We could have kept them somewhere where we likely wouldn't just exterminate if they got in our path. Which was the whole point of reservations. And what, Leave them be, as a drawback was. You don't do anything to them, but they in turn can do anything they want as well.
I believe our stance as the Wisest Educators forestalls both negligence and extermination on our part, both being counterproductive in any case in the face of the Doom. And in the context of that stance, forcing the natives off their ancestral lands earns us the ire of the people we're supposed to be civilizing while gaining us--or them--nothing in security.
Yes, they're going to stumble and err and bumble in the way sometimes, that's part and parcel of growing up. They won't learn if we don't let them make mistakes to learn from, and they certainly won't learn if we exterminate them for making such mistakes. We will have to be gentle, if firm, in all our ways and means.
Either we extend the arm of friendship or the arm of extinction. Half-mercies avail us nothing.
[]Plan: There Is Potential
-[] The Wisest Educators
-[]Leave Them Be
=== The Creation of Servants Part 1
Tlazcotl heard the committee's debate. He listened intently as its members discussed the merits of their proposals against each other. It continued until a rough majority had been reached by the committee. He impassively heard their reason for inaction against the natives. Mercy was not the line of argument used for there could be none when existence itself was on the line. Instead they argued that the natives were not a concern. It would be a needless waste of resources and attention to take a more direct approach. Their time was better spent elsewhere.
It was with a slow ponderous nod that Tlazcotl agreed. It was a rare fleeting instance of mercy shown by the Old Ones. The natives of the planet were too beneath their notice to be worth killing off or enslaving. They were granted the right to continue living their miserable little lives unconcerned with the Great Plan. They were unlikely to be in the way as it was. The Fated World's moon would be the main base of operations for the project, with secondary temple complexes set up in the future warm, wet tropics of the planet.
The Old Ones concluded that they should take a direct role in the education and supervision of their creations. While they trusted the competency of the slann, the need for success necessitated a more hands on approach than they preferred. The Old Ones found speaking a tiresome and slow affair compared to telepathy, and few, if any, species could match them or even the slann in the practice. The need to verbalize intents with guttural words failed to capture the complex webs of intent that thoughts alone could convey. Among the committee an individual with the patience to put words upon their tongue was chosen, who would serve as both their messenger and teacher to their creations: Uxmac. He accepted the role with quiet dignity and grace. He'd directly tutor the first generation of their creations alongside the slann, imparting the boundless wisdom of the Old Ones.
Before that could begin however there was another step that needed to be taken. The slann alone could not fulfill the needs of the Great Plan. They'd need legions of warriors and workers alike to direct to build the temple complexes. It had been some time since the Old Ones had needed to create servants, much less so many of them. There was much excitement within the committee to begin the process at once. The seers attempted to ply their skills to determine the best candidates to receive their blessings, though favouritism and personal preference muddled their farsight. The great reptiles that stalked the small, but thriving jungles in the Fated World immediately caught their attention. Bipedal creatures with grasping arms and strong jaws they possessed an inkling of intelligence, clever beasts that could be shaped into useful servants. Though anything created by the Old Ones would serve them excellently.
The Old Ones bless their servants with biological immortality so that they may serve them till the end of time. The slann are functionally ageless. There are other blessings given to their servants. They are born in spawning pools. They are magical engines of primordial creation that endlessly bubble with organic slurry. Deep inside their arcane workings are the instructions for creating life, set by a rigid fixed plan. In predictable and controllable timetables new life will march fully formed from the pools. Their minds are filled with knowledge so that they can begin their role in life without a moment's hesitation, and absolute loyalty to the Old Ones. They do have individual personalities, wants, and needs, but it is all within the ideological framework of the Old Ones. Their desires revolve around their purpose in the Great Plan.
It is an elegant system that functions without flaws so long as the Old Ones can give orders to the slann and other creations. They will tirelessly fulfill the directives of the Old Ones without pause and hesitation. Every action they will ever take will be made to further the Great Plan. There are a few, fleeting voices within the committee that think that perhaps it should be revised to allow their servants a degree of independent thought in case lines of communication are disrupted. They will still be indoctrinated before spawning, but allow more leeway in their actions. These dissenters also suggest that their servants should be modified to allow sexual reproduction in case the spawning pools are ever damaged and logistics break down.
