Chapter 38: From the Sea, a King

The war is over. The demagogue shot himself, a rat in the sewers of Berlin as a red tide swept over the city. I am in transit to America, now. A far more fertile field than Germany was before it. The country served its usefulness, a seedbed for my plans, my fledgling network of contacts. Now, we scatter to the wind, some to England, some to Russia, some to the Americas, a small few to the far east. They have their orders, and I have ensured their mental pedigree is to my satisfaction.

They will worm their way into the petty seats of power, slowly but surely. As always, we must work in secrecy. To reveal this hope for unification to the world would be to have it ignorantly decried as evil. As if they do not understand that the evil they fought and bled to kill still keeps them apart, will still fester in the floorboards, in one form or another, driving humanity to further separation. To extinction.

No. I will save humanity. Whether they like it or not.

- From the personal journals of Lorenz Kihl, May 1945

HERZ-Matsushiro, Mid-November 2016

It was, altogether, a rather quiet start to the day for one First Lieutenant Satsuki Ooi of HERZ. She had reported to her station at the command bridge in the morning, had run all the diagnostic checks needed of her, and now she simply waited for their lunch break at her console.

To her left and right were, at least according to Major Hyuga, the ladies who were going to be her bridge-mates when they inevitably moved back to the Geofront. She had vaguely remembered them from when she started working, but now, it seemed, she would need to get to know them better.

And over the course of the last week, she'd done just that with a quiet, yet excited zeal that only getting the chance to get together with someone seemed to give her. After all, there was a lot you could tell of a person from the drinks they got, at least according to mom.

There was First Lieutenant Kaede Agano, their link to the Science Division, who was a brown-haired woman with bright brown eyes who had proven to be remarkably easy to get along with. She had a good head on her shoulders, at least most of the time, and had surprised her at the end of the week with a handmade clay sculpture of a bear she had named 'Vasily-san'. Rather thoughtful of her, that.

Her drinks of choice were usually rather airy and light, fruity too, far and away from the straight Cirocs and Reykas that had been the staple of her own family's maternal side. Uncle Grigory always said to look out for those sorts. It was how he had met his wife and designated driver, after all.

First Lieutenant Aoi Mogami, Captain Aoba's second in command, on the other hand, was far more reserved, tougher to get out to a bar. Black-haired, with grey eyes encircled by red wireframe glasses, she focused on the boring topics of work, even after the effort it had taken to remind her that she was off the clock. She certainly knew her stuff, however, and knew how to present it interestingly. She had also encouraged Agano to keep improving on her sculptures, after having examined the clay crow that she had been given. 'A symbol of wisdom', Agano had called that one.

Her drinks were likewise austere, few of them containing much alcohol at all. They had happened to bond over karaoke, however, a moment that Satsuki smiled slightly about as she remembered a rather tipsy Mogami belting her way through an almost tearful, basically perfect rendition of Yo Hitoto's Hanamizuki.

"So," she said after a quiet breath, looking over at Agano, "got anything going on tonight?"

Agano glanced up for a moment, then shook her head. "Nope, not really? What were you thinking this time?"

"I was thinking something a little more quiet than the last little while. Maybe a movie night together for our weekend?"

Agano smiled slightly. "Sounds fun. Would you mind if I invite Maya along?"

Satsuki shrugged. "The more the merrier. Speaking of…" she looked over at Mogami. "Is your schedule free?"

Mogami glanced over at Satsuki, then pulled out a clear-pad and pulled up a calendar, one which Satsuki knew was quite detailed. "Aside from a few pieces of paperwork… Nope. I'm mostly free tonight."

Satsuki smiled broadly. "Great. I'll provide the drinks. Agano, what kind of-"

Before she could continue, an alarm blared, and all their screens lit up as they jumped to attention, scanning over their now very active stations with intent eyes.

"We're seeing positive Pattern Blue signatures! Intermediary System confirming!" Agano nearly shouted, her eyes wide as she turned to watch Major Hyuga, the Commander and Deputy Commander, and Major Theisman stride into the room.

"Where at?" Hyuga asked, a serious look on his face as he strode over to Agano's side, looking down at the screen as Aoba arrived, Maya in tow.

"They've appeared all over the world." Agano said, the shocked proclamation chilling the room.

Satsuki heard an "I'll get the pilots ready." from Major Theisman as Agano continued. "I've got several in North America, a big one in Europe, one in Africa, another big one in South America… and two heading towards Japan."

Hyuga glanced over at the world map on Ooi's screen for a moment before straightening up. "We'll need visuals, intel on what we're up against. We'll need to link with the Sonne and the Cataphract, as well. Aoba, Mogami, start on coordination efforts with the governments of the affected areas, make sure they start seeing this as well. Place priority on contacting the nations with Evangelions and warning them. They'll likely get support from our Units, but they need to be warned regardless."

As Aoba and Mogami began to contact the governments and militaries of the world, Hyuga turned to look at Misato. "Anything you need from us, ma'am?"

Misato shook her head. "Not right now. Let me know if the situation changes drastically. I'm going to contact the Massive Weapons Use Committee, then drop in on Daniel's briefing of the kids. I'll be back then."

Hyuga nodded, snapping off a salute as Misato turned to Ritsuko. "Let's go tell the Committee what we're doing." she said with a quiet sigh.

. . .

Commander's Office, 20 Minutes Later

Misato stared silently at the screens in front of her from behind her desk, waiting on the reactions of the Committee to who she had just relayed the situation.

"This…" the North American representative, a man whose name she constantly forgot, began, scoffing slightly as he paused. "This is somehow worse than the Angels, I feel. At least they only came one at a time in one location."

"Perhaps." Misato replied levelly. "Until we get visual confirmation back on all of the threats before us, though, it'll be hard to know for certain how dire our situation is. My people are ready and raring to go, as I'm sure those national pilots who are in the know right now are as well. Is there any special consideration or instruction that you will be giving us?"

The head of the Committee, one Chairwoman Edith Thibault, shook her head, a grave expression on her face. "At this point in time, we leave the operation in your hands. As dangerous as it is to say this, just this once, you have carte blanche to do whatever is necessary to eliminate this threat. Commander… good luck."

With that, the Massive Weapons Use Committee disappeared from her screens, and Misato leaned back in her chair as she looked up at Ritsuko. "They're getting out of the way and letting us do our job." she said quietly, a slight tinge of wonder and satisfaction in her voice.

"How novel." Ritsuko replied with a slight smile. "It's not like they can do much of anything else, really."

. . .

Briefing Room, Near the Evangelion Cages

Daniel studied the long-range observation drone scans intently. They had managed to capture pictures of a fair few of the threats that now entered into this world, high quality and everything.

One picture showed nearly half a dozen massive grey beasts, their blue and green and orange bioluminescence easy to pick out in the darkness of the Rocky Mountains. They seemed to be sticking together for the moment, from what other intel was attached to them, as if somewhat afraid to descend upon the city centers. They'd likely have to move quickly, however, before the beasts gained confidence.

Another picture showed something like a massive hooded snake slithering towards Munich, a massive splotch surrounding it, lit up by thermals, becoming an army of dragons, dinosaurs, and some kind of humanoids in the next picture. Rough estimates made by the Intermediary System numbered the secondary force at around half a million individuals.

One taken in what was once the Democratic Republic of the Congo showed a similarly serpentine beast, trunk-like forward legs leading up to a pair of hooded ears and massive tusks. It was utterly unfamiliar to him, but it seemed like something that was entirely suited to the vast savannah that it now roamed.

In the heart of Nova Brasilia, what looked to all the world like a classical devil, clad in white armor and glowing with blood-red light, strode towards a city center, surrounded by legions of terribly familiar demons and crackling with fiery lightning that subtly twisted the space around it.

But the two pictures that worried him most were the ones several kilometers off the coast of Japan. Dark blotches in the sea, similarly massive sonar pictures. One was built like a massive tube, the other had ridiculously long tentacles trailing out behind it. Other than that… that was the extent of their info until they made landfall. If one of them made landfall at all.

He set the tablet on which he viewed the pictures on the table that he, the Children, Misato and Ritsuko surrounded, a long tap throwing the pictures into the air in a tree of slowly spinning branches, and sighed quietly. "Sometimes I wonder how good it is to be a nerd in my profession." he mused with a soft, grim chuckle as he stroked his beard.

"And why is that?" Ritsuko asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Because I have a general idea of how much of a mess we're in. And I'm not going to lie to you, it's a big one."

He leaned on the table. "We'll start with the most prominent threats: the ones with small-scale armies behind them." he pointed to the snake. "This is most likely Buraki, an ancient Korean fallen celestial being looking for a power that will allow it to ascend to near godhood. It's not going to find it here, but it's going to make a hell of a mess while it does it."

"And what about the devil missing his pitchfork?" Asuka said, nodding at the picture that held its visage.

"That," Daniel said darkly, "is the Icon of Sin. A being twisted into a war machine by demonic energies and shackled to be used by, again, nominally celestial beings. This one will need to be dealt with as quickly as possible."

"Why is that?" Hikari asked.

"Because the longer it stays out of its interdimensional cage, the stronger it becomes. Eventually, from what I've heard, it will get to the point where it is breaking down spacetime around itself and destroying the planet that we stand on before taking the whole universe with it, given enough time. Even if it doesn't have an AT Field, it'll still have whatever demonic magics are up its sleeve, and those get… fairly wild from the little I've seen of it."

Daniel continued into the silence. "Other than those two, the others are a lot more simple. These ones, in North America, are simply Kaiju from another world. Similar to our more tame Angels like Sachiel and Israfel, but no AT Fields. It'll still pay to be careful though. As for the African… thing…" he shrugged. "I don't know. Whoever gets tasked there should approach it with caution."

"And what about what's coming here?" Misato asked. "Any guesses on what they are?"

"I have a guess, based on the tubular one's trajectory, but…" Daniel shook his head after a moment. "I won't know until we get a solid visual on them."

Daniel nodded after a moment. "Alright. Let's get to deployments. Rei, Kaworu, you'll be going over to America to help Orien deal with these Kaiju. Be ready. They'll likely have some tricks up their sleeves. Mari, Mana, you'll be going to stop the Icon of Sin and support the Nova Brasilian armed forces in wiping out its army. Toji, Hikari, you'll deploy to Africa to support Mavuto. Mayumi, you'll go to Europe and link up with Arantxa and the EU forces. Finally, I, along with Shinji and Asuka, will be deploying to Old Tokyo alongside Musashi and Keita."

"Old Tokyo?" Shinji tilted his head slightly. "Is that where it's landing?"

Daniel nodded. "Indeed it is, based on its trajectory thus far."

He looked around at the pilots as he tied up his hair into a simple bun and tapped on a bracelet, bringing up two rings of light as he stepped towards the door. "Alright. Suit up and move out. Those of us going out of the country will be teleported out by the Sonne." he smiled slightly as he paused and turned. "Let's go do what we're the best at, shall we?"

The others followed behind, and the click-hiss of sealing Frame Plugsuits filled the hallways as they made their way towards the waiting Frame Plugs.

They entered their craft as quickly as they could, floating out of the bays and into the bright open air as they began to deploy.

As the process progressed, arming themselves as they finished forming, Mari, giddy with excitement, couldn't help but revel in the returning Thrill, tapping her foot to a pulsing, thrumming beat only she could hear and put words to.

Here we go again, here we go again,
The best that's ever been, best that's ever been,
Rolling in like a storm cloud, loud as the thunder,
Bring the thunder down on the unlucky little bad guys…

The words trailed off soon after that, but the feeling of anticipation remained.

Soon enough, they all stood ready, weapons in hand, in the valley of Matsushiro, 10 Frame Titan Type-E's, 10 Evangelions, ready to go and save the world.

"Alright, Sonne," Daniel said as he pulled up the vessel over comms, "We're ready to go whenever you are. Sending you location data now."

"Acknowledged, Major." the Sonne's comms officer replied. "Good luck and good hunting. We'll provide some sensor support, but don't expect any orbital bombardments out of us. That's in Cataphract's wheelhouse." Daniel could almost hear the slight, wry grin in her voice.

"My thanks." Daniel replied with a slight smile as he scanned across the loose circle. Mana and Mari, FT Unit-07 and Unit-08, were the first to leave, fuzzing out of existence. Mayumi, in FT Unit-09, followed soon after. Rei and Kaworu, FT Unit-05 and Unit-06, disappeared, then Toji and Hikari, back to being (Frame Titan) Unit-03 and Unit-04, were the last to vanish, leaving FT Unit-00, FT Unit-01, and FT Unit-02, two of them gleaming in the sunlight in their ever familiar color schemes, standing alone in the valley.

"Alright, lady and gentleman." Daniel said with a slight smile as FT Unit-00 turned towards the blasted ruins of Old Tokyo. "Let's not waste any more time, shall we?"

- - -

Hokuto Ground Force Base, Hokuto

First Lieutenant Musashi Strasberg took a deep breath as he waited for the Japanese Ground Force Evangelion A-1 to finish forming. This was it. Real, honest to goodness combat. Against what, he still had no idea, but if nothing else, he knew who he would be going into combat with. Not just Keita, piloting Evangelion A-2, but Shinji, Asuka, and Major Theisman. A solid team, if ever he'd heard of one. Whatever came, he was sure they would be able to handle it.

As the formation process completed, Eva A-1 and A-2 stood stark against the sky, austere grey digital camouflage broken up only by a Japanese flag on one shoulder, a JSSDF Ground Forces patch on the other, and two stripes crossing from right to left over their chests, A-1 sporting a purple one, A-2 wearing green.

Keita's face popped in on a comm screen, the face of Major Hoshi Fujimori, their handler, to his right.

"Lieutenants, you'll be deploying to the edge of Old Tokyo to link up with HERZ's Units in preparation to intercept the oncoming targets."

Musashi and Keira shared a glance. "Isn't Old Tokyo still a radioactive hotspot, ma'am?" Keita asked, no small amount of uncertainty in his voice.

"Indeed it is. But, according to HERZ, a low-level AT Field will protect you from the worst of it." Fujimori paused, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Good luck, Lieutenants. Good hunting. Do us proud. After all, Second Lieutenant Suzunami will be watching quite intently."

Musashi and Keita nodded as they picked up and stowed the Pallet Rifles and Progressive Glaives that were, for now, their only armaments. "Yes, ma'am." Musashi said. "Moving out."

- - -

Old Tokyo City Limits

It was somewhat weird, Shinji thought, to see so much of the land that had been the capital city of Japan showing. Most of it had been underwater the last time he had been here, deployed to stop the out-of-control Jet Alone mech. He had deployed on the outskirts of the city, the view of the ocean blocked by a big tan and red humanoid war machine.

Now, though, as the water had started to recede due to the efforts of the League, it had unearthed a vista still ticking with radiation from the dirty bombs that had started… well, nearly everything that had to do with the Impact Wars, really.

"Asuka," Shinji asked idly as they waited for Musashi and Keita to arrive, "how high was the sea level after Second Impact?"

Asuka glanced up and to the side in her comm panel silently for a moment. "When all was said and done, the highest it got was about 70 meters higher than normal. Now, though…"

"It's at about 15, 20 meters worldwide, last I heard from Mrs. Moon and her team. It'll be back to regular sea levels by the time we get into next year. Now, though..." Daniel interjected. "Depending on where the threat goes, we might still be wading as much as walking through these ruins."

"Maybe." Shinji said quietly.

It was silent again for a moment before Asuka looked intently at Daniel's comm screen, the sound of thunderous footsteps in the distance ignored for the moment. "So, what do you think we are going to be fighting? You said you had a guess, singular. So… what is it?"

Daniel sighed quietly as he looked back, the transponder tags of the approaching Evas marking them as Musashi and Keita's. "Well, Asuka…" he glanced up, a flight of what were likely reconnaissance drones passing overhead. "We've got a measurement on it now from the Intermediary System. About 340 meters from point to point. Something that big, which we know is from another World Engine, heading straight for Tokyo by way of sea…"

"No way…" Asuka shook her head as Musashi and Keita appeared over comms. "What am I saying? Of course, it's possible, with what you showed is going on elsewhere."

Daniel nodded. "This is likely going to go one of two ways. Either we can make this work for us, or this is about to be very, very, very bad and we'll need to deal with it as quickly as possible."

He nodded at Musashi and Keita. "Gentlemen, welcome to the party. Now that everyone's here, let's get moving. AT Fields up."

With that, they began to advance into the great and silent tomb of long-lost Japan, the headstone of the old world's grave.

. . .

In the Matsushiro command center, a tone sounded on Mogami's terminal, and she pressed a finger to an earpiece for a moment before turning to face her superiors. "JS Zuiryu is confirming the sonar profile of Anomalous Object 1 is beginning to surface. Visual contact in approximately 1 minute, landfall at the Chiba prefecture about 3 minutes after that."

Hyuga nodded, looking around himself. Adira and Shigeru were at his side, and just behind them, Misato and Ritsuko. His gaze landed back on Shigeru. "Aoba, what's the status of the Central Army units?"

"They're about 40 more minutes out from the city limits. They're under the command of one Brigadier-General Fukashi, who will be turning over command to Major-General Katsuragi for the duration of the operation."

Hyuga nodded, and they looked back up at the main screen, a flanking drone's camera showing the growing shadow in the waters just off of the coast of Japan. Then, something began to break the surface. A lot of somethings.

At first, they blended in with the sea spray that they made, then reached above it, rows of instantly recognizable bone-white, jagged plates rendering the entire command center silent as their owner began to stand on the now comparatively shallow ocean floor only a few dozen meters out from the shoreline.

Sheets of ocean water cascaded down a black, cobble-scaled body, broad and thick, that was supported by two trunk-like legs, clawed hands grasping at the end of muscled arms, and eyes that were a baleful orange and yellow wide and wandering, a jaw filled with teeth gaping wide in a roar no one needed sound to hear.

"It's… Godzilla." whispered Ritsuko.

. . .

Daniel looked intently at a screen that showed Godzilla as he began to march forward, his distant roar able to be picked up by the Eva's audio sensors, and heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank god. It's not Shin Godzilla."

"Shin Godzilla?" Asuka asked incredulously. "What is that?"

"A version that came out as a movie in 2016 where I'm from. Endlessly adapting, utterly hellbent on destruction. Twisted. Sick, in more than one sense." Daniel grimaced for a moment. "Last I saw, it was splitting into a whole lot of human-sized versions before it got frozen."

"Oh, dear." Shinji said quietly. "That is bad."

"Indeed." Daniel paused for a moment, the grimace disappearing. "And the kicker?" he began to smile slightly. "The movie was directed by Hideaki Anno and composed by Shiro Sagisu."

Shinji and Asuka's expressions soured at the mention of the first name as Daniel chuckled slightly at their reaction. "Oh, joy." Asuka snarked. "The architect of our cinematic misery."

"At least the music would have been decent." Shinji muttered.

Musashi and Keita were thoroughly flabbergasted. "What… is going on? Are you guys movie stars or something, and we just didn't know?" Keita asked after a moment of silence.

"We'll explain later." Daniel promised. "For now though, like I said, we aren't dealing with Shin Godzilla, or any other monster related to Godzilla, for that matter. With that in mind…"

FT Unit-00 slowed to a stop, the others taking a moment before following his lead. "I feel we should stand back. Assess the situation for a moment." he glanced over to a freshly opened comm panel to the command center. "Is that alright with you all back home?"

. . .

Hyuga nodded at the image of Major Theisman on the screen. "You're clear, Theisman. Current estimates of its speed predict he will reach Old Tokyo in a little under half an hour. It'll give us time to get a good scan on him. If he gets overtly violent when he's near your position, then move to engage."

"Yes, sir." Daniel said, and Hyuga turned to the small circle of the command staff. "Aoba, are those Central Army units informed of our situation?" he asked quietly

Aoba nodded. "Yes. They're breaking off their march. Air units are deciding to circle the city and not directly engage unless ordered to. The Navy is standing by as well. They know better than to throw themselves at something like that."

"Doesn't everyone?" Faez said somewhat darkly. She shook her head after a moment. "What can we do to supplement the Evas just in case they need it, then? Do we break out one or more of the Lance copies we have in the Geofront?"

"Deploying a Lance copy would tip our hand disastrously early before we've even had a chance to fully study them and reverse-engineer them." Ritsuko said with a serious expression. "The political fallout is almost too great to mention. Besides, Godzilla has no AT Field to nullify, at least so far as I know of. The weapon would really only be of limited use."

After a moment, her expression became thoughtful. "However… I wonder if we have any spare cadmium lying around…" she mused as she watched the screen showing Godzilla marching across the old Chiba prefecture, chuckling softly.

Maya looked at her with an arched eyebrow. "Cadmium? What good will that do us, Senpai?" her eyes widened as she connected the dots, nodding slowly as she smiled slightly. "Oh. You want to use it to slow down the nuclear reactions that he's inevitably making."

Ritsuko looked over at Maya for a moment as she nodded. "It was also used to physically slow down and knock out Godzilla in the 1984 film. It almost killed him. If this Godzilla is from that era, so to speak, then perhaps we can try that strategy as well, Super X or no."

Misato's brows, along with the brows of the rest of the command staff, rose, and Ritsuko's expression became slightly defensive. "What? I watched the Heisei era movies when I was younger. Miki Saegusa is at least 35% of the reason I started learning Metaphysical Biology in the first place."

Misato shrugged after a moment's silence. "I don't know. Maybe, if it comes to it, we'll whip up some cadmium-based weapons we can stuff down its throat. In the meantime, we have the Evas. We know how well they work. I think they'll be able to handle a big lizard with a spicy breath."

"For now, though," Misato continued as she looked back up at the screen, the others' eyes following hers, "we wait."

. . .

The time passed somewhat slowly for those sitting in the pilot's chairs, watching the feed of Godzilla as it walked through Tokyo Bay. It was close, now. And Daniel had an idea stirring in his head.

A moment's wondering had him keying up the command center again. "Command, we know where Godzilla is now, but what about the other target's location?"

"Still seabound." the voice of who he remembered was First Lieutenant Ooi replied. "It seems to be taking the long way around Chiba. Based on its current speed, it'll be making landfall about 15 or 20 minutes after Godzilla does."

Daniel nodded slowly. "Alright, then." he said softly as he looked back at the screen that showed Godzilla as he took a step onto what was the shore of Tokyo, skeletal ruins effortlessly being crushed underfoot. "Here he comes." he said quietly.

They waited and watched Godzilla as he walked and waded through the ruins. His pace had slowed, and he paused from time to time as he scanned the silent city often. He seemed… confused more than anything.

"What's the radiation around him like?" Asuka piped up after a moment. "Do we know how hot our combat area could be?"

"Radiological scans are in progress." First Lieutenant Agano replied. "Stand by."

Within the command center, Agano watched her screen intently as the scans came back, only in passing noting Deputy-Commander Akagi and Major Ibuki coming to a stop behind her seat.

Godzilla, of course, was the brightest source for kilometers around, nearly eclipsing the rest of the radiation present within Old Tokyo. He drew in the emissions around him like filings to a magnet, the radiation readings around it dropping slowly, but steadily.

However… he did not seem to emit any radiation of his own. At least, for the moment.

"How odd." Ritsuko mused quietly, cupping her chin thoughtfully.

"What's that?" Shinji asked as Ritsuko's comment drew the attention of the other pilots, Strasberg and Asari becoming linked up in moments.

"This Godzilla is taking in a lot of radiation. Like, a lot of it. Visually, nothing really seems to be changing with the creature, but… with background radiation dropping by several curies a minute, in a several dozen meter radius around him, I get the feeling that the cleanup crews the League were planning on sending in might not be needed as much. Not only that… but he's not putting out any sort of emissions. He's just… consuming it."

Ritsuko's brow furrowed. "Which makes no sense. Anything taking that much radiation in should be putting at least something back out. Unless… maybe his soul is turning that radiation into Metos, somehow?"

Daniel's lips pursed as he took in this information. "And where is he now?"

"Currently passing from the Chiyoda district to the Shinjuku district. At your current location, you'll make contact in about 10 minutes." First Lieutenant Ooi replied.

Daniel nodded slowly. They were in the Nerima district right now. And, if the idea he had worked…

"I'm going to begin approaching him." FT Unit-00 began to slowly walk forwards, the others following behind him. "Alone."

"Alone?" more than one voice said. Asuka was the first to continue. "How stupid are you? Do you really think you'll be able to take him on yourself?"

"No." Daniel replied as the crystalline rifle in Unit-00's hands, a close approximation of the Pallet Rifles A-1 and A-2 wielded, disappeared. "And I have no intention of fighting him. Stay back for right now. If there are too many of us, there's a much greater risk of spooking him."

"What's going through your head, Daniel?" he heard Misato ask only somewhat incredulously.

"Honestly, something that's really stupid." Daniel paused as he continued on alone. "But if it works, it's really going to work."

. . .

Daniel began to seriously reconsider having the others stay out of sight as Godzilla came into view, and he turned to regard him.

Oh, he was tall, wasn't he? All 100 meters of him looking down at what he must have regarded as this stick-figure of a thing slowly approaching him, hands to the sides, palms back. As non-threatening as he could get.

"Hey, big guy." he said under his breath, the speaker system for the Eva still putting it out regardless. Unit-00 paused for a moment as Godzilla growled, the several dozen meters between them not stopping the sound from seeming to seep into Daniel's bones. "I'm not here to hurt you unless you hurt me. Promise."

He reached out with his soul, his Sight confirming what he'd already suspected. Other than the light of Lilith, this was perhaps the single brightest soul he had ever seen. After long, almost agonizing seconds, he connected.

Confusion. Wondering. Even some… sadness. Those were the first emotions that Daniel felt as he deepened his contact, projecting as much calm, confident friendliness as possible. However, there was something else there, too. Something he hadn't quite expected as he pushed the contact further. A sensation of… familiarity.

'Now, why is that?'
Daniel pondered, as he began to sift through the thoughts and memories attached to that emotion, Unit-00 taking another tentative step forward as he did so.

Within the memories, he found… a face. An impression of a human face, hazier now, perhaps, but still a clear enough mental imprint to make out details. The face of a woman with short black hair and a kind, knowing look in her black eyes that seemed to stretch far beyond her years. Why was she familiar?

It was a moment before the realization struck him in what felt like the face, his eyes widening slightly. 'Miki Saegusa.'

He began to approach again as he started to sift gently through the memories that Godzilla had, pausing for a moment as he heard a low, warning growl. "Sorry, big guy." he said quietly. "Just… looking around."

A shorter view was one of the latest that he found, looking up into the sky at what could only be a devil. A deep crimson thing, its body covered in ridges as it glided around on two massive wings, its frilled head looking about as it roared, a jutting orange horn crowning it.

The battle that came after was a blur, the crashing of rubble, the hellish purple glow of his foe's breath. The pain. The stabbing, bursting, burning pain in his chest as the thing landed, changed its form, and plunged a dagger-like tongue into him.

The burning remained as he shoved the creature off him, his own breath driving the creature back. Father arrived soon after. The battle lasted into the night.

Then he grew too weak. The beast, in a massive, final form, dragged him across the ground, lifted him into the air, and simply… let him drop.

Beaten, weak and fading, his vision blurred. He felt a suffusion of life from his father, a small thing. But… it wouldn't be enough. And slowly, he slipped away.

Then… a blooming of power.

He drank from it as if he would die of thirst, the power crashing into him like an ocean wave. He felt it… changing him. Strengthening him. Growing him taller and taller until he let out a scream of triumph, of mourning, of challenge. And none dared answer him.

"It's his son…" Daniel said, barely above a whisper, as his eyes went wide.

"Come again?" Misato said, confusion evident in her voice.

"This Godzilla's father was the Godzilla of the Heisei series. This Godzilla had near-constant human contact with Miki Saegusa. He must have gotten pulled through not too long after his father melted down from the fight with Destroyah."

Ritsuko's eyes widened. "That explains his ability to take in radiation so easily." she murmured over the shocked whispers and quiet gasps that rippled through the command center.

Unit-00 took another step forward, one of its arms slowly coming forward as Daniel stopped again, his hand only a few dozen meters away from Godzilla as he projected the general idea of a handshake.

Godzilla looked down at the outstretched hand with no small amount of confusion, even hesitation. Then, a small step forward, and slowly, Godzilla reached out a hand and grasped Unit-00's in a firm, almost crushing grip that made the armor on Unit-00's hand creak slightly as Daniel winced.

Back at Matsushiro, the stunned silence that now hung over the command center took on an altogether different tone, broken only by the doors opening to allow Eleanor to step through before it was truly broken by Misato. "You've got to be shitting me."

A wave of laughter, partly at the sight before them, partly at the tension broken by their commanding officer's disbelief, washed through the command center as the other pilots also began to chuckle and laugh at the sight playing out on a comm screen.

"Alright, boys and girls," Daniel said to the other pilots as the laughter died down, "I think it's safe to come up now. Take it slow, weapons stowed. No need to freak him out too much."

The expression he had was one of a man on an adrenaline high, a slight, almost disbelieving smile on his face and a wondrous gleam in his eyes. On Eleanor's face was a look of utter bemusement. "Living the dream, dear?" she asked with a slight chuckle.

"You have no idea." Daniel chuckled, releasing Godzilla's clawed hand as he stepped back, slowly backing up towards the other Evas as they came into view. Godzilla took a step back, growling softly, or at least, as softly as a monster of his size could.

It made the other pilots pause, and Daniel projected as much reassurance as he could through his link. "It's all good." he said slowly, gently. "These are friends."

Shinji and Asuka chuckled somewhat nervously, Musashi nervous enough to not even do that much. Keita, on the other hand, had wide eyes and a quiet chuckle. "Wow… never thought I'd see an actual Jet Jaguar moment…"

Daniel chuckled in turn. "Yeah. Neither did I."

Before anyone could go on, they all heard a trilling tone. It had come from Agano's station. "Anomalous Object 2 is picking up speed! It's breaching the surface!"

Daniel and the others turned to the distant sound of crashing water, Godzilla turning as he began to stomp towards it, his lumbering steps shaking the ground as he roared at… whatever was out there, the sound rattling the pilots, some even putting a hand up to an ear.

"Do we have a visual on the target?" Daniel mustered as he shook his head, the rifle he had created beforehand reappearing. "Whatever it is, it's got the big guy really riled up." he looked up, watching as lances of yellow light slashed through the sky, the sound they carried with them the whir of a dentist's drill writ large grating at their ears.

"All our drones are getting knocked out!" Mogami's voice held an edge of anxiety as drone feed after drone feed saw a blur, then static, the wing disappearing in seconds. "Whatever it is, it's now airborne!"

"Contact in…" Ooi paused for a brief second. "30 seconds!"

"AT Fields ready!" Daniel raised his rifle as a speck in the distant sky came screaming at them silently.

The monster glided in on massive wings of scintillating energy that snapped out of existence as it touched the ground, the wings becoming massive tentacles tipped with undulating blades that extended nearly out of sight. The muscled, fleshy body of the beast was a ruddy red, spikes of blue on its knees offering the only other color on its body that didn't glow. Grey armored spikes emerged from legs capped off with almost hoof-like claws, and its arms ended in armored spikes. Its chest and back were covered by a similar armor, the armor on its back making a spiky shell, while within its chest, several ovoid, glowing protrusions formed an almost mesmerizing display. Its head was a single, spearlike helmet, a hollow in the top center allowing an orb of glowing orange to shine forth as it gave a growling, almost mournful keen.

"What is that?" Asuka asked incredulously as a stout, gunmetal grey side-by-side shotgun with a blade appearing in between the barrels flowed into existence in Unit-02's hands, the weapon crackling with energy as sparks jumped from one point to another all along the gun.

"Iris…" Keita nearly whispered.

"What?" Shinji asked. Before he could get an answer, he noticed a glint from the corner of his eye and a flash of yellow light.

On instinct, an AT Field spiraled into existence, and a beam of light and sound slammed into it, Shinji willing the barrier to hold up for as long as it could as he summoned a weapon, flame spiraling into existence and becoming compressed into the shape of a rifle.

The beam's fire stopped, and Shinji dropped the field, squeezing off one 3-round burst, then another, the reports sharp and distinct snaps of crackling flame.

But where he had fired, the tentacle was gone, and Shinji's eyes narrowed as he scanned his surroundings. They widened again as he noticed the wave of rubble flying into the air. A wave that advanced towards him.

It was only moments after that the tentacle swept his legs out from under him, Unit-01 falling square on its stomach and driving the breath out of Shinji's lungs with the impact as he turned Unit-01 onto its back, his eyes widening at the sight that greeted him. Overhead, another tentacle flashed, a single, curved blade at the end hanging in the air for the briefest of moments before plunging down on him.

With a shout, Shinji rolled Unit-01 out of the way, hearing the bladed tentacle slam into the ground once, then again, then again. As he rolled, he caught the tentacle that had swept him careening back towards him.

He stopped rolling, lying Unit-01 flat on its back as he threw up an AT Field in front of him as he gathered Metos in spots on his shoulder and back, hastily weaving the Frames as the tentacle slammed against his field.

After harrowing moments, he activated the Expression, jets of fire and sound flaring to life and pushing him off the ground, the tentacle sweeping under him as the jets along his back flickered out, the ones on his shoulders propelling him to land on his feet.

'I can't believe that worked.' Shinji thought with no small amount of amazement. It was the only thought he was able to process as he caught the two tentacles snapping back together, pointing at him as another flash of yellow light made him throw up an AT Field.

It bored down on him, straining his AT Field in a way few other foes had. 'Maybe, if I try and lock it in place…'

Before he could finish his thought, a buzzing bang jerked the tentacle out of the way, slamming it into the side of a wrecked building as it became caught in a web of electricity flowing between pellets of metal, jerking back again and again to no avail as its blade-tips twitched.

Shinji looked over to Unit-02 with a sigh. "Thanks, Asuka."

"No problem." she replied jauntily. "These things can take a surprising amount of punishment. Best to stick them in place and kill the thing itself."

Shinji nodded. "Do you know where Musashi and Keita went off to?"

Unit-02 scanned the terrain before Asuka nodded. "I see them. Follow me."

Unit-02 walked past Unit-01, and Shinji followed behind, keeping watch on their backs in case one of the tentacles decided to break free. "Think Daniel's doing fine?" he asked offhandedly.

"Shinji, he's next to Godzilla. As long as we keep these tentacles off them, I think they'll do fine."

A little ways away, Unit-00 and Godzilla moved side by side, approaching what Keita had called Iris. It held its head low, its arms up and together in something approximating a boxer's block.

Godzilla roared again, his dorsal fins glowing blue for a moment before a torrent of superheated plasma streamed forth from his mouth, slamming into the block and beating down on it as Daniel shouldered his rifle, four rails detaching and floating by the sides of his rifle as he fired, three rows of shots in a line joining the bombardment as Iris continued to charge forward regardless.

Soon, it closed enough distance, and Godzilla's beam snapped off as he charged, the two titans slamming together as Daniel backed off, dodging a wildly swinging tail as he connected to Keita again. "Asari, you seemed like you recognized this thing. What is it?"

"It's a beast called Iris, from the Gamera movies of the '90s." Keita replied as he fended off another of the tentacle's beam attacks, snapping off a burst of Pallet Rifle fire. "It can absorb the DNA of its opponents in order to grow stronger."

"Great." Asuka interjected, her shotgun's report sounding through the comms as she sighed dramatically. "Another movie monster. Any glaringly obvious weak points we should know about?"

"There's a glowing section of its chest that, if we burst, will weaken it significantly."

"Which one?" Asuka shook her head incredulously. "There's like, a dozen of them on there!"

"The yellow one in the center!" Keita sighed in exasperation as he flinched back from another beam. "Damn these supersonic scalpels…" he muttered.

Daniel looked back as Godzilla clobbered Iris, sending it crashing through the ruins of a building. "I'll try and relay that to Godzilla. In the meantime, keep those tentacles busy!"

"On it." was the terse reply from all of them as Daniel moved in, relaying the information as best he could to Godzilla, the rails floating from the sides to circle the barrel of the gun as Godzilla let loose another atomically charged breath that slammed into the upraised arm of the monster. Daniel aimed, and after a momentary star appeared at the end of Daniel's barrel, a stellar particle beam joined the barrage. 'Come on…'

Daniel watched as the arm began to move. "Heads up, Daniel!" he heard Shinji shout. "You have a tentacle coming at you!"

Daniel looked over, and saw the yellow flash of the lance slice at Godzilla's back, carving furrows into it that sprayed deep crimson blood as Godzilla roared in pain, his beam flickering out of existence for a moment.

The arm straightened, and Daniel watched as the blade at its end shot forward, spearing into Godzilla's stomach, the roar becoming a gurgle. Then, Iris' arm blade began to glow an almost sickly green, flecks of black and glowing blue flowing from Godzilla's wound into the arm and the body.

Daniel fired again, the beam of his rifle slamming into the arm again, and Iris emitted another keen, one that was beginning to sound concerningly like a distant echoing of Godzilla's roar.

Godzilla finally pulled himself off the blade with a growl, the wounds on his back already almost finished closing up, as he continued to step back, almost stumbling as Iris began to rise.

"I think he just absorbed some of Godzilla's DNA." Daniel said, anxiety edging into his voice as he intensified his beam.

"Oh, shit." was the wide-eyed, deadpan reply Keita gave before something slammed into Unit-00's back, sending Daniel's Eva falling forward, a hastily thrown up AT Field battered aside as he hit the ground, another raised just barely enough as Daniel looked back, and saw a cruel, green-tinted facsimile of Godzilla's atomic breath bearing down on him.

Daniel shook his head in disbelief. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." he muttered as he got to his feet, glancing back to see Godzilla shake his head, roar again, and go charging back into the fray, slamming into Iris yet again. 'He's got persistence and endurance, as expected. Let's make the most of it.'

. . .

Across the way, Asuka was getting really tired of keeping these things busy. Now, they seemed to copy Godzilla's atomic ray, in addition to getting more and more wily, faster, seemingly even more intelligent.

Asuka ducked Unit-02 under a bladed swipe, then yelped as its other half tried to slam into her from the side, causing her to jump back as the tentacles recombined, flashing blue as Asuka threw up another AT Field for the atomic beam to slam into.

She had stopped using her shotgun after the webbings were simply blown away by a short-range pulse of some sort that came from the blade tips. Now, she had followed in Musashi and Keita's lead, gripping a long-hafted ax with a spike at the cap and long beard as she pressed forward towards the portion of the tentacle that lay on the ground, swinging her ax overhead with a wordless shout as the beam attack stopped battering at her AT Field.

The coil twisted out of the way as the blade bit deep into the ground, the buzz of electricity thrumming through the air as the strike threw up rubble and what little water they splashed through as the fight spilled over into the still waterlogged portion of the city.

Asuka growled softly as the blade tip of the tentacle sliced over an armor plate on her shoulder, a shower of sparks flying off of a cut that slashed through the HERZ logo. 'Damn things. Sit still so we can chop you up!'

She glanced over at the other three boys for a moment as she blocked another strike with an AT Field. They were doing… well, almost as well as she was. Musashi and Keita slashed at the tentacles with their Progressive Glaives, their swings mostly hitting either the empty air or flashing through the water below, throwing up plumes of steam as the superheated blades passed through.

