Architects of the Great Plan - Warhammer Fantasy Old One Quest

I wonder if we could create 8 species, each one attuned to a specific wind. Complete the theme.

There are even some possible synergies.

Animal Empathy with Ghyran.

Lightning Absorption with Azyr.
I'd like that too, it would be fun.

Lightning Absorption and Wings with Azyr could result in a race of Seers, wonder if they could be able to see what the Great Calamity will be.
I've already made a plan with that
[ ] Plan Flighty Falcons
-[ ][BAS] Falcons
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Attuned to a Wind (Azyr)
-[ ][TRA] Lightning Absorption
-[ ][TRA] Cold Adapted
-[ ][TRA] Keen Senses
-[ ][TRA] Wings
-[ ] Name: Hiérax (it's just « falcon » in Ancient Greek)
-[ ] Description: they have the body and size of a man, with a falcon head and feathery wings At birth their feathers are white, and darken towards blue when getting older. The oldest have midnight blue colours.
-[ ] Location: Mountains of the Mourn

They're perfectly adapted to mountain tops, rich in Azyr. They would be superlative raiders and seers. With scouting, scrying and future-seeing, the Hiérax would be a very good intelligence gathering apparatus.

Concerning a Ghyran-attuned species, I was thinking of something like Ogres but with the magic resistance swapped for Ghyran. They could act as gardeners and heavy troops, given that their Wind would allow for a massive population growth.
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I have an idea about creating species that are tailored to deal with specific apocalypses scenarios (multiple ones. IC The Old ones don't know what exactly is going to kill them unlike us). These are two examples of what I mean:

The first one is a repurposed mass production evas expy.

[] Plan: Olden Genesis Evangelion
-[][BAS] Hominid
-[][SER] Servant Package
-[][TRA] NULL: The Aethyr is silent, the Winds are still, the World is Order. (This creature is a Pariah.)
-[][TRA] Gigantic
-[][TRA] Wings
-[][TRA] Muscular
-[][TRA] Dexterous
-[] Name: Nephilim/EVA-M (Eschatology Variant A: Magic)
-[] Description: Strange, gigantic beings of perfect white, with no facial features besides a mouth. They are devoid of thoughts and emotions because of their soulless nature, but they still have minds, which are utterly alien to the Old Ones, their servants, and other lesser races.
-[] Location: The Southern Wastes

Always Late's plan is just as good or better than the one I have there. Edit: Sorry Always Late, I changed this plan to be similar to yours.

[] Plan: Eschatology Variant B: Beast
-[][BAS] Hominid
-[][SER] Extreme Modifications
-[][TRA] Attuned to a Wind (Shyish)
-[][TRA] Thick Hide
-[][TRA] Muscular
-[][TRA] Dexterous
-[][TRA] Prolific
-[][TRA] Queens
-[] Name: ?/EVB-B (Eschatology Variant B: Beast)
-[] Description: If the tides of barbarians will be the doom of the Old Ones, then this species is of great use. They will thrive on battlefields littered with corpses, quickly multiplying in areas rich with Shyish, the Wind of Death.
-[] Location: ?
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@Always Late, can you just make your plan's Base Hominid and make them non-servants, and for adaptable, either swap Large or gamble with 6 traits.
Good plan.
I'm trying to balance two ends of a spectrum: ogres and not!Space Marines. There's tons of ogres, they're Chaos-resistant, and they're tough SOBs, but Fission has pointed at them being the ur-example of trait overload/design gone wrong. Then there's Space Marines. They're peerless fighters, mulch anyone smaller than them, but for all that perfection in design they're both hard to replace and vulnerable to "breakdown".

If we were just going for pure quantity, the bug plans from a couple updates ago could serve as a template. So the "superhuman" design has to be something with a balance of numbers, control, and strength. Flexibility with quality. If I was to give up a trait, it'd probably be Magic Resistance for the actual Adaptable trait, but then it wouldn't have a sufficient "gimmick" to get attention. They'd be normies in a Deviantart front page.

