An Aura of Freedom (One Piece/Pokemon)

Chapter 8: Triumph! Three Genius Pirates
As attacks were exchanged and Pokemon faced off against both swordsmen and trainers alike, the two leaders behind the entire conflict found themselves in a moment of tranquility as Mercury led Luffy out onto the base's main battlefield- an expanse of flat, barren terrain that was marked with white rectangular borders painted onto the ground and a line which split it horizontally from the trainers' perspectives and formed a Pokeball emblem in the middle. It was part of the base that had remained since the days that it was as a Gym, and Mercury walked over to one end of it, while Luffy stood himself right on the Pokeball emblem in the middle, having not said a word since they made their way out back here.

They were joined by Walter and Floatzel, who hurried after the two of them so that they could take their places standing a distance away from the battlefield where they would have a good view of all the action, but as Walter saw Mercury and Luffy staring each other down, just about to fight, he quickly shuffled over closer to the field, where he stood by the side of the center. Floatzel remained where he was standing, though was ready to jump in at a moment's notice if his trainer got himself into any trouble.

"THIS BATTLE IS BETWEEN TEAM STEEL LEADER MERCURY AND PIRATE CAPTAIN-!" Walter announced in a booming voice, only to be cut off.

"What are you doing?" Luffy asked, tilting his head as he gave the old man a weird look.

"Huh?" Walter said.

"What are you doing?" Luffy repeated.

"I'm… I'm officiating the battle!" Walter explained, "Announcing the trainers, refereeing the whole thing, and then calling the winner! It was, uh, a gym thing."

"That's stupid." Luffy said bluntly, "I'm not a Pokémon trainer, and I'm gonna win anyway! I don't need you to tell me that, and Mercu-lady won't need you to tell her that because I'm gonna beat the crap out of her."

Mercury let out an irritated grunt at his remark.

"Is it too much for this feeble, elderly man to ask to try and feel relevant?" Walter said heatedly, "I'm forced to watch some foreigner brat- not even the brat I've had some hand in training- avenge my son and save my island! No sympathy for me?"


Holding her Pokeball in front of herself, Mercury's Medicham burst out and materialised on her end of the battlefield, doing a little dance as the light died down before charging towards Luffy. It zigzagged, hopping from left to right in order to try and make its movements more unpredictable, while it clenched its right fist. The temperature around that fist- not that anyone else could feel it from where they were- plummeted, as small pieces of ice began to form around it.

"FOUL! RED CARD! FALSE START!" Walter bellowed while scurrying several steps further back to make sure he was well out of the way of the fight that had just properly started, and despite all his whining and yelling he found himself with a grin that just wouldn't go away. He watched as Medicham raced towards Luffy, throwing its icy fist out in an attempt to strike him. Without even saying anything, and with the casualness of a person batting away an irksome insect, Luffy weaved around Medicham's fist, turning himself around to stand perpendicular to the Pokémon as its attack moved past him, before reaching out to grab its arm and hold it in place as he repaid the attempt in kind.


Stretching his free hand back, Luffy's fist snapped forwards in order to strike Medicham cleanly in the face. The Pokémon's head jerked back with the blow, and he quickly released its arm just as the attack landed so that Medicham could be knocked back. It actually managed to tank the force of the blow pretty well, being knocked a couple of feet back and them stumbling another couple before managing to regain its footing.

Luffy began vigorously rubbing the hand which he had grabbed Medicham's attack arm with, occasionally puffing hot breath onto it as well, as he tried to warm it up in the aftermath of its proximity to the ice attack. In doing so, he took his eyes off of Medicham completely, which only served to aggravate both Pokémon and trainer, who had matching veins pound in their foreheads.

"Yeesh! That was cold!" Luffy commented to himself.

"Treat us like a joke, will you?" Mercury growled, "MEDICHAM, MAKE HIM SUFFER WITH A FORCE PALM!"

"CHAM!" Medicham nodded, charging forwards and thrusting an open palm out straight into Luffy's chest. The yell served to snap the pirate to attention, who attentively watched Medicham's palm slam into his chest with a tremendous Pure Power fuelling the Pokémon's attack.

Monkey D. Luffy's body stretched.

Like pressing a hand into sponge or sand, the area of Luffy's chest that Medicham's attack had actually made contact with formed an impression shaped by the Pokémon's palm. While still standing in place, completely unphased by the attack, Luffy's chest pressed about an inch inwards and held there for a couple of seconds. Then, his rubbery skin snapped back into place and forcefully ejected Medicham's hand back in the direction of its own palm thrust, resulting in the Pokémon essentially backhanding itself with a force equal to its own Force Palm. A Force Backhand, if you will.

"Medi!" Medicham cried out in surprise.

"Shishishi!" Luffy snickered at the antics, before looking past the Medicham in order to address Walter, who was watching the battle go down with baffled amusement, "Hey, old guy! You can officially eat this battle or whatever if you really want, but I still think it's dumb! And I already know I'm gonna win, so no need to tell me when it happens!"

"HOHOHO! I appreciate the consideration." Walter said, "Now hurry up and win so I can announce it!"

"Hurry up and die is more like it!" Mercury said, "USE ZEN HEADBUTT!"

Around the top of Medicham's head, a blue glow appeared. The glow was shaped like a dome, almost like a helmet that the Pokémon was now wearing, and it raced towards Luffy. Leaping forwards, it sailed through the air towards him, with the pirate jerking to the side to try and move himself out of the path of attack, but Medicham predicted such an action, and it kicked its legs out to wrap them around his arm and use the limb as an anchor with which it was able to pull the two of them together. Medicham's head slammed into Luffy's, and his neck was stretched a good distance back in the direction of the blow, while Medicham released its hold of his arm.

The attack had not hurt Luffy very much- or really, at all. At least, it didn't hurt him in the physical sense. It had struck the centre of his forehead, which had been squished somewhat, and his neck had flown back with the momentum from the impact, but blunt force trauma was something that was far from an issue from him, at least in this stage of his journey through the Grand Line. Yet despite the fact that the attack had not hurt him, Luffy had gone completely silent the moment that it struck him, and his face was now scrunched up with a mix of confusion and thoughtfulness. Being released by Medicham, he allowed himself to fall backwards, landing on his back and staring up at the sky while his neck was still stretched.


Mistaking the state that Luffy was in as him flinching, Mercury ordered another attack, but Luffy's body kicked up and flew backwards. Pulled along by his neck retracting to its original length, the body went to the head instead of the other way around, which pulled him out of the way of Medicham's icy fist striking the ground where his body had been just a moment ago. Despite that, he continued to stare up at the sky, and continued to look awfully confused and thoughtful at the same time.



"The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides." Luffy droned, with his comment being mostly drowned out by Mercury and Medicham's combined yelling. The Pokémon dashed towards him, a blue mass of psychic energy once again glowing around the top of its head. Leaning its head back, it leaped forwards and slammed its head forwards directly into Luffy, causing his neck to stretch once again. This time, though, his head came flying right back with the same amount of force that had sent it flying back, and his forehead smashed into Medicham's, sending the Pokémon stumbling back just as its feet touched the ground. All the while, Luffy had a blank stare on his face.

"The volume of a sphere can be found by cubing the radius and multiplying it by four thirds of Pi." Luffy said, droning again just like before. Rather than try to attack Medicham, he just stood in place.

"What the hell is this kid babbling about? Did those Zen Headbutts brain damage him?" Mercury said.

"Cham, Cham. Medicham!" Medicham said, glancing back to its trainer and giving her a shrug.

"Why is he babbling about pie? Is it because he's hungry?" Walter said.

"How fascinating." Luffy said, "The concentration of mental energy applied directly to my cranium appears to have overcharged my brain's functionality. My emotions have been suppressed by logic and information. Interestingly, this logical overhaul has also inhibited my ability to fight, as instead of dodging or counterattacking, I can't help but overthink every attack that is directed towards me. The fact that I just admitted this in the middle of a fight may be another symptom of this condition, or it could be that I have retained my habit of thoughtlessly saying things that cause trouble for myself and those around me."

The word vomit that had just escaped Luffy's mouth earned him stares from both Walter and Mercury, as well as Medicham, none of whom appeared to have any words for the ridiculousness of the situation. Well, other than Mercury's next set of orders for her Pokémon.

"Alright then! So you can't fight anymore? Okay! Medicham, use FIRE PUNCH!"

"Medi… CHAM!" Medicham yelled, as a raging fire suddenly enveloped its fist.

"Using the extension of my body to determine the strength of the blow, and assuming durability and strength to be interchangeable, this Pokémon shouldn't have been able to withstand my previous attack with such a minimal reaction." Luffy mused, seemingly paying no mind to Medicham's oncoming attack. It ran towards him and reared its flaming fist back, punching him across the face with such force it knocked him into the ground and sent him skidding back.

"Pokémon appear to exhibit extreme and varied elemental abilities, almost like Devil Fruit abilities." Luffy continued, which made Medicham take a step back in shock.

"He's just standing around and letting Medicham attack him, and not even showing any signs of getting hurt?" Mercury muttered, "What kind of freak is this brat?"

"Taking into account Pokémon's type-based affinities and categorisation, it would stand to reason that Pokémon would be able to resist certain types of damage based not only on their strength and durability, but also on their type." Luffy said, rising to his feet, "The hypothesis is thus: Medicham possesses a specific resistance to my standard repertoire of blunt force attacks, making it more difficult to defeat it. The plan to overcome this obstacle will be…"

Hurrying over to the white markings which lined the battlefield, Luffy crouched down and began scratching something into them.

"What's he doing?" Walter said.

"FIRE PUNCH AGAIN!" Mercury roared. Medicham nodded, and its fist was once again swallowed up by a ball of fire. Running towards Luffy, it jumped up into the air, swinging its fist out as it descended upon him from above.

"Done." Luffy said, just before his eyes suddenly widened and he shook his head fervently, "Man, what the heck was that?! That felt weird! Huh, it looks like there's something written here…"

Focused on reading the message that he had just left for himself, Luffy only felt the searing heat rapidly descending towards him and reacted at the last possible moment. Rolling out of the way, he watched as Medicham's flaming fist crashed into the ground where he had just been, and the fire burned away the white paint which the message had been scratched into.

"GGFG?" Luffy said to himself confusedly, "I wonder what that means."

Medicham snapped to its feet, the raging flame still burning around its fist, and threw itself at Luffy. The pirate's brow was furrowed, still thinking over those four letters that had been scratched into the paint, as he ducked and weaved and bobbed around every Fire Punch that was thrown his way. With every missed blow, the speed and ferocity of Medicham's attacks increased, and each punch became more feral than the last.

Then, all of a sudden, Luffy's fist shot out and struck the Pokémon right in the stomach. In an instant, the fire around its fist died out, and it doubled over Luffy's fist with its eyes bulging out slightly.


Pulling his fist back, Luffy allowed Medicham to stagger a couple steps away, still bending forwards slightly, while he reached back with both hands. His arms stretched far back, all the way to the end of the battlefield, before snapping forwards and sending both his palms rocketing forwards in order to slam right into Medicham and send it flying into the air completely. Mercury's head whipped around, following Medicham's trajectory as it crashed into the ground just behind her, looking dazed but still in fighting shape.

"Man, that Medical thing of yours is pretty tough!" Luffy commented, watching Medicham get back on its feet and dust itself off as it walked past Mercury back onto the battlefield.

"Medicham isn't the only one." Mercury said, eyes narrowing at the pirate, "You just completely shrug off every attack that manages to hit you, and then hit back even harder than almost any Pokémon I've ever seen. It's a good thing that the smarter version of you is worthless in a fight, apparently. ZEN HEADBUTT!"

"Oh man, I don't wanna end up like I did before!" Luffy said, grimacing as he watched Medicham amass psychic energy around its cranium once again and come dashing across the battlefield towards him. Spreading his legs slightly, he braced himself against the ground and threw both his hands forwards, extending his arms in order to grab Medicham by both its arms before it could get within headbutting distance of him. Twisting his body around, he swung the Pokémon, lifting it up off its feet and slamming it headfirst into the ground around him, with the Zen Headbutt attack gouging out the path he swung it in. Once Medicham reached the furthest distance from him that its trajectory would take it, he let go of it and his arms snapped back to their normal length.

The blue dome of psychic energy had completely dissipated after being redirected, but Medicham once again got back on its feet, though it did have to plant both hands against the ground to use as leverage in order to rip its head out of the trench Luffy had used it to dig in the battlefield. It looked thoroughly ticked-off at the whole ordeal, and some scrapes and grazes were beginning to show on its body, but it was still in prime fighting condition.

"FIRE PUNCH!" Mercury ordered.

"Fire… Hmm…" Luffy said to himself, clutching his chin thoughtfully as flames ignited around Medicham's fist, "Fire… FFFFFFire… Oh, I get it now!"

Without another word, he threw his hands out, but not in the direction of Medicham. Running hurriedly to the side to put some distance between him and Medicham, which had just rushed towards him with its flaming fist, he grabbed hold of the shirt which Walter was wearing, with both hands grabbing separate handfuls of the fabric.

"Er, is something the matter?" Walter said confusedly at being grabbed all of a sudden.

"Float?" Floatzel said, similarly confused. That confusion, from trainer and Pokémon alike, turned into wide-eyed bafflement as they both watched Luffy tear the shirt apart with his bare hands. His arms snapped back once again, yanking the torn shirt from Walter's body as the old man flushed and tugged his vest closed over his chest, and Luffy wrapped the two pieces of cloth around his fists.

"C-Cham…?" Medicham mumbled, the sight of Luffy stripping an elderly man being enough to briefly stop it in its tracks, while the flames of its Fire Punch continued to burn.

"Is that… supposed to be some kind of distraction?" Mercury said, angling her head to the side and raising a hand to shield her view from the half-naked Walter.

"I'm terribly sorry, but did you really need to rip apart my feeble, elderly shirt like that?!" Walter called out.

"Sorry, old guy, but I needed it for something!" Luffy responded. Throwing his hands out, his cloth-wrapped fists brushed against the sides of Medicham's flaming fist, lingering in proximity to the fire for just a second before retracting back to their original lengths, with the addition of the cloth now having caught on fire. Such an action snapped Mercury and Medicham out of their stupor, with the latter's eyes widening and it beginning to rush towards Luffy again, while the former's eyes narrowed.

"Hold on, he couldn't be- there's no way!" Mercury said. Luffy just gave a D-shaped grin as he watched Medicham come running towards him.


Rearing back both fists, Luffy allowed Medicham to come almost close enough for it to strike him.


Just like before, the two flaming fists which Luffy pelted Medicham with became four, and then eight, and then sixteen as the air around the pirate melted into a blur of flame and rubbery flesh. Blazing blows struck the Pokemon brutally and then bounced off only to barrel forwards and blast it again, so fast that they felt almost simultaneous from Medicham's perspective. Mercury watched the whole affair with gritted teeth, knowing there was no use in issuing any further orders. The only sound that echoed out across the battlefield, joining the distant medley of Zoro and Spruce's respective fights, was the crackle of flame and the striking of burning cloth against Pokemon flesh.

Finally, Luffy brought his attack to an end and lowered his hands to his sides. The flaming scraps of cloth wrapped around both his fists unfurled themselves and fell to the ground, and he stepped forwards to avoid being burned by them, paying no mind to Medicham as he did. The Pokemon remained upright for a couple of seconds after the attack, almost as if its body was catching up to the state it was in, but as soon as Luffy stepped past it, it collapsed to the ground with a pair of swirly eyes.

"MEDICHAM IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!" Walter declared after a brief pause that was spent coming to terms with what had just happened. He also gave silent thanks for the weather not being too cold or breezy today.

"Tch. I'd call it worthless, but that wouldn't be too fair after I got blindsided by your weird powers too." Mercury said, returning the fainted Medicham to its Pokeball and grabbing a replacement from her belt, "Don't expect your weird-ass powers to get you through my other two Pokemon, though."

"Shishishi! Bring it on." Luffy challenged.


For the first time since his return from Team Steel's base earlier today, not counting when he had been so rudely interrupted by Nickel's arrival, Sanji set down the ingredients and utensils in his hands down on the bench before him and just stared at them while reaching up to idly run a hand across his chin. The chef's brow was furrowed with thought, and the suddenness of his actions didn't go unnoticed by those around him. All of the villagers had been fed by now, of course, as he would never have dreamed of stopping otherwise, but his work was far from being finished.

"Something up, Sanji?" Usopp asked, making his way over to sit to the side of the cooking station. He rested his chin atop his interlaced hands, while his elbows pressed into the tops of his thighs. Vivi, Nami and Tiffany were all chatting a few feet away from the two men, with both Carue and Sableye listening in as well.

"Just thinking." Sanji said. There was no cigarette poking out from between his lips at the current moment. Perhaps his break allowed him to register such a detail, because right after he spoke he had already reached into his pocket in order to find a replacement, which he took a long drag of once one end was lit and the other was in his mouth.

"About Luffy and the others' fight?" Usopp guessed.

"Moreso about what comes after." Sanji said, "I went through most of the berries and other ingredients just cooking for the villagers. Plus, Luffy hasn't had anything but a light snack for lunch, so he's going to come out of this fight with an even bigger appetite than usual."

"We're, uh, not gonna have to starve to feed him, right?" Usopp said nervously.

"You won't need to worry about our stock of food as long as you've got me." Sanji reassured him, "I can ration everything out accordingly if we start running low. No, it's just that I would have liked to prepare some additional dishes for the people in the other villages. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth that I might have to leave this island with entire villages of people left hungry."

"At least you'll leave knowing they'll be able to feed themselves?" Usopp said.

