An Aura of Freedom (One Piece/Pokemon)

Chapter 25: Changing Plans in Yuba
Carue ran.

Across the desert. Through day and night. Straight ahead. He ran until his legs screamed at him for so long and so loudly that they would give out, and he would rest until he could stand and run again. It was a perilous journey, and one which would undoubtedly have been the undoing of any lesser duck. The heat and dryness of the desert were constant, and there was no shortage of vicious predators that would have been delighted to make him their latest meal.

But Carue was not a lesser duck. The precious water which hung around his neck sustained him for as long as he needed it to, and he ran faster than any other living creature from Alabasta possibly could have. Nothing from Alabasta could touch him.

It was for that reason, that it was unfortunate that he had enemies that were not from Alabasta.

The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when Carue caught sight of his goal. The light of dawn illuminated the city of Alubarna in the distance, and the fatigue which plagued his body was washed away in an instant. Being so close to reaching his destination, and completing the task which Vivi had entrusted him with, flooded him with newfound vigour. He ran at his top speed towards the city.

Though the sun's early rays had begun to illuminate the land, the nighttime veil of darkness was not yet completely lifted. Two nefarious animals flew under such a veil, less visible against the sky than they would have been during the daytime. The sunglasses-wearing duo of Mr. 13 and Miss Friday flew high above Carue's head, completely outside his notice as he remained fixated solely on reaching Alubarna. In the air, Miss Friday was more than a match for Carue's remarkable speed, and the pair of them managed to take the lead as she descended down towards the ground.

Not to land, though. Not yet. On her back, Mr. 13 had his clawed seashells in hand, and he struck them together to create a spark which lit the fuse for one of the bombs which they carried in tow. He waited until Miss Friday had flown further ahead, with a greater gap between them and their target, before he dropped the lit bomb.

Carue didn't notice the bomb landing in the sand ahead of him until it was too late. He ran directly towards the blast right as it exploded, and it sent him flying off his feet and through the air, to slam back down into the sand elsewhere. Luckily for him, he'd still been a fair bit away from the explosion, and so his injuries were minor. More importantly, the message on his person hadn't been damaged. That was a small comfort for the duck as he struggled to get back onto his feet, and frantically turned his gaze toward the skies. He wasn't able to catch sight of his attackers, though.

Miss Friday doubled back and came swooping from behind Carue. Mr. 13 jumped off ahead of her, and landed at Carue's rear. He threw himself at the duck's left leg, clamping the seashells around it like a vice to crush the limb, before yanking them back to let the blades slice it. A pained quack escaped Carue. He kicked the leg back, but Mr. 13 dodged out of the way of the attack and leapt away from him. Carue was too late again, this time in focusing on his surroundings, as Miss Friday swooped down on him. One of their bombs was clutched in her talons, though it wasn't lit, instead serving as an impromptu blunt force instrument which she swung up into his body as she attacked from the front.

The attacks were brutal, and Carue was tough. Not tough enough, though. Had he been more well-rested, hydrated, not at the last leg of his journey ready to collapse when his duty was fulfilled, he may have been able to endure the two-pronged assault and continue in spite of his injuries. But he was as he was, and the attacks were more than he could handle in his current state. The duck's body gave out on him, and he collapsed in the sand before his two enemies. Neither of them had any interest in finishing the job, however. Instead, what interested them was the message which he carried on his person.

Reaching into his jumpsuit, Mr. 13 extracted a sealed envelope. He snatched the message in Carue's possession and unfolded, before he and Miss Friday hastily read through its contents together. The two shared a nod once they had finished, and then it was crumpled up and tossed away for the desert to claim. Their envelope replaced it.

With that, the job was done. Both of them looked towards the city, and they saw in the distance a group of people carrying torches who were making their way over. It was impossible to see with how far away they were, but The Unluckies knew that at least one of the approaching men had a tattoo concealed on their body which denoted their allegiance to Baroque Works. Mr. 13 hopped onto Miss Friday's back, and the two of them took off. The beaten and exhausted Carue, with a forged message from Vivi, was left in their wake, to be found and taken to the palace.


It was still early in the day as the Straw Hats and their royal companion surrounded Luffy, who continued to sit leaning against the shrub. There were looks of exasperation, confusion and impatience to be found in their number, as well as slight embarrassment on Spruce's part. The scout tried to shuffle a couple of steps away, but had to exert so much effort to move the rest of the supplies with him that he only moved half a step before giving up on the gesture.

"Um. I don't quit, I just stopped because I wanted to make sure he didn't get left behind by accident." He said to the others, who weren't listening and were instead focused on Luffy.

"You quit?! Luffy, what are you saying?!" Vivi cried.

"We don't have time to waste on your nonsense, Luffy! Move!" Nami barked. Even that didn't shake Luffy in the slightest, who remained as he was, lounging about.

"You're going back, right?" He said.

"We have to go back." Sanji said, "To stop the rebels in Katorea. Otherwise this whole country will explode into bloodshed! This is for Vivi's sake, now let's go!"

"It's boring." Luffy replied. His words elicited confusion from Nami, while sending Sanji flying into a rage. The chef's outburst likewise failed to phase Luffy.

"Vivi…" He said, his tone quickly growing far more serious as he looked at the princess in question.


"I wanna kick Crocodile's ass!"

A passionate declaration, which brought to Luffy's eyes a smouldering resolve. His words stunned Vivi, who let out a gasp. Nobody spoke up to protest or question him, leaving it open for him to continue and justify himself.

"Stopping the rebels isn't going to stop Crocodile. There's nothing we can do in that Katorea place." He explained, "We're pirates. It'd be better if we didn't even go there."

There was some sense to what he was saying. At least as far as the rest of the crew were concerned, as they silently mulled over his words. Spruce, though, looked conflicted. He had something on the tip of his tongue, but didn't let it go any further than that. With his own silence, the Straw Hats seemed to reach a consensus of agreement with Luffy. For the time being, at least. Vivi was the only one who opened her mouth to protest.


Only for Luffy to cut her off.

"You think you can stop the rebels without anybody getting killed?! That none of us, and none of your people are going to die?!"

He remained seated, even as the energy in his voice rose with each word and his gaze grew even more intense. A hint of anger flashed in Vivi's eyes in response to what he said, but she remained silent as he said his piece.

"We're up against one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. A million people are itching to fight, and you expect everybody to live? That's naïve."