Queen+Mods+Resistance=We keep influence
Queen+Prolific+Large=A population that isn't limited by "can only replace natural die-off", rather, expand.
Muscular+Large+Mods=Good fighters and workers.

Unless the downside of throwing Adaptable into the mix can be tempered by the combination or I see people willing to take a "mundane" template, this is what I can balance out.
I had a few ideas to make better versions of the canon species.

[ ] Ogre
-[ ] Base Species: Hominin
-[ ] Adaptable
-[ ] Hardy
-[ ] Large
-[ ] Muscular
-[ ] Prolific
-[ ] Tough Hide
-[ ] Mutation Resistance
That's the canon version of the Ogres, and here's my plan

[ ] Plan Jade Ogre
-[ ] Base Species: Hominin
-[ ] Adaptable
-[ ] Hardy
-[ ] Large
-[ ] Muscular
-[ ] Attuned to a Wind (Ghyran)

I scarified Mutation resistance and deleted prolific and tough hide, because Ghyran makes them redundant. Jade magic can boost fertility and allow for casting healing and armor spells, so specific traits for that isn't necessary. That result in a strong, prolific people who has few problems with deseases and famine, the 2 biggest killers in pre-modern times. And the spell that allows to survive without food for a week would give their armies a massive logistical advantage because they would need much less food.

-[ ] Sky Titan
-[ ] Base Species: Hominin
-[ ] Capable of Magic
-[ ] Gigantic
-[ ] Long Lived
[ ] Plan Sky Titan 2.0
-[ ] Base Species: Hominin
-[ ] Gifted spellcasters
-[ ] Gigantic
-[ ] Long Lived
-[ ] Muscular
-[ ] Hardy

Here it's simple, I just changed capable of magic to gifted spellcaster and added muscular and hardy, so every one of them can better defend themselves. Hardy would allow them to better survive if they're still forced to flee their homes.
I feel like it might be a good idea to develop a more generalised race of casters, capable of using all the winds.
I had a few ideas to make better versions of the canon species.

That's the canon version of the Ogres, and here's my plan

[ ] Plan Jade Ogre
-[ ] Base Species: Hominin
-[ ] Adaptable
-[ ] Hardy
-[ ] Large
-[ ] Muscular
-[ ] Attuned to a Wind (Ghyran)

I scarified Mutation resistance and deleted prolific and tough hide, because Ghyran makes them redundant. Jade magic can boost fertility and allow for casting healing and armor spells, so specific traits for that isn't necessary. That result in a strong, prolific people who has few problems with deseases and famine, the 2 biggest killers in pre-modern times. And the spell that allows to survive without food for a week would give their armies a massive logistical advantage because they would need much less food.

[ ] Plan Sky Titan 2.0
-[ ] Base Species: Hominin
-[ ] Gifted spellcasters
-[ ] Gigantic
-[ ] Long Lived
-[ ] Muscular
-[ ] Hardy

Here it's simple, I just changed capable of magic to gifted spellcaster and added muscular and hardy, so every one of them can better defend themselves. Hardy would allow them to better survive if they're still forced to flee their homes.
These two species would be great to have on board! We should definitely create these two when able.
These two species would be great to have on board! We should definitely create these two when able.
Thanks. My Sky Titans can serve as living artillery and very elite troops. Artillery not only because they can cast magic, but also because they can use slings. A sling scaled for a 24m high being will allow to launch stones weighing several tons well outside longbow range and faster than a trebuchet projectile. Few armies or fortresses could resist such a pounding, especially not when augmented by magic. Imagine a squad of giants augmented by Speed of Light throwing canon balls at an incoming army! Furthermore, every single one of their traits extend their lifespan, and they stack. Their mages would grow very powerful. The only downside is low population numbers.

Concerning the Jade Ogres, they would serve as first response force. Their numbers and resilience is good to soak up casualties and slow enemies down for others to intervene. They can also replenish casualties faster, and their longer life thanks to hardy, Ghyran and large will make them powerful casters.
Spontaneous responses, outright rejections, and speaking out of turn were the greatest sins that a Luminary youth could make in family life.
It seems the choices for culture resulted in quite rigid social structure huh. Tho dissenting Lantenkeepers are quick (and, likely to the Lantenkeepers Amicable nature, largely allowed) to chart their own paths.