"It'll be something of a comfort." Sanji nodded. He took another long drag of his cigarette and turned around, going to grab one of the remaining berries in order to get back to cooking, only for his foot to suddenly catch on something behind him that had not been there before, and the chef found himself tripping and stumbling and ultimately falling flat on his rear end in a rather unceremonious fashion. Luckily, his body hit only the ground, and not any of the benches that had been set up for him to cook on. Had his fall ended up knocking any of the ingredients onto the ground, then the consequences for the culprit would undoubtedly have been far harsher.

"Huh? You alright?" Usopp said, confused at the sight of Sanji seemingly falling over nothing- at least from his perspective of things. As well as the sniper, the commotion drew the attention of the chatting ladies, with Vivi hurrying over in order to offer Sanji a hand back onto his feet.

"Goodness! Are you alright?" Vivi asked, concern clear in her voice.

"I'm alright now that I have such a kind and beautiful young woman as yourself caring for me, Vivi-dearest~!" Sanji gushed, overflowing with love as Vivi took her hand in his to help him stand back up, "I'm truly blessed to be able to feel the warmth of your divine hand around mine!"

"He's fine, alright." Usopp muttered at the antics.

"So that's how he talks to all women, then?" Tiffany said, a hint of resignation in her voice as she observed the whole interaction.

"Pretty much." Nami said.

"Er, alright." Vivi said, slightly uncomfortably, and tugged her hand away from Sanji as soon as he was standing, "What happened? It seemed like you just fell down out of nowhere."

"My foot caught on something." Sanji explained, frowning as he thought back to what had just happened himself, "It's weird, because I don't remember there being anything there. What did I trip over?"

Both chef and princess turned their attention towards the part of the ground where Sanji had tripped over, where it appeared that of all things, a tree had just spontaneously grown out of the ground. More accurately, a tree sapling had sprouted out of the ground. It was one that neither of them had ever seen before, having a somewhat bulbous trunk along with three ball-shaped growths around its top.

"Is that a tree?" Vivi said, which prompted Usopp to peer over the bench at the sapling.

"Looks like one. Must be native to the island or something. It wasn't there this whole time, was it?"

"If it was, I would have set up somewhere else." Sanji said, "I don't understand, but it must have sprouted out of the ground recently while I wasn't paying attention."

"There are some weird plant species that grow in the Grand Line, and some I'm familiar with." Vivi said, "Though considering where we are, I'm not so sure this is just a tree."

All this pondering over the nature of the sapling had gotten Timothy's attention, as he shuffled over to see what everyone was talking about. It only took him one look to be able to provide the Iron Island newcomers with a blunt explanation.

"That's not a tree, it's a Bonsly. They disguise themselves as trees."

"BONSLY!" The 'sapling'- really a Bonsly- cried out, and a pair of yellow eyes with black pupils opened up with which she was able to look up to see both Vivi and Sanji staring at her. While the former had an inquisitive look upon her face, the latter appeared much more irritated, though his demeanour would have been far harsher had his tumble caused any food to be spilled and wasted.

"And just what was one of these things doing hiding around me?" Sanji said irritably. His eyes narrowed at the Bonsly, which recoiled away from him, though her eyes couldn't help but drift from him to where some of the food he'd prepared was laid out, ready to be handed off to a certain hungry captain when he returned. Sanji noticed the movement, and following the direction of the gaze clued him in pretty quickly to why Bonsly had been there, which only served to worsen his demeanour. Before anything could come of it, though, tears sprang up in the Pokémon's eyes.

"BOOOOONSLYYYYYY!" Bonsly wailed melodramatically, fountains of tears spurting out from her tear ducts and spraying the ground around her as she hopped up onto her feet and began running around in a circle. The show of distress brought Sanji simmering down in an instant, and he took a step away from Bonsly with an uncomfortable look on his face, while seemingly wrestling with himself as to how he should approach the situation. Usopp wasn't any better suited either, silently backing away from the whole debacle, which left just Vivi to kneel down in front of the crying Pokémon.

"That's enough of that." Vivi chastised Bonsly gently, bringing her to a grinding halt and stemming the flood of tears from her eyes, "Throwing a tantrum like that isn't going to accomplish anything, you know."

"B-Bons… Ly?" Bonsly murmured, some moisture still gathered around her eyes which clouded her vision. Viv reached over to tenderly wipe it away with a serene smile on her face.

"Those fake tears of yours were awfully convincing." She added, "But I've had enough experience throwing tantrums of my own to see through that kind of act."

"That was all fake?" Sanji muttered.

"Had me fooled." Usopp said.

"Bon… Bonsly?" Bonsly said awkwardly, carefully avoiding eye contact with Vivi.

"If you just wanted to try some of Sanji's food, you should have just asked." She said, "I'm sure he would have said yes! But because you thought you had to steal from him, you've made things significantly harder for yourself, and you caused him to trip over you as well."

"Bonsly…" Bonsly mumbled.

"First, I think you need to start by apologising to him for the trouble." Vivi instructed.

"Uh, that's really not necessary…" Sanji said.

"Go on, tell him you're sorry." Vivi pressed. Bonsly bowed her head slightly and turned to face the chef.

"Bon… Bon, Bonsly." Bonsly said apologetically.

"It's, uh, alright." Sanji said, really not sure how he was supposed to feel or react to having a talking baby tree just apologise to him.

"Great!" Vivi said brightly, clapping her hands together and flashing a dazzling smile, "Now, if you just want to try some of the food, then all you need to do is ask him if he'll let you. Sanji, could this Bonsly try some of your food, please?"

"Go… ahead." Sanji said, "It can have that plate there."

Vivi grabbed the plate which he had been referring to, and held it out in front of Bonsly. On the plate there were several slices of different berries which had been lightly grilled and skewered together. She slid the skewer out and placed it to the side, allowing Bonsly to eagerly dig in and gobble down the food with gusto. It didn't take long, and Bonsly was soon beaming at the princess as she held the empty plate.

"Bonsly! Bon-Bonsly!" Bonsly said, bouncing up and down from one foot to the other a little bit.

"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" Vivi said, looking over to Sanji with her bright smile still on her face, "Thank you for your generosity, Sanji!"

The double-whammy of the smile and the gratitude in her voice was too much for the chef, who staggered back at the two-pronged attack of love, clutching his heart and falling flat on his rear.

'She… loves me?' Sanji thought, his mind racing.

"It was my… pleasure." He choked out.

"Bon-Bonsly! Bon-Bonsly!" Bonsly gushed as she scampered off, heading back in the direction of the Eterna Grove. Vivi watched Bonsly depart fondly, while also ignoring Sanji's antics.

"You handled that pretty diplomatically." Usopp commented, "Guess that comes with being a princess, huh?"

"Really? I felt more like a mother." Vivi said, chuckling sheepishly, "The roles aren't that different, now that I think about it, though I doubt I could get away with talking to other royals and diplomats like that."

"For a second there, I was kind of expecting you to end up taking that thing with you." Usopp said, "Seemed like things were going in that direction."

"I was… actually thinking about that possibility as well." Vivi admitted, "It was a rather cute little creature, but it's alright if it doesn't want to come with me. I've already got the perfect partner in Carue, after all!"

Suddenly being mentioned, Carue gave a start, but then let out an embarrassed quack at the praise.




Even knowing what the attack meant, Zoro was barely fast enough to move the swords in his hands away from the one in his mouth and instead cross their blades in front of his abdomen, managing to block the blackened claw of the Toxicroak from striking him. The muscles in his arms tensed as he shoved Toxicroak's limb to the side and brought his head down, trying to swing Wado Ichimonji into the side of the Pokémon's head, but Toxicroak ducked under the attack.


Using its other hand, Toxicroak imbued the claw with poison and thrust it out, stepping to the side and standing up to its full height as it did. Rather than direct the attack at Zoro's body, however, Toxicroak chose to jab at the blade of Wado Ichimonji, trying to knock it out of his mouth. Seeing the attack, his jaw gripped the hilt of the blade even tighter as the attack struck, managing to hold it steady.

While still using Sandai Kitetsu to hold Toxicroak's other hand away, he thrust the tip of Yubashiri out into Toxicroak's sac, knocking the Pokemon back and creating an opening for him to raise and cross both swords in front of Wado's blade. Darting forwards to close the distance he had just created, he swung both swords in a downwards slash straight into Toxicroak before Copper even had a chance to yell out another attack. Just like with every other instance of the blades raking across Toxicroak's body, however, the damage seemed utterly superficial, with the skin still not being split.


Toxicroak's sac bulged, inflating out right before it opened his mouth and released a stream of viscous, purple liquid. The stream blasted Zoro right in his face, splattering all across it and striking with such force that he was actually thrown backwards, but he managed to raise both swords in front of himself in order to block the flow of poison and divert it around himself, reducing the potency of the attack. Still, though, he was left with a face doused with poison, including his eyes, which were shut tightly.

It wasn't ideal, but Zoro leaped back, distancing himself from Toxicroak as he reached up to grab Wado Ichimonji and take it out of his mouth, allowing him to spit out a glob of poisonous liquid onto the ground. His eyes were still closed, to prevent the poison from getting into them, so it was fortunate that he was fighting an opponent who had no choice but to yell out every attack he wanted to use.

"I finally found something that tastes even worse than the stupid love-chef's cooking." Zoro muttered, wiping the poison off with the back of his arm.

"Then how about some seconds? VENOSHOCK AGAIN! THEN LOW KICK! ACHOO!"

Repeating the attack from before, Toxicroak fired a stream of poison straight at where Zoro was standing, but he managed to duck and roll to the side to avoid it this time. With his face cleaned off, he opened his eyes just in time to see Toxicroak charge towards where he was crouching. Rearing a leg back, it swept the limb out, aiming to strike Zoro from the side, only for the swordsman to block the kick with Sandai Kitetsu and swing it away, knocking the Pokémon's footing out from under it. Without wasting any time, Zoro brought the swords in his hands together to hold them parallel to each other.



Suddenly overcome with a burst of speed, Toxicroak kicked a foot against the ground in order to throw itself at Zoro as it threw a brutal punch straight at him. A blackened claw struck him, slamming into the center of his chest, and Zoro was knocked into the ground while Toxicroak tumbled past him, scrambling to right itself and get back on its feet.

"The level of resilience you are showing is astonishing." Copper remarked, as Zoro rose to his feet at the same time as Toxicroak, "Not even the previous Leader was able to endure that many Pokemon attacks and continue fighting like that. If the same experiences that honed your strengths were applied to a Pokemon, I shudder to imagine how strong that Pokemon would be. ACHOO!"

"I don't need some pet to be strong." Zoro retorted, right before whirling around and crossing his swords in front of him to slash Toxicroak diagonally across the sac. Meeting the attack directly, Toxicroak met the slash with one of its claws, with the tip of the claw pressing into the exact point where the two blades crossed over so that the attack was stopped in its tracks.

"Toxi… Croak?" Toxicroak said, a distinct teasing lilt in its voice which Zoro thought almost sounded like some kind of challenge. Twisting its claw around slightly, it caught the top of where the swords were crossed and swung its hand down, twisting the swordsman's grip on the two hilts so that the tips of the blades were pointed to the side in opposite directions. Zoro scowled and spread his arms, slashing out right in front of him with both blades, but Toxicroak ducked under the attack.


Its leg shot out, sweeping Zoro's feet out from under him. Falling to the ground, he splayed one palm against the ground to balance himself, while swinging the other hand out to once again try and slash at Toxicroak with the sword in that hand, but the Pokemon jerked its body out of the way of the slash. Planting his feet against the ground once again, he wrapped the splayed hand back around the hilt of the sword that had been in it and pushed off, rolling back across the ground into a crouched position and quickly rising back to his feet.

'This thing's way too resilient, and there are no signs that I'm managing to wear it down with my attacks either.' Zoro thought to himself, his gaze darting between Toxicroak and its trainer, 'If I could attack sneezy, that might take away its ability to attack strategically, but that Sucker Punch attack seems to have some way of countering any amount of speed I fight with.'


Darting to the side, Zoro was able to preemptively avoid the stream of poison which Toxicroak spat at him. Spinning both swords in his hands in a circular motion in front of him allowed him to deflect the rest of the attack as Toxicroak turned its head to follow his movement. While the stream of poison was still ongoing, Zoro lunged forwards through the attack and, just as it finally subsided, stopped spinning his swords in order to slash at Toxicroak with all three of his blades. The attack didn't get the same kind of special reaction that Hawk Wave had before, but the sheer power behind the attack was enough to send Toxicroak flying into one of the berry trees. It slammed into the trunk and slid down it, while a couple of heart-shaped, pale pink berries tumbled out of the tree to the ground.

"Three-Sword Style Secret Move: Three Thousand Worlds." Zoro said to Copper after the fact, "Or more like fifteen-hundred, since I half-assed it."

"A ferociously powerful attack." Copper observed, "I should count myself lucky that I am not the one who is being struck by all these techniques. ACHOO!"

"Your time's coming." Zoro retorted darkly.

"Not today, though. POISON JAB! ACHOO!"

Toxicroak shook away the wooziness from Zoro's last attack and stood back up. This time, the poison energy it channeled was imbued into both of its claws.

"Croak." It drawled. Zoro smirked at it in response, and the two charged at each other. The poisoned thrusts and jabs were parried and blocked, clanging loudly against the steel of Zoro's blades as both sparks and droplets of poison flew through the air. The swordsman was mostly on the defensive against Toxicroak's venomous onslaught, with his occasional slash or stab being dodged by the frog, and he was more preoccupied with trying to determine an effective strategy rather than attacking pointlessly.


His reaction was even faster this time. Toxicroak had barely begun to move its leg when Zoro thrust Sandai Kitetsu downwards, sliding the blade beneath its limb and leveraging it to add to the momentum of the Pokémon's attack. Stepping back as he did so, the Pokémon's kick took its own footing out from under it, and he yanked the sword back and held it parallel to Yubashiri but-


-but Toxicroak became a blur once again. Slamming its foot against the ground, it whirled around and nailed Zoro with an ebony uppercut. His head snapped back as the attack knocked him back on his rear.


Kicking off the ground again, he rolled back and out of the way of the stream of poison as he sprang back up onto his feet and spun his swords in front of himself to block when the attack was aimed back at him. He didn't try and turn the defensive move into an attack this time, though.

'There must be some reason why he's not using that Sucker Punch attack constantly.' Zoro thought, 'It could be that he doesn't want me figuring out the best way to defend against it, but there must be something more than that. Think…'

Turning his attention away from Toxicroak over to the trainer that was commanding it, Zoro stopped spinning his swords as Toxicroak stopped blasting poison in his direction, and he watched the way that the trainer watched him in turn. He thought back to how the fight had played out so far.

'The first time he used that attack, he goaded me into attacking first. And the other times he's used it have always been as a reaction instead of the initial attack… that's it!'

"Since I put on such a poor showing earlier, I'll show you how it's really done." Zoro called out, adjusting his stance slightly and beginning to spin his swords in front of him yet again, "Three Sword Style Secret Move…"


"Toxi…!" Toxicroak began, winding back its right hand expectantly, only to falter as the black energy that usually came with a Sucker Punch failed to manifest in its fist. It looked from Zoro, still spinning his swords, back to its unpowered hand, and then looked over to Copper and shook its head.

"Huh? What?!" Copper said, "What does that mean?! ACHOO!"

"Figured." Zoro said smugly. He stopped spinning his swords, only to instead hold them parallel to each other and swing them outwards, hurling a mass of wind straight at Toxicroak. Before the attack even connected, he began spinning his swords again. As the wind slammed into Toxicroak, Zoro rushed forwards and immediately followed the attack up- before it had even moved from where it was hit- and slashed it with the momentum from the rotation of the blades.

Overwhelmed by the combined attacks, both super-effective and not, Toxicroak skidded back across the ground and went entirely still, while Zoro also came to a stop, being bent forwards from the attack he had just used. As he straightened back up, Toxicroak collapsed, with swirly eyes signifying its proper defeat. Copper looked on with grim resignation.

"A very impressive showing, I can't say anything else." Copper admitted as he returned Toxicroak to its Pokeball, "But you've only defeated the weaker of my two Pokémon. Shall we see how you hold up against an even stronger foe?"

"Tempting, but… ONI GIRI." Zoro said. Copper's hand had barely grazed the surface of his second Pokeball when the swordsman burst across the garden over towards him and slashed across his body with all three of the blades in his possession. The eyes of the Team Steel Admin went wide and his mouth opened to allow a silent gasp to escape. Blood flew from where cloth and flesh alike was split by cold steel, and his hand dropped limply from the Pokeball.

Zoro came to a stop behind Copper, and didn't even watch as the trainer fell, instead sheathing his three swords and reaching up to remove the bandana from around his head. Once that was done, though, he did allow himself a glance back, and smiled in satisfaction at the sight of the blood that was pooling beneath Copper's body.

"That's what a sword is supposed to do when it cuts someone." Zoro said approvingly.


Bright white light burst out from within the Pokeball and materialized as a Pokemon that bore a striking resemblance to a tree, with a trunk-like body and two branch-like arms ending in leaf-like green balls. It would have been easy to look at the Pokemon- a Sudowoodo- and mistake it for being a grass type. That's what Spruce had thought when he had first encountered one in the wild, but that wasn't correct. It was also easy to look at its thin limbs and friendly face and assume that it was weak and didn't pose a threat, but that wasn't correct either.