Shinji's weapon, a bident not entirely unlike the Lance of Longinus, its blades a little broader, had a similar effect on the water around them, the flames it was composed of having no effect on his hands. 'Bet he doesn't even get burned when he's cooking now.' a distant part of her rambled off. 'Lucky.'

She threw up another AT Field behind her almost on instinct, watching as the tentacle circled around Unit-01 as she felt the impact of her own tentacle on the field. Why was the way it was circling Shinji concerning her…

Her eyes widened as the water around Shinji erupted, throwing up a wall of seaspray as Shinji put his guard up. The constricting tentacles cared little as they wrapped around Unit-01's upper half, the bident in Shinji's hands slammed against his chest as he jerked against the bindings to little avail.

"Asuka!" Shinji called out. "I'd appreciate a little help with that ax!"

Asuka took a step forward and watched as the tentacle wrapped around Unit-01 began to glow with a pale green, almost teal light. "Shinji!" she shouted.

Another pulse rippled out from the tentacle, and Shinji shouted in pain. The pulse came again, then again, then again, Shinji's shout turning into a scream as the pulse began to heat up the armor on Unit-01.

All else around Asuka fell away, her rage at hearing Shinji's pain focusing her on a singular point, the tentacle's length that began to dip into the water, as she charged, a wordless shout thundering along with Unit-02's footsteps, ax held high and glinting in the noonday sun, an AT Field at her back warding off the tentacle that continued to hary her.

She came to a stop, throwing up waves of water as the ax came arcing down, all of Asuka's annoyance and anger and desire to protect the man she loved flowing into an AT Field that enfolded the blade of her ax, causing it to gleam with prismatic light and crackle with barely contained lightning as it slammed through the tentacle into the ground beneath it, twin columns of water shooting into the air.

The tentacle wrapping around Shinji spasmed, then loosened, the coils falling to the ground in a tangle as Shinji heaved a sigh of relief, then charged forward, batting the tentacle at Asuka's back aside as it let out an atomic beam.

"Thank you, love." Shinji said as he took a moment to catch his breath.

"And thank you." Asuka replied before she keyed up the other two pilots. "How are you two doing?"

"It could be better if my hands weren't bound together." Musashi gritted. "We'd appreciate some support."

"I'm on my way." Shinji said. "Asuka will take care of hers, then come up and support one of us."

"Use your AT Fields to enhance your weapons!" Asuka said sternly. "It seems to be the only way to do some lasting damage to these things now."

"Yes, ma'am." was the response from Musashi and Keita both as Shinji began to move away.

Asuka nodded, turning back to face the tentacle that had been on her back for the past several minutes, and an almost cruel smirk tugged at a corner of her lip. "Alright, you sharp piece of calamari." she muttered. "Let's see you try something now."

As if in response, the tentacle separated, the two halves of the once claw-like blade drifting to either side of her. Asuka watched them silently, her body coiled like a spring as she waited for a moment, ready to put up an AT Field right where she wanted it to be. 'Come on… try me already…'

In a flash, the spears darted forward. 'Yes!' Asuka thought.

One of them slammed into an AT Field that flickered out of existence the moment that the blade struck it, sending it reeling back for a moment. A moment that was all Asuka needed as she stepped to the side, the blade she dodged shooting past her as she raised an ax crackling with electricity that played across a blade that had become coated again in a prismatic field, bringing it down with a shout of satisfaction as a gout of pale blood spilled into the water below the bisected tentacle.

She looked down at the pool of blood growing in the water for a moment, then stepped forward and turned back to dodge the other half, grabbing it firmly and squeezing the flesh under her fist as it tried to jerk back to no avail, the ax in Asuka's hand sliding down as she changed her grip to just under the head.

"Alright, that's enough." she chided as she energized the blade again, noting the buildup of what she assumed was nuclear energy. "This'll be over quick, so stop squirming."

With that, she forced the blade through with a sickening squelch, the blade at the end twitching before going limp as it was finally severed.

She looked down at the piece in her hand for a moment before dropping it. "Well, that's done and dusted." she said as she looked into the link with the other pilots. "How are the rest of you doing?"

"We'll get them pinned down eventually, ma'am." Keita replied. "They've all split, but spears are easier to deal with than atomic breath weapon copies."

Asuka nodded. "Alright. Daniel, how are you and the lizard doing?"

Daniel's brow was furrowed in concentration as another of the roars Godzilla gave, a roar which Asuka had begun to tune out, echoed through the air. "We could be doing better, I'll admit." he paused for a moment. "This thing is…"

He paused, sudden movement evident as he leaned slightly. "Mainly coming after me now. I'd appreciate another dance partner or two to even out this thing's size advantage."

Asuka was silent for a moment before she nodded. "Alright. I'm on my way."

She glanced over at Shinji, Musashi, and Keita. "Do you boys think you can manage those tentacles?"

"We'll make it work." Shinji said firmly. "Go help Daniel and Godzilla."

Asuka missed as Shinji shook his head in wonderment as she began to run back towards the dry ground on which the titans danced.

. . .

Daniel stumbled back, an AT Field blocking the swinging arm-blade as Unit-00 made another jab with the swordspear that had replaced the rifle in its hands.

Iris pressed forward regardless, leveraging its nearly 20 meters extra height, and the reach that came with it, to simply try and batter its way through Daniel's defenses.

Daniel glanced over at Godzilla as the monster kept his distance, roaring and letting loose an atomic beam every few minutes on Iris' back as he healed the deep wound that had been made in his stomach. As effective as the wounds that they made could be, that those wounds now began to close again put a distinct crimp in the plans that Daniel had first made.

'And this damn yellow spot…' Daniel tsked as it flashed into sight once again before he had to bat away a slicing arm blade, then disappeared behind a frankly gargantuan arm that Daniel's next overhead stab clattered off of.

From the corner of his eye, he caught an arm blade slicing towards him, and he jumped back, the tip of the blade slashing across his chest, the scratch, joining several others, still running deep enough that Daniel had a flash of worry for his core. While not an Evangelion core in the traditional sense, the Pneumaic engine at the center of Unit-00's chest was still its main source of power. If it was breached, the Evangelion would lose all mobility and power. Game over.

'Come on, Asuka…' Daniel thought with a deepening brow. Then, he felt a familiar connection, a suffusion of confidence and panache only one person he knew could have to the depths of her soul, and Daniel stepped Unit-00 back as Asuka drove Unit-02 forward, hacking once, then again, then again at Iris' arm, a stab at Asuka's stomach blocked by Unit-00's AT Field.

"My, Daniel," Asuka chided with a smirk, "and here I thought having Godzilla on your side would make this easy for you."

Daniel tsked even as he grinned. "Well, I'd like to see you helping out much when you have a gaping stab wound to tend to." he glanced over at Godzilla, noting that the hole was now less than a quarter of its original size. "But I think Godzilla might become a little more active again soon. We need to keep this thing busy until then."

Asuka scoffed. "Please. Keeping this thing busy will be a piece of cake when we're not worrying about its tentacles."

Thus, they began to dance with Iris, weaving and dodging in and out, a slice here, a jab there, as they slowly began to break down the defense that was presented before them. A gash there, a shallow jab into the chest here, all their attacks slowly inching closer and closer towards that one glowing yellow point that would signify victory.

Then, Iris finally seemed to reach its limit, a wailing shriek piercing the air as the tip of its spear-like face began to glow green.

Daniel and Asuka's eyes widened as they dashed to the sides just before a beam of screaming green energy lanced out, carving a channel between the two Evas before it swept to the right, Asuka ducking with a startled yelp as it passed just overhead.

Daniel's eyes widened as he saw the path that it would take, vaporizing building tops as it swept towards Godzilla. He stepped forward, an AT Field beginning to spin into existence between the titan and the beam, when Godzilla roared, and his spines gave off their ionizing blue light.

A moment later, blue fire erupted from his mouth, catching the beam at an angle and reflecting it at its point of contact. The beam continued to swing around regardless, and Daniel and Asuka hit the floor again as the end of Iris' 'breath' weapon came sweeping back towards them.

Soon enough, the beams were aligned with each other, their point of contact a chaotic maelstrom of plasma that bled from one beam to another, flying away in wisps of color and light. Daniel and Asuka could only stare at the display in open awe for a moment. Then, anxiety began to mount within their hearts as they slowly watched Iris' beam begin to advance.

As they stepped forward to assist, however, Shinji spoke up, an almost fearful tone to his voice. "The tentacles have broken off! They're heading towards you!"

Daniel and Asuka turned, readying their weapons as the tentacles in question flew towards them, splitting off and striking at them as AT Fields flared.

The Evas pushed forward, swinging out at the tentacles as they dodged away, Daniel and Asuka's brows furrowed in concentration as they worked in near-perfect unison, a strike meant for Asuka batted aside as she raised an AT Field to stop another blade dead in its tracks.

Moments battling the tentacles became minutes, and Asuka sighed quietly as she dodged another stab. "I hope the others are on their way because I don't know how long the big lizard is going to make it." she nearly growled.

"If there's anything that could make it, it's Godzilla." Daniel replied as he froze a tentacle in place, a ring of gemstone hanging in the air for a moment before a flashing pulse freed it to dance away from Daniel's swordspear chopping down.

. . .

In the command center, all eyes had been drawn to the main screen, which showed the clash between Iris and Godzilla, and the silence that hung over them was one that was tense, anxious, and somehow, filled with desperate hope.

'Come on.' Misato thought as the tension grew with each inch that Iris' beam advanced. 'Of all the things I thought I'd root for to help save the world, the last one was you, big guy. Come on…'

Then, a tone began to sound on Agano's station, drawing her gaze, along with Ritsuko's and Maya's, down to the screen.

It was silent for a moment, and Misato's gaze, along with a few others, was slowly drawn to the three scientists. "What is it?" Misato asked, daring to break the silence.

"Godzilla's radiation intake has increased dramatically." Ritsuko said. "He's drawing in energy from… all over the city."

Quiet gasps went up around the room as Misato looked back up at the screen, then narrowed her eyes. "Wait a minute…" she paused. "Is he changing colors?"

All eyes darted back up to the main screen to see Godzilla's beam growing not only brighter, but slowly shifting in hue, the blue beginning to bleed into a deep, vibrant purple. And the tide began to change.

Slowly, surely, the beam Iris emitted was being pushed back, the pace beginning to pick up as Iris took a step back, then another, then another, the tentacles harrying Evangelions Unit-00 and Unit-02 flying towards Godzilla, stabbing into him over and over again in a desperate attempt to wound him enough to make him stop.

But, after a moment's more of struggling, Iris was overwhelmed, its head and chest disappearing into a river of light that snapped off as Godzilla closed its mouth.

The tentacles fell limp, and the remains of Iris, its arms and stomach now making a u shape around the open air, fell back with a crash.

All expected some roar of triumph, some display of superiority, but they got… nothing. What must have been a deep breath, a sigh of either relief or exhaustion. Without sound, they could not tell which.

Hyuga was the first to recover his wits. "What's the radiation levels of the city look like?" he asked.

"It's… impossible." Maya said, then shook her head slightly as she looked over at Makoto. "The city… it's completely clean. If not completely, then at least enough to allow people to move in again."

A quiet, shocked gasp rippled through the room as Misato stepped forward. "Pilots, what's Godzilla's status?"

. . .

Daniel looked at Godzilla as he heaved another rumbling breath, and reestablished the connection to his soul, dropped in the heat of battle.

Tiredness, all-encompassing. Calling him to deep sleep.

Daniel projected as much gratitude as he could as he looked to his sides to see the others coming up slowly behind him and Asuka. "He's not a threat anymore. We don't need to engage him."

"Alright. Then what do we do with him?"

"Let him return to the sea, for now." Daniel watched as Godzilla regarded the group of Evangelions for a moment more, then turned away, marching with slow, heavy footsteps towards the shoreline. "We'll figure out a proper response, if there needs to be one, while he's asleep, I think."

"Alright." Misato sighed quietly. "Go ahead and come home."

"Actually, Misato," Asuka began, "is there anyone that needs our help? I'm still up for some piloting, and we can redeploy easily enough."

"Yeah, actually." Shinji nodded. "I'm sure Mari and Mana would appreciate some help. Arantxa and Mayumi, too."

"That is a very good point." Misato said. "Shinji, go ahead and get ready to deploy to South America. Asuka, you'll be going home for a little bit. Daniel, anywhere in particular you want to go?"

Daniel hummed for a moment, then nodded. "I think I'll go with Shinji. The Icon of Sin must be contained quickly. An extra pair of hands is only going to speed up the work."

"Very well. Stand by for transport." Ooi said, and Shinji, Asuka, and Daniel wondered for a moment how the others were doing before they disappeared from the face of Japan.

You had me at Godzilla.

And it only gets wilder from there. We've got two world's fights and trials of various kinds to get through, so this is going to be an action-packed last arc to the story.

As a side note, the timing of the discussion on Hail to the King/Leviathan over on A&T was rather well timed, wasn't it?
That (and at least one other fight) will be the chapter after this next one. We'll be doing some weaving between this prime Echo and the Rebuild Echo until the Rebuild's story gets to the point I plan to finish at.

Edit: It may not be in that chapter (sequencing is still a bit in the air at the moment), but worry not, the world will be saved fully from this Incursion.
Last edited:
I know that, usually, I try to go at least once a week for an update, but since Elden Ring has released, I've become somewhat lost in the Lands Between.

However! There has still been progress made on this chapter. Therefore, a little preview of what's to come for all you lovelies.

- - -

An hour passed, and Asuka found herself back in that comfortably familiar place, slowly and carefully marching Unit-02, Pallet Rifle held overhead, through what her memory told her would have been… what was it that geography class had taught her… that's right. Chennai.

Asuka blinked. 'Wait a minute. I never studied geography. I never even went to college. How do I know that?'

She focused for a moment on that darker part of herself that seemed to have this air of… smugness at the thoughts. "Got something to say, Angel? You've been remarkably chatty the last little while."

"No. Besides, your focus should be on murdering my sibling, shouldn't it?"

It took all the training that she'd ever don't to not make Unit-02 stumble. She still managed to catch a toe in what was probably a ruined high-rise regardless.

Maria's face appeared in a comm screen as Unit-08 turned back to look at her. "You good, princess?"

"Yeah." Asuka replied as she steadied herself again. "Damn core material blending in with the ocean…"

"What the hell was that about? You freaks are related?" she tried to ask as she continued on her way.

But there was nothing but silence again.

Asuka sighed quietly. 'Alright. Fine. Keep your stupid secrets. Won't keep me from killing this thing.'

But a small part of her wondered. And she wondered what that small part was. Was that fully her? Or was Bardiel beginning to bleed into her more fully, blending the two of them? How would that even work?

Those questions were for later. Right now, it was Angel killing time.
Chapter 39: Fountain of Life and Death

Chapter 39: Fountain of Life and Death

My study of the Scrolls continues apace, and the connections that I have found within the scriptural texts of several religions. Angels, Adam and Eve, or Lilith… such terms could be amenable to those whom I seek to induce into this conspiracy.

America has proven a very useful place, if overly indolent and riding on the high of their supposed 'saving of the world' from the evils of the Second World War. But they are as riddled with disease and corruption as anywhere else in the world. Racism, classism, all the ills of a humanity that is not homogenous, not united where it truly counts. It matters not where I chose to go, it seems. I would be reminded of my duty to save the souls of this world regardless.

However, a way to more easily spread my influence abroad has also recently presented itself. In the aftermath of the war, the United Nations, born from the ashes of the League of Nations, has come into being. A better vector for bringing numbers to my nascent cabal, my SEELE, I almost could not ask for.

- From the personal journals of Lorenz Kihl, May 1946

Western Coast of Australia, Another World, Early 2023

Captain Katsuragi of WILLE watched intently from the bridge of the Seikaku as the cargo container-laden converted aircraft carrier began to slide into the hastily prepared dock near the village it was delivering to, over what was once the city of Perth. It was a delicate process, and a tense silence hung over the bridge as they watched the tugboats guide it in gently as they could.

After a moment, it stopped, and a UN Fleet sailor, one of many whose uniform was getting more and more worn and frayed as time had worn on in its inevitable path, looked up from her console, a hand on a headset. "The Carl Vinson has docked successfully."

A quiet sigh gusted through the bridge, and Ritsuko nodded as she looked over to Misato. "Well done, Captain. It seems your idea is sound."

Misato nodded. "It needs to be. KREDIT is the first real step to rebuilding the world. Once we get rid of the Evangelions, ensure that there will never be another Impact, this will be where I go." she paused for a moment. "After all, I've got to keep busy somehow."

"Right away?" Ritsuko arched an eyebrow. "Not back to your son for a little while?"

It was a long moment before Misato looked back at her, offering a wan smile, a rare sight these days. "He's so much like his father, from what I hear."

The smile disappeared, and Misato looked away again as she sighed quietly, the thought seeming to physically weigh on her. "I don't know if I can ever face that again. I don't… I don't want to fail another poor boy, you know?"

Ritsuko sighed quietly. They had been back to Village-3 several dozen times now. Misato had found herself buried in work every time. A terrible coincidence, she had always said. After all, keeping the fleet in working order was big work, almost as big as managing NERV. And...

Ritsuko had only ever seen Ryoji Shinji Kaji in passing as the years went on, in the care of one Bunzaemon Horaki and his family and friends, but… Misato certainly wasn't wrong. He really was his father's son. Even if he didn't recognize her as more than someone who knew his mother.

"So," Misato finally said, Ritsuko knowing she wanted to change the subject, "how do you think the new recruits are doing?"

"They've got the willingness to try and help, if nothing else." Ritsuko sighed as they stepped off of the bridge and into the long, somewhat cramped hallway beyond it. "The former NERV and UN staff have done their best to help get them up to speed where they need to be, but…"

She shook her head as they continued to walk, the hallway empty save for them. "Tennison has reported an almost unprecedented number of work-related injuries due to inexperience, mishandling, outright stupidity, as she put it in her last report. Takao as well. Aanderson is seeing maintenance staff of all stripes currently, actually, Evangelion related or not."

Ritsuko smiled slightly. "But if nothing else, they both say it's nothing too serious thus far, and it's giving the young Ms. Suzuhara her fair share of training." her smile faded away. "But Tennison's concerned. I am too, frankly. This is risky."

"It's what we need to do, now." Misato said grimly. "We've lost too many men and materials trying to keep the skies clear so that KREDIT could go worldwide. Anyone willing to help us is going to have to do."

She paused for a moment in the hallway as she finally seemed to process the other name that Ritsuko had mentioned. "Wait a minute. Who's Takao?"

"Our new head of non-Evangelion engineering." Ritsuko looked at the signage near where they stood for a moment, then nodded forward. "In fact, if we go ahead towards the engineer's post, we'll likely run into him and his young protege."

Misato's brow furrowed for a moment, then she shrugged. "I don't see why not."

They continued down and into the ship, soon coming to a well-lit room that rumbled slightly from the proximity to the engines. It was a rather tight space, a console showing a wireframe outline of the ship and many of its essential components taking up the bulk of the far wall, several other monitors and consoles spread across the others, one wall also containing a door that likely led further into the ship's mechanical depths. Taking up much of the space were two men, one taller and broader than the other, and a plethora of books and manuals of all kinds placed on every surface that could hold them.

As Misato and Ritsuko stepped in, the taller man turned, showing a head with no hair and a full beard and snapping to attention seemingly on instinct before loosening up as his gaze fell on Misato, his eyes full of wondering as he stepped forward.

"Misato…" the man chuckled as he shook his head. "It sure has been a while, hasn't it?" he asked, an almost forlorn tone to his voice.

Misato's eyes narrowed slightly. "You sound… familiar. Where do I know you?"

The man scoffed quietly, a wry smile quirking his lips. "Well, we've both aged quite differently since college. For one, I used to have a little more hair. Not as much as Ryoji, mind you."

Misato blinked, then her eyes widened slightly as the voice finally clicked in her head, a voice whose owner, one who had a much fuller head of hair last she saw him, she remembered from days in college now long past. "Koji?"

Koji Takao nodded as he stepped forward and offered a hand. "The one and only, of course. It figures you wouldn't remember little old me, going off into the Maritime SSDF while you adventured all over the world with the SFGs, and Ryoji went off into intelligence."

Misato's smile faltered for a moment at the repeated mention of Ryoji's name before she took Koji's hand and shook it as she chuckled. "Well, we certainly appreciate your help here in WILLE."

She glanced over Koji's shoulder at the young man who now looked over at them, a thin face under a puff of black hair regarding them with no uncertain apprehension. "Along with…"

Koji looked back, smiling slightly as he beckoned the boy over, the boy slowly stepping forward before coming to attention and saluting. "Hideki Tama, ma'am." he said quietly, seeming almost unsure of what he was saying.

"He's one of the new volunteers, been learning from me how to keep things running here on the Seikaku. Mostly by using all the manuals he can stick his nose in." Koji chuckled softly as he put a hand on Hideki's shoulder. "He could also learn to loosen up just a little. There's only so much time in life to be overly serious, after all."

Hideki shrank down slightly. "Well, sir, as I've said before, reading is the fastest way for me to learn."

"Maybe." Koji admitted with a slight shrug. "But it'll never beat hands-on experience. And we'll be getting there, trust me."

Hideki nodded, and Misato looked back at Koji. "Well, you'll likely be getting your hands-on experience off of the Seikaku. We'll be transferring command staff over to the Kaga in the next few days. Maybe you can come with us."

Koji's eyebrow arched. "One of the Izumo-class carriers?" he hummed after a moment. "Well, it'd certainly be a lot roomier over there, if my service on the Hayashi is any indication."

He smiled slightly after a moment's thoughtful silence. "Maybe we can get together sometime before then. Commiserate over some drinks. Finish off what little mourning we have left to do."

Misato was silent for a moment. Thinking about the past, thinking about him, either of them, was… hard. She'd barely touched a bottle or a can since she had found out about Ryoji's death, even with the temptation being strong in the days after. But… it really was time to move on. She was with Makoto, now, and… well, she didn't want Ryoji to be an anchor on either of them.

She sighed quietly, then nodded. "That sounds good. Maybe we can do it on the Kaga when we've moved over there."

Koji smiled slightly. "I look forward to it." he said quietly.

Before he could speak any further, an alarm blared, and Misato's phone buzzed. She picked up the call quickly. "Yes?" she said, her voice and face a mask of command.

It was quiet for a moment as Misato listened to the voice on the other line, then her eyes widened. "A Pattern Blue?" she said with a shocked tone. "Where?"

Ritsuko's eyes widened in turn. "Is it an Angel? After all this time?"

. . .

Misato and Ritsuko were back on the bridge, looking intently at the sensor station surrounded by sticky notes, its operator, one Midori Kitakami, another civilian volunteer, moving a few out of the way to offer a better view. "It seems to be wandering around here," she pointed to near the tip of the Indian subcontinent, "around the ruins of... Bengaluru, if I recall correctly."

"In that radioactive wasteland?" Misato arched an eyebrow after a quick confirmation of the location. "That's… ridiculously out of the way for an Angel, even with our experience with the 9th Angel. Is there anything more you can get from the reading?"

Midori pouted slightly, somewhat thick lips pursing as she brushed a lock of bright pink hair aside. "Unfortunately, ma'am… no." she said with an almost defeated sigh. "With the current setup I have, that's about all I can give you."

Misato straightened up, sighing quietly before nodding. "Alright, then."

She turned to look at the helmsman, yet another volunteer. "What's our best time to India?"

The woman at the helm, a taller woman with black hair and coffee-colored skin with the name tag 'Nagara' looked back at her after a moment. "About 8 to 10 days, ma'am, depending on what speed the fleet will settle into."

"We'll be as quick as we can in order to catch the Angel before it moves." Misato said. "8 days is long, but it's better than nothing. Get us underway as soon as possible."

As Nagara nodded and complied, Ritsuko looked over at Misato with some small amount of concern. "Can we afford to leave the KREDIT shipments vulnerable for that long?" Ritsuko said quietly.

"We have to. It's an Angel, after all." Misato said grimly, and Ritsuko noticed an old fire kindling in her eyes. One that, somehow, she had missed for a long time. "And we're really the only ones with proper Evangelions at this point. If anyone is going to stop it, it's us."

- - -

The Titanskeep, 5 Days Out from India

Esmeralda Tennison, Ymris, took a seat in her cabin with a weary sigh. The last three days had been a tempest of preparation and double-checking. That 5 more people had to be attended to by Aanderson and Suzuhara hadn't helped matters, their work being taken up by a crew that was already madly in the process of finishing the latest upgrade to Unit-02's prosthetic arm.

She sighed quietly, then chuckled. Father may have been a blacksmith, but she doubted he could ever have imagined this for his daughter. A project of this size and continuity, the craftsmanship and tools involved… it would have been the stuff of his dreams. Or his nightmares.

Thoughts of another world, wasted by men, wandered to the people who had been the saviors of the sole survivor of her village. And the inspiring, surprisingly human man that she now followed.

They had made good progress in the years since Tavis had taken his group and left, proselytizing to what pockets of humanity remained that he could find as he went. The North American Heralds had been found, now. Halfway there, as Tavis nearly crowed when they'd found the last one. 'Soon, the Guides' will shall be worked on this world. I can feel it.'

That was what he had said. But she knew what he meant. One way or another, they would be hijacking Instrumentality. Sweeping all these people away, and remaking them with a new faith as they remade the world. But… after all this time spent among these people, desperate and brave and, frankly sometimes, utterly reckless…

She jumped slightly as she heard a knock at the door, and a now-familiar voice called out. "Hey, Esmeralda. You there?"

Her heart began to beat a little quicker for a moment before she calmed herself down and walked over to the door, opening it to find Toph looking intently back at her.

"Hey, Toph." Ymris said, a little tiredness edging into her voice despite her best efforts. "What do you need?"

Their relationship since their first meeting had become far more… friendly than she was expecting. Even after the near threat she had given her then, she had proved herself to be rather gregarious. And, as it turned out, a good drinking partner after a long day's work. It had made maintaining her cover… difficult, sometimes.

Which was why Ymris wasn't surprised when Toph raised two bottles of beer, Australian lagers if she remembered correctly, in a hand. "I was thinking of taking the edge off preparing to fight a giant monster out on the deck. You in?"

Ymris shrugged as she took one of the bottles with a slight smile. "Well, I don't see why not."

Minutes later, they found themselves on a secluded outlook on the edge of the ship, past the walls and in the open air, not a soul in sight as they sipped and chatted about the events of the day and the week. It had become a sort of ritual… a year ago, now? Ymris shook her head silently as she wondered where all the time had gone.

Now, though, as the conversation began to lull, the mood changed slightly as Toph sighed. "Look, Emmie… I know we've gotten to a good point since the first time we met, and I'm glad we've done that, but… in all this time, we've never quite answered the question of where you came from."

Ymris blinked, her heart beginning to pound for a moment before she stilled it, still looking around for a moment. "Yeah." she sighed quietly. "You're right."

"You know how I'm going to ask this." Toph said as she looked over at Ymris, her green eyes' gaze almost pinning Ymris to her place. "Are you still with NERV?"

Ymris blinked once, then again before sighing quietly and shaking her head. "No." she said, no small amount of relief in her voice. "No, certainly not. After what they've done… after what they're planning to do to end the world, essentially…"

'Is that all?' she wondered as Toph nodded slightly, smiling equally slightly. "Good. I figured." was all she said as she looked back at the rolling red sea. 'That certainly could have been worse. However…'

Ymris looked around again. "Well… it's a little more complicated than that, I'll admit." she said quietly after a moment.

Toph looked back, the bottle pausing halfway from her mouth. "How's that?"

Ymris was quiet for a moment as she seemed to gather her thoughts. "Well, I'm not exactly Esmeralda Tennison of Wisconsin. I'm…" she paused for a moment. "As crazy as it sounds, I'm not even from this world. Or even this universe."

Toph looked at Ymris silently for a long moment, the silence sparking a mote of anxiety in Ymris's chest. "So… like an alien?" she finally said.

Ymris chuckled. "Not really. My name is actually Ymris Joranna. I come from a place called the Worldsea. I got… well, stranded here once Near Third Impact began, cutting me off from getting back to the rest of my group."

Toph nodded slowly. "The Worldsea, huh?" she said, equally slowly.

After a moment, she nodded once, a little more quickly. "Didn't think I'd meet another person from there so soon out here."

Ymris found herself taken aback for a moment. "You mean… there are others here?"

"Yeah. Cause, well… I'm not exactly from China, myself."

Ymris nodded slowly. "I see. So… why are you here, then?"

"Well…" Toph sighed quietly as she looked out into the sea again. "I and a couple of friends are looking for someone. Someone who means a lot to us."

Ymris waited for a moment, then nodded as Toph refused to elaborate further. "I see." she said, looking back out to the view as well as relief flooded through her. She'd wondered if a little truth would have helped throw off the scent. Now, it seemed, she'd also made some slight headway into Toph and why she was here as well.

'Which other friends of yours traveled here with you, I wonder?'

- - -

2 Hours Out from India

Asuka and Mari looked down at the display of what must have been a satellite picture of the Angel. At least, the Angel was supposed to be in there somewhere, according to Doctor Akagi. All that seemed to indicate the presence of anything was a hazy outline where the core material seemed to blur within its boundaries.

"Where is this thing again? Right here?" Mari asked, leaning over until her face was only a few inches away. "This thing seems awfully shy."

"Whether it's some sort of active camouflage or a use of an AT Field, we don't quite know." Captain Katsuragi admitted, a grimace on her face as she crossed her arms. "As much as I hate to admit it, we're going to be going into this hunt blind."

"Hunt. What a fitting term." a darker part of Asuka whispered, its voice, her voice, dripping with barely disguised derision. "Murderer."

She blinked at the epithet and tried to shake the thoughts as she looked up at Captain Katsuragi. "Any special equipment we can scrounge up?"

"Well," Katsuragi replied, "since we stopped in Beijing's foundries while we were clearing the way for the first KREDIT shipment, we were able to procure four Progressive Glaives, along with enough replacement Progressive filaments to keep us from running out any time soon for any of our weaponry."

Asuka nodded slowly. "I don't think we'll need that much for this thing."

"I would doubt it too." Katsuragi paused for a moment before going on. "You'll be wading in from what was formerly the coast of India. We can't risk the radiation coming off of India harming the other crews. Your AT Fields should be able to easily protect you."

"And yet again, your usefulness is in your capacity to kill. Did she even care in the first place?"

"Shut up."
"When do we make landfall?"

"You'll be deploying in about 1 hour. Good luck."

. . .

An hour passed, and Asuka found herself back in that comfortably familiar place, slowly and carefully marching Unit-02, Pallet Rifle held overhead, through what her memory told her would have been… what was it that geography class had taught her… that's right. Chennai.

Asuka blinked. 'Wait a minute. I never studied geography. I never even went to college. How do I know that?'

She focused for a moment on that darker part of herself that seemed to have this air of… smugness at the thoughts. "Got something to say, Angel? You've been remarkably chatty the last little while."

"No. Besides, your focus should be on murdering my sibling, shouldn't it?"

It took all the training that she had to not make Unit-02 stumble. She still managed to catch a toe in what was probably a ruined high-rise regardless.

Maria's face appeared on a comm screen as Unit-08 turned back to look at her. "You good, princess?"

"Yeah." Asuka replied with a grumble as she steadied herself again. "Damn core material blending in with the ocean…"

"What the hell was that about? You freaks are related?" she tried to ask as she continued on her way.

But there was nothing but silence again.

Asuka sighed quietly. 'Alright. Fine. Keep your stupid secrets. Won't keep me from killing this thing.'

But a small part of her wondered. And she wondered what that small part was. Was that fully her? Or was Bardiel beginning to bleed into her more fully, blending the two of them? How would that even work?

Those questions were for later. Right now, it was Angel killing time.

. . .

Soon enough, they strode across dry land, weaving around the gravitational anomalies and strange, sometimes headless facsimiles of Evangelions that now wandered the earth.

They were close, and Asuka and Mari kept their heads on a swivel, Mari uncharacteristically quiet as they scanned the mostly flat terrain. Even with the growth of the core material, most of India had been leveled out in the nuclear exchanges between it and Pakistan. Such was the entire reason their AT Fields were quietly wrapped around themselves, acting as a shield. Such also was how they were able to see for miles in every direction, their 80-meter height a boon to them.

But right now, it seemed to yield to them no great insight as they crossed into what was once Chennai.

Mari sighed dramatically. "It feels like we should practically be on top of it and getting to business already, what with how long we've been walking. How close are we?"

"You should see your target in about 1 minute." the disembodied voice of First Lieutenant Hyuga replied.

A minute came and went, and Asuka shook her head slightly as she scanned the area the Angel was supposed to be in. "Nothing." she muttered. "I swear, this thing is just-"

Something shifted in the corner of Asuka's eye, and she glanced over and down at the ground. It was still. Wait…

Asuka squinted slightly at where she had seen movement, Pallet Rifle slightly sweeping as Unit-02 stood stock still. "Are we still near this thing?" Asuka said slowly as Unit-02 took a step forward, Unit-08 coming up behind her.

"You're right on top of it almost." Hyuga replied. "In fact-"

Asuka heard a splash, looking down and finding Unit-02's foot ankle-deep in water. 'This far inland? Wait a minute…'

She felt pressure on her foot, watched the water begin to flow up her leg, and a pillar of water jerked her into the air before she could think of anything beyond the shout of surprise she gave as the world spun madly.

Unit-08 stepped back, Mari aiming its Pallet Rifle at the flowing, somewhat transparent pillar of water that now swung Unit-02 into the air, letting go and sending Asuka flying. 'Is it mostly water? Are we dealing with a psychic fish? Let's find out!'

She pulled the trigger, the Pallet Rifle barking as a stream of rounds flowed from it. Many slammed into the water and stopped within meters before the view became hazier in the section Mari aimed at, the few shells left slamming into it and exploding.

Mari stopped firing as a tentacle of water lashed out at her, forcing her to jump back as she felt Unit-02 slam into the earth somewhere behind her. "This one clearly doesn't care much if we shoot at it. Were they all this bad?"

"Not the first few, from what I've heard." Asuka grumbled as she rubbed her head and got Unit-02 to its feet, scanning the ground for her Pallet Rifle before her gaze fell on Unit-08. And the ten-legged lake that began to slowly rise, soon looming head and shoulders over the Evangelion that now backed away. 'And still no sign of my rifle. Where did I toss the damn thing?'

As she searched, spotting it embedded into the ground barrel down between two buildings, she glanced back at Mari facing down… what was this? The 11th Angel now?

"Azariel. Remember her name like you should Hadraniel's. Murderer."

"Whatever. Shut up."

With that, Asuka extracted the Pallet Rifle from the ground, noting the end of the barrel bent down at a noticeable angle. Useless.

Asuka tsked as she deployed a Progressive Knife, a piddly-seeming weapon compared to the threat that stood (flowed? Floated?) in front of her. But such a thing had been used to kill an Angel before, she knew. And that wasn't even in the hands of the best pilot in the world that time.

As Asuka began to step forward, she heard in the distance a keening wail that had become all too familiar to her. She looked back, and the starfield glow of AT Field trails in the sky confirmed her rising anxiety just before another voice back in the fleet did.

"I'm reading… 8 flights of Mark.04As closing in on your position!"

'24 Marks? How desperate is NERV?' Asuka thought incredulously as Captain Katsuragi interjected. "Pull back, now! Disengage from the Angel and prepare to defend yourselves!"

Mari groaned dramatically as she disengaged with the Angel, deftly dodging back as it began to charge forward. "Just what we needed. Dance partners for each of us, and spare!" she said with a roll of her eyes.

Asuka ignored Mari as she looked up watching as the bladed 'legs' of the Marks began to glow a familiar pink glow. 'No needle launchers this time?' she wondered. 'I wonder if we're to blame for that.'

She thought back for a moment to an operation a little under a year ago now that had them taking out an automated NERV weapons factory, one of several that had popped up, as four of them slammed into the Angel in quick succession, their Anti-AT Fields allowing them to sink up to their disks as the water beneath them began to boil, their AT Fields driving them deeper and deeper into the creature.

Asuka and Mari's focus darted back and forth between the remaining Mark.04As that circled above them and the Angel that let out a melodic, wale-like hum before the view all throughout its body, including the view of a core that had to be nestled in between 20 or 30 meters of water, became opaque, then nearly vanished.

Almost as one, the Marks slid out, and the Angel reared up on two legs that swiftly became a pillar that enveloped a Mark that had clattered to the ground as three of the Mark's core blocks were caught in between two tentacles of water, all held soon enveloped with water as the Angel began to squeeze.

After only seconds, the Marks crumpled under the pressure, exploding soon after as another set of Marks, more this time, slammed into the Angel's back and front, their impacts allowing their blades to line up precisely.

And still, it did not seem to be enough. The Angel keened again, beginning to move forward at a frankly startling rate, Asuka and Mari jumping to the sides as it barreled past them.

"It's heading for the open ocean!" Asuka shouted as Unit-02 turned and began to run after as the Marks that had impacted the Angel became consumed as it expanded, taking their core blocks in and crushing them. "Come on, Mari!"

"I do love a good race!" Mari replied, an entirely too excited tone to her voice as she followed quickly after.

With the pace that the Angel kept, the miles began to blur as Asuka focused on simply catching up with it, uncaring of the Mark.04As that seemed to waste themselves on the creature, ignoring the Evas entirely. The focus helped push Bardiel's whispers, its feelings of wanton luxuriating at being close to the rest of itself, or what remained, far, far to the back of her mind.

"Come on… come on…" Asuka muttered. The coastline was in sight now, still in the distance as it was, and the automated Marks had dropped like flies, those few that remained beginning to disengage as they flew back out over the water. She flung a hand forward, trying to spin an AT Field barrier into existence in front of it, anything to just slow it down so they could catch up.

But as a barrier sprang to life in front of it, flickering and weak from lack of focus though it admittedly was, the Angel simply threw the 'crest' of its wave through it, the rest of its body flowing after it as its limbs disappeared back into its body, and the blob it had become slid into the sea.

"Damn it!" Asuka exclaimed, hitting the side of her chair. "It's in the wind now." she growled as she sat back heavily.

"No, princess, it's in the water." Mari replied with a deadpan voice, and Asuka could hear the slight smirk in her voice. "Same principle though. Can we still track it, Doctor Ms. Nightingale?"

Ritsuko sighed quietly, once again, at the nickname that Mari had decided for her as she watched the sensor screen, the Angel's shadow passing underneath them and out into the open ocean. "Yes. It's still putting out a Pattern Blue, so we can still track it."

"Where's it going?" Asuka asked, a part of her sure she already knew the answer.

"Right where you'd expect it to go." Captain Katsuragi replied. "Come back in, pilots. We're heading after it while we come up with a plan."

"Roger that." Asuka and Mari both replied, one more begrudgingly than the other, as Unit-02 and Unit-08 waded back into the sea from whence they came.

. . .