The idea is seen as preposterous, creating paranoid contingencies for events that'll ever happen. Though is that not the purpose of the Great Plan itself? The matter is put up to debate as the committee determined it would need three new servant species to begin with. They needed strong warriors with unshakable nerves to defend the Great Plan. It'd need powerful pliable workers to construct the works of the Great Plan. Finally they'd need clerks to administer the daily functions of the temple complexes to allow the slann and Old Ones to focus on the Great Plan.
Species Creation Intro
We now enter the main gameplay loop of the quest: creating new intelligent species to populate the world with. This is sort of a test run for the process since it's creating servants of the Old Ones. It'll introduce players to the traits available and selection process. In canon that resulted in the three castes of lizardmen we all know and love: saurus, kroxigors, and skinks. Slann too, but they already exist here. Players may recreate the canon lizardmen if they so wish, however the door is open to modify them or create something wholly new. You'll see below how it's laid out.
There will be options to add more species to the rooster of servants/lizardmen in the future. So if people want to make new castes of lizardmen that's on the table. This is deciding the core three species that will make up the majority of the population for the temple complexes. The process will also be broken up into three separate votes for each caste role. That will make it easier to keep track of and encourage working together, rather than everyone all at once racing to make their own little scrumbos for every single role.
The first vote will be creating a warrior caste.
So the way this works is there is the base species. It is the raw clay that the species will be created from. All base species except hominids have 1 or 2 innate traits that can't be removed. There is a soft cap of 5 traits and a hard cap of 6 traits for each species. There are no points involved, so negative traits don't need to be added. The Old Ones are extremely powerful, so the main failures of their creations came from poor design and implementation. No pressure.
Adding a 6 trait introduces unforeseen consequences into a species. What this looks like will depend on the nature of the species created. Some native species have special traits innate to them that can't be given to other species. Traits added by base species count towards the total trait limit.
This system is partially inspired by AKuz's quest, Eternal Glory: Creating a Fantasy Empire in 55 Votes. I was figuring out how this process would look when she posted her quest, so the format fell into place once I saw how she handled it.
Base Species:
This is the species that serves as the basis for the species created. This determines the traits it may have and overall appearance. This process will not harm the overall population of the base species. The Old Ones will gather small amounts of living specimens in addition to dead bodies. It's still abduction and grave robbing, but not enough to harm the population.
[ ] Hominid
They are the perfect clay to shape into any form desirable. They add no traits.
[ ] Fimir
The large reptilian creatures are unimpressive, but size counts for something. They may also produce spellcasters, a potentially useful trait. Adds Large and Capable of Magic.
[ ] Dragon Ogre
Strong, bulky centaur-like creatures with a peculiar ability to absorb lighting. Adds Large and Lightning Absorption.
[ ] Mantises
The vibrantly coloured and violently fast insects of the forest. Adds Dexterous.
[ ] Reptilian
There are many reptiles on the planet with great potential. As they are currently animals rather than fully intelligent species their primal instincts may surface during stressful situations, like in the middle of combat. Their appearance will be decided by noting in brackets what they are, such as crocodile or theropod. Example [ ] Reptilian (Turtle) means it uses turtles as the basis. Adds Scales.
[ ] Amphibious
There are numerous amphibians lurking in the wetlands on the planet. As they are currently animals rather than fully intelligent species their primal instincts may surface during stressful situations, like in the middle of combat. Their appearance will be decided by noting in brackets what they are, such as frogs or salamanders. Example [ ] Reptilian (Toad) means it uses turtles as the basis. Adds Aquatic.
[ ] Mammalian
These are furry beasts that roam the planet. Most are used to colder environments, but there are some that roam the edges of deserts. As they are currently animals rather than fully intelligent species their primal instincts may surface during stressful situations, like in the middle of combat. Their appearance will be decided by noting in brackets what they are, such as sabertusks or bears. Example [ ] Mammalian (Rat) means it uses rats as the basis. Adds Warm Adapted or Cold Adapted. Pick either one.
[ ] Write In
Some other lifeform has caught the attention of the committee. Must include 1 innate trait, which can be from the list below or a write in. Subject to veto.
Servant Traits:
This is a special decision that won't be available in general species creation turns. This determines how much control the Old Ones will have over their creations by treating them like biological robots or not.
