An Azure Dream (BlazBlue) - OOC and Sign-Ups (Closed)

@Floom Defiant is actually a pretty unique idea, but as I see it, it allowing to immediately respond to a DD/AH after being hit by them would be quite overpowered : that essentially makes DDs, some characters' main method of damage, useless against her (since she could retaliate right after one) and actively punishes those who use these in combos to cash out on damage as well.

Also, keep in mind that if an Astral hits, that's basically the end of the encounter. Astrals have the strict landing conditions for a reason : since for one, even Azrael (the Mad Dog who could go toe to toe with Ragna while the latter's Azure Grimoire was activated, and who ripped an interdimensional prison apart with his bare hands) will at least fall, or even die from more powerful Astral Heats, and for two, Astrals "lock" the opponent in (it's guaranteed once the first hit lands unless an outside source interferes, and locks Burst as well)

If you change it so it only applies on block against said moves, it'd be good to go.

On a side note, what would be the limits of her regeneration? If she wasn't able to regenerate from things like explosions and shatters, Jin's Astral would be quite dangerous (which freezes the enemy and shatters them), while Astrals like Nine Gates (Litchi's, a kick barrage) wouldn't be much of a problem.
@Floom Defiant is actually a pretty unique idea, but as I see it, it allowing to immediately respond to a DD/AH after being hit by them would be quite overpowered : that essentially makes DDs, some characters' main method of damage, useless against her (since she could retaliate right after one) and actively punishes those who use these in combos to cash out on damage as well.

Also, keep in mind that if an Astral hits, that's basically the end of the encounter. Astrals have the strict landing conditions for a reason : since for one, even Azrael (the Mad Dog who could go toe to toe with Ragna while the latter's Azure Grimoire was activated, and who ripped an interdimensional prison apart with his bare hands) will at least fall, or even die from more powerful Astral Heats, and for two, Astrals "lock" the opponent in (it's guaranteed once the first hit lands unless an outside source interferes, and locks Burst as well)

If you change it so it only applies on block against said moves, it'd be good to go.

On a side note, what would be the limits of her regeneration? If she wasn't able to regenerate from things like explosions and shatters, Jin's Astral would be quite dangerous (which freezes the enemy and shatters them), while Astrals like Nine Gates (Litchi's, a kick barrage) wouldn't be much of a problem.

The point of Defiant is to allow Awa to get in a revenge hit, and the attack in question is meant to take place only after DD/AH is executed. It's essentially meant to be a final "fuck you". Perhaps I should word it so it only goes off when she drops to Near Death or lower.

As to her limits on regeneration: Her Vampire Regeneration is as potent as other vampires, though I will freely admit to not quite knowing exactly what that means, as what sources I have found only say that Vampires can heal from most wounds. I interpret this as healing any wound that is not instantly lethal.

As to her Drive:

Beating Heart doesn't provide constant consistent regeneration, rather it instead allows the user to remain alive even in states where life should not be possible. For instance: Say Awa was indeed frozen then shattered. Beating Heart would consume Seithr, and her shattered body would remain alive, even though it remains shattered. She'll likely be unconscious, or in horrible pain, but her body will remain living, and her Vampire Regen will set to work putting her body back together. To put it another way, Beating Heart means that so long as there is Seithr available, either stored in Awa's body or the environment, Awa's Life Force can never reach zero, only infinitely approach it. The only time Beating Heart provides regeneration is in instances where a lethal attack would either: annihilate vital components of her body, specifically the Head or Heart, or convert said vital parts into something non-living. And even in these instances, Beating Heart would essentially put those parts into a state where they cannot be changed rather than provide true regeneration.

TLDR; Beating Heart just ensures Awa's survival, and does not provide regeneration. This means lethal attacks just KO her, with the time she's down depending on how long it would take for her Vampire Regen to get her back on her feet.
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The point of Defiant is to allow Awa to get in a revenge hit, and the attack in question is meant to take place only after DD/AH is executed. It's essentially meant to be a final "fuck you". Perhaps I should word it so it only goes off when she drops to Near Death or lower.
Wouldn't that make Defiant an auto aka an attack that cannot be blocked or avoided? I believe that it's been stated that those aren't allowed.
Wouldn't that make Defiant an auto aka an attack that cannot be blocked or avoided? I believe that it's been stated that those aren't allowed.

I presume that it means that an attack is thrown out, not necessarily instantly hitting, though from a mechanical POV, the recovery of DDs/AHs wouldn't really allow the attacker to recover in time anyway (except DDs via Tager's ultimate).

I think it would be okay if it only activated near-death, however, once per encounter, and if the enemy is given a chance to try a defensive course of action.
Wouldn't that make Defiant an auto aka an attack that cannot be blocked or avoided? I believe that it's been stated that those aren't allowed.

Hmm... fair.

Would it work if it only triggered off Near Death?

Or should I just rework it so it procs off Guard Break, or something?

