Name: Heinrich Oster(Unknown if Real Name is forgotten, or discarded.) Heinrich Levi
Titles: "Boy" (The Old Man)
Age: 25
Nationality: German-Jew
Birthday: March 1936
Likes: The Old Man, Learning New Things, Praying to God.
Dislikes: The Nazi's, Being Alone, Remembering April 4th, 1941
Physical Power (1/5) You grew into a fine young man
Physical Skill (2/5) You finally grew to use your limbs effectively.
Physical Speed (1/5) You finally grew to being able to use your limbs with speed and percision!
Mental Speed (2/5) You can think faster than most geniuses'. Even now, you can use the power to grow stronger
Knowledge (2.5/5): You consume knowledge, and seek to learn more, of everything, from the simplest gifts of God's Kingdom, to the Heavens above.
Spirit (?/5): You believe in humanity's unshakeable goodness of mankind. That in the end, we are born good, and evil will never conquer.
Charisma: (2/5): With words and Actions, you can change the World!
Reading: 3: You are Literate, with a grasp of your language, concepts, and understanding of many ideas written in literature, that even most college professors fail to understand.
Writing: 2: You are a damn fine writer, and have a prouse and skill that can fill the page and invoke emotions, just not as well as you think. You can get better
Diplomacy (⅕): You are a student of diplomacy, being able to reason and argue for a position that may not be entirely of your liking.
Medicine (5/5) You are considered a highly trained practitioner of the field of medicine, being able to diagnose someone with only a minute, sometimes less, and know exactly what you may need to save them. Perhaps not a surgeon, but you know what will need to be done.
Business (4/5): You are a savvy and skilled entrepreneur, being able to create a model of success for your business, and profit for your company.
Pharmaceuticals (5/5): You are a pioneer in the study of human biology and fighting diseases, and the symptoms of problems.
Time management skill is set to 5/5: You can mange your time in such a way that it is almost impossible to even say you waste your time.
Hand to Hand (0.5/5): You are woefully unprepared for any fight that involves actually fighting. But you can protect yourself.
Medicine (5/5) You are considered a highly trained practitioner of the field of medicine, being able to diagnose someone with only a minute, sometimes less, and know exactly what you may need to save them. Perhaps not a surgeon, but you know what will need to be done.
Investigation 5/5 You are the quintessential detective, and possibly, save for maybe one or two other people, you are the best detective in the world. (+20 to all investigation rolls)
Chinese language 4/5: Your knowledge of the Chinese language, both speaking and writing.
Genetics(1/5): You are a student of Genetics and the discovery of how humanity is the way it is.
Linguistics (English, French) (4/5) You have basic literacy and understanding of the languages. You can have a conversation, albeit one with a heavy accent and where you can't pick up a few complicated words.
Telepathic Defense 4/5 Your minds defenses are impossible to breach except through the greatest of efforts from the best psychics.
Telepathic Detection 4/5 You can detect when a mind is probing your own without much effort.
Jewish Theology 1/5
You hardly remember the lessons of the Rabbi and your parents taught you. Your Hebrew is horrendous, and you believe that those stories are just that. Stories. They cannot help you.
Passive Intuitive Aptitude (1.5) You have the ability to learn skills passively, needing to only see it done, read, see or hear any concept they will understand it completely. Though at this moment you require outside instruction and more than a little training to even gain total mastery of a skill. (15 to Skill rolls)
The Infinity Effect: (5) Your body has been affected by some strange event when you were born. You do not age as quickly as others once you reach maturity. It seems someone wishes you to take part in events to come, and shape events yourself if you wish.
Mutant: You are a member of the Human Subspieces Homo Superior, which holds the fabled X Gene within your DNA. As such you have a superhuman ability that is beyond what is considered Human.
Jew: You are a member of the Jewish People. The Blood of Thousands of years of history flows through your veins.