Arisen From Despair- a Ace Combat Plan Quest

( -The King Is in full command now, it remains to be seen when he will give up his power... if he does anyway. regardless reconstruction will go ahead as usual. Ideology temporarily switches to Absolute Monarchy.)

The absolute mad lad!
Lets hope this doesn't bite us in the ass :V

[] Plan: It's the economy stupid.
Free dice to allocate: 2
Infrastructure 5 Dice
-[] Refurbishment Of Railway Lines:
(135/400) 3D 90R
-[] Apartment and House Construction (Stage 1): (101/200) 2D 40R
Industry 5 Dice
-[] Cherov Tractor Plant (Import Stage 1):
(0/150) 3D 150R
-[] Building Up The Resource Mines (Stage 1): (81/200) 2D+2FreeD 120R
Agriculture 4 Dice
Services 3 Dice
-[] Creation of A Hospital System(Stage 2):
(64/200) 2D 40R
Politics 3 Dice
-[] Further Attempts at Effectivization of the bureaucracy:
( DC 50, Dice Allocation will increase) 1D
-[] The Question Of Democracy: ( The Fate Of The Paradox that is democracy will be decided upon) 1D
-[] Revilitalize The De keiserlige væpnede styrkene i Estland:
( Military Discontent drops significantly, Unbesiegbar und legendär) 1D

Resources per turn 190, With 255 currently in Storage
190 + 255 = 445 - 440(This plan) = 5R in Storage

3D to get the railways moving along, don't expect them to complete yet.
2D To try and get stage1 housing done, 2 average rolls should do it.
3D into the Tractor Plant, our agriculture write-up has told us our farmer needs the equipment. (hella expensive tho)
4D on RESOURCE MINES for RESOURCES because we are running low on RESOURCES. (just pointing out the obvious)
Nothing for agri this turn. If by some miracle we complete the tractor plant, the farmers can get some nice stuff next turn.
2D to continue work on our hospital system.
For services, I went with the 2 actions that don't require a DC and then the DC50 action again(Hope we roll ok'ish)
This plan leaves us with a grand total of 5R
[X] Plan: It's the economy stupid.
Free dice to allocate: 2
Infrastructure 5 Dice
-[X] Refurbishment Of Railway Lines:
(135/400) 3D 90R
-[X] Apartment and House Construction (Stage 1): (101/200) 2D 40R
Industry 5 Dice
-[X] Cherov Tractor Plant (Import Stage 1):
(0/150) 3D 150R
-[X] Building Up The Resource Mines (Stage 1): (81/200) 2D+2FreeD 120R
Agriculture 4 Dice
Services 3 Dice
-[X] Creation of A Hospital System(Stage 2):
(64/200) 2D 40R
Politics 3 Dice
-[X] Further Attempts at Effectivization of the bureaucracy:
( DC 50, Dice Allocation will increase) 1D
-[X] The Question Of Democracy: ( The Fate Of The Paradox that is democracy will be decided upon) 1D
-[X] Revilitalize The De keiserlige væpnede styrkene i Estland: ( Military Discontent drops significantly, Unbesiegbar und legendär) 1D

Resources per turn 190, With 255 currently in Storage
190 + 255 = 445 - 440(This plan) = 5R in Storage
-[X] Revilitalize The De keiserlige væpnede styrkene i Estland: ( Military Discontent drops significantly, Unbesiegbar und legendär
I should have mentioned this earlier but this unlocks a Millitary branch, you'll be able to do some ... absolutely wacky superprojects to say the least if ya wish. BTW superprojects are available to all branches... IL just say one thing there will be crossovers that's all I'm gonna say

Refurbishment Of Railway Lines: (319/400)
Apartment and House Construction (Stage 1): (263/200) -> 63/??
Cherov Tractor Plant (Import Stage 1): (107/150)
Building Up The Resource Mines (Stage 1): (308/200) -> 108/??
Creation of A Hospital System(Stage 2): (181/200)
Further Attempts at Effectivization of the bureaucracy: ( DC 50, Dice Allocation will increase) 88
The Question Of Democracy: ( The Fate Of The Paradox that is democracy will be decided upon) 65
Revilitalize The De keiserlige væpnede styrkene i Estland: ( Military Discontent drops significantly, Unbesiegbar und legendär) 69