[ ] Servant Package
They will be ageless, spawned from pools exclusively, and fanatically loyal to the Old Ones. Without directions they will suffer from anxiety and uncertainty as they try to fulfill their previous standing orders. Long Lived and Short Livedcan't be taken as Servant Package makes them biologically immortal.
[ ] Light Modifications
They will still be ageless, loyal, and spawn from pools, but capable of asexual reproduction and a greater degree of independent thought. Without directions they will take more of an initiative in acting in ways they may somewhat deviate from orders, so long as it does not threaten the Great Plan. Adds Parthenogenetic as a free trait that doesn't count towards trait limit. Prolific can't be taken with Light Modifications because Light Modifications does not allow sexual reproduction. Long Lived and Short Lived can't be taken as Light Modification makes them biologically immortal.
[ ] Extreme Modifications
They will age like any other creature, procreate through sexual reproduction with spawning pools supplementing their numbers, and loyalty impressed upon them during their upbringing. Slight tweaks to their psyche will make them view the Old Ones as family so that they implicitly trust them, but familial bonds may break under pressure.
The main body of species creation. This will decide nearly everything about the species in question. There is no point system. There is a soft cap of 5 traits and a hard cap of 6. Going beyond 5 introduces unforeseen complications into a species. For the sake of convenience, humans are the baseline. That means all traits are relative to humans, so you don't need to take Hardy so a species can eat chocolate or chili peppers without dying.
It should be remembered that genetic traits alone do not dictate every action of a species. It's culture that guides and shapes people. Look at the diverse responses humans in Warhammer developed in response to magic. Nehekhara handled it a lot differently than Cathay did. This matters a little less for servants as they will follow the Old Ones' culture, unless Extreme Modifications is taken. That opens up the possibility of break away groups forming should lines of communication and command to the Old Ones be lost for a long enough period of time.
If no trait relating to magic is taken then the species will be affected by magic like any other creature without any special resistances or being able to use it. All traits that extend lifespan stack. You can't take the same trait multiple times.
Also please feel free to give a little description of what they look like.
Here are canon examples to help give a baseline for how the system works.
Skinks run lizardmen cities. They've taken over the day to day operations of administration, run the farms, raise the animals, make equipment, handle logistics, etc. They do essentially everything, which is why they're given Adaptable. They could also qualify as Light Modifications, except they can't reproduce asexually and still feel anxiety about if they're fulfilling the Great Plan or not.
[ ] Adaptable: It can adjust to new conditions with relative ease. That doesn't mean every single individual is filled with wanderlust, merely that on average they will travel far and wide and can survive in a variety of environments.
[ ] Animal Empathy: Able to intuitively understand animals and communicate with them, making it easier to tame them or even domesticate in time. It's not needed for domesticate animals or monsters. It merely makes the process much easier. They can sing to the birds in their own tongue and converse with monsters like friends (provided they offer food first).
[ ] Aquatic: They have several adaptations that allow them to survive comfortably in the sea as well as the land. They're able to breathe in air and water provided they're kept moist enough and possess webbed digits to aid in swimming.
[ ] Capable of Magic: Their soul is able to (somewhat) safely channel and control a wind of magic with enough training. It does not make every individual a spellcaster, merely the possibility that they could become one. They will never hope to match the power of even a slann. Does not grant Natural Witchsight.
[ ] Cold Adapted: This species is well suited to living in colder environments, through some combination of thick fur, body fat, or a fast metabolism. They'd quickly overheat in warmer environments without serious precautions.
[ ] Cold Blooded: Less able to regulate their internal body temperature, leaving them more dependent on the ambient temperature or tools to do it for them. The upside is they consume less resources on account of the slower metabolism. They are well suited to warmer environments, and do poorly in cold ones without precautions.
[ ] Dexterous: Agile, swift, nimble, all words to describe the basic idea that this species will be quick on their feet. They have more muscles suited for quick movements and improved reflexes to match. They could go into battle half-naked and not immediately die.
[ ] Gigantic: At over eighty feet tall, this is a truly huge species with the muscles to match. Its metabolism will be modified to avoid constant hunger and sixe related health issues. It'll take its place on the Fated World as a new colossus. Extends lifespan.