Still, Vivi remained silent, as anger slowly simmered beneath her surface. She wasn't yet at the point of bursting, but the same couldn't be said for Nami.

"SHUT UP, LUFFY! OF COURSE VIVI CARES ABOUT HER PEOPLE!" Nami yelled. She stepped forwards, only for Sanji to raise an arm and block her.

"Nami, wait." He said.

"But…" Nami said.

"What's wrong with that?!" Vivi snapped, "What's so wrong about not wanting anyone to die?!"

"People die." Came Luffy's flat, matter-of-fact response. And that was the last straw for Vivi. Her hand flew out and struck Luffy across the cheek with such tremendous force that it sent him skidding back through the sand.


Her fists were trembling with rage as she screamed herself almost hoarse. Meanwhile, Luffy pushed himself up off the ground. She approached him as she spoke, eyes blazing with fury that left her blind to what was right in front of her. It caught her entirely off-guard, and the rest of the Straw Hats off-guard as well, when Luffy sprang up from the ground and punched her in the side of the face.

"BUT YOU'RE RISKING YOUR OWN LIFE!" He roared as he attacked. The two quickly fell into a brawl, grappling with each other in the sand, but it was just as quickly disturbed by Bonbon's Pokeball bursting open from where Vivi had it on her person. White light materialized into Bonbon right beside where the two were wrestling, and the blazing emotion in her eyes matched her trainer.


She swung both her hands as one and slammed them into Luffy's face. The blow knocked him off of Vivi, though it didn't seem to hurt him that much. Bonbon positioned herself between the two of them with her arms raised defensively, a glare on her face directed at him that was practically begging for him to try throwing another punch like he just had. Vivi, for a brief moment, felt her anger melt away to make place for surprise at the Pokémon's intervention. Only for a brief moment, though, and then it was back in its full intensity, and she was standing behind Bonbon and glaring at Luffy as well.


Luffy retaliated with an extended fist that struck Bonbon in the centre of her body. It knocked her back, causing her to topple over into Vivi and send both of them falling to the ground again.

"LUFFY, STOP!" Usopp cried, sharing a look of panic with Chopper at the sight of the rapidly escalating violence.

"VIVI, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Spruce bellowed immediately after, with even Luffy seeming surprised at the fact that it was her name being uttered and not his. Vivi and Bonbon froze where they were, and looked back to Spruce standing where he was. Rather than the rage which Luffy and Vivi wore on their faces, or the panic on Chopper and Usopp's, Spruce instead looked terribly sad at the sight of the scuffle between them both. When he realised their attention was on him for the moment, he let himself sit down on the bags of supplies he had been lugging behind him since they left.

"Fighting each other isn't accomplishing anything."

"Were you listening to what he said?!" Vivi raged, "That I should just let my own people die-?!"

"People are gonna die no matter what you do!" Luffy retorted.

"They shouldn't have to!"

"Neither should you!"

Vivi recoiled, as if slapped, while Bonbon stood in place, frantically turning herself around towards whoever was speaking in the moment. Luffy continued.

"You can't do it all by yourself!"

"I have to! I don't care what it costs!" Vivi bit back, emotions flaring up within her once again. Her voice had risen to be louder than Luffy's.

"THEN LET US HELP YOU!" He bellowed, storming past Bonbon to plant his hands on her shoulders and look her in the eye, "We're your friends, aren't we?!"

"Sudowoodo…" Bonbon murmured. She looked up at her trainer, to see that Vivi was bowing her head. One hand covered her mouth, while the other remained clenched at her side, fingers digging into her palm. She didn't say anything. After a moment, Luffy lowered his hands from her shoulders. When he spoke again, his voice was deathly calm.

"The truth is that you want to kick Crocodile's ass more than anyone, right?"

She didn't answer. Instead, she turned her head away. Her fingers dug deeper into her palm, and her other hand dropped to mirror it. Bonbon reached out, brushing a ball against her hand, and Vivi tensed up before letting out a deep breath and unclenching both hands.


"It's not about what I want." She muttered, too quietly for even Luffy to make it out.


"I said it's not about what I want." She repeated, her voice firmer and with an edge to it as she looked Luffy straight in the eye, "A princess can't choose to do what she wants, she has to choose what her people need. I want Crocodile to fall! I want him to suffer for everything that he's done to my kingdom and my people, I want it more than I want anything!"

"Then let's go!" Luffy urged, but Vivi shook her head.

"Stopping the rebels won't stop Crocodile, but stopping Crocodile won't end the rebellion either. You heard what Toto said. The rebels feel like they've been backed into a corner. Alabasta needs them to be talked down, before they launch an all-out attack against the king. An attack like that, with their numbers, would tear the kingdom apart. It's exactly what Crocodile's schemes have been building to over these past years!"

"Then we're at an impasse." Zoro interjected, "Someone like Crocodile, with all his power and influence, wouldn't let his plans be ruined without some kind of retribution. If you stop the rebels before the fighting breaks out, your kingdom will be in danger. But if we go take down Crocodile instead, the rebels will probably launch their attack."

"We have to choose one or the other! And we should choose Crocodile!" Luffy said.

"That's assuming you can talk down the rebels." Zoro added, looking pointedly at Vivi, "Over half a million people with all kinds of grievances against the king. You think they'll back down because you tell them to?"

"Yes, I can." Vivi vowed.

"Well, where is Crocodile, anyway?" Nami asked. Vivi heaved a sigh as she retrieved the rolled-up map of the kingdom from her pocket. She sat down, and the others quickly crowded around her as she unrolled it for them and pointed at location north from where they currently were.

"This is the oasis of Rainbase, which lies north from Yuba. It's where we'll find Crocodile." Vivi explained, "It'll take a whole day to get there from where we are now."

"Then that's two or three days between Crocodile and the rebels." Sanji said, "We can't easily deal with one and get to the other before things take a drastic turn for the worse."

"If we have to choose, Crocodile probably needs to take priority…" Nami admitted, "Stopping the rebels will probably make him retaliate, and he was the one who orchestrated this whole thing in the first place. If Luffy takes him down, though, that won't automatically provoke the rebels into attacking."

Vivi looked at Nami, then she sighed again and looked back down at the map. As her eyes flicked between the images of Rainbase and Katorea, she bit her lip. Nobody said anything as she thought over everything that had been said. Just as it seemed like she had reached a decision, and she opened her mouth to speak, Spruce beat her to the punch.

"Why do we have to do one and then the other? Why not just do both at the same time?"