Thos rolls on the tractor factory are a damn shame.
Atleast stage1 of mines are done.
Turn 6: Q2 Of 2021 Results
Gamlekil. ( Unkown POV)

The last few weeks were mostly quiet, it wasn't surprising considering everything that has occurred over the last few weeks, most people were staying home due to the military coup. but of course that did not stop the estovakian people from going about their day and soon the nation went back to normal like nothing had happened. The response internationally was... less then great to say the least, Yuktobania has openly denounced us and called the coup, another attempt by "Reactionary Monarchists" to enslave the workers of Estovakia. Osea on the other hand has also denounced the coup declaring it a blatant attack on Democracy. But of course the Estovakian Nation will not bow down to anyone and it will resist and bite any foreign powers that attack her, None the less her brave sons will continue to fight and rebuild her as they have always done.

[] Refurbishment Of Railway Lines: Currently multiple sections of Estovakias vast railway lines stand in disrepair and is not up to date compared to the rest of the world, this is unacceptable and as such we must make a Dedicated effort to Repair and get the Railway system up to date, As a Benefit of This we will be able to get the needed resources to where they are needed quicker and Decreasing the amount of time Required getting the Resource to their place. ( 30 Resources per dice (319/400), Decreases Required Progress of All Projects by 40 )

- Massive progress has been made, many railway lines that were previously out of commission have been restored to their fullest capability, including that Trains that were old have been decommissioned and have been replaced with more modern ones, needless to say its only a matter of months before we fully finish refurbishment.

[] Apartment and House Construction (Stage 1): With the houses repaired and a lot more built up, it wouldnt hurt to build up more to keep up with our increasing population and the hundreds of thousands Estovakians returning back. ( 20 Resources per Die, (263/200), Overflow goes to next stage )

- Progress has been exceptionally fast with housing, we have been able to safely house many thousands of displaced families and we have managed to garner support from the population as a result.

[] Cherov Tractor Plant (Import Stage 1): Currently The Estovakian agricultural sector is in serious damage, while in any normal circumstances we would Build the plant with our own resources and expertise, however we currently lack the expertise needed so we will have to import the expertise. ( 50 Resources per die (107/150), Takes Up Work Force availability, Agricultural Sector Strength Increases )

- We Have begun to invite foreign experts to assist with building up the Cherov tractor plant, It has gone fast with the building already being mostly finished, We can expect the Plant to open within a few month's time if all goes right.

[] Building Up The Resource Mines (Stage 1): With the preliminary explorations finished, we can begin to focus our efforts on exploiting the most resource rich areas, this will be a first step in opening up Estovakia's wealth that has been hidden for so long.( 30 Resources Per Die, (308/200), Increases General Resource availability, Economy Strengths slightly, Overflow goes to next stage )

- To say progress has been fast on building up the mines is the greatest understatement, We have opened up dozens of mines which are mining needed resources that were previously in scarcity, undoubtedly Estovakia's mining sector is quickly becoming one of the largest in the world, At This rate we will extract more resources then even Osea And Yuktobania.

[] Creation of A Hospital System(Stage 2): With Repairs and Maintenance and Build up of new Hospitals complete in the cities, it is time to focus on the Rural Areas to ensure its populace stay healthy and Content, already some progress has been made but we can do much better. ( 20 Resources Per Die, 181/200))

- Progress has been relatively slow to say the least, we have started to restart supply efforts to build up hospitals after a short hiatus, Our experts put the completion time sometime next month if everything goes as normal.

[] Further Attempts at Effectivization of the bureaucracy: Our Last try at making the bureaucracy more Effective was Lackluster to say the least, we shall double down and try at making it less miserable to deal with, Hopefully it goes well this time around . ( DC 88/50, Pass ,Dice Allocation will increase)

- Our Attempt of Effectivization has gone much more smoothly then the last time to say the least, the red tape that had previously slowed government functions has effectively been slashed, we have been able to move about much quicker due to this. ( 4 Dice has been unlocked, Please select where to allocate them)

[] The Question Of Democracy:
The last few months in Estovakia, politically have been chaotic to say the least, most of the congress couldn't agree on much. The Overkommandoen has argued that Democracy should be suspended until Estovakia has fully recovered politically, and finished reconstruction, Our King differs and states that while democracy must be suspended for the time being, it should not be suspended for too long.( The Fate Of The Paradox that is democracy will be decided upon, Die Roll=65,)