I presume that it means that an attack is thrown out, not necessarily instantly hitting, though from a mechanical POV, the recovery of DDs/AHs wouldn't really allow the attacker to recover in time anyway (except DDs via Tager's ultimate).

I think it would be okay if it only activated near-death, however, once per encounter, and if the enemy is given a chance to try a defensive course of action.

Gotcha, I'll specify those conditions.

But would the above version of it proccing off of Guard Break also work?

Additionally, thinking it over, it'd make more sense if only the Heart counted as vital for Beating Heart.
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A retaliation off Guard Break could also work, if it lets the attacker have an opportunity to react to it (with the usual methods)
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I'll freely admit, I'm not quite sure which would be best.

Do you have a preference? Which version do you think would suit Awa's playstyle better?

To be honest, I really wouldn't want to "influence" others in how they build up their characters (outside of balancing), it's their choice.

However, having the ability based on Guard Breaks makes it overall more useful if you are going to use barrier heavily, since specials can cause Guard Break as well against it, which DDs also do. There would be a wider range of uses if it's against Guard Breaks.

Speaking of which, I may slightly revise the Barrier rules since low APT characters are at a high risk of Guard Break just about at all times in its current form, which is not what I intended (with normal hits draining uses as well, even more so)
To be honest, I really wouldn't want to "influence" others in how they build up their characters (outside of balancing), it's their choice.

However, having the ability based on Guard Breaks makes it overall more useful if you are going to use barrier heavily, since specials can cause Guard Break as well against it, which DDs also do. There would be a wider range of uses if it's against Guard Breaks.

Speaking of which, I may slightly revise the Barrier rules since low APT characters are at a high risk of Guard Break just about at all times in its current form, which is not what I intended (with normal hits draining uses as well, even more so)

Fair enough. I'll go with the Guard Break Version then:

Defiant: Once per fight, when Awa is Guard Broken, she may immediately attack her enemy, regardless of her current state. This attack may be responded to as any other attack.

This work?
Mhm, it's perfect. A quick retaliation after a Guard Break is not something that most Mentors would expect, so it's certainly going to be a nasty surprise. It's going to be great seeing it put to a test.
Well, here's my first draft of my character. A lot is missing, so don't be surprised when I start making changes.

And that's it! Finished!!
Name : Lost
Species : Murakumo Unit(?)
Gender : Male
Appearance : Is currently wearing bracelets and a collar that tracks his whereabouts as well as restrain him when necessary.
Personality : Lost is an enigma. Having spent most of his life isolated from any form of social contact, he isn't used to emoting or expressing his emotions openly on his face. This gives the impression that one is looking an extremely life-like doll when observing Lost. While he has attempted to fit in better by keeping a cheerful smile constantly on his face, the effect somehow only pronounces how inhuman he is, as his happy expression barely wavers no matter what is going around him. Adding to this factor is Lost's moral compass. Or rather, his lack of one. Not so much immoral as amoral, Lost doesn't seem bothered by the loss of human life nor the adverse effects on others his action or words could cause. Good and evil are labels that he doesn't understand, and even if he did, he would probably dismiss them. This is in stark contrast to the often childlike behavior, energy and curiosity he exudes once his interest is piqued, often sulking or acting petty when he's forced to turn his attention away from something interesting. Lost is unfamiliar with this strange new world he finds himself in, and is extremely fascinated with the various interesting things he finds every day, especially other humans. In particular, he finds their motives and ideals to be especially interesting to him. As such, he greatly respects those who stick true to their dreams or ideals and hates those who don't follow through on their ideals or end up becoming hypocrites.
Age : Unknown but looks to be around 19-22 years old.
Likes : Sightseeing, sugar-loaded coffee, doing what interests him, people of strong conviction or ideals.
Dislikes : Responsibility, vegetables, bitter coffee, hypocrisy.
Skills : Photography, sewing, deadly traps. (Both making and escaping~)
Weapons : Shards of glass in the shape of daggers and shortswords. Garrote Wire.

Backstory : Traveller - The darkness was Lost's earliest memory. Oppressive. Empty. How long had he sat there, amidst the darkness? After a slight pause, a simple thought answered his unspoken question. He didn't know. He was Lost, after all. He had no knowledge of why he was there, where he was, or even what or who he was. All he knew was his existence, the Darkness, and that he was "Lost." This didn't seem unnatural to Lost, and so he continued sitting there, peering into the darkness. Sometime after he had thought of his first question, he came up with his second question. What lied beyond the darkness, he wondered. When no answer came to him, Lost rose and started to walk in no particular direction. He could not remember how long he walked for, for the darkness obscured his path and clouded his vision. Finally, just as he couldn't stand the never-ending monotony of his journey, he saw a faint light in the distance. Eager to inspect the first new thing other than the darkness, Lost decided to head in its direction. Yet as he approached the light, he found that it became harder and harder to move towards it as if an invisible force was pushing him back. Acting on instinct, he stretched out his hand and pushed. He was rewarded by the sound and the sight of the darkness cracking. Literally. Thin trails of white expanded from the light in a web-like pattern. Delighted and curious about this new development, Lost pushed once more and fell forward as the empty, dark world shattered around him.

