Architects of the Great Plan - Warhammer Fantasy Old One Quest

Warhammer does have a few... non-god gods. The Greater Good and Dark Muses. The former is a much more stratified de-individualizing, while the latter is mythologizing past figures into the epitome of a new depraved culture. I would suggest either mentioning a way to include the group, or talk up how individuals Cultivate into these virtuous figures.
I'm honestly a bit unsure what you mean here. Do you mean something like this: 'Those who have followed these virtues are commigrated and recorded as exemplars of the race.'

Two Suggestions:
1. Alter the clans so that each is expected to cover a bit of everything, but each one has a thing they're best at. Less chance of one clan getting wiped out and depriving the species. Even if everyone does act in good faith, wishes can't be fishes. Have some minimal standards.
2. Skaven love Numerology, so why not go for seven? The lucky number. Scribes, bureaucrats and archivists. Artists, those who create pleasing aesthetics and tend to the mind. Scientists, who research technology the Old Ones have long moved beyond. Assassins, who seek and search. Healers, to mend the body and treat mutations. The Warriors, who field large numbers of well-equipped, well-trained soldiers. The Alchemists, who through the study of the ancient mathematical geometries and certain materials create the power sources for their technology.
I can adjust that, but if we do seven I'm half tempted to do the seven virtues as well actually. Chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. Though I'd replace Chastity with something like Commitment.
considering that these are rats and there are going to be a lot of them should we put some sort of central god for them to cause problems for the 4 in the future
Lightning is already aligned for a wind, it's difficult to make it link with something else. You either get High or Dark magic with that.

So, an updated Electrothaumaturgy Gift.

-[]Gift: Electricity's Secrets. Not only do the Old Ones grant the [x] the secrets of electromagnetism to harness for their own purposes, but also electricity's connection to Azyr, allowing that Wind to be sensed and manipulated by electrical machinery. Not lightning from Azyr, but Azyr from lightning...

EDIT:Oh, one more thing: Coffee is native to Araby.
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I'm honestly a bit unsure what you mean here. Do you mean something like this: 'Those who have followed these virtues are commigrated and recorded as exemplars of the race.'
A little bit of that, a little more like classical Chinese Cultivation. These are still larger-than-life heroes, and given the parallels between Dwarfs and Virtuous Skaven being magic resistant, those first people will become the spiritual focus that the Warp reacts to.
I can adjust that, but if we do seven I'm half tempted to do the seven virtues as well actually. Chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. Though I'd replace Chastity with something like Commitment.
For the Clan Mors/Military virtue I'd say "Duty" instead of Chastity or Commitment. Seven Clans, Seven Virtues, Seven Specialities, each clan will embody one of each. While each Virtue can be applied to all Specialities, and vice-versa, duty is especially important to both classical and modern armies as a unifier. Serving the clan, serving the Sultan, serving the State, serving superiors beyond what is expected of a civilian, it all has to come from a purpose that binds them all together. The foot-slogger has a duty to press ahead through the hail of arrows into the ranks of spears, the officer has a duty to execute the general's orders and lead the soldiers well, the general has a duty to fulfill the military objectives given by the civilian government and look after the lives under his command.
So, an updated Electrothaumaturgy Gift.

