Another start, another life (Anakin Quest)

Droids, at a certain level, are people. Droids that can acquire and maintain consciousness and that encounter stimuli in both great quantity and variety...well, they're people.

So the current way of galactic civilization is mass slavery. Anybody who sees the mass enslavement of an entire people group on the basis of their being different from others as a problem? They're probably going to be against that.

What about the Kallidahin who as a species typically do not have voices or for that matter mouths?! Just because their ability to object to being enslaved is limited, should they also be enslaved?

Part of being a Jedi is listening to one's conscience and actually giving half a credit chit about things like morals and ethics, isn't it?

If we have to explain, I propose we invoke our Former Slave aspect to recognize slavery and our True Believer aspect to point out that there is no ignorance but knowledge and point out with our prodigious Mechanics skill that we understand what droids are and how they work.

I'll admit this is kinda my hot-button issue in Star Wars.
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Droids, at a certain level, are people. Droids that can acquire and maintain consciousness and that encounter stimuli in both great quantity and variety...well, they're people.

So the current way of galactic civilization is mass slavery. Anybody who sees the mass enslavement of an entire people group on the basis of their being different from others as a problem? They're probably going to be against that.

What about the Kallidahin who as a species typically do not have voices or for that matter mouths?! Just because their ability to object to being enslaved is limited, should they also be enslaved?

Part of being a Jedi is listening to one's conscience and actually giving half a credit chit about things like morals and ethics, isn't it?

If we have to explain, I propose we invoke our Former Slave aspect to recognize slavery and our True Believer aspect to point out that there is no ignorance but knowledge and point out with our prodigious Mechanics skill that we understand what droids are and how they work.

I'll admit this is kinda my hot-button issue in Star Wars.

And that's perfectly in-character for Anakin who is one of the few Jedi in canon to well consider droids as people. I eagerly await the moment you will cast your senses around and everyone will be "Wait what do you mean you sense droids? We sense droids by echolocations but you say you can hear them?"
And that's perfectly in-character for Anakin who is one of the few Jedi in canon to well consider droids as people. I eagerly await the moment you will cast your senses around and everyone will be "Wait what do you mean you sense droids? We sense droids by echolocations but you say you can hear them?"
Probably kinda like Kreia couldn't hear Bao-Dur's thoughts properly ("Your command echoes still, General. And I obey, as I did at Malachor") and did hear Visas' ("As my feet walk from the ashes of Katarr, I shall not fear, for in fear lies death").
Jedi Philosophy
Jedi Philosophy
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force

Many things are said about Jedi philosophy, some good, some bad and many misunderstandings. While you have only begun your journey on Jedi philosophy your teacher already explained a few things to you about the code. The first being these sentences describe ideals not something most Jedi will achieve while living.

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no passion, there is serenity

These two tenets are the same and often the most misunderstood. Let this be clear, Jedi feel emotion as strongly as others do. They love and cry, joke and hate, grieve and rejoice like other sentients and they are not forbidden to do so. What a Jedi must not do is to be controlled by their emotions, to let the storm of feelings carries them away. Passion makes one lose focus, forget the great pattern of the universe to concentrate on one detail only. Love is beautiful and many are drawn to its fire but the love of a person cannot interfere with the duty of a Jedi. For passion and desire are unjust in a way. You love one person more than others and thus you are tempted to judge others lesser to your love. In dire straits it can mean saving the person you love instead of a greater number of innocents.

A Jedi can have friends and lovers but when the moment comes to choose between the life of one friend or one lover and the lives of a dozen children, he must choose the children. A Jedi can grieve but he cannot take revenge thoughtlessly for revenge would be disproportionate and harm innocent bystanders. Killing a murderer in self-defense or to protect the lives of others is permitted. Killing his brother because he killed your brother is a sin.

Jedi don't take vows of celibacy (as a rule, many people in the Order choose chastity as a spiritual practice) but they cannot get attached. It doesn't mean they have to wander from a bed to another (indeed most relationships in the Order are viewed by the participants as extensions of friendships) but they must avoid jealousy, resentment and fear. Loving someone tends to breed a sense that person belongs to you and you fear losing them. This fear can lead you to commit terrible things and thus the Council frowns on love. Having children is doubly frowned upon because such dynasties result in people very powerful in the Force who often succumbs to the Dark Side and become bitter foes of the Order and the Republic.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.

