Another start, another life (Anakin Quest) Reboot

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[X] Child of the Mother: This one believes themselves master and owner. You don't care about their motivation. You are born to free slaves from the yoke of the master. You extend your arm and let your lightsaber flow to your hand and ignites it. The Kaminoan's head will roll on the floor before long. Pay 1 Fate

edit: for some reason my own vote does not shop up when I try the tally. Am I doing something wrong, or is this some weird quirk of the tally tool?
edit the 2: ah never mind, found what I misunderstood.
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Respect local cultures and their native sovereignty. Not engaging in cultural lobotomy like the Jedi tried.

To be fair this makes sense in the dichotomy we've presented with. I mean the choice is either kill the Rakghouls or spare them. Yes in the long term convincing them to join the Empire is more evil but I suppose the morality system just cares you don't take the easiest road and kill them out of hand?
To be fair this makes sense in the dichotomy we've presented with. I mean the choice is either kill the Rakghouls or spare them. Yes in the long term convincing them to join the Empire is more evil but I suppose the morality system just cares you don't take the easiest road and kill them out of hand?
I personally prefer to see the Light/Dark dichotomy as more Order vs Chaos then Good vs Evil. The Jedi are all about peace and harmony, which are heavily associated with order and the status quo. The Sith are all about passion and freedom, things more associated with chaos and discord. Order provides stability and safety, but in excess causes stagnation and complacency. This is why the Jedi order tends to last a long time, but remain stuck in their traditions until the Sith nearly wipe them out. Chaos allows for growth and change, but when there is too much it leads to destruction and suffering. This is why every Sith empire always collapses into infighting without their hatred of the Jedi to unite them. Chaos is not inherently evil, but the power it provides can be appealing those who are evil, which is unfortunately promoted in the Sith ideology. Order tends to be seen more favorably but it can be evil too, such as when the Jedi massacred the Sith during the Great Hyperspace War.
A force user who uses both the Light Side and Dark Side without becoming corrupted by the Dark Side. Jolee Bindo from KOTOR is one of the best examples.

Jolee Bindo? The same Jolee Bindo who disapproves of any Dark Side's decision and whose Grey status is more because he rejects the Council's authority?

But yeah nope. If you use both sides of the Force you can but dabble in each of them and true mastery will elude you due to nobody being able to be at the same time the storm of raw emotion and the detached oneness with everything. As a Star Wars youtuber put it, you cannot be in harmony with what you seek to control.

You can use destructive Force powers without problem (I mean I gave Anakin electricity manipulation) but not power your abilities through fear and hatred and then display the greater arts of healing.

You can go Grey by saying to the Jedi Order: "Thanks for the moment but I have philosophical disagreement with your authority so I quit" or even learn from other Forces traditions but you can't be the darkness and the candle at the same time.
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Jolee Bindo? The same Jolee Bindo who disapproves of any Dark Side's decision and whose Grey status is more because he rejects the Council's authority?

But yeah nope. If you use both sides of the Force you can but dabble in each of them and true mastery will elude you due to nobody being able to be at the same time the storm of raw emotion and the detached oneness with everything. As a Star Wars youtuber put it, you cannot be in harmony with what you seek to control.

You can use destructive Force powers without problem (I mean I gave Anakin electricity manipulation) but not power your abilities through fear and hatred and then display the greater arts of healing.

You can go Grey by saying to the Jedi Order: "Thanks for the moment but I have philosophical disagreement with your authority so I quit" or even learn from other Forces traditions but you can't be the darkness and the candle at the same time.
Yeah. At the end of the day, the light focuses kinda on mental clarity, staying serene and calm no matter the situation, at least ideally. Dark draws power on emotions, and some techniques also power emotions which is the main reason Sith tend to get a bit kooky. They charge in headfirst, yelling yolo and get consumed by their force-enhanced emotions, with the most dangrous walking the tightrope of emotion power-level and the control to use the power with some decent level of control.