Misato stared at the screen that showed Asuka and Mari's camera feeds of the 11th Angel and pondered on how, exactly, she was going to kill something like this thing.

It was unlike any that had come before, in form at least. All the other Angels, strange as they could be, at least had solid bodies that could be held back, cut away and wounded. This, on the other hand, could flow around them, crush them if they remained in contact with it for any great length of time.

'I wish we could have dealt with this before Near Third Impact happened.' she mused. Then again, there were a lot of thoughts that included that statement, she thought with grim amusement.

They had transferred over to the Kaga on their journey, and now had the (relatively) modern vessel's holographic table to show the Angel's Pattern Blue, a bright hazy smear, traveling under the ocean surface at about 10 knots. They had, thankfully, far outpaced it, confident that they would reach the endpoint of its current calculated trajectory, the island of Kyushu, well before it did.

But they needed a plan, she thought as she turned to regard the smear that traveled beneath and behind them. Just as they always had. And there was a certain idea gaining some traction within her…

"So, what are we thinking?" Ritsuko asked quietly, snapping Misato out of her thoughts.

"Well… whatever we do, we'll need to be quick. Trying to dig through all that water just gives it time to retaliate. But under all that water…" she shook her head slightly. "It's almost like we have to go diving."

Misato's brow furrowed again as she cupped her chin, deep in thought. 'What do we have… wait a minute… maybe we won't dive…'

"Ritsuko," she asked after a moment more of silent pondering, "if I recall correctly, we have a few chain nets for the Titanskeep, right?"

Ritsuko nodded slowly. "Yes. They're mostly used for getting Evangelion-sized loads on and off-board. Why?"

Misato only nodded slowly. "And how much of the Progressive filament we've got would we need to lace through one of them completely?"

Ritsuko opened her mouth, then closed it again, her eyes widening as she guessed what Misato intended to do. "Most of it, really."

Then, after a moment's silence, Ritsuko closed her eyes and chuckled softly, shaking her head slightly. Seeing this, Misato glanced over and arched an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"I've… almost missed this. You, coming up with an insane plan to save the world. Me, reacting in shock to how ridiculous it sounds. It… as weird as it is to say, it takes me back somewhat."

Misato looked down, a slight smile on her face. "Yeah. It does, doesn't it?" she said quietly after a moment.

After a moment, the smile faded. "So, how long do you think it will take to do it?" she asked.

"I'm sure we can complete it in the time it takes to get to Kyushu. However…"

Misato looked over again as Ritsuko paused. "What is it?"

"We can't have it activated for long. The net most likely isn't rated for Progressive filament activation like our Progressive Knives are. The most likely thing that'll happen, if we leave it running for too long, is that it will melt the net before doing us any good."

"Then we'll just have to wait until the last second to activate it. That way, we can get as much use out of it as possible."

"And when, exactly, is the last second?" Ritsuko arched an eyebrow.

"Likely the few seconds to a minute before it makes contact with the water surrounding the Angel's core."

"Ah. There's the kicker."

It was silent for a moment before Ritsuko nodded. "Well, I suppose I'll let Tennison know that she'll need as many hands as she can get. She and Beifong have been getting along decently, from what little I can see. Maybe she can pull some security staff into the project to speed things along."

"Good. We'll have to get started as soon as possible."

It was silent again for a moment as they stared at the footage of the creature, then Misato glanced back over at Ritsuko. "There's something missing, still."

"And what's that?"

"Something one of us was supposed to ask the other. I think you were supposed to ask me one last thing about my plan."

Ritsuko's brow furrowed slightly for a moment. "It's been long enough…"

Then her eyes lit up slightly in remembrance, and she nodded. "Do you think the pilots can do it?" she said quietly, reaching for the terminus of their well-worn dance of words, long laid aside.

"They have to." Misato replied, marking the end of their dance. "When it comes to the Angels," she added after a moment, "they always must."

. . .

On the Titanskeep, Ymris oversaw a flurry of activity, the Evangelions huddled up on either end of the ship as one of the massive chain nets, several dozen meters wide, lay spread out in the center of what had been the deck of the ship. Dozens of men crawled over it, firmly but gently weaving the Progressive filament between the links. On the left and right of the net, the links and filaments flowed into the handles of two Progressive Knives that were in the process of being hastily modified.

It was, in short, a mad scramble to be ready with whatever insane plan Captain Katsuragi had come up with. Ymris found herself somewhat annoyed, as she often did, with just how messy humans were. There was an order, an innate understanding, that she missed from her people, an order that carried with it a far greater speed than whatever this rabble could conjure.

But it would have to do, she mused as she stepped over to one of the knife handles, its front blade-ward casing fitted with a hastily made handguard that had filaments pouring from it like a series of rivers just before their deltas.

"What's the situation looking like here?" she said to one of the half-dozen engineers that made a line up and down the knife handle's length.

One of them, a man a little taller than her, turned to face her, wiping sweat from a brow that was over grey eyes and under dark hair. "The connections are going to be stable. At least, that's what it looks like here right now. The chance it's going to short out after any given amount of time just keeps going up and up, though."

"If the Captain's plan works, it won't need to stay active for that long. How many more connections do you need to make?"

The man shook his head. "Several dozen at least on this handle alone. I can't say anything for the other one."

"And how long will that take?"

"Several more hours."

Ymris took this in, nodding slowly. They were still at least 3 more days out from their seeming destination, the southern island of Japan. Kyushu was the name of it.

"Even still, with what time we have, we'll need to pick up the pace. Do you think you'll need any extra hands that can be spared?"

"It would certainly be appreciated, ma'am." the man nodded.

Ymris looked back out across the net, a keen eye looking for clumps of people who could be skimmed away from unnecessary busywork. Her gaze landed on Toph, who had led the charge in getting the security personnel to work.

She seemed to have a way with metal, an almost innate touch that had her weaving the Progressive element through the chain with almost magical skill. Thus, she worked mostly alone, people coming and going from her length of chain, one of several she had finished.

'I wonder…' Ymris shook her head after a moment, passing on from the sight of Toph as her gaze fell on a clump of security men working with a few engineers. She could skim a few men from there.

"Go talk to that group over there." she said as she pointed them out. "Take a few men, and set them out where they're needed."

The man nodded and made his way over to the group, and Ymris made her way back out to help another group that she saw had begun to lag behind somewhat. Back into the great dance, as her mother had so artfully, sometimes derisively called it.

- - -

1 Day Out From Kyushu

Asuka stood once again on the command bridge, this time of the Kaga, looking at a beach that would be where their stand would be. And where they'd put Captain Katsuragi's absolutely insane plan into action.

It had been a long, long time since Asuka had taken part in one of Katsuragi's plans. It was Mari's first. That much was quite obvious from the gleam in her eyes as she listened to Katsuragi explain what they were supposed to do.

"That… is…" Mari nearly squealed. "Awesome! Are all your plans this amazingly crazy, Captain?"

Katsuragi blinked for a moment, looked over to Doctor Akagi, then they both chuckled slightly. "Well," Katsuragi said as she shook her head equally slightly, "not all of them. At least, not that I can recall."

"Even still," she continued, that serious demeanor that had become the norm settling back in, "you'll need to get the core out by whatever means possible. Whether that's scooping it out from 'behind' it, or dashing past its sides, whatever, the only thing that matters is that it gets taken out."

"And how many attempts will we get once we turn this thing on?" Asuka asked with an arched eyebrow.

"One, maybe two tries at most, most likely." Doctor Akagi replied. "My recommendation is to only activate the net when you're sure you can make contact."

"Good to hear." Asuka paused. "How long do we have to prepare?"

"We're about 2 or 3 days ahead of the Angel." Katsuragi replied. "We'll have some time to finalize preparations. During that time, get ready, do a little training. You'll need to be in near-perfect synchronization for this battle."

The two pilots nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Katsuragi nodded in turn. "Dismissed."

With that, Asuka and Mari walked off the bridge, back towards their secure bunk. As they walked, Asuka found herself humming. That in and of itself was already strange, given that she hardly listened to much music nowadays, but the tune she hummed was even more strange than that.

It was a jaunty, airy thing, fit for a piano. One that felt… familiar. Connected to someone, somehow…

"Whatcha humming?" Mari asked, looking over curiously and causing Asuka to pause both in her humming and in the middle of the hallway.

"I… I don't know. It feels like... I should know this song. Know what to do with someone to its tune…" Asuka blinked for a moment before scoffing and shaking her head. "It doesn't matter, anyway. We've got bigger things to worry about."

"Really? Because it seemed like you knew that tune very well, princess. Connected to someone you pined for?"

A blush that hadn't gone to her cheeks for years colored her face slightly as she thought of the only person she'd known who could have ever liked something like that. And what he'd done years ago to her. To the world.



'Shut up."

- - -

Former Nagasaki Prefecture, 1 Day Later

Asuka once again found herself in Unit-02, one hand gripping the handle for the chain net, across from her Unit-08 as they practiced the footwork they would need to make this strategy Katsuragi had come up with an effective one. They both looked out towards the beach that the Angel was supposed to land on with… well, she couldn't quite tell what Mari would be feeling beyond some measure of excitement, but the emotions she felt were… well, not exactly what she would have expected to feel waiting before a battle.

It was… well, the feeling was hard to pin down fully. But the closest she could get to it was… nostalgia.

How could she feel nostalgia for something that had never happened before? How could she know these random facts from a college she'd never set foot in? What was she remembering?

Again, those were questions for later. Right now, her imaginary trips down memory lane were making her lag behind Mari. As skillful as she was, even Mari was beginning to notice her getting distracted more and more. 'Focus. Focus.'

. . .

Misato looked at the radar screen, stretching well into Japan and out into the sea, with no small amount of tension, the feeling slowly tautening her back and shoulders, much as she tried to resist.

She had expected… something out of NERV. Some new attempt to sally out and meet this Angel one more time. But so far… nothing.

And the Angel simply crept closer and closer, seemingly unaware of what was to meet it.

"They can't possibly have run out of Mark.04As already…" she mused quietly.

"With how many we had to clear out to get KREDIT up and running?" Ritsuko piped up from beside her. "It could honestly go either way."

"Then the question is," Misato said, "if they don't send 4As… what do they send?"

It was a sobering thought for the both of them, visions of a deep blue and orange giant flashing through their minds.

- - -

Soon enough though, the day came, and they all watched and waited with bated breath as the Pattern Blue signature of the Angel crept slowly, slowly closer to the shore. Eyes were, however, not only on the sea, but on the sky as well, keeping a careful watch for any Mark.04As that might show up to throw a wrench into things.

Asuka waited patiently, a hunger carefully hidden behind her eyes as she drummed her fingers softly on her controls. Whether the hunger was hers or not was immaterial. It was ready for combat all the same. For payback.

"5 minutes to contact, pilots. Get ready." the voice of First Lieutenant Hyuga said.

She heard the slight rattling of the chain net as she and Mari both gently squeezed the handles. They were linked together now, at least for the moment. Asuka quashed the tune from days before as best she could. After a moment, she found that she was tapping it out regardless.

She decided to distract herself by keying up a full link to the command center, as it were, on the Kaga. "Any indication of movement from behind us?"

"None so far." she heard a woman reply. "We'll continue to keep our eyes peeled."

"Roger." she said offhandedly as she keyed up a link to Mari. "You ready?"

"As ever, princess!" Mari replied with that easy smile that always seemed to come so damned easily to her. "I'll be sure to keep up!"

"You'd better. I won't be pulling any punches because you might hesitate."

"Oh, please, Asuka. When have you ever known me to hesitate?"

It was silent for a moment before Asuka rolled her eye. "Fair point." she nearly grumbled.

With that, they settled into waiting just a moment longer, the fleet having moved out of the way to spare them from the potential of the Angel damaging them, and watched the red ocean as it lapped across the similarly sanguine shore.

There was no indication of… well, anything really for the first few minutes. Then Asuka narrowed her eye as she keyed up a magnification, zooming in carefully.

She had spotted a bulge in the water moving towards them. It was utterly uniform, with no waves, not even a ripple to indicate the water reacting to such movement. Just… movement. Getting closer. Getting bigger.

Soon, the magnification blinked away as it came ashore, the blob of water forming its original decapod shape as it grew taller and taller, and taller still…

"Wow…" Mari said as she looked up at the Angel that was now nearly twice their height. "That's a little bigger than I anticipated."

"Back!" Asuka shouted as she watched a pair of tentacles flow out towards them.

Unit-02 and Unit-08 jumped back as the tentacles lashed out, backpedaling as they swiped and swung at them. Soon enough, though, they pulled back, and the Angel came lumbering towards them.

As they continued to backpedal into the old city, Asuka's mind whirled. They couldn't afford to be on the back foot. At least, not for very long. If there was a way to siphon off the water that was a part of it… Wait a minute…

"Okay…" Asuka nearly growled even as she grinned slightly. "Get ready, Mari."

"Ready!" Mari chirped, and the Units held their ground for a moment as the Angel lumbered closer, its footfalls eerily silent as it simply enveloped everything it stood on.

As it approached, it raised one of its tentacles again, seeming to look at slamming into Unit-02. As it paused at the top of its swing, Asuka nodded. "Now!"

With that, the two Units juked to the side, the Progressive filaments in the net activating with an almost ear piercing whir as they brought it up to intercept the strike.

As the blows met, there was a flash of steam that billowed out from the point of contact and the Angel took a step back as it let out a keening wail, the Evas also stepping back as the net blinked off, the links still nearly glowing from the heat.

"How long of an operation window will the net have if we keep using it like this?" Asuka asked after hastily keying up a comm line to the command team.

"You'll have at least a few more uses than we originally estimated." Doctor Akagi replied. "But I still advise you to use it sparingly, and try to aim for the core as best you can."

"Roger." Asuka replied as she and Mari dodged back. "We'll need a better way to get rid of the mass this thing has, though. We have a far better chance if there's less water in the way."

"We'll try and come up with a way to support you." Captain Katsuragi replied. "Continue to hold its attention for the moment."

In the Kaga's command center, Misato watched as Asuka nodded. "Roger. We'll make it work."

The screen returned to its normal view, a drone circling the field and watching as Unit-02 and Unit-08 dashed to the side behind what was a row of buildings, the Angel's next attack barely missing Unit-02's back.

She turned to Ritsuko. "What kind of incendiary weapons do we have in hand?"

"We have a few guided missile destroyers with some liberated incendiary missiles in their magazines. The John Paul Jones, the Diamond, and the Nastoychivyy in particular come to mind. However, regular missiles should do the trick, as long as it doesn't use its AT Field or harden its skin."

"We'll have to stagger out fire then, most likely." Misato looked over at First Lieutenant Aoba. "Contact the missile destroyers in the fleet and get them ready for a rolling barrage, with hits set for every one and a half minutes to start before randomizing firing times."

As Aoba complied, she keyed the pilots again, their faces blinking back into existence just before the view of the Evas intercepted another strike, the thrust hissing as water turned to steam. "Pilots," she began, "the fleet is about to start bombarding the Angel, see if some explosive power will help shrink it. Keep back and keep it busy. Use your AT Fields to nullify its own."

"Will do!" Mari chirped. Asuka simply nodded before the screens blinked out again, showing the Evas jump back and begin to lead the lumbering Angel deeper into the city.

Mari was only dimly aware of what was likely coming soon as she ducked and weaved through the city, stopping at times to egg the Angel on with an errant slash from either her or Asuka's Progressive Knives. 'If they're going to hit this way too deadly aquarium, we'd appreciate it any time now…'

The deadly dance continued for what seemed like an almost impossible amount of time before something, several somethings, slammed into the Angel's back and sinking deep, lightning-like flashes creating bubbles of steam and air that collapsed on themselves, the Angel becoming lumpy and misshapen for a moment before it settled back into its normal smooth surface only moments before another strike raked into it again, and the body of the Angel flowed back like a wave, seeming to turn and face the ocean again.

"Oh no you don't!" Mari shouted as she stepped forward, slashing at a tentacle over and over, the impacts sending billows of steam hissing into the air.

That seemed to get its attention back on them as it flowed back towards them, two tentacles lashing out towards them, and meeting nothing but the bite of the knife blade as it crashed forward, buildings becoming only momentary obstacles as it crashed through them, the simple weight of water causing the building to crumble as it took another wave of missiles in stride.

But even with their efforts, it was still bigger than it had been when they'd last met it. Asuka suppressed a growl as the Angel followed them doggedly. They'd need to get it down to that point, if not smaller, before they could try at fishing out its core.

"Guys," she said into the link to the command staff, "I really hope you have something else up your sleeve, or this is going to take all day. At best."

Before anyone could reply, she heard a short, percussive blast from the side of them, as a bolt of nearly blinding blue-white light slammed into the Angel, a sheet of white steam blowing away from it and revealing a neat crater that flowed back into its original shape, now far smaller than it once was, as all turned their gaze to the source of the attack.

As they did, Misato and Ritsuko's eyes widened at the familiar, almost feared sight of the deep blue and orange Evangelion, shouldering a strange rifle and having what could only be described as an Eva scale sniper rifle slung across its back. "It's…" Misato whispered as it advanced and fired again. "It's the Eva from Near Third Impact…"

"Where did he come from?" Asuka said incredulously, glancing back to follow Mari's lead for a moment as she dodged to the side. "Is that Unit with NERV?"

"I don't know, princess." Mari replied as the net activated again, taking a good amount out of a now noticeably thinner tentacle. "But we're all seeming to deal with the Angel right now. Maybe we can ask if he sticks around."

Asuka nodded silently as she regarded the Angel for a moment. It's top was now almost eye-level with them. They could clearly see the dark silhouette of the core against the bright backdrop of the sky. "If we're going to try something, we should try it soon. Through the middle, I think."

"Sounds exciting!" she could hear Mari's near-feral grin as Unit-08 crouched slightly in anticipation. "I'm ready on your mark."

Asuka glared at the Angel as they stepped back from another swipe, the Eva on their far right firing again, the round slamming into the Az-the Angel's side.

'Wait for it… wait for it…'


With that, the net flared to life again, and Unit-02 and Unit-08 wreathed their arms in a rippling AT Field as they charged, rushing past the Angel. The net made contact with the rough center of its chest with a piercing hiss of steam as it slid through the water with breathtaking speed.

Breathtaking was almost the right word, as all involved watched and waited without a sound as the net continued its breakneck slide through the Angel's body. Asuka especially, her brow furrowed, waited for…

There! The catch of something solid. The jolt of contact sent an almost electric shiver up Asuka's arm as she pulled even harder. With another step the Evas were 'behind' the Angel, their arms up to the bicep as they strained to pull the core out. 'Come on… give, you stupid alien!'

Slowly, slowly, it felt like… then a budge. Then a slide, and then the crash of water splashing down to the ground and the hiss and whistle of steam pouring out as the core finally came free into the open air.

"Booyah!" Mari shouted as the net shut off, and the Evas looked down at their prize, a gleaming red sphere.

Asuka wasted little time, her Unit's skeletal prosthesis, now several iterations from its first design, flipping the grip of her Progressive Knife and slamming it down into the core. It burst, deep red fluid spraying into the air and into the faces of the Evangelions, briefly obscuring the rainbow that bloomed into being between them.

Far from the action, a cheer went up in the command bridge of the Kaga as Ritsuko and Misato released a breath they almost didn't realize they were holding before looking at each other with small, almost wry smiles.

"Would you look at that?" Ritsuko said quietly. "They did it again."

She was quiet for a moment. "Do you ever wonder how they do it, sometimes?"

Misato took a deep breath. "You know… I don't need to. I know they can do whatever they set out to do in an Evangelion."

Their gaze turned back to the monitor, and their mood cooled somewhat as they watched the anomalous Evangelion begin to come towards Unit-02 and Unit-08.

On the field of battle, Asuka turned to look at the approaching Eva, dropping the now malformed net as she and Mari turned to face this newcomer. "Whoever you are, stop right there!" she said through the speaker system of the Eva as she brandished her Prog Knife. "You may have some big guns, but we both have AT Fields. I hope you aren't stupid enough to think that doesn't matter."

She'd seen the footage of this Evangelion in action, however brief, from nearly a decade ago. For all her bluster, there was a part of her that was somewhat anxious at the prospect of crossing blades with them, regardless of the absence of the Spear that it had carried so long ago.

She blinked as the Eva took the energy rifle and held it by its barrel, holding it out to her as it unslung the sniper rifle. After a moment, a line of text scrolled out into her view. 'Gifts from Tabris.'

"Tabris?" she said after reading the text aloud? "Why does that sound familiar?"

On the command bridge, Misato and Ritsuko looked at each other again. "Commander Tabris of WILLE?" Misato asked almost incredulously.

"So it would seem. But the Eva came from the direction of Tokyo-3."

"That it did. Could it be…?"

Misato trailed off as she shook her head, looking back at the screen as Unit-08 accepted the sniper rifle from the anomalous Eva.

The exchange seemingly done, the Eva turned back from whence it came. "Now wait a minute!" Asuka nearly shouted. "Where are you going? Who are you?"

Silence was the only reply as it rose into the air, flying away without a sound.

Asuka sat back in her seat for a moment with a heavy sigh. "Alright then." she grumbled. "Keep your stupid secrets, too, I guess."

Under her annoyance, however, there was something… different. Wildly different. She could almost call it… fear. Some of it might have been hers, but the overwhelming majority of it seemed to come from the Angel within her. It had seen… something, something that she couldn't see with her regular sight.

And if Bardiel, always flippant of Asuka and her prowess in an Eva, had become scared shitless of what was in front of them… what did that mean?

She wasn't sure. But right now, she thought as she and Mari turned back towards the coastline, gifts in hand, that would be figured out later. 'Next time we meet, whoever is piloting you, we're going to have a long talk. Or, rather, Misato will.'
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It's original. There is literally nothing on an 11th Angel that either WILLE or NERV might have fought before getting to the 12th. It's a nice little space for creativity.

Also, Hadraniel, who Bardiel mentioned alongside Azariel, is my name for the 7th Angel, so named for his towering height (a whole 2.1 million miles high). Clockiel, while suitably amusing and accurate, is probably not exactly what the Adams, or SEELE, would decide on if they named Angels in the Rebuilds.
The reason I asked is because the way the 11th angel of that timeline was described, it sounded like an upgraded version of Gaghiel to me.
Chapter 40: Night of Legions

Chapter 40: Night of Legions

There are many different tall tales that one must sort through if one is in my position. When wanting to locate such things as the progenitor of one's race, wanting to prepare for the coming of Angels, it is a necessary burden.

I have done such sifting for well over a decade now. Most are able to be easily discarded the moment they are heard, thanks to the Scrolls and their still seemingly endless depths of knowledge. Others take years to disprove.

One such rumor that has recently crossed my desk is that of a secret project of the nation of Japan. Apparently, they have found something quite massive under the city of Hakone, beneath a newly minted golf course, of all things. I would usually dismiss such a claim out of hand, but it comes from a trusted source. One who has backed up his claims. Perhaps there will be a visit from a United Nations delegation soon.

- From the personal journals of Lorenz Kihl, July 1957

15 Kilometers Outside of Brasilia Dois, Nova Brasilia, November 12th 2016

First Lieutenant Mariah Marlowe, pilot of Evangelion Unit-08, found herself still giddy as the Sonne fuzzed her out of existence in Japan, and she looked around with wide eyes as day became night, which narrowed for a moment before the view brightened, technology embedded within the Frame Plug showing a world that was almost like daylight.

She looked beside her at the somewhat familiar form of Frame Titan Unit-07, the glowing Vent Frame shoulder pylons almost obscuring the also familiar shark fin head. She couldn't help but smile slightly. Old habits, old designs, died hard. After all, she was piloting the spitting image of her old Unit-05, wasn't she?

"Hey, hey, bestest battle buddy." she said into an open channel, inwardly pumping her fist in satisfaction as she saw a slight smirk appear on Mana's face. "So…"

She trailed off, her expression fading into slight consternation. "Who do we link up with here? My Portuguese is… not the greatest, I'll fully admit it." she admitted with a shrug.

"Well, I'm sure headquarters will know who we can talk to." Mana replied, chuckling slightly as she keyed up First Lieutenant Mogami. "Lieutenant Mogami, is there someone in command who we can link up with in order to coordinate our defenses with the military? One who preferably speaks English, at least?"

"Yes. One moment." was Mogami's reply as her comms screen blinked out of existence. Mana looked around her, scanning for a moment before her gaze fell on a haze of deep red and orange light to their northwest. And the head and shoulders that stood in the center of it, slowly coming closer and closer, seeming to look intently at them both.

Mogami's voice came back after a moment. "This is General Soares of the Nova Brasilian Armed Forces. He'll be your link to ground forces here in Nova Brasilia." she said simply, the view of her face that both women saw cutting to an 'Audio Only' screen as who was apparently an older man began to speak in a Brasilian accent.

"Pilots, I cannot help but thank you for your assistance." he said, no small amount of relief in his voice. "We are currently in the process of evacuating the citizens in the way of this menace, and rallying the necessary military units to the city to fight off the smaller things surrounding it. How much time can you buy us?"

"As much as we can, sir." Mari replied. "We'll go out to meet it, and we'll win. Promise."

"Against the entire force?" Soares said incredulously. "Surely, even two Evangelions couldn't come out victorious against all that?"

"We'll request orbital support." Mana cut in as Unit-07 began to move forward. "There's a ship, the Cataphract, which should be able to help out."

"Very well. Satellite imagery shows the target and its company about 45 kilometers out from the city. Based on what those images we've seen of its immediate area, the further out you can engage that… demon, that thing, the better."

"We're on our way out, sir." Mari replied, a serious tone a mask for the excitement in her expression. "We'll keep you safe as best we can."

"Good luck, pilots." was the last thing General Soares said before the comms screen blinked out, and the Frame Titans started striding forward, the advance measured and intently watching the enemy just in case it tried to attack them from range.

"Mari?" Mana said into a comms screen almost plaintively after a moment as water flowed from Unit-07's hands and solidified into the shape of a massive, crablike claw, and what appeared to be a large pistol or submachine gun.

"Yeah, Free Willy?" Mari replied offhandedly, her focus on the head and shoulders of the giant in bright white armor pockmarked with blast marks, its downturned horns on the sides of its head reminding her of goblin ears.

"I'm…" Mana said, pausing before she took a deep breath. "I think I'm actually afraid now, looking at this thing coming towards us. At least, if that's what this feels like."

"Welcome to the club, darling." Mari said easily as metal flowed much like Mari's water, becoming a massive rifle whose barrel glowed with rings of glowing yellow, red, and orange Frames. "Happens to the best of us."

"Like you?" Mana said, even more hesitantly than before.

"Exactly." Mari nodded slowly, a smile on her face. "After all, it looks like we're going up against the devil himself and his legions of hell. Who wouldn't be at least a little frightened? We just gotta push through and get the job done. I think you and I can do that just fine."

Mana nodded slowly, then more quickly as a look of determination settled over her and the haze of demons that surrounded the Icon of Sin, as Daniel had called it, became more clear. "Alright, then. I'm calling up the Cataphract now."

After a moment of calling them up, a calm female voice answered. "This is the Cataphract. Go ahead."

"This is First Lieutenant Kirishima of HERZ. I'm requesting orbital support over Nova Brasilia in the form of a strike against an enemy target. I'm sending rangefinding coordinates now."

"Acknowledged, Lieutenant. We're starting maneuvers towards your overhead now. We'll be on location in five minutes. Hold the target in relative place, and our guns will do the rest."

"Good to hear. Kirishima out."

The comms panel snapped off, and Mari scoffed as her pace slowed. "Five minutes. Easy peasy. We can do that much in our sleep, almost."

"I hope so, Mari." Mana said as they stopped roughly 25 kilometers out of Brasilia Dois, the Icon now starting to appear much larger than even the pictures had given it credit.

'Five minutes. We've got this.' Mari thought as she aimed the sniper rifle, the Eva providing a targeting reticle and magnification that, frankly, almost wasn't needed as the Icon just kept getting bigger. 'Right?'

- - -

70 Kilometers outside of Munich, Germany

First Lieutenant Mayumi Yamagishi, and thus the somewhat glowing golden and orange FT Unit-09, came into existence in a mostly flat, somewhat forested and hilly German countryside, shrouded in a night that was pierced by searchlights and the headlights of helicopters passing by.

She found herself looking around at a military camp, one that a query to her GPS told her was Ulm Army Base. Her brow furrowed after a moment as she keyed up Matsushiro. "Is there an ETA I can expect on Arantxa's Eva?"

"One moment." Captain Aoba replied. "EuroEva-Alpha will be en route in one and a half minutes. I've directed the Sonne to lock on and teleport her to your location. I'll link you with her now. I'll also be patching you in with General Gavrilyuk, general commander of the EuroFor elements you'll likely be supporting, along with being your link with the Bundeswehr forces in the area."

"Roger." Mayumi replied, and Aoba blinked out, replaced by a split-screen of Arantxa's face, which lit up with barely contained joy at the sight of her mentor, and a panel that said 'Audio Only'.

"Hello, M-Lieutenant Kirishima." Arantxa said happily, seeming to fight the urge to slightly squeal. "It's good to see you out here supporting us."

"That it is, Lieutenant." a far cooler, older woman's voice replied, her words tinged by what sounded almost like a Russian accent. "We have a hell of a situation on our hands. Whatever this thing is, it's currently about 100 kilometers out from Munich, and approaching quickly. We'll need you to intercept the massive threat, and after that's contained and eliminated, we will strike at its cohorts after we've rallied. Good luck, and good hunting."

"Acknowledged." Mayumi and Arantxa said, and General Gavrilyuk's comm screen disappeared.

Arantxa took a deep breath as she looked at Mayumi expectantly. "My, but I haven't been this excited to deploy against an enemy in…" she puffed out her cheeks and shook her head slightly. "Years, at this point. And I even get to work with you, on top of it!"

As she finished her sentence, Arantxa's Eva fuzzed into existence, Mayumi's Frame Plug allowing her vision to be enhanced enough to see it in the darkness and shadows cast by the searchlights. It was field green, a sniper rifle and a Progressive Glaive requisitioned from NERV both strapped to its back, the shoulder facing Mayumi showing the flags of the European Union and the ikurriña of Santutegia. As she turned to face Unit-09, the glowing Vent Frame pylons revealing a helm that had two bisected horns above a visor and a flat mask, and its chest was emblazoned with a Greek alpha symbol.

"Ready to go?" Arantxa asked, smiling slightly.

Mayumi nodded as she glanced over at the GPS coordinates that showed their enemy's position, along with a possible intercept point around 50 kilometers away. "Let's not waste any more time."

With that, they began their sprint towards the intercept coordinates, the vast, mostly uninhabited forests providing an excellent track for their great, striding sprint.

At the pace that they had established, they would be there in about 3 and a half minutes. Mayumi settled into the pace, feeling the rhythmic up and down motion and finding herself… satisfied, somehow. A feeling that surprised her for a moment, but more and more not unexpected.

As such, she glanced over at Arantxa, an almost serene expression on her face capping a Frame Plug Suit similar in color to her Eva.

"So," Mayumi started somewhat casually, her eyes still focused forward on the path that the Frame Plug's AR system had laid out for them, "does this remind you of any time during the war?"

Arantxa blinked, then her brow furrowed for a moment. "Not directly… but… there were plenty of pests that we chased out of dugouts and trenches that seemed big, at least at the time."

"I'm guessing nothing felt this big back then, though." Mayumi smiled slightly.

Arantxa chuckled. "No, certainly not. But," she continued as they began to reach their destination, slowing slightly, "there's always a first time, isn't there?"

"That there is." Mayumi replied as they came to a stop, about 50 kilometers or so out of Munich, and a rapidly closing 20 kilometers from the army approaching it, Arantxa grabbing the sniper rifle as Mayumi focused, Unit-09's hands frosting over as ice flashed into existence, flowing and crackling into the familiar form of Mayumi's Gun-lance.

"Oooh." Arantxa said as she looked over at the weapon, which glowed with the shifting colors of an aurora as it misted somewhat from the hands of the Eva and their contact with the rather chill atmosphere. "I don't think I've ever seen something quite like that."

"It's Interfacing. Hotaru always said I was fascinated with the Arctic. I guess it translated to my first Aspect Core. Get ready." Mayumi replied almost offhandedly as her brow furrowed slightly, the Frame Plug magnifying the sight in front of them, a cloud of what looked like wyverns swooping about. She noticed as Arantxa's Unit shouldered its own rifle from the corner of her vision before she blinked away the bright lights of exploding long-range missiles, balls of fire in the sky, and billowing up from the ground before, finally, their foe reared its head.

True to the overhead satellite imagery, Buraki looked to all the world like a massive cobra, intense, baleful yellow eyes gleaming as it saw the two of them standing before it, and it opened its mouth and roared, its cavernous jaw filled with prominent fangs.

"Fire." was Mayumi's only reply, the Gun-lance's report the howl of a blizzard contrasted by the biting bark of Arantxa's sniper rifle.

A bolt of ice, trailed by mist, exploded in the monster's face, followed shortly behind by a rod of superheated tungsten-carbide, crumpling against Buraki's skin as it spun off into the night. Buraki merely shook it off, the frost that had covered its head becoming like snow as it slithered forward towards them, roaring once again in a very un-serpentine fashion.

"Well, at least it's only a giant snake." Mayumi said as the Evas began to backpedal slowly. "It could be worse."

- - -

Mari yelped slightly as the Icon of Sin gave a ululating growl, swinging down a blade of crackling red energy that was almost as tall as her Eva was as she jumped back, the greatsword that her rifle had become batting it out of the way, Mana ducking as an AT Field pulsed out from Unit-08's body, the short-range burst slamming into the demons that nipped at her Unit's body like a swarm of flies, sending dozens of them tumbling from the sky.

The Icon's sword swung out to the side, passing through the clouds of demons that it sent falling from the sky like they were never there, then it slowed, then stopped before beginning to swing back towards Mari, who put up a valiant guard.

Before it could pick up much speed, Unit-07 intercepted it, its claw snapping shut around the blade, the sheer weight behind it causing the Eva to skid for a moment as it dug its heels into the ground, stopping just meters short of Unit-08 as Mana aimed the gun in her other hand over her right arm, the crashing of waves following the rounds slamming into the Icon's arm and chest.

"My, but we could have used the warning that it would be twice as big as us!" Mari shouted as she maneuvered around the Icon's side, four floating, slender blades of bright, gleaming metal springing into existence before shooting towards the Icon.

They slammed into the demon's side, and Mari focused as the spikes glowed, then blew apart through an explosive Expression. The attack sent shards of the pale armor flying into the air, exposing a sliver of bleeding, brown skin as the Icon howled in pain, taking a single, thundering step back.

"We only have 2 and a half more minutes until the Cataphract is overhead." Mana replied, brow furrowed as she let go of the blade, dancing away from bolts of black and red energy that struck from behind the Icon's head, slamming into the ground and exploding with crackling fury.

"Well, I hope they hurry a little. I'd quite like to not be swarmed by these stupid little meatballs and such before that point." Mari grumbled as she sent out another pulse, causing dozens, if not hundreds, of relatively tiny demons to tumble dead to the ground.

"We can do it. Like you said." Mana said firmly. "We just need to push this thing back."

It was a moment before Mana continued as her focus turned back to the Icon, a swiping claw meeting the Icon's blade and deflecting it, Unit-07 stumbling to the side before its form blurred and it blitzed forward. "It would be nice to have some support, though. I'll agree with that."

"One moment." Mari said as Unit-08 backpedaled, its greatsword transformed back into the rifle she had wielded at the start of the battle, and she keyed up General Soares. "General," she said as she took one shot, then another, each hit pockmarking the demon's armor, "is there any sort of long-range support that your military could offer us? We'd be able to get the job done a lot faster if it wasn't for this swarm of little things around us."

"We have long-range missiles inbound, and our air elements are in the air and approaching your position in about 4 minutes." Soares said firmly.

"Got it. Thanks for the update." Mari closed the channel as she took a shot at the Icon of Sin, the crack of the metal bolt slamming into the massive demon's torso causing the Thrill within her to flare for a moment before her focus came to the massive fireball that spiraled to life within the demon's outstretched hand.

It threw the flame at her, an AT Field flaring to life and causing the fireball to explode over it, tongues of fire flying everywhere. Especially into the terribly flammable forest beneath their feet.

Mari yelped as the flames began to spread beneath her Unit's feet. "Mana! Mana! We should probably put this out before it gets too bad!"

Mana glanced back at Unit-08 as it jumped back from the flames that were quite rapidly growing around them, sighing quietly as she backstepped from a swing of the Icon's sword. "I'm on it. Keep it busy. We only have to hold it in place for a minute more."

"Now that, I can do!" Mari said with a cocksure smile, Unit-08 bounding forward, sword-like blades appearing around its head and shoulders as her rifle became a spear with a winged head. "Come on, big guy! Let's see how well we can dance together!"

Mari dived into battle, using the blades as, of all things, a staircase to climb up and give the Icon a solid smack across the face, causing the Icon to stumble back a ponderous step, then another as Unit-08 landed back on the ground, dashing past its side as she stuck a floating blade into the opening in the armor she had created earlier.

Mana smiled slightly at the sight of the Icon turning to try and sweep its sword into Mari, then looked back down at the fire that raged through the rainforest beneath her.

She focused, Unit-07's hands held out slightly as a disk of water spun to life in her hands. Then she paused. The countdown to the orbital bombardment was now only seconds away. "Mari!" she nearly shouted. "30 seconds to bombardment! Move back and cover me!"

"Got it!" Mari chirped, deftly sidestepping and dashing past the Icon as it slammed its blade into the ground, the impact's thundering rumble masking the equally pounding footsteps of Unit-08 as it bounded towards Unit-07, its spear disappearing as it slid to a stop in front of the Eva, turning and dramatically raised its arms and AT Field.

In the second after that, night became day again in most of Nova Brasilia as a nearly blinding pillar of golden light slammed into the Icon of Sin, engulfing it and swallowing whatever cries of pain it might have made in the roar of the weapon. Even the sheer proximity to the beam vaporized many, if not most of the far smaller demons that surrounded it, and only Mari's AT Field, battered even in its strength, protected the Evas from any sort of slow, bleeding damage.

The baleful light and thunder continued for seconds that almost felt like hours, then stopped, the return of darkness causing both Mana and Mari to blink for a moment before Mana spread her own arms wide, the disk of water caught between Unit-07's hands descending towards the forest floor and expanding, the curving wave snuffing out the flames with a quick series of hisses as it expanded outward, past where the Icon had stood, until the flames, at last, were out.

Mari dropped the AT Field with a sigh as Mana worked. "Man, a one-woman firefighter service, you are. Maybe that's the job you should get if this whole 'piloting' thing falls through for whatever reason."

"Thanks." Mana replied offhandedly, her focus on the spot where the Icon had been standing under the blast, a comm screen flickering to life outside of her view as she squinted slightly, spotting a shadow, darker than the smoke that surrounded it, then her eyes widened as she heard the rumble of a single, heavy footstep.

"Pilots," the familiar voice of the Cataphract's comms officer rang out, panic clear in her tone, "we still have a big signature coming from the target! We've put a dent in it, but we won't be able to fire that again for another several minutes. It'll be up to you to finish it off."