These two tenets teach humility before the universe. Ignorance and Chaos are names given to the unknown and often reasons to not delve into it. A Jedi must understand there is no chaos because cause and effect are influenced by the will of the Force. There is no random chance, no coincidences, no whim of fate, everything fits a great pattern and you must discover your role in the great symphony of the universe. Evil often arises from the need to play a part greater than you should play. A Jedi must remember in the end they serve the Force. It is not a tool made for their use. They are bearers of the light but they are not the light. It exists outside them and the Jedi will protect it.

The tenet about ignorance is also a reminder that knowledge is found even in the unlikeliest place. The mind of a child free of preconception can pinpoint holes in the craftiest strategy. A sentient who seem primitive can know their world better than any survey from space and even those who use the Dark Side can help define the light by showing its opposite.

There is no death, there is the Force

Everything and everyone dies young Skywalker. Plants wither, animals are killed, people die, in the end stars gutter out and the universe will be dark and silent before being reborn once more. Master Yoda will one day sleep and not awaken again and on forgotten Korriban the lords of the Sith sleep on cold stone under moth-eaten shrouds. Everything dies and seeking immortality is only vanity for what would immortality achieve when the stars fade and darkness claims existence? Yet the Force encompasses everything. You are part of the Force and even as your flesh dies, your mind merges with it. You are part of the Force and thus you will never dies as you will live in the music of the universe. Your actions will echo through the cosmos, in great and inconsequential ways alike

A note on the Dark Side
The reason for the Jedi Order's rejection of passion is both moral, selflessness is preferable to selfishness and practical. Whatever the reason the anger of a Force-user doesn't subside but feeds upon itself until it becomes permanent. The Jedi call the part of themselves who revel in wild passion: the Dark Side of the Force and forswear it. The greatest part of the fight against the Dark Side is an inner struggle inside the heart of any sentient thing. Jedi don't deny the existence of instincts and their use but they recognize the basic drives of existence have a tendency to flare up in innoportune moments. When we give in to fear of the unknown, to hatred, to resentment and sadism we succumb to the Dark Side. It brings power at first and each time you call upon it, it become easier to do so.

The Dark Side is not more powerful than the Light. Dark Side Force powers are dependent on your feelings and thus won't work on people you don't have emotional connection to. Most darksiders sidestep this by embracing a loathing of everything that isn't them but doing the same thing for love or other positive drives impossible. Dark Side capacities tend also to be entropic in nature, useful to destroy something but unable to build or create. The use of Dark Side powers is enough to condemn a Force-user for they need an emotional component. Choking someone with the Force is more than a brutal application of telekinesis, it's your hatred of your opponent made manifest. Sith Lightning is not electricity, it's the desire to inflict pain expressing itself through energy.
It is a nice touch to the Jedi Philosophy, the only reason why I always dislike the Jedi is because the modern Code make the Jedi look like robot, now if that is the true meaning behind the code then I can get behind it (except the no children thing, I then than if raised well they could come up like anyone else and don`t go into the Dark Force) but even then the wording is better in the old code of the jedi.
Also I find funny than the Sith are all into freedom but they are slave of their own emotion and wraith
Journey to Coruscant part: 3
Journey to Coruscant part: 3
Your hands move along the open cores of the droids. They scribe without conscious input the lines of code necessary to break their conditioning. From what you have seen a droid programming is a pattern in which the artificial mind must develop. Even then small lapses are inevitable as the droid accumulates experience. Memory wipes are needed to erase such lapses and maintain desired programming. You are not a programmer by trade as Watoo made you work solely on hardware but still you picked a few tricks and you are guided by the Force. Yet even as you prepare to write the lines of codes, you sense your hands being moved away from their purpose. In your trance your persist and you scribe in a language nobody but you will understand; Words of freedom, words more ancient than stone and metal. Still your actions are noticed and you hear grumbling at the edge of your hearing. You ignore it and continue your trance, gesture adding to gesture, work leading to work. What you are giving birth to, you don't know and you don't care. Only the now is important, only the moment and the work and the music of the universe flowing through you.

You emerge from your trance, seeing the white blade of energy sprouting from the cylinder in your hand. You created this. You created this without using your hands or any tool. Yes the parts were prepared and machined to be assembled thus but still, you don't remember having ever seen the plan. You operated by instinct and it frightens you even as it fills you with joy. A lightsaber, the weapon of the Jedi Knights. Even as a child on a backwater world in the Outer Rim you heard of them. Even those who don't know the Jedi use the Force know about the lightsaber. Impossible to wield without the strange power of the Jedi, able to cut through anything and anyone. Once you believed Jedi were immortals and even then you are not sure they can be killed by anyone not wielding the same weapon as them. You tentatively try some moves, hearing the blade whirl through the air. You deactivate it quickly though. You would not want to cause an accident by mistake. Still you wonder how you managed to create it without looking...