"SUDO… WOODO!" Sudowoodo exclaimed in a high-pitched voice as it took its place standing between Ria and Brass, doing a little jig and shaking its hands as it fully materialized. It was much closer in size to Ria than Golem had been, being a bit shorter and far narrower, though it still towered over her, which was a fact that only seemed to excite the canine Pokémon as she stretched her neck and rolled her shoulders, starting to hop up and down from one foot to the other.

"Most people see me battle and assume that Golem is my ace Pokémon." Brass remarked, gazing upon Sudowoodo proudly, "As if a losing piece of trash like that could ever be my Pokémon! Sudowoodo's not going to have any problems picking apart that entire team of yours! Not even that shiny Gyarados is going to be enough to take us down!"

"You'd better think twice if you think you've got a chance against Ria!" Spruce retorted hotly, "Even if we can't beat Mercury until she cries, that's what we're gonna do to you!"

"RIOLU! LU!" Ria nodded, standing still on both feet and pumping her fists.

"I'm about to show you just what the difference is between some feral brat like you, and a seasoned trainer like me!" Brass said, "USE STONE EDGE!"

"DODGE IT!" Spruce barked, "THEN USE ROCK SMASH!"

"Sudo-WOODO!" Sudowoodo nodded as it raised its hand up. The green balls took on a bright blue glow as it slammed its hand down into the ground, causing a slight tremor which was quickly followed by an explosion of stone bursting out of the ground. Pointed rocks, glowing the same shade of bright blue as Sudowoodo's hand, arose like a wave which raced across the ground towards Ria.

Narrowing her eyes, Ria threw herself to the side just as the jagged stones burst out from the ground beneath where she had just been standing. Almost immediately, she whirled around and jumped towards the glowing stone, grabbing onto a ledge on the side of it to hurl herself up and climb up near the top, from where she was able to scurry across back in the direction of the source. Sudowoodo, having heard the order for her to attack, kept its eyes peeled on the ground around her, as its own Stone Edge attack had obscured its view of her.

After a couple of seconds, the stones began to collapse back into the ground where they dissipated into nothingness, with the collapse following the same wave-like movement as the attack had. Just as she was halfway towards Sudowoodo, the stones in front of Ria receded into the ground, and so she quickly darted down the front of the stone she was on- which itself was quickly shrinking- and leaped off of it towards Sudowoodo, which was just now seeing where she was. Brass, too, was just now getting the canine Pokémon in his sights.



Shooting through the air towards Sudowoodo, Ria drew a glowing fist back, and Sudowoodo mirrored the action by winding up its own glowing hand. Whereas Ria's glowed orange, though, Sudowoodo's glowed green, and both limbs snapped forwards as the Pokémon came within striking distance of each other. Rock Smash met Wood Hammer, and the attacks held for a couple of seconds, before Sudowoodo's strength came out on top. Its hand knocked Ria's fist back right before the attack slammed into her, sending her flying back to skid across the ground. She came to a stop lying on her stomach, grazed and with matted fur, and there was a pained grimace on her face as she pushed herself back onto her feet.

It wasn't a nice sight to see his partner taking a brutal hit like that, but Spruce's focus was on the Sudowoodo more than Ria. Watching the green glow disappear from Sudowoodo's hand, the Pokémon didn't appear any the worse for wear after such a destructive attack- which didn't make any sense. Brass noticed Spruce's brow furrowing from across the site of the battle, and he smirked.

"I bet you're wondering why Wood Hammer didn't inflict any recoil damage!" Brass called out smugly, "That would be because of Sudowoodo's ability Rock Head! It completely negates recoil damage from attacks, meaning Sudowoodo's free to use full-power moves like that without any consequences. That's what makes it the kind of foe you've got no chance of overcoming!"

"Rock Head…" Spruce muttered to himself, 'Even without a Grass-Type boost, a powerful move like Wood Hammer's going to be incredibly difficult to overcome, and an immunity to recoil damage means it can completely control close-quarters combat, which is what Ria's whole move set is built around.'

"Finally realising you're in over your head?" Brass said, "ALRIGHT SUDOWOODO, USE MIMIC!"

"WOODO!" Sudowoodo nodded. A white glow overtook its right hand, which quickly faded into an orange glow that matched the same glow as Ria's previous Rock Smash. Dashing towards Ria, it reared the limb back.


"LU!" Ria said. She lurched to the side just as Sudowoodo brought its attack crashing down towards where she had been standing, smashing apart the ground which it struck instead, while Ria quickly pounced on it. A glowing silver claw emerged from her paw, and she raked it across the side of Sudowoodo's body, landing behind the Pokémon only to swiftly whirl back around and slash it across the back with the same attack.



The Metal Claw attack knocked Sudowoodo forwards, making it stumble slightly, but it hastily steadied itself in order to swivel around on its feet and throw its hand out, swinging towards Ria. The hand glowed green once again, and though Ria tried to leap backwards to avoid the strike, it just managed to catch her with the attack, smashing her in the side with it. A pained cry escaped Ria as she was knocked away by the attack, but she had enough control over her own momentum in order to land on her feet this time.

"Getting close is too much of a problem with that Wood Hammer attack…" Spruce commented to himself, a little louder than he normally would have, "RIA, GET MOVING AND PUT SOME DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU!"

"Riolu!" Ria nodded, jumping a few feet further back from Sudowoodo and dashing to the side, beginning to run in a circular motion around it while maintaining the space between the two of them.

"Heh, running scared now, are we?" Brass smirked, "We can fight from a distance too, don't forget! USE STONE EDGE!"

"QUICK ATTACK INTO ROCK SMASH!" Spruce called out less than a second after Brass had issued his instructions, and the Admin's eyes widened as he caught onto Spruce's play once again.

In order to carry out the attack it had been told to use, Sudowoodo raised its hand up, imbuing it with a powerful blue glow, and drove that hand into the ground. However, in the miniscule interval of time between the hand being lowered and the hand actually making contact with the ground, Ria's body became a blue of blue and black. A faint white aura appeared around her as she took off across the ground like a bullet and rammed into Sudowoodo.

Even at such breakneck speeds, the attack barely did anything. She bounced off of Sudowoodo without it so much as flinching at the contact. Still, despite her having suddenly closed the distance between them, Sudowoodo continued on as it had been, striking the ground with its hand and causing jagged stones to burst out of the ground in the direction which Ria had come from. But with how close she now was, she was able to step to the side and avoid the attack altogether. Hopping up, she hurled her fist into Sudowoodo's face, striking it with a brutal Rock Smash that smashed the Rock-Type.

The roar of fist shattering stone resounded all across the battlefield for both trainers to hear as Sudowoodo's face was driven into the ground by the force of Ria's attack. A web of cracks running across Sudowoodo's body joined several chips as decoration for this stage in the battle, matching the grazes and scrapes and matted fur that Ria was sporting after all the hits she had taken. Though the Rock-Type's face wasn't currently visible, as it had been knocked face-first into the ground, Ria was sporting a violent grin.



'Again?! Dammit, what's his play this time?!' Brass cursed internally, though hindsight couldn't do anything to change his command.

Exploding to its feet, Sudowoodo returned Ria's grimace with an enraged scowl that was almost comical given the Pokémon's rather goofy face, but which she knew better than to judge like so after the attacks she had taken from the Pokémon. Still grinning, she gritted her teeth and crossed her arms in front of her face to shield herself as Sudowoodo's Wood Hammer struck her upside the head. The attack knocked her off of her feet, and she sailed up into the air before crashing back down into the ground.

Brass scowled as he watched Ria silently, not calling for any more attacks just yet. Even the attack she had just taken hadn't been enough to knock the grin from her face, though the grin was as much a pained grimace as she forced herself onto her front. Her arms trembled as she tried to push herself off the ground and back into a standing position. Despite the condition she was in though, Spruce's attention seemed focused on Brass rather than his own partner.

"You know, moves like Wood Hammer are as much of a danger to the user as they are to the opponent!" Spruce called out, "You can't just use them carelessly because of how that damage can be turned back against you!"

"Weren't you listening you idiot?!" Brass replied, "Rock Head negates recoil damage!"

"I wasn't talking about recoil damage." Spruce said quietly.

Ria rose to her feet a little shakily, still not having lost her grin, and stared down the Sudowoodo, which glared back at her. She took a step towards it, and it raised its hands in front of itself defensively as both Pokémon waited for their trainers to command them. She took another step, and this time she stumbled a bit, almost falling down to her knee but managing to remain upright. Sudowoodo relaxed its stance slightly.


'NO! NO GODAMMIT!' Brass screamed internally, and then externally, "DODGE IT NOW!"

"RiiiiiiooooolUUUU!" Ria screamed. Her entire body snapped to attention, with all the shakiness and the stumbling in her movement disappearing. A burning blue flame ignited around her fist, and with a swiftness that almost rivalled her earlier Quick Attacks, she threw herself at Sudowoodo and reared the burning fist back in order to throw it forwards and strike the Pokémon right in the centre of its body. The fist connected, and the blue flame exploded out from the fist in order to flow over Sudowoodo's entire body like a wave before dissipating entirely, leaving Ria standing there with her fist pressed against her opponent.

A second passed. Neither one of them moved.

Air exploded out from Sudowoodo's back, as if launched directly through its body from the point where Ria had struck. With the explosion of air, the cracks around its body shot outwards to cover most of it, and several small bits of chipped rock fell from its body to the ground. Ria lowered her fist and allowed Sudowoodo to fall backwards with swirly eyes. Still grinning, she panted with exertion, and Spruce rushed forwards in order to scoop her up off the ground and into his arms.

"YOU DID IT! YOU DID SO GOOD!" He praised, spinning around with his Pokémon held out in front of him and sparkles in his eyes while Brass was left to just stand in the distance and stare at his fallen Pokémon.

"Riolu!" Ria gushed. Her grin changed into a bright smile, and then changed again into a slightly forced smile as Spruce pulled her in to a tight embrace. Despite how her own injuries were mildly aggravated by the contact, she nonetheless gave him a supportive pat on the shoulder.

"Dammit, Sudowoodo." Brass said, returning said Pokémon back to its Pokeball and placing the Pokeball back with Golem's, "How could you let some damn brat crush you like that? Crush us like that?! A Team Steel Admin can't afford weakness like this!"

"You're damn right that we can't! AIR SLASH!"

With the sudden arrival of a new voice- and one that was calling for a Pokémon attack especially- Spruce's head whipped over in the direction the voice had come from, and his eyes widened as he saw not only a bright blue blade of wind slam into Brass and knock him to the ground, but who it was that had just called for that attack in the first place.

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"For a second there, I was kind of expecting you to end up making that thing your Pokémon." Usopp said, "Seemed like things were going in that direction."
I saw that. Might want to change that to either 'your pet' or 'take it with you', it's a bit too soon for the Straw Hats to be picking up the terminology and trainer mindset. Your call.

And yeah, taking a Bonsly on a boat is just mean given how TERRIFIED of water they are.

Excellent fight scenes here, though pacing might be a bit off since Zoro and Spruce are both done with their fights but Luffy needs to go through at least one more pokemon, then introduce Mercury to true gender equality.

And I might need to reread, because I had the impression that the Medicham was Mercurys Ace. Strange for it to go down first of three...
I saw that. Might want to change that to either 'your pet' or 'take it with you', it's a bit too soon for the Straw Hats to be picking up the terminology and trainer mindset. Your call.
You're right, it definitely is too soon for Usopp to be talking like that. Good catch. He wouldn't use 'pet' after Spruce corrected them earlier, but 'take it with you' is a better dialogue option.

And yeah, taking a Bonsly on a boat is just mean given how TERRIFIED of water they are.
It's all about the destination, after all.

Excellent fight scenes here, though pacing might be a bit off since Zoro and Spruce are both done with their fights but Luffy needs to go through at least one more pokemon, then introduce Mercury to true gender equality.

And I might need to reread, because I had the impression that the Medicham was Mercurys Ace. Strange for it to go down first of three...
How the chronology goes is that Spruce and Zoro will win their fights shortly before Luffy wins his, with most of these segments occuring simultaneously. It might have been a mistake to group the first half of Luffy's fight with the second half of their fights in this chapter, especially since there aren't many big events that can be used to link them together and make things clearer for the reader.

I intended for Mercury's Houndoom to be her Ace, but I've not really given a definitive statement one way or the other in the story. Her Houndoom was fully evolved back during the flashback when Medicham was still a Meditite, and it was the Pokemon she used to kill Jasper. Because Houndoom was meant to be the Ace, I focused on Medicham as the Pokemon she used against weaker enemies, like her introduction with the Golem, and I can see how that would give the impression of Medicham being the Ace.
Should've given some better indication that Houndoom was the 'favorite', as far as one can use that term when the trainer uses her team as tools. Or at least some screen time in the present. Some prowling menacingly in the background, some ominous petting, some growling and terrified shopkeepers, etc.

I wouldn't say go back and edit at this point, but maybe mention something along the lines of 'Its been a long time since I've even needed to use this with how pathetic people are' when Houndour comes out.

Edit: I went back and checked actually. Houndoom never even made an appearance outside a flashback.
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The Seven Dwarves reference, nice. Zoro should be called Grumpy.
I just wanna know how in the world he can never get to where he is supposed to be but magically appears where he needs to be and when. Not can be useful but where he's needed. Never been a plot point for his sense of direction to cause a serious problem. He can't point north but he can point to the nearest fight apparently lmao
I just wanna know how in the world he can never get to where he is supposed to be but magically appears where he needs to be and when. Not can be useful but where he's needed. Never been a plot point for his sense of direction to cause a serious problem. He can't point north but he can point to the nearest fight apparently lmao
Probably one of One Piece's running gags and we just laugh every time they happen to find amusement from it.
Chapter 9: Inferno! A Red-Hot Victory
Though her position wasn't optimal, and the turn of events against her had briefly soured her mood, Mercury didn't allow herself to lose her cool head as she swapped Medicham's Pokeball out and tossed the replacement up into the air. It burst open with a great rolling of thunder, a sound which immediately had Walter clenching his fists and Floatzel scowling, and the white light that emerged struck the ground in a manner akin to a bolt of lightning. That light took the form of a blue and black Pokemon with a fierce gaze and a mighty presence, which glared Luffy down intensely.

Luffy had been grinning before the Luxray came out. After overcoming the slight hiccup with its Zen Headbutt attack, his blood had really gotten pumping near the tail end of the fight, and he was just itching to lay the smackdown on Mercury's next two Pokemon and continue on his adventure with his new friend and his new friend's friends.

Luffy had been grinning, and then he had stopped when Luxray came out and glared at him. It wasn't an ordinary glare fueled by hate and anger, but something far more primal and far more regal. Those two eyes- shimmering gold with red sclera- were utterly brimming with strength and raw animalistic brutality. When a Pokemon looked into those eyes at the start of the battle, they were promised pain and suffering and instilled with an intrinsic fear that gripped their body and wrung them of their own strength, forcing them to begin the battle with a decreased attack. They were, to put it succinctly, Intimidated.

Intimidation was a threat. Plain and simple, that was what it was, and that was what Luxray's Intimidate was. A threat, however, was also a challenge which the threatener issued to whoever they were threatening. They challenged the strength and the resolve of their enemy, and in almost every scenario where this ability came into play, it was a challenge that could not be met on the same level. Reverting the effects via the use of stat-changing moves did nothing to change the fact that a stat had been lowered in the first place, and there were only a select few abilities that could protect a Pokemon from the effects of Intimidate. It was unthinkable to imagine that a human existed who could challenge a Pokémon's Intimidate.

When Luxray emerged from the Pokeball and glared at Luffy and its ability activated, it issued the pirate a challenge that he did not process on a conscious level, but a subconscious one instead. There stood a Pokémon with the likeness of a 'Kung of the Jungle' which tried to carve into his spirit with the icy claws of fear and leverage that fear to weaken him before they came to blows. If Luffy had been able to recall that particular event in his life with clear clarity, he may have observed some similarity between Luxray's Intimidate and the glare which 'Red-Haired' Shanks had once used to terrify the Lord of the Coast into submission.

As things were, Luffy's smile evaporated the instant the effect of the ability washed over him and tried to Intimidate him. His face dropped into a blank stare, and then quickly shifted again into an irritated frown before finally hardening into a full-blown glare of his own.

The Captain of the Straw Hat pirates met the challenge which Luxray issued him, and those icy claws of fear were vaporised by a spirit that was as bright and as hot and as unstoppable as the sun itself. Intimidation prodded at willpower, and willpower exploded out through Luffy's gaze, slamming into Luxray and sending it stumbling back several steps. Its mane drooped and its body sagged slightly, while its attacking power was decreased the way that Luffy's was supposed to have been.

It all happened in the span of just a couple of seconds, and Luffy's expression returned to a neutral stare once Luxray backed off in the face of his immovable resolve. He didn't even recognise any of what had just happened, beyond a tingling feeling in the pit of his stomach. Of course, though Luxray had backed off, it hadn't retreated. Mercury's eyes narrowed, while Walter looked slightly puzzled at what had just transpired before his very eyes.

"You really are… something else." Mercury ground out, "That stretching body of yours, those ridiculous things you talk about, and now this? A part of me just assumed this was how foreigners were, but there can't possibly be anybody else like you in the world."

"Of course there's nobody else like me in the world." Luffy retorted, breaking out into a grin again, "Only one person in the world can be the Pirate King, and that person's gonna be me!"

"Be careful, Luffy!" Walter called out warily, "That Luxray of hers might not be the strongest member of her team, but it's got a dangerous moveset that lets it challenge even especially strong foes!"

"Some 'officiator'!" Mercury snapped, "Feeding information to aid one side over the other? Either throw your hat in the ring and join the battle or keep your mouth shut, you elderly wreck!"