"Understood." Mana replied, an edge of annoyance and steel in her voice as the Icon stepped out from the plume of smoke.

Its armor was gone, and muscle, flesh, and bone rippled and flowed across its body, a harsh red glow beginning to light up the Icon's body as it became whole again. Mana and Mari couldn't help their sight be drawn towards its head, however, the head once encased in armor looking down at them, showing the baleful red and yellow eyes that glared at them.

"Why do I think we only made this thing angry…" Mari said slowly, with rising alarm, as she summoned her rifle again, the blades she had been using springing back to life as Mana similarly began to rearm.

As they finished rearming, the Icon finally fully roared, the sound rattling Mari and Mana's ears and causing their vision to shudder for a moment before they regained their focus. Then it strode forward, a blade of fire and darkness reappearing in its hand as it raised it overhead.

The Evas dashed to the sides as the blade slammed down, rounds of withering fire slamming into the Icon's skin as they dashed around it, circling to behind its back as they continued their withering barrage.

The Icon growled as it extracted its sword from the earth, a lance appearing in its other hand that it swept around itself, Mari ducking underneath it as Mana dodged out of the way, the Icon turning to fully face them as it brought its plutonian spear back around to stab at Mana, stepping forward and jabbing again and again, Mana giving ground slowly at first, then faster and faster.

"Oh no, you don't!" Mari shouted, her hovering blades flying forward as she pumped round after round into the beast's side, one intercepted by a shield that the Icon had put up to stave off the bullets, the other three arcing gracefully around it to slam into the Icon, slicing around themselves and spilling brilliant red ichor as the Icon howled, and from the edge of Mari's perception, a flight of the meatball demons, as she had so artfully called them, dropped from the sky, dissolving into ash as the Icon's wounds began to heal.

"Oh, come on!" she groaned as she accomplished her goal of attracting the Icon's attention, the demon turning to her and swinging its lance around, Mari's rifle becoming a greatsword in an instant to bat it away before parrying the sword thrust that came after. "This tosser uses its little hellspawn to regenerate itself! That just bites!"

"Is there somewhere that they're coming in from?" Mana asked as she flew into the air on wings of water, balancing somewhat precariously on its shoulders as she pressed her submachine gun into its head, firing round after round into it. But the barrage, while pulping the thing's head for a moment and staggering it, came to nothing as it once again consumed the essences of its diminutive cohort to make itself whole again.

"Probably from one of those Looking Glass mirror thingies Daniel mentioned!" Mari said as Mana jumped off of the Icon's shoulders, landing on the ground gracefully as she dodged a sword swiping overhead. "Hold on."

She used the momentary distraction that Mana gave to key up General Soares and Lieutenant Mogami. "Lieutenant Mogami, where did this thing pop up from?"

"It came from…" Mogami paused for a moment. "A location about 20 kilometers west of you."

"Send those coordinates to the General! This thing is using the little biters that come along with it to regenerate itself. If he can blast the portal these things are coming out of to hell, then we can at least limit its longevity."

"I'll have an air wing on the way as soon as I have a location." General Soares said firmly as Mogami got to work.

"God bless you, sir!" Mari said as she jumped back from another series of attacks made by the Icon. "Heaven knows we'd appreciate some of his help while we whittle this thing down."

With that, she closed the link to the two superiors. "You got that, Mana?" she asked as she dashed in past the spear's reach. "We've just got to hold out until they've taken care of their little doorway into our world."

"We'll do it. I know we can." Mana replied with almost grim determination. "All the way to the end of the mission."

"To the end and back!" Mari said with a proud smile. "That's the spirit! I knew I liked you when we first met."

- - -

Mayumi and Arantxa watched with no small amount of alarm as a thick, black cloud rose from the ground while Buraki slithered towards them, uncaring of the fire that the two Evas poured into it as it barreled ever closer.

"Dodge!" Mayumi finally called out as it came within meters of them, the two Evas dodging to the sides as the massive serpent barreled past them.

Acting quickly, Mayumi shifted the forward grip on her gun-lance from crossing the icy blade to lining up with it, bringing it up then back down in a mighty swing against Buraki's body. Her eyes widened, however, as she watched the blade spark and bounce off the scales, relieving the pressure for a moment as she shook her head. "After it!"

At that, the Evas began to run alongside the serpent, under the sable cloud that almost blended in with the rest of the night. "It's only been a few minutes since this thing appeared!" Arantxa said, her voice filled with concern. "There's no way Munich will be able to be evacuated in time at this pace!"

"I have a solution for that!" Mayumi replied as the gun-lance shrank into a more manageable ax that she smacked against the coiling body, trying to grab its attention even for a moment as she keyed up her solution, but to no avail.

"This is the Sonne. Go ahead."

"This is Lieutenant Yamagishi of HERZ! We need you to teleport the citizens of Munich out of harm's way. It doesn't look like we'll be able to stop this thing from reaching the city!"

"We'll do our best, but… that's likely a lot of civilians. We can't guarantee they'll all be out before you reach the city."

"She's right, Mayumi!" Arantxa interjected. "We're talking about a city of nearly 7 million people!"

"Then we'll just need to keep this thing busy for as long as we can while they work. We need to get ahead of this thing and reach the city before it does. Go, Arantxa!"

With that, Mayumi abandoned the rather futile attempt to dissuade Buraki, and devoted all her focus to simply outpacing it, glancing over to see that Arantxa too had stowed away her rifle and was pushing her Evangelion to the limits, though a little behind her now.

Soon enough, they once again nearly covered kilometers with their stride, racing to overtake the serpent and meet it head-on in front of the city. For what felt like ages, all they saw were the coils of the snake, undulating and seemingly unchanging across the breathtakingly long beast's length. Then, the head came into view, unerringly pointed towards what was becoming the increasingly visible city lights of Munich.

'Come on…' Mayumi thought, willing herself to be faster, pouring her whole soul into the effort. Slowly the head came closer and closer, each pounding footstep making up the difference more and more.

Then she was at its head, a head which came up suddenly and roared, its eyes beginning to glow with a pale white light.

Mayumi threw up an AT Field around herself on instinct as a bolt of lightning crackled down from the black cloud above them. The force of the strike buzzed through Mayumi, her field faltering for a moment before she strengthened it. "Arantxa!" she shouted as she felt another bolt strike. "Put an AT Field up above you!"

She barely heard Arantxa's response as she pushed on, slowly leaving Buraki behind. The city limits were in sight now, and Mayumi dearly hoped that the Sonne had cleared at least what was in front of them as she pulled far enough ahead to have to look behind her to see the enemy she hoped to stop here.

After seconds that felt to her like minutes, Mayumi skidded to a stop, Buraki only several dozen meters behind her and closing rapidly. She turned on a dime, throwing up a wall with her AT Field that the serpent slammed into, causing it to crumple slightly as some of its body continued into the field as well.

Arantxa skirted around the AT Field as much of the dark cloud cover began to descend around it, bolts of lighting continuing to strike out at them for a moment more. Then the clouds began to take form again, streaks of smoke bursting out of the clouds still overhead while those that had fallen to the ground separated, the tiny cloudlets blowing away to reveal the army that Buraki had appeared with.

Mayumi opened a channel to the Sonne as quickly as she could. "Sonne, the army has reached the city limits. Please, act as quickly as possible!"

"Acknowledged, Yamagishi. We're pulling in civilian Seabreakers to assist, and the Cataphract will be on its way after it finishes an operation over Nova Brasilia. Please contact whatever forces are present and direct them towards the army."

Mayumi nodded as Buraki charged forward, causing her to dodge to the side before she could vocally acknowledge the woman on the comms. "Can we get any sort of support from the League Outriders or the Worldstriders? They'll have to be careful, but their help could mean a world of difference for the army elements here."

"We'll deploy them as soon as possible. Sonne out."

Mayumi simply nodded as her gun-lance crackled back into existence, raising it nearly above her head as she wreathed it in an AT Field, growling slightly as she brought it down on the body which had crushed dozens, if not hundreds, of residential homes already.

She could not help but feel some slight satisfaction as she finally broke the creature's skin, blood steaming at the contact from the frozen blade as she saw the coil convulse in front of her, hearing a roar from further to her left.

"Arantxa," she said as she watched her teammate unlimber her sniper rifle, "wrap your rounds in an AT Field. That's the only thing I've-"

She was cut off as she glanced to the side, her eyes widening as Buraki came at her, its mouth gaping open. With a shout, she jumped back, then again as it bit at her over and over.

Before it could lunge forward again, Mayumi heard the crack of the sniper rifle, and a prismatic lance of glowing tungsten-carbide slammed into the side of the serpent, burying itself nearly two-thirds of its length into Buraki's side as it howled and turned to regard Arantxa.

Defying all odds, it shook its head slightly, a ring of shadow surrounding the rod and beginning to push it out as Buraki made its way deeper into the city.

"Oh, come on." Arantxa muttered as the two Evas gave chase. "I know it would kill you to do it, but can you please just focus on us?"

"What could have it so set on getting into the city?" Mayumi wondered aloud as she adjusted her gun-lance, firing again into the advancing monster before swatting at a flight of wyverns with her off-hand.

As the wyverns dispersed enough for her to dash ahead, hopefully empty houses crumbling underfoot, she heard the tritone of an opening comms channel. "Pilots," she heard General Gavrilyuk say, an edge of near panic to the woman's voice, "we have air elements on the way to your location, arriving in 30 seconds. The Sonne has contacted us and is having ground forces teleported to Munich to assist in and secure the evacuation. Take that thing down as soon as you can!"

"Yes, ma'am." Arantxa and Mayumi replied, the crack of another sniper shot echoing through Mayumi's comms from the outside.

Mayumi made her way towards the snake's head as she heard the scream of jets from behind her, saw the bright, flashing explosions of missile strikes on the wyverns that had come to spread across the city skyline, and over the massive scraping of Buraki slithering, the crack and crackle of cannons and other small-arms fire flaring to life throughout the city.

Arantxa found herself settling into a rhythm that, while she didn't like at this moment, was really all that was keeping her alive. Munich, once a far more old-fashioned German city in the distant past, had been modernized after the ruin that befell it during the Impact Wars. Thus, she now used the high-rise skyscrapers that had been built in its place to dodge and weave, leading Buraki's head ever onward as it laced between the buildings after her.

After dodging to the side a few times, she jumped over Buraki's body, its head going up and over its body. With a roar, its eyes glowed, and Arantxa put up an AT Field to block the twin bolts of lightning that snapped out at her.

'I can't do this forever…' Arantxa thought as she looked for some sort of opening, some way she could stop the jaws from snapping after her for a moment… 'Wait a minute!'

She smiled slightly as she took the sniper rifle she had been holding and slid the bolt back, extracting the last shot her sniper rifle had as she grabbed it and set the rifle aside gently. Though not superheated before firing, it was still one of the strongest metal rods on Earth right now. And if she timed this right…

'Come on… come a little closer, little rat snake…' she dared as she backed up slowly, one ponderous footstep at a time, and Buraki paused for a moment before rearing back, its fan spreading and crashing through the buildings around it as it roared in challenge.

Then, after a moment's stillness, Buraki darted forward, its mouth gaping as its fangs glinted in the lights of the city.

'Perfect!' Arantxa's smile grew as she quickly stepped back, shoving the rod into the open mouth as it began to close.

Buraki's jaw jerked to a stop as the rod pierced its soft mouth and jaw, and it jerked back again, howling in pain as it shook its head from side to side, slamming into the buildings surrounding it again and again, pulling still further back as a skyscraper finally gave way, the top third tumbling down, slamming into its neighbor and sending up plumes of debris and dust that gathered at Arantxa's feet.

'I really hope those buildings didn't have anyone left in them…' a spike of worry embedded itself in Arantxa's stomach as she took the Progressive Glaive from the clip on her Eva's back, the blade beginning to whir and glow with a prismatic wrapping of her AT Field as she advanced slowly on where Buraki had been, the sound of its scales cramping across the ground joined by the rumbling of the debris settling on the street and the gunfire that she just now began to notice.

'Alright, rat snake… come out and let me gut you…'

Arantxa's brow furrowed as she listened to the slithering, now seemingly all around her due to their madcap chase through the forest skyscrapers. Where was he?

Then, a shuffling from her left, and she turned with widening eyes as she saw Buraki charging towards her, then… past her?

She had little time to ponder the move before she found out why Buraki had done it as it wrapped itself around her legs, then her torso, feeling her stomach drop as the serpent somehow lifted her Eva off the ground.

She lifted her arms to prevent them from being constricted as well, but at this point, the Glaive had become too unwieldy to effectively use. "Mayumi!" she shouted into her link. "I could use some help here at the front! This thing's giving me…" Buraki squeezed tighter, raising Arantxa's voice an octave into a somewhat strangled gasp. "A hell of a hug!"

"I'll be there in a few moments." Mayumi replied, her calm voice soothing Arantxa somewhat as she continued to struggle. "Try to use your AT Field to break free."

"Got it." Arantxa wheezed as she furrowed her brow for a moment, considering what she might do. Then, her eyes became set in determination, and she wrapped herself in an AT Field that slowly, slowly pushed out from her, pressing against the coils that restrained her.

She focused, setting her jaw as she mentally pushed harder, the coils surrounding Eva-Alpha twitching as they tried to tighten still further. She disregarded as best she could the sound of Mayumi's weapon going off behind her as she felt herself slip down slightly. 'Come on… just a little more…'

Finally, holding the Glaive straight above her head, Arantxa dropped to the ground, landing on her feet as she crouched out from under the coils, giving the body she passed under a good swipe, her AT Field enhanced blade ripping a decent gash that she watched become coated in shadows, much like the sniper round wound she had made that had since pushed the rod out and resealed, leaving a puckered scar.

"So," Arantxa said, taking a deep breath as she joined Mayumi's side, "what's the plan?"

"Pin it in place as best we can, and survive while doing it."

"Oh, good. At least it's something."

- - -

Mari and Mana were still only for a moment, then they dashed back towards the Icon of Sin, breaking to the left and right as they fired their ranged weapons, torrents of rounds pounding the Icon's sword arm as powerful, cracking shots hammered at the spear arm that swung out wildly, Mari ducking under the arm as she continued to fire into the Icon's side.

Even with the damage that she had done, Mari still couldn't help but grimace as yet more of the tiny blighters became so much ash that flowed to seal the Icon's wounds. 'I hope that the airstrike Soares is putting together gets here soon. We could use the help.'

'Then again,'
she continued to muse as she ducked another swipe from the Icon, dodging back as bolts of hellfire slammed down in front of her, 'we could use a few more Evas, with the dents we're making in this thing being patched up so fast. Maybe if we could just overwhelm it…'

Her train of thought was thoroughly derailed as she blocked a hammer blow, swearing she could feel her Eva sinking slightly into the ground. With a grunt of effort, she forced the sword off of what had become her own greatsword, sending her floating blades back in to lacerate the Icon.

"General!" she said into an open comm link to Soares, taking advantage of being able to back off for a moment. "How much time left 'til that airstrike hits?"

"The strike is off the ground, and will reach the coordinates in 4 minutes!"

"Got it." Mari grunted as she chopped into the armor on the Icon's thigh, peeling a portion of it off, along with some of its flesh, as she danced back from a reprisal. "We'll keep it busy 'til then."

She suppressed an altogether out of character sigh as the link closed, and she darted back in to slash and stab at the Icon's thick-skinned stomach. 'As much as I love a good fight, it seems the Thrill can't last forever. Or at least, the Thrill can outlast me. Who knew?'

Either way, she noticed herself beginning to falter. Slightly enough that even Mana likely wouldn't be able to notice it if she were looking, but enough to irk her. A sloppy block here. An imprecise thrust there. Damn it all. She needed to be at her best. The safety of these people, of the world, depended on her and Mana. 'Come on, Superman. Keep up with Batman. Just a little longer.'

As she deflected another sword swing, she shook her head slightly, backing off as her greatsword once again became a heavy rifle that thundered with slow, powerful automatic fire, explosive Expressions weaved into the shells bursting apart flesh that just began to be made whole again by the demons that swarmed around them in what was almost a dome, trapping them in with the Icon of Sin.

'It… enjoys this.'

The realization somehow left her distinctly uneasy. If she looked closer for a moment, now, she could swear the beast was almost… grinning. Then, she got… angry.

"Come on then." she muttered at first, her voice rising. "Come on! Stop playing with us and give us a proper fight, why don't you!"

The Icon looked over at her, and a dagger of anxiety stabbed into her heart. She swore it even made her skip a beat. 'Did it hear me? Are my speakers on?'

It took a ponderous step forward, ignoring Mana's valiant attempt to distract it as it raised its sword, simultaneously leveling its spear at her. Mari prepared as best she could to deflect the oncoming attack, an AT Field spinning into existence.

Then, it struck, the spear flashing forward, into her AT Field… and through it. With a yelp, Mari slapped the spearhead away, her frazzled focus causing the AT Field to fly apart. Leaving her open for a swinging sword strike she saw coming right towards her Eva's head.

At the last moment, however, seemingly against all odds, a brilliant point of light flashed into existence, the hellfire sword slamming into it even as Mari flinched. Then, she looked over at what had saved her, her hope rocketing up as she registered what, exactly, it was.

'A… a star. Wait a minute!'

She grinned as she saw the Icon stumble forward, sheets of brilliant purple flame cascading from its back and sides as it turned to meet the new threat.

Her grin threatened to split her face as she moved to the side, seeing the two new Evas as their pilot's faces popped into existence on comm panels that showed Mana as well, an excited gleam in her eyes.

"Danny boy! Puppy! Oh, thank god you're here." Mari said, not minding the relief flooding into her voice as she watched a flaming bident appear in Unit-01's hands, and a swordspear in Unit-00's.

"Glad to be here." Daniel replied as he and Shinji dashed to the sides to avoid a series of strikes. "What's the situation so far?"

"The Icon is able to use its smaller counterparts as a means of healing." Mana replied calmly. "General Soares of the Brasilian armed forces will be striking at the source of the demons."

"Is there any way we could overwhelm its healing factor?" Shinji asked as he deftly caught the spear thrust at him in the tines of his bident, pinning it to the ground and breaking off the haft, a new set of tines growing in its place.

"With this many Evas?" Mari asked almost incredulously. "We could almost do it without the airstrike, Puppy! Let's get to it!"

She dived into the attack with a renewed ferocity, the Thrill singing through her as she linked her soul, however tenuously, with the others. She could feel the Thrill thrumming in some small part through them too as they danced around the Icon, fire and water and metal and gemstone and the stars pounding against the massive demon like a typhoon against a mountainside.

Mari sent a floating blade to block a strike meant for Mana, ducking slightly as Daniel interposed the blade of his swordspear between her and a hail of fire bolts heading her way, the barrage splattering against the shield of a brilliant nebula that expanded from it.

She heard Shinji rocket into the air on twin jets of sound and watched for a moment as a plume of flame burst out of Unit-01's mouth, enveloping the Icon's head. 'Oh, that is so metal! He's watched his Godzilla.'

As they continued to grind down the Icon of Sin, its attendants became billowing clouds of ash by the score. Soon, the seemingly looming dome they had once made was now reduced to a hellish version of something Mari would have expected to find on a playground somewhere.

'Alright…' Mari thought as she saw the healing beginning to slow ever so slightly, the wounds lingering for just a moment longer. 'Just a little more…'

The fight, which had begun to drag by, now became nearly a blur for Mari, though the Thrill and her renewed focus allowed her to keep track of the rapidly changing battle, finding strength in the connection she had made to the other pilot's souls as well.

After she summoned to her Eva's hand a massive javelin and hurled it up, the javelin slamming up into its chest just below where she guessed its heart might be, another comms screen appeared, an Audio Only one.

"Pilots, my air elements have hit the source of the demon's entrance, and are confirming that no more demons are coming through. Finish the fight!"

"With pleasure!" Mari replied as she intensified her attacks. From the corner of her eye, however, she caught Unit-00 stepping back, Daniel saying nothing.

Before she could ask what, exactly, he was doing, she saw a rather queer sight, as a glowing… something appeared over his brow, a not unfamiliar sight, and Unit-00 spread its arms wide.

A tide of stars swirled from the Eva's back, picking up speed and growing quickly as it slammed into the clouds of demons behind him. The… well, Mari could only call it a galaxy, spread out around them, slamming into the demons that swirled around them as it reached into the sky and towards the ground, arcing over them and forming another dome, this time of what was almost an unimpeded view of deep space.

The fight, amazingly, paused for a moment, caught in the spectacle of the Expression for that briefest of seconds, the Icon even looking around them.

Daniel took a deep breath. "Thank you, Nynrya." he said, almost too quiet for Mari to hear. What he said next, however, was only ever meant for them. "Alright, guys. Let's take it down!"

With that, the Evas fell on the Icon one last time, attacking with a tired, almost desperate ferocity.

Mari fired her rifle, automatic fire and her floating blades taking the legs as the others engaged an arm or battered at its already exposed body. She found an almost feral satisfaction in the fact that finally, finally, there was no trickle of ash to cover up their progress.

As a burst of fire shattered what little white armor, now stained with blood and mud, was left, two slicing blades hacked at the exposed leg, and after one chop, then another, the Icon went to one knee, the both as Mana sent a wave of water towards the back of its other leg, cutting deep enough that Mari could guess that she'd hit its hamstring.

The Icon roared, a scream of pain as it flailed its weapons about, seeming almost desperate now to get a lucky strike as torrents of hellfire rained down from just above its head. Raised AT Fields deflected most of the fire, Shinji even collecting the flames that fell to the forest floor and making a massive, though temporary, blade that he used to slice through the Icon's sword hand, sending it crashing to the ground.

The Icon made a wild stab at Daniel with its spear, but Unit-00 simply disappeared into the starfield, reappearing behind the Icon and sending a cyclone of stars spearing into its back that drove it to its hands and knees.

Its neck was bare as it bowed its head. Mari's chance, it seemed, had come, as her rifle became a greatsword, wreathed in the glowing power of her soul, her AT Field, as she stepped forward with a mighty shout, Unit-08 stepping forward and swinging the blade down.

It bit through the nape, slicing cleanly through as its cries were cut short, its head slamming into the ground as its body crumpled after it, blood that quickly became briefly flaring embers gushing out of the stump of its neck.

Everyone was still for a moment, looking down at the body of their foe while the silence was only pierced by deep breaths.

Then, Mari pumped her fist as she cheered. "Alright! We're all proper demon slayers now! Oh, you guys were so awesome."

She looked over at her teammates, noting the bemused looks on their faces for only a moment. "Starman! That was… amazing! Can we really do something like that, or are you just cheating somehow?"

Daniel chuckled slightly. "I'll admit, I had a little help."

"Aha! Whoever that Nynrya fellow is, give them my regards for the observatory show."

Daniel was silent for a moment, then a wry grin tugged at a corner of his mouth. "She thanks you for your praise, Mari."

"So cool!" Mari turned her attention to Shinji. "And you, Shinji, Puppy, luv! You were a right hellhound there! I loved the whole 'Godzilla flame breath thing!"

Daniel and Shinji glanced at what Mari assumed was each other, then a chuckle rose between them. "Well, speaking of Godzilla…" Shinji said.

Mari connected the dots, but Mana beat her to the question. "Were you actually dealing with Godzilla?"

Shinji nodded. "And another monster named Iris. It was… interesting, to say the least."

"Yes, indeed." Daniel nodded. "Godzilla is, thankfully, friendly. At least, as friendly as a Godzilla can really be."

Shinji scoffed slightly. "Says the man who shook his hand."

Mari's eyes grew wide. "Shut up! Really?"

After a second within which Daniel nodded, Mari blinked. "Come to think of it, where is our dear princess Asuka? I would have thought she'd be raring for a fight like this?"

"Oh, she's just popped home to Germany to help out Mayumi and Arantxa with their giant monster and accompanying army."

"Ah." Mari nodded slowly, then chuckled. "They'll be just fine, then."

- - -

Mayumi and Arantxa dodged out of the way of Buraki's head as it slammed into the building behind it. It seemed almost hellbent now on using it as a battering ram, now that its jaw was stuck as it was.

As it struggled for a moment to extract its head from the wreckage, Mayumi fired again and again at the trunk that twitched and jerked from the impacts, a latticework of frost having built up across its back and side. Arantxa hacked at the body with her Progressive Glaive, tsking slightly as each strike hit an ink-like line, almost perfectly aligned with her blade.

Finally, however, with a crumbling crash, Buraki whipped its head to the side, slamming into an unprepared Arantxa and sending her stumbling back into another building.

Arantxa winced, a hand going to a chest that felt like it had just taken a blow from a sledgehammer while in body armor. 'I really hope there isn't anyone left around here…'

She looked back up, and her eyes widened as she saw Buraki diving towards her. With a shout, she threw herself to the side, the twin thunderings of an Eva hitting the ground and a monster's head hitting the building it had stood in front of blending into each other as Buraki's impact rained debris down on Eva-Alpha's prone form.

"Arantxa!" Mayumi said as she started to jab at Buraki's body. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." Arantxa winced as she began to make Eva-Alpha drag itself out from under Buraki's still struggling form. "I lost my Glaive when it smacked me into the building, though. Can you see it?"

Mayumi scanned her surroundings, but the forest of highrises, and the dust that their destruction had kicked up, made anything on the ground hard to see. Mayumi soon shook her head. "I can't see it. Get over towards me. Do you have any other weapons available?"

"No, unfortunately." Arantxa said with no small amount of annoyance in her expression as she stood, tracing a path towards Mayumi as best she could as she heard Buraki extract itself yet again, releasing a dry, raspy roar as it did so.

Mayumi watched Buraki cautiously as it looked around itself, then fixed its gaze on her. She backed away slowly, fixing her icy gun-lance into its cannon form as Buraki flared its fan, and its eyes flashed for a moment.

Mayumi threw up an AT Field around herself as a bolt of supernatural lightning hammered down on what would have been her head, the charge held within it causing Mayumi's hair to stand slightly on end as the bolt was joined by another one, then another.

Buraki roared again as its eyes began to glow, and a thick thunderbolt arced from its forehead towards Unit-09, Mayumi's AT Field beginning to strain under the attack.

After a moment, however, she found the force of the current lessened, and glanced back for a second to see EuroEva-Alpha slowly moving up behind her, its hands raised as Arantxa likely used her own AT Field. It was nothing fancy, Mayumi mused, but it was all they needed right now.

Buraki was oddly silent as the current's power intensified, and Arantxa and Mayumi's brows both furrowed as the electricity became almost a physical thing, Unit-09 and EuroEva-Alpha leaning forward slightly.

"Arantxa," Mayumi began, "we need to-"

"Hey, Sparky!"

Both pilots blinked as they watched a bolt of brilliant red lightning strike slam into Buraki's head, the current it had generated disappearing as the red lightning remained, crawling around the serpent's head as it thrashed and hissed in pain.

"Is that…" Arantxa said slowly, before the face that belonged to the voice they had heard appeared in a comms screen in both Evas, running a hand through a head of fiery hair.

"Oh, es ist so schön, zu Hause zu sein!" Asuka nearly crowed as Mayumi and Arantxa dropped their AT Fields, looking for where their unexpected, but certainly not unappreciated backup had appeared. "I'm heading your way. What's the situation like?"

"Well, we're dealing with a lightning-throwing snake that uses shadow magic to heal itself and stop AT Field-enhanced weapons."

Asuka tsked as Unit-02 finally came into sight, the lighting playing across Buraki's skull flickering out of existence as Buraki set its head down, dazed for the moment at least. "Stealing my thunder while breaking into my home and trashing the place. It's a close margin as to which one is worse."

She came to a stop at the other pilots' side, regarding Buraki as it began to slowly shake off its daze. "Anything else come through with him?" she said casually as a sword of dark metal flowed into existence in her hands.

"Not so far." Mayumi paused for a moment. "We should probably send someone to go take care of wherever this thing came out of."

"Don't sweat it. I took care of that when I dropped in. That way, we get this big guy all to ourselves."

As Asuka and Mayumi settled into a ready position with their weapons, Arantxa looked at Asuka's sword with no small amount of envy. "Say… you wouldn't happen to be magnetic, would you? Unless you could spare an extra weapon to replace the Glaive I lost."

Asuka scanned the area for a moment, then took a hand off the hilt of her blade to reach out, and after a moment, the Prog Glaive in question, a little more banged up than it was before, tumbled once before the handle slid into Unit-02's waiting hand. "Here you go." she said as she handed the weapon back.

"Thanks. As good as I am in unarmed combat," Arantxa said as she leveled the glaive at Buraki, "I'd hate to try and wrestle this thing. It's wily."

"Then we work to stick it in place. Mayumi, your ice could keep it grounded while we batter away at it, right?"

"You'll need to keep in place for long enough to anchor it to the ground if that's what you're thinking." Mayumi replied as she nodded.

"Battering at this thing's scales hasn't been working though." Arantxa interjected, an edge of concern in her voice as Buraki became more and more cognizant, its baleful eyes gaining more and more focus.

"Then we hit the inside of its mouth." Asuka nodded. "Once we've pinned it, it'll be nice and easy."

"Then it's decided?" Mayumi asked as Buraki shook its head, roaring at them.

"Yep. Let's go!"

With that, Asuka dashed forward, taking all at least somewhat by surprise, even Buraki blinking. "Move to the side, Mayumi! I'll keep it here with Arantxa!"

Mayumi and Arantxa both nodded somewhat jerkily as they blinked away their surprise, determination replacing it as Mayumi moved to the side, Arantxa steeling herself for a moment before she charged in as well.

Buraki responded by… moving back. Each swipe and stab Asuka and Arantxa made caused it to shrink further and further back, dodging and rearing up as if to strike, then slithering back.

After a moment, it began to grate on Asuka. "Come on. Stop being such a coward and let me solidly hit you, damn it!"

But it continued to move back regardless. After a moment more of chasing, Arantxa slowed slightly. "What if it's leading us into a trap?" she said, concern evident in her expression.

"Then we spring the trap and deal with it." Asuka replied, continuing on regardless. "Stick close to me, and I'll get you out of any trouble."

Arantxa wasn't entirely sure, but she knew Asuka's experience. It was that knowledge that pulled her back into the fight. "Asuka," she asked after a moment, "is there anywhere in this city that you know would be a dead end?"

Asuka's brow furrowed for a moment as she watched Buraki dart back again. "There's… the old Olympiapark site! We'll probably need to lead it around a bit, but if we get it in that reinforced amphitheater structure that's there, we can pin it down almost without breaking a sweat."

Asuka began to back off, Arantxa following her lead, as she glanced over at Mayumi's comm screen. "Did you catch that?"

Mayumi nodded, and Asuka nodded in turn. "Track us, and keep up!"

With that, Asuka turned Unit-02 on its heel, activating her speaker systems once again. "Alright, buddy! You want us? Come get us!"

She didn't bother to look back, the roar and the scraping shuffle all she needed to hear to realize the message was received.

Thus, the battle became a chase for the briefest of moments, arcing up into the old sports center of the city, now renewed with far more durable architecture. Asuka hoped, as she dodged in between the buildings that surrounded her, that the reinforcement would hold up to a multi-hundred-ton snake.

'Only one way to find out.' she mused as she broke into the wide-open space that was the Olympiapark. Asuka scanned the scattered stadiums and parks, grinning slightly as she saw the massive, 90-meter hemisphere, pockmarked with tiny holes that made the image of a little girl with a flower, that was the white-painted replacement for the now nonexistent Olympiahalle. 'Perfect. Just the size I needed it to be.'

"Arantxa, Mayumi, stay on the sides of the Dauerhafte Jugend monument! I need this thing focused on me right now. Mayumi, get ready to make a wall around the front of the hemisphere when I tell you to. You're going to need to be quick."

"Oh, don't tell me…" Arantxa said as she and Mayumi both put the dots together.

"If anyone's going to survive being bait, it's going to be me. Now get ready, 'cause this is going to be quick!"

Asuka turned to regard the massive serpent as it slithered to a stop, rearing up as it unhinged its jaw, its mouth slowly opening wider and wider until the tungsten-carbide rod finally dislodged from it, clattering to the ground along with a small outpouring of blood. It shook its head as it reset its jaw, snapping it shut for a moment before roaring.

Asuka shouted back wordlessly, swinging her sword as a bolt of crimson lightning cascaded up its length, striking out from the tip to hit Buraki's eye, popping it quite nicely in Asuka's opinion.

"That's right! Follow me! I'm gonna make a lot of things out of you when we're done here!" Asuka said as she backpedaled into the monument, passing its boundaries. "Who knows, maybe a snakeskin jacket is in the cards."

Buraki roared as it slithered forward, snapping at Unit-02. Asuka danced easily to the side, coming to a stop on its left, the eye that she had put out whole again, but still seemingly blind. "Get ready, Mayumi!" she said into the comms.

She didn't see Mayumi nod as Buraki's head turned to regard her, then darted towards her again.

She stepped to the side and back, Buraki's head following her across an invisible line. "Now!"

Mayumi nodded, an almost hungry look in her eyes as she brought Unit-09's arms, laced with frost, up and dramatically clapped its hands.

As it did, two sheets of supernaturally tough ice, nearly 5 meters thick, sliced in like a closing elevator door, trapping Buraki's head, and a small portion of its body, outside of the monument.

After a moment, the ice around Buraki's neck grew out, stilling the writhing, lashing head as it roared in defiance, snapping its jaws.

"Get ready for your first kill, Arantxa." Asuka said coolly, a satisfied smile on her face as she manifested a pill of metal in Buraki's mouth that grew into a vertical pole at a breathtaking speed, spearing through the bottom and top of its jaw as one top of the pole slammed into the ground, shattering concrete. "Go for the brain!"

Arantxa nodded, sure of what to do as she charged forward, her Prog Glaive glowing with its own heat and the prismatic ripple of her AT Field. With a wordless shout, she drove the glaive deep into its open mouth, Buraki's head twitching as it screamed in pain for a moment, then went limp and silent.

EuroEva-Alpha stood there for a moment, then another, Arantxa breathing heavily as she seemingly regarded for the first time how utterly big this thing was as everything else settled into a dull rumble.


She blinked, her gaze torn to the comms screens, Asuka and Mayumi's faces filled with concern.

"Need a minute?" Asuka asked. "I've been at this for a while, and… well, I know what it's like to freeze up for the first time."

Arantxa nodded choppily, noting that she hadn't pulled her Glaive back out, and did so, a sizzling hiss following it as blood touched the blade.

"You did well for your first sortie." Mayumi said calmly, smiling slightly. "I think you and Keita will have some stories to share in the next little while.

Keita. The mention of his name made Arantxa blink, then nod as she took a deep breath. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess so."

"Oh, don't guess. It's a sure thing." Asuka grinned. "Keita got to watch Major Theisman shake hands with Godzilla, just to start. And you took down a giant snake… demon… thing. You, girl, are awesome."

Arantxa chuckled. "Yeah. Yeah, I am, I guess."

She blinked, then her eyes widened. "Did the ground forces take care of the army? And what about where they came from?"

"Let me check." Asuka's image was silent for a moment, nodding, then smiling slightly as she looked back at Arantxa. "They've taken care of the Looking Glass that this thing came from, and EuroFor and the Bundeswehr are mopping up this thing's army."

She chuckled. "I mean, most of them are armed with swords. It's not really a fair fight."

Arantxa sighed quietly. "Good. Good." she paused for a moment. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to go home."

"You and me both." Mayumi said quietly, a small smile of pride for her pupil adorning her face. "I hope the others can say the same."
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They're the demons, and the final boss, from DOOM Eternal. The healing factor, I'll admit, is an inference of my own, but the rest is generally faithful to the game's depiction of it.
Thanks for informing me. First Godzilla, now Doom. At this point, I should be ready to expect enemies from various different shows or games.
Chapter 41: Night of Titans

Chapter 41: Night of Titans

We have found a most monumental thing, hidden underneath the very feet of Japan, sequestered within a vessel of clearly alien origin, after the better part of a decade's excavation in near-total secrecy. It is a massive, pallid white being, whom the Dead Sea Scrolls most closely translate the title as 'The Mother of All Life'.

I refuse to call such a being Eve. I have seen the bestial nature of humanity far too easily displayed to believe we could ever come from a source so supposedly pure. This being we have found can only be Lilith.

We have posted the creature up in secret within the massive space that is known as the 'Black Egg' to the Scrolls, and continue to study both it and the secretion that it emits, a liquid that is not entirely like our own blood which holds remarkable properties.

For Lilith, however, there must be an Adam. Where such a being would be, I am still unsure. But… from what little I have translated of the most important Scrolls, such a being will be essential to my plans. To the Instrumentality of humanity.

- From the personal journals of Lorenz Kihl, May 1967

Somewhere in Payette National Forest, Idaho

Rei and Kaworu both blinked as the daylight of Matsushiro was replaced by the clear, moonlit night of North America. They found themselves surrounded by dark mountains, far taller than most, standing in one of the valleys.

As the view brightened on the Frame Plugs screens, both Unit-05 and Unit-06 crouched slightly, a stained glass halberd and the black and blue copy of the Spear of Cassius that had become Kaworu's signature weapon springing into being as they leveled it, Kaworu coming around to cover Rei's back.

"Nothing in the immediate vicinity." Rei said into an open comm link with Kaworu as she scanned their surroundings.

"For the moment, at least." Kaworu replied. "We should perhaps obscure our Vent Frame pylons, so as to not give ourselves away. After all, if the enemy is glowing, why let the battlefield be even?"

"That's certainly not unwise." Rei replied, nodding as she tapped on an open panel. "Do we have any way to contact Orien?"

"Lieutenant Mogami should be of assistance there." Kaworu said somewhat offhandedly, keying his comms as the glow of his shoulder pylons dimmed and vanished. "Lieutenant, can you arrange a link between us and pilot Wallace?" he said as their link to Matsushiro opened, showing the cool, but somewhat frazzled look of Lieutenant Mogami.

"One moment, pilots." Mogami replied, and her image blinked away.

That moment seemed to stretch into minutes as they changed their weapons into a sniper rifle and an Eva-scale marksman rifle, helped along by a simmering anxiety in the pit of Rei and Kaworu's stomachs. It was a feeling they were both used to by now, having fought against the Angels and everything that came after, but even still, the sense of the unknown gnawed at them both.

"Here is Lieutenant Commander Wallace now." Mogami finally said as her image returned, joined in split-screen by the face of Orien in a dark grey and white Plugsuit, his eyes lighting up slightly as he saw them. "He'll be joined by your liaison with the U.S. Army Eva Corps, Colonel Sadler shortly. Good luck, pilots."

With that, Mogami blinked away, leaving Orien to nod slightly. "It's good to see you here in this neck of the woods." he said, an innate confidence in his voice, familiar to them, comforting both Rei and Kaworu somewhat.

"We're glad to be of help." Rei replied. "Are you aware of our position?"

Orien glanced to the side. "Our AWACS is picking you up now. All the way in Idaho." he murmured the last words. Then, a pause. "I'm told we've worked out teleportation of me to you as well." he chuckled softly. "Good. I'd hate to run all the way from Fort Bragg after I'm done forming. It's… a ways away."

