Chapter 20: Relation and Revelation
Wanderer in the Worldsea
- Location
- Somewhere in... Terminal Dogma? I think?
Chapter 20: Relation and Revelation
The last subject that was accepted by the Committee is, perhaps, some of our finest work. Selected due to a condition that would generally mask any changes made, Subject #1522 is perhaps the pinnacle of our work, intricately cutting away subsections of the soul we previously had to remove entirely, thus making her able to blend in almost anywhere without ever questioning her loyalty to the Committee. Though this subject is the last for the pilot program, we are turning over the method and tools, the future of this project, to the Committee as well, to use at their discretion and our suggestion. - Confidential Report on the Theory and Application of Long-term AT-Field Manipulation, Section 4, "The AT-Edit System and Its Successes"
The Val, High Earth Orbit
Asuka slowly opened her eyes as she groaned. The darkness became a white light and then resolved into… someplace… familiar.
It was the medical wing of the Val. Or, at least, the ceiling looked like it. The rest of the view was somewhat blocked by familiar faces she was more than happy to see. Daniel was there, along with Shinji, who was holding her hand as he sat by her side.
As she sat up, she finally became aware of something that felt like it encased her forearm. She looked over, and indeed, a vambrace of white, smooth and rounded, was clamped around her arm, from just above her wrist to just below her elbow. Tubes protruded from it, carrying out a strange substance that gave off a cool glow, shifting from one muted or deep color to the next.
Asuka narrowed her eyes. "Is that… Flux?" she muttered, somewhat entranced by the sight.
"Yes, actually." Asuka looked up at Daniel, who smiled slightly as he continued. "Heaven knows you've got enough of it to have knocked you out cold for a good little while."
Asuka narrowed her eyes on Daniel. "How long have I been out of it?" she asked slowly.
Daniel looked over at Shinji, and Asuka followed his lead.
"It's been almost three days straight." Shinji said quietly after a moment.
Asuka's eyes widened. "Three days?" she said incredulously. "Do I really have that much running through me compared to when Daniel did it?"
Shinji nodded. "Yeah, actually. You blew past the day and a half that Daniel spent here, and that's with the advanced medical equipment you both used and are using right now."
A look of pleading gleamed in Shinji's eyes as he continued. "So, please. Don't push yourself too hard like that." He smiled slightly and chuckled. "You know how much I can worry sometimes."
Asuka rolled her eyes as she put her hand on Shinji's and smiled slightly. "Alright. I'll try. But you'd better try not to do anything too stupid either. I worry too, you know."
It was quiet as they took each other in for a moment. Then, Daniel gave a somewhat pointed cough that drew their attention to him. "Well, much as I hate to ruin the moment you two have going on, you'd probably rather have it somewhere a little more romantic than a hospital area. If you'll give your arm to me, Asuka, I can get that brace off and give you a Vent Cuff or two to let you get out of here."
Asuka nodded emphatically. "Yes, please. I would rather spend as little time in a hospital as I can, thank you very much."
Shinji winced slightly as she said this, and Asuka fought to keep a level face as annoyance flared up within her. 'Damn it, I'd almost forgotten about that stupid movie. Damn you… what? Alternate Shinji? Hideaki Anno? Reality? I don't even know at this point.'
She reached out with her soul and connected to Shinji as Daniel opened the clamshell vambrace. "Hey. Sorry about reminding you of… that."
"No, no, it's fine." Shinji replied. "It's just… not difficult to think about it. I mean, that was us, in a sense. What else might be out there for Shinji Ikari and Asuka Soryu-Langley?"
"Honestly, dear," Asuka said, "I'm pretty sure I don't want to find out. At least any time soon."
"So," she said aloud as she stood up from the gurney, taking the two rather sporting little bracelets and putting them on, "what did I miss?"
Daniel and Shinji looked at each other knowingly for a moment before Daniel puffed out his cheeks. "Well… a fair amount. Let's start with the experiment. That'll be the part that makes the most sense at first."
