An Exploration of the Mortal Realms: An Age of Sigmar Thread

New community article about the Mortal Realms, one bit that stands put for me:
Almost everywhere you go in the Mortal Realms, time is a constant, from the shores of glittering mercury lakes in Chamon, the Realm of Metal, to the verdant forests and teeming swamps of Ghyran, the Realm of Life.

Step through a realmgate in either as the dawn rises on the horizon, and you could end up in the choking smog of Aqshy at the same hour – and though a passing moon may blot out the light in the sky, the volatile Realm of Fire is lit by the glow of active volcanoes.

I thought time in general was a bit wonky across the MR? Or does that only apply to history?
Time is determined by the cycles of Hysh and Ulgu, which serve as a rough equivalent to the Sun and Moon except far more metaphysical. I believe I went into it a while ago:
Fun fact of the day this time is the Azyrheim Calendar, aka the Calendar that the Eternal City uses which in extension tends to be used by many of the Free Cities. It should be noted that there isn't a whole lot of detail on the actual aspects of the Calendar. It is generally agreed that time fluctuates and tends to be measured where you are in relation to Hysh and Ulgu, and that the cycles of Hysh and Ulgu where one or the other is ascendant changes the way time flows, usually from making days 26 to 30 hours long. This cycle between Hysh and Ulgu is known as the "Dance of the Spheres". What determines a year? Is it a full rotation of Hysh and Ulgu around each other? That would be the most intuitive, since Hysh essentially serves as a Sun and Ulgu as a metaphysical representation of shadow.

Anyways, the Azyrheim calendar is described in Soulbound as the RPG would need it to provide details, and it was adopted into the 3rd Edition core book for AoS. The calendar inexplicably follows the same conventions as the real world, with seven day weeks, months comprised of "roughly 30 days", and a total of 12 months in a year.

"The days of a week in order are Cometsday, Moonday, Zenithus, Sunwane, Starsday, Horizonday, and Voidsday. The first day of the last week of each month is Sigmarsday, which commemorates the day on which Sigmar's Tempest broke. This is celebrated with a festival day in most cities. There are twelve months in the Azyrheim calendar.

Starting with the festival day of Year's Beginning, the months are Coldbane, Shiverblight, Hope's Renewal, Rainstay, Highspright, Azyr's Gleaming, Meadowswell, Golden Harvests, Thresh, Wyndscal, Darkening, and Evenswinter." Page 203 Soulbound Core Book

The nature of the day and night cycle differs from Realm to Realm. Hysh is always bright, although its light dims when Ulgu is in the ascendant. Ulgu is always dark, though its shades and shadows grow lighter when Hysh is in the ascendant. Aqshy is brimming with bright red blazing flames and magma from all sources, from their bright moons to their volcanic eruptions to their blazing Realmgates. Azyr's stars never dim, always shining their light on the people of Low Azyr, while those in High Azyr frolic among the stars. So on and so forth.

I think next thing I'll talk about is going to be the moons of the Mortal Realms.
Hot dang, Beasts of Chaos and Bonesplitterz leave AoS in 2025 (BoC are going to Old World, Tzaangors and Slaangors are staying in AoS though). Stormcasts and Skaven retire a great number of models (they're both getting new ones though), many of the Warcry warbands for the Slaves to Darkness are getting retired to focus on the Darkoath instead, and a small number of other older models from various factions are also leaving, perhaps most notably from a lore perspective Valkia but also stuff like the Saurus Eternity Warden and the Madcap Shaman

Pretty big shakeup for the Mortal Realms. Lorewise, I'm guessing they'll treat the stuff as still being around in the background, Warcom mentioned that the Sacrosanct Chamber are all going back to Azyr to focus on studying the reforging flaw for example, but I guess we'll see
Stuff leaving
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Well, looks to me like I'm ordering a gigantic spider.

Or would, if they weren't sold out already.
Stormcast getting a bunch of units pulled sucks but was kind of inevitable given the sheer bloat of units they have.
Slaves to Darkness losing the warcry bands sucks especially how much they were pushed in the last book. I guess my untamed beasts will have a total of 3 games under their belt before they go to the shelf zone forever.
Skaven losing stuff kinda sucks but we are also getting a huge refresh so it's fine. Just please for the love of God Gw don't put the new clan rats on another base size I have a hundred of them.
The real kick in the jaw is beasts of chaos being sent to old world which just feels shitty and borderline vindictive. BoC were a unique faction with its own look and gameplay that fit into the universe of Aos just fine. Kicking them out in the name of corporate synergy just feels greedy and lame in a way that I thought GW realized makes them look bad.
Stormcast getting a bunch of units pulled sucks but was kind of inevitable given the sheer bloat of units they have.
Slaves to Darkness losing the warcry bands sucks especially how much they were pushed in the last book. I guess my untamed beasts will have a total of 3 games under their belt before they go to the shelf zone forever.
Skaven losing stuff kinda sucks but we are also getting a huge refresh so it's fine. Just please for the love of God Gw don't put the new clan rats on another base size I have a hundred of them.
The real kick in the jaw is beasts of chaos being sent to old world which just feels shitty and borderline vindictive. BoC were a unique faction with its own look and gameplay that fit into the universe of Aos just fine. Kicking them out in the name of corporate synergy just feels greedy and lame in a way that I thought GW realized makes them look bad.
While I greatly sympathize and concur, I feel like a bigger concern is - whatever BoC's WHFB origins - Old World has been godawful with supply. Units first put on pre-order before the launch January that sold out in under 48 hours remain Out of Stock. Being in the AoS line brought reliability to acquisition.
While I greatly sympathize and concur, I feel like a bigger concern is - whatever BoC's WHFB origins - Old World has been godawful with supply. Units first put on pre-order before the launch January that sold out in under 48 hours remain Out of Stock. Being in the AoS line brought reliability to acquisition.
They did a similar thing to 40k in tenth edition. After two editions of being told you can use your HH models like the popular contemptor and leviathan dreadnoughts they cut the cord and separated the two systems. This just feels worse because before it was only a handful of models, here it's an entire army.
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The Stormcast range was getting pretty bloated and I do like the in-universe explanation that the Sacrosanct Chamber is withdrawing to gp all in on bug fixes but man do I feel bad for SCE players who just lost big chunks of their armies. Bonesplitterz getting the boot too is pretty sad too, I did like their caveman aesthetic but they always did feel awkwardly wedged in between Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. Skaven I'm not worried about, almost guranteed everything there is getting replaced.