"It's okay, old guy." Luffy said, "I don't need your advice to beat the crap out of her, I can manage just fine on my own."

"You should still heed his advice when he decides to share it, pirate." Mercury said, "As biased as he might be against me, he knows exactly what he's talking about. Even if Medicham landed the finishing hits, that esteemed Floatzel of his took most of its damage from Luxray here, not to mention what it was able to do to your friend Spruce's oh-so-impressive Gyarados when he tried to challenge me before."

"Why are you bragging about winning fights that I don't even understand?" Luffy said, "I don't care if you can beat the old guy or Spruce, I don't even remember what half those names you just used are actually for. The only person you should care about being able to beat is me, but you're not gonna be able to anyway!"

"Hmph. We'll put that little boast to the test." Mercury said, "LUXRAY, TOAST HIM WITH A SPARK!"

"Luuuuuux… RAY!" Luxray roared, standing at attention once more. Its mane flared to life, with electricity crackling all throughout it, and sparks of electricity shot out from its body. They gathered around it, forming a sort of aura, and it charged forwards. With electricity surrounding it, it bounded across the battlefield towards Luffy and leaped off the ground to tackle him in the chest.

Tracking the Luxray's movements carefully, Luffy shielded his face from the attack by crossing his arms to try and block, and Luxray rammed into him with its full electrical might. The force of the tackle knocked him back and made him stumble to the side as Luxray landed on the ground behind him and quickly swivelled around in order to keep him in its sights. Luffy did the same, turning his head and shifting himself to face Luxray, but then he froze. His brow furrowed, and he looked down at himself, at his vest and his arms and the skin around his neck, and then he looked at Luxray, and he looked confused.

"Didn't think one attack would be enough to do it." Mercury admitted, "USE SPARK AGAIN!"

"RAY!" Luxray said, and that same aura of electricity burst out to envelop it once again. It threw itself forwards across the ground, slamming right into Luffy again with enough force to knock the pirate off his feet. The instant that contact was made, the electricity around Luxray's body exploded outwards, swallowing Luffy up in a bright yellow glow which disappeared almost as soon as it had appeared, just like a bolt of lightning. He ended up knocked down onto his back, with the force of the attack having left an indent in his rubbery body, and Luxray landed behind him and immediately began to circle him.

"This is incredible… it's like he's not even human!" Walter said in astonishment, as both her and Mercury took in the sight of a completely unharmed Luffy. He wasn't seared, scorched or even singed by the back-to-back electrical attacks he had just endured. If it weren't for the fact that Walter had seen with the attacks land with his feeble, elderly eyes, he would doubt that Luffy had even been attacked at all since Luxray had come out onto the field.

Mercury was just astonished as the older trainer, but far less happy about it than he.

"What the hell kind of-?" She cut herself off and clenched her fists tightly in front of her face, pausing to take a deep breath before continuing, "Never mind. USE ELECTRIC TERRAIN AND THEN SPARK, ONE MORE TIME!"

"Ray." Luxray snarled. Bolts of lightning shot out from its body and struck the ground of the battlefield around it. From where they struck, additional sparks of electricity arced out, and it all formed a circle around the Pokémon which rapidly grew out to cover the entire battlefield, coating the air in a faint yellow haze. Even when the initial sparks of electricity disappeared, small charges remained, crackling all around. All those present could pick up the pungent scent of ozone.

Such a smell only intensified as Luxray, for the third time, coated itself in electricity and bounded across the ground towards Luffy. Having been knocked to the ground before, he was just now beginning to get up, but he stopped and shifted into a more comfortable sitting position as Luxray pounced on him. Its paws pinned his hands on either side of his head and it glowered at him right before unleashing the full might of its electrical attack. A blinding mass of electricity erupted out of the Pokémon, forcing both Mercury and Walter to shield their eyes.

It was such an intense attack that, once the blinding light had subsided to reveal Luxray and Luffy both still there with the former pinning the latter, several small plumes of smoke were wafting off the field around the both of them. Yet despite all that…

"Huh." The completely unharmed Luffy remarked, tilting his head to the side slightly and staring back at an enraged and very baffled Luxray, "That's weird. Do you suck, or something?"

"There's… No, no, no. No!" Mercury shook her head and threw her hands up in the air, turning around and walking around exasperatedly with no attention on the actual specifics of the battle anymore, "NO! THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE! IT'S A TRICK! IT'S A DUMB TRICK! IT'S RIDICULOUS! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

"Hold on a second…" Walter muttered, "Luffy! You said that the, erm, Gum-Gum fruit turned you into a rubber man, did you not?"

"Huh?" Luffy looked over at Walter and paid no mind to the electric lion that was atop him, "Yeah! I'm a rubber man! That's how I can stretch."

"It… It's the only explanation!" Walter gasped, "If you're made of actual rubber, that must be providing some kind of immunity to electricity! Rubber is an insulator, it doesn't conduct electricity!"

"WHAT?!" Mercury screeched, her attention suddenly back on the battle as she heard what Walter said, "Rubber? RUBBER?! You're joking! ARRRRRGHHH!"

Walter and Luffy both watched as Mercury reached up to grab fistfuls of her hair and rip them from her head. Luxray looked a little concerned at its trainer's current demeanour, and it pushed itself a little bit back from the pirate it was still pinning.

"Immune to blunt-force attacks, yeah…" Mercury spat, "Strong enough to knock Pokémon out with his own bare hands, yeahImmune to electricity? YEAH, SURE! I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS STUPID FOREIGNER AND HIS STUPID KIDDY STUPID DUMB FIGHTING! LUXRAY, I WANT YOU TO RIP HIS FACE OFF WITH BITE RIGHT NOW!"

"Oh, we're fighting again?" Luffy said. Before Luxray could even look back down at him, his head jerked upwards and extended forwards in order to slam into the underside of the Pokémon's jaw. It was enough to knock the Pokémon a few inches into the air, freeing Luffy's limbs so that he could thrust both of his palms up into Luxray's stomach. The Pokémon's eyes bugged out as the strike connected, and it was launched even higher up off the ground, sending it sailing through the air to crash in a heap all the way on the other end of the battlefield.

"GET UP AND USE HOWL!" Mercury ordered. Luxray staggered up onto its feet and shook itself off, looking dazed and a little scuffed but otherwise not too worse for wear. Standing firm, it threw its head back and opened its mouth to let out a powerful cry. The sound reverberated all across the battlefield, as a faint orange aura seemed to briefly flicker around Luxray's body which brought with it a slight change in posture. Something about it seemed inexplicably more powerful than it had been just moments ago.

"Howl is a move that increases the attacking power of the Pokémon that uses it!" Walter explained for Luffy's benefit, and the pirate tilted his head to the side with a thoughtful expression on his face. A moment later, he threw his own head back and let out a triumphant roar, screaming with an intensity as if he were trying to shake the heavens themselves.

"RAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHH!" Luffy bellowed, pumping his fists in the air as he did, and the sheer audacity of his scream caused the other two trainers as well as the Pokémon present to all flinch very briefly. He screamed for several seconds, seemingly trying to force out every last trace of air in his lungs, before he finally stopped and grinned.

"Um… are you alright, Luffy?" Walter said.

"Shishishi!" Luffy chuckled, "I guess screaming like that does kinda get me pumped up! I feel stronger now as well!"

"Idiot." Mercury growled, "USE BITE!"

Luxray's eyes narrowed as it dashed forwards, bounding across the battlefield with a newfound vigour. It was almost a blur of blue and black fur that closed in on Luffy in just seconds, and it opened its mouth wide just as it pushed off of the ground and leaped up, aiming to sink its fangs into Luffy's shoulder. Tracking the Pokémon's movement with his eyes, though, Luffy swivelled his body around to the side, leaving air as the only thing that the Luxray was able to chomp down on.


A rubbery snap like the crack of the whip echoed around Luffy's fist as it shot outwards and struck Luxray right in the side of the head. His fist smashed into it with a tremendous force, with the knuckles grazing the area of its face just around one of its eyes. Luffy grinned as he watched the punch send Luxray rolling back along the ground, and it rose back to its feet with one eye slightly scrunched up. Nevertheless, it glared Luffy down with intensity.

"Ugh… useless piece of trash." Mercury said with a disapproving shake of her head. Luxray blinked, and it looked back at her with a mixture of surprise and dejection in its eyes, only for her to give it a dismissive wave. The whole exchange only served to confuse Luffy and aggravate Walter.

"Uh, aren't you gonna tell it to do another attack?" Luffy asked.

"No she's not!" Walter snapped, "She's too busy blaming her shortcomings as a trainer on her Pokémon instead of on herself like a novice!"

"Shut it you self-righteous old geezer!" Mercury yelled, "I took you down fair and square!"

"Hmph. After years of not battling anyone properly, but just forget that part…" Walter grumbled, "Luffy, now's your chance to defeat the Luxray!"

"Well okay then!" Luffy nodded and reached behind him with both hands, "GUM-GUM…"

Stretching his arms, he reached all the way back beyond the edges of the battlefield, and an uncertain Luxray just stood there and watched it all take place. Its eyes flicked between its trainer and Luffy constantly, going back and forth and back and forth as every passing moment brought it closer to being attacked. At the very last instant, it jumped into action and threw itself to the side before charging towards Luffy in some last-ditch effort, but the pirate adjusted himself to keep his front to the Pokémon, before letting his arms shoot forwards.


Both palms were launched forwards to slam into Luxray and send it flying back through the air. With an impatient scowl, and without even waiting or bothering to assess the condition of her Pokémon, Mercury had Luxray's Pokeball ready as it was still in the air. And just as its body passed by her through the air, she aimed the Pokeball at it and returned it, before swapping that ball out for her third and final one.

"That was kinda dumb of you to just let me win like that." Luffy deadpanned, sticking his pinkie up his nostril as he did.

"It was a poor showing is what it was!" Walter huffed, "Though you're now up on two knockouts to zero! Time for Mercury to send out her third and final Pokémon for the match!"

"We'll see you change your tune soon enough." Mercury said, "I saved the best for last, old man! My strongest Pokémon, the one that actually did the deed and killed that son of yours! COME ON OUT, HOUNDOOM, AND BURN THIS RUBBERY BRAT UNTIL THERE'S NOTHING LEFT BUT ASH!"

For the third and final time this battle, white light burst out from the Pokeball in Mercury's grasp and struck the battlefield in front of her like a bolt of lightning. It quickly assumed the shape of her Houndoom, materialising into the Pokémon which was already baring its fangs and growling at its opponent from across the field. Small embers of flame flickered around its mouth, while its tail idly waved around behind it in the air.

"It's the home stretch now, Luffy!" Walter said giddily, "Now finish her off so I can announce it! GIVE HER EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!"

"You don't need to tell me!" Luffy grinned. He rolled his shoulders back and bounced up and down on his feet a little, watching the new Pokémon carefully, taking note of both the pointed tip of its tail as well as the two curled horns which protruded from the top of its head.

"BLIND HIM WITH SMOG!" Mercury instructed.

"Houn… DOOM!" Houndoom roared. Opening its mouth wide, a massive black cloud of poisonous gas billowed out, swiftly spreading out to fill the area of the battlefield as it did. The cloud rushed forwards towards Luffy, with his nose twitching at the pungent odour of the gas, but simply jumping a few feet away from the approaching gas was enough to evade, as it simply stopped and lingered in the air for the moment. It was a weak attack, but one that served to obscure Houndoom from sight.

"Man, that smoke reeks!" Luffy cringed.

"THEN HOW ABOUT WE ROAST SOMETHING INSTEAD?! USE INCINERATE!" Mercury yelled from behind the veil of the Smog.

"DOOM!" Houndoom barked, and Luffy's head instantly whipped over in the direction that the sound had originated from. He bent his knees slightly, preparing to move out of the way of an attack at a moment's notice, but then seconds passed and his brow furrowed with suspicion. Houndoom's bark had sounded like it came from his left, but when he looked to the right, he noticed the slightest hints of movement coming from within that part of the gas.

The observation came just in time, as from within the black cloud came a ball of raging fire shooting through the air towards him from his right. Luffy leaped to the side to avoid the ball of flames, though he could feel its searing heat and the crackling air as it danced over his skin in the way past. His eyes followed the glow of the fireball, watching it continue on its path for several more seconds before ultimately disappearing into thin air.


Hot on the trail of the fireball, though, came Houndoom, which leaped out from within the cloud and dashed towards Luffy at an even more rapid pace than Luxray had ever been able to manage. Its mouth opened up wide as it hurled itself onto him and snapped its jaws tightly shut around his shoulder. At the feeling of its fangs digging into him, Luffy let out a pained hiss, but powered on through it in order to reach over and wrap his hands around both its upper and lower jaw.

Squeezing them firmly, he pried Houndoom's mouth open, and the Pokémon went a little bug-eyed at such a feat, and yanked it off of his shoulder. Still keeping his firm grip on its maw, he thrust his hands downwards in order to drive it headfirst into the ground. Houndoom snarled and tried to snap its mouth closed around the hands, but Luffy's hold remained firm as he regarded the Pokémon with a mild frown.


Another cloud of noxious black gas billowed out from Houndoom's mouth, blasting Luffy straight in the face with enough force behind it to jerk his head back. Both the pungent odour and the poisonous nature of the gas quickly brought tears to his eyes and had him in a coughing fit, and he promptly let go of Houndoom in order to stagger back and put some distance between himself and the gas. Houndoom sprang up onto its feet and began circling him from a distance, while Luffy continued coughing and wiped the tears from his eyes.

Once his vision was clearer, he focused his attention on Houndoom again, and watched as the Pokémon circled him. As well as Houndoom, he also glanced back in the direction where the earlier Incinerate attack had been directed, as well as looking over at the shirtless Walter who was still spectating the whole battle. Mercury was likewise watching him and his movements carefully, scrutinising the finer details as if looking for something in particular.

'The horn-dog does seem stronger than the pants guy from before.' Luffy thought to himself, his eyebrows knitting together in concentration, 'But I can just beat it up whenever it tries to bite me like that. That fire is really hot, so that's what I need to watch out for.'

Suddenly in motion, Luffy threw his hands out and stretched them over in the direction of where Walter was standing. Both Mercury and Walter's eyes widened at the action, while Houndoom tensed up and quickly readied itself to pounce as soon as an order was given, and they all watched as Luffy grabbed a firm hold of both sides of the elderly trainer's pants. Just as he had done before, he ripped the garments apart with his tremendous brute strength so that he was left with two scraps of clothing in his hands as his arms snapped back to their original length.

"M-MY PANTS!" Walter screamed, now left standing to the side of the battlefield in nothing but his vest and his tighty-whities. His legs shivered and he tried to cover himself from sight as best he could with only his bare hands, and Floatzel behind him just shook his head and lowered his face into his paw.

"You- you're just a pervert!" Mercury gaped, both hands raised up to the side of her face in order to completely shield Walter from view, but her rampant disgust quickly morphed into a concealed glee as she watched Luffy wrap the pants scraps around his fists just like he had done with Walter's shirt before.

"Sorry, old guy!" Luffy called out apologetically, a sheepish grin on his face, "I'll try and finish it with just these!"

"YOU'D BETTER FINISH IT!" Walter huffed, "IF YOU STRIP ME ANY MORE I'LL PENALISE YOU! Wait… finish it with those…?"


"DOOOOOOM!" Houndoom roared. Rearing its head back and opening its mouth up wide, small embers of red, yellow and orange quickly appeared around the inside of its mouth, which collected into another ball of fire that swiftly expanded to the size of a watermelon. The fireball hovered in front of Houndoom's mouth for a second, before being launched forwards like a cannonball right towards Luffy.

Grinning a mischievous grin, Luffy ducked and leaned out of the way of the fireball as it flew towards him, but as it passed he reached over and allowed the flames to graze the scraps of cloth wrapped around his left hand, quickly setting it alight. While the fireball passed him, he brought both hands together and spread the flame from one scrap to the other, so that both his hands were rapidly being enveloped in masses of fire. He gave the flames just a few moments to grow and spread, before dashing towards the Houndoom.


"DODGE IT HOUNDOOM!" Mercury said with a mad glint in her eyes.

"WAIT- LUFFY, DON'T-!" Walter tried to caution the pirate, but it was too late.


Just like before, Luffy's two flaming fists were thrown forwards at such a velocity that they simply became bright orange streaks dancing across the battlefield. Though Houndoom tried to leap to the side, it couldn't quite compete with the pirate's jaw-dropping speed as he barraged the canine with countless fiery strikes. The roaring crackle of the flames and the consistent WHAM of blows connecting echoed all across the battlefield, until Luffy finally brought his assault to an end and his arms retracted back to their normal sizes. The flaming pants scraps were speedily removed and discarded onto the battlefield as the fires continued to ravage them.

Something was wrong, though. When Luffy looked at Houndoom again in the aftermath of the attack, he did not see damage or pain or his own victory looking back at him. Instead what he saw was Houndoom leering at him and baring its fangs as small flames danced across various parts of its black pelt. All of a sudden, those flames flashed into one enormous raging inferno that enveloped Houndoom's entire body, before blinking into nothingness altogether and leaving just Houndoom standing there.

"Huh?" Luffy said, tilting his head and frowning at the spectacle he had just witnessed.

"Dammit…" Walter groaned, "LUFFY! That was Houndoom's ability Flash Fire! It can't be damaged by Fire-Type attacks! Instead they just make it stronger!"

"HA!" Mercury cackled, "And it's normally such a mediocre ability too! Because only an idiot would decide to try using fire to fight a Fire-Type! Lucky for me that's what I'm fighting, HUH?!"