- - -
Tokyo-2, 2 and Half Days Earlier
Shinji Ikari had An Idea. They were rare things, reserved usually for someone far less, well, reserved than he was. Misato had them a lot. Asuka too. Granted, many of them were duds, but Shinji Ikari was a considerate sort. He had taken this Idea and examined it quite closely. He was confident that, if nothing else, he, and the friends that were coming along with him, wouldn't be in too terribly much danger.
Which was why they were waiting patiently for Daniel to get ready and drive them to the airport. They were, after all, still minors, without even a learner's permit between them.
'It's ironic.' Shinji thought with a small, wry smile. 'All our experience piloting the most dangerous war machines in the world, and we can't even drive an automatic yet. Oh, well. Misato might be able to start teaching us soon. Then again...'
As Daniel emerged into the lobby and walked over to Shinji, Kaworu, Toji, and Hikari, he looked at all of them critically. "I've got to say," he began, "I'm not exactly comfortable with this."
"Maybe." Shinji replied. "But we're probably some of the only people able to test the theory that I've come up with in a safe manner."
"Even so," Daniel continued, "you're going to want as wide a safety net as possible."
As he finished, the elevator behind him dinged, and the Children looked behind him to see Ritsuko, Maya, and Misato emerge and come to a stop by Daniel's side.
"Which is why we're coming with you." Misato said. "You'll want at least some sort of chain of command to help pull you out of whatever fire you might start."
"And a scientist who at least has some idea of what the general properties of… Corite are." Ritsuko continued. "Along with someone to study the effects of long-term activation on-site."
"Corite?" Toji asked, tilting his head.
"It's the name for it that we're going with." Maya replied with a slight shrug. "Now, we've got a whole day ahead of us, so let's not waste any more time."
Ritsuko sighed quietly. "Let's go to the edge of the Corite zone."
. . .
They all filed into a van and began their drive towards the airport. It was a rather casual drive, Daniel focusing on the road as Misato, Maya, and Ritsuko looked intently at Shinji while he laid out his idea.
"So, we were protected by the AT Fields of our Units, which are simply an extension of one's soul." Shinji began. "If I'm right, we're essentially able to generate our own AT Fields due to being Interfaced. That's likely going to be vital if we're going to extract anyone from ground zero of that Corite. What I want to do is test how much exposure we can safely take before we need to personally pull back, with Hikari, Toji and Kaworu acting as a power boost to make sure I can get out."
It was silent for a moment as the adults contemplated what Shinji had told them.
"It's risky, no doubt about it." Misato finally said. "But it has some merit."
"Of course." Ritsuko interjected. "Frankly, it sounds like something you'd cook up. I'd feel safer sending someone in one of the Units and projecting an AT Field over whatever party we send out."
"Well, that sort of coverage is going to be rather… delicate." Kaworu said. "A field with enough power to protect from whatever the Corite might try to do, yet manipulated in such a way that it does not crush whoever it is supposed to protect… that requires a degree of familiarity in AT Fields that only I am currently able to use."
Maya opened her mouth to reply, but Daniel's hum drew her gaze towards the intersection they were coming up on. And the people that were marching across the street.
"Well, that's somewhat concerning." Misato said as Daniel pulled into a parking lot and turned on the radio, switching through channels for a moment before pausing on a news report.
"-demonstration that is gathering steam, and a steady supply of people, heading towards the New National Diet building. These protests are apparently being led by members of the Lone World movement, spurred on by the events of the last several days, which scientists are terming 'the worst ecological disaster since Second Impact'. Though League and NERV spokespeople are certain that the active core material will not continue to spread, a 10-kilometer exclusion zone has been put into effect, further displacing thousands, if not millions. For more, we-"
Daniel turned the radio off as he sighed quietly, taking the phone that had been acting as the GPS as the others in the car looked over at the march with new eyes.
"I hope your sister isn't in any danger from this." Toji said quietly as he looked over at Hikari, taking her hand.
Hikari shook her head. "No, she isn't, thankfully. It's just… hard for Kodama, having so many people she knows to be a part of this. Even if she doesn't say it." she sighed. "I just don't get it. Why are so many people who are so smart backing something this… reactionary?"