"We'll take your word for it." Kaworu replied. "When will you be ready to move out?"

"3 more minutes."

As Orien finished speaking, another panel joined his, one that was Audio Only. "Pilots," a masculine voice who Rei and Kaworu assumed was Colonel Sadler began, "we've detected the invading force about 3.5 kilometers from your current position. In the terrain you're operating in, that's quite a ways away. I'd recommend you wait for Thunderhead to be deployed so that you'll be able to recon in force. Due to your experience, I leave the particulars of the operation to you. Wallace will follow your lead."

"Understood, Colonel." Rei said calmly. "We await his arrival."

A symbol on a corner denoted the colonel muting the comms, and Rei looked back at Orien. "Once you arrive, we'll run you through how to make your Vent Frame pylons invisible. Then, we'll make up a plan as we head out based on the information available to us."

"Sounds good." Orien replied, running through what looked like some last checks.

"And, if I may…" Kaworu interjected. "How does one obtain a nickname such as 'Thunderhead'?"

"It's my callsign." Orien shrugged. "Pilots here, all military pilots, have those. That, and it's a nickname I got for being top of my class in martial arts. But storytime can come later."

"That it shall." Rei said, nodding slightly.

"Alright. 1 minute to deployment, then I'll be there. Get ready."

A minute came and went, and what was apparently Orien's Evangelion, Thunderhead, fuzzed into existence behind them.

It was, true to its name, a deep grey, with accents in white and bright yellow acting as the lightning within the cloud itself. The Vent Frame pylons, before their light disappeared, showed a head with an austere helmet, a rounded dome with smooth walls flowing into a rather sharp chin, its vision provided to it by a simple T visor. In its hands, it hefted a Pallet Rifle with a relatively small, somewhat improvised IR laser module mounted in the front on top of the gun, and a Progressive Glaive locked in across its back.

After a moment, simplified radar screens, showing the view from the AWACS Orien had mentioned, the Evas slowly began to move forward, climbing the mountains as quietly as they could.

"Any idea on how big our targets are?" Orien said as they came close to a mountaintop from which to peek over at their foes.

"Our Intermediary System pins the smallest of these Kaiju at around 90 meters tall." Kaworu replied as their heads crested the peak of the mountain, granting them a view of the glowing monsters below them. "The largest may well be twice that height."

Orien nodded slowly as he sighted in his Pallet Rifle, an arched eyebrow the only sign of being somewhat impressed. "Man. Did the Angels really get this big?"

"Bigger." Rei replied as she aimed her Eva's monoeye down a scope that allowed her to see the scales of one of the smaller Kaijus. "But we, and the Angels before them, have an advantage over these creatures."

"Ah, yes." Orien chuckled. "Whatever happens we have got the AT Field, and they have not." he intoned in a rhyme.

Kaworu and Rei looked at him for a moment before Orien blinked. "Oh. An old, old adage I picked up in history class. Even still, we could use a little more advantage."

"Perhaps we could draw one of these creatures off at a time?" Kaworu postulated.

"Maybe… We'll need to make sure they don't overwhelm us first." Rei said, nodding slowly.

"Let's use this terrain to our advantage." Orien interjected. "We are in a mountain range, after all. Breaking line of sight for these things will be easy."

"We'll need someone to draw one out then." Rei stated, a serious look in her eyes, under a slightly furrowed brow as they were.

"I'll make it work." Orien said, preparing to move away from the mountain top. "Cover me."

- - -

Near the Congo River, United Congolese Republic

Toji and Hikari gazed out into the long, flat landscape they had found themselves teleported to, a far cry from the hills and valleys of Matsushiro, even covered in greenery and dotted with patches of low trees that stretched into the dark horizon.

Toji looked around at the sight, silent for the moment as it slowly brightened thanks to his Frame Plug, his gaze settling back on Hikari's Unit-03, still a catching sight in the darkness.

Its color was an almost brilliant white with blue accents, its brow decorated with a crest that looked like two outstretched wings, clinging close to the Eva's head. Its two eyes were accented by two lines of red that ran down the cheeks from the bottoms of the eyes like lines of sanguine tears.

It was certainly hard to miss, Toji mused. Kind of like one of Ken's Gundams. Then again, his wasn't much more discrete, his Vent Frame pylons shining on armor that looked like it was made of dark, lacquered wood, a lighter wood color and a deep green accenting the body and head, with a crown of antlers like a deer's gracing Unit-04's brow. 'I don't have room to really argue, do I?'

"I'm going to go ahead and contact Mavuto while you do what I'm sure is thinking up our battle plan."

Toji blinked, looking over at the comm panel that showed Hikari, smiling slightly as she set herself to her task.

"Will do, ma'am." Toji replied only somewhat seriously, waiting for her to contact Lieutenant Mogami.

"First things first." He began after she finished speaking to Mogami. "As nice as your Eva looks, it sticks out like a sore thumb out here. We'll need to do something about that soon."

"That is true, I'll admit…" Hikari said quietly, tsking. "Let's see… with what I know about light…"

Hikari's attention was drawn away for a moment, then Mavuto's face appeared, smiling easily at them from above a brilliant scarlet, pink and white Plugsuit. "Ah, it is good to see you all again." he said with a warm chuckle. "I believe you are here for the Grootslang, yes?"

"I, uh… I think so?" Toji replied. "If you're talking about the giant snake-elephant… thing…"

"Yes." Hikari interjected with a quiet sigh. "Are you on your way?"

"I'm already here, bosi." he paused for a moment. "Here being the outskirts of Kupanda Nyota, the capital of the UCR. You're lucky I was here doing joint exercises with the AUDL."

"I'm guessing that's where your intelligence has this thing heading?" Toji said, looking up the location of the city mentioned as best he could.

"Got it in one." Mavuto replied with a nod. "With any luck, you can intercept it before it reaches the city, and I'll sweep in to help secure the victory for us."

He heaved a sigh, an almost dreamy gleam in his eyes. "What a proving for the warrior of a new generation. Against a myth…"

"Proving?" Hikari said as the Units began to advance towards the city. "We already gave you training that I can certainly hope was above the standards we were first given."

"Perhaps." Mavuto shrugged. "But even until only my grandfather, we Maasai men could only become warriors by slaying a lion with our spears. Now, it would be foolish of me to try and kill this thing we face single-handedly, but I think my ancestors would accept the exception."

"So," Toji began after a moment's silence, "you seem to know something about this 'Grootslang' thing. Mind filling us in a little?"

"It's a creature of mostly South African fame." Mavuto began, chuckling slightly. "A little far from home, I must say. A creature accustomed to rivers and caves, and a diet of elephants, it's said to be a guardian of glittering diamonds. It's also said when the gods first created the creatures, they recognized their mistake in making their kind so powerful and cunning, and split them into the first elephants and snakes. One was said to have escaped, from which all others spread in secret."

"And now, one has tumbled into this world." Hikari noted as she nodded slowly. "Let's hope it doesn't have too many surprises in store for us. We should be getting close to it soon if our sensors are correct."

"We should probably skate around it and link up with Mavuto." Toji said somewhat uneasily. "I'm not too keen on taking this thing on before we're ready."

"It may have the eyes of a snake, but it has the ears of an elephant." Mavuto warned. "It will likely hear you, then go and see you."

"Then we'll just have to make sure it doesn't see us." Hikari said, smiling slightly as Unit-03 slowed to a stop, Unit-04 taking a moment to pause and turn to it as Toji arched his eyebrow.

"And how do we do that?" Toji asked slowly.

"Simple, really. Just some applied Interfacing to make us completely invisible." Hikari replied with a slight smile.

"Oh…kay." Toji said. "You're the light girl, after all. If you make it so that light doesn't hit us, go for it."

"A bit of an oversimplification, but you're on the right track." Hikari replied. "You were paying more attention in science class than I expected. Good."

Toji smiled slightly as Unit-03 vanished from sight. "I aim to please." he said somewhat sardonically.

Soon, the world went dark, and the Frame Plug adjusted accordingly, an almost wireframe outline of the world springing into being as Pneumaic sensors activated, outlining Unit-03 as it ran forward again.

Mavuto hummed, then scoffed softly. "Perhaps you should be called Lady Namiri, to sneak around like a panther in this nighttime battle as you do. When will you arrive?"

"At our pace?" Hikari paused. "We should reach the city at least a dozen minutes or so before the Grootslang. But… if this thing hears us, we might be leading it to you."

Mavuto scoffed again. "One way or another, we will kill this thing. Whether it's running towards us or walking, it will meet us regardless."

Toji nodded, connecting his soul to Hikari's as they continued their rush towards the city. "You know, I still think Asuka should have trained him. They're like two peas in a pod."

Hikari replied. "But it takes a firm hand and a steady will to make sure that he isn't getting himself killed. Something Asuka's still learning to master, even with the time she's taken to try."

"You would know something about those, after all."
Toji said drolly.

"Yes. And with the implications you're making, I think after this mission I'll have to remind you of that." Toji could feel Hikari smile as she finished her sentence. However, like she said, they had to focus on not getting killed first.

- - -

Lieutenant Commander Orien Wallace did his best to sneak through the valley. In a giant biomechanical walker. On the way to kill some monsters from another universe. Of all the ways he had expected his career in the military to go, this was the last of them.

'Then again, how much of my life has gone to my first plan?' he mused, stifling a grim chuckle.

"Lieutenant Ayanami, what's the status of our targets?" he asked as he shook himself out of his thoughts.

Rei's brow furrowed slightly as she moved Unit-05 a little further down the mountain to obscure her Eva's face as she watched the rather eclectic group of invaders. The smallest ones looked something like the theropods that she had briefly studied in biology, strange crests or horns adorning their heads as they ranged ahead somewhat from the rest of the group.

Their somewhat larger compatriots, in comparison, were markedly different from one another. One was like a six-legged hairless cat, hardened scales replacing soft skin as it seemed to shimmer in and out of sight. Its companion was nothing short of a massive arachnid, its relatively compact body towering over the theropods on 8 spiked legs all coming up and down smoothly, regularly, as it and its compatriot began to climb the mountain range on the far side of the valley from them.

The last, the largest, stood what could easily be guessed at double the height of an Eva, four legs supporting an upper torso with two powerful arms reminding almost uncomfortably of the physical form of Iruel. The similarities ended there, however. For one, Iruel did not have a glowing circle in the center of his upper body, and a head, shaped like an armored wedge, looked around with six beady, gleaming blue eyes.

"Still seemingly unaware of our presence." Rei replied. "They seem very well coordinated."

"Perhaps they are connected on some level?" Kaworu postulated. "A hive mind?"

"Certainly not out of the question." Orien replied as he crossed the mountains into the valley the Kaiju lurked within, sweeping the view with a rifle whose targeting laser was only visible to him. "There's only one way to really find out."

He passed through a bend in the valley and saw the two smallest Kaiju in the distance. "I'm engaging their forward element." he said simply, sighting in one that looked like it had a fan strapped to its head, and let loose a burst of Pallet Rifle fire.

The thunder of the gun split the night, filling it with the lightning of muzzle flashes as the 330mm shells slammed into the monster. It roared in pain, spraying brilliant blue blood everywhere from the wounds as it and its companion charged forward.

Orien backed away, continuing to fire as he did. "Oh hell." he muttered as the truth of how big these things were finally seemed to dawn on him. "How are the others reacting?" he said into his comms.

"Moving towards your position now." Rei replied calmly. "Watch your flanks. The feline is hard to spot, and looking to move to your left. We'll lead off the centaur and the arachnid if we can."

"Sound's good." Orien replied levelly, his brow furrowing slightly as, bullet-riddled though it may have been, the Kaiju continued to charge at him, only dozens of meters away and closing fast. His controlled bursts became a stream of automatic fury raking lines across the Kaiju's body.

Finally, as his gun clicked empty, the monster stumbled and tripped, its body slamming into the ground and sliding a little ways before stopping. Its companion charged on, roaring as it closed in.

Orien dodged to the side, slamming the butt of his rifle into the face of the Kaiju as it passed, its head jerking to the side and crashing into the mountainside as Orien tossed aside the otherwise useless rifle, unlimbering his Progressive Glaive.

He took a moment to look around himself, scanning as best he could for the feline Kaiju that Rei had mentioned as he began to hear the nigh unmistakable crack and chatter of gunfire further up the valley, roars and chittering in the distance.

The Progressive element whirred to life, its brilliant pink-white light showing the angry heat it gave off as he put the blade between himself and the remaining scout as it extracted itself from the ground and turned to face him.

It began to roar, then paused as it focused on the Progressive Glaive's blade, its gaze following it as Orien took a step closer. Then another.

'These things can't be that dumb. Can they?' Orion wondered as he kept his focus on the Kaiju. Then, his eyes widened as he felt the rumbling in the ground, then looked back down at the radar screen. And the contact that was rapidly approaching from his right. 'Oh, shit!'

The feline Kaiju was a blur in the air, and as Orien jumped back, he felt the glaive being yanked out of his hands as he looked to the side, catching the Kaiju with the glaive in its jaws for a second before the weapon snapped in half, the Progressive Element going dark and leaving the only light the bioluminescence of the Kaiju in front of him.

"Shit." Orien muttered out loud, glancing back at the other Kaiju as it charged at him, its glowing mouth gaping wide to try and take a massive bite. Orien stepped back, the jaws snapping shut as he planted a right hook across what he assumed was its armored cheek, then drove an elbow into the top of its head, again sending it face-first into the dirt.

He glanced over at the feline as it roared and charged at him, leaping into the air. Orien stepped back, throwing his arms in front of him as he finally deployed his AT Field.

The Kaiju slammed into a wall of prismatic light, bouncing back and landing on its feet, then backing up slowly as it growled.

Orien continued to hold the Field as he advanced, stretching it to surround him in a semicircle to ward off the other Kaiju as it also backed away slowly.

Soon enough, he crouched down and picked up the upper half of his Progressive Glaive, thankful that the Progressive element hummed back to life as he dropped the AT Field.

"Orien," Rei asked almost casually, "Did you deploy your AT Field, by chance?"

"How did you know?" Orien replied as he swiped at the theropod Kaiju.

"Because the Kaiju we're facing have become far more cautious." Kaworu answered.

Away from Orien, Kaworu kept an eye on the centaur Kaiju as Rei leveled a polearm at the arachnid, the monsters slowly backing up and seeming to take stock of them again. They had been wily foes, the centaur having a propensity for spitting brilliant blue acid at them. The arachnid, thus far, seemed content to try and entangle them or their weapons in webs, a few stray strands draped on the haft of Rei's polearm.

"Well, the cat's out of the bag now." Orien said levelly. "For both of us, from the looks of it. Looks like you might be right, Nagisa. How do we overcome that?"

"A good question." Kaworu replied as the centaur seemed to gather its courage again, spitting up a globule of acid as it charged Rei.

Unit-05 deftly dodged back, and a pane of glass sprang up, the Kaiju roaring as it saw itself for a moment before it slammed into the glass, its impact only cracking the glass as it stumbled back, shaking its head in confusion as it looked through the glass at the deep blue Eva.

It roared again, raising its arms above its head as it pounded the pane again and again, its third blow shattering the glass. As the crack of the glass echoed through the dark night, Rei caught the pieces, the jagged shards hanging in the air for a moment before Rei gave them motion again, sending them flying into the body of the centaur Kaiju, causing it to stumble back as it roared, perhaps in pain, perhaps in rage.

As Rei charged the centaur, Kaworu peppered the arachnid Kaiju as best he could with the marksman rifle, 3-round bursts slamming into its chitin as it chittered, its thorax bending beneath it as it unleashed a stream of bioluminescent webbing.

Kaworu dodged to the side, then charged as his rifle became a copy of the Spear of Cassius. As he closed with the arachnid, it raised its front legs, the tips spiked and serrated, and brought them down savagely on Unit-06's head.

The legs crashed into the flickering barrier of an AT Field as Kaworu charged under them, slashing at one of its left legs. The spear bisected the leg, spurting the same bright blue blood as the others as Kaworu dodged away from another spray of webbing.

The spider wobbled back as it screeched, and Kaworu's rifle reformed in his hands as he aimed up and let loose a long burst of automatic fire into the underside of the arachnid. After long seconds of the rounds of solid ink sticking into the arachnid's thorax, they finally pierced through, and Kaworu dodged back from the torrents of blood that poured out as the screeching grew higher, the arachnid stumbling back more and more before tumbling over onto its back, the remaining legs thrashing in the air as the screeching quieted, then went silent, the legs curling in on themselves for a moment before the spider went still.

"That's one down." Kaworu said levelly as he turned to regard the centaur pulling the shards of glass out of its body, no blood dripping from the wounds as it tossed the pieces aside one by one.

"I must admit," he continued as he sighted in the centaur and began to pepper its back with rifle fire, "this is far easier than I would have expected."

"Perhaps so." Rei admitted as she jumped away from the centaur's wild charge. "But this one is tougher than its compatriots, it seems."

Her sniper rifle appeared again as she backpedaled, prismatic flashes of Metos preceding glowing rods of stained glass that slammed into the centaur's skin, sticking in a few meters and stopping. The Kaiju's mad charge dislodged most of them, however, as it wildly grabbed at Unit-05.

Though Rei dodged out of the way of its charge, the Kaiju's outreached hand grabbed a hold of the barrel of the sniper rifle, Rei digging in her heels as the monster attempted to wrench the gun from her hands. The Kaiju roared again, its other hand grabbing hold of the rifle as it pulled, Rei's eyes widening slightly as she slid forward, then jerked to the side, Unit-05 maintaining a death grip on the rifle as it fired again and again, the shots almost, but not quite, hitting the glowing circle in the center of its chest.

With a final roar, it let go of the rifle, sending Unit-05 flying into the air. Right towards a now backpedaling Unit-06, whose pilot had wide eyes as he saw the blue giant sailing towards him.

Kaworu braced for impact as Unit-05 slammed into Unit-06's chest, sending both Evas sprawling with a rumbling crash that threw up dirt and rocks as it flattened trees.

Kaworu and Rei both shook their heads, pounding as they were, trying to focus as they heard the centaur Kaiju roar again, felt the drumming of its feet as they became sure it was charging towards them.

They both scrambled off of each other as best they could, Kaworu rolling Unit-06 out of the way as Rei turned to watch the Kaiju rush past them.

As both Evas unsteadily got to their feet, their comms screens showed Orien shake his head slightly, his expression grimly set even as his eyes shone with anxiety. "I'm leading these Kaijus back to you! We need to even the playing field a little."

"Sounds like a start." Rei said with a wince as she and Kaworu watched the centaur Kaiju slow to a stop and turn to face them. "How quickly can we kill the smallest one left?"

"Given a minute or two of gunfire, the other one went down easily…" he paused as they heard what they assumed were Thunderhead's footsteps interrupted by a crash. "Enough." he finished as the rhythmic beating of a running Evangelion began again.

"Oh good. An unfair fight." Kaworu nearly muttered as he caught sight of Thunderhead dashing towards them, the other Kaiju in hot pursuit as he and Rei got ready. "I think we can make that work."

- - -

Toji, for whatever reason, felt his heart pumping in his hands as he and Hikari got closer and closer to the Grootslang, their pace slowing as they approached. His mind began to whirl with possible outcomes, dozens of possible strategies passing through and finding themselves considered and tucked away or discarded as they slowed to a walk.

"Hey, Hikari." he began somewhat slowly as he looked out to their left, seeing what he believed to most likely be the creature itself, represented by a small stain of Metos, in the distance. "How good are elephants at smelling things?"

"Uh…" was Hikari's wise reply. "Mavuto?" she said, deciding to defer to more native experience. "Any info on how good that trunk might be at sniffing us out?"

"A regular elephant can smell food up to several miles away." Mavuto replied. Then he paused for a moment. "As for something supernatural such as this… it might already smell you."

A jolt of cold, prickling fear trickled down into the pits of Toji and Hikari's stomachs as they both looked towards that once seemingly harmless splotch in the distance that was their target. "Well," Hikari said after a moment, Unit-03 beginning to turn its jog into a proper run, "I think picking up the pace won't hurt us too much then."

"Let's just not pick it up too quickly." Toji said with a nod. "I'd hate to go dashing into the city dragging this thing with us if we can avoid it. Pretty crummy start to a battle, in my opinion."

Mavuto laughed. "I would think so. All that time with your back to the enemy? It's almost asking for a lucky shot at that point."

"Well, Interfacing should help us with that at least a little. After all, it's gotten us this far ahead." Hikari said assuredly before pausing for a moment. "Were you able to find someone to teach you Interfacing, Mavuto?"

"Ah." Mavuto chuckled as the Children saw the lights of what life was still in the city of Kupanda Nyota draw closer. "I'm touched that you remembered. I did, actually. I've not gotten more than the basics, but I'm 'plugged in', as it were."

"Oh, good. That's going to be a big help once we arrive in…" Hikari paused as she glanced at her radar screen. "About 10 minutes. You should be seeing our radar signatures soon."

"I can see them now. I'm on my way out to meet you." Mavuto replied. Then, his brow furrowed. "Our radar has shown that the target has stopped."

Toji and Hikari paused for the briefest of moments as they slowly looked over at the blotch of Metos in the distance. Except…

"Did we get closer to it?" Toji asked slowly. "Or did it get closer to us?"

They were silent as they watched the blotch pause. Then rapidly start getting bigger.

"Doesn't matter anymore." Hikari replied. "Run!"

The world flashed back into view as Hikari dropped the invisibility around them, the Evas breaking into a dead sprint towards the city, now feeling the pounding of feet behind them and hearing a bellowing roar.

"Get ready, Mavuto!" Toji shouted. "We're coming in hot!"

"The best way, in my opinion!" Mavuto laughed. "I'm on my way out! Let me strike the first blow, if you will!"

"Okay, I guess…" Toji said, risking a glance back, the massive grey sight that greeted him roaring back, mouth wide under massive, glittering tusks as the gleaming end of what he assumed was the trunk flailed after him.

Toji shouted in return, a far more frightened sound that urged him to go faster than the beast that had caught up to them frighteningly quickly. "Mavuto! I hope you get here quickly!"

As he looked back in front of him, he felt an urge from Hikari. "Break to the right!" Toji complied, turning on his heel and catching a flash of red go past them, Mavuto letting out a wild warcry over his Eva's speakers.

Unit-03 and Unit-04 skidded to a stop, turning to watch as Mavuto's Evangelion, one which its transponder identified as 'Type-1: Lion's Fang', slammed into the creature, lifting its mass slightly as he shoved it back, leveling a Progressive Glaive at the Grootslang.

True to Mavuto's Plugsuit, his Eva itself was a uniform red, the most catching sight a flowing skirt that fell nearly to its knees, matching the striped colors of Mavuto's Plugsuit, swirling as he back-stepped away from wildly sweeping tusks. As he came to a stop, the glowing Vent Frame pylons showcased a head that had a band of black, feather-like spikes traveling around its face, standing up like a bird of prey's warning display.

Hikari manifested a ghostly version of a Pallet Rifle, a keening sound trailing the stream of brilliant bullets as they slammed into the creature… and did seemingly nothing, as patches of clear diamond flashed into existence, the Grootslang taking a step to the side as beams of light began to shoot back out from the points of impact, flashing in and out of existence like the spotlights of some mad rave.

"Ah." Mavuto said as he linked his soul to Toji and Hikari, his jovial tone cooling as the smile on his face grew smaller and smaller. The two Children could feel Mavuto's focus intensifying, the emotions they were used to seeing on his sleeve fading alongside his smile. "I see we still have to be terribly cautious. Its lust for diamonds seems to only be part of the truth."

"Looks like it." Toji said with a nod. "Nice skirt, by the way."

"Thank you." Mavuto replied levelly. "These Evangelions are so bare. They needed something to spice them up."

Hikari chuckled slightly. "I just hope it doesn't tear easily."

"I doubt the kevlar lining will allow that. Now," Mavuto continued after a moment, "Let's focus on taking this beast down."

For a moment, both the Grootslang and the Evas were still, sizing each other up as an unspoken plan passed between all of the pilots. The silence was only broken by the high-pitched whine of Mavuto's Progressive Glaive, the crackling formation of Toji's greathammer, the keening hum of Hikari creating a glaive of her own, and the deep, hissing growl of the Grootslang.

Then, the Evas flashed forward, Toji and Hikari dashing to the sides as Mavuto charged the Grootslang head-on, stabbing his spear towards the chest of the beast. A scale of gemstone spread across the point of contact in the instant before the glaive slammed into it, sending it bouncing back, Mavuto jumping away as the Grootslang brought a diamond-tipped trunk down on the ground, the end sticking for a moment before it pulled it back out, swinging towards Mavuto as it stepped forward.

On the sides of the Grootslang, Hikari and Toji battered at the writhing serpentine body as best they could. For the most part, they were successful whenever they could land a blow on the body, jumping away from time to time as a tail-tip covered in a spiked mass of crystal whipped around one way or another.

But even still, Hikari thought with a tsk, there were always more than a few moments where her blade or Toji's blow would simply impact harmlessly off of supernaturally tough diamonds. Before she could step in for another stab, however, she caught from the corner of her vision the Grootslang stepping around to her side as it roared, glancing over to see Mavuto on the ground and getting the Lion's Fang back on its feet.

She turned to face the creature, the blade of her glaive growing half again its length as she swiped at its chest. Her jaw clenched slightly as she watched a line of gemstone form just ahead of her swipe, refracting the ambient light of her weapon even as it sparked across the scale.

As the glaive reached the endpoint of its swing and Hikari began to try another swipe, the Grootslang used its tusks, which a distant part of Hikari's mind noted seemed to be made entirely out of diamonds themselves, and batted aside the swipe, causing Hikari to stumble back as she tried to regain control of her weapon.

She only caught the trunk swinging low out of the corner of her vision, too late to react as it swept her feet out from under her, driving the air out of her lungs as she went to the ground on her side, her weapon fading out of existence as she lost focus. She looked up, and saw the two legs of the beast coming up over her.

Suppressing a yelp, she rolled Unit-03 back, feeling as one leg slammed into the ground where she had been only a moment before. The other leg came down ahead of its companion. Right on top of Unit-03's leg.

The crack of the Eva's leg, its knee shattering, combined with Hikari's scream of pain from the sympathetic connection, her sight disappearing in a blinding flash that left behind twinkling stars. She shook a pounding head as she felt the Eva knitting its leg back together, looking up with dazed eyes as Unit-03 rolled onto its back.

Her eyes widened as she saw the legs of the Grootslang coming up a second time, and she shouted as she threw Unit-03's arms in front of it, a hastily made AT Field, weak though it was, causing the trampling feet to stop short, the creature bellowing in surprise.

Before it could act any further, Hikari saw a vine flash into sight from behind the beast, wrapping around its neck and head in seconds, muffling the beast's roar as Toji pulled with all the might Unit-04 could give him.

Hikari rolled Unit-03 back further, unsteadily getting to her feet after a moment as she shook her head. "Thanks, Toji." she said, wincing slightly as she put pressure on a tender, still freshly healed leg. She watched as, in moments, the Grootslang's chest, neck, and she assumed its head became encrusted with long, broad scales of glittering diamond.

"Are you okay?" Toji asked, concern edging out the strain in his voice as the Grootslang thrashed and writhed, the Lion's Fang stepping under the vine and batting away a tail that lashed back at the Eva that restrained it.

"I'll be fine. I've felt worse." Hikari replied, nodding as a different weapon manifested in Unit-03's hands, its head nothing short of a mattock. "Next question, how do we kill this thing?"

"You seem to be on the right track, miss Namiri." Mavuto interjected. "However this thing creates its diamond scales, it depends on its senses to know when to do it. We need to pin it down and pry it apart. You two with your Interfacing will split its scales, and I'll go in for the kill."

"I've got us on that first front." Toji replied as Unit-04 let go of the vine with one hand, pointing it at the ground beneath the Grootslang's stamping feet. "Just make sure this thing doesn't surprise me."

As he finished speaking, more vines erupted from the ground, lashing themselves around the trunk-like legs and pulling them to the earth, continuing to wrap around the beast's legs as Toji made the end of the vine around its head a solid spike of wood, driving it into the ground and making it put out deep, strong roots.

Its front secured, Toji moved towards the still lashing, whipping body and tail, Unit-04's arms outstretched as glowing thorns began to grow on them. After a moment, rows of vines erupted from the ground, gracefully arcing over the sides and back of the beast and entwining with each other before sinking back into the ground, locking the coils of the serpentine portion in place.

Even secured as it now was, Toji and Hikari still watched the beast carefully as it jerked against its restraints, a quiet crackling joining Unit-04's slow, rumbling steps as a pick much like Unit-03's formed in its hands.

"Alright," Toji said as the two Units came up to join the Lion's Fang in front of the Grootslang, "where do we want to hit this thing?"

"We'll start on the right side of the chest." Mavuto replied, pointing the glaive in his hands at the spot. "Right where a heart should be. If that doesn't work quickly enough, then we pry the other scales apart and go again."

"You two pick a place and get to work. Let's make this quick as we can." Mavuto nodded forward, and Hikari and Toji slowly nodded as they approached the Grootslang from two angles.

The bond between Hikari and Toji's souls strengthened as they looked for a chink in the armor to take advantage of. Spotting a split between two scales somewhat high on the chest that they agreed to try, the Units hefted their picks, then swung.

The heads of their picks bit deep, and the Grootslang bellowed in pain as Hikari and Toji slowly pulled the scales apart, brilliant red blood flowing out of the wound.

Then, Mavuto stepped forward, jabbing the brilliant, nearly white-hot Progressive Glaive's blade into the gap, blood hissing and steaming, the Progressive element searing the flesh as the beast screamed in pain, its cries muffled by the vines that clamped its mouth shut.

"Man," Toji said uneasily as Mavuto yanked the Prog Glaive out again, "you almost feel sorry for this thing."

"It's said to be a maneater as much as it is an elephant eater." Mavuto replied dispassionately. "A predator of the largest kind. We're doing this to keep this world safe."

Hikari nodded slowly as she and Toji extracted their picks from the wound, a little more blood trickling down the scale below the wound. "That… sounds about right." she said, equally slowly, as she looked at the Grootslang again. Its struggling had slowed significantly with their first wound. "Do you need us to make another gap?"

"With how much this thing has stopped struggling?" Mavuto said, a ghost of incredulity haunting his currently impassive voice for the briefest of moments. "No need."

The Lion's Fang stepped forward, its grip on the glaive sliding up closer to the head as he came to a stop only dozens of meters away from the chest that heaved slower and slower. The Children watched Mavuto shake his head slightly as he leveraged the blade tip into a gap and shoved the blade in. Once. Then after a moment, again. Then again.

With each thrust of the knife, the Grootslang grew more and more still, until finally, Mavuto stepped away, and the beast finally slumped forward, Toji slowly clearing the vines away from its feet to allow it to fall forward.

Finally, the vines began to wither away from its head, showing glassy eyes and a limp jaw filled with sharp teeth.

Toji looked down at the sight as he shook his head slightly, looking over at the comms screen of Mavuto. "So…" he began, unsure of what to say. "Was that… glorious enough for you, I guess?"

Mavuto glanced over at him, and Toji breathed a silent sigh of relief as the level face finally cracked a slight smile. "I think it'll do."

He chuckled slightly after a moment. "Congratulations, Hikari, Toji. Perhaps I can convince my tribal elders to consider you warriors of the Maasai as well." he looked off into the middle distance as he continued, listening to the distant boom of an airstrike. "My uncle's sister makes necklaces for newly minted warriors. Perhaps you'll both receive one in the coming week."

"Thank you, Mavuto." Hikari said, a slight smile of gratitude at seeing the rather jovial friend they had made beginning to return. Then she blinked. "Was that explosion what I think it was?"

"Let me find out." Mavuto paused as he muted himself, looking over to another comms panel and speaking silently. His smile grew as he unmuted. "That it was. The portal that this Grootslang tumbled out of is so much dust and debris now. No more giant monsters to worry about here tonight."

He took a deep breath. "So… how long are you staying? I could introduce you to some local cuisine if you have the time. Kupanda Nyota has a great nightlife."

"Only for the duration of the mission." Hikari replied. "They'll most likely expect us back, now that we've dealt with the threat here."

"We'll probably come back sometime soon, though." Toji interjected. "Maybe pick up those necklaces you mentioned."

He paused for a moment. "I wonder how the others are doing. Maybe we finished early."

"I think, and hope, they're doing just fine." Hikari replied.

- - -

In the moment of stillness before the centaur Kaiju pawed at the ground and began to charge again, Rei had an idea. And, as crazy as it might be, it might just help them win against the massive Kaiju.

"I'll blind the largest one and keep it distracted until we can defeat it together." she said into her commlink with the other pilots as she moved forward, one hand reaching out towards the massive Kaiju. "Kaworu will help you deal with the others harrying, Orien."

"Sounds good." Orien replied, turning and swiping at the remaining theropod to keep it just enough away to let him reach the others. "Ready, Kaworu?"

It was a silently conflicted moment before Kaworu set his jaw slightly and replied, Unit-06 turning to face the oncoming duo of Kaiju. "I'm on my way. Good luck, Rei."

"I'll take as much of it as you can spare." she replied with a slight smile which Kaworu returned.

With that, the marksman rifle reformed in Unit-06's hands, peppering the feline Kaiju as best he could to get its attention. As the shots stuck in its hide, it finally shook its head and glowered at Kaworu, roaring as it charged away from biting at the Thunderhead Eva's heels.

'That should give Orien the space he needs.' Kaworu thought as he dodged back from a lunging swipe, the Spear of Cassius forming in a flash as he swiped down at it. The Kaiju jumped back, its hide shifting colors as Kaworu blinked… and the beast nearly disappeared.

'That's impressive, I must admit. How much of that is natural, I wonder?' Kaworu mused as he glanced down at his radar to try and keep track of the breathtakingly fast beast. Even still, it seemed to be a blur on the display, smearing back and forth as he remade his rifle. He led the Kaiju as best he could, each 3-round burst still seeming to only just miss it or clip a got or flank.

Then the feline charged at him, juking from side to side and dodging a few of the rounds that Kaworu sent towards it before jumping up at him. Kaworu jumped back, swinging the stock of the rifle up into the Kaiju's chin and sending it tumbling back, putting a burst of rounds into its prone body as it rolled to a stop.

After far more bullets than it should have taken, a spring of brilliant blue blood erupted from its side, a roar along with it as the feline Kaiju struggled to its feet and dashed away, a trail of nearly glowing blood following it as Kaworu went after it.

Orien was simply thankful that he could focus on the theropod by itself now. The task was made far more difficult by the fact that his only weapon was basically a glorified Prog Knife, a knife which the theropod batted aside as it enveloped him in a crushing hug, causing Orien to wheeze in sympathetic pain. As it did, The Kaiju's jaws clamped around where the Thunderhead's shoulder met its neck, the sound of armor crunching and flesh tearing as it shook its head slightly from without the Frame Plug joined by Orien's pained scream within.

Even through the nearly blinding pain, through a hazy curtain which allowed no AT Field to pass into being, Orien's instincts still drove the knife into the theropod over and over again, hoping for just a second of release to allow him to focus again.

Finally, the Kaiju released him from its death grip with a roar of pain, and Orien shoved the beast away, a hand instinctively reaching for the wound on his neck even as it began to seal itself. The Kaiju, on the other hand, was not so lucky, its wounds continuing to smolder as it took great, heaving breaths.

Each was still for a moment as the battle raged around them, Orien catching a glance from the corner of his eye as Rei sent a thick sheet of glass flying towards the centaur Kaiju's head, the sheet clamping onto its face as Orien's focus returned to the Kaiju that took a weary, heavy step forward, it's chest heaving and twitching.

"I'm able to heal, big guy." Orien muttered, shaking his head slightly to try and clear away the remaining dull pain. "Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I can say the same for you. It's a shame, really."

With that, Thunderhead dashed forward, aiming for what he hoped was a heart as the Kaiju weakly tried to bat the attack away to no avail.

The strike landed true, the burning blade sinking deep into the monster's chest, its roar pitching up an octave as its flesh, blood, and bone were seared by the Progressive Glaive blade being jerked further up its chest.

Finally, Orien pulled the blade back out as the Kaiju went still, stepping back and allowing the body to fall to the ground with an almost dramatic crash.

He took one deep breath, then another, steadying himself as he turned to examine the battlefield that was now developing behind him, scanning for the feline Kaiju that Kaworu had given chase to.

As Orien spotted Unit-06 and moved to assist, Rei dodged away again from a blind charge from the centaur, the shattering sound of her far more compact rifle sounding again and again as massive slivers of glass slammed into the Kaiju's thick skin.

Still, there was no indication that the shots did anything but annoy it. 'Come on… I can't keep up this Interfacing forever.' she thought as she tried to get the beast's attention again, glass blades forming in the air and launching towards the Kaiju's back as it charged away from her.

But still, it charged forward. Unerringly so. 'Where are you going?' Rei wondered as she gave chase.

Then, from the corner of her vision, she spotted the feline Kaiju backing away as Unit-06 and Thunderhead gave chase, almost heedless of the far larger threat that was barreling towards Kaworu.

'A hive mind… the feline's acting as its eyes!'

Rei's own eyes widened in horror as she looked down at her comms screen. "Kaworu, watch your left!" was all she had time to say.

Kaworu turned, just in time to see the centaur grab at his torso, a massive clawed hand wrapping around it and lifting Unit-06 off the ground as the other grabbed one leg, then another, and began to pull. Hard.

A band of almost blinding pain bloomed into being across Kaworu's stomach and tightened at a breathtakingly quick rate, sweeping away all attempts to make an AT Field as a shout of pain turned into a scream.

Unit-06 continued to fire wildly, his rifle becoming automatic as he tried to make the Kaiju release him, a grouping of rounds cracking, nearly shattering the opaque glass mask that Rei had created.

After agonizing moments, Unit-06's body finally gave way, its legs flying in one direction while the torso flew the other.

"Kaworu!" Rei shouted as she deepened her connection to him. His mind was a haze as he struggled to get to feet that weren't even connected to him anymore, his eyes widening in fear as he saw the feline Kaiju eyeing him hungrily.

'Oh no, you don't.' Rei set her jaw, her crimson eyes beginning to blaze as she sighted the feline Kaiju with her rifle as it grew back to its sniper length, pouring all her worry and fear, her anger and indignation, into the round that she would sling at the creature that was even now preparing to pounce.

Pounce it did, and Rei felt the spike of fear in Kaworu's heart clearing his head for a moment as she led the shot and fired.

A shattering sound echoed through the valley as a glowing rod of multicolored stained Glass lanced through the air. The round struck the Kaiju true, piercing through its head and out the other side at the apex of its jump.

The Kaiju fell to the ground limply, sliding to a stop just short of Unit-06's upper half as Kaworu breathed a sigh of relief. "Good shot, Rei." he managed to say. "Unfortunately, I believe I'm not going to be of much use now."

"We'll bring this monster down." Orien interjected. "Just stay safe."