Everyone stared at him. Vivi closed her mouth.

"You mean splitting up?" Sanji said, cupping his chin thoughtfully, "Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea… I could go with Nami and Vivi to Katorea, and the rest of you could head to Rainbase…"

"Fat chance." Usopp deadpanned.

"Well, there's no reason we can't do that, is there?" Chopper said, "Luffy doesn't need all of us there when he'll be the one fighting Crocodile, right?"

"We'd be endangering ourselves if we split up." Zoro said, "Divide and conquer is a classic tactic, and this kingdom is crawling with Baroque Works."

"We've avoided them so far, haven't we?" Spruce replied, "Other than Crocodile, there are only a couple of the scary ones left, right?"

"Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger." Vivi nodded, "But Mr. 3 is here as well, possibly even Miss Goldenweek too. Just because you beat them before doesn't make them any less dangerous."

"There's another problem with splitting up." Nami said, "She has to go to Katorea for the plan to work, but she's also the only one who knows what Crocodile looks like. Without her, we'd have no way of finding him."

"That's not a problem." Luffy said, "Spruce can find him for us."

"Huh?" Usopp said.

"Hm. I guess I probably can." Spruce said.

"If Crocodile's so strong, then Spruce just needs to use his Aura thing, and it'll be obvious who he is." Luffy said, "If he's not that strong, then it'll just be easier to kick his ass anyway. Shishishi!"

"That's… true, actually." Sanji said, "Then to humour this plan for a moment, that puts Luffy and Spruce in the Rainbase group. Chopper too, I think. If they're going to fight a Warlord of the Sea, they should have a doctor as close as possible."

"Yeah, alright." Chopper nodded.

"I'll join them as well." Zoro said, "If there are other enemies we didn't anticipate, I'll be able to back them up."

"Makes sense. Then if you and Luffy are going, I'd better accompany Vivi." There were no ulterior motives in his suggestion this time, with him then adding, "And Nami should go to Rainbase as well."

"What?" Nami frowned, "Why me?"

"Someone needs to keep an eye on those three." Sanji said, pointing at Luffy, Zoro and Spruce in turn, "And they'll need you guiding them through the desert."

"Don't worry about the return trip to Nanohana." Vivi added, "We'll just be following the coastline, so it'll be a simple affair."

"Oh yeah, we can use Whiskers to cross the river if we won't have the Merry." Spruce mentioned.

"Ooh! That sounds fun!" Luffy said.

"That just leaves you, Usopp." Zoro said, nodding his head in the sniper's direction. Seeing that it was his turn now, Usopp swallowed before speaking up.

"I should be in the Katorea group." He said.

"Yeah, you should." Zoro agreed.

"Wait- I should?"

"You and Chopper are the two of us who Baroque Works doesn't know about." Sanji said, "That's an incredible advantage on our end. So if Chopper's going to go to Rainbase, you should head to Katorea."

"Oh. Alright then!"

"Then those are our groups." Nami said, "Luffy, Zoro, Spruce, Chopper and myself will head to Rainbase to stop Crocodile. Sanji and Usopp will escort Vivi to Katorea so she can talk down the rebels. Then after we've both completed our objectives…"

"We should head for Alubarna." Vivi said, "That's where we'll reunite."

"Alright! That sounds like a plan." Luffy said. Spruce, Chopper and Usopp walked around to position themselves near where the other members of their respective groups were, while the others remained either sitting or standing where they were.

"That's assuming we do go with this plan." Zoro said bluntly.

"Talking about it is easy, but mosshead had a point when he said we'd be endangering ourselves." Sanji said, "Especially the Katorea group. We'd be in danger of Baroque Works attacking us, maybe even the rebels too, with only Usopp and myself to protect Vivi."

"SUDOWOODO!" Bonbon butted in, sounding quite offended at what Sanji had just said. She shoved him in the side lightly before turning to Vivi and reaching out to wrap both arms around her. For her part, Vivi was caught off-guard by the sudden gesture, while Sanji looked confused.

"You forgot someone, Sanji." Spruce grinned, "It'll be you, Usopp and Vivi protecting Vivi. With Bonbon by her side, she can look after herself as well."

"Spruce…" Vivi said.

"I guess it's your decision then, Vivi." Nami said, "You were the one who asked for our help. If you're alright with splitting up, then that's what we'll do. Otherwise, we'll all head to Rainbase together."

Everyone looked to Vivi. Bonbon's arms were still wrapped protectively around her from the side, and Vivi reached up to grasp one of the balls on her hand. Her thumb caressed its surface lightly, as she and Bonbon shared a smile.

"Sudo. Sudowoodo."

After a moment, Vivi looked to everyone else, and her eyes hardened with determination.

"I'll head to Katorea and stop the rebellion. We'll meet again in Alubarna."

"Alright!" Luffy cheered, jumping to his feet and punching a fist into his palm, "Now let's go make Crocodile pay!"


In the city of Alubarna, the man known as Nefertari Cobra stormed through the halls of his palace. Guards stood at attention and saluted him as he passed, as well as the two men who soon followed in his wake. One of them was tall and muscular, draped in green with a prominent chin, while the other was more slender in comparison, draped in white with purple lines that ran down his face. They were Chaka the Jackal and Pell the Falcon, respectively. With Igaram absent, they were the highest ranking members of the Royal Guard of Alabasta.

Both men walked with urgency as they hurried after King Cobra, until he finally arrived at his destination. A set of doors which he shoved open, revealing a medical bay which was staffed by several doctors and nurses. Beds lined the walls, some occupied while others weren't, but there was one in particular that was the current centre of attention. This one wasn't occupied by a human, but instead by Carue. The duck was unconscious, his legs and body wrapped in bandages which made it clear at a glance that he had suffered extensive injuries. Nurses were at his bedside, as well as a doctor, while there were a pair of guards standing across the room from them. One of them was watching as they attended to him, while the other was more focused on the sealed envelope which he continuously turned over in his hands.

With Cobra's arrival in the infirmary, both guards snapped to attention and saluted him. He looked far from pleased as he stomped over to the pair of them, arms crossed and simmering with a tightly repressed fury. It was something of a relief for the two guards when Chaka and Pell soon followed him in and took their places standing behind him. They, at least, seemed far more calm and collected than he was at the moment.

"Explain." Cobra ordered, speaking with the full authority of a king. Both guards swallowed, before the one with the envelope spoke up on both their behalf.