That was how Lost found himself collapsed in front of Kagutsuchi's Cauldron on the day of the Second Shift. Almost immediately, sirens blared as NOL soldiers rushed into the room and quickly apprehended a confused and bewildered Lost. While initially suspected of causing the Second Shift, NOL eventually concluded that he had nothing to do with the incident. However, he was still guilty of trespassing and was held captive for the time being. Eventually, NOL discovered that he was a Prime Field and determined that it was a waste of his abilities to be shut inside a cell, even if they had no idea who had created him. They released him on the condition that he follow their orders and aid their fight against Sector Seven as a member of NOL, which Lost found no reason to disagree with. Soon afterward, NOL assigned Lost to the Intelligence Department and to one Captain Hazama Honoka who officially designated him with the name "Lost".

Occupation : Undercover (NOL): People who perform various activities in secret, mainly espionage and surveillance. Best selected if you're willing to work for a faction, but you may do undercover work for the city folk, low-rank people and certain Mentors as well.

Faction : NOL

Special Moves and Passives (optional) :

- Incorruptible Body
: Due to being a Prime Field, Lost is completely immune to the negative side effects of Seithr. - 2
- Blank Slate:
Take a -5 penalty to Intelligence checks on concepts, objects and fighting styles that Lost is unfamiliar with in exchange for a +7 bonus to subsequent Intelligence checks regarding them in the future. - 2
- Defense Protocol - Analysis :
During combat against a far superior opponent, Lost can choose to devote all of his mental faculties and instinct towards self-preservation rather than attempting to attack his opponent. During this state, Lost gains a bonus of +10 towards all defensive checks in exchange for a -8 penalty towards all offensive checks. - 2

[Special Moves]
- Crystal Clear :
Lost stamps down on the floor, causing it to rupture as a cluster of glass spikes pierce through the ground. Opponents hit by this will be Launched upwards. Anti-Air. Needs to be blocked Low. Invulnerable but easily punishable on block or dodge. - 2.

[Barrier Ars]
[Burst Ars]
[Overdrive Ars]
[Combat Ars: Textus] -
Lost can create small floating traps in the shape of spider-webs on the ground or in the air that instantly bind and restrict enemies for a few seconds when they make contact with it. Can be hard to see due to their ethereal nature.

Stats :
-Strength : 5 [+5 MU] [-3 Mentor]
-Intelligence : 5 [-5 MU] [+5 Mentor]
-Charisma : 0 [-5 Mentor] [-6 Mentor]
-Field : 14 [+5 MU]
-Agility : 10 [+5 MU] [+3 Mentor]
-Aptitude : 7 [+4 Mentor]

Drive :
Looking Glass: A Drive gained by spending an unheard-of length of time inside the Boundary, it creates portals by shattering holes in reality. This allows him to close distances instantaneously or dodge otherwise unavoidable attacks. Lost can also control the glass-like shards the Drive leaves behind when it is used, using them as sharp projectiles or melee weapons. The Drive also grants Lost the ability to travel into and out of the Boundary and the Edge, even letting him travel to parallel worlds or entirely different dimensions. However, due to his inability to Observe, Lost is unable to navigate his way through the Boundary reliably, meaning that his destination is essentially random.
- 20

Possibility Paradigm: Lost pulls on a cord in his chest, releasing the restraint that stops him from tapping into his connection to the Boundary and the multiple possibilities that exist inside of it, which grants him immense power. While in this state, Lost's eyes and hair glow a brilliant purple as he acts more robotic than usual, losing the small traces of emotion in his voice and on his face that he had and becoming the equivalent of a machine built for killing. In addition, the outline of Lost's body becomes fuzzy or blurry at times and a shadowy afterimage of Lost that only he can see constantly traces his moves a few seconds after he makes them. This effect allows Lost to nullify a single strike against him. Visually, this consists of Lost's body seemingly shattering like glass after being struck only to appear where the shadowy afterimage of him was. He can also use this ability offensively in order to bait opponents into overextending. While this ability is on cooldown, the shadowy afterimage following Lost isn't present anymore.

Distortion Drives :
Aperture Ending : Lost dashes past his opponent, binding them with his strings and immobilizing them instantaneously. Then portals created by Lost's Drive open all around his opponent and they are assaulted by a countless number of glass shards. Grab. Inflicts Crumple. Usable while airborne.

Myriad Fragmentation :
Lost shatters three holes in front of him, opening a big portal with his Drive. Then a constant stream of glass shards shoots from the portal for a good few seconds, slashing the opponent if they hit. Catches back-dashes. Usable while airborne.