"So first I have to use fire in order to take out the pants one, but now I can't use fire because it makes it stronger?" Luffy said, "Man, this stuff is way too complicated!"

"Then allow me to make things simple!" Mercury sneered, "INCINERATE!"

"Houuuuun… DOOOOOOOM!" Houndoom roared. Once again it conjured up a great ball of flame just in front of its open mouth- but this time the fireball that it created was distinctly more vicious than the previous two. The whole thing practically vibrated with the newfound intensity of all the condensed fire, like it was just begging to explode into an inferno that enveloped and incinerated everything around them.

Just before Houndoom propelled the attack in his direction, Luffy grabbed the straw hat off of his head and tossed it over in Walter's direction. The old man looked confused, but reached out and caught the hat out of the air just as Houndoom launched its attack towards Luffy. The flames whizzed across the battlefield towards him like a bullet, leaving him without the proper time to dodge as the fireball rammed into him and exploded. It blasted Luffy with its heat and its power as the force of the attack knocked him backwards, skidding across the battlefield looking singed but otherwise fine to keep on fighting.

There were a couple of parts of his clothing that were on fire after the attack, which was slightly more problematic, but Luffy calmly got back up and patted the fires out before they could get too intense. He looked to Walter.

"Old guy! You better take care of that hat while I'm fighting!" He said, "That's my treasure, so it'd be really bad if it got caught on fire during all this!"

"That's quite presumptuous of you to expect me to look after it after getting both my shirt and my pants lit on fire!" Walter retorted, but he nonetheless held the hat close- not too close, though- to his chest for safekeeping.

"USE INCINERATE AGAIN!" Mercury called out.

"DOOM!" Houndoom barked. It opened its mouth in order to muster up another attack, but Luffy proved to be quicker on the uptake this time.

"GUM-GUM PISTOL!" Luffy exclaimed, throwing himself to the side and then sending his fist flying straight towards Houndoom. His knuckles smashed into the Pokémon's lower jaw, slamming its mouth shut just the fireball had began to grow, causing the attack to collapse into a minor explosion right in Houndoom's face as the force of Luffy's punch knocked the Pokémon to the ground and sent it tumbling backwards.

"Even if you're stronger now, you shouldn't expect to beat me if you keep giving me a heads-up for every attack you use!" He teased Mercury, who scowled right back at him.


"HOUND!" Houndoom said. Noxious black smoke flooded out from its mouth and quickly spread out to form a veil in the middle of the battlefield that hid it from Luffy's view, and the abhorrent scent of the smoke got Luffy to take a couple of steps away from the Smog as a way of avoiding it. His eyes, though, remained focused on where Houndoom had been standing right before it had hidden itself from view.

"Hey old guy!" Luffy said, not taking his eyes off where Houndoom last was as he spoke, "If I can't hit this thing with fire, then what things can I hit it with?"

"Oh!" Walter said, "Type advantages? Well, because Houndoom is a dual Fire/Dark-Type Pokémon, that means it has weaknesses to Water, Ground, Rock-"

"Rock! Okay, got it!" Luffy nodded, "Thanks!"

Turning his attention downwards, he clenched his fists and drove them both into the battlefield. Cracks exploded out from around where his fists struck as they embedded themselves several inches into the ground, digging in deep right before Luffy wrenched the limbs back out of the ground in a scooping motion. Chunks of the ground were flung in all directions, with Floatzel leaping up and slapping one particularly large one away from Walter.

Both of Luffy's hands had found themselves clutching onto a large chunk of rock each, which he appeared to be able to lift and swing around effortlessly. He bounced them up and down a little in his hands, getting a feel for the weight, before focusing back on his foe who was still concealed behind a cloud of pungent smoke. He listened, and he waited.


As soon as he heard the syllables slip past Mercury's lips, Luffy flung both his hands back, stretching his arms far past the length of the battlefield in preparation for what was about to happen. Walter and Floatzel both watched with bated breath, the former's hands trembling in anticipation.

Over to the side of the battlefield, a flood of new arrivals trickled in. Both Zoro and Spruce, with Ria sitting atop the latter's head, followed by the former Team Steel Admin Nickel and a dozen grunts, with the lot of them all promptly captivated by the sight of the climactic showdown between Captain and Leader. The Pokémon trainers watched with no shortage of awe, while Zoro regarded the whole affair with smug satisfaction.


Luffy spoke just before Houndoom had revealed itself. An instant later, the veil of Smog parted to reveal that Houndoom and its Incinerate attack were positioned on his left. As soon as he had eyes on the Pokémon, he hopped to the side and shifted the angle of his attack, making sure it was lined up properly to strike both his targets. Houndoom moved its head, keeping its own attack aligned with him and letting the furious fireball fly.


The fiery power of the Incinerate was absolutely quashed as both of Luffy's rock-laden hands flew forwards, smashing through the attack altogether and ramming the stones into Houndoom hard enough to crush them into pieces. The attack lifted Houndoom off of its feet and carried it back across the battlefield, even with the dust from the crushed stones beginning to rain down in its wake, and Mercury's eyes widened as Luffy's Bazooka kept going and Houndoom crashed into her with the full might of Luffy's blows behind it.

There was a crack as both trainer and Pokémon were catapulted back into the wall around the base, soon followed by the sound of stone brick being blasted apart as the collision caused a cloud of dust to appear and obscure them both. Seconds that felt like hours trickled onwards, with the spectators all leaning in to get a better view as the dust finally settled and revealed…

A trainer and her Houndoom lying in an unconscious heap with matching swirly eyes. Cheers and cries of shock instantly broke out amongst the grunts, only to be just as quickly silenced by a sudden cry of distress from one particular grunt.

"THAT OLD MAN IS NAKED!" The grunt screamed, pointing at Walter.

"He's in his underwear!" Another grunt squealed, "What a pervert!"

"Huh." Zoro said, raising an eyebrow at Walter's current state, "What a pervert."

"N-Now hold on just a second there!" Walter defended himself awkwardly, "There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this!"

"OF COURSE THERE IS!" Nickel roared, striding over to stand beside Walter proudly.

"The Ex-Admin is defending this old pervert?" One grunt muttered.

"Figures. They must be old person friends." Another commented.

"I'M IN THE PRIME OF MY LIFE AT THE AGE OF TWENTY-SIX!" Nickel snapped. He stopped and took a deep breath to calm himself, before reaching up and grabbing two fistfuls of his shirt. With a furious roar, he ripped his shirt open and tossed it to the ground along with his jacket, before doing the same to his pants, leaving him standing there in his underwear the same as Walter.

"HUH?!" Walter gaped.

"He's a pervert too!" A grunt gasped.

"Don't you understand?!" Nickel cried, "In order to atone for all our wrongdoings as Team Steel, and to wash away the filthiness of the island, we have to cast aside the very image of Team Steel itself! Our uniforms are nothing but embodiments of everything wrong with Iron Island! Stripping is the first step on the path to righteousness!"

The grunts all stared at Nickel. Walter stared at Nickel. Zoro and Spruce both stared at Nickel. Ria and Floatzel, who were nudists by default, didn't care. Luffy wasn't paying attention to the whole debacle and was instead picking his nose again.

"He's right." One brave grunt piped up nervously. All eyes were on them in an instant, and the grunt awkwardly shuffled out of their clothes in front of everyone until they were also standing there in only their undergarments.

"Yeah… if we want people to forgive us for being Team Steel, then we need to show how we've grown!" Another nodded encouragingly. Following Nickel's lead, they ripped apart their uniform and joined the others in undress, and just like that the floodgates had opened. There was a cacophony of clothes being ripped and torn and unceremoniously dumped on the ground, and within just a few seconds the entire gathered group of former grunts along with the former Admin were all standing around in their underwear proudly.

"This is your fault." Spruce told Zoro.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" The swordsman retorted.

"You pirates brought your nudism here." Spruce said matter-of-factly.

"Like hell! This was all that old pervert's doing!" Zoro bit back.

"HEY! OLD PERVERT!" Luffy interjected, getting everyone's attention. He looked over at Walter and held his hand out expectantly, gesturing towards the straw hat the old man was holding onto with a nod of his head.

"YOU'RE CALLING ME A PERVERT NOW?!" Walter said indignantly. It took him a couple seconds of being affronted to realise what Luffy was beckoning for, and he gave an awkward cough and tossed the hat back over to the pirate, who returned it to its place on his head.

"Shishishi! Thanks for holding it onto me!" Luffy said, "Isn't there something you're meant to do now?"

"Something I'm meant to… OH!!" Walter gasped, and stood up straight in an instant, "YES! Er… Ahem! HOUNDOOM AND MERCURY ARE BOTH UNABLE TO BATTLE! THE WINNER IS MONKEY D. LUFFY!"


A constant chorus of cheers echoed all across Pastoria Village as the festivities were in full-swing. In the heart of the village roared a raging bonfire in which the smashed and diced up pieces of Team Steel's old gate had been fed to as tinder. It bathed its surroundings in a warm, orange glow that seemed to bring out the joy plastered across the faces of everyone present. Children and adults alike danced and sang in a circle around it, following the lead of an especially exuberant Luffy, while the other Straw Hats all found themselves the idols of the villagers.

Though he had at first tried to just watch the celebrations from off to the side while enjoying his food and drink, a gaggle of children had crowded around him, with Kiki being the one leading the charge in calling for him to show off his swordsmanship. The words of the children were honeyed, with Kiki especially emphasising how impressive and strong he was, and he eventually caved and drew his blades in order to make a show of the speed and grace with which he could wield them. As he danced his swordsman's dance and displayed his level of mastery for them, several of the children began to mimic him, picking up sticks and trying to copy him as best they could. Even Mister Cuddles hopped around, trying to follow along even without any sticks or swords of his own, while Spinner span nearby.

It wasn't just the swordsman who had the villagers enthralled either, as Usopp had also mustered up an impressive crowd of his own who he could regale with tales of all the crew's past exploits in the East Blue. Half of the things that came out of the sniper's mouth went completely over the heads of all the listeners, but they were nonetheless wrapped up in the way that his words and manner of speaking could bring his stories to life.

"AND THEN!" Usopp said, puffing his chest out proudly, "Who else but the great Captain Usopp could take down the dastardly Arlong, using nothing but a single shot from my trusty slingshot? Him and his army of one-thousand fishman pirates were no match for me, of course, but I only had the one shot left, so I had to line it up just right…"

"So Marines are fish people…" Spruce murmured from where he was standing, a short distance away from Usopp and his audience, "Huh, that's really cool! I've never heard of a species like that."

"That's… not what they are." Nami said, standing across from him with Sableye securely in her arms as he had been since she had first scooped him up earlier in the day, "Fishmen are something different entirely."

"Oh, okay then." Spruce said, "But they're still fish people?"

"Mhm." She nodded.

"Well then that's still really cool!" He smiled. She didn't say anything, instead just giving Spruce a look of amusement that was intermingled with something harder to describe- a halfway point between resignation and regret. As if seeking out the cheerier imagery around her, she turned her attention over to where Vivi and Carue were, standing quite a distance away from the rest of the party- mainly to accommodate for Whiskers' own significant size, as the serpentine Pokémon stood beside the two with a goofy, wide-mouthed grin that might have looked threatening if not for the presence of a half-dozen children taking turns using his body as a slide.

Both the children and Vivi laughed in unison at the spectacle, and the sight of it did bring a faint smile to Nami's face. Sableye glanced up at her, a curious glint in his eyes at the smile, before following her gaze over to Vivi and Whiskers, and he tilted his head slightly, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Sableye…" He said.

It was a nice sight for Spruce too, getting to see his Pokémon enjoying themselves. Pex and Ria weren't being as active at the moment, as they were instead both hovering around Sanji's cooking station and pigging out on the food he was serving them. A lot of Oran Berry-based dishes in particular, which he knew Ria needed to help her recover from the battle, with some others mixed in there as well.

Team Steel had actually kept a reserve of medicinal berries at their base, as they tended to have a far longer shelf life than other types, and Nickel had practically demanded that the berries be redistributed among the villagers. Two-thirds of them ended up redistributed inside Luffy's stomach, but that was just the price of getting saved.

In the middle of digging into a delicious pie, Ria's ears suddenly twitched, and she set the plate of pie down in front of her to turn her head in the direction of the Eterna Grove. Pex eyed the newly-abandoned pie, and then looked at Ria, and then back to the pie. He waited for a second before scooping it towards him with a wing and scarfing the whole thing down in a second. Even still, Ria seemed more interested in the Grove, and from where he was standing, Spruce noted the sudden interest and looked over in that direction as well.

Both of them were the first to see as a Bonsly came toddling into the village. It was a mostly insignificant thing, and with Bonsly being so small most people didn't even notice her. Vivi was one of the few who did, and her eyes lit up at the new arrival. What followed soon after Bonsly's arrival, however, served to draw far more attention and even bring the party to something of a grinding halt.

A dozen Pokémon trailed after Bonsly, walking in single file one after the other. They all hailed from the Grove, and ranged in terms of size and typing. Some, like Ursaring and Luxray, brought an air of unease with them into the village as they walked in a straight line towards Sanji. Luffy and Zoro both went quiet at the new arrivals and watched them closely as they approached. Looking more closely, they noticed that the Pokémon all appeared to be carrying something each.

Neither Spruce nor Ria showed any sign of unease with the arrival of the Pokémon, instead looking on with vested interest as the whole thing transpired. Bonsly stepped to the side and allowed the Pokémon to continue on over to where Sanji was. As they drew nearer, Pex suddenly perked up, and his head whipped around in their direction as a small trail of saliva began to trickle down the side of his beak.

All at once, the Pokémon set down what they had been lugging around: food. A few dozen berries, with even some more pedestrian fruits mixed into the assortment, were all laid at Sanji's feet. For Pex in particular, it was a tantalising sight that had him shaking, while Sanji raised an eyebrow at the sudden delivery.

"Bonsly! Bon-Bonsly!" Bonsly exclaimed, bouncing up and down on her feet before scurrying in Vivi's direction. The princess smiled at the Pokémon, and walked over to kneel down in front of her.

"Did you and your friends bring all these fruits because you wanted Sanji to prepare a meal for you?" She asked warmly.

"Bon-Bonsly! Bon-Bonsly!" Bonsly nodded eagerly. The other Pokémon all voiced sentiments of agreement from over by Sanji.

"You brought quite a lot of food, probably too much for just you to eat alone." Vivi observed, "Are you going to share it with everyone else as well?"

"Bon-Bonsly!" Bonsly nodded again. Luffy licked his lips at the idea, while several of the villagers looked amongst themselves, and then looked over at Sanji.

"I could go for seconds." One villager piped up nervously.

"Uh, yeah. Me too." Another said. Pex nodded along aggressively to the sentiment, though he was far beyond mere seconds. Sanji looked at the wild Pokémon, and then at the villagers, and then finally at Luffy who had begun salivating at the thought of more food, and set down the ingredients and utensils in his hands.

"A chef's work is never done." Sanji said with a melodramatic sigh, going over to the assortment of fruits and berries that had been delivered to him and beginning to sort through them. The Pokémon all cheered.

"Bonsly! Bon-Bonsly!" Bonsly said, bouncing up and down happily. She scuttled forwards and bumped directly into the kneeling Vivi, poking and prodding at her with the bulbs on her head.

"This Bonsly seems to like you." Spruce observed as he shuffled over to where the two were, and Ria hopped up and dashed over to stand beside him. Nami likewise followed after him, curiously watching the whole thing.

"Oh, we actually encountered her earlier while you were attacking the base." Vivi explained with a smile, "She was drawn in by Sanji's delicious cooking, though she did need a bit of a lesson in manners."

"Riolu? Rio, Lu. Riolu." Ria said to Bonsly.

"Bon-Bonsly. Bonsly, Bon-Bonsly." Bonsly replied.

"Riolu! Lu!" Ria retorted, pointing up at Spruce and then crossing her arms proudly over her chest and sticking her chin up at Bonsly.

"I see. Do you want to catch her, then?" Spruce asked.

"Erm, 'catch'?" Vivi said, her brow furrowing, "I'm sorry, is that some kind of Pokémon term?"

"Oh, yeah." He nodded, "Catching a Pokémon means throwing a Pokeball at it and having it be captured. If you succeed, it becomes your Pokémon and you become its trainer. Then you can carry it around in the Pokeball and train it and become friends with it!"

"This whole 'catching' affair actually sounds somewhat forceful." Vivi said uneasily, "If you're capturing the Pokémon, then does that mean they don't actually want to remain with you? Is it some kind of- of abduction from their natural environment?"

Every single Straw Hat, plus Carue, all stared at Spruce in that moment.

"Nah!" Spruce said with a dismissive wave of his hand, "Catching a Pokémon is super normal, and the Pokémon go along with it too as long as you're nice to them! And if you use these Pokeballs, then Bonsly will only let herself be caught if she wants to stay with you."

"That certainly sounds like an easy resolution to an ethical dilemma." Vivi muttered.

"Here." Spruce said. He reached into his pants pocket and retrieved a pair of small Pokeballs- Trust Balls, like the ones he used. With a press of the button on the front, both Pokeballs were enlarged to their normal sizes, and he handed one to Vivi and held the other one out for Nami to take.

"It's astonishing to think that the Pokémon somehow fit inside of these things." Vivi said, starting to fiddle with the device as she tried to figure it out, "Is there a mechanism? A trigger of some kind?"

"Bon-Bonsly!" Bonsly exclaimed. She rammed her face directly into the Pokeball, causing it to suddenly open up. Vivi and Nami both watched in astonishment as Bonsly's body was broken up into white light and sucked into the interior of the ball, which snapped shut around her before beginning to shake in the princess' hand.