"It was this morning, just around sunrise, your majesty." He said, managing to keep his voice steady, "We came across Carue near the outskirts of the city. He was badly injured, alive but unconscious. We carried him back here as fast as he could, so he could be seen to. There was no sign of anyone else nearby."

"Um, if I may?" The other guard interjected, only continuing when Cobra gave him a nod, "We found two things on his person. The first was a small barrel of water around his neck, empty save for a few drops. The other was, well… that."

He gestured to the envelope which the other guard was holding, and Cobra snatched it from his hands without even waiting for it to be offered. Turning it over for himself, his eyes narrowed as he saw that there was writing on the front of it. Writing that looked terribly familiar, and he wasn't the only one who thought so either.

"Your majesty, that's-!" Pell gasped.

"It's Vivi's handwriting, yes." Cobra said gravely, "Carue must have come to deliver this message on her behalf."

"Then those injuries… Could he have been attacked?" Chaka suggested. The three men looked to Carue's bed, and the surrounding medical staff, as if expecting one to pipe up and answer their question. Before one could, though, the first guard quickly jumped in.

"If I may, your majesty." He said, getting Cobra to look back at him, "The injuries which Carue suffered seem like they could have been at the hands of the predators in the desert."

"That may be so…" Cobra murmured, glancing back at Carue and narrowing his eyes briefly. Then he focused back on the envelope in his hands. It was sealed, and he quickly tore it open to retrieve what was within. Not just one, but several folded up sheets of paper. Cobra handed one each to Chaka and Pell, and the trio unfolded them together.

"Pictures?" Pell said, blinking at the contents of his sheet, which consisted of several pencil sketches of different looking individuals. He looked to the other two and saw Chaka holding a bounty poster for a pirate with a straw hat on his head and a scar under his eye. They both looked at Cobra and saw that his attention was focused entirely on the contents of his paper, which unlike the other two, was a message. Vivi's handwriting filled it from top to bottom, and his eyes quickly trailed over each word. As he read, his grip on the paper got tighter and tighter, scrunching it up until he seemed on the verge of ripping it up as he reached the end. Chaka's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"What does it say, your majesty?" He asked. Rather than an answer, Cobra handed the message to him, swapping it out for the bounty poster. He stepped back, letting Pell come closer to read from Chaka's side, and their anger quickly rose with each word just as had happened with Cobra.

"Vivi and Igaram tried to infiltrate the organisation responsible for inciting the rebellion by planting that Dance Powder." Pell muttered, "But her identity was discovered by a band of pirates entering the Grand Line. They killed Igaram and took her captive."

"And now that same band of pirates is planning on selling her into the captivity of the rebels." Chaka spat.

"What?!" One of the soldiers cried out, "The rebels in Katorea?! Are they going to hold the princess hostage?!"

It was said loud enough that a couple of the nurses turned their heads, and even some of the other occupants of the other beds were looking in their direction. Chaka whipped his head around, levelling the room with a steely gaze that quashed any whispers before they could break out, before turning his gaze to the offending soldier. Under his commander's scrutiny, the man looked at the ground ashamedly.

"Um. I'm sorry, sir. The news just caught me by surprise." He apologised half-heartedly. Chaka seemed satisfied enough to not press the issue, though his steely gaze remained as it was.

Since the two men had finished reading the letter, and a summation of its contents had been broadcast for the whole infirmary to hear, Cobra took it back from Chaka and folded it up to slip into his own pocket. He looked back at down at the bounty poster in his hands, while Chaka and Pell looked at the sketches.

"Then these must be the pirates who are holding her captive. Thirty-million… they certainly shouldn't be underestimated." Cobra said.

"What shall we do, your majesty?" Chaka asked, "Should we try and intercept these pirates? Stop them before they can reach Katorea?"

"Perhaps it would even be worth turning to Sir Crocodile for aid." Pell mentioned, though the idea was offered with no small measure of distaste. Both suggestions were met with a shake of Cobra's head.

"No, we won't do either of those things. If Carue came from any of the ports in Alabasta, by the time he got here with this message, they would almost certainly have been able to reach Katorea. For the time being, I believe it may actually be the wisest course of action to let the rebels take Vivi hostage."


The voices of the two men were even louder than the soldier had been previously, and it took a couple of seconds before they realised that there even more eyes on them from around the infirmary than before. Cobra's face hardened, almost glaring at them, and they bowed their heads silently.

"As a father, I detest such a notion with every fibre of my being, but we most stop and think logically for the moment." He said, "This rebellion is reaching a critical point. Our citizens are angry, suffering, ready to risk their lives. With this development, we may be able to delay the outbreak of violence for just a little longer."

"But what about her safety?" Pell said, "With how much they've come to despise you, your majesty, what will they do if they get their hands on your daughter?"

"Don't forget who it is that's leading the rebels, Pell." Cobra retorted, which made both his and Chaka's eyes widen with realisation, "No matter how they may feel about me now, I believe that Vivi will be safe in the custody of the rebels. Safer, certainly, than if we sent soldiers to try and liberate her."

"That is true…" Chaka admitted.

"There's another thing, though." Cobra added, "And that's that this entire ordeal seems suspicious."

"Suspicious how?" Pell said, only for Chaka to answer for him.

"There's barely any mention of the actual culprits responsible for inciting the rebellion. She only talks about the pirates and the rebels."

"Indeed." Cobra nodded, "She and Igaram have been gone two years, and yet she doesn't even have a name with which refer to this mysterious organisation. The only ones that would benefit from such information being omitted are the organisation themselves."

"Then you think it's some kind of misinformation?" Chaka said.

"This information may be true or untrue. More likely it's the former than the latter." Cobra said, "But from the very beginning, this supposed organisation's aim has been to incite rebellion in Alabasta. I do not believe that Vivi's encounter with these pirates was a simple unfortunate circumstance. The situation we are in now was engineered, we were deliberately delivered this information in order to provoke us into action. We are being played for fools by an invisible entity."

Cobra looked around them, first at the two guards who were still standing nearby, and then at the rest of the infirmary. Patients, doctors and nurses alike all tried to look like they weren't eavesdropping, but it was more than clear that there was nothing else in the room that could garner people's attention than him. He sighed.

"I have no doubt that news will spread. First through the palace, then the city itself. Chaka, Pell, let me make my orders known with no room for uncertainty. We will take no action against the rebels or against the pirates. None whatsoever. For the time being… they may have Vivi."