Even as Orien said this, both he and Rei somewhat doubted they could do this without Kaworu. But there were no reinforcements they could rely on. The US military would probably not make much of a difference, either.

Along with that, as the battle stilled for a moment, the centaur trying to pull off its mask, Rei felt burning exhaustion settling on her bones. She needed to end this fight. Before…

Her train of thought was interrupted as she heard a tritone, another comms screen opening by Kaworu and Orien's faces, this time from Matsushiro, showing the face of First Lieutenant Ooi.

"Pilots!" she began with no small amount of urgency. "We're reading another Pattern Blue that's appeared in your area from the Kaiju's entrance point. It's smaller, but it may still be an enemy contact."

Rei glanced back, hearing distant footsteps growing closer, slow at first, but picking up speed as the Kaiju roared in frustration while it continued to struggle with its mask.

Even still, the steps were ponderous, lumbering things, and Rei looked back up the valley from where the Kaiju had come, confident that Orien was keeping an eye on the centaur. What emerged from around the bend was… not what she was expecting.

It was a humanoid mech that looked about as large as an Eva, bulky and angular. Most of its body was a combination of orange and blue, the colors on its chest making the pattern of a stylized eagle, its large head striped by a deep red visor that matched its otherwise hilariously mismatched red and black, claw-like left arm.

Rei didn't recognize what it was. But, it seemed, the Kaiju did after finally ripping the mask from its head with a shattering sound. And judging on the roar that it gave as it charged past her, it did not like it at all.

Rei's eyes widened as she reached a hand out in front of her, spinning an AT Field into existence between the charging Kaiju and its clearly caught off-guard prey. Even with the exhaustion that harried her, the Kaiju still slammed into a prismatic barrier, howling in frustration once again as the newcomer took an uncertain step back, its head scanning the valley.

'That's right.' Rei thought as she and Orien began to slowly advance towards the Kaiju that had wheeled around on them. 'Don't forget we're still here.'

The Kaiju roared, its glowing chest beginning to bubble in preparation to spit up its acid once again. Before it could, however, a dark length of chain flashed into sight, wrapping around the Kaiju's neck and pulling back, the newcomer bracing itself as it strangled the Kaiju.

"Now's our chance." Rei said, her rifle turning into a long polearm with a broad, winged blade. "Go for the legs!"

With that, Unit-05 and Thunderhead charged, an artificial thunder filling the valley once again as the Kaiju reached for its noose with a choked howl. Only dozens of meters away, Unit-05 skidded to a stop, jabbing at one of the front legs of the Kaiju as Thunderhead nearly hugged the other as he stabbed again and again.

Pain joined the roar as it began to crumble, first to one knee, then to another. It abandoned the struggle to release its noose, swinging its arms out wildly at the Evas and driving them back for a moment.

As they stepped back, Rei considered the brilliant glowing circle in the center of its chest that seemingly allowed it to make its acidic spit. 'Perhaps if we breach it correctly…'

"Orien," she began as she batted a flailing arm away, "see if you can pierce the chest just below where that glowing spot is. I believe we may yet achieve a self-destructive victory."

"Maybe." Orien said as he ducked under another swinging arm. "But we need to pin this thing's arms first, or it's going to be a real tough shot."

"Allow me to assist." Kaworu said calmly, propping the upper half of Unit-06 up as best he could, a globe of ink swirling into existence above his head. After a moment, the globe shot forward, snaring a swinging hand and dragging the arm it was attached to up and away.

As that happened the head of Rei's polearm changed, a grasping claw-like head replacing the blade as she jabbed at the Kaiju's other wrist once, then again, snaring it on the second try and dragging it aside, leaving the chest open, the glowing circle the perfect target. "Now, Orien! Go!" Rei nearly shouted.

Orien needed nothing further as the Thunderhead dashed in, flipping the grip on its knife and stabbing deep into its chest just below the glowing target. He jerked the knife up into what was likely the organ that contained its acid, then pulled the knife out and stepped back.

A great hissing noise erupted from the wound, the Kaiju's scream reaching almost impossibly high as the acid seemingly melted everything within its body, steam pouring from every hole in its upper body.

Then, after agonizing seconds, it fell silent, slumping over and hitting the ground face first, the new arrival's chain slipping off and returning to an outstretched arm. The fight was finally over, it seemed.

Rei took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment as Unit-05's weapon disappeared, then opened her eyes to focus on the last remaining entity that had traveled through the portal. The mechanized… pseudo-Eva?

Rei shook her head slightly as she activated the powerful speaker system on her Eva, approaching the mech slowly. "My name is First Lieutenant Rei Ayanami of HERZ, pilot of Evangelion Unit-05. Please identify yourself."

It was silent for a moment before a young male voice replied. "My name is Taylor Travis, pilot of Atlas Destroyer alongside Hayley Travis. I don't know what an Eva… whatever Unit-05 is, but it's pretty clear we're far from home."

A pause. Then, quietly, "Yes, they look nothing like Jaegers, I know. I'm getting there, Hayley."

"Um," Taylor continued, "would you happen to know how we can get back to where we were? We were… kind of in the middle of something."

Rei nodded slightly. "The point you entered this world from is known as a Looking Glass. If you return the way you came-"

She was interrupted by an orange glow followed by a boom in the distance.

Orien sighed quietly. "And that's the Air Force. Right on time, as usual." he said ruefully.

"Well…" Rei said slowly. "Your current way home has closed. If you stand by, we will figure out a way to ensure you are taken care of while we figure out where you need to return to."

"Well… thanks, I guess." Taylor replied. "So… how did you do that whole force field thing?"

"That," Rei replied with a quiet sigh and a small smile, "is going to take some time to explain."

- - -

Deep in the Pacific Ocean, the Next Day

'Well,' Shinji thought as he sank ever deeper into the biting waters of the Pacific, 'at least I can be sure that Gaghiel won't pop out of anywhere.'

He chuckled slightly at the thought as he scanned the area around him, searchlights cutting through the darkness that held sway nearly 30 kilometers off the coast of Japan.

As he looked down, he saw the seafloor approaching quickly, bracing himself as Unit-01's feet touched down and threw up billows of silt.

Shinji looked back down at the sonar screen, noting the two marked dots that were his targets. These, Daniel had judged, required just a little more than the Japanese navy to destroy, just in case something else popped out of them.

Thus, the reason he was walking on the ocean floor, slowly making his way towards the Looking Glasses.

The darkness that clung to him like a nearly smothering blanket had him scanning around himself habitually, his Sight catching glittering stars of Metos that were fish of various kinds. Taken in whole, the sight reminded him somewhat of a clear night sky.

After a long moment more, Shinji caught Sight of something big in the distance. Big enough to threaten him. "There's something out here." Shinji said through his link to Matsushiro. "I'm checking it out, just in case."

On the other end of the comms screen, Daniel nodded. "Acknowledged, Shinji. I have my guess as to who it is, but better safe than sorry."

Shinji nodded wordlessly as he approached, switching off his Sight for a moment. At first, he wasn't sure if his searchlights were looking at whatever was there. Then, the telltale bone-white spikes clued him into whose tail he was staring at.

"Well, I've found Godzilla, it seems." Shinji said, a quiet relief welling in him that it wasn't anyone else.

"Then leave him be." Daniel said with a slight smile. "We'll note where he is, put a tracker on him later. For now, you're close to your objective."

"Got it." Shinji replied as he turned away.

As he finished his turn, his searchlights revealed a leering, arrow-shaped head with glaring yellow eyes speeding towards him, a trail of bubbles rising from its mouth as a muffled screech reached Shinji's ears.

Shinji yelped as he raised an AT Field, the creature crashing into it and tumbling away, the searchlights revealing wings and a long whiplike tail trailing after two bird-like legs with wicked claws.

As it righted itself again to look at him, it shook its head and roared, a lance of terribly familiar yellow light slamming into the AT Field with a piercing whir.

Shinji's eyes widened as he sent back a glowing orb of sound that traveled unerringly towards the bat-like monster's face, slamming into it and spinning it with the force of its impact.

As it tried to right itself again, twin bolts of purple lightning, followed by a singular deep orange one, slammed into it from the side, pushing it away as it howled again.

It turned, speeding off into the inky dark, Shinji's gaze following it for as long as he could.

"A Gyaos." Daniel said darkly, drawing his attention away for a moment. "If there's anything I remember from Gamera's universe, where there's one, there's more. Get moving before anything else tumbles through."

"Got it." Shinji replied as he looked away, scanning for the source of those lightning bolts that had driven the Gyaos away.

As he searched, his eyes widened as he saw another form speed past him, a tubular black body with yellow stripes and red spots along its side, capped at the front by a glowing horn." What was that?" Shinji wondered aloud.

Before anyone could reply, he heard a melodic chirping from his right, drawing his attention to… another.

It was much like the creature that had sped past him a second earlier, brown instead of black, smooth where its companion was studded with spikes and a horn, and it looked directly at him. It had an insect-like, seemingly sideways mouth, above which stared at him two deep, glowing blue eyes that seemed to pierce into his mind.

All else seemed to fade away for a moment as he felt the creature gently probe his mind, perhaps even his soul. After a period of time he couldn't fully count, the creature seemed to nod, making a long, almost cooing sound before it turned to follow after the other caterpillar.


The name seemed to shake Shinji from a daze. "Mothra? Was that what it was?"

"Yes, indeed." Daniel mused. "And, I assume, it's counterpart Battra. Life just got significantly more interesting. Get moving, Shinji. I think that the twins will be able to take care of things while Godzilla's asleep."

Shinji nodded and began to move again. "I hope that something else didn't tumble into our world while I was occupied. How long was I standing there for?"

Daniel shook his head slightly as the Looking Glasses came into sight, glinting in the light of Unit-01's searchlights. "Not more than 30 seconds."

"Huh." Shinji shrugged as he simply stomped on one, then began making his way to the other. "I figured it was longer than that."

With that, he soon stomped on the other, and the threat, at least for now, was taken care of.

- - -

Somewhere in the Himalayas

Lorenz Kihl, SEELE-01, deliberated silently within the fortified personal space that had been set aside for his use, his eyes, hidden behind their visor, scanning the screens before him silently. SEELE-04, 05, and 02, the Frenchman, the American, and the African, stood waiting.

"What is the final tally?" Kihl finally said quietly.

"From all reports of our collectors, somewhere in the realm of 550,000." the American said simply.

Kihl's lips became a thin line as he considered the number. "For how the Final Scripture is intended to work, for how many are needed for the simplest of its puppets… it is a number that still falls short. We require more."

With that, Kihl nodded slowly. "Are our more overt assets prepared?"

"The pilots and their Plugs are almost ready, and our on the ground elements require a week more to gather the materials they need." the African replied.

"Very well." Kihl leaned back as he paused for a moment. "A week it shall be."

He paused again. "As the mantle of the Human Instrumentality Committee served its purpose and was swept aside, so too shall the United Nations be. With their fall, the world will be in utter chaos."

"And we shall step in to save it from itself." the Frenchman said, a small smile growing on his face.

A slight upturn of the lips, in turn, graced Kihl's. "Yes, Noyer. That is what shall be."
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Yes, 'twas indeed their men who ran the Looking Glass ring that led to this mess in the first place. And as is clear, they aren't done yet...
Chapter 42: To the Core of Being

Chapter 42: To the Core of Being

The decades have not reflected kindly on me. Even at the relatively tame age of 60, my body begins to turn against me. My degeneracy is a rare sort, the entire body rebelling in a cascade of weakness. So, as the flesh begins to fail, I turn to metal and science to preserve me until our work is done. The first implants, decades ahead of their time, allow me to continue standing, even as I begin to walk with a cane. My sight begins to fail me as well, requiring glasses for the moment, and likely requiring still more in the coming years. It makes the process of translating the Scrolls… difficult, to say the least.

Our research on Lilith continues apace. The secretion she produces, aptly named Lilith Catalyst Liquid, has remarkable properties. On the merely physical spectrum, it acts as a sort of perfluorocarbonate, allowing a man to breathe in it as easily as he breathes in the open air. An amusing discovery, if nothing else. Far more interesting, and with far more serious implications, is that, when fashioned into a sort of droplet lens, it reveals… something. A field of some kind within the body. The Scrolls speak much of souls. Perhaps we have found the first evidence of such.

- From the personal journals of Lorenz Kihl, September 1989

JSV Kaga, Off the Coast of Australia, Another World, Late 2025

Captain Misato Katsuragi stared out the window of the command tower towards the coastline that buzzed with activity and wondered. She had been doing a lot of that lately, since the last Angel attack. Questions, worries, and fears swirled in her mind with an intensity that could only be rivaled by the days when the Angels came more frequently. And yet, the anticipation of so long between was almost worse than the certain frequency of the past.

The Angels, or perhaps, only an Angel, were foremost in her mind as she idly watched cargo aircraft flitting back and forth between the fleet and the town on the continent. Why had they waited so long to attack again? When would the next one, the last one, appear? Would it ever? Why had the last one appeared all the way in India, 2 years ago?

She hadn't the slightest clue. She hadn't felt like she'd known how things would work out since Near Third Impact. Well over a decade now in the dark, stumbling forward and grasping for solutions that didn't even stretch beyond survival at this point, staving off NERV and, it seemed, the world itself. 'When will this end?' she wondered with no small amount of weariness. 'When can I just move on and…'

What would she do after this? What could she do? Was there even an 'after this' at all? For anyone?

'Well… we'll get there when we don't have to worry about the end of the world.' she decided, as she had decided every time the question had come to mind. That day… would still be a long way off.

Makoto came to a stop by her side, a sure rock in what had become a storm-tossed life grabbing her hand for a brief moment and squeezing as she looked at him and smiled slightly. "Is everything going well?" he asked quietly.

"That's a good question. We've at least got a lot of activity in the air." Misato replied as she looked back at the comms officer. Now, most everyone in the fleet had started wearing civilian clothing, jeans and t-shirts capped by a jacket of various shades of grey, a ribbon of bright blue wrapped around one arm uniting them.

As for herself, however, Misato wore a red, almost raincoat-like jacket over black pants and simple black boots, a distant reminder of her days in NERV. Her hair, once hanging free, was now tied back into a neat bun. She had been in command of this group of people, this branch of WILLE, for years now. She was no mere Colonel in NERV now. And, as she had come to conclude years ago, she had to actually act like it. Utterly maddening as it would have been to the Misato of years prior.

"Lieutenant," she said to the comms officer, one of the more experienced civilian volunteers, "contact the salvage team leaders. See what they've come up with."

. . .

In the Ruins of Toowoomba, Australia

Toph reached for the radio on her chest, the sealed hazard suit crinkling as the voice back at the fleet asked for a status update. "Well…" she began, her voice echoing somewhat through the speaker port in her suit.

She looked out across the fields of core material that coated the now-abandoned town far as the eye could see. The buildings, encrusted by the crystal, had become geodes of desperately needed supplies, factories, storage houses, and government record-keeping buildings especially high on the list, even as they tried to reach them before the massive, at times headless, copies of Evangelions stepped on them and scattered what could be used to the wind.

"It's taking some time to crack into anywhere. We've located a few locations that we've decided to focus on, an electronics factory, a government building, and a food processing plant, but our safety precautions are making it so we have to resort to pickaxes and drills." Toph shook her head. "I'll report back when we've found anything interesting."

"Good copy. Have a good scavenger hunt, Team 1. Fleet out."

With that, the radio clicked off, and Toph looked around the town as she went walking towards one of the groups she had sent towards the electronics factory she had mentioned.

As she walked, she wondered slightly at how quickly the… well to just call it just crystal was almost selling it short, had spread across this entire world. She and those others who could had discretely tried to earthbend it away when they had the chance years ago, and had continued trying since. It hadn't budged a bit until Korra tried, weaving in spirit bending, of all things, to the task. Even then, the act exhausted her. Like the crystal was alive. Pushing back.

And, Toph mused as she passed beyond the cordon of aircraft and caught sight of a group of the increasing number of wandering, Evangelion-sized and shaped crystalline masses striding across the landscape far away, that might not have been too far from the truth.

She shook her head slightly as she continued on, coming to a stop in front of a crew that beat down upon the crimson gemstones in front of them, trying to breach the doorway that led to the prize within. The leader of the effort, who looked down at a tablet in her hands, was appointed by Toph herself. From what she'd come to learn during her time traveling with her, she had a… specialty when it came to electronics and anything related to it.

"How goes it, Asami?" Toph said as she came to a stop by her side, causing Asami to look up at her.

Asami Sato, junior head of non-Eva engineering, was silent for a moment, then sighed quietly as she shook her head and looked back at the structure. "Well, this stuff still defies all expectations, even after all this time." she began as she looked down at the core material in front of them. "If we had the facilities and the ability to study it as is, I'm sure Doctor Akagi would have us working on a way to shut it off, as it were, without using the ACC Pillars. The fact that this stuff… well, goes dead, for lack of a better term, when you break it apart…"

"I imagine it doesn't help things." Toph summarized succinctly, a somewhat sour note to her voice.

"Yep." Asami sighed in annoyance. "That's just having to do with the core material itself."

She looked up at the electronics factory with an uncertain look on her face. "And the fact that we're down to trying to scavenge consumer electronics…"

"Consumer? There's differences?" Toph asked somewhat incredulously. She had been famously out of the loop as her world of birth advanced in technology, preferring the solitude of the spirit swamp.

"Yes, compared to the military stuff our tech base uses, there are several differences, quality of parts being only the first of them." Asami said patiently. "It's been… difficult, learning the differences on the fly, but I think I'm getting a handle on the little intricacies."

"You…" Toph trailed off for a moment before nodding. "You do that."

She shook her head slightly as she tried to wrap her head around all the things that had become a part of her life since leaving her birthplace behind. It was… staggering. So, she decided to try and focus on something else for the moment, her gaze sweeping around until she found another person whom she had put with Asami, more directly involved with the work of breaching the factory before them as she helped operate one of the scavenged mining drills that worked at the door. "How's Korra taking all this… modernity?" she said after looking around herself to ensure that they had privacy to speak.

"Well…" Asami chuckled slightly, and Toph could hear the slight smile on her face at the mention of her dear wife. "She's getting the hang of it. It helps that she's got her dear wife to help troubleshoot things. Just like I'm here for all of you if need be."

"I'm touched, as always." Toph said wanly as she smiled slightly.

Before she could continue, a loud crack, followed by a series of quieter ones, drew her focus to the door as it swung open into the musty darkness.

"Oh, good." Toph said as she stepped forward. "A breakthrough. Let's go see what's there to scavenge."

- - -

NERV HQ, Geofront, Early 2026

Commander Kaworu Nagisa of WILLE pondered the possible future, and the events that had led up to the present, as he sat sequestered within the slowly decaying headquarters of NERV. It had become… a strangely beautiful place, by now, far different from what he had seen in visions. With much of the city guarded by the Angel Contamination Containment Pillars, and none left to keep the forest at bay, verdant, vibrant nature had reclaimed much of the ruins, green vines creeping up tilted cable poles and crumbling walls, the roots of trees cracking the sidewalks and roads once nearly choked with humanity. What animals remained clustered in ruined highrises, shattered windows having become the cavernous entrances to runways that birds flew from into the sky to find their food.

During one of his many secret excursions to the surface, it had rained, a quiet, weighty noise completing the scene as he simply… stood in the rain, and let it drench him. How utterly… human, that experience was.

Drawing his mind back to his immediate surroundings, he looked up and around him, listening intently for the tune of souls that only he could hear. Most clear to hear was Deputy Commander Ryoji Kaji's soul, thrumming with a skillfully hidden anxiety, a longing, all covered by an almost overwhelming sense of boredom. He'd had to keep him sequestered in the deeper parts of the base, where Ikari and Fuyutsuki would no longer roam. This was, even with his sharpening cognition of possible futures, his power to begin again, still one of the first times the world had developed thus. He would have to tread carefully as he moved forward, just in case something unexpected caught him off guard.

Further away, far more quiet, were the songs of the souls of the members of SEELE. Old songs they were now, further removed from the rather wretched, though mortal, old men that they first were. They still desired a reunion with the now-dead Mother that lay below them all, but now they were far more… intimately connected with her than most. An unusual development, to be sure, but not one that could not be used, should the need arise.

Above them, still more quiet, were the seemingly inseparable souls of Ikari and Fuyutsuki. The sound of Ikari's soul had changed. Become both alien to his former self and… familiar, somehow, in a way that he couldn't quite place. It had left him even more inscrutable than he had already been, a shift that Kaworu had found… somewhat unsettling. A commendable accomplishment for one such as he was. It had made him cautious of what could come next. Fuyutsuki on the other hand was… utterly melancholic. Carrying on as if he had a sacred duty to do. What duty that could be, Kaworu could not fathom, and did not care to try.

And now, somewhere else up there, there was the clone. Ayanami. At least, it bore her face, her name. There was… no recognizable tune to her soul. Simply a long, droning sound. Was there a soul in there at all? He wondered what that could possibly mean, knowing where the original Ayanami was interned.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, looking up as Kaji entered discreetly. "Commander." he said quietly. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"Not at all, Deputy Commander." Kaworu responded coolly, his signature slight smile appearing. "Tell me, what news do you have?"

"Well," Kaji began as he shut the door quietly behind him and took a seat in the decidedly spartan room, "I've been looking into Commander Ikari's files on what's left of the Magi. He has…"

He puffed his cheeks after a moment's silence. "Well, to say he has some pretty wild plans would be underselling it by a big margin."

Kaworu arched an eyebrow. "How so?"

"In a rather heavily encrypted series of files, fairly old ones," Kaji began as he pulled over a tablet, retrieving a USB stick and plugging it in with an adapter, "I found plans for massive ships. Truly massive ones." Kaji shook his head. "As for how he plans to construct them quickly, I haven't the slightest clue, but… if he somehow does…"

He pulled up the schematics, turning the tablet to show Kaworu. He scanned the document with discerning eyes, noting the four rather dramatic German names the vessels would have on completion. At the core of their constructions…

"Artificial Spears?" Kaworu wondered aloud. "Why make these vessels around those to, what I may assume at least, try and initiate an Instrumentality when he has the Spears of Longinus and Cassius in his possession?"

Kaji shrugged. "I haven't found anything on Ikari's database to suggest any sort of plan beyond simply having them. They're battlecarriers, after all. Capable of containing at least two true Evangelions, with space for several more deep within. Perhaps he just wants them to secure the world while he tries something new. However…"

He paused for a moment as he put a hand to his stubbly chin, scratching it thoughtfully. "SEELE's own database has gotten another batch of files recently. Ones that are far more encrypted than anything else in there. I still haven't been able to crack them, though not for lack of trying."

Kaji looked at the tablet with a thoughtful expression for a moment more, then back up at the seeming boy that was his commanding officer as he arched an eyebrow. "Do you happen to have any idea of what Ikari might be hiding there?" he asked somewhat slowly.

Kaworu shook his head slightly. "I must admit, it escapes me as to what they could want to be kept so secret. That database is mostly storage for their records of the Dead Sea Scrolls. SEELE is quite stringent in maintaining it as such, even in their senescence."

Kaworu looked back down at the schematics. "Perhaps it may have something to do with Ikari's visit to the Middle East?"

"I wouldn't be surprised." Kaji said with a shrug. "I'll keep trying to break in."

It fell silent between them for a moment. Then, softly, as he had so many times before, Kaji asked a familiar question. "How is the fleet doing?"

Kaworu's brow furrowed slightly as he thought back to the last progress report that they had sent to him. "Last I recall… they're still setting up townships for the remaining populations of Indonesia and the Philippines."

"Ah." Kaji nodded slightly, as he always had, a melancholic look in his eyes. "I see." he said softly.

"Well," he said after a moment, standing up, "I'm going to see if I can't crack SEELE's database, see what Ikari might have planned. Maybe there's something we can do with these plans for these ships."

"Perhaps there is." Kaworu agreed. "Were you able to glean when and where they might be constructed?"

"Well, from what I've seen, it says the automated foundries in Russia, South America, North America, and Europe started this January, and they're on track to be completed in about 2 or 3 years. What were you thinking of doing with it?" "

"Perhaps…" Kaworu trailed off for a moment as he pondered. "One of these vessels may yet serve us."

Kaji's eyebrow arched as he waited for an elaboration. When none was forthcoming, he shrugged. "Okay, Commander Nagisa. Let me know how when you've got it all figured out."

With that, he exited, closing the door behind him with a quiet click.

Finally alone again, Kaworu noticed something else. Something familiar. Was it… yes. It was indeed.

'Ah. Hello, brother.' Kaworu thought, his smile widening slightly. 'Welcome to the world.'

- - -

JSV Kaga, Somewhere in Southeast Asia

A trilling sound brought Lieutenant Midori Kitakami's attention to her sensor screen. As she studied it, her eyes widened slightly in shock before she turned back to look at Captain Katsuragi. "Captain! Our satellite systems are picking up a massive Pattern Blue!"

Misato strode over to the sensor station as murmurs rippled through the bridge. "Where at?" she said, leaning down to look over Kitakami's shoulder.

"Currently on the island of Hokkaido." Kitakami replied. "It's moving south-southwest at about…" her eyes squinted at the calculations being done for a moment. "10 kilometers per hour. If it's heading for Tokyo-3…"

"Then it could only be one thing." Misato said grimly. "Another Angel."

"12 of them, now." Ritsuko said with a quiet sigh as she joined Misato's side. "How many did Ryoji say SEELE had planned for?"

"13." Misato replied quietly, a note of hope, almost utterly foreign to her now, ringing her voice. "We're close now. We've had 2 years to prepare for this one. Now…"

She paused for a moment before chuckling softly. "It makes you wonder why they didn't do this before, when we actually had the defenses to do something more than this."

Misato shook her head slightly as she turned to the rest of the bridge. "Signal the fleet to move out at full speed, 30 knots to Japan. The Borneo colony is going to have to get set up the rest of the way on its own. We have about four days to outpace this thing, so let's not waste them."

. . .

The Titanskeep, 2 Days out of Japan

The holding bay for the Evangelions under WILLE's command was, once again, a carefully managed tempest of activity. Now though, instead of fumbling, unsure volunteers, years of almost nonstop maintenance on the Evas and their equipment had sharpened them into precise, careful engineers.

Ymris couldn't help but have a little spark of pride as she oversaw their most important project: the mechanical arm of Unit-02. It had become a sleek thing, dull grey with splashes of red and orange. But that sleekness carried with it an upkeep that far outstripped the biological portion it augmented.

She blinked her sight on for a moment, and looked upon the giant's Frame. It glowed like the inside of a massive fluorescent bulb, active Metos thrumming throughout its length. All except through the mechanical arm.

She'd considered, when the first iteration of the arm had been fitted to Unit-02, trying to regrow the Frame through the arm. Asuka had complained about a tingly, almost numb feeling in the cybernetic prosthetic ever since she'd first tested it, as well as a difficulty, if not an inability, to generate an AT Field along it. But she was no Mender, and even if she was, such a task would have taken up until now to even get to the halfway mark.

So, Ymris thought with a sigh as she shifted her gaze away and let her Sight drop, it would simply have to do with careful maintenance and no small amount of prayer to Jezriga, lord of blacksmiths.

Her gaze fell on one of the newer technicians, shepherded along by a somewhat more senior mentor. Both had encountered a snarl in their open panel of wiring and electronics, it seemed, and both were obviously, at least to her somewhat more observant view, struggling.

With another quiet sigh, she set her service tablet aside, climbed down the ladder from her perch onto the arm itself, and made her way towards her wayward disciples.

"What seems to be the problem?" Ymris asked as she came to a stop by them.

"We're not reading any power going towards the index and middle finger's knuckles, Captain." the senior technician said, looking up from his handheld diagnostic device. "We've narrowed it down to somewhere in this processor cluster, but our progress has stopped there."

Ymris nodded as she pulled out a diagnostic device of her own, sliding out a probe and touching it gently to one circuit board or another, her eyes darting as she checked the screen. Good on ZzCa-15… good on ZzCa-16… 17, 18, 19, 20…

There. Circuit board ZzCa-21, no power flow. Shutting off power to the cluster, Ymris extracted the board after a few moments of work, studying it closely.

After a moment more, Ymris nodded as she motioned for the two technicians to come closer. "See here, scorching around the transistors and a few of these capacitors. This thing probably got fried when we ran the motor function test yesterday. If you find one that you think looks like this in there but aren't sure, pull it out and check. Here in this section at least, it's easy enough to slot back in."

"But this one we'll need to replace, obviously." the junior technician said somewhat slowly. "No repairing it, I presume."

Ymris nodded, glancing over at the woman's woven name tag for a moment. "Right you are, Leroux." she said simply. "Best we can hope for now is that we can strip it for spare parts for other boards. A tall order for any circuit board."

"And how much are you willing to bet this is one of those civilian boards we got a few months back?" the senior technician, a man with the last name Olsen embroidered on his coveralls, said ruefully as he shook his head.

"More than I'd care to admit." Ymris replied as she handed the board to Leroux. "Go and get another CX-59 board. Olsen will run you through diagnostics if you haven't done it before."

Ymris stood as the two technicians nodded their assent, Leroux carefully making her way towards the edge of the arm as Ymris turned and scanned down towards the hand. Spotting another cluster of engineers in the midst of digging into the artificial muscle strands near the wrist, she began to make her way over to the problem. One more out of thousands, tens of thousands, she'd dealt with to keep this blasted arm functioning.

'I swear,' Ymris mused grimly, 'this arm might well be the death of me.'

. . .

The Kaga, 1 Day out of Japan

Asuka and Mari looked down at the holotable on the command bridge of the Kaga, its surface showing a satellite view of Japan, a red, pulsing dot with a bubble above it in the southern half of the Iwate prefecture.

Within the bubble was suspended another image, a reconnaissance satellite's view of the Angel from far above. It showed something utterly… odd. It looked like a flying stream of hexagonal rocks, twisting through the air as it stood out dark, nearly black, against the brilliant red crystals.

"So," Mari began, leaning forward to stare at the Angel with wide, wondering eyes, "what's with the floaty columnar jointing?"

"Well, the 12th Angel," Ritsuko began, putting some slight emphasis on the latter two words, "possesses, even with what ramshackle Fuyutsuki detectors we have trained on it, a spectacularly powerful AT Field. You'll have to be quite cautious when approaching it."

"Are we able to read anything resembling a core yet?" Asuka asked, regarding the Angel far more coolly.

"That's another thing." Ritsuko replied. "As far as we can tell from our preliminary scans, the entire Angel's structure is made up of core material. It's likely a large part of how powerful its AT Field is."

The rather sobering revelation hung in the air around the table for a moment before Misato interjected. "With that in mind, you'll likely need to take off chunks of it as you nullify its AT Field with your own. Or perhaps NERV will recognize the threat as well and send a flight of Marks to do that for you. Either way, we'll need to be ready to stop this thing before it reaches Tokyo-3, or Lilith. If that happens, I hardly need to reiterate what comes next."

"And what about the anomalous Eva, Captain?" Asuka asked archly. "Should we expect to see it as well?"

"Seeing as we'll be operating on Japanese soil, it's more than likely." Misato replied. "If you can manage to detain it after we've finished killing the Angel, do it. We need to know who's side this pilot's on definitively."

"Well, with how nonexistent the chap's been for the most part," Mari said with a quiet sigh as she straightened back up, "I hope we can catch him." she paused for a moment, her head tilting slightly as a thoughtful look fell upon her face and she cupped her chin. "Say… d'ya think that there are any more Evas we don't know about out there?"

"I can certainly hope not." Misato said quietly, her eyes widening at the frankly terrifying prospect before she shook her head slightly. "Now, get over to the Titanskeep. We need you ready to go the second we reach the shore."

. . .

The Next Day

Asuka Shikinami-Langley (A name that, for whatever reason now, she had to remind herself of) took a deep breath of the ever-familiar blood-tinged musk of the LCL that pumped into her Entry Plug as she prepared to synchronize with Unit-02 once again.

It had become, if nothing else, a drearily boring process in its familiarity. Put on Plugsuit and A10 connectors. Enter Entry Plug. Get winched into the port for the Plug. Wait as LCL was pumped in. Same old, same old. The gleam of preparing to go out and show that she was the best, that she had earned the mantle of Evangelion pilot, had become tarnished with time and the certainty that, really, she might become the only Evangelion pilot, given the wrong circumstances.

'And wouldn't that just bite?' she mused grimly as the synchronization process started, a sense of feeling expanding from her tiny, comparatively frail body to fill the whole of the Evangelion as she regained a simulacrum of her binocular vision thanks to the Eva's sensors. It was a warm, comfortable sensation… everywhere except in her left arm. 'Speaking of…'

She had never fully gotten used to the numb, fuzzy sensation of her prosthesis. The darker part of her liked to taunt her for it, even as squeamish as it found it as well. If there was any sort of pleasure to be found in the ordeal of synching to the thing in order to use it, Asuka found it quite perversely in the darker part's unease.

"Alright, princess!" Mari chirped into an open comm panel as Unit-08 stood, sweeping away Asuka's thoughts as it secured its sniper rifle to an attachment point on its back. "Ready for another day in paradise?"

Asuka sighed quietly. "As long as you don't screw around too much, Specs, we should be able to handle this just fine." she replied in as level a voice as she could project.

As she stood Unit-02 up, securing what Doctor Akagi called the 'Positron Rifle', she took in the coastline of the Niigata prefecture, a raised, glittering red line above a similarly glittering crimson sea. Though it did not look it, it was only about a hundred kilometers to the ruins of Tokyo-2, 150 more afterward to their intercept point in the Saitama prefecture, only scant miles outside of Old Tokyo. 'From one set of ruins to another to defend a third.' Asuka mused as she stepped Unit-02 out onto the shore. 'Just another day at work, I guess.'

Any other war machine would have needed the better part of two days to traverse the distance. For the Evas, who jogged, then ran, their near breakneck sprint would carry them to the point in a little over an hour. Just as well, too. Their target, it seemed, had also picked up speed. Now, it dashed towards Tokyo-3 at almost 75 kilometers an hour.

'A race to the finish line.' Asuka thought, memories from long ago returning unbidden as she settled into the rhythmic, almost heartbeat-like pace the two Eva's thundering steps made as they nearly flew over the open ground, dashing past the wandering Eva-sized husks that had become a common sight around the world. 'The fact that he held it up for so long…'

She had to admit, even after all that had happened after the idiot had screwed it all up, Shinji Ikari had had his moments, even if first impressions hadn't been… great.

But that didn't matter right now. This wasn't the Eighth Angel, and they would make do without Shinji getting in the way of things and somehow screwing up again.

'Against one of the strongest AT Fields yet?' a part of her whispered. Whether or not it was the darker part of her or her own mind was a distinction that was becoming less and less important by the day. 'Who's to say that we'll win this time?'

Asuka stubbornly replied before a comm screen popped into being, Kitakami's face tense with anxiety.

"We're reading another Pattern Blue emerging from Tokyo-3. Scans are consistent with an activating Evangelion." she said, the calmness of her words contrasting with her expression.

"Ah." Mari nodded slowly. "Our tall, dark, and handsome friend, I presume." she said with a slowly growing grin. "I'm glad we can share a proper dance with His Mysteriousness."

"Well, I'm sure NERV is probably as concerned as we are." Asuka replied. "They'd have to be utterly dense to not send something out to try and stop the wrong end of the world."

As she said this, she glanced down at the geolocation screen below the comm screens. They were only a few minutes from their intercept point, their target closing fast. And, Asuka noted as the dot of the anomalous Evangelion appeared, the other Unit seemed like it would arrive before they did.

That old fear from 2 years ago stirred in her gut, her darker part anxious at what contact would be made with the Evangelion. Or was it the pilot within it?

Right now, those thoughts could wait as the intercept point came into view, the slowly descending Evangelion a dark point in the darkening sky. Even with the mission at the front of her mind, however, the fear remained as Asuka and Mari approached the Eva.

"Hey, hey!" Mari chirped through the speaker system as they came to a stop, the Angel still several minutes out from them. "Nice to see you again, big blue."

Silence was the only audible reply, text scrawling across a suddenly open panel the Eva's only answer. 'And it is good to fight by your side again as well, Shikinami. Makinami.'

Asuka's gaze was drawn toward the crimson spear in its hand, pointed down towards the ground. The darker part of her seemed utterly terrified by the sight, even as Asuka recalled Misato and Doctor Akagi talking about it. "And what's that you got there?"

'The Spear of Cassius. The counterpart to the Spear of Longinus.'

Far away, as those within the command bridge of the Kaga studied the message as well, Misato's brow furrowed. "Another Spear like the Spear of Longinus?" she mused quietly, a hint of concern in her voice as she considered the potentially world-ending implications.

"Fascinating." Ritsuko interjected as she stepped forward to get a closer look at the weapon held in a relaxed one-handed grip. "Now that it isn't obscured by dust and smoke, it's striking how different it is. If it could stop Near Third Impact…"

"Then we need that Spear. It'll be the best trump card we could ever ask for." Misato said decisively.

"I don't know how likely the Eva is to part from it." Ritsuko said slowly as she took in what, exactly, Misato wanted. "If anything, we might need to convince it to stay before we try and take the Spear from it."

A tone sounded on Kitakami's console before the two could discuss any further. "Target making contact in 2 minutes! Get ready, pilots!"

The warning sharpened Asuka's senses as she turned to face the Angel heading towards them, unlimbering her Positron Rifle as Mari began to walk back and ready her massive sniper rifle. The anomalous Eva, in contrast, simply took its Spear in a two-handed grip, leveling it at the advancing enemy like a knight of old. Somehow, a part of Asuka figured he would still be just as effective as they were should he become able to use the Spear. If not more.

The time passed almost at a snail's pace in Asuka's reckoning of it before they caught sight of the Angel itself, a narrow, snaking view that twisted through the air as if it were underwater.

And even at this distance, its AT Field was… smothering. Even as she stretched forth her AT Field in response to try and nullify it, it was like pushing against an oncoming wave. The thought made her stubbornly push harder as she lined up her shot and fired.

As a bolt of brilliant blue light sped towards the Angel, she could nearly feel the anomalous Eva's AT Field slam against the Angel's as well, breathtaking power clearing the way for her shot to bend the flickering defense set up against it.

But it did not break, nor did the cracking sniper shot from Mari behind her get much further. Before they could fire again, the Angel was upon them, the surface of the smooth, geometric grey rock beginning to shimmer as planes of prismatic light that vaguely resembled arms folded out from the body of the beast.

They swung wildly towards Unit-02 and the anomalous Eva as the Angel circled overhead, causing them to jump back as the navy-blue Unit swung the Spear of Cassius, cutting through the prismatic arm and dispersing half of it as an echoing howl thundered from an unseen mouth.

More arms sprouted out as it began to drift lower to the ground and coil around them, jabbing and raking at the three Eva's defenses as they continued to try and strike back, the circle which the long Angel slowly began to tighten.

A pair of arms grabbed at the barrel of Asuka's Positron Rifle, jostling it savagely as it tried to pull it out of her hands. Asuka growled as she fought back, firing again and again, seemingly to no effect as the rounds splashed on a defensive AT Field. Finally, after a grueling minute's struggle, she heaved an angry sigh. "Big blue!" she shouted as she glanced back at the anomalous Eva. "I could use a little help here!"