Once… twice… three times… click.

Sparkles flew off the Pokeball as the button on the front flashed green, and Vivi raised the ball closer to her face to examine it curiously. Behind her, Carue waddled over and looked over her shoulder, but then jerked back as the ball suddenly flew open and Bonsly manifested in front of Vivi once again.

"Bon-Bonsly!" She chirped.

"Did- did that work?" Vivi said, looking to Spruce for confirmation, "Have I caught her?"

"Yep! You're her trainer now." Spruce said brightly. His other hand was still outstretched towards Nami, with the offered Pokeball not yet having been taken.

"If that's the case then I should… name her, shouldn't I?" Vivi said thoughtfully, "All your Pokémon have names other than just what they are. Right?"

"Some trainers give their Pokémon nicknames." Spruce clarified, "But most Pokémon are fine with whatever you want to call them. Nicknaming them is cool though, because it makes them extra special! It doesn't matter how many Riolu there are in the world, because there's only one Ria."

"Rio!" Ria nodded, nuzzling up against Spruce's leg affectionately.

"I understand." Vivi nodded, "In that case. Hmmm… Oh! How about Bonbon?"

"Bon-Bonsly!" Bonbon nodded, "Bon-Bon!"

"Are you gonna catch that Sableye too, Nami?" Spruce asked, turning his attention over to Nami and the Pokeball she still hadn't taken, as well as the Sableye in her arms. She eyed the Pokeball warily.

"Well… this whole catching thing just sounds like a massive commitment." Nami said, "I've already got my work cut out for me navigating for the crew, so I shouldn't just make a serious decision like this on a whim."

"That is true, actually." Vivi said, a hint of guilt suddenly creeping into her tone.

"You don't need to worry about that!" Spruce reassured her, as bright as ever, "I can help you out with anything that's hard to do, and it's way easier to look after Pokémon than you think!"

The reassurances did seem to appease Nami somewhat, and she found herself looking down at the Pokémon in her arms and mulling over her decision. Sableye craned his neck to look up at her nervously, and she gazed deeply into his eyes. Those glimmering… sparkling… shining… enchantingexpensive eyes of his…

In a sudden burst of movement, Nami snatched the Pokeball from Spruce and pressed it against Sableye's head so fast that the Pokémon didn't even realise what was happening until he was being drawn into the Pokeball as a mass of light. The ball vibrated in Nami's hand, and then shook itself once before there was the click and green light on the button that signified a successful capture.

Nami blinked, and then stared at the Pokeball- her Pokeball- that she was holding, like she herself couldn't actually believe what had just happened. Vivi and Spruce both looked elated at the whole affair, though.

"Gems… jewels… Beri… treasure…" Nami whispered, a smile slowly breaking out across her face with each passing second that she stared at the ball, "Julius sounds like a good name for you. Oh, we're going to do so much together…"

She brought the Pokeball close to her chest and hugged it tight, and Sanji muttered something under his breath about how he wished that Nami would catch him, with only the nearby Pokémon hearing and giving him weird looks.

"You're both Pokémon trainers now!" Spruce grinned, "Congrats!"

"YEAH!" Luffy cheered from over by the bonfire, "We've got even more people on the crew now too! Come on, we've gotta celebrate!"

At his call, the cheers and merriment from all around the party suddenly intensified tenfold, now having the wild Pokémon join in. Zoro smirked wryly at it all, and took a moment to throw a glance over in Spinner's direction, while Sanji shook his head and muttered to himself about all the extra mouths he had to feed- though he did so with a smile on his face- and Usopp's brow furrowed as he looked at the trio of trainers he was now sharing a ship with.

"DOOOOS!" Whiskers hollered, snaking across the ground and flicking his tail out in order to ensnare Spruce, Vivi, Nami, Ria, Bonbon and Carue all in one tight- almost crushing- embrace. Carue quacked indignantly, while Vivi just laughed and patted Whiskers' scales, and Nami panicked over making sure that the Log Pose on her wrist wasn't crushed on accident.

For Spruce, the party was the single greatest time of his life.


Spruce found himself being awoken from the best night's sleep he had ever gotten by a rubbery hand giving him a hard shake. Opening his eyes, he looked around to see that he had lain down to sleep sometime during the celebration, with some of the other villagers having done the same while most of them retreated to their own residences to enjoy the restful slumber that came from such change. The Straw Hats, Vivi and Carue were all awake and ready to move out, with Nami in particular being fixated on the compass-like object on her wrist. The princess had stored the Pokeball containing her new partner in her pocket, keeping it out of sight but within reach, while the navigator had shrunken hers and affixed it to the bottom of her Log Pose's strap.

"It looks like the Log Pose has finished recording." She reported to everyone else.

"That's a relief. There'd be no frame of reference to know how long it might have taken otherwise." Vivi remarked.

Eyes still bleary, Spruce felt around his belt for his three Pokeballs, and once he had verified that they were where they were meant to be, he rose to his feet and reached up to wipe the lingering sleep away.

"What's a Log Pose?" He mumbled through a yawn.

"I keep forgetting you don't know anything." Usopp remarked. Vivi raised an eyebrow at him.

"Neither did any of you until you actually got here." She pointed out.

"The Log Pose is the tool we use to navigate the Grand Line." Nami said, "It locks onto the magnetic field of an island and points us towards it. Then once we arrive, it takes time to record the field before locking onto the next island, leading us to our next destination."

"Oh, okay then!" Spruce said, "That sounds really important."

"It is." She replied, "So don't get careless and break it by accident."

That bit was said with a stern glare directed towards both Sanji and Luffy. The former bowed his head shamefully, while the latter wasn't even paying attention.

"Alright! Time to get going." Luffy announced, clapping his hands together and walking off in the direction of the shore where the Going Merry was anchored. The rest of the crew followed behind him, with Nami seizing Zoro by the wrist and dragging him behind her for a reason that Spruce couldn't quite understand. The swordsman scowled and glared at her for it, but otherwise went along with it.

Leaving Pastoria Village and heading out on the path back to the shore, there were a handful of Pokémon they saw in their periphery as they walked. Stunky and Skuntank, Machop and Machoke, even a pack of Luxio all watched them as they made their exit from the island, and Spruce couldn't help but feel that the Pokémon looked distinctly happier than they had been the day before. Seeing all those Pokémon, however, suddenly made him realise something, and he stopped in his tracks.

"Luffy, wait." Spruce said, and the Straw Hats all stopped where they were and looked over to him.

"What?" Luffy said.

"There's… there's one more thing." Spruce said, "Just one last thing before I come with all of you…"

"Do you need to say goodbye to someone?" Vivi asked.

"No, that's not it." Spruce shook his head, "It's about Pokémon. Look, Luffy…"

"Yeah?" Luffy said.

"I don't know what's gonna happen when I leave Iron Island with you. I don't know what we'll find, or who we'll meet, or what life will be like. Everything all sounds so strange, but no matter what happens, no matter where we go or what we find, I need you to promise me one thing. One very important thing."

"Sure, okay!" Luffy said, "What do you need?"

"Promise me that you won't eat any Pokémon, Luffy." Spruce requested.

The eyes of every Straw Hat suddenly widened. The cigarette between Sanji's lips fell from his gaping mouth to the ground, Nami let out a shocked gasp and let go of Zoro, who promptly fell over face-first, and Usopp's eyes practically bugged out of his skull. Vivi blinked and looked around confusedly at everyone else's reactions, while they were all fixated on Spruce and Luffy.

"Aww, but why?" Luffy whined.

Spruce stared at him.

"It's fucked up. You can't do it." He answered.

"Not even a little bit?" Luffy pleaded.

Spruce shook his head.

"Not even if it's a really mean one?"

Spruce shook his head again.

Seconds passed with the two of them just frowning at each other, neither one having anything else to say. Then, Luffy's eyes narrowed and he whipped his head over to face the direction of a nearby Luxio, which he stared at intensely. His fists clenched at his sides and he gritted his teeth as a revolted expression slowly appeared on his face. He stuck his tongue out in disgust and retched, and then he suddenly snapped back to normal and nodded to Spruce.

"Okay, I promise." He said. With that, he, Vivi, Carue and Spruce all continued on their way towards the coast, and the other Straw Hats scrambled to follow after them after overcoming their shock. Sanji in particular let out a melancholic sigh as they walked.

'All those recipes, completely useless.' He lamented.

Once the Straw Hats actually came upon the shores of the island, they found themselves greeted by three familiar individuals as well as an assortment of stuff that said trio were standing in front of.

"You're a brat through and through," Walter said to Spruce as the Straw Hats came to a stop before them, "trying to leave Iron Island without saying goodbye to your old teacher? The nerve!"

"What's the point in saying goodbye?" Spruce said, "I'm not going away forever, not unless you don't think you can live long enough for me to come back, that is!"

"HOHOHO! Someone's getting a big head after beating an Admin." Walter guffawed, and he nodded to Luffy, "You keep this troublemaker safe, now. And keep that ego of his in check too!"

"Shishishi!" Luffy snickered, "Sure!"

The other two members of Walter's group dashed forwards, the two of them both seeking out a particular Straw Hat to come to a stop in front of.

"SANJI!" Timothy gasped, gazing up at the chef with wide-eyed admiration, "If you ever come back to Iron Island, I'll… I'll cook you a delicious meal! COOKING FOOD FOR OTHER PEOPLE IS THE MOST AWESOME THING IN THE WORLD!"

"It absolutely is." Sanji agreed, giving the boy an affectionate pat on the head, "I'll be sure to savour every bite when that happens."

"ZORO!" Kiki squealed, "If you ever come back to Iron Island, I'll show off how good I am with swords just like you! SWORDS ARE THE MOST AWESOME THING IN THE WORLD, EVEN MORE AWESOME THAN COOKING!"

"Don't ever let anyone say you can't do it." Zoro said with a nod of approval.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Timothy growled, turning his head to glare at Kiki.

"I said swords are more awesome than cooking." Kiki replied, looking back at Timothy with a smug smirk, "AND I'M RIGHT, KITCHEN DUMMY!"




With each yell, the two stepped closer towards each other, until they were literally butting heads, and Walter gave an awkward cough as he pried them apart and stepped between them both.

"I didn't just come to say goodbye." Walter said, gesturing behind him to the various stuff that had been laid out on the beach, "You can't just leave without the proper supplies! As thanks for everything you've done, these are our gifts to you!"

On that note, Nami and Usopp were first in line to hurry past Walter and examine everything before them. To the former's slight disappointment, none of it seemed like it was especially valuable, with half of the stuff just being various small trees. More interesting amongst the assortment of stuff was the anvil and set of tools that came with it, which drew Usopp's attention, along with a collection of old, weathered books. Most enigmatic of all, though, was the flat, silver disc which sat atop all the books, being donut-shaped and seeming to catch and reflect the light in a particular way. Its simple outward appearance deceived the true inner complexities of its workings, Usopp could immediately tell.

"Berry trees, to help feed all those new mouths you're picking up." Walter said, getting a grateful look from Sanji, "Plus an Apricorn tree and all the necessary tools for making Pokeballs. They used to belong to Percival, and were gathering dust in the Team Steel base until now."

"I see…" Spruce murmured, walking over and running a hand idly across the top of the anvil.

"Percival made plenty of those Trust Balls that you're using." Walter noted, "Special things they are. You have to be the only people in the entire world who have any, but they'll run out as surely as anything does. It wouldn't be a terrible idea to figure out how to make more."

"Those things come from this?" Usopp said, looking from Nami and Spruce's Pokeballs over to the Apricorn tree.

"Those books are old. Even older than me! HOHOHO!" Walter said, "There's information in there. Legends, records of Pokémon not found here on Iron Island, and information about the ones already in your possession."

"What about that disc?" Luffy asked, pointing at the object in question.

"There are a handful of those to be found here on Iron Island, and they're even older than the books." Walter said, "That one's a prize to commemorate your victory over Mercury. Even I'm not entirely sure of its actual function."

"So you're saying that it's rare?" Nami said, suddenly perking up. Before Walter could reply, she had already grabbed the disc and pocketed it for herself.

"Thanks for all the stuff, old guy!" Luffy said gratefully.

"HOHOHO! It's all a token of our gratitude towards you and your crew, Luffy." Walter said, before nodding to the rest of the crew, "Just some feeble, elderly wisdom from this old coot before you set off on your adventures. The world is a brutal, unfair place for everyone with even a shred of decency that lives in it. But nothing gets done just standing around condemning it! Young, old, big, small… if you can see that there's a problem that needs to be fixed, it's up to you to roll up your sleeves and fix it! Pokémon trainers, Gym Leaders, pirates- it goes for all of us!"

"I couldn't agree more." Vivi said passionately, overcome with a look of determination.

"None of this mess would have happened if I'd not been such a lazy old man." Walter said wistfully, "But the past is the past, the future is the future, and the present is the only thing we can do anything about! My retirement days are over, and Iron Island has a hardy, seasoned Gym Leader looking after it now. You'd better go strong with this group of troublemakers, Spruce, because the next time we meet, I'll be giving you a battle with nothing held back."

"You'd better not hold anything back if you want to stand a chance." Spruce retorted cheekily.

"HOHOHO!" Walter bellowed, "You troublemakers go on and get out of here and take this brat with you."

"Thank you for everything!" Vivi smiled, waving to him as he shuffled off with Kiki and Timothy both hurrying after him.

"Thanks for the berries!" Sanji added, also waving.

"And thanks for the tools!" Usopp said. They all waved to him as he took his leave of the beach, and once he was gone, everyone looked to all the stuff he had left for them. A moment passed.

"Hold on a second," Zoro said, "Now that he's gone, we're the ones that have to actually load all this stuff onto the Merry!"

From off in the distance, a faint "HOHOHO!" could be heard.


Two days after the departure of the Straw Hats, Walter still found it difficult to stay away from the shore where they had said farewell. The sun had since crested the horizon and was edging its way up across the sky, though there was still some of that early morning air hanging over the beach as he sat himself down in his deck chair and stared out at the ocean. The ocean had always projected a feeling of welcome to him, being a Water-Type specialist and all, but ever since the Going Merry had departed upon those tides, he had found himself struck more and more with every passing moment by a distinct hopefulness imbued in that water.

It was an odd thing. For most of the village, the ocean was a symbol of isolation and- in the worst-case scenarios- a symbol of death. What a twist of fate for the tool of their imprisonment upon the island to be what delivered them their salvation. There was an irony to it, he felt. An irony which heralded a momentous change of what the ocean would mean to the people of Iron Island in the future.

"Percival… Cecelia…" Walter murmured, imagining two figures standing just beyond the horizon, "Are you watching over him? Will you be proud of what he accomplishes? Those troublemakers will keep him safe in your stead, so please rest easy."

A chilled beverage would have made the current moment perfect, but there was only so much relaxation he could allow himself in the midst of all the repairs and restructuring that was being done. Every second he was bombarded with reminders of why he had retired from the position in the first place, and it was only when he looked upon the ocean and thought of that hopefulness that the Straw Hats had brought that he remembered exactly why he couldn't do such a thing this time. Mornings spent on the tranquil beach were one of the things that made the stress and all the years being knocked off his lifespan worth it in the end.

Listening to the sounds of the ebb and flow of the tides washing over the sand, the symphonies of the shore were suddenly joined by the sound of energetic footsteps coming from tiny feet as a young girl and her Pokémon both bounded across the beach towards him, completely brimming with energy from head to toe. Walter smiled as he thought of another reason why being the Gym Leader was all worth it.

"Good morning Kiki, and Mister Cuddles too." Walter greeted warmly, adjusting his posture in his seat to be more upright as she and Mister Cuddles both approached.

"GRANDPA! GRANDPAGRANDPAGRANDPAGRANPA!" Kiki screamed, practically throwing herself onto the chair and climbing over to kneel between his legs, "GRANDPAGRANDPAGRANDPA!"

"Yes, I am your grandfather." Walter chuckled, patting her affectionately on the head while Mister Cuddles climbed up the side of the chair and laid himself over his knee, "You're awfully excited today, did something happen?"


"Oh, did it now?" Walter said, nodding along before he suddenly blinked and looked at her confusedly, "I'm sorry, did you say a ship happened?"

"There's a ship coming, Grandpa! A big ship that's coming this way over on the other side of the island! Come on! Come on! Let's go see it!" Kiki said. She stood up and jumped down back onto the sand, with Mister Cuddles following suit, and she bounced up and down while pointing off into the distance.

For several moments, Walter was stunned at what she had just said, but then he just threw his head back and laughed as he, with a bit more reservation than Kiki had shown, shuffled off of the chair and stood up. Without wasting a single moment, Kiki and Mister Cuddles took off running, leaving Walter to stroll on after them. Just before he left the beach, however, he took one last look at the sea and admired the beauty of the ocean's surface.

Hope indeed.
Was starting to get worried this wouldnt come back.

And that poor, poor bonsly. Good thing for it Vivi wont be sticking around on the Merry, but it's in for a rough few weeks.
Was starting to get worried this wouldnt come back.

And that poor, poor bonsly. Good thing for it Vivi wont be sticking around on the Merry, but it's in for a rough few weeks.
Had a busy couple of months, including finishing off an older story that I'm now properly done with. January should be a more productive month, and I'd like to be able to stick to a schedule of no more than two weeks between updates where possible. If I do give up on this story for whatever reason, I'll be sure to make it known instead of just disappearing into the void without a word.
Chapter 10: What's So Dangerous About Little Garden, Anyway?
"What… is this?"