[ ] Gifted Spellcasters: Nearly every individual is capable of spellcasting to some degree with little to no training and can easily sense the flow of magic, while being able to safely use multiple winds of magic at once. It also makes them very resistant to mutations and other harmful effects of magic. Extends lifespan.
[ ] Hardy: A robust metabolism and immune system that makes them resistant to poison and diseases. Their diet will be widened, capable of eating a variety of foods others might consider inedible, and improve their body's rate of healing to recover from injuries easily. Extends lifespan.
[ ] Herbivore: This species primarily consumes plants and can get nutrients from a wide variety of them. It can eat small amounts of meat, but otherwise can't use it as a food source. Default is assumed to be omnivore.
[ ] Keen Senses: Excellent eyesight, can see in dim lighting without issue, and overall strong hearing without being too sensitive. They can see further, hear more details, and process all of it without being easily overwhelmed.
[ ] Large: They're eight to fifteen feet tall, held up by thick muscles and strong bones. They're big, strong, and have long strides. The perfect trait for any worker or warrior, at the cost of needing to eat more. Extends lifespan.
[ ] Lightning Absorption: This species can gain physical and metabolic power from lightning and other sources of electricity. It reverses aging, builds muscle, sharpens the mind, and extends their life. It could have interesting interactions with magic, but more research is necessary to learn more. It is exclusive to Dragon Ogres until they are used as a base.
[ ] Long Life: Extends their lifespan by centuries, easily living for hundreds of years before they feel the effects of aging. They are practically immune to all aging related diseases until the very end. Death will still come to them all the same.
[ ] Magic Resistance: They can't use magic, but are very resistant to its effects and mutations related to magic. That doesn't make them immune to spells, especially harmful ones, but gives them an edge in surviving them and any harmful effects magic might have on a creature. Incompatible with Capable of Magic and Gifted Spellcaster.
[ ] Muscular: Gives them strong, dense muscles built for strength. They hit harder, run faster, and carry more weight.
[ ] Natural Witchsight: It allows them to readily detect the flow of magic, but doesn't grant spellcasting. Gifted Spellcasters can already do this. It is compatible with Magic Resistance.
[ ] Nocturnal: This species prefers being active at night and rests during much of the day. Its senses are adjusted to life in the twilight and midnight hours. They might not like the longer days and brighter sun of the Fated World.
[ ] Obligate Carnivore: This species' diet consists almost entirely of meat. It will struggle to digest plant matter unless in very small amounts or specific plants, limiting its diet greatly. Default is assumed to be omnivore.
[ ] Parthenogenetic: This species may reproduce asexually in addition to other forms of reproduction. It will give a small boost to population growth.
[ ] Prolific: As long as there's food and no active calamity, this species' population will continue to steadily grow. Species without this trait will trend towards small growth hoving above replacement rate overall.
[ ] Scales: This species is covered with hard but lightweight and flexible scales that are almost as hard as metal. They act as natural armour.
[ ] Short: Less than five feet tall they'll be creatures of diminutive stature. Incompatible with Large and Gigantic.
[ ] Short Life: Cruelly shorten their lifespan so that they drop dead by forty. There is no benefit to this except perhaps control. Possibly useful for a disposable slave species meant to serve someone else. Traits that increase a species lifespan do not do so here, only make the species healthier until they inevitably die.
[ ] Warm Adapted: This species is well suited to living in warmer, hot environments. It'd quickly freeze to death in cold environments without serious precautions.
While we debate plans, I will only vote for something that includes this:
[ ] Light Modifications
What happens if something goes really wrong - even if we're only temporarily cut off? We don't want our servants to be flailing about ineffectively after all.
[] Plan: Wolf Hunters
-[ ] Mammalian (Wolf)
--[] Cold Adapted: This species is well suited to living in colder environments, through some combination of thick fury, body fat, or a high metabolism. They'd quickly overheat in warmer environments without serious precautions.
-[ ] Extreme Modifications
-[ ] Magic Resistance: They can't use magic, but are very resistant to its effects and mutations related to magic. That doesn't make them immune to spells, especially harmful ones, but gives them an edge in surviving them and any harmful effects magic might have on a creature. Incompatible with Capable of Magic and Gifted Spellcaster.
-[ ] Muscular: Gives them strong, dense muscles built for strength. They hit harder, run faster, and carry more weight.