Beasts of Chaos being the red headed step child continues to be true. Real kick in the pants for the folk who just lost on army. I suppose the best we can hope is they get unsquated in the future with a revamped style or something.
GW's refusal to let any armies exist in more than game is infuriating.

Like, the booting of BoC to Old World only makes it very clear that Vampire Counts, Dark Elves, Skaven, Lizardmen, Demons, and Ogres are legacy armies in Old World not because GW's claims of "everything has to make sense for this particular time period of the setting" but that they refuse to risk anyone playing the same models in two systems, THE FILTHY THIEVES NOT BUYING A SECOND ARMY!
The thing that really bugs me about all this obsolescence at least as an outsider is that among the warcry warbands plenty were still being marketed as #NewAOS. I heard that the Hashut one was only available for like 18 months?

Beyond the time frame they also seemed like really unique products that I had thought were relatively popular?
GW has something of a love-hate relationship with its specialist lines. It's why a lot of people who were in the hobby back in the early / mid 00's have caches of Mordheim and BFG stuff saved to their computers, as an example.

From both a business and gaming perspective GW does have rather bloated product lines and it remains a constant struggle (see: The 2004 Mail Order catalog slash phone book) to keep things manageable. I get that. But at the same time their solution is often heavy handed and arcane in the reasons chosen. And I reiterate strange that they always announce after the forges were already cooled / production complete, as they basically bleed sales when a thousand people rush to collect [kit] but whoops only 200 left in the warehouse.
Actually, speaking of those Warbands what's going on with the Unmade, they read as Slanneshi to me in just about every way but the official descriptions don't make that explicit for some reason or other?
The thing that really bugs me about all this obsolescence at least as an outsider is that among the warcry warbands plenty were still being marketed as #NewAOS. I heard that the Hashut one was only available for like 18 months?

Beyond the time frame they also seemed like really unique products that I had thought were relatively popular?
Their still there for Warcry I'm pretty sure they just aren't in standard AoS anymore
Their still there for Warcry I'm pretty sure they just aren't in standard AoS anymore
''With the arrival of the Darkoath, the Slaves to Darkness have finally found their definitive mortal followers. This means that a number of warbands representing the wider worshippers of Chaos in the Mortal Realms will be retiring from the spotlight – and the range.''

Yeah no. For some reason G.W wants to backpedal on having a lot of diversity amongst chaos cultists, not that I dislike darkoath mind but they are pretty generic.
''With the arrival of the Darkoath, the Slaves to Darkness have finally found their definitive mortal followers. This means that a number of warbands representing the wider worshippers of Chaos in the Mortal Realms will be retiring from the spotlight – and the range.''

Yeah no. For some reason G.W wants to backpedal on having a lot of diversity amongst chaos cultists, not that I dislike darkoath mind but they are pretty generic.
From the AoS range. There's been no announcement on Warcry, and they aren't in the "last chance" section all the removed models are in on the store
I appreciate the correction then, It sounds like it might be being handled in a non-maximally stupid way then.
Average GW moment tbh

There's def a chance they'll stop making them but the general assumption as far as I can tell is that even if they do they'll probably still get Warcry rules just like how all the old underworld stuff they don't make anymore still has rules
Do you think Ushoran is old enough to qualify for addition to the Mortarch post @Codex ?
Probably, but I've been busy enough and lack the books that actually cover the Dawnbringer Crusades. Aside from the first one, I was fortunate enough to be in the UK when it first came out.

I've been meaning to come back to AoS at some point, and 4th Edition is intriguing enough to do that. Hopefully I get the motivation to do something AoS related soon.
I've been catching up to what I've missed about AoS4, and thank god they kept one of my favorite abilities ever in Nagash's Hand of Dust. It's that one move he does where you, the player, get to hide a dice in one of your hands, and your opponent has to guess which one has the dice. If the opponent guesses correctly, nothing happens. If they guess wrong, instant death to the unit targeted.

By far one of the silliest moves in the game and I would have been sad if it was changed.
I'm so used to the death masks that open faced helmets look weird to me. Really liking the new wings, they look way better than the old ones and the magical fire is a nice touch.