-[]Gift: Electricity's Secrets. Not only do the Old Ones grant the [x] the secrets of electromagnetism to harness for their own purposes, but also electricity's connection to Azyr, allowing that Wind to be sensed and manipulated by electrical machinery. Not lightning from Azyr, but Azyr from lightning...
Close, but needs a bit more because the species doesn't have Witchsight and the Old Ones do not use Technology that isn't just magic by a different name. Implement an equivalent to runes, and have those trained in runecraft know how to make Power Stones.
[] Plan: I'm a Rat
-[] Culture/People Name: Mangi-Jorth
-[] Names: Names often come in three parts, Personal Name-Deed Name-Clan/Famil Name. Deed Names are made with the most notable and recent (in)famous deed.
-[] Architecture: Standard Desert Architecture, very minimalist but often large.
-[] Sacred Tenet: Refinement of Self. The Mangi-Jorth seek personal improvement and "refinement", cultivating and raising themselves to be better than who they were before. If a mistake is made, they will work to make sure it isn't repeated. If they see a way isn't working, they will find out why and refine their methods.
-[] Cultural Tenets: Assist Thy Fellows. Skaven are numerous, and it is best to aid one another to rise each other to new heights. Offering advice and constructive criticism, providing assistance when one cannot do something alone.
-[] Cultural Facets: Tend to refer to each other by a mix of Personal and Clan Names in casual settings, but will always include Deed Names in formal settings and important events, refusing to use another's Deed Name in such settings is seen as an insult.
-[] Government: It is a Meritocracy with a side of Clan Council, the best and brightest among the Clans shall gather, debate, and work to do their best to lead their people as a whole.
-[] Religion: Worship The Red King and The White Queen, beings who work together to help elevate and better the world through the Mangi-Jorth, along with some minor Gods based on each Wind of Magic when necessary. The Red King is equated to the Sun, and is believed to embody the pinnacle of physical and spiritual refinement. The White Queen meanwhile is associated with the Moon where the Old Ones set up shop and is believed to be the Progenitor Mother of Skaven Kind. The "Wind Gods" are seen as worldly deities bound to the planet and have domain over their respective Winds, and embody paths of refinement related to their Winds.
-[] Economy: Typically major necessity resources like food and such are seen as something owned by the whole, though more luxury items can very between Clan and Individual Ownership. If an individual made it an item, they own it until they give it to another or they die, in which case it will go to whoever the designated inheritor is. If none exist, it is owned by the Clan as a whole until the Clan Head deems otherwise.
-[] General: They have a weird fascination with reptiles and amphibians, and will get a bit defensive of any they find and can keep as companions. Snakes are the only exception, ranging from indifferent to some individuals becoming oddly aggressive.
-[] Gift(s): Some processed Warpstone, Tomes on the processes needed to refine Raw Warpstone into Refined and safe forms, and some additional tomes containing potential uses for refined Warpstone as a starting point. Also a general education in non-magical sciences.

I made a thing!
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Warpstone Inferior. Power Stones Superior. Blackstone Best. Runes Dominate.
I don't think that's the case. We literally see in canon the Skaven do a ton of advanced science that no one else is capable of. One of the main reasons that other races don't use Warpstone is too toxic for other races. Which wouldn't nearly be as much of an issue for our Skaven. Especially considering that canon Skaven outright used refined Warpstone for currency of all things.