"I can imagine the reason." Daniel interjected as he selected a new route and started driving again. "As a wise man once said, 'a person can be smart. People are dumb, panicky animals'. These people have been swept up by rhetoric, a rhetoric that promises a world that won't change in ways that frighten people."
"And what, exactly, does that entail?" Maya asked as the demonstration passed out of sight.
"Good question. I never read the manifesto." Daniel replied. "Ryoji might have. Kodama might have skimmed it. But I have my guesses as to what it contains."
. . .
They reached the airport with only a little more delay, climbing into the ready transport craft. It was a quiet flight over, filled with contemplation.
The city turned to suburbia, then to the countryside as they passed over into the exclusion zone, the land becoming quiet and barren as they touched down on a hill about 50 or 60 meters from the wall of red crystals that glowed with a dimly suffused inner light, and stretched out of sight in both directions.
The group looked at it as the engines of the tilt-jet aircraft began to go silent, then Shinji took a deep breath. "Well," he said quietly, "no real sense in standing around now."
It was still a moment more before he took a step towards the wall, the others beginning to follow after as if he'd broken some spell that the crystal had cast on them.
As they progressed down the hill, Ritsuko grabbed her clear-pad from her lab coat and activated a built-in scanner, holding the pad up as if she were taking a picture. Maya followed her lead, and they swept the view one way then the other.
After a moment, her brow furrowed, and she shook her head in disgust as she squinted slightly at the pad. "There's some sort of interference coming from the crystals. Probably what turns people into LCL. Even still, it seems below what we know is able to instantly convert matter into LCL. For now. I'll keep an eye on it while we're here, see what it does."
Maya nodded. "There's also something else that the pad's sensor is picking up. But it's hidden behind the interference. Whatever it is, I'd be careful getting close to it."
Daniel nodded, then looked over at Shinji. "So, what, exactly, are you planning on doing to test your hypothesis?"
"Well, I was going to go out into the field of Corite and… stand there until I couldn't?" Shinji replied slowly.
Daniel stared somewhat pointedly at Shinji as they came up to a point where Ritsuko told them it would potentially be dangerous to continue. "Well," Daniel finally said as he looked at a cleft in the crystals, "if nothing else, I'll do my best to keep you safe. Don't go too far. I can't promise I'll be able to teleport you if things go sideways, even with the others boosting my power."
"I'll stay within sight." Shinji replied firmly.
"Good." Daniel said as he smiled slightly and put a hand on Shinji's shoulder. "I'll keep the stopwatch handy. Good luck."
Daniel stepped back, and for a moment, Shinji stood alone in front of a gap in the sanguine palisade. At the edge of his perception, Shinji felt... something. Something off.
He sharpened his senses, his Sight showing Frames writhing and twisting out from the Corite, seeming to crumble away as soon as they appeared. But that was the outer layer. Behind it...
"Alright," he said as he took a deep breath, "I'm going in."
He took a few cautious steps forward until he was only inches away from stepping into the crystals themselves. He strengthened his soul as best he could, his own Frames a bulwark against the now reaching tendrils, the places they brushed his skin becoming a familiar orange for just a moment.
Shinji took another deep breath, then stepped over the threshold.
Immediately, the sound behind him seemed to fall away, and Shinji tried to take a deep breath. But there was nothing. No air to try and suck in desperately as his eyes bulged and his knees trembled.
All legible thought fled as he kept trying to take a breath that wouldn't come, slowly sinking to the ground. He had to get out. But where was the way out? Was it behind him still? How far had he walked? Had he actually lost the exit, or was his head simply spinning along with everything else?
'This is it.' Shinji finally thought as he hit his knees, watching as orange began to tint his vision. 'Man, Asuka's going to be really mad at me, isn't she?'
Then, he felt a firm hand grasp his shoulder yank him out, and he coughed as he took heaving gasps of precious air again, his vision fuzzing as someone stood over him, being quickly joined by others. The person said something, but their voice was distant, muffled.
"Shinji… Shinji! Can you hear me?"