"Yes, your majesty." Both men spoke in unison, before turning and making an overdue exit. Cobra watched them leave. Just before he followed them out, he looked back to the two guards, and suspicion shone in his eyes for just a moment. Then it was gone, and he took his own leave.


The Rainbase group did not reach their destination until after the sun had set and risen again the next day. After splitting off into two, they had held onto the majority of the food, while all of the water save for the barrel from Yuba had been given to the Katorea group. It made the journey easier, with less weight to be dragged behind them, and Luffy made a valiant effort further reducing the load at every possible opportunity. There was one notable addition to their belongings. A set of what looked like red pipes, handed off to Nami from Usopp just as they parted ways.

When they did arrive at their destination, there was relief and awe in equal parts to go around. In stark contrast to the desolation which they had been met with since they crossed the Sandora River, Rainbase was a vision of opulence. Like Nanohana, it was in good shape. The people were fed and watered, the buildings and streets clean, and in the heart of the city there stood a pyramid with a gleaming golden statue of a Bananawani atop its peak. A moat surrounded the pyramid- the Rain Dinners casino- with enough water filling it for an entire village to have lived on. There were other casinos dotted around the city, but none could rival Rain Dinners.

But before they could step foot in the city properly, the band of pirates stopped, because Spruce's eyes had flashed blue as they approached. As soon as they did, he collapsed on the spot.

"Huh? Something wrong?" Zoro asked, which drew the attention of the others. Chopper immediately rushed over, changing into his hybrid form as he began examining Spruce.

On the surface, nothing seemed wrong with him. Neither dehydration or the desert heat had overcome him, yet his eyes were glassy as he stared up at the sky while Chopper tried to get his attention. The continued to glow blue as well.

In Spruce's mind, he did not see the others crowding around him. He did not see the blue sky above them or the city that was so close. All he saw was the sun and the sand. Unrelenting. Endless. Scorching. Dry. All he felt was the desert. Its winds whipped the sand into his face. His throat dried out, made his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth and his lips become chapped.

It was in his eyes, in the folds of his clothes. He couldn't breathe. So hot. Rough grains scraping across his skin, everywhere. The roaring of a sandstorm that came rushing towards him. Pillars of sand bursting out from the ground like towers. There was only one Aura in the desert other than his own, one that drowned out everything else with its heat and its dryness and it was coming for him.

A flash. A face. A man with black hair and a scar which ran across his nose, from cheek to cheek. Gleaming gold, in the shape of a hook. Eyes that oozed cruelty.

Then red. Plates of tough, red armour with black lines running between them. Pristine white spikes, a grey underside. A new pair of eyes. Yellow eyes, and the mouth below them opened.

There was nothing in the world except for the desert and the yellow eyes boring into his soul. He heard a thunderous roar, one that made the land beneath him tremble and his own bones rattle. It was distant and close at the same time.

An eternity, and a second. Both at the same time. Spruce gasped for air as his eyes returned to normal and he snapped back to reality. Chopper was leaning over him, and ended up knocked off his feet as Spruce shot up. The other three stood around him, watching. Zoro's thumb had nudged Yubashiri a half-inch out of its sheath. His eyes were on their surroundings more than they were on Spruce.

"Spruce?" Nami said.

"I'm…" Spruce was panting. His heart was racing. Reaching up, he wiped away the sweat that was dripping down his forehead, then reached out to give Chopper a hand getting back up.

"Sorry, Chopper." He mumbled, after he had managed to get his breathing under control. For a moment he stayed where he was, sitting in the sand, then he shot back up to his feet and dusted himself off as best he could. His tongue ran itself over the inside of his mouth. It was damp. He wasn't thirsty anymore.

"Is the heat getting to you or something?" Luffy asked.

"That wasn't the heat." Spruce said. Then he turned his head towards Rainbase, and pointed. Everyone's eyes followed where he was pointing, towards the golden Bananawani which could be seen above the rooftops of the other city buildings.

"Is that where he is, then?" Zoro said, sliding his sword back in. Spruce nodded.

"Yeah. That's where Crocodile is."

"Alright!" Luffy pounded a fist into his palm, "Let's go kick his ass!"

With an apparent plan of action in place, Luffy took off, striding ahead to the building with the golden statue on it. Zoro was the first to follow, then Spruce and Chopper quickly fell in line after him as well, with the latter changing back into his full reindeer transformation. Only Nami lingered.

"Hey! Wait just a second!" She protested, storming ahead of the others to walk alongside Luffy, "We should talk about this! Are we seriously just going to run headfirst into the city, looking for Crocodile?"

"We don't need to look. Spruce knows where he is." Luffy said.

"A direct approach is the best idea anyway." Zoro said, "Baroque Works are assassins. It's better we attack and catch them off-guard before they have a chance to prepare for us."

"Pass." Spinner agreed.

"See? Even the rock agrees." Zoro said. Then he stopped and turned back. He stared at where Spinner was currently spinning in the sand behind them.

Spinner stopped spinning and stared back at Zoro.


"Whatever." Zoro muttered. He turned back around and continued heading towards the city with everyone else.

"But…" Nami began to object, but stopped. With a sigh, she fell in line with everyone else, and the group marched as one into Rainbase. Through the paved streets, past crowds of people they didn't spare a glance to- but who spared them several looks- until they came upon the Rain Dinners casino. Any reservations with their course of action vanished as Nami laid eyes on that one illuminated word above the entrance. Those same eyes turned to beri signs.

"What's a casino?" Spruce asked as they crossed the bridge over the moat and neared the front entrance. There were a pair of burly men in black suits standing out the front. Security of some kind. One of them stepped forwards and raised a hand to gesture for the group to stop before they could head inside.

"Excuse me! There are no animals allowed in this establishment." The man said, nodding his head in Chopper's direction, "This pet of yours will have to wait outside."

"Pet?! Don't call me a- MMMPH!" Chopper started to complain, only for Nami to squat down and clamp a hand over his mouth to muffle him.

"Huh? Someone say something?" The man looked around confusedly for a moment. While Nami and Chopper had stopped at the entrance to oblige with his instructions, the other three simply continued on past him like he hadn't said anything.

"I dunno." Luffy said to Spruce as they passed the other man in the suit.

"A casino is a place where rich people go to lose their money." Zoro explained.

"Hey!" Nami called out, "Where are you three going?!"

They stopped. Luffy turned around.