I don't think that's the case. We literally see in canon the Skaven do a ton of advanced science that no one else is capable of. One of the main reasons that other races don't use Warpstone is too toxic for other races. Which wouldn't nearly be as much of an issue for our Skaven. Especially considering that canon Skaven outright used refined Warpstone for currency of all things.
What do you think of my thing, and how should it be improved? Please help, I almost hit the max word limit!
-[ ] Culture/People Name: Qarah, Firestarters
-[ ] Names: Predominantly Filipino and Indonesian
-[ ] Architecture: Various Maritime Southeast styles, though always bright and colorful
-[ ] Sacred Tenets: Defy the Dark: The Thalunesh emulate the Verneyek, serving as avengers, judges, slayers against the darkness of the world.
-[ ] Sacred Tenets: Brighten the Light: The Deruneth emulate the Calum in all they do, seeking to make the world brighter.
-[ ] Cultural Tenets: Wandering Embers: Bands of Qarah will wander the world seeking bleak things to face to test themselves.
-[ ] Cultural Tenets: Gifts to Give...: The Qarah will gladly share the brighter portions of Aqshy, that which is creative and purifying.
-[ ] Cultural Tenets: ...Secrets to Hide: However, they will be loathe to share the most destructive portions of their lore with outsiders--it is not impossible, few things are, but it would be exceptional.
-[ ] Government: Various sacral kings lead a number of realms ranging anywhere in size from entire island chains to city state, seeking to emulate one of the gods in a very personalist approach to rulership and rule. Whether they are truly blessed by the gods is something of an open question: Some are, and some are not.
- [] Religion: They have their own pantheons, lead by Ateneth (Anoqeyan for Sun-Lord) and Qasarleth (Defying-Lord), the Calum (Casting Light) and the Verneyek (Justice Bringing) respectively. While one may be tempted to compare this to the Elven Cadai and Cytharai, and not entirely without cause in that Qasarleth is the patron of the Thalunesh, even at their most avenging and furious and murderous they have not a thousandth of the pure, absolute murder that burns in the heart of Khaine and his subjects.
- [] Religion: Ateneth is the goddess of the sun, life, arts, prophecy, rulership and justice (Law). In her martial aspect she bears a spear and a sling. She is symbolized predominantly by the eagle, gold, and the diamond crown. She holds many epithets, however predominant among them are the Luminous, Ill-Deterring, Many-Skilled, the Invincible, and the Brilliant. The Calum consist of higher, brighter, sunnish gods, gods of pleasure and crafting. The most widely acclaimed of the Calum are Uwunyec, Goddess of knowledge; Lonesh, god of revelry; and Vlanesh, god of hearth and home.
-[] Religion: Qasarleth is the god of the dead, war, healing, protection, fire, and justice (Punishment). In his martial aspect he bears the sword and the bow. He is symbolized by the twin-tailed comet, the volcano, and iron. He holds many epithets, however predominant among them are the Mighty, the Avenger, the High-Flame, Last Judge, and the Purging. The most esteemed among them are Lacnesh, goddess of honor; Moryek, goddess of fury; and Ficalu, god of defiance.
- [] Economy: At base rice farmers and fishermen provide the basics for the economy, offering them up to the sacral kings as taxes. They have many commodities and arts and goods to trade with the outside world and among themselves, and do so frequently.
- [] General: The Qarah regard themselves as bringers of hope and courage in bleak times, however a current exists within them that would also smite the darkness in fury and just rage.
Gandalf vibes, not Gandalf aesthetic but Gandalf vibes.