Shinji blinked, and Daniel finally came into focus, along with Misato, the other Children, Ritsuko, and Maya, all blocking out the sky as they cast their worried looks down on him.
"I'm okay… I think." Shinji replied as he tried to sit up.
Immediately, two pads were shoved in his face, then lifted away moments later by Misato's guiding grip on Ritsuko and Maya's hands. "They don't have to be that close, ladies." Misato said patiently.
The pads were still pointed in his general direction as the group stood back and Daniel guided Shinji to his feet. "Well, it looks like you've stabilized yourself." Ritsuko said, Maya nodding in corroboration.
Shinji nodded. "Yeah. It helps when there's air to breathe." he replied wearily.
"There's no oxygen over there?" Hikari asked with wide, worrying eyes.
"Really?" Maya said as she walked over towards the Corite, her brow furrowed in concentration as she fiddled with the scanner. She stood mere meters away for a moment tapping on the pad, then turned back to look at the group as she walked back. "It looks like it, at least from what I can tell from the scanner, but I'd need a better read to be sure."
Ritsuko nodded. "Maybe we should send a drone in first with a sensor package, see what the lay of the land is." she said, glancing over at Misato, who nodded slowly.
"Why waste the time and resources?" Daniel replied as he began to walk back towards the aircraft. "Worldstrider combat armor is environmentally sealed. I'll pop back and get mine and Shinji's, then link our feeds to yours while we go trekking."
Ritsuko's mouth hung open for a moment as she turned to watch a familiar doorway appear on the side of the aircraft, then closed it as Daniel disappeared into the Infinity Box. "Or, you know, we could do that, too." she said as she shrugged.
It was a few moments before Daniel reappeared, the suit of armor appearing around him as he walked down the hill, coming to a stop in front of the group as his helmet flashed into existence around his head.
Toji hummed as he nodded. "Nifty." he said, at least somewhat impressed.
"That it is." Daniel replied as he walked over to Ritsuko. "Very handy when you're trying not to be killed. Ritsuko, your pad?" he said as he offered an open hand.
Ritsuko handed over her clear-pad, and Daniel tapped it twice against his helmet before handing it back to her. "There. You should be able to see everything I see, in just about every spectrum."
"Wow…" Maya said with wide eyes as she offered her own pad. "Is there anything it can't do?" she asked wonderingly.
"Well, it's not going to stop a tank shell on its own." Daniel replied as he linked Maya in. "That takes a far heavier suit than this. And the survival kit doesn't go much further than a cup of water and a baked potato for a meal. But it works." he ended with a shrug.
"Now, go ahead and suit up, Shinji," Daniel continued as he held out a pair of bracelets to Shinji, "and let's get this show on the road."
. . .
Daniel and Shinji stepped through the cleft once again, far more prepared now as they looked around themselves with wide, wondering eyes.
"Man, it's what it must be like being in space." Shinji said offhandedly as they clambered over and around the tall gemstones, reaching almost three times his height. "Somewhat." he added after a moment.
"Somewhat is about right." Ritsuko said, her voice surprisingly clear inside their helmets. "We're reading zero atmosphere within the radius so far, and…" she trailed off for a moment. "Oh, what does it take to make sense of some of these readings?" she muttered in frustration. "You've got a wave of… something heading towards you."
The pair looked around, and Shinji jumped, boosted by the suit, clearing the tops of the crystals, and looked the wave, marked a translucent blue color, right in the face.
Then, he kept going up. And up. And up. As Shinji flailed his arms and looked down, he saw Daniel calmly floating up towards him.
"Looks like a traveling field of null gravity." Daniel said equally calmly as he started to go faster. "Calm down, Shinji. We could actually make this work for all of us." he continued, and Shinji heard the slight smile in his voice.
Daniel was by his side in moments, taking his shoulder as they soon made it to the top of the massive wave. "Well, would you look at that?" Daniel said as he touched Shinji's arm with his elbow. "We have the best view of the area we could possibly get. Now, we just… follow the wave."
"Without going too far." Misato said pointedly into their comms.
"Yes, Misato." Shinji replied reassuringly. "Not too far. We've got it."