Those that refused gained greater skill paired with greater infamy, until they were finally shunned by their family and forced to live as hermits removed from the community.
Ouch, diminishing specialization is not great even if it results in a glut of multidisciplinary craft-masters.

Their top down familiar structure extended to their entire society. The Luminaries were led by an assembly of family elders that governed each town and in turn sent delegates to a higher assembly between all towns. While they lacked noble titles and legal privileges, some families were larger, had more land, and prestige to their lands. They were considered first among equals among the Luminaries, giving them considerable weight in political affairs. They organized themselves into a confederation of numerous city states across the Everwoods, dubbed the League of the Illuminated Ones, or Illuminati League as shorthand.
This vaguely sounds like how the Haudenosaunee organized themselves, CMIIW tho. Anyways, rather meme-y nickname for a society huh :V

Gods did not factor heavily into their faith.
Ohhh atheistic, or maybe more aptly vaguely deistic faith

That was until the emergence of the prophet Kadmos Euphroson, son of Euphro the Matriarch of the Ionian Great Family. Kadmos spoke of a new god Minthra that had revealed himself to him. Minthra was the personification of Hysh.
Ah, that didn't last.

Minthrason the First formalized the rules of succession well even while young. It considered itself a meritocratic institution, so family ties had less impact than individual ability. However individuals with the greatest ability, or perceived greatest ability, were often the eldest Luminaries, with few exceptions. Thus perpetuating current social systems without challenging them. The future pontiff would be chosen by vote cast by the eldest members of the clergy. The pontiff of the Minthra Church was allocated a seat on the Illuminati League.
>Recreating the Papacy through first principles

The communes of tree dwelling Luminaries found a surge in membership as hundreds and thousands left their homes to join new communities. They took the name Luktfolk for themselves. They fashioned their homes in the treetops, building into its grand structure and shaping the wood if possible to avoid damaging the tree. They rejected the paternalistic control of their society, favouring radical egalitarianism. They shed their family names in favour of more naturalistic last names.
Oh, they sound based.

Wait, considering how the Lanternkeepers are the firstborn edit:non-Servant species instead of elves ITTL, then they've just had their own and very different version of the High Elf-Wood Elf split.

Tarnished was a common insult leveled at the Luktfolk by Luminaries who claimed they lost their luster.
We Elden Ring now

These duels were displays of graceful skill as combatants came within a hair's breadth of delimbing or decapitating their opponent, often causing only minor slashes and pricks to allow blood to flow. They were dizzyingly fast, often becoming colourful blurs of movement marked by splashes of ichor, until finally one collapsed from exhaustion. Even Luminaries loved the displays, considering them wonderful displays of moderation and self restraint. Less popular among the Luminaries was the start of public executions of particularly heinous crimes. It was seen as a necessary evil by the Illuminati League, though only Dimmers were subject to it.
Wow! I'm sure this is not gonna backfire someday! Tfw if not for Amicable, they could've went Kill Em All and/or Chain Em All on the mantis...

While the Luktfolk took in many mantises which refused to forgo their traditions. Elaborate dances became popular among the communes, as many Luminaries decorated their bodies with flowers and dyed clothing to look more like their mantis companions. They refused to use the word dimmer, instead Luktfolk was a universal term for all members of their communes. Mantis wise men and women also aided them in communicating with spirits, knowing the old true names of many trees and rocks that the Luminaries did not.
This could be an embryo for a multi-species great power in the future. Interested to see how the Luktfolk develop.
Thanks. My Sky Titans can serve as living artillery and very elite troops. Artillery not only because they can cast magic, but also because they can use slings. A sling scaled for a 24m high being will allow to launch stones weighing several tons well outside longbow range and faster than a trebuchet projectile. Few armies or fortresses could resist such a pounding, especially not when augmented by magic. Imagine a squad of giants augmented by Speed of Light throwing canon balls at an incoming army! Furthermore, every single one of their traits extend their lifespan, and they stack. Their mages would grow very powerful. The only downside is low population numbers.