Astral Heat
Endless Reflection - Kaleidoscope : Lost stabs the opponent with a glass shard. Then the whole world around them shatters as Lost uses his drive to forcibly bring his opponent into the Edge. Lost then kicks his opponent back as several other Losts appear from other portals around them. The new Losts then all dash through the opponent while attaching strings to them. The strings are then immediately pulled taught and the opponent is suspended in a web-like structure. Lost then snaps his fingers and the other Losts shatter, turning into glass shards. Lost then holds his hand upwards and the shards coalesce into a giant sword with a jagged blade directly above the opponent. Lost lowers his hand and the sword drops, piercing through his opponent.

Arrival Location, Starting Location, and Selected Mentor :

- Arrival Location: The Sheol Gate beneath Kagutsuchi
- Starting Location: The 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi - Cathedral
- Selected Mentor: Hazama Honoka.

Distortion Drive Duo
- Uwabami no Kyōzō / Reflection of the Great Serpent
Hazama dashes forwards, before pivoting on one foot and performing a split kick upwards, launching the opponent sky-high. Lost then creates a portal above the opponent and dashes through them, binding and immobilizing them inside a cocoon made from his strings. Lost then drops down to the ground facing Hazama, who wraps the cocoon in Ouroboros. The two then pull down, sending the cocoon and the enemy inside of it crashing to the ground. As the cocoon bounces up off the floor, Hazama and Lost attack the cocoon from opposite ends, both of them using a larger, more powerful version of Venom Sword.

Total Allocation of Points
: -20 Drive, -2 Special Moves, -3 Ars, -6 Passives, -3 Strength, -5 Intelligence, -9 Field, -2 Agility.

Ars Magus? Science is true power! None shall stand before Jormungandr!
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Finally decided on a Starting Location, that being Bascule in Kagutsuchi. Figured that Awa managed to wander her way into the outskirts of the city, lured in by the scent of blood.
Oh, my... we are essentially one sheet away from having a complete lineup. This is definitely exciting to witness. :D

@Birthday Goodness... your sheet is quite a mould breaker on all aspects : the Traveller backstory, his personality.... I'd feel that he and Hazama would be actually a really fitting pair. Of course, it's not mandatory to make that selection, but it would be a definite blast to see. Can't wait to see the completed form of it :smile:

@Floom Great, thanks for the heads-up! Truth be told, though, Bascule is one of the locations where it's pretty difficult to do anything of higher note from, since many of the major locations/characters are mainly in the inner area of Kagutsuchi (and neither the NOL, nor Sector Seven would have much interest in it, at least not right away), and since there's no exact map of Bascule's location (not even the otherwise really helpful map I've found and posted in the second post shows Bascule's exact location!), I'll have to improvise on this regard if that's okay.
Oh, my... we are essentially one sheet away from having a complete lineup. This is definitely exciting to witness. :D

@Birthday Goodness... your sheet is quite a mould breaker on all aspects : the Traveller backstory, his personality.... I'd feel that he and Hazama would be actually a really fitting pair. Of course, it's not mandatory to make that selection, but it would be a definite blast to see. Can't wait to see the completed form of it :smile:

@Floom Great, thanks for the heads-up! Truth be told, though, Bascule is one of the locations where it's pretty difficult to do anything of higher note from, since many of the major locations/characters are mainly in the inner area of Kagutsuchi (and neither the NOL, nor Sector Seven would have much interest in it, at least not right away), and since there's no exact map of Bascule's location (not even the otherwise really helpful map I've found and posted in the second post shows Bascule's exact location!), I'll have to improvise on this regard if that's okay.

That's fine, and I figure that Awa is gonna make a splash pretty quickly. A rather bloody splash.

Plus, it gives a nice, relatively free area for Awa to freak out in, and for other characters to come poking around in once the first exsanguinated corpse shows up.

EDIT: Also, I'm gonna go back and do some cleaning up of Awa's skills. I'll add in the changes here, but basically, I'll just make it clear she has all the skills of a somewhat skilled thief.

EDIT 2: Alright, so I took out the line of her being a grifter, given that the whole mute thing kinda makes that a no-go. Other than that, I only added in a line that specifically delineates her skills, that being pick-pocketing, stealth, and evading pursuers.

EDIT 3: And on yet another note, from what I can tell, Bascule seems to be the last area of Kagutsuchi above ground, implying it to be the connecting point to areas such as the Sewers and Lost Town, or at least, it should contain the entrance to the underground portion of Kagustsuchi.

Additionally, I observe in the Map pictures of Bascule that it's namesake bridge connects to vast cityscape area, yet Orient Town seems to be located above said cityscape. Based on that, I would speculate that vast cityscape to be Area 20, and the area where the vast majority of Kagutsuchi's residents reside.

Based off that, from what I can tell, Bascule is effectively the transition point between the underground and overground portions of Kagutsuchi, with the bridge connecting the poor overground settlements above areas such as Lost Town to the vast cityscape of Area 20.
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That's fine, and I figure that Awa is gonna make a splash pretty quickly. A rather bloody splash.

Plus, it gives a nice, relatively free area for Awa to freak out in, and for other characters to come poking around in once the first exsanguinated corpse shows up.