@Fission Battery is this acceptable? Asking before I start getting to the others.
I don't think that's the case. We literally see in canon the Skaven do a ton of advanced science that no one else is capable of. One of the main reasons that other races don't use Warpstone is too toxic for other races. Which wouldn't nearly be as much of an issue for our Skaven. Especially considering that canon Skaven outright used refined Warpstone for currency of all things.
WOG, Warpstone and Dhar is inferior to Old One Magic. And if you'll re-read the plan again, you'll note a lack of spellcasting ability. Which is a requisite for the canonical refinement of said Warpstone: Grey Seers.

If you want your steampunk lightning colored green, we have the Jade Wind. Wouldn't do much good for bullets, but a plan could implement Blackstone.
What do you think of my thing, and how should it be improved? Please help, I almost hit the max word limit!
Increase focus on non-magical science, implement rune-equivalent training, taught to make Power Stones, Warpstone disposal ability.
[] Plan Moon Child v2
-Culture/People Name: Qamar Far (Moon Rat)
-Names: Arabic names, clan and family names before given names.
-Architecture: Arabic/Islamic
-Sacred Tenets: Sacred Hospitality - All hosts have a duty to ensure that all guests are made welcome
-Sacred Tenets: Family above All - The life of an individual is nothing before the well being of the greater whole.
-Cultural Tenets: Artisan Priests - All priests are mutltidisplinary artists whether it be dance, music, painting, etc.
-Cultural Tenet: School Systems - Places for education is considered a basic thing for the Qamari.
-Cultural Facet: Beautiful Art - Qamari love to include artwork into everything they do, whether it be in the crafts or other stories.
-Cultural Facet: Literacy & Story Tellers - Qamari can all read and reading and writing stories is an accepted past time.
-Government: Assembled into various clans, where each clan rules an individual city state, usually one centered around an oasis. The Clans are divided into various families, which are denoted as lineages that focuses on a single trade or craft. Adoption into different families are accepted. Each Family decides its own method establishing leadership, but the clan chief is always sleected via election by the family heads. Relationship between clans are largley mercantile in nature, with diplomacy and trade being largely one and the same.
-Religion: There is the Great Mother Rat Qamar (represented by the moon), who is also goddess of the Moon, the winds are her breath given to the world. She is the mother of all Skaven Souls and upon death they will return to her side to share everything that they experience with the Old Ones creating the physical shell they inhabit. Ancestors are venerated, with the founders and famous individuals of a family taken as tutelary dieties, prayed to for guidance and advice. Rebirth is believed in with the Mother taking the old souls and then allowing them to be reborn.
-Economy: Clan resources are communal, handled and parcelled out by the Clan Chief and Family Matriarch/Patriarchs based on need. It is between Clans that the economy becomes one of trade.
-General: A species that is defined by its intense focus on the importance of family and that of knowledge and art.
-Gift: A Basic set of 8 abstract patterns that, when magic is shunted into it, bring about myriad effects. Ashqy rune creates heat and fire, Hysh rune creates a bright light, etc.
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2. Skaven love Numerology, so why not go for seven? The lucky number. Scribes, bureaucrats and archivists. Artists, those who create pleasing aesthetics and tend to the mind. Scientists, who research technology the Old Ones have long moved beyond. Assassins, who seek and search. Healers, to mend the body and treat mutations. The Warriors, who field large numbers of well-equipped, well-trained soldiers. The Alchemists, who through the study of the ancient mathematical geometries and certain materials create the power sources for their technology.
Five is also a lucky number though.
I don't think that's the case. We literally see in canon the Skaven do a ton of advanced science that no one else is capable of. One of the main reasons that other races don't use Warpstone is too toxic for other races. Which wouldn't nearly be as much of an issue for our Skaven. Especially considering that canon Skaven outright used refined Warpstone for currency of all things.
I feel like a lot of those arguments could also be made for Power Stones. They're also dangerous to work with and can be used as currency or to power interesting machines, but they're not explicitly Dhar.
-[] Gift: A series of beautifully crafted and near indestructible books that contain knowledge, riddles, and secrets. They are meant to challenge the readers, and are the most sacred texts the Skaven have. The simplest lessons contain methods on how to bind / contain magical creatures using an artistic form of writing and how to handle / use dangerous magical materials, including warpstone, as well as machines in increasing complexity. The books are meant to both instruct and challenge. (And potentially give the Skaven a chance to impress the Old Ones, slightly.)
I like this plan in general, but if you could explicitly include something about methods to refine significant magical events (notably Arcane Fulcrums) into a single Wind's Power Stone that would be cool.
Based on feedback, here's V2!