- The discussions between His Majesty Ernst Pedersen and The Overkommandoen, have been rather... Unproductive to say the least. The King wants democracy to be restored, His entire reason for going with the coup was that he didn't want to see Estovakia fall into chaos again, the Overkommandoen on the other hand do not want democracy at least until Estovakia is done healing her wounds at least that's what they claim. Of course we can not allow this to continue as we risk our beloved nations stability, so we must come to a decision

[] No Friends Of Democracy: Estovakia is not ready for democracy and will never be ready for it. We as the brave sons of Estovakia must shield her from its pestilence and degenerative nature, Estovakia can only be ruled by one man who's willing to show his leadership, The people don't know what's great for them.( Is Our Nation Truly Ready For Democracy?. Each Choice will have consequences later on)

[] A Perfect Facade:
Who said we couldn't have the best of both worlds?, We shall restore "Democracy" but of course not truly, We shall make the illusion of choice, but in reality only one can win, That being our desired candidate. This should get the army to shut up sufficiently while making our king happy, Although we doubt either of them are truly happy. ( A Classic Facade, Shall We Play A Game?. Each Choice will have consequences later on)

[] A Taste Of Liberty:
We shall admit it is a bit early to restore democracy, But we can not let our dreams of a Free Estovakia be suppressed. We shall form a provisional government to help Estovakia transition to democracy, it will be long and a arduous task, but it's worth the pain to see a Free Estovakia. ( The Great Game Of Democracy Shall Roar Back To Life, Or Shall It?. Each Choice will have consequences later on)
[] Write In:

[] Revilitalize The De keiserlige væpnede styrkene i Estland:
The Imperial Armed Forces have undoubtedly seen better days, Although we don't have much of armed forces left, we can not neglect it for any longer, Our Enemies seek to destroy Estovakia and her people. We wont stand for that, thus we will start to rebuild our once mighty armed forces, Although our resources are limited as of now so we have to pirotize our efforts on one of the Branchs of the armed forces.( Military Discontent drops significantly, Unbesiegbar und legendär, Dice Roll = 69 )

The armies of Estovakia have never been in worse shape, While there is nothing inherently wrong with the Structure of the Armed Forces, it's in better shape then most of Estovakia's history. The problem lies in how battered the armies are. The Airforce And Navy are practically nonexistent, The Army and marine's are in bad shape as a multitude of issues surround them, we can not allow this to continue. But sadly our resources are limited, So we can only focus on one of the 4 branches of his majesty's army. Alternatively we could start a Superproject if wish to do so.

[] Army:
The Largest out of all the 4 Branches currently, this is a safe and cheap choice to say the least.

[] Marines: Our Second Largest Branch so far, a unconventional but cheap choice to say the least.

[] Airforce: Arguably The most important branch considering the last war, This is essentially less existent then the navy considering how much that One Ace Emmerian Pilot annihilated most of the airforce, a safe but expensive option.

[] Navy: This is arguably the least important branches out of all others, we bluntly put don't have a navy at the current moment, as most of it was destroyed in the war with Emmeria or during the civil war. This is a unconventional and expensive choice.

[] Superproject: ... Alternatively we could start a superproject, this is undoubtedly not a great nor cost effective choice as the Overkommandoen has made clear the Armed forces need top priority first, But we can always ignore them if we wish to.

1 Hour Moratorium
Funding the army would be the safe choice, the logical choice, the sane choice. But the sky calls to me.

[] Airforce: Arguably The most important branch considering the last war, This is essentially less existent then the navy considering how much that One Ace Emmerian Pilot annihilated most of the airforce, a safe but expensive option.
[X] Airforce: Arguably The most important branch considering the last war, This is essentially less existent then the navy considering how much that One Ace Emmerian Pilot annihilated most of the airforce, a safe but expensive option.

[X] A Taste Of Liberty: We shall admit it is a bit early to restore democracy, But we can not let our dreams of a Free Estovakia be suppressed. We shall form a provisional government to help Estovakia transition to democracy, it will be long and a arduous task, but it's worth the pain to see a Free Estovakia. ( The Great Game Of Democracy Shall Roar Back To Life, Or Shall It?. Each Choice will have consequences later on)

A absolute monarchy is nice but Democracies come with better resistance towards bad/incompetent leaders. Wouldn't mind going full monarchy though cause they can be fun. I'd rather avoid a fake democracy though.