-[ ] Natural Witchsight: It allows them to readily detect the flow of magic, but doesn't grant spellcasting. Gifted Spellcasters can already do this. It is compatible with Magic Resistance.
-[ ] Hardy: A robust metabolism and immune system that makes them resistant to poison and diseases. Their diet will be widened, capable of eating a variety of foods others might consider inedible, and improve their body's rate of healing to recover from injuries easily. Extends lifespan.
I didn't want to add too many categories because I was worried it was already getting too big. You can reflavour Reptilian as Amphibious by adding Aquatic to it, removing Scales, and saying it's based off a frog if you want.
Keep in mind these are meant to be a warrior caste, and I think we should focus on that.
[] Plan The First Servants Subverted
-[] Dragon Ogre
-[ ] Light Modifications
-[ ] Keen Senses: Excellent eyesight, can see in dim lighting without issue, and overall strong hearing without being too sensitive. They can see further, hear more details, and process all of it without being easily overwhelmed.
-[ ] Magic Resistance: They can't use magic, but are very resistant to its effects and mutations related to magic. That doesn't make them immune to spells, especially harmful ones, but gives them an edge in surviving them and any harmful effects magic might have on a creature. Incompatible with Capable of Magic and Gifted Spellcaster.
-[ ] Hardy: A robust metabolism and immune system that makes them resistant to poison and diseases. Their diet will be widened, capable of eating a variety of foods others might consider inedible, and improve their body's rate of healing to recover from injuries easily. Extends lifespan.
Alternatives could include changing Magic Resistance for Dexterous, on the assumption of insuring their support is available to counter magic, or perhaps Adaptable--between that, Keen Senses and Hardy they'd be well suited to having to fight in a variety of situations and environments.
Also, reading the options again. The modifications thing will apply to ALL the servant races we make. So if we want to avoid what happened to the Lizardmen in canon, we need to pick one of the modification levels.
Alas, it seems we cannot have both immortality and lizard women.
[ ] Plan: Speed freaks
-[ ] Mantises
-[ ] Light Modifications
-[ ] Dexterous: Agile, swift, nimble, all words to describe the basic idea that this species will be quick on their feet. They have more muscles suited for quick movements and improved reflexes to match. They could go into battle half-naked and not immediately die.
-[ ] Parthenogenetic: This species may reproduce asexually in addition to other forms of reproduction. It will give a small boost to population growth
-[ ] Gifted Spellcasters: Nearly every individual is capable of spellcasting to some degree with little to no training and can easily sense the flow of magic, while being able to safely use multiple winds of magic at once. It also makes them very resistant to mutations and other harmful effects of magic. Extends lifespan.
-[ ] Muscular: Gives them strong, dense muscles built for strength. They hit harder, run faster, and carry more weight.
-[ ] Keen Senses: Excellent eyesight, can see in dim lighting without issue, and overall strong hearing without being too sensitive. They can see further, hear more details, and process all of it without being easily overwhelmed.
-[ ] Short: Less than five feet tall they'll be creatures of diminutive stature. Incompatible with Large and Gigantic.
My take on a mantis warrior caste. Magic for the resistance and, well, fucking MAGIC. It's a great force multiplier. Otherwise the rest is to make them better warriors. I tacked on short because I just find it really funny. Might make our enemies underestimate us.
There will actually be an option to create servants or customized animals for other species in the future, but for the moment this is deciding the main warrior caste that the Old Ones will be using.
Also, reading the options again. The modifications thing will apply to ALL the servant races we make. So if we want to avoid what happened to the Lizardmen in canon, we need to pick one of the modification levels.
Alas, it seems we cannot have both immortality and lizard women.
No, this does not apply to the following worker and clerk servant votes. The Old Ones just made the lizardmen fairly consistent because they're you know lizardmen.
My take on a mantis warrior caste. Magic for the resistance and, well, fucking MAGIC. It's a great force multiplier. Otherwise the rest is to make them better warriors. I tacked on short because I just find it really funny. Might make our enemies underestimate us.
Eh. I'm not too concerned about that, since the trade off is that we become a good bit harder to hit, and much stealthier as well. Again, it's also because it's just a fun little quirk, so the build isn't aimed at making it 'optimized'.