Shinji began to look around the rolling hills of what was once a town. They were very high up. Higher even than the Evangelions stood, which offered a view that stretched for kilometers in every direction except behind them. The sight was… otherworldly. "This is…" he began, trailing off as he tried to find the words.
"Beautiful?" Daniel asked.
Shinji took a moment before he replied. "In a sense. It's like we have our own portal to another planet in our backyards. Relatively speaking."
"So it would seem." Maya interjected, spooking the two boys slightly. "We've gathered a ton of data thanks to the errant gravitic anomaly that we'll need time to parse. You can come down now if you'd like."
"Will do." Daniel replied. "Alright," he said to Shinji, "let's just glide on down to the ground."
As he said this, a line of stars glimmered into existence on his back, and Daniel took Shinji in a side hug as they gently flew towards the ground, out of the field.
As they got close to the ground, Shinji looked over at Daniel. "There's still one thing I want to try." He said, drawing Daniel's helmeted gaze to him.
"You still want to do this?" Daniel asked as they paused in the air, and their comms erupted for a moment before Daniel muted them.
"Yeah." Shinji replied, his tone still somewhat unsure. "I'd rather be ready just in case something happens. And so I can teach the others." he said, becoming more firm.
Daniel, or at least the helmet that stood in for his face, looked at him for a long moment, then tilted his head to the side. If he was talking to the others, Shinji couldn't hear it. It was a long moment before he saw the helmet tilt back towards him. "Alright." he sighed as they finally touched the ground. "We'll try it. But not before I prepare you as best I can."
Shinji felt Daniel's soul link to his, then he saw in his mind a particular Framework. "It's a Frame helmet." Daniel said after a moment. "Keeps air and pressure in, vacuum out. Nice to know when you're tumbling into the depths of space without a nice suit. I'm also slaving your suit's controls to mine, just in case you pass out."
Shinji nodded as he breathed deeply, creating the Expression and activating it before strengthening the Frames that connected to his body. "Alright." he said after a moment. "Let's try again."
The helmet around Shinji's head disappeared, and he took an involuntary breath. Then another. Pleasantly surprised, he let the rest of his armor disappear. He looked down at his arms. They were still whole after a few moment's examination, but he felt that presence again. Something trying to worm its way in. Turn his bare skin into LCL. But he resisted. For now.
'You know,' Shinji suddenly thought, 'Asuka's going to be really ticked off. However long you stay out here.'
"Alright. I'm satisfied." Shinji finally said. "We can survive if our suits get compromised. It's not ideal though."
"You're telling me." Daniel replied as Shinji's armor reappeared around him. "Alright. Let's go get an earful from the others."
- - -
The Val
Asuka glared at Shinji as they finished their story walking through the halls of the ship. "Earful is almost too little for what you deserve. Didn't we just talk about staying safe?" she said pointedly.
Shinji blushed deeply. "That we did." he replied slowly. "But I would never have done something that risky without a support net to catch me. Or a back up plan."
Asuka continued to glare silently. Then she sighed explosively. "Fine." she said dramatically. "A little too much of me rubbed off on you, I think." she muttered with a wry smile.
"Maybe we can shift the topic to something less… dangerous?" Daniel interjected. "Such as getting the Numberless Children closer to being normal again?"
- - -
Numberless Children's Residence, 1 Day Earlier
The door to their apartment opened, and Marah, Mana, and Mayumi all looked over to see Daniel enter, along with a small group of unfamiliar people.
"Well hello, Danny boy." Mariah began. "I uh…" she trailed off as she looked over at a woman wearing a lab coat. "I didn't know we were getting our checkups."
"In a sense, you are." the woman replied as she set aside a slab of what looked like glass and something that looked like someone had chopped a conductor's baton in half on an end table. "Allow me to introduce myself."
She walked around the living room and politely shook each child's hand. "My name is Doctor Ritsuko Akagi. This is my assistant, Captain Ibuki."
The woman in question waved at them as she smiled somewhat sheepishly. "Hello. Pleasure to meet you."
A few replies were exchanged, and Mariah blinked as Mayumi spoke next. "Who are the others?" she asked quietly.