[ ] Plan: Clan Stuff V2
-[ ] Culture/People Name: Virtuous Skaven
-[ ] Names: Descriptor + Arabic
-[ ] Architecture: Arabic, though with a marked tendency towards underground dwellings.
-[ ] Sacred Tenet: Impure Magic Should be Purged
-[ ] Sacred Tenet: Knowledge Should be Discovered
-[ ] Cultural Tenet: Love of Mystery and Secrets
-[ ] Cultural Tenet: Live Life to the Fullest
-[ ] Cultural Tenet: Yes-yes, no-no. Tendency to repeat words, and a maniac cheer.
-[ ] Cultural Facet: Cleanliness is paramount.
-[ ] Cultural Facet: Being recorded in history is one of the largest goals.
-[ ] Cultural Facet: Literacy, paper books are easy to produce and people are generally taught how to read and write by multiple sources.
-[ ] Government: The base of government is the clan, a group of families who focus on a particular field of work / study. Recognized clans form a council. This council elects a Sultan for life.
-[ ] Religion: Worship is centered around seven virtues. Duty, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.
-[ ] Religion: Religion is one parts philosophy, and one part honor towards one's people. The Virtues bind the people together and encourage individuals to push to ever-greater heights. Those who cultivate the best of themselves and the Virtues are honored as Heroes and remembered in the clan.
-[ ] Economy: Principally areas are owned by one or two clans who focus on preserving and developing the area. They then trade what's produced with other clans. Negotiations can be rather cutthroat, but agreements are upheld to both the spirit and letter.
-[ ] General: The Virtuous Skaven love to poke at things and discover what they can. They have a significant drive to discover the world, and also to preserve it when they can. Their clans can be a bit mono-focused, but culturally they trust other clans to cover their back.
-[] General: There are seven founding clans, one for each virtue. Scribes, bureaucrats and archivists. Artists, those who create pleasing aesthetics and tend to the mind. Scientists, who research and record technology. Assassins, who seek and search. Healers, to mend the body and treat mutations. The Warriors, who field armies and soldiers. The magitechnitions, who focus on creating and maintaining fantastic machines and other devices.
-[] Gift: A series of beautifully crafted and near indestructible books that contain knowledge, riddles, and secrets. They are meant to challenge the readers, and are the most sacred texts the Skaven have. The simplest lessons contain methods on how to bind / contain magical creatures using an artistic form of writing and how to handle / use dangerous magical materials, including warpstone, as well as machines in increasing complexity. There are also lessons on how to refine magic into stones usable in technology. The books are meant to both instruct and challenge. (And potentially give the Skaven a chance to impress the Old Ones, slightly.)
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[ ] Plan: Clan Stuff V2
-[ ] Culture/People Name: Virtuous Skaven
-[ ] Names: Descriptor + Arabic
-[ ] Architecture: Arabic, though with a marked tendency towards underground dwellings.
-[ ] Sacred Tenet: Impure Magic Should be Purged
-[ ] Sacred Tenet: Knowledge Should be Discovered
-[ ] Cultural Tenet: Love of Mystery and Secrets
-[ ] Cultural Tenet: Live Life to the Fullest
-[ ] Cultural Tenet: Yes-yes, no-no. Tendency to repeat words, and a maniac cheer.
-[ ] Cultural Facet: Cleanliness is paramount.
-[ ] Cultural Facet: Being recorded in history is one of the largest goals.
-[ ] Cultural Facet: Literacy, paper books are easy to produce and people are generally taught how to read and write by multiple sources.
-[ ] Government: The base of government is the clan, a group of families who focus on a particular field of work / study. Recognized clans form a council. This council elects a Sultan for life.
-[ ] Religion: Worship is centered around seven virtues. Duty, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.
-[ ] Religion: Religion is one parts philosophy, and one part honor towards one's people. Serving the clan, serving the Sultan, serving the State, serving superiors beyond what is expected of a civilian, it is all used to bind the people together. Heroes are honored and remembered in the clan, and more.
-[ ] Economy: Principally areas are owned by one or two clans who focus on preserving and developing the area. They then trade what's produced with other clans. Negotiations can be rather cutthroat agreements are upheld to both the spirit and letter.
-[ ] General: The Virtuous Skaven love to poke at things and discover what they can. They have a significant drive to discover the world, and also to preserve it when they can. Their clans can be a bit mono-focused, but culturally they trust other clans to cover their back.
-[] General: There are seven founding clans, one for each virtue. Scribes, bureaucrats and archivists. Artists, those who create pleasing aesthetics and tend to the mind. Scientists, who research and record technology. Assassins, who seek and search. Healers, to mend the body and treat mutations. The Warriors, who field armies and soldiers. The engineers, who focus on developing and preserving the environment, with a side order of warmachines.
-[] Gift: A series of beautifully crafted and near indestructible books that contain knowledge, riddles, and secrets. They are meant to challenge the readers, and are the most sacred texts the Skaven have. The simplest lessons contain methods on how to bind / contain magical creatures using an artistic form of writing and how to handle / use dangerous magical materials, including warpstone, as well as machines in increasing complexity. There are also lessons on how to refine magic into stones usable in technology. The books are meant to both instruct and challenge. (And potentially give the Skaven a chance to impress the Old Ones, slightly.)
EDIT:Oh, one more thing: Coffee is native to Araby.
when the rats on caffeine(Read DRUGS💊) is when we have them speaking Canon Queekish.