EDIT: Also, I'm gonna go back and do some cleaning up of Awa's skills. I'll add in the changes here, but basically, I'll just make it clear she has all the skills of a somewhat skilled thief.

EDIT 2: Alright, so I took out the line of her being a grifter, given that the whole mute thing kinda makes that a no-go. Other than that, I only added in a line that specifically delineates her skills, that being pick-pocketing, stealth, and evading pursuers.

On that, I agree. Despite being a low-importance point, people are still bound to be there (mainly NOL guards for security measures), and that's going to be... quite a feast.

On a side note, apologies for not bringing it up earlier, but I've been thinking of making a list of status effects/special properties that may be seen in battle, some exclusive to certain Mentors. Sheets may be modified to include some of these properties if anyone wishes to.

What do you think about it?
On that, I agree. Despite being a low-importance point, people are still bound to be there (mainly NOL guards for security measures), and that's going to be... quite a feast.

On a side note, apologies for not bringing it up earlier, but I've been thinking of making a list of status effects/special properties that may be seen in battle, some exclusive to certain Mentors. Sheets may be modified to include some of these properties if anyone wishes to.

What do you think about it?

Probably a good idea, given that I basically made up Bleed, and things like Curse are also a thing.

May also want to include descriptors as well as what the statuses/properties do.

EDIT: To clarify, I'd appreciate knowing what mechanical effect the various statuses do. Like, is Poison just a DOT, or does it debuff certain stats? And for statuses like Bleed (Which I basically made up), would it also act like a DOT? Or would it have specific effect, like only dealing damage whenever you move around i.e Clash, Dodge, or really anything except block or wait.
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Status Effects/Properties
Sure thing. In that case, here is a list of commonly encountered status effects/properties. To keep it simple, I haven't included every single encounterable thing, such as Grimoires' potential effects (that would take an essay to cover it all!), but those will be explained as they are encountered.
  • Combo Openers : Launch, Stagger, Stun, Guard Break and Bounce : A Combo Opener is any type of attack that can lead into a Combo. Pressure strings are possible without these attacks (such as moving in for a barrage of punches/kicks for martial arts users, or poking at the enemy with a weapon from afar), but a "proper" Combo can only be executed if any of these attacks land as the starter.
    • Launch : Essentially what it says on the tin : Launch attacks launch the opponent airborne, allowing a juggle follow-up. Usually, Launch is immediately transitioned into a Distortion Drive, since combos are harder on airborne opponents than on grounded opponents (there's no stat or system tracking this : this'll be done in a narrative style). The more lightweight an opponent is, the easier it is to juggle them, and the opposite is true for heavyweight characters : characters like Rachel are easy to juggle, while some, like Azrael, are extremely hard to do so on, and Tager is pretty much impossible to juggle even for strong characters.
    • Stagger and Stun : An attack that staggers an opponent is a powerful blow that leaves the opponent in a sort of daze (think of them like a mini version of Street Fighter's stun mechanic). This leaves the opponent open for a follow-up, as a Staggered opponent cannot resort to defensive measures. However, grounded opponents may also tech out of combos like airborne opponents by quickly transitioning into a dodge, as according to the Tech and Burst rules. Stun is essentially the same mechanic, though usually induced by electric-type attacks or specific martial arts-type moves instead.
    • Guard Break/Guard Crush : Occuring whenever the Barrier Use count drops to 0 for characters that have 3 or more Barrier Uses, or automatically by certain Distortion Drives, Guard Break is what happens when a really powerful hit is blocked head-on. This state will leave the opponent reeling, similarly to Stagger, leaving them open for a follow-up. Other than guard crushed opponents taking slightly less damage from a combo than staggered or stunned opponents, the two states are essentially the same, but triggered by different methods. Guard Break and Guard Crush are two slightly different terms for the exact same thing.
    • Bounce : Certain characters, usually high Strength characters can bounce opponents off the ground (referred to as ground-bounce) by hitting them with enough force, Azrael being a prime example of this. The main purpose of a ground bounce is to make juggling heavier opponents a bit easier, but otherwise, Launch and Bounce fulfill very similar roles, in a slightly different form.
      • All Distortion Drives are Combo Enders : once you land them, the combo ends there : no follow-up is possible (except for moving closer for characters that like fighting up-close, or creating distance for characters that like to attack opponents from afar), and thus, Opener effects don't allow additional hits, even if they would otherwise (they still allow you to keep the initiative, however!)
      • Azrael's Scud Punishment is an example of a Distortion Drive that causes Stagger. While it does not allow a follow-up due to it being a Distortion Drive, it still leaves the opponent reeling right in front of Azrael, allowing him to go for more pressure!

  • Crumple : Very powerful blows may Crumple the opponent, which causes them to, as the term suggests, crumple onto their knees before falling onto the ground. This status effect doesn't have much tactical use, but it allows the attacker to keep the initiative and set up into a better position or angle to attack from, while the defender is still busy getting back up on their feet.
    Jin's Yukikaze is an unique example of a counter-type Distortion Drive that causes Crumple. Tsubaki's Sanctus Veritas also has Crumple effect.