Ritsuko blinked, then smiled slightly as she looked over at the two children that had accompanied them. "Well, how about I allow them to introduce themselves?" she asked.
The girl, dressed simply in jeans and a t-shirt that had a few stray paint stains, brushed a lock of deep green hair aside from her startling red eyes. "Hello." the girl said quietly. "I am Ichigo Ayanami. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
"Pleasure to meet ya." Mariah replied. "And who might my brother in spectacles be?"
The boy in question waved. "Hi. I'm Kensuke. I'm one of Doctor Akagi's research assistants." he said, an odd wondering in his expression.
Mariah smiled. "Good to meet you as well."
Ritsuko stepped between them. "Alright, now that introductions are out of the way, we're going to begin your preliminary scan. Daniel, if you'd like to explain what we're going to do?"
Daniel nodded as he sat down on the coffee table. "So, if you'll recall, I said that there was something that we needed to fix a few days ago?"
The three girls nodded slowly. "Yeah." Mariah replied. "What of it?"
Daniel sighed quietly as he closed his eyes for a moment. "What do you know about how souls work?" he asked quietly.
The girls blinked. "Uh… do they actually exist?" Mariah asked.
Daniel's face grew a resigned expression. "Alright, then. Let's take this from the top."
. . .
The three girls sat in silence as Daniel finished his explanation, and the others who had come with him stood by.
"You're telling me someone messed with our heads by… going through our souls?" Mariah asked quietly.
"Unfortunately so." Ritsuko replied, glancing down at the rectangle of glass as she tapped on its surface, then somehow impossibly stretched it into a far larger frame before turning it around to show the three.
On the screen, four holographic diagrams of human heads, crisscrossed with what Daniel had explained to be Frames, slowly spun around. "This," Ritsuko said as she pointed to the one on the top right, "is what a baseline soul, with all the Frames pertaining to normal functions, looks like. These…" she said, gesturing to the other three as the baseline head disappeared. "Are yours."
The girls watched, some with mounting dread, as voids, some far larger than others, were highlighted in blue, and the Frames that should have filled those voids capped off by something glowing purple.
"What we plan to do is to remove these Flux caps around the Frames connected to your brains." Ritsuko said quietly. "After that, we begin the process of regrowing said Frames to allow you to get at least somewhat closer to being normal again."
"I'm not going to lie, it's going to be a long process after that." Ritsuko admitted. "But we'll make it as easy as we can for you."
It was silent as they all processed this. Mariah's head spun. Was this real? Had they really been under someone's thumb, dancing to another tune this whole time? Was she really even who she thought she was?
She looked down at herself. Then, she heard movement and looked up to see the green-haired chick, Ichigo, get up and walk over to the couch, sitting on the arm next to poor Mayumi, who seemed on the verge of breaking down into tears as she shuddered slightly.
She put a hand on Mayumi's shoulder, and Mayumi looked into Ichigo's patient gaze. "I understand the feelings you're experiencing right now." she said quietly. "What you all, to one degree or another, are experiencing. I have gone through something like this myself. I may still be figuring things out myself, trying to understand who I really am, but I will help you do the same." she said with a quiet surety.
Mayumi looked up at her with wide eyes. "Thank you." she whispered.
Ichigo smiled slightly. "Of course, Ms. Mayumi."
Ritsuko stood. "Alright. We'll get things prepared so that you can begin the operation." she paused as she sighed quietly. "We would try and do it here on the planet, but the facilities and equipment are only available onboard one of the Seabreakers in orbit, so you'll have to come with us there."
"You mean we get to see Daniel's spaceship?" Mariah asked, barely able to contain her excitement as she leaned forward with a gleam in her eyes.
Ritsuko shook her head. "Not exactly. We're going to the Sonne, the Tellan science ship in orbit. It has the equipment for the process."
"We could, however, arrange for it to be done on the Val." Daniel said slowly, drawing Ritsuko's attention to him. "It would take two or three days, but it could be done if Mariah and the others are intent on seeing my ship." he looked over at the girls. "It would be your choice."