"hm-yeS I sEeem-LooK to have-Haz drink much_many brown STUF☕, JItteer-Sktysh I've ben, a silly Heart-song much fast, such annoy- irtat itchscratch. word sound differ yes-yes? the MON 🌚🌝has Sibling-Pack, Purple and yellow, they are. my mind-smart is grow-swell, I'm smarter than old brain-boyz🐸, and so bigger-biggest Me-I , ~I'm the Giant rat that makes all the rules!~"
Just pointing out that not using the Skaven's unique traits of being able to work with condensed magic seems extremely wasteful. Like besides Power Stones they may be able to figure out other stuff relating to it like how the Moths figured out unique stuff thanks to their unique traits.
WOG, Warpstone and Dhar is inferior to Old One Magic. And if you'll re-read the plan again, you'll note a lack of spellcasting ability. Which is a requisite for the canonical refinement of said Warpstone: Grey Seers.
A lot of stuff is inferior to Old One magic. By that logic we mgiht as well not bother with giving them any tech because the Old Ones don't need to use it. The QM also confirmed that we don't need Grey Seers and that we could teach them other methods to purify them.

You are also missing the point in that one of the main benefits of Warpstone is it's use as a versatile power source.

@Fission Battery Can you chime in on not just Warpstone but the Skaven potentially working on other similar things like different forms of condenses magic?
A thing to remember about rat colonies, some are matriarchal. So you probably want to put Sultan/a in there. To be frank, everything about the Skaven are a perversion of actual rats. Rat generally have a incredibly stable social hierarchies in colonies. They have a tendency towards cleanliness too. (It's just that where most rats thrive, they tend to be dirty as fuck places.)
[] Plan: Sufi Rats Ghazwa
-[] Culture/People Name: The Ghazwa of Tariqas
-[] Names: Descriptor + Arabic
-[] Architecture: Bedouins with Subterranean Characteristics
-[] Sacred Tenet: We Who Struggle, the obligation of self-defense for every abled adult to form cross-Tariqa Ghazi Bands that unify when the Ghazwa or Skaven species are threatened. Otherwise, active Ghazis serve as guards, disaster response, monster hunters, mercenaries for the Skaven (eventually all friendly sapients), and/or raiding enemies of the Skaven species (evil spirits, eventually Greenskin, etc).
-[] Cultural Tenet: The Tariqas. Basic units of the Ghazwa. Grouped by differing practices in enacting Unity of Being & the related implementation of talismans. Each are created by Sages amassing enough following, with successors chosen by the late sages' disciples or the sect split between said Sages' notable disciples with Shura arbitration.
-[] Cultural Tenet: Semi-Nomadism. Mix OTL Bedouins with the rats' subterranean element.
-[] Cultural Facet: Yes-Yes, No-No. Tendency to repeat words, and a maniac cheer.
-[] Cultural Facet: Cleanliness is Piety.
-[] Religion: Unity of Being. All things emanate from existence then through the Old Ones, their "Childrens"'s object of worship (default Skaven's own gods or sacred concepts, but could adopt other "Children"'s), and finally to other living things & non-living things.* Prayers are done with dances & songs varying between Tariqas, with some Tariqas complementing with the use of safe plant-based substances.
-[] Government: The Shura, a council of hundreds comprising of delegates from each major Tariqas and coalitions of minor Tariqas. Effectively governs the Ghazwa (defining the whitelist of approved prayer substances included) & de jure lord of the Bands. Arbitrates disputes between Tariqas. Local admin is done by a Tariqa or a group of them effectively forming sub-Shuras.
-[] Economy: Sect-based communal enterprises. The House of Wealth, a pan-Ghazwa entity formed by sortition of a pool of candidates experienced in commerce with its leader appointed by the Shura, redistributes wealth progressively under the Shura's oversight as welfare, pay salaries for pan-Ghazwa employees (itself & the Shura for now) & pay the Ghazi's services, and to manage assets of pan-Ghazwa concern.
-[] Gifts: Skaven Talismans. The ability to craft tools to channel or ward-off Winds of Magic, as well as channel divine blessings & banishments. Each Tariqa has their own variants of said talismans, which is woven into each Tariqa's practice of the Unity of Being into their lives & to fight evil spirits.**
-[] General: Founded by the joining of Sages heterodox to the orthodox Skaven theologians/philosophers & the semi-nomadic communities who came to intersect with said Sages' Tariqas.

422 words including the vote categories.

*For a more developed version of this, see the Sufi Islam concept of Wahdad al-Wujud - tho that has a more monotheistic-bent pantheism.
**Examples of IRL Islamic-adjacent talismans: using Quranic verses written into parchment or charms for resistance. See this Ali A. Olomi thread

Edit2: Sorry, I forgot that I changed the religion subvote to accommodate other plans
Edit3: Changed the name of the culture​
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-[ ] Religion: Religion is one parts philosophy, and one part honor towards one's people. Serving the clan, serving the Sultan, serving the State, serving superiors beyond what is expected of a civilian, it is all used to bind the people together. Heroes are honored and remembered in the clan, and more.
Lemme rephrase that to be more generally applicable. I only mentioned that for duty, so the copy-paste ruins the intent.