"We're going in. Since we're not animals, that means we're allowed, right?" Luffy said, looking to the man who had stopped them in the first place for confirmation.

"Um. Yes, you're allowed in." He nodded. Nami scowled.

"Haven't you ever heard of ladies first?!"

"You were the one who stopped." Zoro pointed out, turning around as well to raise an eyebrow at her.

"That was because they said Chopper- forget it. Never mind now." Nami took a deep breath and then stood up, releasing Chopper's mouth as she did so. He didn't take the opportunity to say anything, but did give the two bouncers the stink-eye.

With her head held high, Nami walked over to join the rest of the group who were now lingering by the entrance, not yet inside the casino. The doors were open, and there were stares from a few of the gamblers inside who weren't totally absorbed in what they were doing. Nami moved ahead to the front of the group, before she looked back to where Chopper was now being left behind.

"Just wait out here, Chopper. Okay?" She said. He nodded, and she turned back around to lead everyone in.

'I'm gonna go pee.' Chopper decided.

Inside the casino, it was like they had stepped into a whole other world. The doors closing behind them, leaving them with no sign of the outside world whatsoever, only deepened that sense of isolation. Once they were closed, it was like a signal to the other patrons who had been staring, as they immediately focused back on their gambling. Nami's eyes darted around the casino, sizing up every patron and every member of staff she could spot. Her eyes lingered somewhat on the finery and the jewellery that most of the patrons adorned themselves with, as if to advertise how much wealth they had to forfeit to the establishment. Behind her, the trio went back to their conversation.

"Why would rich people want to lose their money? Isn't being rich all about hoarding it for yourself?" Spruce said, "Or is this like one of those charity things?"

Zoro snorted, "It's the furthest thing from it. They lose their money here because it's fun. Casinos are places where people gamble."

"Couldn't we have just beat those guys up at the entrance and brought Chopper in with us anyway?" Luffy muttered, clutching his chin thoughtfully. As if considering the course of action, he turned back around to the entrance.

Any more discussion was cut short, however, by a sudden shaking from Spruce's belt. One of his Pokeballs began vibrating like the creature inside had downed a gallon of coffee. Eyes wide, Spruce fumbled to grab it from his belt, but it burst open just as he wrapped his hand around it. White light shot out and materialised into Ria, appearing on the casino floor a few feet away from him with eyes that seemed to be sparkling. Though that could have just been the reflection from all the lights.

"Huh? Ria?" Spruce said, "Is something the matter?"

There were significantly more people starting to stare at them than before. Nami saw a few men in suits staring at Ria and whispering amongst themselves. One of them had a stupid, spiky grey hairdo and wore a purple suit, and he seemed to be some kind of manager. Whispers travelled fast, and she could already see three burly men like the ones out the front crossing through the casino towards them.

"Riolu!" Ria cheered. She didn't even spare Spruce a glance before she was taking off, running into the crowd as fast as she could.

"Wha- Hey!" Spruce called out as he promptly gave chase. The rest of the group could only watch as the duo disappeared into some other corner of the casino.

Security were rapidly approaching. Nami's fists clenched at her sides as she looked in the direction Spruce and Ria had just vanished in, and then looked back to see Luffy and Zoro standing around looking as casual as could be. When she turned her head again, her eyes widened as she saw that someone else had joined the floor. Standing beside the manager in the purple suit was Miss All-Sunday herself, cowboy hat and all, in the midst of saying something to the man which clearly shocked him, before he ultimately nodded his head obediently.

"HEY! CROCODILE! GET OUT HERE!" Luffy screamed at the top of his lungs from right behind Nami, making her jump. She whirled around and glared at him.

"What the hell are you doing, Luffy?!" She hissed.

"Spruce just ran off, so we can't get him to tell us where to find Crocodile." Luffy said, before he resumed screaming, "CROCODILE! COME ON!"

"We did decide the direct approach would work better." Zoro remarked. By now, security was upon them.

"Excuse us, sir." The leader of the three men who had approached said, "Please come with us."

For his troubles, he was sent flying off his feet by one of Luffy's punches, with his coworkers not far behind. Even more people were staring now. Other staff members watched on nervously, clearly unsure of what to do after their coworkers were manhandled like so. A number of them, however, seemed to know exactly what to do. Under the instruction of the manager who Miss All-Sunday had just talked to, they stood on both sides of the red carpet which lined the way towards the casino's V.I.P room.

"This way, please!" One of them called out to the Straw Hats, "To the V.I.P room!"

"Yeah!" Luffy grinned, punching his fist into his palm again, before he took off running towards where he was being beckoned to go. Not to be left behind, Nami and Zoro ran after him.

"Is he daring us to come attack him?" Nami wondered.

"At least he's got balls!" Zoro said with a smirk.

Luffy burst through the doors to the V.I.P room, leading them into a narrow hallway with a split up ahead. A sign stood in the middle, directing V.I.Ps to take the left turn and pirates to take the right turn. Seeing it only made him run faster.

Oh dear. A direct connection between the Sand Sand Fruit and Groudon.

That has MANY implications, that if dragged out to the other Logias could give Crocodile more potential than the Admirals.

There really isn't an Ice Legendary on the same level of power as the Weather Trio, at least not with Ice itself as the core of its powerset since Kyurem is more the absence of it's two severed components. Regice and Articuno just dont stack up.

Same deal for Magma, with Heatran being the only direct connection. In theory I guess you could have a tie to Primal Groudon, but I rather doubt devil fruits get to double up like that.

And Kizaru really gets nothing there. There ISNT a Light legendary or mythical pokemon. Of the closest two, Solgaleo is the Sun, not light by itself. And Cresselia is tied to dreams, not light. (And for the same reason, Blackbeards Dark-Dark Fruit doesnt have a good tie to Darkrai, who is tied to nightmares (Moria though? Moria seems likely))

I can't say for sure that it does since this is the first time Spruce has had this interaction of course, but odds are that this is not a thing for the majority of Devil Fruits, Logias included. Otherwise Spruce probably should have pinged SOMETHING off of Ace, who is almost guaranteed to be far stronger than Alabasta-Arc Crocodile.

I'd also wager that no normal Zoan is going to have any direct connection period given their very nature, doubly so for any Human-Human fruit.

Need more data.
I can't say for sure that it does since this is the first time Spruce has had this interaction of course, but odds are that this is not a thing for the majority of Devil Fruits, Logias included. Otherwise Spruce probably should have pinged SOMETHING off of Ace, who is almost guaranteed to be far stronger than Alabasta-Arc Crocodile.