Concerning the Jade Ogres, they would serve as first response force. Their numbers and resilience is good to soak up casualties and slow enemies down for others to intervene. They can also replenish casualties faster, and their longer life thanks to hardy, Ghyran and large will make them powerful casters.
Yeah, they are both heavy hitters, which we'll need when Chaos inevitably pulls its usual shenanigans. I'll definitely vote for these two, hopefully enough others will too!
Thanks! I like the idea of giants being very intelligent beings who can cast magic, that's not something we see often in fiction, probably because it makes it difficult to integrate such a species in the narrative because they're too OP. The only example I know is in the web novel "A Practical guide to Evil", and those giants mostly stay in there mountains without interacting much with the outside world. But here, we have Chaos (and maybe the Orcs, depending where they come from). We need OP factions to fight them, and even if some get corrupted they will make for interesting antagonists.
I realized that I overlooked the bard plank in the winning plan, so I've edited it into the update. Just search bard to find it.

if we are updating the turtles, do you think we have time to make a more dedicated worker-caste race? i remember some people talking about Kroxigors.

because the turtles are near the donut, maybe we place elves? if its those two, it might make narrative sense on working on two races at the same time.

You can not modify the turtles per se. They were orphaned and released into the wild. You'd have to use them as a base (Reptilian (Archelon), swap out traits, and hope they breed existing populations to help spread the new traits around. They'd exist alongside the original turtles too, since archelons are designed to live a long ass time.

The Old Ones specifically gavefeed back that the modified Dragon Ogres didn't fully fit their criteria for heavy labor worker. The criteria basically made for Kroxigors.

But with this current batch of feedback, the result is to not make a ton of hyper-specialized stuff. I think it's time we bust out the human plans.

That's an interesting take away from their comments about the Luminaries...

When I got to the first named Luminary I was like "yes, perfect" I love our stick-up-the-ass moth Illuminati children, and I also love the free-spirited hippy Luktfolk. Bit concerned for the Mantises that live with the Luminaries though, yikes. I love how they've melded together.

The way the societies came together it was kind of perfect. The combination of stuff produced a fairly rigid moralizing society.

I have a plan for an Arbiter-Expy from project moon, @Fission Battery will the free Parthenogenetic trait from Light Modifications count towards the trait limit?

Parthenogenetic is a free trait that doesn't count towards the trait limit.

I have an idea about creating species that are tailored to deal with specific apocalypses scenarios (multiple ones. IC The Old ones don't know what exactly is going to kill them unlike us). These are two examples of what I mean:

The first one is a repurposed mass production evas expy.

[] Plan: Olden Genesis Evangelion
-[][BAS] Hominid
-[][SER] Servant Package
-[][TRA] NULL: The Aethyr is silent, the Winds are still, the World is Order. (This creature is a Pariah.)
-[][TRA] Gigantic
-[][TRA] Wings
-[][TRA] Muscular
-[][TRA] Dexterous
-[] Name: Nephilim/EVA-M (Eschatology Variant A: Magic)
-[] Description: Strange, gigantic beings of perfect white, with no facial features besides a mouth. They are devoid of thoughts and emotions because of their soulless nature, but they still have minds, which are utterly alien to the Old Ones, their servants, and other lesser races.
-[] Location: The Southern Wastes

Null is not approved. There may be an option similar to it in the future as a research option, but for now it's not on the table.

It seems the choices for culture resulted in quite rigid social structure huh. Tho dissenting Lantenkeepers are quick (and, likely to the Lantenkeepers Amicable nature, largely allowed) to chart their own paths.

Ouch, diminishing specialization is not great even if it results in a glut of multidisciplinary craft-masters.

This vaguely sounds like how the Haudenosaunee organized themselves, CMIIW tho. Anyways, rather meme-y nickname for a society huh :V

Ohhh atheistic, or maybe more aptly vaguely deistic faith

Ah, that didn't last.