At the sound of the chef's voice, Spruce craned his neck in order to look up at Sanji standing over him. He and Ria were currently sat across from each other on the deck of the Merry, enjoying the peacefulness that he had been told was only afforded the crew as a result of their proximity to Iron Island. After an early-morning departure and a day of being at sea, the sun was edging the horizon, a hair's breadth away from dusk proper, and that had been the cue for Sanji to get started on preparations for the crew's dinner.

From what Spruce could tell, looking at the bowl of thick brown pellets he was holding in one hand, Sanji had prepared a bowl of Pokemon food as part of those preparations. And from what Spruce could tell by looking from the bowl in his hand to the chef's face, with tightly pursed lips practically crushing his cigarette, something about the results had displeased him. Ria glanced from Spruce to Sanji, then back to Spruce, and grimaced at the situation.

"Pokemon food!" Spruce answered brightly, a matching smile on his face. The instant after the words had been uttered, one of the Pokeballs on him shook before bursting open to reveal Pex, who shot towards the bowl of food like a bullet fired from a pistol, only for Sanji's leg to swing up in an arc and catch the Flying-Type in the side, knocking him into the deck and pinning him there, all while the chef's focus remained on the trainer sitting before him.

"And it's supposed to look like this?" Sanji asked, his gaze flicking over to the bowl and a look of distaste appearing in his eyes.

"I think so." Spruce said, "I visited the Gym one time a few years ago, and the Pokemon were all eating stuff like that out of bowls. Is there a problem?"

"You think it's fine for me to just drop a bowl of this in front of the Pokemon and call that their dinner?" Sanji said.

"Um… yes?" Spruce said tentatively, "Ria, you'd be fine with that, right?"

"Riolu!" Ria nodded, licking her lips as she stared at the bowl. With a slight begrudging sigh, Sanji grabbed one of the pellets from the top of the bowl and dropped it into her paws, a ghost of a smile dancing across his lips as she happily scarfed it down.

"What if I just served you a plain loaf of bread and called that a meal?" Sanji said. He then blinked as Spruce suddenly lit up at such a suggestion.

"That sounds great! I love bread, and I bet you can make really great bread!" He said, "Ooh, are we having bread for dinner?"

Before Sanji could offer a reply, a rubbery hand made its presence known as it suddenly lunged towards the contents of his bowl and grabbed a handful of pellets. Now with the desired handful, the hand zipped back along the elongated arm it had been attached to, bringing the handful up to the mouth of Luffy all the way over from where he was sitting on the ship's figurehead. He crunched down noisily on the pellets, with the grinding and chomping audible even from that distance.

"That food wasn't for you, you glutton!" Sanji chastised the captain loudly, "It wasn't even for the other people on the ship!"

"TASTES FINE TO ME!" Luffy called back, flashing a disgustingly toothy grin along with the partially-chewed contents of his mouth.

"AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH CLOSED WHEN YOU EAT!" Sanji snapped. Luffy obliged, closing his mouth while hopping up and walking over to where the others were, with the chef's eye narrowing as it focused on both of his hands.

"Why does it matter what it looks like?" Luffy asked, "Everything you make tastes great, and that's the only thing that really matters!"

"Because a chef needs to put love and care into every aspect of how their food is prepared!" Sanji said, "From the condition of the kitchen and the kitchenware to the way the food is actually laid out on the plate, a chef needs to ensure that everything is up to the standard of quality they hold themselves too!"

"Well…" Spruce leaned his head back and clutched his chin thoughtfully, "I guess that being a Pokemon trainer is kind of the same in a way. A good trainer doesn't just make sure their Pokemon is strong, they also make sure that they're happy and healthy too."

"Sure, let's go with that." Sanji said, "As long as you can see- wait. WAITNO-!"

It was too late. The eyes of the three humans and the two Pokemon who were listening all widened in unison, with Ria and Spruce cringing just a second before a hysteric cry exploded from down beneath the deck.


They all looked down towards the source of the sound, which was quickly followed by rocky footsteps thundering about erratically and the distressed quacking of a particular duck.

"It's okay, Bonbon!" Vivi exclaimed desperately from below the deck, "There's no water here! It's all outside, and it can't get in here! Completely dry! It's completely dry! Dry like a desert!"

"BONSLY! BON-BON-BON-BONSLY!" Bonbon screeched, running around all over like a headless chicken in spite of Vivi's attempts to calm her down. Spruce and Ria grimaced to each other and just tried to tune it out, while Luffy used the commotion as a chance to grab another handful of Pokemon food from the bowl and stuff it in his mouth. Sanji didn't even tell him off, instead just looking deeply ashamed of himself for what had just happened.

"I'll… get back to preparing dinner." The chef sighed. With his head hung in defeat, he shuffled back into the kitchen and shut the door behind him, returning to his culinary work while Luffy munched down on what he had been able to steal. The now-free Pex watched on enviously.

"MMM! Po'emo foo ih goo!" Luffy said.


Not all leisure time on the ship was spent just lazing about and eating food not meant for human consumption, though. As the sun hung high up in the sky overhead amidst a clear blue sky, Spruce stood to the side of both Ria and Pex and watched with a steely gaze as the latter flapped his wings fiercely, mustering up the strongest winds he could and directing them towards the former. Ria, for her part, stood her ground and braced herself against the deck to stand up to the wind while punching at it repeatedly with a look of determination on her face.

As well as the trainer in question, the exercise also had a spectator in the form of Zoro, who was himself taking a break from his own training to both relax his body as well as watch how the Pokemon trained theirs. Sitting back in a chair, his brow furrowed as he watched Ria continuously throw punches into the wind, obviously to no effect.

"What's the point?" Zoro asked.

"Huh?" Spruce looked over at the swordsman, while Ria and Pex both remained focused on what they were doing.

"What does this kind of training accomplish?" Zoro elaborated, sounding more curious rather than judgmental, "Is it to build power?"

"Power… not really." Spruce shrugged, "If I wanted Ria to build power, I'd have her battling more seriously. I'd probably get Whiskers involved instead of Pex, too. Nah, I'm trying to teach her a new move."

"Oh?" Zoro said interestedly.

"When we were fighting Brass and his Sudowoodo, I realised that Ria's moveset only covers close-range attacks." Spruce explained, "So if we're fighting an enemy who's really dangerous in close-range, it's really troublesome for us."

"So this new attack is wind-based?" Zoro guessed, looking from Ria to Pex, "You're having her punch the wind to strengthen her punches so that when it's not windy she'll be strong enough for those same punches to hurl the air towards her opponents?"

"Yeah!" Spruce said, "That's exactly it. I guess I'm also trying to get her used to feeling the wind around her fists too, so she'll be able to get a better idea of how to actually do the attack as well."

"That makes sense." Zoro said, rising to his feet from where he was sitting, "I could give you a hand with that kind of training, if you wanted. I have an attack that does something like that."

"Really? That would be great!" Spruce grinned, and Ria's eyes lit up as she briefly stopped her punches. The sparkle in her eyes mixed with a look of hunger as she watched the swordsman draw two of his swords from their sheaths and walk over to stand below where Pex was hovering. The bird Pokémon descended and perched himself on the taffrail to the side to watch.

"Normally this attack isn't any good for handling strong opponents, it's better for dealing with groups of weak ones." Zoro remarked, "It seemed to be particularly effective against that frog that Sneezy was commanding, though."

"Frog? Oh, you mean Copper's Toxicroak." Spruce said, "I guess that a wind attack would be super-effective against a Fighting-Type Pokémon like that."

'Wind was effective, but my swords sure weren't.' Zoro thought to himself as he took up his stance, 'Would that man have been able to cut through that damn frog if it had been him fighting on the island? He would have had to be. These things are weird, but if I can figure out that weirdness for myself and how to overcome it, it'll be a step towards surpassing him.'

"Two-Sword Style… HAWK WAVE!"

With a superhuman force behind them, the two blades smashed through the air and hurled it right towards Ria as a powerful gust of wind. The Pokémon's eyes narrowed as she drove a fist straight into the oncoming wind, focusing on the feeling of the air warping around and pushing against the limb, and exactly how much force there was behind Zoro's attack to be able to create such a gust of wind. Her feet slid back across the deck as the wind pushed against her, and she teetered and wobbled slightly before managing to right herself and remain upright.

Both swordsman and Pokémon alike shared a slight smirk as the wind subsided, and Zoro took up his stance again in preparation for a repeat performance. Before the training could continue, however, a new arrival halted them in their tracks.

"Is something the matter?!" Vivi exclaimed worriedly, scrambling over towards the group from below the deck where she had been until just a moment ago, "Why are you fighting?"

"Hey Vivi!" Spruce greeted with a friendly wave. From off the starboard side of the ship, the glimmering crimson form of Whiskers broke through the ocean's surface in a great show of his own majesty, with his body rising from the water in order to stand upright with his head towering above the deck.

"DOOOOOS!" Whiskers roared, leaning his head down towards where Vivi was standing.

Momentarily, the princess was taken aback by the suddenness of the whole thing, and she flinched away from Whiskers as any ordinary person would when faced with a giant sea-serpent suffering from resting monster face getting up close and personal. Once the moment passed, however, she straightened up and reached out to pat the side of Whiskers' face affectionately with a smile on her face.

"And hello to you too, Whiskers!" She said brightly. A wide and toothy grin broke out across Whiskers' face, and he nuzzled against the hand for a second before rising back up, and then diving beneath the ocean's surface again. With his return to the sea, Vivi focused back on the trainer and swordsman.

"As I was saying, is something the matter?" She said.

"No, I don't think so." Spruce said, looking to Zoro for confirmation, "Nothing's the matter, right Zoro?"

"No complaints here." Zoro said.

"Yep! Zoro was just helping with Ria's training." Spruce said, "Which was really nice of him. I'm trying to teach Ria a new move, so he's attacking her with wind to help us figure it out."

"Oh, that… makes far more sense." Vivi admitted, "I suppose that the fighters on this ship would have particular training regimens, wouldn't you?."

"And how's Bonbon doing?" Spruce said.

"As if we can't hear that for ourselves." Zoro muttered.

"She's doing well." Vivi replied, "As long as nothing sets her off, she's perfectly happy below the deck, and she seems to be getting along with Carue well enough. Though I wish that someone had warned me in advance how much the s- er, how much the… how much the environment would distress her."

She gave Spruce a very pointed look. He stared back at her.

"No-one on Iron Island ever sails." Spruce said, "Or, well, no-one ever sails and comes back again, so how was I supposed to know that a Bonsly wouldn't like the- ahem! How was I supposed to know that Bonbon wouldn't like this environment?"

"It's certainly not helping me feel any less impulsive about bringing her along to hear that excuse." Vivi said.

"If she really hates being on the ship, can't you just keep her in that ball thing?" Zoro suggested.

"For the entire voyage?" Vivi gasped, "That's- that would be awful! Er… wouldn't it?"

Looking to Spruce for confirmation, the trainer just shrugged.

"Some Pokémon hate being in their ball, some don't mind. If Bonbon really hated how much you were keeping her in one, she'd just start coming out on her own volition." He explained.

"Riolu. Rio." Ria nodded.

"There." Zoro said, "That damn tree was the one cozying up to you in the first place anyway."

"It's good of you to want to keep her outside her ball, though." Spruce added warmly, "A trainer can't become friends with a ball! If you want her to be happier with the environment, though, you should try and keep her busy so she's not thinking about it."

"Riol! Lu, Riol." Ria mentioned, eliciting a thoughtful look from Spruce.

"Ooh, you think so?" He said, "I guess that could be a good idea… Yeah! Hey Vivi, why don't you and Bonbon join in on training with us?"

"Oh?" Zoro raised an eyebrow, and glanced at the princess in question, sizing her up.

"Training… with you?" Vivi frowned. She looked uneasily from Spruce, then to Ria, and then finally to Zoro and the two swords in his hands. The blades shone threateningly under the sunlight.

"Yep! We'd start off easy, just figuring out what Bonbon's moves are, and then we could try some practice battles." Spruce said, "Or maybe just work on move training for now. Julius is the only Pokémon available who'd be a fair training partner for Bonbon at this stage, to be honest…"

"Oh!" Vivi said, "You meant training Bonbon… well, as grateful as I am for your offer, I'm afraid I have to decline. I don't really have any interest in having her fight, is the thing."

"Are you sure?" Zoro said sceptically, "You're not exactly useful in a fight as you are, and you've seen what these things can do."

The bluntness with which he dismissed her skills made Vivi cringe slightly, but she couldn't actually dispute what he was saying. Was that something she should be proud of or ashamed of?

"While fighting might not be my strong suit, that doesn't mean I want to force it onto others." Vivi said, "I'm… not completely blind, I know that violence is sometimes unavoidable. But there's a difference between wanted criminals like this crew, or even a troop like Carue, being drawn into a fight, and taking in a creature from the wild and shaping her into an instrument of violence. Doing something like that would just feel so terribly… distasteful."

The way that she spoke was almost regretful, and her words washed over Spruce as his brow continually furrowed and he mulled over everything she was saying. With the last word, he didn't say anything, instead choosing to instead sit himself down there and the deck and share a look with Ria. Neither had to actually say anything to the either, before Spruce finally spoke back up.

"Well, everyone takes care of Pokémon in their own way." He commented, "And if that's how you want to take care of Bonbon, then that's fine too!"

Though it sounded perfectly benign coming out of his mouth, Vivi couldn't help but feel that there was some sense of judgement in what Spruce was saying. She pursed her lips and, with only a nod, left the lot of them to their training and returned to below the deck.



Nami's sudden, frantic scream had all of the Straw Hats scrambling to their feet and to their stations in preparation for the arrival of the ship at their next destination, as they all looked out at the ocean surrounding them to try and catch sight of the island for themselves, only to be met with nothing but a wide expanse of blue. And looking around the Merry, Nami wasn't anywhere to be found on the deck either.

"Little Garden's the name of that place you thought Iron Island was, right?" Spruce muttered to Usopp. The sniper gave him a nod.

"It's meant to be the second island on the Grand Line for us. Whatever the deal with Iron Island is, there's a chance that Little Garden is still gonna be our next destination."

"What was she doing yelling and making a fuss over it?" Zoro grumbled, a scowl on his face.

"Nami can yell and make a fuss whenever she wants! It's a welcome relief from having to hear your grating voice the rest of the time!" Sanji called out heatedly.

"I'm surprised you can hear anything over the sound of all your pathetic pining." Zoro retorted. His blades flew from their sheaths an instant later, meeting Sanji's approaching leg directly and stopping it in its tracks as the two of them began snarling at each other.

"Maybe it's called Little Garden because it's so little that we can't find it?" Spruce suggested to Usopp, ignoring the scuffle going on in the background.

"Rio." Ria deadpanned.

"It was just a suggestion." Spruce defended, "How would you know that it can't be that small? Have you ever been anywhere other than Iron Island?"

"Isn't it your job to check it out for yourself if that's the case?" Usopp pointed out.

"I KNEW IT!" Nami's voice drew everyone's attention once again, as they saw her walk back out onto the deck clutching an old, thick leather-bound book in her hands. It was open, and she flipped swiftly through the pages until suddenly stopping and jabbing her finger into it.

"Little Garden! I knew I'd heard of that island somewhere!" Nami explained, "It's written down in this book here! And the reason that it's called Little Garden is that-!"

"NAAAAAAAAMIIIIIII!" Luffy cut the navigator off with a loud and obnoxious whine, slumping against the taffrail and throwing his hands up, "Don't spoil the next island!"

"I… I beg your pardon?" Nami muttered.

"What are you talking about, Luffy?" Usopp said.

"I don't wanna go on an adventure where I know what's gonna happen before it happens!" Luffy protested, "I want it to be a surprise! There are a bunch of things that we could find at Little Garden, and I don't know which ones we're gonna find!"

The statement served to distract Sanji and Zoro from their clash, with the chef lowering his leg and the swordsman sheathing his swords so they could both give their captain a rueful grin.

"So you're saying you don't wanna find out about stuff before you run into it?" Spruce, the crew's new scout, asked Luffy, speaking very clearly and making sure every word was clearly enunciated so his question couldn't be misheard.

Usopp and Nami both peered at Luffy closely as he mulled over what Spruce asked him, clutching his chin thoughtfully, until he finally grinned widely and nodded.

"Yeah! I want it to be a total surprise!" Luffy said, "Some stuff can't be a surprise, like going to Vivi's country, but other stuff can! And that's the stuff I want to stay a surprise."

Spruce nodded along very seriously to what Luffy told him, while Nami and Usopp both let out long-suffering groans as they slumped to the deck. The former spared a glance at the Log Pose that was on her wrist in order to check they were still on course, before slamming the book shut which she had brought out with her.


Once the ship did finally arrive at the destination of the so-called 'Little Garden', Spruce found himself awestruck at the sight of the island which rapidly approached them from the horizon. An enormous mass of land, even larger than Iron Island was, packed so densely with foliage that the great spread of green was ginormous even from where they were. And behind that green was a stark white mountain of some kind which stretched far up into the sky.

Reactions were mixed among the crew as the Merry ventured inland, surrounded on both sides by massive trees that loomed overhead with their leaves casting shadows over the ground below. Other than the general sense of excitement that came from finally arriving at their destination, some of them seemed far more cautious than others.

"We've got to be careful." Vivi commented. For the first time since they'd set off, Bonbon stood beside her on the deck, gazing out at the surrounding foliage in astonishment while seemingly paying no mind to the water they were moving across.

"I'm worried about what Miss All-Sunday said." She added.

"Y-Y-You mean there are monsters?!" Usopp stuttered, taking a step towards the centre of the ship and away from the island around them.

