Quality]
Wilderness Survival Gear
Animal Traps
Cash and oddments worth 1 Barter

@Grand Cogitator You are the Wielder of The Archstaff @Mr. Idiot

Yvette Riesch was once a member of the Woodsman's Guild, a collective of skilled hunters and trappers operating near the Southern Border. Being an orphan, the Woodsman's Guild was the only family she ever knew, and she soon grew to become the finest archer in their ranks. But that all changed when they strayed just a few miles too far South, and ended up in the territory of wizards. Being the petty, violent beings that they are, the wizard cabal responded to this accidental slight with genocide, leaving Yvette the only Woodswoman still alive. She has since developed a hatred for wizards and magic, and has vowed to kill (or at least maim) any wizard she comes across.
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Oh boy, the Archstaff has a lot to deal with.

Ill have to make sure she understands that being a wizard is a skill, art, and science, not a lifestyle or culture.

And that just because one group of wizards are bad, doesn't mean that all wizards are bad.

(Formulating arguments for inevitable conflict)

Bandits are warriors, are all warriors bandits? No. Same applies to wizards.

Oh boy, the Archstaff has a lot to deal with.

Ill have to make sure she understands that being a wizard is a skill, art, and science, not a lifestyle or culture.

And that just because one group of wizards are bad, doesn't mean that all wizards are bad.

(Formulating arguments for inevitable conflict)

Bandits are warriors, are all warriors bandits? No. Same applies to wizards.
Eyyup. I've decided to fulfill her [Hypocritical] tag by making her hate magic and wizards... but be perfectly willing to use magic to kill wizards.
The Quill
"The Pen is mightier than the Sword."

A simple yet appealing quill, upon first glance. Nothing that could cause any harm.

True Name:
The Quill. To him, there is no other that can match his glory. No equals. Only The Quill.

Assumed Names:
The Quill of the Loyal Vizier

Matter[3]: I am a cruel being. Wicked and debased. Born of suffering, plucked from a beast to chronicle the climax of history. On that fateful day, it was not simply ink that flowed; it was might. It was I who channeled it, and now even a fraction of that makes me dangerous. Knowledge was, quite literally, power that day, and now it's toxic remnant remains with me.

Mind[4]: Above all, my power lies in the mind. A quill is not mightier than a blade because it can slay a foe, but because it educates, it informs, and it persuades. A single sword of legend may slay a dragon or a brute, but a well-used quill can topple an empire.

Space[3]: One can always avoid a physical attack. They may defend against it, they may dodge it, they may parry or block it. But an attack at one's back, or an attack on one's ideals? Now that, is much harder to avoid...

- 1st Step: Find or convert a suitable Wielder, Someone who can properly appreciate the seductive nature of deception, and the majesty of an assassination conducted rightly.
- 2nd Step: Acquire more power. Allies, "Friends", money, hirelings, converts to a faith, it matters not in what form it comes.
- 3rd Step: Use our power to establish a network. Those who are as hungry as I am shall have their say, and indulge in their yearning for power. Expand the web of this network, slowly turning people to our will, assassinating those who refuse our conspiracy. We Are The Quill.
- 4th Step: Assassinate the most powerful leaders we can reach, and replace them with our patsies. All who we cannot rule, we shall simply dissolve. Kingdoms fall. Empires crumble. Dominions torn asunder. Those who are not with the Quill do not deserve it.
- Final Goal: Rule unchallenged.


  • - Acquire a handkerchief made of skin from a minister, tanned thrice, as blessed by an authority of the faith​
  • - Acquire the original Silver Knife used by the Quill's creator.​
  • - Kill a bovine via asphyxiation with parsley, and collect it's bones.​
- In a ritual circle constructed of the bones, use the handkerchief to wipe clean the ink from the Quill, and then sharpen it with the Knife until it eventually is "used up."

Not applicable. Yet.​
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You being Quill seems perfect to be related to my Parchment! And the silver dagger fits wonderfully with my own lore. Connection time @CT22222 ?

I have candy.
"The Pen is mightier than the Sword."

Item: A simple yet appealing quill, upon first glance. Nothing that could cause any harm.

True Name:
The Quill. To him, there is no other that can match his glory. No equals. Only The Quill.

Assumed Names:
The Quill of the Loyal Vizier

Matter[3]: I am a cruel being. Wicked and debased. Born of suffering, plucked from a beast to chronicle the climax of history. On that fateful day, it was not simply ink that flowed; it was might. It was I who channeled it, and now even a fraction of that makes me dangerous. Knowledge was, quite literally, power that day, and now it's toxic remnant remains with me.

Mind[4]: Above all, my power lies in the mind. A quill is not mightier than a blade because it can slay a foe, but because it educates, it informs, and it persuades. A single sword of legend may slay a dragon or a brute, but a well-used quill can topple an empire.

Space[3]: One can always avoid a physical attack. They may defend against it, they may dodge it, they may parry or block it. But an attack at one's back, or an attack on one's ideals? Now that, is much harder to avoid...

- 1st Step: Find or convert a suitable Wielder, Someone who can properly appreciate the seductive nature of deception, and the majesty of an assassination conducted rightly.
- 2nd Step: Acquire more power. Allies, "Friends", money, hirelings, converts to a faith, it matters not in what form it comes.
- 3rd Step: Use our power to establish a network. Those who are as hungry as I am shall have their say, and indulge in their yearning for power. Expand the web of this network, slowly turning people to our will, assassinating those who refuse our conspiracy. We Are The Quill.
- 4th Step: Assassinate the most powerful leaders we can reach, and replace them with our patsies. All who we cannot rule, we shall simply dissolve. Kingdoms fall. Empires crumble. Dominions torn asunder. Those who are not with the Quill do not deserve it.
- Final Goal: Rule unchallenged.


  • Acquire a handkerchief made of skin from a minister, tanned thrice, as blessed by an authority of the faith​
- Acquire the original Silver Knife used by the Quill's creator.
- Kill a bovine via asphyxiation, and collect it's bones.
- In a ritual circle constructed of the bones, use the handkerchief to wipe clean the ink from the Quill, and then sharpen it with the Knife until it eventually is "used up."

Not applicable. Yet.​

Alright, I like it, Artifact Approved. Megalomaniac Quill sounds like a riot.
All these artifacts building governments and being Tyrants, guess the Lyre needs to show you knce again the value of Freedom.
I'm not building anything really, I just want magic to be more ubiquitous and powerful.

Magic is for anyone and everyone to use and experience.
So long as you don't form a government and stop people from being free I have no issues with you.
Hey, I just want to blow up this one very specific thing. Can you really blame me?
I have no problem so long as there is no government involved and you don't oppress anyone.
And you know I'm just trying to restore democratic rule.
That sounds a lot like a government to me, it's just a matter of time before power corrupts and you start denying Freedom in order to protect your democracy.
I just want to kill a dude while he's sleeping to save the world.

But I mean, I'm not opposed to cutting a lyre's strings if it gets in my way...