  • Groundslide : Certain attacks send the opponent sprawling onto the ground with such force that causes them to slide quite a distance. This isn't really follow-up able with anything other than moves that lock-on to the opponent's location, such as Hazama's Eternal Coils. It takes quite a bit of time to recover from a groundslide, however, allowing the attacker to reposition and set up offense, even the slower ones in most cases.

    Very few characters are able to cause groundslides and there isn't much benefit to them, either, but it's good to know that these are a thing. Azrael's Leopard Launcher is an example of a move that causes groundslide.

  • Lock-on : Attacks with the Lock-on property are essentially "homing" : they seek out the opponent's location, and then perform the attack, making them excellent ranged tools, but on the other hand, they are usually quite weak compared to other moves, or have other drawbacks : such as being unsafe on block, or being a Distortion Drive.

    Hazama's Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent is perhaps the prime and most unique example : simultenaously being a Lock-on move, a Low hit and a Distortion Drive!

  • Over-time debuffs, such as Bleed and Poison, are really self-explanatory. A bleeding or poisoned character slowly begins losing health over-time, but since there's no exact stat that tracks health, the results of these lingering around are done in a narrative style (such as afflicted people getting pale, weaker, may collapse, and so on). Exact effects of each attack that causes Bleed or Poison differ between attacks, however, and should be noted. Among Mentors, Bang uses Poison in his moveset via a nail throw, which simply slightly reduces health over time.

  • Life Drain : Attacks or moves with Life Drain properties will absorb the life force of the target(s) and add it to the user's own. Usually, only small amounts of health can be stolen this way, but Distortion Drives may allow more to be taken.
    Hazama is a prime example of a Life Drain user, via his Unlimited form, which gives him a ring that steals the life force of everyone nearby, even his companion (except if they have earned Hazama's Special Ability).

  • Grab : Certain attacks are Grabs, otherwise known as Throws. Grab-type attacks are unblockable (they automatically beat Blocking), but are easily avoided by jumping (which usually doesn't allow a punish), side-stepping (which recovers quickly enough for a punish), or an invulnerable attack. Distortion Drives can also have Grab properties, the prime examples of this being Hazama's Orochi Burensou and Tager's Genesic Emerald Tager Buster.

    With Mentors, you can essentially set up unblockables : by having the Mentor attack the opponent, and, if they block, use a Grab-type attack, or vice-versa (pin the opponent down so they can move in for a Grab themselves), though this is punishable with counter-type or Invulnerable attacks.

  • Low/Overhead attacks : While not exactly a special property, it still deserves mentioning. Simply enough, Low attacks need to be blocked crouching, while Overhead attacks need to be blocked standing. The effects of this only come into play during close-quarters fights, and, once again, there isn't a stat that governs your ability to react to these : it's governed via narrative (a character with plenty of martial arts training or someone who is well aware of his surroundings, for example, would have little to no trouble reacting to these types of attacks). Blocking such an attack the wrong way (blocking a low while standing, or vice-versa) will cause the character to fail the block check even if they have a stat far beyond the check's level of success.

  • Catches : Certain attacks have the capability of catching various kinds of dodging actions. If an attack happens to catch the type of dodge that a defender in an exchange utilizes, the defender loses the exchange, regardless of the level of their Agility stat.

    An attack may catch a jump, a sidestep, a roll, both of these, or a backdash, but not any other combination of the mentioned evasive actions. An exception to this are lasers/beam-type attacks, which, depending on their exact form, can catch most of or all agility-based actions!

    Rushing attacks like Jubei's Mourning Shore usually have the ability to catch backdashes, so do forward-shooting projectiles, such as Lambda/Nu's Legacy Edge.
    Attacks that are like ground pounds or cause an area of effect on impact, such as Azrael's Sentinel Dump, are usually great against rolls and sidestepping.
    Dedicated anti-airs such as Tager's Atomic Collider are perfect against jumpers.
    And lastly, very wide attacks such as Kokonoe's Super Dreadnought Exterminator can catch all types of movement, so be careful!

  • Reversal/Counter : Attacks of this type wait to recieve an attack from the opponent(s) first, then retaliate on a successful "catch", usually dealing massive damage on success.
    Note that for simplicity reasons, "catch" refers to a move's ability to catch various types of dodging, while "reversal" and "counter" both refer to these type of moves, rather than an Invulnerable attack (which is referred to as such, or Dragon Punch, or DP) and a counter-hit, respectively (which does no additional effects here).

    Jin's Yukikaze is the most famous example of a counter attack, which also happens to be a Distortion and to cause Crumple.

  • Unblockable : Certain attacks simply cannot be blocked at all, usually due to overpowering raw strength behind the blow, or via augmentation from an Ars or a Grimoire. However, they are very suspectible to dodges, and without exceptions, have long recovery, allowing a successful dodge to be followed up with a painful punish. Invulnerable attacks may also be used to beat unblockable attacks if the timing is right.
    Bang's The Ultimate Bang is an unique example of an Astral Heat being unblockable, but it can be avoided by backdashing.