-[ ] Religion: Religion is one parts philosophy, and one part honor towards one's people. The Virtues bind the people together and encourage individuals to push to ever-greater heights. Those who cultivate the best of themselves and the Virtues are honored as Heroes and remembered in the clan.
-[] General: There are seven founding clans, one for each virtue. Scribes, bureaucrats and archivists. Artists, those who create pleasing aesthetics and tend to the mind. Scientists, who research and record technology. Assassins, who seek and search. Healers, to mend the body and treat mutations. The Warriors, who field armies and soldiers. The engineers, who focus on developing and preserving the environment, with a side order of warmachines.
1. Where's the Runesmiths/Alchemists?
2. The Engineers are a mess of different, incompatible ideas. An Engineer is a distinct career from scientist, but environmental preservation and making big tanks is not necessarily something exclusive. A Scientist can invent a catapult or better fertilizer. If you want to make "Engineer", they have to be the builders. To give an example of the divide from the Clans of Kerensky: the Scientist Caste is responsible for research, monitoring genetic purity, implementing healthcare, and educating children. The Technician caste maintain all weapons, vehicles, computers, and armor. They make up the majority of the crew on their transports and navy.
[] Plan: Sufi Rats Ghazwa
Now that is a very rich culture. Any chance of refluffing for Magi-Tech, Runes/Geometry, and turning magic into Dakka?
Now that is a very rich culture. Any chance of refluffing for Magi-Tech, Runes/Geometry, and turning magic into Dakka?
Oof, I'm kinda tapped out to do that. Feel free to try to create a version two that marries it with magitech, tho. That sounds cool
1. Where's the Runesmiths/Alchemists?
Put frankly, I don't think Runesmiths are something that'd fit. Alchemist maybe, but that felt a bit too narrow honestly hence why I did engineer, and even than I'm not happy with it. These are founding clans remember. I was thinking farmer / miner, but that again felt a bit too much. Something production related? Ug. I'm unsure atm.

I did edit your rephrasing for the religion in, thanks!
And on an entirely different train of thought.

[]Plan The Rat-Race
-[] Culture/People Name: Adwakhalij, or Lights-On-The-Bay
-[] Names: Descriptive first names, Arabic last names.
-[] Location: The OTL location of Antoch, on the Gulf of Medes
-[] Architecture: The city is heavily urbanized, with narrow streets. Sandstone and mortar/concrete buildings, with whitewash and barjeels to beat the heat. Electric arc-lamps light the streets at night, powered by the windmills dotted about the city. Arabesque-based Art Deco.
-[] Sacred Tenets: It is long said by some residents that nothing is sacred in Adwakhalij. Unsurprisingly, those residents are the ones to most practice:
--[] Sacred Hospitality: Surprisingly, the practice of honoring guests for three days and nights persists even in the city. Adwakhalij's origins as a transshipment between desert caravans and sea trade has left a lasting impression as to the hostility of the surrounding desert which has yet to be shaken.
-[] Cultural Tenets:
--[]Knowledge is Good: The ruling Alsahaba fund, among other institutions, many libraries for the free dissemination of information, and issue grants for both artistic and scientific endeavors. A public school system is still in the works.
--[]Greed is...Manageable: It's well known by any trader the driving force for ill greed presents, and great pains are taken to ensure no merchantman can get too much of the pie. Mostly this is accomplished by restricting the ability of companies to establish monopolies or otherwise entrench themselves.
-[]Cultural Facets:
--[]Communal Bathing: Regular communal bathing is a fact of life in Adwakhalij, both as a leveler of social status--everyone's much the same stripped naked--and as a relief from the flurry of city life.
--[]COFFEE: Native to Araby, coffee's stimulative effects are craved by the scholars and merchantmen alike. Coffee houses quickly found themselves the center of political life in Adwakhalij, and then elsewhere.
-[] Government:
--[]Parliamentary republic-ish, with two branchs.
--[]The Alsahaba, or the Companions, an elective legislative body who in turn elect from themselves a Khalifaha to yield executive powers.
--[]The Ulama, or the Scholars, a nonelective, not-technically-hereditary body of judicial scholars that interpret the laws laid down by the Alsahaba. Decisions are made by ijma, or consensus among the scholars.
-[] Religion: There is no official religion of Adwakhalij, although in practice it's usually whatever the Ghaza would be against so long as it doesn't conflict with sacred hospitality.
-[] Economy: In theory the Alsahaba have final say on who gets to have what. In practice, a freewheeling rat-capitalism predominates, only vaguely kept in check by the increasingly byzantine tax code and, if anything, accelerated by the safety net that sacred hospitality provides. You can make your fortune fast in Adwakhalij--and lose it just as quick.
-[]Gift: Electricity's Secrets. Not only did the Old Ones grant the first Alsahaba the secrets of electromagnetism to harness for their own purposes, but also revealed electricity's connection to Azyr, allowing that Wind to be sensed and manipulated by special circuits, fractal mandalas of copper inlays. Not lightning from Azyr, but Azyr from lightning...
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[ ] Plan: I'm a Rat
I really love this plan! I want these new Skaven to maybe go solarpunk and the religion in this plan is captivating and cool! I'd also like to see them come up with like ATLA gliders somehow because airborne commando rats diving out of the sky to whoop your but with dual wielded plasma blasters or something would be totally radical!