Mariah looked over at Mana and Mayumi, who both shrugged. "I am not averse to any decision made." Mana replied levelly.
"And it's still a spaceship, either way." Mayumi said with a nod. "Whatever makes you happy, I guess."
Mariah looked back at Daniel and Ritsuko silently, a massive smile on her face all but shouting her question.
Ritsuko sighed quietly. "Fine." she said patiently. "I'll make the arrangements. Maya, if you'll accompany me."
As the two doctors began to take their leave, Mariah stretched a hand towards them. "Oh, Doc…"
As Ritsuko turned, Mariah's manic grin eased into a grateful smile. "Thanks for the sanity meds. It's been nice being able to not bounce everywhere." she said earnestly.
Ritsuko paused, then smiled slightly. "I'm glad I can help. Let me know when you need a refill."
With that, Ritsuko and Maya departed, and Mariah's gaze turned to Ichigo. "So. What have you done to help build a better you, as it were?" she asked.
Ichigo smiled slightly as she took a seat next to Daniel on the coffee table and pulled out a smartphone. "A number of things, all of them creative in some way." Ichigo replied. "I'm most proud of this."
She showed them the screen of the phone, and all three girls leaned in to see a painted model of a robot, deep browns contrasting with bright blues and greens and yellows.
"What is it?" Mana asked.
"That," Kensuke said as he walked over to stand beside Ichigo, "is the RX-78-2 Gundam mecha. Every model builder's first real kit."
"Well, I'd prefer to be putting together something a little more tactical, but hey. Robots work." Mariah said with a shrug as they all regarded the picture.
"You mean like assembling a gun?" Kensuke asked, looking at Mariah with a peculiar look.
Mariah looked at Kensuke with a small grin. "Oh yeah. Having an ex-military dad helps. I've stripped down and put back together tons of different guns."
"So have I, actually." Kensuke said, somewhat more reserved than Mariah was expecting. "Dad and I used to do it, but… that was before dad died. I don't really do it that much, anymore."
"Well…" Mariah said slowly. "Maybe I could scrounge up something, we could sit down and build some?"
Kensuke opened his mouth for a moment, then shut it, then nodded and shrugged after a moment. "You know what, sure. Why not? Maybe after your operation?"
"Sure. call it a date." Mariah shrugged.
"Maybe not a date, but yeah. I look forward to it." Kensuke chuckled.
Daniel stood, and made his way back to his room. "Alright kids. I'm in my apartment if you need anything." he called back as he walked out the now guardless door.
'They'll be good for each other.' he thought, as he closed the door on the now chattering kids.
- - -
The Infinity Box
"And Ichigo and Kensuke are going to work with them to find creative outlets like her?" Asuka said. She nodded after a moment's thought. "Good on them."
"That it is." Shinji replied. "I'm glad we could start helping them."
"Yeah." Daniel said as the trio emerged into Daniel's apartment, leaving the blue room of stacked boxes behind them. "In the meantime, I'll gather the rest of the Children tomorrow, and call my contact. In the meantime, rest up. We'll be getting started on putting together a retrieval mission tomorrow as well."
"Oh, no, Daniel." Asuka replied. "No rest tonight. Shinji and I are going to get the sound canceller for our room that we packed up."
"And when were you planning on informing me of this?" Shinji asked patiently, a good idea of what her answer would be as he observed the hungry gleam in her eyes.
"Right now." Asuka shot back. "It's been three days. And I'm restless."
Daniel nodded as he took the cue. "You should know where you put it. Asuka's is on my right, Shinji's is across from me, whichever you two decide to shack up in tonight. Have fun."
Asuka grinned as she took Shinji's hand and dashed back into the Infinity Box, dragging Shinji along. Daniel simply sighed and chuckled slightly as he walked over to the couch and sat down, turning it on to watch… something before he actually went to sleep.
'Like this won't be happening when we get Eleanor back.' he thought with a wry smile as he caught the sound of an excited couple rushing out his door. 'I'll need to find my noise dampener. And I'm going to make sure that moment comes sooner rather than later.'
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