  • Autoguard : Autoguard is, similarly to Invulnerable attacks, a defensive measure : a character that is doing a move that has Autoguard properties will do the move in question even when being attacked, although multiple hit attacks usually break through Autoguards. If a character hits another one that's performing an Autoguard move, they may transition to blocking if the attack they were doing to hit with is a lighter attack that's not a Distortion Drive : heavy, slow attacks or Distortion Drives recover too slowly, and will be hit by such moves. Other than this "ability to break through attacks", Autoguard moves offer no additional properties or damage, and usually lose against Low attacks.
    Tager's Sledge Hammer and Kagura's Dragon Blast are the two prime Autoguard moves to watch out for among Mentors, with the latter also having a projectile autoguard move in the form of Sky Dragon's Fang.

  • Invulnerable : Quite simply, Invulnerable attacks/moves are techniques that, when performed, attacks against them are rendered ineffective : essentially a more "advanced" version of Autoguard. This is intended to simulate the "dragon punch" type of moves commonly found in fighting games.
    All Distortion Drives are Invulnerable, but all Invulnerable moves come at a heavy cost : they are unsafe if the opponent blocks them, which means that the enemy is able to freely punish it, and the one who performed the Invulnerable move won't be able to react to it in any way, so be careful about throwing one out! (There's only very scarce exceptions in this regard, such as Jubei's Thousand Hands : Roaring Pillar, or Twin Guardians : Mourning Shore, two Distortion Drives that are not invulnerable)

    Burst and Overdrive are special cases that are also invulnerable : Burst is invulnerable for its duration, while Overdrive has no punishable period, unlike Distortion Drives and other moves. This means that airborne Bursts can be blocked and punished, while grounded ones cannot, and Overdrive activation cannot be punished in any way, since the user immediately recovers at the end of it. With proper timing, you may even use Overdrive right as a Distortion Drive is about to hit to negate it via the invulnerability, then punish!

  • Curse : Exclusive to Arakune : Arakune's Curse is an unique status effect that can be only utilized by him. If any of Arakune's Drive attacks hit, the opponent will be cursed, which is possible to notice via two red rings hovering around the victim. Upon Cursing an opponent, Arakune gains the ability to summon bugs. In the actual BB games, this allowed him to do extended combos and nearly infinite pressure strings with well-timed calling of bugs. To feasibly replicate the mechanic in a PbP format, Curse works this way :
    -As mentioned, upon Cursing the opponent, Arakune gains the ability to summon bugs.
    -Bugs allow Arakune to extend pressure beyond its usual limits. Essentially, Arakune can start a new pressure string with bugs until Curse expires : if he desires or needs to, this pressure chain can become gapless and last as long as Curse itself does.
    -Bugs also allow Arakune to partially bypass the 4 limit in Combos and extend it via bugs, to a maximum of 6 hits, 8 in Overdrive.
    -Bugs don't drain Barrier Uses, although they do deal chip damage, and Arakune himself can still remove such Uses, so be careful.
    -To keep the Curse mechanic simpler, Arakune can only use his original B and D bugs : B bug is a drill bug that comes in at an angle, while D bug looks like a larva that falls down from above, into the ground, before transforming into a moth and flying up. Both bugs are multihit and have no gaps between the hits, but there may be gaps between bug hits and Arakune's attacks. When this happens, the character in question will be notified, and if they have the reflex (narrative-wise) to capitalize on this, they may use an invulnerable attack or a Distortion Drive to escape.
    -Curse will last about three turns, after which there is a moderate cooldown where Arakune cannot enter curse mode again for a while. This is the opponent's chance to establish offense.

  • Ars Break : Exclusive to Carl : Carl's doll, Nirvana, has nails that are able to influence Seithr, thanks to them being built out of metal based on Kushinada's Lynchpin (a "device" that's able to block the flow of seithr). In game form, it essentially translates to reduced Ars and Drive efficiency : when struck by attacks utilizing Nirvana's nails, it becomes much harder for the afflicted to utilize their Ars and Drive : Ars may fail to function entirely, or function with much less power, and the same goes for Drives : buff-based Drives may have their "buff value" lowered, attacking Drives have much less power to attack with, and so on.

    Ars Break has three stages, depending on with how often and with how powerful attacks the enemy is struck with. In the first stage, Ars and Drive efficiency are moderately reduced, in the second, it's a heavy reduction, and the third stage entirely disables Ars and Drive usage (Drives can still be used, albeit at the cost of using the user's soul instead). Certain attacks only inflict stage one Ars Break, such as Con Tenerezza, while some, like Con Fuoco, instantly inflict stage three Ars Break.