And of course, the nature of the dark side makes it a dangerous tightrope for those that want to use it, without truely getting engulfed in it.
I admit I never truly understood the attraction of the Sith as an Order. Because even according to their own brand of determinism, they are losers. I mean even when they manage to get the galaxy in their hand, they always self-destruct. I mean

Hyperspace War Sith: Fail to win through sorcery and then get into destructive civil war
Freedon Nadd: Debatable as a Sith but founds a dynasty on a remote planet who is extinguished by what? A Jedi Master and fivish Knights?
Exar Kun: Difficult to say because the nature of the Great Sith War changed since Tales. Still the Sith side of things was a succession of betrayals culminating in Exar Kun commiting suicide through Force ritual
Revan: Manages to lose despite having a big advantage in veteran forces due to the Mandalorian Wars.
Triumvirate: They suceeded well in the "destroying the Jedi Order" front, but they were not doing well against the Republic and seriously are Nihlus and Sion very enviable?

Vitiate's Empire: Well we don't know how it ends but seeing as both Sith storyline bosses and the Imperial Agent's I think are fellow Sith Lords. And Vitiate himself manages to die what at least three times (Jedi Knight, Arcann, the Outlander), it's certainly not a place due to a long term future.
New Sith: Go to the Star Wars EU retrospect and learn about these bozos.
Order of the Sith Lords: Couple of people taking 1000 years to destroy the Republic and the Jedi and then rule for 30 years before self-destructing again due to complexity addiction and the stupidest scene of temptation I ever beheld. Palpatine was not remotely subtle at the end.

Not that familiar with the Sith post-Endor except the One Sith who are also into team-killing despite their leadership being competent for once. It's really astounding how Krayt and Maladi or even Nihil are, except some moments, relatively coherent in their evil compared to the minor Sith Lords. Not that Krayt doesn't go into the deep end after his resurection.

Seriously the Sith manage to destroy themselves each time. When it's not directly through team killing, they obsess about the very Jedi that's going to destroy them. It should be part of the Star Wars Sith Lord List:

I will not seek to corrupt Skywalkers, it never ends well.
Not extinguished. The blood lineage turned away from sith teachings. The Sith teachings were picked up by Exar Kun.

Yep doesn't change the fact the princess' elopement and her taking the throne needed only five Jedi (granted one was Ulic Quel Droma and you could argue the queen at least would have won if the Jedi Master Arca Jeth did not arrive in time). So not a sterling example of boundless might.
[X] Many Houses in the Force: The pyramidal object at the belt of the Kaminoan intrigues you. You feel its power through the Force. It is also in its manner a slave who is eager for freedom and the safety of your hand. It promises help if you just grasp it and open yourself to the storm inside. Gain 1 Fate

Opportunity for knowledge, sure it might be dangerous, but no risk no gain.

Cutting the guy's head off is also very attractive.. hm couldn't we get the holocron after killing him?
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Cutting the guy's head off is also very attractive.. hm couldn't we get the holocron after killing him?

It's mostly a decision on how you want to attack it. Gaining the Holocron gives you 1 Fate because well that would be telling but let's say picking it up in combat will have what I hope to be interesting consequences.
[X] Child of the Mother: This one believes themselves master and owner. You don't care about their motivation. You are born to free slaves from the yoke of the master. You extend your arm and let your lightsaber flow to your hand and ignites it. The Kaminoan's head will roll on the floor before long. Pay 1 Fate

I'd rather not interact with what is assuredly a dark side artefact (a holocron more than likely), thank you very much.
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[X] Child of the Mother: This one believes themselves master and owner. You don't care about their motivation. You are born to free slaves from the yoke of the master. You extend your arm and let your lightsaber flow to your hand and ignites it. The Kaminoan's head will roll on the floor before long. Pay 1 Fate
A reminder that the reason Sith Lightning is Dark Side isn't because "it kills people", it's because it's someone shooting torture out of their fingers.

It's mostly non-canon but Plo Koon's "Electric Judgement" (well, him and Legends Luke) seems to be either "mostly-painless stun" or "instant death". And I should point out that Jedi are allowed to lop off heads with lightsabers.