I'd also wager that no normal Zoan is going to have any direct connection period given their very nature, doubly so for any Human-Human fruit.

Need more data.
The string of Logias the Straw Hats will encounter after Alabasta should make for a good sample size. I will say that part of the discrepancy between Spruce's reaction (or lack thereof) to Ace and his reaction to Crocodile is because of the disposition of the two of them. Other factors played a part, which will become clearer later on.
Chapter 26: Introductions in Rainbase New
By the time the sun rose on the following day of their journey, the trio of Vivi, Sanji and Usopp were already on the water. They sailed together along the coast of Alabasta, having already crossed the point where the sea and the Sandora River met. It was still early in the morning as they headed for Nanohana, but the three were all up and about. Taking advantage of the relative calmness of their journey, Usopp worked hard repairing the damage which the Merry had been accumulating since they entered the Grand Line. The sound of nails being hammered would have filled the air around them, were it not being drowned out by the sound of what Vivi was doing.

Stones whizzed about across the deck. Most landed with an audible splash in the surrounding water, though a couple did end up bouncing around the ship and creating more damage that had to be repaired, much to Usopp's chagrin. Sweat glistened on Vivi's forehead as she jumped around the deck, a Peacock Slasher dangling from each pinky. Her eyes were narrowed in concentration. In spite of the strenuous exercise, she was smiling, especially whenever she managed to thrust a hand out and carve right through one of the oncoming stones.

Joining her in her training, and being the one pelting her with rocks in the first place, was Bonbon. She bounced from one foot to the other, swinging her arms about with her attacks. Neither of them stayed in one spot for more than a second, constantly darting around the deck and making sure to use every square inch of what they had available. Occasionally, Vivi would rush in close and lash out with her slashers, letting them rake across Bonbon's body, or Bonbon would charge at her and try to club her with a brutal blow that she would have to dodge.

The one manning the helm was Sanji. He watched the coastline carefully, making sure they were still on course, and waiting patiently for when the wind would bring them to their destination. He watched Vivi and Bonbon's training, too, not without his fair share of unease. Were he not worried about distracting her at a crucial moment and inadvertently causing one of the stones to strike her, he would have been quite vocal about his feelings about such an exercise.

When the two of them stopped to take a breather, was when Sanji saw his chance.

"Don't you think you should be conserving your energy, Vivi-dear?" He called out as she wiped the sweat from her brow. Then, before her hand had even completed its journey, he was beside her with a glass of water. His speed didn't even surprise her. She just took it gratefully and began to sip.

"Maybe, I'd just rather have something to occupy my mind with. At least while we're on the ship." Vivi explained, "Until we arrive back in Nanohana, there's… nothing that I can do. Nothing but imagine the worst-case scenarios. Better to exhaust myself physically than wallow in anguish, I think."

"Sudowoodo…" Bonbon said, reaching out to lay a supportive hand on Vivi's shoulder.

'Right. I can't even imagine what kind of torment it must be, when your entire country is on the verge of tearing itself apart in conflict.' Sanji thought.

"If you want something to keep yourself busy with," Usopp poked his head over from where he had paused his repairs, "You could always lend a hand with the repairs! Not like you and Spruce haven't been making things worse since you started battling each other…"

The last part was muttered under his breath, but he nonetheless earned himself a glare from the chef.

"Don't ask Vivi to waste her time with that kind of menial work. Be a man and do it yourself." He admonished Usopp.

"Hey! I was just trying to offer up a solution!" Usopp protested, then narrowed his eyes as he spotted the drink in Vivi's hand, "And why does she get a drink but not me?! I'm doing important work out here in the sun!"

"Get your own drink!"

As both men bickered, Vivi giggled. Her hand went to her mouth to stifle it, but the laughter overcame her, and before she knew it her entire face was lighting up as it echoed over the ship. Instantly, Sanji forgot what he was arguing with Usopp about, and he basked in the sight, while even the sniper simmered down somewhat in the face of it. Beside her, Bonbon beamed.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Vivi apologised, as her laughter finally subsided, "You just reminded me how much I… how much I've enjoyed travelling with you as of late."

"Really? You've enjoyed travelling with me, Vivi-dear?" Sanji gushed.

"She was talking about all of us!" Usopp said.

"If it's alright with you, Usopp, Bonbon and I would like to help with the repairs now." Vivi said.

"Woodo?" Bonbon said.

"See? Bonbon can barely contain her excitement." Vivi snickered. She handed the drink in her hand, half-finished now, back to Sanji. Bonbon followed after her as she walked over towards Usopp. As they both passed him, Sanji had one last thing to say.

"Vivi, don't worry about what'll happen when we reach Katorea. I'm completely certain that you'll be able to stop the rebellion, before the kingdom is consumed with bloodshed."

Vivi turned back and smiled gently.

"It's not what'll happen on our end that I'm worried about." She said, "I've been thinking about what I would say to them when I had the chance, ever since we left Whiskey Peak. I've imagined every possible scenario. Right now, the ones I'm worried about are the others heading to Rainbase. I know it's not fair of me, not after everything that was said, but I… I'm worried for their safety."

"Lucky you." Usopp snorted.

"Sudo?!" Bonbon said.

"Hey, Usopp-!" Sanji snapped, only to be cut off.

"No! It is lucky of her!" Usopp bit back, "Fearing for other people's lives? She's putting her own life at risk as well! All of us are! Me especially! You think just because Baroque Works doesn't know my face, I'm not terrified?! Who cares if the others are going to fight a Warlord of the Sea? Luffy and Zoro are the strongest guys I've ever seen! We're at risk of assassins attacking us, and we only have Sanji!"

"Better me than that stupid mosshead!"

"If there's a woman with them, we're screwed! So don't waste your energy worrying about other people! Save your fear for yourself!"

His words were left for Vivi to mull over. Then, while Sanji stewed in indignation, the smile on her face widened, until she was almost beaming.

"You're right, Usopp." She decided, "Once we're done with the repairs, I'll think more about how terrible the danger that I'm in is."

But before she was able to make good on that promise, Sanji suddenly snapped his fingers and pointed towards the coast. The others all turned their heads to where he was pointing, and saw that off in the distance, quickly getting closer, was their very destination: the port city of Nanohana.

They had arrived.