  • Freeze : Exclusive to Jin : With his Drive and weapon, Jin is able to Freeze opponents. Freeze essentially functions like a Combo Opener in that it allows Jin to perform a Combo if he succeeds with a Freeze, but a more powerful use of it is launching the enemy, freezing them, and letting them land on the ground, at which point, he's free to go for pressure while the opponent breaks out of the ice. Note, however, that apart from Yukikaze and Rengoku Hyouya, all attacks of Jin that cause freezing are "flash-freezes" : they don't freeze the target on any lethal level, just enough to keep his offense going. Yukikaze is a more powerful, but still non-lethal freeze, while Rengoku Hyouya (Jin's Astral) essentially freezes the opponent inside-out, and shatters the body into tons of fine pieces.

  • Marked : Exclusive to Jubei : Jubei's Drive attacks apply Shiranui Marks on the target when they hit (even on block during Overdrive). A mark by itself has no special purpose, but if Jubei performs either of his Distortion Drives while a mark is applied, he will automatically teleport to near the opponent before performing them, allowing him to turn long-range skirmishes into a painful punish in the blink of an eye. Such a mark will disappear if Jubei is hit, a Distortion Drive of his is performed, or after a short while if neither of the prior two conditions have happened yet.

  • Weakpoints : Exclusive to Azrael : Via his Drive, The Terror, Azrael is able to apply high or low weakpoints, or even both on his opponent. A high weakpoint causes high hitting Drives, while a low weakpoint causes low-hitting Drives to be enhanced with Combo Opener properties, usually bounces or launches. Also, Black Hawk Stinger becomes standing unblockable with a high weakpoint, crouching unblockable with a low weakpoint, and completely unblockable with both weakpoints (but Invulnerable moves can turn the tide in this case). Weakpoints don't disappear if Azrael is hit, but they will if they are not used in a period of time. Weakpoints cause no other effects other than the mentioned enhancements.

  • Observed : Exclusive to Rachel, Amane, and any PC with Rachel's Ultimate Ability : Any character may have a "strange, omnious feeling", which means that they are being Observed, as in, being watched, by someone. Only Rachel and Amane are capable of doing this, and there's no penalty or bonus for being Observed, but it's better to be safe and expect anything while being under observation, espicially if it's from Rachel.

  • Immortal Breaker : Exclusive to Tsubaki/Izayoi : The Izayoi's unlocked form has the ability of the Immortal Breaker, which "plants the thought of death into the target's mind", and essentially allows Tsubaki to kill even highly regenerative or self-preserving characters by piercing through their defenses/abilities. This is only possible to use via Judge of Destiny (Izayoi's Astral), and as such, will be a rarely seen spectacle, if at all.
Any player character's custom status effects will be also added here on request, and new effects/properties may be added here as necessary/if encountered.
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Goodness... your sheet is quite a mould breaker on all aspects : the Traveller backstory, his personality.... I'd feel that he and Hazama would be actually a really fitting pair. Of course, it's not mandatory to make that selection, but it would be a definite blast to see. Can't wait to see the completed form of it :smile:
I actually was considering Hazama as his mentor, nice to know you like that combination.

BTW, @Floom, I found a picture that seems somewhat close to your description of Awa.

@Floom Poison is essentially a DOT effect, though there aren't any BB characters other than Bang that use poison in a meaningful way, and even then, it doesn't deal much damage.

Since Bleed was pretty much your idea, you may tweak it to only deal damage during intense actions or similar. It, and overall damage reducing the efficiency of stats (lower results in stat checks) also sounds like a good idea (and could be done in a more free-form narrative way)
Well, I'm pretty much done with my sheet. Just have to write up my Astral Heat, my one remaining Distortion Drive, and my Duo.
Well, I'm pretty much done with my sheet. Just have to write up my Astral Heat, my one remaining Distortion Drive, and my Duo.

Yep, and it'll be good to go. I love the completed form of the backstory, espicially, how detailed and how fitting it is from an NOL and a Murakumo Unit's points of view alike.

Since it would seem like that most players have selected their Mentors by now (or have decided to go at it without one), I think it would be useful to write down what each (selected) Mentor's Distortion Drives do exactly, so the Distortion Drive Duo creation process becomes easier. What do you think?

Also added threadmarks for each sheet and the status effect list.
Yep, and it'll be good to go. I love the completed form of the backstory, espicially, how detailed and how fitting it is from an NOL and a Murakumo Unit's points of view alike.
Flattery will get you everywhere, my friend. :D

Since it would seem like that most players have selected their Mentors by now (or have decided to go at it without one), I think it would be useful to write down what each (selected) Mentor's Distortion Drives do exactly, so the Distortion Drive Duo creation process becomes easier. What do you think?
I think a brief explanation would probably be helpful, though I feel like actually watching them would give a much better picture than a simple description.
I think a brief explanation would probably be helpful, though I feel like actually watching them would give a much better picture than a simple description.

It definitely would... I'm not just not sure in what kind of format would it be best to do so. Perhaps posting a link to an "all Distortion Drives" type of video and timestamps to each character (selected as Mentors)?

Then again, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that hard to describe the Distortion Drives themselves in text form, since none of them last that long, and they're not that difficult to describe, either.