>Recreating the Papacy through first principles

Oh, they sound based.

Wait, considering how the Lanternkeepers are the firstborn edit:non-Servant species instead of elves ITTL, then they've just had their own and very different version of the High Elf-Wood Elf split.

We Elden Ring now

Wow! I'm sure this is not gonna backfire someday! Tfw if not for Amicable, they could've went Kill Em All and/or Chain Em All on the mantis...

This could be an embryo for a multi-species great power in the future. Interested to see how the Luktfolk develop.

Hey, a big comment talking about the actual update. You love to see it. I'm very happy with how it came together.

The Luktfolk are still considered Luminaries to an extent, so like any in group they maintain certain privileges that others don't get. They also aren't trying to take down the Illuminati and instead walked away to live in tree top communes. They actively removed themselves from the system, meaning they aren't a problem the system has to deal with.

Multidisciplinary experts in various fields is useful, though it means that they cycle through their jobs. It denies them the ability to dedicate centuries to a single craft. Whether that's good or not is up to you, since roughly everyone knowing how to do stuff to run society isn't a bad thing. Grab a handful of random Luminaries off the street and anyone of them could fell a tree, carve a statue, write a manuscript, smith a hammer, tile a roof, heal a wound, etc.

I couldn't not call them the Illuminati. It's too on the nose, which is why its perfect. :p
Yeah it's similar to large confederations that's transforming into a more formalized league of city-states. The unifying culture and religion plays a part in that. It's more homogenies at the moment than the Empire.

The Pontiff is one of the many first among equals in the Illuminati League's leadership. God has approved of their social system, so keeping it going forward is seen as divine law.

I couldn't not include it as an insult. Tarnished fits very well. :p

If the moths didn't have Amicable they wouldn't have just killed and/or enslaved the mantises. That is a great summary of the Old Ones' mindset though. The thread definitely wanted the moths to be teachers and level headed, so maybe that's the Old Ones thinking they're throwing a bone to any poor natives on the planet. Cultures are very dynamic, especially between different peoples. Reducing it down to simply kill and/or enslave is very reductive.

And you will see more as time goes on how the Illuminati League develops further...

How about a Mammoth with lots of Trunks?

Think Mammoth with an Octopus for a Trunk Lol

That is not possible, no. That's more up Chaos's alley than the Old Ones.
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Joking aside, I quite like the idea of a Flying Race this time.

The Birdmen are okay, but feel a bit generic.

I did like tha massive Winged Giant EVA idea somewhat, but Null is not approved.

Could do a Giant God Warrior Race from Nausicaa?

Use Aqshy Alligned instead of Null?

[] Plan: Giant God Warrior
-[][BAS] Hominid
-[][SER] Servant Package
-[][TRA] Attuned to a Wind (Aqshy)
-[][TRA] Gigantic
-[][TRA] Thick Hide
-[][TRA] Muscular
-[][TRA] Dexterous
-[][TRA] Wings (Aqshy)
-[] Name: GIGOWA
-[] Description: If the tides of barbarians will be the doom of the Old Ones, then this species is of great use. They will thrive on battlefields and lay waste to all that oppose the Great Plan
-[] Location: ?
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Do we know what Gifted Spellcaster does with Lightning absorbtion?

Not yet.

We might need to experiment with it more?

For winged creatures I am partial to the idea someone had a while back for Chamon Bees.... Though I still like the idea of a Winged Snake Race for more Scaly Folk! ^_^

This was my earlier idea for such a Race....