«The plans on the table are. See them your conscious mind didn't yet through the Force you did.» Yoda croaks in your ears while approaching. «Still good it is to see your skill. Felt your mind connect to the Force I did»

«Empty a Jedi mind must be. Empty and filled by the Force, guided by its music. Empty and yet filled with purpose. When draw his blade a Jedi does he doesn't sheath it before ending his task. Yet to unsheathe the blade at all, lose is. Tell me, how did you feel?»

«Strange master,» you admit. «I was focused on the repairs and yet, I felt myself slip away. Inside and outside my body. I saw the details and I saw the pattern. I did what felt right. »

« Trust your feelings you must. And yet not surrender to them. Jedi walk the narrow road beyond emotion and thought." Your teacher approaches one of the droids, a protocol model who could be like 3PO. "Prepared for the consequences of your actions you must be." He rises a hand and harnesses and restraining bolts alike slip from the deactivated droid. Another gesture and light dawns behind the droid's optics as it reactivates. Their voice crackles into being, the sophisticated vocabulator conveying the illusion of tone.

"Hello. I am." The reply freezes itself in a shower of binary. "I am." Another moment of pondering. "I don't know who I am. I am designated ZS-55 but I feel this is not my name." Members of the maintenance team, mostly humans rise eyebrows at the word "feel". You are not sure of what happened. Your teacher remains silent, his expression reverting to an enigmatic smile. This is a test but of what sort.

[] FORMER SLAVE: Examine the droid, determining what's wrong with it.
[] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.
[] Deactivate the droid to examine what you changed
[] "You have no name and no purpose for you are free"

Note you have 3 Fate points and the firt two choices demand you expend one.
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[x] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.

Let's apply what we've learned as a Jedi-in-training.
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[X] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.
[X] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.

It is a nice touch to the Jedi Philosophy, the only reason why I always dislike the Jedi is because the modern Code make the Jedi look like robot, now if that is the true meaning behind the code then I can get behind it (except the no children thing, I then than if raised well they could come up like anyone else and don`t go into the Dark Force) but even then the wording is better in the old code of the jedi.
There is another thing to consider. If firm romantic relationships are generally frowned upon because the attachment can bias you, how much more likely is that with the parent-child bond?
[X] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.

Will this be the start of Jedi droids? Cus I will love to look at the face of General Grievous when this bad boy come around slinging a dozen of lightsabers
[X] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.

There is another thing to consider. If firm romantic relationships are generally frowned upon because the attachment can bias you, how much more likely is that with the parent-child bond?

That's part of the taboo yes. Jedi would consider what Luke achieved with Vader to be worthy of great praise but couldn't help but shudder at the myriad failure points of the plan who would have left Sidious with control of the galaxy and immortality to boot.

Now the frowning upon children is also a political thing too. Force-sensitive dynasties make people nervous because you don't need to go full Sith to think the Force gives you the right to rule others.

[X] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.

Will this be the start of Jedi droids? Cus I will love to look at the face of General Grievous when this bad boy come around slinging a dozen of lightsabers

Unfortunately no, you must have flesh to channel the Force, it's generated by living tissues (even silicon-based ones in the case of the Shard). You could have droids sophisticated enough to wield lightsaber (Grievvous Magnaguards managed Force Pikes just fine) and even pose a threat to most Jedi but they won't wield the Force.

Although I don't know what would happen if you jam an alchemically created item into a droid. Still most of these baubles are Sith in origins so would channel the Dark Side.
[X] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.

Will this be the start of Jedi droids? Cus I will love to look at the face of General Grievous when this bad boy come around slinging a dozen of lightsabers
I have what may be news for you: Shards are a thing. They formed the Iron Knights about 20-30 years ago and were declared spite of the fact that Shards are in truth entirely capable of feeling the Force and are actually the Jedi going against their own gorram code and tenets. Respect for life in all its forms but if they're inorganic we're going to shun them.

EDIT: I have been Solo'd.
I only recently discovered Fialleril's works on AO3 and have enjoyed his take on Tattooine slave culture and mythology immensely. I'm delighted to find a quest drawing from that mythos, and very much looking forward to seeing where this goes.

For now,

[X] TRUE BELIEVER: Do without trying as a Jedi should.