"I dunno. Could be." Sanji said nonchalantly, "We'd better find provisions while we're here, though. We never stocked up in Whiskey Peak, and even those fruit trees the old man gave us won't feed the entire crew for a sustained voyage."

At the mention of provisions, Spruce closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Beside him, Ria did the same, and the appendages on the side of her head floated up until they were perfectly straight, pointing both left and right from where she was facing. After a brief moment, both their eyes snapped open in unison, bearing a matching blue glow that quickly faded away.

"Well that's disappointing." Spruce sighed, crossing his arms.

"Rio…" Ria said dejectedly, doing the same. The two plopped down on the deck next to each other.

"Huh? What's disappointing?" Luffy said.

"There aren't any Pokémon on the island." Spruce said, "Not one."

"Really? Not one?" Luffy said, suddenly leaning and grabbing Spruce by the shoulders, "Definitely?"

"You can tell all the way from here?" Usopp said, leaning in and also grabbing Spruce by the shoulders.

"Yep." Spruce nodded, "Pokémon have Auras that feel totally different from people, and from animals too."

"YEAHHH!" Luffy cheered, jumping back and throwing a fist up into the air in celebration, "That means everything that looks tasty is on the menu!"

"Phew… at least there are no more of those things…" Usopp mumbled, breathing a sigh of relief and sitting down.

"Nami, you know what's on this island, don't you?" Vivi asked their navigator, and Usopp instantly straightened up.

"I do." Nami said, "But…"

She beckoned to the cheerful Luffy, who was quick to remind them, "NO SPOILERS!"

"I can share with everyone else once Luffy's out of earshot." She finished.

"Riolu." Ria pouted, prompting Spruce to give her a reassuring pat on the head.

"Hey, it's okay." He soothed, "Just because there aren't any Pokémon to battle doesn't mean there aren't other cool things for you to fight! You heard Sanji, we need to stock up!"

"Other cool things to fight…?" Usopp mumbled nervously.

The suggestion had the desired effect of perking Ria up, and she was quick to jump to her feet and scurry over to the edge of the ship, hopping up to peer over into the trees.


"AHHHH!" Usopp screamed, jumping up and hiding himself behind Sanji as he looked up at the sky, where the shrill cry had originated from.

"What are you freaking out over?" Sanji said flatly to the sniper, "It was just a bird."

A creature with blue and purple plumage flew over the ship, so high up that only Luffy and Ria seemed to notice its presence at all. It was massive, with a lizard-like mouth that bore a row of razor-sharp fangs, and sets of vicious talons on both its legs as well as on its wings like a pair of hands.

"A lizard?" Luffy said.

"Riolu…" Ria murmured, before her attention was suddenly snagged by something she saw over on the island, "RIOLU! RIO!"

Her yells got the rest of the crew's attention, who crowded around her to see what she was fixated on.

A mighty tiger which stood at a size which would have towered over any human on the ship, stood by the edge of the water. Its mouth was partially open, showcasing the teeth that could have ripped them apart if it had the chance, while it let out a low and rumbling growl.

"Is that a tiger?!" Usopp said, still trying to hide himself behind Sanji. Almost as if on cue, the tiger suddenly keeled over right before their eyes with blood gushing out of numerous wounds that were now on display for them all to see.

"Rio?" Ria said, tilting her head at the sight.

"NAMI?!" Usopp shrieked, "T-T-That was a tiger! A TIGER! They're kings of the jungle, what kind of monster could have killed one of THEM?!"

"What comes after a king?" Spruce said, "A super king? Whatever did that must be the super king of the jungle."

"Rio." Ria said excitedly. Spruce chuckled and reached over to ruffle the top of her head.

"Someone's eager." He teased.

"I… I don't think we should set foot on this island…" Usopp said quietly.

"Well, you're certainly not wrong about that." Nami admitted, "But a certain someone has other ideas."

She jerked her head in Luffy's direction as he leaned over next to Ria, grinning broadly from ear to ear and looking out at the entire island that was before them. Usopp groaned pitifully.

"Sanji! I need a lunchbox!" Luffy announced.

"A lunchbox?" Sanji said curiously.

"Yep! A pirate lunchbox!" Luffy said, "I smell adventure!"

Obliging the request, Sanji headed into the kitchen in order to get the desired lunchbox ready.

"A-A-Are you sure, Luffy?!" Usopp said, "It really seems like we should just stay on the Merry and wait for the Log Pose to finish recording!"

"Nope!" Luffy said brightly, "Nami's made this place sound too exciting! Wanna come along with me?"

"I'll pass…" Usopp said weakly, bowing his head in defeat and stepping back. From beside Vivi, Bonbon shuffled over towards Luffy and threw herself into his leg, bouncing off and beginning to hop up and down next to him.

"Bonsly! Bon-Bonsly!" Bonbon said.

Walking over, Vivi scooped Bonbon up in her arms. She gave the Pokémon a surprised look, while Bonbon vibrated with excitement in her hold. Luffy grinned at the both of them.

"How about you?" He asked.

"Bonbon seems awfully eager to set foot on solid ground again." Vivi remarked, "And I'll do nothing but brood if I just sit around and wait for the Log Pose to reset. Keeping busy will help keep my mind off everything for the time being."

"I'm not sure that's the best idea." Nami cautioned, jerking her head in the direction of the fallen tiger.

Vivi's brow furrowed slightly at that as she thought over what Nami had said, before finally looking over at Spruce.

"Well what does the scout think?" She inquired, "How dangerous is this island?"

"Huh?" Spruce said, "Oh. Dangerous? Uh… I don't think there's really anything that would be a threat to Luffy, Sanji or Zoro. Does that sound right to you, Ria?"

Glancing to his partner, he received an affirmative nod, which he repeated to Vivi.

"You're sure about that?" Nami said emphatically, "There's absolutely nothing that you think's a threat?"

She was giving Spruce a very intense look, to the degree that he scooted back across the deck and away from her. Frowning slightly, he closed his eyes and took a breath, and then opened them again to reveal that brief flash of blue, which had Zoro in particular rather interested.

"Mmm… Yep!" Spruce nodded again, "Nothing that would be a danger to those three! If you or Usopp tried leaving the ship on your own, it might be trouble, but as long as you've got Sanji and Zoro around to protect you, you're fine!"

"So it's the same as always." Zoro said bluntly. Nami almost seemed like she was about to object, but stopped herself.

"Then that settles it." Vivi decided, "If I go with Luffy, it should be safe enough. Plus I have Carue to protect me!"

"QUACK?!" Carue quacked, his eyes wide and beak agape.

"That duck's squared quack-less." Nami deadpanned.

The door to the kitchen opened, and Sanji poked his head out in order to say to Vivi, "I'll prepare you a lunch with love, princess~!"

"Could you give Carue a drink too?" Vivi requested, "And make sure to prepare some for Bonbon as well, please."

"Bonsly!" Bonbon chirped.

"Of course!" Sanji said, before addressing Nami, "And you don't have anything to fear as long as I'm here, Nami-dear~!"

With that, he stepped back into the kitchen. Once the lunches had been prepared, and the ship had dropped anchor, and a container of water with a straw poking out was slipped around Carue's neck, the party of captain, princess, duck and faux-sapling all departed the ship, stepping onto the grassy terrain before them. At the sensation of the plant life beneath her feet, Bonbon began running in eager circles, while Luffy and a Vivi-carrying Carue set off ahead into the jungle.

"LET'S GO!" Luffy cheered.

"See you when we see you!" Vivi called back to those still aboard the ship, giving a wave as she and Luffy vanished into the trees.

"She sure is brave." Usopp commented.

"Bonsly?" Bonbon said, coming to a stop and looking over in the direction where the other three had gone off in. With a startled gasp, she sprinted after them, hurrying to catch up, which Spruce and Ria both shared a chuckle at. Once Bonbon was likewise out of sight, Spruce turned his attention slightly higher, peering out at the treetops and what laid beyond them.

"Hey, guys?" Spruce said, rising to his feet and stretching his back as Ria did the same.

"Hm? Something the matter?" Sanji said.

"Those Devil Fruit things… is there one that could allow someone to get really big?" Spruce asked, "Like, bigger than the Merry? Bigger than Whiskers on top of the Merry?"

"Now he decides to bring it up." Nami said under her breath.

"Well, there very well could be an ability that exists like that." Sanji admitted, "There's only one Devil Fruit that I'm particularly familiar with, so I don't know what kind of limits there are on what they can do."

"Wouldn't be any weirder than the ones we've run into before." Zoro said.

"What makes you, uh… ask?" Usopp piped up nervously.

"You sensed the giants, didn't you?" Nami said bluntly.

"GIANTS?!" Usopp screeched.

"Giants, eh?" Zoro said, a predatory gleam in his eyes.

"Giants?" Spruce said curiously, "Well they were pretty gigantic, yeah. The two of them were the first thing I noticed, actually. How about you Ria?"

"Riolu… Riolu." Ria replied, giving a so-so gesture with her paw.

"Oh, I suppose those other things are pretty big too." Spruce said.

"OTHER THINGS?!" Usopp screeched, this time ducking behind Sanji and pointing an accusatory over his shoulder at Spruce. Nami let out a long-suffering sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose before speaking up.

"The full name of the island is Little Garden, Land of Giants." She explained, "Get it? To a giant, all these trees are like a 'little garden'."

"Oh, that does make sense!" Spruce nodded cheerfully.

"I repeat." Usopp ground out, "What OTHER THINGS?!"

"The animals. Some of them are really big." Spruce said casually.

"That's good to know, we should be able to stock up plenty while we're here then." Sanji chimed in thoughtfully.

"Those 'animals' you're talking about are dinosaurs." Nami said flatly. A high-pitched squeal slipped out through Usopp's lips as he collapsed into a heap, with a faint white smoke seemingly escaping from his mouth as he laid there on the deck.

"I see." Spruce said, seriously this time, "And dinosaurs are… not normal, right?"

"No, Spruce, they are not." Nami sighed, "They're extinct everywhere else in the world, in fact."

"Oh! Well then it's a good thing this island is here, then!" Spruce said, "Though… now I feel kind of bad about possibly killing and eating them."

"Don't." Sanji reassured him, "There's no way we could hunt the animals here into endangerment while we're here, even with Luffy's appetite."

Something about such a casual exchange snapped Usopp out of his stupor, and he flew to his feet to look at everyone else incredulously. Frenzied, he threw himself at Spruce and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"YOU SAID IT WASN'T DANGEROUS!" Usopp raged, shaking him furiously back and forth.

"I did say that." Spruce said, blinking at Usopp's reaction.


"I said that they'd be dangerous to you and Nami, since neither of you are very strong." Spruce said, "Vivi too, but she's with Luffy anyway. That was just the dinosaurs, though. The giants didn't seem like a threat at all."

Releasing his hold on Spruce, Usopp stopped for a moment to take a breath, before pointing an accusatory finger at the other three crew members.

"And you all are being WAY TOO CASUAL ABOUT THIS!" He said hotly. Zoro raised an eyebrow, Sanji tilted his head, and Nami crossed her arms.

"Dunno. Doesn't seem like a big deal." Zoro shrugged.

"It'll be interesting to see what the best way to prepare a dinosaur is." Sanji added, beginning to mutter to himself about the merits of roasting versus grilling.

"I already knew what was waiting for us here." Nami said bluntly, "If there were any way to change course, I would have, but the Log Pose forced us to come here."

"Riolu. Rio." Ria grumbled quietly, tugging on the side of Spruce's pant leg to get his attention.

"Something the matter?" Spruce asked, lowering himself down to her level.

"Riolu!" Ria urged, grabbing his shirt and tugging on it as well as she bounced up and down and pointed in the direction of the jungle.

"Well, we'll be heading off as well." Spruce announced as he stood back up, "I think Ria wants to try testing herself against some of these 'dinosaur' things."

"Lu!" Ria nodded, grinning to herself as she punched at the air.

"Try and bring some back to the ship with you when you're done." Sanji said.

"Yep, will do!" Spruce said, giving the chef a thumbs-up. Reaching down, he ran a hand across his belt to check his Pokeballs, while Ria jumped and climbed up his back in order to perch herself atop his head. With everything in order, he made to debark the ship, while Zoro spared a glance out towards the jungle.

"I've got time to kill, too." Zoro commented, "I think I'll take a walk."

"TAKE A WALK?!" Usopp said incredulously. The swordsman likewise disembarked the Merry, stepping onto Little Garden's grassy surface and strolling deeper into the island.

He and Spruce walked in opposite directions from each other, with the latter giving the former a friendly wave, which earned him a polite nod in return. As Zoro walked off, however, Spruce found himself suddenly stopping and looking off to the side, and then back in the direction of the ship.


With the warning given, he turned back around and headed off into the jungle himself, paying no mind to Nami and Usopp's shared looks of terror at the revelation. Leaving the Merry behind, he likewise never caught a glimpse of the enormous silhouette which began to emerge from within the jungle, revealing itself to the trio that had stayed behind.
"And it's supposed to look like this?" Sanji asked, his gaze flicking over to the bowl and a look of distaste appearing in his eyes.

"I think so." Spruce said, "I visited the Gym one time a few years ago, and the Pokemon were all eating stuff like that out of bowls. Is there a problem?"

"You think it's fine for me to just drop a bowl of this in front of the Pokemon and call that their dinner?" Sanji said.
Oh yeah, Sanji really doesn't like food that wasn't made by a skilled cook such as the food generators of Egghead Island made by Vegapunk after all.

Understandable as he's a chef trained by Zeff and he never wastes food and will never let anyone starve even if they're the enemy.
Oh yeah, Sanji really doesn't like food that wasn't made by a skilled cook such as the food generators of Egghead Island made by Vegapunk after all.

Understandable as he's a chef trained by Zeff and he never wastes food and will never let anyone starve even if they're the enemy.
More so that he doesn't like food that looks like feces even after following the recipe perfectly, since he's the one who has to make it for the Pokemon.
It doesn't look like feces, it looks like regular ass pet food. Surely Sanji is familiar with at least the concept of kibble?
Personally, I've always thought that the size and colouration together made its appearance a little less desirable than what pet food tends to look like, at least in my experience. If he was just dealing with regular animals, I imagine he wouldn't have as much of an issue with serving them that kind of food, though he'd probably still want to prepare a more gourmet option where possible because of his own pride.
Personally, I've always thought that the size and colouration together made its appearance a little less desirable than what pet food tends to look like, at least in my experience. If he was just dealing with regular animals, I imagine he wouldn't have as much of an issue with serving them that kind of food, though he'd probably still want to prepare a more gourmet option where possible because of his own pride.
Given how easily humans give it a try in the anime, I'd say it's closer in consistency to pemmican than typical dry pellets.

Doubly so since its sold in cans, which implies there's moisture to keep in.
Pokemon food only really became varied in Galar but even then, just sweets, curry, and sandwiches do not a balanced diet make (I don't even know WTF a Pokebean actually is as neither the anime or games really went into what it was.) But then again, we don't know what amount of nutrition is in a berry.

Though while I know Sanji wouldn't do it. Sanji forcing Luffy to eat pokeblock designed for Snorlax and Munchlax as a punishment is funny.
Pokemon food only really became varied in Galar but even then, just sweets, curry, and sandwiches do not a balanced diet make (I don't even know WTF a Pokebean actually is as neither the anime or games really went into what it was.) But then again, we don't know what amount of nutrition is in a berry.

Though while I know Sanji wouldn't do it. Sanji forcing Luffy to eat pokeblock designed for Snorlax and Munchlax as a punishment is funny.

Somehow I feel he'd make em taste good, give the filling effect, and punish luffy with them via "less food" cause he wouldn't starve him. I can also picture it just straight up not working lmao via luffy still eating others food or him actually not getting full on em by some horror of his appetite
Pokemon food only really became varied in Galar but even then, just sweets, curry, and sandwiches do not a balanced diet make (I don't even know WTF a Pokebean actually is as neither the anime or games really went into what it was.) But then again, we don't know what amount of nutrition is in a berry.
For the sake of the story, Pokemon are all assumed to be omnivorous and capable of eating human food, and some can also eat other stuff like Sableye eating gems or Alolan Grimer eating garbage. Even before Galar and Paldea came around with curry and sandwiches, it wasn't uncommon for the anime to show Pokemon eating the same food that people did, not to mention healing items like Casteliacones, Lemonade, Lava Cookies, etc. In this interpretation of the Pokemon lore, they enjoy human food but it lacks all the nutrition that they need to operate at their best, which is what Pokemon food provides.

I had never heard of pemmican before it was previously mentioned, but from the sounds of things it's a pretty good point of comparison for Pokemon food, though I'm not so sure about the texture. I imagine it being a mixture of berries and other sources of nutrients, like meat and dairy, ground up together into pellet form, which would be hard and dry. When I was writing the bit where Luffy took some of the Pokemon food and ate it, I had planned on doing a gag where he broke a tooth on it and had to drink milk to regrow it, but then realised that didn't make sense due to his rubbery body.
When Chopper finally joins up with the berries he and Sanji will have more interactions. Because let's be honest food and medicine go hand and hand in the pokemon world. I mean can you imagine what Sanji could come up with some Herba Mystica?

I will admit Herba Mystica is only funny to me because I can't stop thinking that the Protag and Arven are fucking jacked from eating the stuff I mean have you seen what it does?
When Chopper finally joins up with the berries he and Sanji will have more interactions. Because let's be honest food and medicine go hand and hand in the pokemon world. I mean can you imagine what Sanji could come up with some Herba Mystica?

I will admit Herba Mystica is only funny to me because I can't stop thinking that the Protag and Arven are fucking jacked from eating the stuff I mean have you seen what it does?
"We must get stronger... you know what this means..."