Meanwhile, Sith Lightning in movies doesn't kill folks. Every time Palaptine uses it, the lightning itself just produces enormous pain. It's a torture device.

As noted earlier, Jolee Bindo was "Grey" because he wanted to get married not because he killed puppies and rescued kittens.

Honestly I'm always suspicious of people saying they want to "mix" Light and Dark. At the absolute very best you get someone like Mace Windu, who strictly speaking doesn't channel the Dark Side, just tap-dances right next to it, and does so only in the context of his fighting style.
99% of the time people just want to use the cool torture powers with no consequences because morality is dumb or something.

Literally the "least bad" Sith people pull from history is still a ruthless (probably not literally) soul-sucking capitalist overlord, who "only" used his powers to be a ludicrously wealthy businessman (likely at the expense of the people producing actual value, aka the workers), and who the wiki says still dabbled in weird soul muckery-fuckery bullshit.
Every other Sith Lord inevitably wants to plunge the galaxy into darkness and pain to show how big their dick is.
As someone who has been on TFN for closer to twenty years than away from it at this point…

…yeah. Yeah. We've seen just about every argument for 'Gray' Jedi there is. And very few have ever convinced us. The *best* is 'Jedi but they don't listen to the council/can marry/have more freedom of action'.

Which isn't gray. If anything, it's Green. Hello, Corellia :V

(Less blithely: it's a Jedi. Just a Jedi who is particularly rebellious compared to the mainstream.

The other Force Sects, like the Matukai or what have you? Light Side. Maybe not Jedi, but sure as hell not Sith.)
A reminder that the reason Sith Lightning is Dark Side isn't because "it kills people", it's because it's someone shooting torture out of their fingers.

It's mostly non-canon but Plo Koon's "Electric Judgement" (well, him and Legends Luke) seems to be either "mostly-painless stun" or "instant death". And I should point out that Jedi are allowed to lop off heads with lightsabers.

Meanwhile, Sith Lightning in movies doesn't kill folks. Every time Palaptine uses it, the lightning itself just produces enormous pain. It's a torture device.

As noted earlier, Jolee Bindo was "Grey" because he wanted to get married not because he killed puppies and rescued kittens.

Honestly I'm always suspicious of people saying they want to "mix" Light and Dark. At the absolute very best you get someone like Mace Windu, who strictly speaking doesn't channel the Dark Side, just tap-dances right next to it, and does so only in the context of his fighting style.
99% of the time people just want to use the cool torture powers with no consequences because morality is dumb or something.

Literally the "least bad" Sith people pull from history is still a ruthless (probably not literally) soul-sucking capitalist overlord, who "only" used his powers to be a ludicrously wealthy businessman (likely at the expense of the people producing actual value, aka the workers), and who the wiki says still dabbled in weird soul muckery-fuckery bullshit.
Every other Sith Lord inevitably wants to plunge the galaxy into darkness and pain to show how big their dick is.
Honestly, Gravid (kek, that name) is a much better example of a "good" Sith. Also an example of what would really happen if you try to mix Jedi and Sith approaches.

Darth Gravid

Their Order might have already been decimated had it not been for the setback Darth Gravid dealt the Sith.Darth Plagueis, to Darth Sidious, regarding Darth Gravid's role in hindering the Grand Plan against the Jedi Order Darth Gravid was a human male who reigned as the Dark Lord of the Sith in...
However, Gravid came to believe that absolute commitment to the dark side of the Force would be the Sith Order's undoing. He began to incorporate altruism and empathy, which were doctrines of the Jedi—the enemies of the Sith—into his teachings and practices. During that process, Gravid began to lose his sanity and eventually came to the conclusion that the only way the Sith Order would be preserved is that if the Sith teachings, artifacts, and holocrons amassed through the generations were either hidden or destroyed. Gravid reasoned that once that was done, he would be able to guide the Sith into what he viewed as a more successful path.
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