The Eva turned to the sound of her voice, pausing as it dragged its spearhead through a long line of ethereal arms, turning and stepping to her side smoothly, the chop it gave through the arms equally smooth as their grip evaporated, causing Unit-02 to stumble back.

"Perfect!" Asuka shouted as she felt her AT Field begin to pierce the Angel's defenses, taking yet another series of shots into the side she aimed at, shouting wordlessly with a nearly feral grin as a trio finally broke through, sending a shockwave of cracks from the impact points.

With a roar, the Angel's constriction stopped as it uncoiled and rose into the air, making a beeline past them. The Evas that were armed with rifles fired after it, Unit-08 shaking its head after a moment. "Oh, come on!" Mari sighed in a rare show of exasperation. "We were just starting to have a little fun." she continued, finishing with a pout.

"After it!" Asuka shouted, wasting no time in breaking into a run, the others following after her in short order as they pursued the Angel overhead.

'I do not believe I need to remind you what will occur shall we not reach Lilith ahead of the Angel.' the text from the anomalous Eva said, scrawling across the Eva's screens yet again as they pursued the twisting, dark, almost foreboding line above them.

"Can you either start talking or just stop with the distracting text until we get to Lilith?" Asuka shouted as she gained speed. "It's getting stupid to put up with!"

The sentence disappeared, the words 'Audio Only' accompanied by a quiet sigh. "Very well." a soft, almost effeminate boy's voice replied. "Though I cannot show my face, I will agree to this in order to defeat the Angel."

"Ooooh." Mari crooned as they gained ground on the Angel. "Such a pretty voice! Got a pretty name to go with it, or are you content to remain mysterious?"

A quiet chuckle from the other end of the line. "For our purposes, I am simply the pilot of the Evangelion Mark.06, Ms. Makinami." the boy replied with a bemused tone.

"Great, cool, whatever, Mark.06." Asuka replied. "Come on! We're pulling ahead of this thing! Let's give it a proper greeting in Tokyo-3!"

Indeed they were, the Angel's speed insufficient for keeping ahead of its foes as the three Evas sped ahead, the ruined city of Tokyo-03 coming into sight.

It was an appropriately apocalyptic vista for the site of Near Third Impact and its completion, buildings strewn around like discarded building blocks providing the Evas with one last obstacle that led towards the center of the city, four massive crimson triangles peeling into the air like the rind of a terrible fruit. From the center of the peels, rising from within the Geofront, a breathtakingly tall spire of core material stretched into the sky, mostly unheeded by the three pilots as they entered the edge of the city, and the crag-like course that awaited them.

Unit-02 and Unit-08 jumped onto a building on its side, the wall, and skillfully applied AT Fields, supporting weight that would have sunk through the building as they jumped towards two separate buildings, both girls' eyes scanning for the next best perch to jump to and from.

As they jumped from building to ruined building, Asuka risked pausing for a moment to look back behind them. She felt a little relief that a moment's searching showed that the Angel was out of sight for the moment. Then, she noted an absence.

"Where are you, Mark.06?" she asked as she looked back towards their destination. "I didn't…"

She trailed off as she saw the Eva floating overhead, past the rubble that the other Units had to contend with.

Asuka tsked as she scrambled to catch up with Unit-08. 'Neat trick, pilot. I'll give you that much.'

Yet, a part of her was terrified by the sight. By the boy that had spoken to them. That part of her knew his name. His true name. 'Tabris.' the very thought of it felt… taboo. As if Asuka would begin summoning a demon of some kind if she said it aloud.

But, as they all reached the edge of the peeled Geofront, Asuka pushed the thoughts down and wasted no time jumping into the depths of the earth.

Landing with a splash in the now deep red lake, Asuka looked back up towards the blue sky, scanning as best she could for the Angel. "Alright," she said after a second, "where do we want to stop this thing?"

"We must keep it contained up here as best we can." the Mark.06's pilot replied levelly. "Otherwise, we would have to fight within Terminal Dogma itself."

"Uh, guys…" Mari interjected, her words slow in coming as she displayed an outright uncertainty. "I think the 10th Angel left us with no choice in the matter. It blew a hole in that pyramid thing there and made it all the way to Central Dogma before Unit-01 stopped it."

Asuka tsked in frustration. "Then it looks like we'll be making our stand in Terminal Dogma, then." she sighed quietly as she looked over at the Mark.06. "Any ways down that would actually fit us?"

"If you'll follow me to the route to Heaven's Door." Asuka swore she could hear the slight smile, almost a smirk, in the boy's voice as the Mark.06 turned towards a far wall, the mirrors on it having shattered to reveal a grey metal door that looked very, very heavy.

As the trio made their way towards the door, Asuka keyed up a comm panel to the fleet. "We've outrun this thing for now. How far behind us is it?" she asked as she paused before the massive door as it started slowly sliding open.

"You've got about 5 minutes before it reaches your position. It's closing in on the city limit- ow." a haze of static began to settle over Kitakami's face as they entered the massive tunnel that the door revealed. "-And by. I- osing- y-"

And with that, the connection was lost, leaving only the three pilots as they jogged deeper and deeper into the earth.

It was nearly silent as they went, the sound of the door shutting booming behind them as it mingled with their footsteps.

After what felt like ages, the three Evas stood before a door seemingly more massive than the one they had first passed through. Mari whistled quietly as she appreciated the tall doors. "So, is this Heaven's Door, then? I have to say, pretty impressive."

"Indeed it is." the boy pilot chuckled as the doors began to slide open, revealing a dark, cavernous room. The only light shone down from a source far above, revealing a macabre scene as the Evas walked in.

In the center of the room, surrounded by a small ocean of LCL, was the bent-over corpse of Lilith, surrounded by an island of massive, Eva-sized skulls. The comparatively tiny Evas, it seemed, had stepped into a tomb.

As Asuka took in the sight, she noted a prominent absence. "Where's the Spear of Longinus? Still embedded?"

"No." the boy pilot replied coolly, the Mark.06 walking towards a nearby wall. "I will retrieve it for us. I feel it will prove quite useful in the coming battle."

Asuka shrugged as she took her Positron Rifle from Unit-02's back. "I'll stick with an actual gun, thanks."

"As for myself, on the other hand…" Mari said slowly after a moment as the Mark.06 reached the wall, placing a hand on it that began to glow. "I've always wanted to be a knight in shining armor. If this is the closest I'll get to it, let me have it."

"Very well." the boy pilot replied as the wall slid aside, the gleaming Spear of Longinus mounted on the wall behind it. Taking it in hand, he flipped it within the Eva's grip, presenting it to Unit-08 as it stowed away its sniper rifle again.

"Oooh…" Mari's eyes were wide with wonder, and she grinned as she took the Spear in waiting hands, hefting it for a moment as she tested its balance. "This is… weird. A little long in the tooth as it were, but I'll make it work."

Before anyone could continue, a distant, rumbling crash came from beyond the now sealed Heaven's Door. "Well, I hope you know how to handle something like that." Asuka said as she turned towards the massive door. "Because our downtime is now up."

"Oh, please, princess." Mari rolled her eyes as she stepped over to Asuka's left, the Mark.06 taking up position on Asuka's right. "It can't be that hard, really. Pointy end goes in the other man. Simple as that."

"I hope so." Asuka said slowly, somewhat unsurely as she drew a bead on the door, her Positron Rifle fixed on the seam of the doors, almost impossible to make out in the shadowed expanse they stood sentinel in. "Because there isn't any time to practice."

Silence in Terminal Dogma for moments that felt stretched into hours for the pilots, only broken by the subtle hum of the Positron Rifle and the clamor of the Angel likely slamming into floors, walls, and ceilings beyond them. Then, Heaven's Door shuddered, a slight curtain of dust floating to the floor. Then, it shuddered again. And again.

"How long d'ya think it'll hold?" Mari said, an edge of caution to her usual cheery tone.

"Not much longer." the boy pilot admitted. "If it is as persistent as it seems…"

Another thundering blow cracked the center of the door, and the pilots could all feel the Angel's AT Field pressing against the door as it howled, their skin physically tingling from the power that lashed at the other side of the door as their grips on their weapons instinctually tightened.

Another impact to Heaven's Door knocked a chunk out of the door, allowing a glimmer of a pulsating prismatic glow to peek through. It drew back for a moment, then finally, Heaven's Door burst open, revealing the front end of the Angel sheathed in a broad, wedge-shaped battering ram of an AT Field as it roared.

Asuka wasted no time smothering the Angel's defenses as she fired the Positron Rifle over and over again, the energy packets slamming into an AT Field as it charged at them, ethereal arms fading into existence as they flailed at the closest targets. Those being the Mark.06 and Unit-08.

The two Evas dashed to the sides as they in turn helped counter the Angel's defenses, one swinging up its Spear a little more smoothly than the other as they raked the Angel's sides, the arms that they hit dissipating like mist as the blades passed through them.

The Angel twisted its sinuous body out of the way, the long cuts on its body slow to be covered by other shifting hexagonal pillars. As it did, Asuka continued to step back, onto the island of skulls, shooting at the Angel's twisting, turning body, the AT Fields flashing out to meet her shots bending more and more before one finally broke through, leading the way for more shots as they shattered parts of the Angel's body, sending them raining onto the skulls and splashing into the LCL below.

Asuka's brow furrowed as her eye narrowed. 'Come on… just a little more and I could break this thing in half…'

It continued to writhe in the air for a moment, the Mark.06 floating up to try and press its attack with the Spear of Cassius, weaving through the air with an inhuman grace as it swooped and dived at the Angel, more chunks of the Angel falling to the ground before an AT Field like a wave sent the airborne Eva tumbling away as it tried to correct itself.

In the meantime, Asuka's eye widened as it swooped down towards her, and she fired again and again as the Angel came low, a pair of reaching, inhuman claws grabbing Unit-02's waist.

Asuka felt a jerking motion, saw her view tilt madly, and shouted as her Eva was lifted into the air, Unit-02's feet kicking on instinct as she continued to unload into the Angel's underside. After a moment, another pair of hands grasped her ankles one after the other, and the Angel began to juke side to side, shaking Unit-02 wildly and throwing her shots wide of the Angel and into the ceiling.

"Spectacles!" Asuka cried out, whipping back and forth in her seat and fighting both the whiplash and rising nausea. "Boy wonder! Somebody, help me out of this, dammit!"

"Hold on! I'll try shooting it!" Mari replied, and Asuka rolled her eye at the idea of Mari setting the Spear of Longinus down to line up a shot.

She heard the crack of Mari's sniper rifle as a round whizzed past her head, clipping the side of the Angel and ricocheting into the ceiling. "Just don't hit me!" she shouted in reply as she fought to steady the Positron Rifle in her hands before taking another shot.

It was at that moment, however, that the Angel decided to add vertical movement to its horizontal juking, Asuka's view of the world becoming even more insane as she began to slam back into her seat, shouting wordlessly in pain, hoping that she wouldn't fly out of it and pining for some sort of seat belt system.

As she shook and tried to keep a grip on her rifle, it slipped out of the prosthetic arm of Unit-02 as the hand jerked open, resisting Asuka's attempts to do more than slap the rifle before it flung out to the side, Asuka tightening her grip on it as best she could. 'Stupid hunk of metal…'

But try as she might, a shotgun blast of fear slammed into Asuka's heart and gut as the Positron Rifle flew out of her hand, and she lost it from sight as she continued her mad shaking. "Oh, come on!" she shouted.

"I am on my way." she heard the cool, calm voice of the boy pilot finally reply as the barrage of Mari's sniper fire stopped. She probably wouldn't be able to catch sight of the Mark.06 to make sure it was approaching.

"Just don't try and hit me…" Asuka shouted, pausing as she slammed back into her chair with a grunt of pain. "Or you're dead!" she was secure in the knowledge that, should they fail, they were all likely dead anyway.

"I aim to be careful." was the boy pilot's only reply, and Asuka grit her teeth as she grabbed one of the wrists with her functioning hand, trying in vain to pry it off herself. After a moment's struggle, the boy pilot spoke again. "Hold still."

Asuka let go, letting her arms flail to the sides as she watched the bright red blade of the Spear of Cassius flash across her vision, the arms around her disappearing… and for the briefest of moments, she felt weightless before she began to tumble down towards the island of skulls far below.

Asuka felt her stomach leap into her throat as she took in in flashes just how high the Angel had carried her, the pale, dull-white of the skulls growing closer and closer at a breathtaking rate.

Asuka squeezed her eyes shut, fighting nausea that threatened to spill out of her and make her choke on her own vomit in the LCL as she finally impacted the ground, pain blooming in her left side and even registering in her prosthetic arm.

The pain rippled through Asuka, threatening to overwhelm her before she managed to stumble to her feet. Taking stock of herself, she noted the utterly mangled prosthetic arm dangling by her side, tsking slightly. She considered for a moment simply tearing the dead weight off. But if she did, she risked throwing off the balance that she needed for this fight. Besides, Tennison would probably rather repair it than replace it.

'Not before an aneurysm, I'm sure.' Asuka mused grimly as she began to scan for her rifle. Her amusement flickered out as she realized the Rifle must have landed in the LCL. 'Damn.'

"I've lost my rifle!" she growled as she advanced toward Mari. "I'm…" she paused, not wanting to admit the truth, then sighed quietly. "I'm not much more than another AT Field at this point. I'll go and cover Mari. Boy wonder, keep that thing busy!"

. . .

Kaworu Nagisa pondered the developing situation silently as Ms. Shikinami, and his fugitive brother within her, pulled Unit-02 towards Ms. Makinami's Unit-08, the Mark-06 responding to his every whim as he dueled his brother. Ptahiel.

It was utterly… novel.

"Acknowledged." was his only reply to Shikinami as he dodged out of the way of what he could only describe as 'wings', massive flapping AT Fields that forced him to either keep his distance or take a chance at getting close and getting caught in the tangles of grasping limbs that now covered the surface of the Angel like a mat of fur.

It made moving forward, in any way, difficult. So, Kaworu focused, tapping into that ancient part of him that could see beyond the bounds of this world, and sought another world with the answers he needed.

His searches were fragile, fleeting things, mostly flashes of images, emotions, words, feathered by shadows and brilliant white light. Most he saw in the moment he focused were, even in their multitudes, utterly useless to him.

Then, a single image came into focus. The Mark.06, subsumed into Lilith, pale and large, twin Spears glinting as they pierced the body that emerged from the rotting corpse. The image's clarity, he had found, was often tied to its commonality of occurrence. 'Ah. There is the way forward. But how?'

He let the visions drop away as he chanced darting into range of the flailing hands, swiping through a chunk of the Angel's rocky body as he considered his options. As he darted away, he smiled slightly at the plan, risky though it was, that came to mind.

As he dodged away from the Angel, he came to a stop floating right in front of the stooped, headless body of Lilith. As he did, he stretched his will out towards his brother Angel and connected, sensing the confusion within it. Yes, this was a new one, wasn't it? Created by a wrinkle in the universe, an acceptable flaw in the way of things.

Kaworu relayed what he wished to do. Commanded Ptahiel to obey or be subsumed into his power. And after a moment's struggle, the Angel bent the proverbial knee to its better.

Such command took only moments, and the Angel looped in the air with breathtaking speed before lancing towards him point-first.

Kaworu was unprepared for the pain as it slammed into the Mark.06's chest, its body slipping through his armor plates and connecting to its core. But the pain did not prevent him from throwing the Spear of Cassius over the back of the Angel, the point slamming into the ground a little ways from the other Units.

"Ms. Shikinami!" Kaworu gasped. "Take the Spear! This Eva is compromised, and will likely soon enter the corpse of Lilith. You'll have moments once it enters before it begins its ritual to impale it with both Spears. They will guide themselves to their target."

Kaworu pulled at the lever by his controls, and the back covering of the Mark.06 blasted off, the Entry Plug rocketing out of it moments before the Angel disappeared from sight, the Eva falling back into the massive pallid corpse and sinking into its skin.

As Kaworu flew away, he prepared the transmission that his Deputy Commander had gone over, along with the modifications that he'd sequestered into the design sent to the automated factory. "Take this back to your fleet." he said, ensuring that the transmission was encrypted, like their conversations, to never be known by Ikari. "It may well be the best chance you have at truly stopping NERV."

He smiled slightly as he felt the Entry Plug reach its zenith and begin to fall back down. "Perhaps we shall meet again someday. Farewell. Good luck."

. . .

Asuka dashed over towards the Spear of Longinus embedded in the pale white artificial shoreline, grabbing it with Unit-02's remaining good hand and pulling it out, shifting it to an overhead grip as she looked up to watch what remained of the Angel disappear into the Mark.06's chest, the Unit falling back and disappearing into Lilith. It was still for a moment, then the skin around what had probably been its neck bubbled growing and forming into the upper half of the Mark.06, its surface the same clammy, pale skin tone of Lilith, its fingers becoming claws as it arched its back and roared.

"You'd better be right, boy wonder…" Asuka muttered as she aimed, barely noticing Mari lining up a similar throw beside her. "Now!"

The two Evangelions of WILLE took a single step forward, then threw, the Spears aiming true as they zipped through the air at an almost impossible speed. One caught the Angelic Eva in the head, jerking it back as the other lanced through its chest. The howl it gave became quiet, then silent.

Asuka and Mari both stood there for a moment, taking in the breathtakingly close call they had just made. Then, Asuka took a deep breath. "Alright. Let's go home, then."

. . .

Far above them in Central Dogma, Commander Ikari and Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki watched intently as the two Evangelions began to pick their way out of Terminal Dogma. As they exited, Fuyutsuki looked over at the stoic, silent Commander, once again silently cursing that he could not read him like he once did. "Are we not going to try and detain them?"

"No." Ikari said coolly. "Firstly, with the loss of the Mark.06 and the pilot of the Mark.09's relative inexperience, any attempt to capture them will end with a net loss. And also…"

Fuyutsuki found himself shocked as, for the first time in years, he saw Gendo Ikari… hesitate. "There is a part of me," he continued after a silent moment, "that tells me that they will be necessary for what comes ahead."

Fuyutsuki waited with bated breath for elaboration. He then wondered as none came. 'Would it have something to do with the power of the Key, I wonder? He never spoke of himself like that before.'

His hypothesizing was interrupted as Ikari changed the subject. "And what of the digital intrusion into ours and SEELE's files? Has the perpetrator been identified?"

Fuyutsuki shook his head and sighed wearily. "I am not a computer scientist, Ikari. I cannot tell who is hacking us. Only that they are skilled, and likely working with this WILLE organization."

"Have you considered my request to have the old men's neural nets used in security?"

"Some. They will have to acquiesce, but to use the neural nets in the plinths that allow them to exist outside their bodies should make up for the loss of most of the Magi system."

Ikari nodded. "Very well. Our operational security must depend on them for a while longer. Then, when the time comes, we will release them so they may join their ancient mother again."

With that, he turned, walking out of the vast room, his steps echoing as Fuyutsuki considered what he had said, comparing it to the ritual which they now began to follow.

'How much longer until then, I wonder. Until we unbar the third Door of Imagination.'

- - -

The Fleet, the Next Day

Misato watched intently as Ritsuko and Captain Ibuki worked around their tablets, typing madly as they sat in front of the holographic table and decrypted the file that the mysterious pilot of the Mark.06 passed to them in the final moments of their battle.

After another moment, the tablets both buzzed, and the women regarded what was now doubtless on their screens, Ritsuko's eyes the first to widen as she sent it to the holo-table.

As the schematic bloomed into being, Misato's eyes widened in turn as she took in the utterly alien craft before them. It looked like it had been constructed around a massive, helical skeleton, the wider fore-end sporting most of the mechanical details. Twin hulls sat on either side of it, bridged over the top by a spine that ran most of the front half of the skeleton. A broad, arrow-shaped 'head' contained what Misato assumed was the bridge, hanging down below in a pod that looked eerily similar to the head of an Evangelion writ large.

The whole display was capped off by two massive wings on either side, stretching almost a kilometer and a half wide, according to the schematics, while the vessel, including a back half that was uninhabited, stretched for nearly 2 kilometers.

Ritsuko stood, walking around the table as she studied the blueprints intently, noting the name of the vessel: the Buße. "My, my…" she said quietly. "Whoever our mystery pilot was, he was quite capable if he could pull this out of NERV's database."

"You've got that right…" Ibuki said as she nodded slowly, intently looking at her tablet. "A new Magi system, the… Achiral, built-in storage for several Evangelions, flight capabilities… And all this started back in…" she shook her head slightly in amazement. "2019."

Misato looked the length of the ship up and down as she joined Ritsuko's side. "That long ago, huh?"

Before anyone could reply, a "huh" from Ibuki drew both their attention back to her as her brow furrowed. "Apparently… there's a change that was made in mid-2020. A pretty radical one. We lose a lot of our Evangelion capacity, save for two bays in the frontward hulls, but…"

"Well?" Misato said after a moment. "No need to keep everyone in suspense. Show us."

With a series of taps, the overview of the hull disappeared, a detailed view of the interior showing four circular bays in what was likely the most armored portion of the ship, each 80 meters tall and probably capable of holding 4 of the Units. If it weren't for the stores of samples and seeds embedded within them.

Ritsuko scanned through the manifest quickly, her brow furrowing slightly. "It's all genetic samples of animals, seeds of important crops, and other necessary plants… along with the instructions on how to utilize them."

"But why?" Ibuki replied as Misato continued to look at the sight on the holo-table. "Why would NERV convert useful storage for Evangelions into… an ark, for lack of-"

"What's this?"

Misato pointed at something nestled between two of the bays, an utterly out-of-place outline of a heart. "Why is that there?"

Ibuki looked down at her tablet, querying silently for a moment. "Huh. Odd. It just seems like a text file. A tiny one."

A moment later, the view was gone, the storage bays replaced by the text that Ibuki had claimed was hidden in the heart.

'One more gift to my Darling. Ryoji ♡'


The very thought of the name sent a cascade of memories tumbling down in Misato's mind as she beheld what appeared to be the last message of Ryoji Kaji. The man that she'd loved. The son that she'd had by him. The boy who their son shared a name with.

The memories seemed to have a physical weight as they pushed down on Misato's shoulders, leaving her braced against the table as she fought, and lost to, the tears that welled in her eyes and began to drip onto the holo-table's surface.

It was a silent moment before Misato composed herself enough to stand straight, wiping her eyes and looking upon the concerned faces of Ritsuko and Ibuki in turn. "I need a moment." she said simply, huskily.

With that, she exited the bridge, making her way towards the admiralty quarters which had been designated as hers, taking a moment before the door to take a deep breath before she let herself in.

As she entered, Makoto, who must have been off duty, looked up from the futon in the room, standing. "Misato?" he said quietly, one of only three people left that called her by her first name. "What's wrong?"

Misato stopped dead where she was. And for a moment, she didn't see Makoto standing there before her, a concerned look in his eyes. She saw Ryoji.

Tears welled up again as she said nothing, walking past Makoto and sitting down on the futon. Her lip trembled for a moment, then she buried her head in her hands as sobs began to wrack her body.

Makoto was utterly unsure of what to do next for a moment as he watched the woman he had come to love utterly despondent. Then, he slowly made his way to her side, sitting down beside her and hugging her to him as she battled the memories, the guilt, that would torture her more thoroughly than anything or anyone else ever could. It would be, it seemed, a long night for the both of them.
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If you go back to Interlude 8: 'No Ringing in the Cold Silence', this couple of paragraphs should answer your question:

Interlude 8 said:
After silent moments, he found, seemingly, what he was looking for. A singular bright light, far in the distance near Lilith, that stayed near the surface as if hoping to break out.

'Your unknowing hope is commendable, spirit of Lilith.' he mused. 'Now, you must put that hope to use.'

He grabbed ahold of the soul with his AT Field, delicately spinning a form that would be familiar to it with a power that he knew lay far beyond what even SEELE understood him capable of. But SEELE were only puppets, really, he thought as the soul came closer and closer to the shore. How they danced to his tune, these arrogant, foolish young Lilim did. How they all danced to the music that he played, as he waited for the one he wished for more than all reality.

As the once errant soul reached the shore, Kaworu smiled slightly as he heard a slight pop, and one Inspector Ryoji Kaji flopped onto the artificial beach, gasping and coughing for air.

So, while his death at Gendo's hands for stopping Third Impact from fully working was not faked, his resurrection and induction into the command structure of WILLE are very much on the down-low.
Chapter 43: Many Meetings in Familiar Halls

Chapter 43: Many Meetings in Familiar Halls

The soul is a tangible construct. No longer the realm of fantastical superstition or religious dogma, it is a real, scientific concept. No longer is the soul kept jealously within the realm of God. Now, it belongs to man, and man alone.

With such ends as we pursue kept zealously secret, it must be that the research that leads to such an end be kept with equal secrecy. So it surprises us that, without our interference, one scientist in our employ has come to speculate on Instrumentality. This Hideaki Katsuragi, based on what little I have come to read about him, is a perfect pawn for our uses. We will bring him in slowly. Quite slowly, to ensure that when we reveal the truth to him, he will be utterly loyal.

As well, the location of what I have come to call Adam, Lilith's counterpart, comes closer and closer to being revealed. The Scrolls speak of a land of eternal winter, where the snow never ceases. I have sent expeditions to Greenland and the Arctic, and an Antarctic expedition is in the works for a few years from now. Perhaps this Katsuragi can helm this expedition to the far south. A test of his ability and willingness to see our end met.

- From the personal journals of Lorenz Kihl, September 1994

Geofront, Tokyo-3, November 15th 2016

It felt comfortable for Daniel Theisman to step into the personnel tram that ran down the side of the Geofront, forgoing the car lift for today. He could guess that, for at least many of the HERZ personnel traveling with him, few though they may have currently been, it was much the same, now that a corridor had been opened into the dramatically reduced Corite, and people had been allowed to return. There were plans for getting rid of the rest of the Corite, now a wall around the city, but those would likely come after their improved defense system was at least somewhat operational.

He looked to both sides of himself, noting Shinji and Asuka as they stood with him looking out the window at the expansive scene before them. The forest was still in the process of being fully restored, and the great glass pyramid now had sheets of metal and particle board over the lower half of it until it could be reconstructed.

Before he looked away from Shinji, he paused, noting (finally) the stippled dark fuzz that clung to Shinji's face. Was he…

"Is that what I think is growing on your face, Shinji?" Daniel asked quietly and with a slight grin, Asuka looking over with a bemused smile as Shinji blinked and looked over at Daniel, a hand reaching up almost on instinct.

"Oh." Shinji said after a moment as the tram slid into the receiving station, the doors opening with a quiet ding as it disgorged its passengers. "Well, yeah actually, it is. I don't know how well it's going to work, but…"

"Oh, it'll be fine, Shinji." Asuka said, punching Shinji's shoulder lightly as she walked over to his side, the trio entering the HQ proper. "Daniel's managed it just fine, and I think Misato will just have fun for a little bit at our expense. And after all, we're pilots who have taken on giant monsters and demons within the last two days. As long as you can keep it clean, I don't think anyone will care." she paused for a moment. "Just don't make it that ridiculous chinstrap like your dad once had, like I said."

Shinji shook his head once emphatically, a dark look in his eyes. "Yeah. I have no plans to do that ever." he said firmly.

They walked on towards their destination for a moment more, the hallways still mostly familiar even with having moved back in only two days before, reaching an elevator that began to descend towards the newly designated Science and Engineering Levels before Daniel blinked. "Speaking of the Incursion…" he began as he dug his clear-pad from his pocket. "I got these just this morning."

He pulled up a file, Shinji and Asuka leaning in close as a video began to play. It was a view of a well-lit street on a dark night, the sound of crashing and roaring in the distance, the focus on a single man in a suit of slim grey armor, dark hair whipping as he faced down a group of mostly humanoid soldiers, a blade in each hand, one more a long dagger, one a short sword, flashing through them as each strike that he allowed to land clattered against a rippling shield of blue. Around him, Shinji and Asuka both recognized, by Daniel's description, Minbari soldiers working in deadly concert, orbiting the man who took center stage in the video.

"Oh, that's Duncan, right?" Shinji said as he watched the inhuman soldiers cut down with a speed and grace that only the most rigorous of training could give a person.

Daniel nodded as the video ended and he started another. "That was in Munich. Meanwhile, in Nova Brasilia…"

The next video that played was drone footage, circling overhead as split screens focused on two groups. One showed the very elements seeming to lash out at the demons that tried to swarm them, water and lightning and glittering gemstones erupting from them as the footage zoomed in to show who was likely Percy and Jason taking down a demon easily 3 or 4 times their size, Percy sending a wave of water to knock it to the ground as Jason staked a thunderbolt into its heart.

The other screen showed a similar group, larger than Percy's Worldstriders, laying about themselves in a storm of brilliant attacks that flashed in and out of existence, oranges and blues and brilliant greens and tones of gold light turning the demons around them to dust and ashes.

"Wow…" Asuka said after a moment, clearly impressed by the spectacular displays. "Man, if I wasn't so attached to piloting, I'd want to be down there showing off my Interfacing."

Her slight smile faded. "Maybe it could have kept the numbers down a little more."

Daniel sighed quietly as he put his clear-pad away, a hand gently resting on Asuka's shoulder. "We all did the best we could that night, kiddo." he said, equally quietly, as the doors to the Science level opened. "I know how you feel, though. If you need to talk, you know where to go."

Shinji and Asuka both nodded wordlessly as they walked toward their destination. This far down the walls still, at times, bore the fig leaf insignia of NERV. The remodeling crews hadn't finished fully down here yet, but they had gotten the most important parts of the remodeling done even through the Incursion.

Which was how they turned into a new, far different room that lay beyond the door now labeled 'Massive Scale Experimental Lab'.

They stepped into a cavernous room, a second-floor balcony jutting out, the ground floor's left wall up to the balcony's edge partitioned off into several cubicles. To the right under the balcony, a full-size Frame Plug, or at least a very convincing image of one, was suspended in the air, three shorter figures standing next to a taller one. The room felt… empty, even with the scattered scientists that occupied the room and filled it with a quiet murmur that joined the humming and clear tones of the machinery.

"I wonder why Maya called the three of us here instead of just you." Asuka mused to Daniel as they entered, stopping for a moment to appreciate the sight that they took in.

"You two are basically my seconds in command here, really." Daniel replied, looking around and finding a few other familiar faces scattered about working on other things. "Let's go see what Kensuke is so excited about."

They made their way over towards Maya and her three companions as she turned to notice them, smiling as she waved. "Well, hello." she said cheerfully, causing Kensuke, Mayumi, and Ichigo to turn and regard the approaching trio as well.

"Hello, Maya." Daniel replied before regarding Kensuke, Ichigo, and Mayumi. "Hello, you three. I didn't expect to see either of you two down here with Ken today."

"Oh, well…" Mayumi began, trailing off and blushing slightly as she searched for the words to explain their presence, Daniel noting as Ichigo silently slipped her hand into Mayumi's. "Pardon me. We were here to help Ken and Captain Ibuki test some new ideas for the Frame Titans."

"And I'd assume you lovely nerds have something that's at least interesting to tell us?" Asuka asked with a slight smile.

"That we do." Kensuke replied, stepping behind the two girls and putting a hand on their shoulders. "Having done even just some cursory studies of that Jaeger mech you guys brought back, Atlas Destroyer I believe, we've been cooking up some fresh ideas for the Frame Titans."

A gleam of excitement glittered in his eyes as he stepped back and pulled out a clear-pad. "I'll start with the little things, but first, you've got to check this out."

"First off, this holographic suite?" he continued as Daniel and the other Children came to a stop by Ichigo and Mayumi's side. "Fully tactile. Like…"

He paused as a disk of light appeared under his feet, lifting him smoothly into the air until it came to a stop at the top of the floating Frame Plug. "So!" Kensuke finished as he jumped over to the Frame Plug, the disk disappearing as he looked back down at the group's bemused smiles. "And it doesn't stop there!"

He walked over to the far edge of the Plug, disappearing from sight for a moment. "Not only is this a fully functioning simulation of the Plug…"

As he paused, the half that faced them slowly faded from view, becoming fully transparent and revealing Kensuke's giddy expression once again. "It can even give an X-ray view of any kind you can think of! Now…"

He jumped into an open hatch, landing in the small area beside the pilot's chair. "There are several things I want to talk about, but we'll start with the smaller possible advancements." he said, his voice muffled slightly and echoing from within the Frame Plug.

As Kensuke set up his demonstration, Daniel looked over at Maya. "Maybe he has a secondary job in store for him as part of our PR department. He's certainly enthusiastic enough for it." he said wryly.

Maya chuckled. "You think we'll give our greatest source of ideas to the little diplomats? Not a chance."

Their focus turned back to Kensuke as he finished setting up. "So," he began, "first things first. All these screens?" he gestured around him to the screens in question. "First step for this advancement is to get rid of them entirely." a fact which he demonstrated with a few taps of his pad, the black screens fading out.

"Uh, Ken…" Shinji said slowly. "I do usually like seeing what I'm trying to deal with, buddy."

"Ah, but see," Kensuke chuckled slightly, "that's the thing with this idea. You won't need the screens."

He tapped on his pad again, and a grid of 10 small nodes, flashing yellow, appeared, surrounding the front and side views of the pilot's seat.

"These flashing components are retinal projectors." Kensuke said with no small amount of satisfaction. "With the space that the monitors took up freed up for the necessary components, these things will project a view of what your Eva's eyes see. Full head and eye-tracking for a more informed view outside the Plug, while still keeping controls and AR screens visible."

Asuka nodded her head once, clearly impressed. "Huh. That's neat. Hope it doesn't hurt our eyes too much."

"Retinal damage was brought to my attention, I'll admit." Kensuke chuckled uneasily as Mayumi purposely pushed up her glasses. "So, we've also considered a Pneumaic link directly to the eyes of the Eva itself, with backup cameras in case of irreparable damage. We're still getting the design for that worked out."

"But, moving on from that," he continued, "let's talk about Spirits. Which is why my lovely assistants are with us today."

Mayumi and Ichigo both chuckled quietly as Kensuke continued. "Now, while right now the only thing most Eva pilots have to worry about is their own soul, it's going to be a given that some pilots will take an interest in becoming Animists. As such, we've needed to tweak the design of the Frame Plug a little to add some more Pneumaic boosters. With that, anyone with a Spirit will be able to sustain its deployment on a massive scale. As for how long, well… right now, simulations are showing a Spirit can only be deployed as such for about 5 minutes before it has to dissipate and regain its strength. We're working on ironing that out."

Daniel glanced over at Ichigo. "And did you just so happen to inspire this? Is there some sort of surprise you have in store for the rest of us?" he asked wryly.

Ichigo shook her head. "Not entirely. I have no plans at the moment to pursue piloting, as much as I am sure you and the others would appreciate my assistance. Instead," she continued as she looked at Mayumi, who blushed slightly as she smiled, "Mayumi has expressed interest in learning the trade, as it were. Much of this stems from our efforts to help her apply her learning in all aspects of her life."

"Now," Kensuke said as he decided to float out of the Plug with Interfacing, "Any questions so far before we get to the big idea?"

Daniel looked over at Maya in the pause that came after. "I don't. Very interesting ideas thus far. Maya, I've got some things to ask you, however, while the kids talk. Care to step aside?"

Maya nodded after a moment. "Sure." she said somewhat uncertainly, nodding over to what was likely a part of the lab they wouldn't be disturbed as they walked away, hearing the question "So what other senses were you planning on hooking up to the Eva's?" from Asuka.

As they stopped, Daniel looked back for a moment to see the pilots, Kensuke and Ichigo chatting away before he looked back at the wondering Maya. "So," he asked quietly, "how are the others here? It's been a while since I've touched base with anyone down here, and it looks like Ken's beside himself with the job."

Maya's expression became one bordering on reproach. "You should know by now that I'm not the gossiping type, Daniel."

"You're also the closest touchpoint I have in this department." Daniel replied patiently. "I don't need gossip. Just an update." he paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "So… how are the Ikari's?"

Maya blinked, then her expression became thoughtful for a moment. "Mr. Ikari…" she shook her head. "He throws himself into his work so much, it scares me sometimes. And while Kensuke's our best source for ideas, Mr. Ikari is our best source for iteration on them. Most of what he's showing the others right now has Gendo Ikari's fingerprints on it in some way."

"He's also very… closed off." she paused for a moment. "I don't know if he still doesn't feel worthy of being close to anyone else with what he's done or if it's something else, but if it weren't for Mrs. Ikari, Mrs. Akagi, and Professor Fuyutsuki, I think he'd be content just… disappearing in here sometimes."

Daniel's brow furrowed slightly in concern. "I see. It looks like I need to talk to him again soon. That sort of behavior is what led to him being what he was in the first place after all. He needs a net so that he doesn't fall back into it. And while I and the others he socializes with are a good start… well, it couldn't hurt to have a few more people to talk to."

He nodded slightly as he made a mental note of it. "Speaking of Fuyutsuki," Daniel said with a slight smile, "how's he enjoying his time back at the forefront of science?"

Maya chuckled. "Oh, I think he's enjoying much more than that. He got Interfaced recently. And, well…"

She paused as she looked over at the door. "See for yourself." she said after a moment.

Daniel looked over, and almost couldn't believe what he saw. The man who walked in, observing the continuing conversation between the children for a moment before he saw them and waved, looked mostly like Kozo Fuyutsuki. The great difference, however, was that though the man that Daniel knew was in his early 60's, the man before them looked more in his mid-40s, his skin free of wrinkles and his hair mostly black, save for a few flecks of salt and two patches of white on the sides of his face.

As he walked away, Daniel looked back at Maya, a bemused look on his face. "Now, that doesn't surprise me, actually. I'd rather not look like a fossil myself, given my age."

Maya nodded. "He looks good now. Better than before, and that's saying something."

Daniel arched an eyebrow, and Maya grinned slightly. "Now, Daniel, just because I don't eat that kind of cake doesn't mean I can't appreciate how it's decorated sometimes."

Her grin widened slightly. "And, I'll let just this little slip, this once. I'm not the only one that notices. Besides the friendly reception of the Professor's newfound youth from the Ikari's, there's Mrs. Akagi's reaction. I think she might have more than a… professional interest."

The grin disappeared in a moment, replaced by an almost overly serious face as she cleared her throat. "That is, of course, pure speculation on my part, and I have no plans to impose on my girlfriend's mother in the slightest."

Daniel chuckled. "I see. Well…" he glanced back over at the kids, who now looked at them expectantly. "I guess any more questions I might have will have to wait for later. Thanks for updating me."

"Not a problem, Daniel." Maya replied as they walked over to rejoin the others.

"Okay," Kensuke said as the adults came to a stop, "there's one last thing I wanted to field to you pilots as a possibility. Now that we don't have to worry about maintaining a two-point contact between a pilot and a resident soul, it's opened up the possibility of multiple pilot Evangelions."

It was a quiet moment as those not already in the know processed what Kensuke had just fielded to him. "Uh…" Asuka said after a moment. "I'm not entirely sure how well that would work beyond the mechanical side of things, Ken."