[ ] Plan: Not so Solid Snake
-[ ][BAS] Reptile (Snake: Spitting Cobra)(Thermal Senses, Projectile Launched Neurotoxin Venom & Fangs)
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Adaptable (Able to function and survive many climates and is mentally flexible)
-[ ][TRA] Wings (Cobra Hood is modified into Wings)
-[ ][TRA] Aquatic: A Cartlidge based Skeleton, with Gills and Wings able to function like Flippers, with a powerful Tail enable functionality in the Water just as capable, as when on Land or in the Sky.
-[ ][TRA] Scales
-[ ][TRA] Gifted Spellcasters (Free Witchsight)
-[ ][TRA] Dextrous (Four Ambidextrous Arms with Hands and Opposable Thumbs have been added to this Race's Morphology for tasks that require finesse, in addition it is fast fast fast on it's Tail or by Wings!)
-[ ] Name: T'latl R'tlel
-[ ] Description: A Snake like Head with Nostrils, Ears, Eyes with Nictitating Membranes and Heat Pits to sense with, a long flexible neck allows for very flexible movements and high speeds of Bite Strike if required. The upper torso is humanoid but with four arms instead of Legs, also two Wings that are part of the Hood. Methods of locomotion are either via the Tail primarily or via the Wings, though the Arms do allow additional efforts in a pinch. The Skeletal structure is entirely cartlidge rather than bone, certain ideas borrowed from Shark Biology were used to give this Race, further improved flexibility and even collapsibility, for moving via tight spaces or burrowing etc, this flexibility also provides some excellent levels of shock absorption and damage mitigation!
-[ ] Location: Ind

We have the Turtles now though, so do not need another Aquatic at the moment.

So we could easily swap out Aquatic for Azyr Aspected?
You know, the Norscan plan inspired me... And if it's a race based on a meme, at least it's a Total Warhammer meme? XD

[ ] Plan: Bringers of Todd
-[ ][BAS] Hominid
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Strong
-[ ][TRA] Hardy
-[ ][TRA] Large
-[ ][TRA] Keen Senses
-[ ][TRA] Chaos Resistant
-[ ] Name: Toddy/Toddies
-[ ] Description: Large, muscular humans. Think the stereotypical Scottsman, or maybe Arnold Schwarzenneger (but only on camera, irl he's like average height)
-[ ] Location: Middenland
Do we know what Gifted Spellcaster does with Lightning absorbtion?
I'm also interested in a possible synergy between Lightning Absorption and Aqshy Atunement, since lightning and storms are inherently Aqshy phenomena.
Slap some Wings and Cold Adapted on them and you have some high-altitude storm/divination angels (along with whatever last trait you want to give them).
Uhm, storms are more Azyr, as is lightning, or the weather in general.

I think they are referring to the possibility of an altered Wind Magic.

Azyr+Aqshy= Plasma

Eg: Electromagnetism to contain super heated Gas in the form of Plasma.

@Fission Battery

Is this an idea we can pursue?

An input of Azyr that is processed into Aqshy?

Or using an Azyr+Aqshy fusion to output Plasma?
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I'm also interested in a possible synergy between Lightning Absorption and Aqshy Atunement, since lightning and storms are inherently Aqshy phenomena.
Slap some Wings and Cold Adapted on them and you have some high-altitude storm/divination angels (along with whatever last trait you want to give them).
Lighting and storm are Azyr phenomenons, not Aqshy. Aqshy is fire, heat and passion. And would you look at that, I've made a plan just lie what you described ;)
[ ] Plan Flighty Falcons
-[ ][BAS] Falcons
-[ ][SER] Non-Servant
-[ ][TRA] Attuned to a Wind (Azyr)
-[ ][TRA] Lightning Absorption
-[ ][TRA] Cold Adapted
-[ ][TRA] Keen Senses
-[ ][TRA] Wings
-[ ] Name: Hiérax (it's just « falcon » in Ancient Greek)
-[ ] Description: they have the body and size of a man, with a falcon head and feathery wings and talons on their feet. At birth their feathers are white, and darken towards blue when getting older. The oldest have midnight blue colours.
-[ ] Location: Mountains of the Mourn

That way they combine flight, cold resistance, Azyr and lighting absorption. That makes them perfectly adapted to live in a cold, Azyr-rich environment like mountains. Azyr and lighting absorption combined makes them able to just make their own lightings at will. Azyr and flight makes them super good flyers.
With great abilities to scout, scry and see the future, they could serve as a great warning and information gathering system.
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