"Well," Daniel interjected, bringing everyone's attention to him, "it's not an entirely unexplored idea. What I've seen of it mostly boiled down to a bigger Eva with an extra pair of arms, but it's not a common idea."

"And where was that from?" Kensuke asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"It was from the New Theatrical Releases." Daniel replied, a slight smile he'd had on his face disappearing. "Eva Unit-13. It required Shinji and Kaworu in two separate Entry Plugs to control it, and I haven't the slightest clue how it works, but… there it is."

Kensuke nodded slowly. "I see. Well, I didn't plan on going that far. Just expanding the Plug itself for more pilots. It's part of what spurred the potential ideas for replacing the screens. And after all, it's probably the furthest out of the ideas we have in the works here. You should probably expect the…" he glanced up and to the side as he paused. "What were we calling those again… right. The 'Shepherd-type' Frame Titans, before any multi-pilot Frame Plugs."

Daniel nodded. "Well…" he blinked, then checked the time on his clear-pad. "Thank you for inviting us out, Kensuke. I, at least, have to pop on over to Matsushiro to set up the Gauntlet for our second-wave trainees."

"And the other trainees from out of the country that were passed on by our dear first-wavers." Asuka said, grumbling slightly even as she smiled.

"I heard about that from Mayumi." Ichigo said, tilting her head slightly. "How many more people are you testing?"

"Another JSSDF pilot, another American pilot, a German pilot from the EU." Shinji said. "Not that many, really, which isn't surprising given the rather quick turnaround time."

"Still, nice to see some more German representation." Asuka said with a grin. "Falkenrath has been a joy to get to know a little bit thus far."

"Well, then, best be going now." Daniel said as he put a hand on Shinji and Asuka's shoulders. "I'll see you pilots in a little bit."

- - -

1 Day Later

Daniel Theisman walked through the HQ's upper levels, stepping off the elevator into the pyramid as he pondered the Gauntlet that had gone off, unsurprisingly, quite well. 'Falkenrath and Asuka really are birds of a feather, aren't they?' he mused, recalling the rather spectacular long-distance shot he had pulled off against a rather… creatively designed Category-5 Kaiju. 'And he's not the only one who's taken to this like a fish to water. There's Marie, after all.'

That was its own kettle of fish entirely. She was driven, the Interfacing allowing her to push ahead and take the win to the digital Iris with only the support of one JSSDF Second Lieutenant Kotone Suzunami. 'Best keep an eye on her. If Asuka's impressions from her conversations are anything to go by, she's itching to prove herself.'

And he hoped dearly that the proving she was looking for was aimed in the right direction as he stepped into an elevator. 'SEELE… I hope we can find them soon enough. Because I'm sure we won't be the only ones with Frame Titans for long. If they can make those with a Dummy Plug driving it…'

The thought was frightening to no small extent. But the elevator dinged, pulling his thoughts back to the present as he stepped into a hallway near the top of the pyramid, light streaming in as he walked towards his destination. He had, after all, come here for a reason.

That reason presented itself as he opened a door into the recently re-staffed but currently empty cafe, reflected sunlight shining in and falling on the man who had requested his presence, and the three who sat across from him, somewhat more awkwardly. The three were composed of two girls and a boy, one of the girls and the boy clearly related, sharing blue eyes that looked at Daniel somewhat nervously and fair skin, the boy having red hair while the girl had blonde. The older girl, a woman really, was far more cool in her gaze, hazel eyes looking intently at Daniel from under hair that must have been dyed purple at one point.

"Hello, Ryoji." He said, switching to English for the benefit of the pilots, and one of the passengers, of the Jaeger that had tumbled through during the Incursion. "Start without me?"

"Not at all." Ryoji replied casually. "We were just enjoying the view with our drinks."

Daniel took a seat at the table, regarding who he knew as the two pilots of the Jaeger somewhat intently for a moment.

"So, Atlas Destroyer. Quite the Jaeger you two made it into, it seems." he said with little preamble.

"Did, uh…" the sole young man, Taylor Travis, said slowly. "Did Loa tell you that? Or did that Ayanami lady who I'm assuming is under your command mention it?"

"That's where it gets… complicated. But first, I'm Major Daniel Theisman, head of the piloting division of HERZ. You're sharp to figure out that I'm Rei's commanding officer, I'll certainly give you that. Tumbling into a portal from what I'm assuming is Australia into the American heartland? That's what I, and my good friend Ryoji, are wondering about."

"So wait." the younger of the girls, Hayley, interjected. "You knew we were in Australia? How?"

"Well, kids," Ryoji said after taking a drink of his coffee, "you ended up crossing universes. Something we've become quite familiar with."

"And you aren't the only ones who've made the journey across Reality." Daniel interjected. "Your actions, the actions and events of your world, at least in some small part, traveled before you and tumbled into the head of a series of different directors, artists, and producers."

"Wait a minute." Hayley said over her brother, chuckling uneasily. "You're telling me that… that we're part of some sort of movie?"

"An animated television series, to be precise." Daniel replied.

It was quiet for a moment before Hayley burst into laughter. Taylor and the other girl looked at her with no small amount of concern as it began to stretch on, while Daniel held a level expression. "Let her work it out." he said through a link to Ryoji, sensing his own growing concern. "Everyone reacts differently to this sort of bombshell."

He felt Ryoji reluctantly acquiesce as Hayley's laughter finally died down, and she wiped tears from her face as she took a deep breath. "Why… does it not surprise me that our life is… a fucking TV show…"

"Hayley!" Taylor said in reproach. "Watch your mouth." he glanced over at Daniel with narrowed eyes. "We don't even know if they're bluffing or not."

Daniel nodded slowly as Hayley gave a grumbled "Thanks, dad". "I understand your disbelief. Let me prove to you that what we've said is true."

He gathered his thoughts and recollections for a moment, then leaned on the table as he began. "You were in Australia during the second major Kaiju incursion. I believe you were in Sydney, or at least close to it, when Protocol Blackout went into effect."

He now held the two pilots' rapt attention as he continued. "You couldn't make it out in the 5 days or so the PPDC gave everyone before they quarantined the continent and figured everyone for dead. So your parents took you inland to someplace safe, then left to try and find a way to signal the PPDC for rescue."

He looked at Hayley intently. "It was years before you found Atlas Destroyer in the base that had happened to be right under your settlement. You two activated it, and drove off… what was he called again…"

"Copperhead." Hayley said quietly, a hollowed-out look settling on her and Taylor.

Daniel nodded. "Yes." he replied, equally quietly. "And… for what it's worth, I understand what you're feeling. It's hard not to feel guilty when something like that happens."

Daniel took a deep breath before continuing. "After that, you got to the nearest PPDC base after starting to look for your parents before the Jaeger ran out of gas. While you were looking for a power cell, you found something else. Someone else. Boy, I believe?"

"Where is he?" the older girl finally spoke, a soft voice hiding a hard edge behind it.

"The cleanup crews found him in the forest the next day, making a meal out of a bear." Daniel replied as he looked over at the woman, hiding no small amount of surprise. "He's safe and taken care of here. No harmful experiments, I can promise you that much, Ms. Mei."

"Speaking of," Daniel continued as Mei blinked, "you kids met Mei not long after you broke Kaiju Boy out. And not long after that, Shane and the rest of his black company, Bogan."

The faces of all three wayward souls grew dark at the mention of the name. Daniel paused as he regarded Mei again. "Did he at least get what was coming to him?" he asked quietly.

Mei looked back at Daniel, then nodded once. "In the end." she said simply.

Daniel smiled slightly. "Good. If nothing else then at least for your engineer friend's sake."

A hint of confusion crossed Mai's face. "You mean Joel? He's not dead. Had a close call where he lost his hand trying to throw away a walkie-talkie that Shane had rigged to blow, though."

"Oh, good." Daniel nodded. "A happy little divergence from what I saw."

He paused as he watched Mei go pale. "My Shane, as it were… well, he's still got what's coming for him."

Mei's expression became one of understanding as Daniel continued. "Anyways, after you guys made tracks through the Bogans, you saw Boy's potential as you got a new arm for Atlas, then took down Copperhead before finding your parents' Jaeger." a pause. "Does that sound about right?"

The three looked at each other for a moment. "For the most part, yeah." Taylor replied.

"So, is Ryoji here going to cover what happened next?" Hayley asked. "Did you just cover the first season, as it were?"

"Actually," Daniel replied, "we want to hear your side of things. If there's anything my traveling has taught me, it's that when there's one divergence, there's always more after."

"So," Ryoji said, polishing off his coffee, "what happened to have you tumbling through a portal to America?"

"Well…" Taylor began. "For one, we actually made it to Sydney, for one. Boy wandered off and came back with Mei and Joel. We found our parents scrounging for parts to build a transmitter along the way. We came across the idea of using Atlas as one, Mom and Dad agreed, and we got into position."

"Of course, being Sydney," Hayley interjected, "there were tons of Kaiju roaming around, so we had to be careful. We made a beeline for the coast and started transmitting, fending off a whole bunch of smaller Kaiju."

"After that, we started getting the bigger ones' attention." Taylor continued. "Looking at the radar was… frankly kind of terrifying. Everywhere, Kaiju of almost every category closing in on us."

"A group of them coming towards us from the coast disappeared." Mia interjected, a thoughtful look on her face. "Those must have been the ones that landed in your world."

"And we walked right into it because that's where the helicopter was coming from." Taylor shook his head slightly and sighed. "I'm just glad Mom, Dad and Joel got on before we tumbled into that breach."

Taylor paused, a worried look blooming to life on both his and Hayley's faces. "I hope they're okay." she said quietly. "We said we'd make sure they got away."

"And we'll make sure you find out what happened." Daniel said. "We're going to get you home as soon as we can. Unfortunately, well… you dropped into a rather messy world."

"Considering Ms. Ayanami is only a little older than me? It must be in trouble." Taylor said, a hint of reproach in his voice as he looked pointedly at Daniel.

"You have no idea." Daniel said soberly.

The words hung in the air for a moment before Daniel took a deep breath and stood. "Alright. How about a visit to Boy? I'm sure he'd appreciate it."

Ryoji looked up at Daniel as the three stood as well, excitement in varying degrees in all of their expressions. "You think our dear Commander needs to clear this?"

"It's not like they're prisoners, Ryoji. Nothing that should worry your wheelhouse will get leaked either, I'm sure."

Ryoji considered for a moment, then shrugged. "Alright. Might as well go see this mysterious Boy as well."

The group made their way out of the cafe, entering one of the elevators and patiently descending towards the science levels.

As they waited patiently, Daniel looked over at Mai, a curious look in his eyes. "So… what had you following Boy back to the others, then? After killing the man with a finger on a trigger, as it were, you could go anywhere."

Mai considered for a moment before replying. "Good question. Maybe… part of it was that I recognized what he was. He may have been shaped by aliens and pointed at the human race as a whole, but… we aren't so different, really. And if he could go back to them… why couldn't I?"

"So… recognition, one living weapon to another."

"In so many words, yes."

There was a pause as the elevator doors dinged, and Ryoji quietly ushered the two siblings a little further ahead, leaving Daniel and Mai some small part of privacy. "What about you? Who made you? How did you get out of it?"

"I was made into…" Daniel shook his head. "Well, the closest I can describe is… a minor god. A general, leading armies and conquering worlds in the name of uniting them all into a singular universe. I did that for… millennia, it felt like. It might well have been, in a sense."

Daniel glanced over, noting Mai's blanching at the thought as he saw Ryoji and the kids turned into the lab that Boy was being held in, the door shutting behind them. "As for how I got out… well, same as you, really. I had someone just too damn stubborn to give up on me."

Mai smiled slightly as they paused outside the door. "Funny how that works, I guess."

"Funny indeed." Daniel replied, opening the door to allow them to step through.

The sight that greeted them was not unexpected, a clean, but comfortable room that was almost like a doctor's exam room coupled with a one-room apartment, at the center of which stood a young, pale boy, deep blue eyes wide and gleaming under stark white hair as he found himself hugged on both sides from the Travis siblings. To the side, Ryoji conversed quietly with who both assumed was the scientist currently assigned to Boy.

What they didn't expect next was what happened after Boy extricated his arm and waved excitedly at Mei. "Hello, Mei!" he said, a clear voice obviously filled with excitement that matched the look in his eyes.

Mei's eyes went wide with shock as she stepped forward, while Daniel merely arched an eyebrow. "Well, then." he said quietly. "This, I couldn't have seen coming."

Mai came to a stop a few feet in front of Boy, at a loss for words for the moment. "How…" she finally managed. "How are you talking?"

"Well," Boy began, "some nice ladies and a kind of scary-looking guy came in after I was taken out of the forest, and they did something to what I think was my head, and poof!" he extricated another arm to mime an explosion. "Suddenly I can talk and understand words and all sorts of things."

Daniel nodded as he stepped forward, getting the attention of the scientist, noting the name Haynes on his lab coat. "Can you explain what happened to the boy?"

Haynes nodded, pushing glasses up towards blue eyes that regarded Daniel intently. "Well, Major Theisman, your wife, I believe, the Professors Ikari, and First Lieutenant Horaki were the first to see to the boy after he had been retrieved. According to the records they made," he continued as he looked down at his clear-pad, "they decided to try a Pneumaic procedure centered on his cranium. Specifically, a terribly underdeveloped brain."

"Likely a purposefully underdeveloped one." Daniel said darkly. "The beings who made this boy are master biotechnicians. They wouldn't give Boy anything they didn't think he needed to do his job."

Before he could go any further, Daniel felt a call coming through on his clear-pad, stepping away as he saw it was from Misato. "Commander." he said quietly. "How can I help you?"

The room went quiet as the focus turned to the one-sided conversation that played out before them. "I'm with Ryoji and the Jaeger kids right now. Okay." they watched an eyebrow arch. "Interesting. And they asked for me and Shinji specifically? Any idea why?"

A pause as the Commander spoke at some length. "Alright. I'll be up as soon as I can. Do you need me to contact Shinji? Okay. See you soon."

With that, Daniel ended the call and turned to Ryoji. "Do you think you could get these kids housed until we get them and their Jaeger sent back where they need to be?"

"Well," Ryoji replied, "I could make it work. Della's probably willing to jump at the chance to have more kids to take care of."

Daniel smiled as he regarded all three kids and the young woman who accompanied them. "You know what?" he said after a moment. "You're right. I'm sure Mayumi and Hotaru won't mind some roommates, with a little warning."

"Who's Della?" Hayley asked.

Daniel chuckled. "Della Duck is another out-of-towner, like yourselves, who cares like a mother for anyone she considers her children. Which is most people. Also, she is literally a cartoon duck, so you'll have that much to keep things interesting."

"Now, I'll have to go. We have some rather special foreign dignitaries we've come to find out we're hosting, due to the fact that, for as exciting as Kaiju are, they are far from the most interesting things to tumble into this world. Have a good day. Perhaps I'll even see you later."

With that, Daniel walked out the door, leaving the room in silence for a moment before Taylor looked over at Ryoji. "He's… joking about the whole duck thing, right?"

- - -

Commander's Office

The room that Daniel, along with a somewhat confused Shinji and a stubbornly present Asuka, stepped into at just above the midpoint of the pyramid was a far cry from the dark, empty, almost oppressive space they were used to it being.

With its reconstruction following its near obliteration in the Near Third Impact, Misato had worked with construction crews to make it her own. Gone now were the massive carvings of the System Sephirothicum, the ceiling now fitted with lights that shone down and showed just how big the space really was. The desk, one that was far smaller than the room's previous occupant, was now situated at the left wall, no longer blinding those who stood in front of it, and no longer leaving the one who sat behind it in total shadow. Another desk, still smaller, took up the old desk's place, its chair facing the window as a computer system sat on top of it.

Aside from the bookcases and databanks that took up the other walls, the main attraction of the room was the currently inactive table-sized holoprojector in the center, around which stood Misato and Ritsuko.

"Did we get here before who we're supposed to talk to?" Shinji wondered aloud as they entered, their footsteps still echoing slightly.

"No, Shinji." Misato replied, looking down at something small on the table that he and Asuka had both written off as some sort of small plush animal toy.

As they came to a stop, they saw that the rather large moth-like creature, though quite fluffy and vibrant, was very much alive, looking at them and squeaking as it flapped its wings, a brilliant display of bright oranges, yellows, whites, and dark crimsons and black.

Similarly alive were the two ridiculously short, almost doll-like, human women that stood beside it, looking up patiently and intently into the widening eyes of the Children. They looked as though they had stepped off the set of some movie set on a tropical island, simple cloth dresses adorning their figures, one a bright orange, one a darker shade.

"Hello, Shinji Ikari." they said simultaneously, their voices only somewhat high-pitched for something their size. It is a pleasure to meet you in the flesh, as it were."

They looked over to Asuka as they paused for a moment. "And it is an unexpected pleasure to meet you as well, Ms. Soryu-Langley."

"Okay… first question, who are you and how are you so tiny?" Asuka said slowly.

"These are the Shobijin." Daniel replied, stepping forward. "Representatives of Mothra, and by extension all other monsters that are native to Earth."

The tiny twins looked up at Daniel as they nodded. "You are mostly correct, Mr. Theisman. However, much has changed since we fit that description of our duties. If you would please, step forward and stretch your arm."

A look of confusion swept through the entire group as Daniel took a hesitant step forward, holding his arm out towards the twins.

Then, everyone's eyes grew wide as they began to grow in size, taking Daniel's arm that was 3 or 4 feet above their heads in mere moments as they used him to lower themselves to the ground, their growth slowing to a stop as they came to look Misato in the eye.

"I believe this will ease our coming conversation somewhat." the Shobijin said in unison.

"Well, that's new." Ritsuko mused. "Is your… fairy Mothra able to do that?"

"As we have said, much of our duties, and the power that comes with them, has changed since you last saw tell of us, in one form or another." the Shobijin replied. "For example, since the elder Mothra departed, and the elder Battra perished, after calming Godzilla, their descendants, differing in temperament, decided to grant us a greater responsibility. To do so, the goddess Mothra and the god Battra entered a union, joining their souls so that we may better represent them, and all the great creatures of the earth."

"To enable such a union, our responsibilities were divided." they continued. "I," the one in the brighter orange dress said alone, "remain the speaker for Mothra's will."

"While I," the one dressed in the darker orange interjected, "have come to speak for Battra."

"Which brings us to why you're here." Misato said. "I doubt you dropped in simply to say hello and meet the neighbors."

"Indeed." the Shobijin replied, again as one. "As Mr. Theisman has said, we represent the defenders of the natural earth. That includes defending it from the depredations of humanity, as well. You, it seems, are the foremost defenders of humanity. It is determined by our gods that we must come to an accord."

They turned to look intently at Shinji. "You, whom Mothra first looked upon in this world…" the twins looked at each other, unease evident in their expressions. "Your memories contained… abominations."

"The Evangelions?" Shinji asked, his eyes widening slightly. "We stopped using those. Or at least, the ones I think you're thinking of."

"He's entirely correct." Ritsuko interjected. "Whatever you might have seen, we've moved far past that."

"Yet the form and intention remains." the twins replied. "Battra's opinions are strong when it comes to such things." the darker-dressed one continued alone. "And Mothra, though understanding, has deep concerns." the brighter-dressed one interjected.

"Which is to say nothing about the possible reactions that Godzilla may have." they finished, unified in voice again.

"Well, about that," Daniel replied slowly as an anxious atmosphere fell over the room, "we already encountered Godzilla before you all came through. I… established a connection to his soul."

The Shobijin looked over at Daniel silently with wide eyes. Before they could reply, Daniel continued. "I saw his memories, his contact with Miki Saegusa. Someone who you are at least somewhat familiar with if I recall correctly. And I'm not the only one who's able to do something like that."

"Everyone in this room is able to link themselves to anyone, anything, that has a soul." Misato interjected. "That's just the surface of things that you might not know about this world."

It was silent again as the anxiety hanging over the whole room seemed to coalesce within the two Shobijin, the twins looking at each other as they considered this latest revelation made to them. From time to time, they glanced up past everyone, seeming to receive instruction from far beyond the walls of the room they physically occupied.

After a moment, the Shobijin looked around themselves. "It is clear to us," they said slowly, "that this world is quite different from the Earth we are familiar with. We, and our gods, would ask that you describe to us the pertinent history of this world."

Misato arched an eyebrow before nodding slightly. "Alright." she said slowly. "I hope you have a lot of time. We have a lot to talk about."

Tapping on the surface of the holo-table, she pulled up a screen that showed a rotating chair. Setting the number below it to 7, she pressed a button marked 'Manifest'.

Several grates opened underneath the table, and barely visible clouds of grey floated out from underneath it, coalescing into the rough shapes of chairs before seeming to sharpen into focus like a blurry image becoming clear, solid. Solid enough to allow Misato to take a seat, the others with her following with varying degrees of haste.

Misato took a deep breath as she keyed up the Intermediary System's historical reconstruction files, shutters on the window descending to darken the room as a reconstruction of Antarctica, of the dig site that her father had overseen, was almost pulled upwards into existence until it floated a few centimeters off the tabletop.

"Our deviation from the course you would probably expect history to take began in the year 2000." Misato began. "My father, Hideaki Katsuragi, supervised and led an expedition that found an alien vessel under the ice of Antarctica, a counterpart to the Geofront you find yourself in now. However, instead of finding something like the being we called Lilith, a being that acted as the progenitor to all life on earth, we found a far different creature. One we named Adam."

. . .

Several hours later, the Shobijin sat back in their chairs, pondering on the revelations they had come to know for a moment. "It is clear to us and our gods," they said slowly after a solemn moment, "that your understanding of how, exactly, the earth and its living nature functions is far beyond what we have expected."

They were silent again for a moment. "We come, it seems, to bargain on equal terms. Mothra and Battra see your efforts to restore the balance of this world. Even Battra finds such efforts begrudgingly commendable. However, with our way to our former home destroyed, both gods have decided to protect this one. They ask that we might work together, unprecedented though the request may be."

"And Godzilla?" Misato asked archly.

"Godzilla is a force unto himself." the twins replied frankly. "Should he be disturbed, he will turn his wrath on those who do so. His deeper connection with you, and by extension to humanity at large, may temper that wrath somewhat, but he will still act on his nature."

"Speaking of his nature," Asuka piped up, Daniel's connection to her soul allowing him to see how she wanted to change the subject, "where is he right now? Shinji saw him at the bottom of the ocean, but has he moved since then?"

Ritsuko leaned forward in her chair, querying the Intermediary System for a moment as the view before all of them, a landscape of the former ruins of Tokyo-3 after Near Third Impact, disappeared, a globe hovering over the center of the table in its place. On its face, a pulsing red dot appeared, slowly moving through the East China Sea into the Yellow Sea.

"It looks like he's moving towards the old borders of North Korea." Ritsuko mused. "Likely to soak up all the radiation there from when the 90 Minute War wiped them off the face of the earth."

"I wonder if he's just going to head to the hotspots around the world." Misato said as she leaned towards the table. "Pyongyang, anywhere on the Indian subcontinent, all those sorts of places… we can certainly use the help cleaning them up. After that, though…"

"We'll need to set up some sort of nuclear feeding station for the big guy." Ritsuko nodded. "Otherwise, we get him trampling through a city."

"We'll figure that out." Misato nodded in turn as she looked over to the Shobijin. "So, with Godzilla mostly taken care of, what about Mothra and Battra?"

"As long as you continue to restore and maintain the balance and beauty of the planet, Mothra and Battra will protect those that live on it." the twins said simply. "Such is what they are prepared to accept."

Misato, Ritsuko, Daniel, and the kids regarded each other silently for a moment as they processed the terms that they had been given. "Very well." Misato finally said, sighing quietly. "We, as part of HERZ at least, will try to make that work. We're still quite a small player on the world stage. If you want any great assurance from all the rest of humanity, you will have to go to the United Nations."

"Very well." the Shobijin nodded in sync. "We will appear before them in the future. We would ask that you act as our representatives when we do so. For now, we must return to Mothra and Battra."

With that, the fairy Mothra fluttered into the air off the table, landing on the ground as the Shobijin stood, shrinking back to their regular size and stepping onto their steed.

"Farewell." was their simple declaration before they became, along with the fairy Mothra, a shaft of light that streaked out of the window.

With that, the others regarded each other silently for a moment. "Well." Misato finally said, shaking her head slightly in wonder. "I knew my job was going to be wild. But I never would have guessed this."

"You and me both." Ritsuko replied, that same wonderment in her own expression.

- - -

Central Dogma, 2 Days Later

Daniel stepped into the cavernous room, taking a deep breath as he felt the rather chill air conditioning gust over him. Of course, that was rapidly becoming the only familiar part of the room as he stepped in.

The command tower, with the renovations that were being made, was almost unrecognizable from what it was. For one, the command tower's seat for the Commander, once towering over everyone else, had been lowered to a far more reasonable level at Misato's request, now accessible by small stairways on either side. A ring, open on two ends, to the left and right in the center of the main command center acted as a focal point for both the Operations chief and the Engineering chief, while the three consoles remained at the edge of the bridge. Below them at the analysis centers, the central one had been raised to be linked with ramps to the other two, the nodes of the old Magi system united physically even as they were now long gone from the command center.

Which, Daniel mused as he made his way down to the central analysis center, was to say nothing of the breathtaking amount of other improvements, such as a greater amount of hologram projectors in the place of physical screens, an emergency transport system for the crew to escape any breaches, and, of course, the system that would be replacing the Magi and the Intermediary System that had filled in for its absence.

Spread across the three platforms of the now unified analysis center was Eleanor who, with a small crew, oversaw the physical tasks necessary to install the components of the new system, Ritsuko and Maya, who typed happily away together at the digital end of things, Naoko and Fuyutsuki assisting the pair and directing the contractors in their efforts, and another visitor whom Daniel had seen and briefly hear of only a few times before.

As he finally got to the floor of the analysis center, a few heads turned to regard his arrival for a moment. Most turned their focus back. Eleanor's attention, as well as that of the stranger's, remained as Daniel came to Eleanor's side.

"Hello, darling." he said, looking around. "How goes the work?"

"Well enough." Eleanor replied. "There's been a lot of gutting of the hardware to make way for the new system, but that's mostly out of the way now. We're on the home stretch."

"That we are." the stranger replied as Daniel took stock of him. He was artificial, clearly, all metal and plastics. Even still he was rather expressive, with a head that held a surprisingly human-like face mostly painted a deep blue with white highlights along the lines that would have been the cheekbones on a regular human head and through the center of a thick horn on top of his forehead.

After a moment, the being's name clicked, and Daniel nodded as he extended a hand. "Ah. You would be Solace, I assume."

Solace took the hand and shook firmly. "If you want to be technical about it," he said, the inside of his mouth glowing the same deep red as his eyes, "the name is Solace-7. But just Solace works fine enough. It's been long enough since I last rebooted after I got Interfaced."

Daniel's brow furrowed. "Interesting. The naming convention sounds familiar…"

Solace shrugged. "I'm from a different Earth from this one. One that has something called the Traveler. I was a Guardian of that Traveler."

The pieces fell into place as Daniel nodded again, this time in understanding. "I see. Do you not have a… what is it again… a Ghost?"

Solace opened his mouth, then closed it, the only noise a subtle click as his 'lips' met. "Well… no. Not anymore. The Traveler took Sevi back when I left my Echo. Apparently, she couldn't wander that far from it." he said quietly.

"My apologies." Daniel said after an awkward moment of silence.

Solace waved him off. "It's in the past now, and I'm sure Sevi's doing fine. Besides, I have other Spirits I'm taking care of. Like the ones Doctor Akagi has had me spinning up."

"Yes, indeed, Mr. Solace." Naoko said as she walked over to them. "And, even if they are artificially created, I'd like to thank them for participating in this grand project just as much as you."

"And is there a name for this grand project?" Daniel asked with a slight smile.

"There is indeed, Mr. Theisman." Naoko said proudly as Fuyutsuki moved to her side. "I call it… the Valhalla System."

"Valhalla?" Daniel said, an eyebrow arched in curiosity. "That's… quite a departure from the usual Judeo-Christian 'theme' we've had going on all this time."

"Perhaps." Fuyutsuki interjected, his voice far more smooth than his older self. "But, having dealt with SEELE's way of naming things for as long as we have, we both, as scholars with a knowledge of mythology, decided upon something more… in keeping with moving on from the Magi."

"Yes, indeed." Naoko continued. "Thus, instead of Melchior, Balthazar, Casper, we have Wotan, Thor, Loki, Freyja, and Heimdal."

"Wotan, Thor and Loki are based here, in the central node." Naoko pointed to the large container in the center. "They'll be the main decision-makers. Freyja, who's in the far node, and Heimdal, in the one behind you, act as advisors, and should the need arise, as decision-makers themselves. All with a capability that goes beyond that of the old Magi in terms of both processing speed and reasoning capabilities."

Naoko placed her hands on her hips, and Daniel couldn't miss the slight smile Fuyutsuki had as he looked at her. "It's honestly likely my greatest work so far."

"I wonder how long that will last." Fuyutsuki mused, Naoko chuckling at the thought.

"Oh, Sensei. You're still sharp as ever, I see." Naoko said wryly. "Now, let's not waste any more time, shall we?"

She looked over at Solace. "Are the Spirits ready?"

Solace nodded. "Indeed they are. Their housings are ready to be linked up to the mainframe structure and Metos pumps, and they're nothing if not excited to start working."

"Excellent." Naoko nodded as she looked over towards Ritsuko and Maya. "Ritsuko, dear, is the OS ready to receive our Spirits?"

Ritsuko looked up from her computer and nodded. "It's mostly stable now, though I'm sure we're going to have to keep an eye out for any bugs as we go forward."

Naoko took a deep breath. "Alright, then. Let's begin, shall we?"

Naoko gestured towards the small, cylindrical containers that held the Spirits. "Go ahead and insert them into the processor receptacles. We'll begin a system test now."

A few technicians, supervised by the contractors, lifted the containers and walked into the now far more spacious interior of the processor nodes, the space enlarged by Interfacing, disappearing from sight before those outside heard a series of click-hums as the technicians slotted the Spirits in.

"Bootloader is running." Ritsuko said as the technicians emerged, and the processor nodes retracted into the floor. "POST successful. OS loading onto main memory storage. Handshake program running. Spirits are accepting the handshake, linking to OS now. And…"

Ritsuko nodded in satisfaction before looking up towards a screen, everyone else's gaze drawn to the sight of a diagram, much like the one that had shown the Magi, showing a triangle of connected rectangles, the names of Wotan, Thor, and Loki within them, the rectangles of Freyja and Heimdal flanking Wotan's. "Boot up is successful. The system is operating." she said, her voice equally filled with satisfaction.

Some scattered clapping followed, then the assembled group began to disperse, their duty done for the moment. "Sensei," Naoko said, turning to Fuyutsuki, "care to go and get some coffee? I don't know about you, but I could certainly use the pick-up myself."

"I don't see why not." Fuyutsuki replied with a shrug. With that, the pair left together, and Daniel glanced over at Maya, the two sharing a bemused glance as Ritsuko looked over at her girlfriend in some confusion.

"So," he said to Eleanor, a tone of similar bemusement in his voice, "am I here for more than simply admiring your part in the work?"

"Actually, yes." Eleanor replied as they began to walk over towards Ritsuko and Maya. "Since we have far more processing power and speed in this system, we're running trials on having it be a battle advisor, sort of a secondary support to the Operations team. For that, we'll need to link you, and in time the other pilots, up with at least the main 3 nodes of Valhalla."

Daniel nodded. "Alright. Let's not waste any time then."

- - -

Tamiyari's, 1 Day Later

Kensuke soaked up the atmosphere of a restaurant that, much like the city of Tokyo-3, was beginning to come alive again. People had been moving back in through the one avenue left open in the wall of Corite. But the progress was still slow, however. Thus, the restaurant was rather quiet, rather empty for its size. It was still, however, in need of paying customers, willing to make its food just a little cheaper to entice those who were here.

Which was how he was having his first date with Ichigo and Mayumi in, what was by all accounts, a place that was just short of a Michelin Star eatery. Which meant that they at least tried to look the part.

Kensuke wore a white dress shirt and tan khakis, a dark dinner jacket framing a red tie. He'd straightened his hair up a bit, pushing up his glasses slightly as he looked at his two dates. Ichigo wore a rather simple dark green dress, complimenting her hair. Mayumi wore a black shirt with a blue skirt. They both smiled slightly as he met their gazes, and he smiled slightly in turn.

"So," he said as he finished a bite of his meal, "how has moving back in been going for you, Ichigo?"

"It is going well." Ichigo replied, nodding slightly. "With everything mostly stored away in the Infinity Box, such a process is made quite a bit easier." she chuckled slightly. "Though, with so many people moving things back to apartments, it makes things somewhat hectic whenever you enter."

Mayumi scoffed softly. "I can only imagine. I have all of the people moving in, and none of the objects."

"Oh yeah." Kensuke said. "How is moving the new kids in going?"

Mayumi shook her head slightly. "It's been… well, hectic, like Ichigo said. We've had to split between two different apartments, which Della enthusiastically linked with a little… creative Interfacing."

Kensuke and Ichigo chuckled at their imaginations of what such might have looked like as Mayumi continued. "Mai is… really unsure of things. She's very quiet and doesn't do much beyond what's needed of her. The only person to really seem to get through to her is Boy." she chuckled in turn. "He's… very chatty, now."

Ichigo and Kensuke arched their eyebrows. "Boy?" Ichigo asked. "Who is that?"

"Wait a minute." Kensuke interjected. "Little kid, white hair, pale skin, blue eyes? That one?"

Mayumi nodded as she smiled. "Yes, that's the one. And even for someone with no name to introduce himself with, he's always wanting to get to know you. Maybe you'll both meet him more fully once you come over to my apartment."

"Well, seeing as anyone even somewhat connected to the pilots is almost all in the same building, that shouldn't be too hard." Kensuke said wryly, eliciting a chuckle from the three of them.

After a moment more of eating in somewhat contented silence, Mayumi looked over at Ichigo. "So, a couple of days ago…" she said, trailing off for a moment as her face became serious. "You said you didn't have any plans to try piloting at the moment. Would you… would you ever consider piloting?"

The table fell still as Ichigo pondered the question silently for a moment. "Well…" she paused, seeming unsure. "I would not be… averse to trying to pilot. I simply have other duties and interests to focus on at the moment. In the future, however…"

She fell silent after that, shrugging slightly. Mayumi nodded slowly. "However that works out, we're here to help you. Especially me. You've already helped me with… so much. I still need to get even somehow."

Ichigo's lips quirked with a slight smile as she grabbed Mayumi's hand. "Thank you." she said quietly.

"Of course." Mayumi replied. Then, she looked over at Kensuke. "Say, how's the new system working out? The uh… Valhalla?"

Kensuke blinked. "Oh, uh… well, from what I've heard, it's mostly fine. That's been the Deputy-Commander and Captain Ibuki's wheelhouse more than mine. I've been working on… other projects."

"Like the Eva upgrades?" Ichigo asked.

"Partly." Kensuke admitted. He paused for a moment, glancing around the still rather empty restaurant to ensure their privacy. "I've also been working on reverse-engineering the Lance copies." he said quietly regardless. "Mostly with the Ikari's and Kyu, but the others have pitched in here and there when they can."

Kensuke fell silent as he considered the work for a moment, Ichigo and Mayumi looking at each other with no small amount of interest. "And… how's that going?" Mayumi asked slowly.

"Rather well, really." Kensuke admitted with a shrug. "With our analysis machines' capabilities, we're close to being able to replicate it. Given another week at most, we'll be able to make as much of it as we want."

"Something that must be a rather carefully guarded secret from the rest of the world, I presume." Mayumi surmised.

"That comes right from the Commander." Kensuke shrugged. "And… she's not entirely wrong in wanting that, I'll admit. If we're going to be what essentially equates to the policemen of the other Evas, we'll need something we know can stop them. Lancium weapons are simply the easiest answer."

The admission hung in the air for a moment, the weight of what, exactly, their duty was looming over them ominously.

Then, Kensuke sighed quietly." Anyways, enough work stuff." he looked over at Ichigo, considering the small cutlet of medium-rare steak she had taken from Kensuke. "Have you tried it yet?"

Ichigo glanced down at the steak in front of her "I will now, I suppose."she said with a shrug. Even for as much as she had separated herself from Rei as a person, some facets of her personality remained. Particularly, in this instance, her aversion to meat of any kind. It had taken some effort to get to this point, and now, Kensuke and Mayumi waited almost eagerly as they watched Ichigo prepare herself mentally.

She cut into the steak, medium-rare to keep anything that resembled blood to a minimum, and slowly raised it to her mouth, chewing slowly before swallowing.

She was silent for a moment as Kensuke and Mayumi waited for her verdict with an almost eager look in their eyes.

Ichigo finally hummed softly. "It is… interesting. Very savory. Rather chewy."

"Is it good?" Kensuke asked eagerly.

"I… have yet to decide that." Ichigo said, nodding slightly. "I shall have to have more in order to fully decide, I believe."

"Sounds good to us." Kensuke sighed, a smile on his face as he looked over to Mayumi.

"Well, it could certainly have been worse." Mayumi mused, a chuckle rippling around the table as they continued to enjoy each other's company.

- - -

Somewhere in the Himalayas

Lorenz Kihl looked upon the Final Scripture from far above. Or at least, the camera showed him the work being done from far above it.

He rested in his office as he watched the men and machines, made utterly loyal to their cause, crawling all over it, ensuring that the flesh and steel would be in working order for what they wished to do.

And, speaking of what they wished to do, the man that stood in front of him, Noyer, waited patiently. "They are ready to move whenever you decide it, Chairman."

Kihl nodded slowly. "When, indeed…" he pondered.

It was silent again for a moment, the mostly dark office space seeming to press in on its occupants.

"They will strike on the 26th." Kihl finally said. "Then, will the world descend into the chaos we need. Then, we will have collected all the souls required. Then will the Final Scripture be read to the world, and the world united in Instrumentality."

As Noyer nodded, Kihl looked back down at the Final Scripture, a slight smile on his face. "You, who will give the souls of humanity under your command the swords required to unify itself in perfection under our guidance. I name you… Azazel."
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Quite a few major developments at HERZ. Hopefully they will be ready for Seele. Speaking of Seele, I get the feeling that Kihl will find out the hard way that what he is messing with is not a toy. Also, isnlt Azazel the demon of Vanity?
Azazel is usually an angel, one with several different connotations. In the Hebrew scriptures, he's associated with the scapegoat rite, same with general Christian literature. In Judaism, you're right, he is usually portrayed as a demon. In the biblical Apocrypha, however, much like Kihl mentions here, he is a fallen angel, a leader of angels from before the time of the biblical Flood, who descended to Earth and taught humanity the ways of warfare, helping men make swords, shields, and armor, among other rather scandalous things in the sight of God.

As for how this ties into our Final Scripture? Well... we'll get there.
The reason I thought Azazel was a demon has to do with Persona 5 and the bosses referring to the seven deadly sins.