In the wake of the ruckus that the Straw Hats had made, the Rain Dinners casino had mostly returned to normal. Like puppets on strings, the patrons returned to their gambling ways, and the money flowed all across the floor. There was one corner of the casino, however, which had not quite returned to normalcy. Now there was something else that had the surrounding patrons staring with gaping jaws, and that something was the sight of Spruce and Ria standing in front of one of the dozens of slot machines. Unlike the others, the one they were standing in front of had an enormous pile of chips on the floor in front of it- a pile which was only growing with each passing moment, as Ria continued to play the machine.

"I don't get it…" Spruce muttered, watching the slots come up as three sevens and send more chips pouring out, "You just pull that lever and it gives you money? How is this gambling?"

"Riolu!" Ria cackled. The pile of chips beneath her feet had become large enough for her to stand atop and help reach the lever which she pulled again and again and again.

They had amassed an audience, who watched this utter travesty of gambling unfold before their very eyes. None of them could look away. Some were horrified, others were intrigued, and most of them were jealous. None dared approach, though. Word had spread like wildfire of the boy who sent the floormen flying with his fists, and by now they'd identified Spruce as belonging to that group.

"Is the machine busted or something?" One patron wondered.

"If it is, they're hogging it! I just lost the last of my money on the poker table, I need something to win it back with!"

Making his way through the crowd, another burly floorman approached the slot machine. He crossed his arms over his chest as he did, and glowered at the duo of Spruce and Ria, both of whom he towered over by a significant amount. Neither paid him any mind, at least not until he opened his mouth to talk.

"Excuse me, sir. The rules of this establishment are that no animals-"


With a furious yell, Ria suddenly whirled around, kicking stray chips across the floor for opportunistic spectators to pocket. The floorman wasn't even able to get another word out before she was leaping towards him, fist reared back, and she punched him in the jaw. He dropped like a sack of potatoes, completely unconscious, while Ria hurried back to the slot machine to get back to gambling. She got lucky sevens yet again.

"Sorry…" Spruce apologised to the unconscious floorman, who he nudged away from them with his foot, "You shouldn't interrupt her while she's winning."

After seeing that, nobody else would even think of trying to stop them. Certainly not the manager in the purple suit, who watched from the back of the crowd, or the dealer standing beside him who had left their blackjack table to come see this for themselves. Both men were appalled at the sight of what was happening before their very eyes, but not because of the casual violence which had just transpired.

"Isn't that machine one of the rigged ones?" The dealer whispered.

"It's supposed to be."

They continued to watch the pile of chips expand, until they both suddenly felt a presence from behind them. Both men froze as Miss All-Sunday appeared, surveying the spectacle for herself with an enigmatic half-smile upon her face. Their eyes darted towards her briefly, then back to Spruce. After a second, the dealer began to slink away back to his table, leaving just the manager there with her.

"Riolu…" Ria sighed as she yanked on the lever one more time, only for a pitiful handful of chips to come tumbling out. It was the same jackpot as always, but the machine had finally run dry. Her pile now covered the floor around her, and many of the patrons were clearly contemplating whether or not they could scoop a handful for themselves without meeting the same fate as the floorman.

As soon as the machine ran dry, was when Miss All-Sunday approached the two of them. She strode forwards, stepping carelessly upon the chips. Ria and Spruce were both facing away from her as she did, the former looking around eagerly at the other games which the venue offered while her trainer simply let her have her fun. The sound of her wading through the chips alerted them to her, though, and both of them turned around.

"Hello there." Miss All-Sunday greeted, "My, you've had a rather lucky streak today, haven't you?"

"That's how things tend to go. At least for Ria." Spruce said.

"Riol…" Ria muttered. With narrowed eyes, she sized the woman up. They remained narrowed, and she raised her arms in front of her as if expecting a fight to break out. Miss All-Sunday wasn't bothered in the slightest, keeping her half-smile as she continued.

"Normally, you'd get kicked out for doing so well. Fortunately for the both of you, you're our V.I.Ps for today. We have something else in store for you."

Rather than answer, Spruce's eyes flashed blue, and he instantly looked down towards the ground beneath their feet. His face scrunched up, with Miss All-Sunday raising an eyebrow as she watched his eyes slowly trail from one point to another, before he looked back up at her with a newfound seriousness in his eyes.

"Do you want to lock us up as well?"

"You're an odd boy, aren't you?" Miss All-Sunday replied, "But no. I simply wanted to ask you a question."


"Might you enlighten me as to the whereabouts of your companion, Princess Vivi?"


"That was a clever trap."

That was the first thing that Luffy had to stay as he stood before the bars of that cage which he, Nami, Zoro and Spinner had ended up in together. They were dark blue in colour, made of some material that none of them could identify. The walls of the cage were entirely solid, with bars of the same material running through them as well. There was a surprisingly comfortable seat which lined the back of the cage, and a single candle on the back wall to help illuminate it.

The sentiment was apparently not shared by Nami.


After coming upon where the hallway split in two directions, it had been Luffy's decision to turn right and head in the direction which was labelled for pirates. They'd barely taken two steps before the floor had opened up beneath them and dropped them into the cage which they were now in.

"You were the one who followed him." Zoro deadpanned.


"Ugh…" Luffy groaned as he reached out to clamp his hands around the bars. His body sagged against them, as if the contact itself was suddenly sapping his strength.


"Something the matter, Luffy?" Zoro asked. He frowned, walking over and placing a hand under Luffy's chest to help hold him upright. As soon as Luffy let go of the bars and let his hands fall limply by his sides, though, the strength came rushing back into him.

"That was weird." Luffy said.

Zoro raised an eyebrow. With Luffy standing on his own, he let go of him and instead reached out to grab onto the bars for himself. Giving them a cursory shake and feeling how sturdy they were, he let his hand linger for another second before removing it. As soon as Luffy grabbed onto them again, though, weakness flooded his body and had him slumping to the floor.

"You may wish to avoid grabbing onto the bars too much."

At the sound of a new voice, all heads whipped around towards where it had come from. On the outside of the cage, across the massive room they were in, was an ornate dining table and a set of matching antique chairs. One of them, the chair at the head of the table, was turned around to face the cage. And sitting in it, having seemingly appeared in the blink of an eye when he wasn't there before, was an imposing man with a scar across his face. The two people who would have been able to identify him weren't there at the moment, and yet the man's presence alone made them obsolete.

There was no doubt that he was Sir Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Though Luffy still made sure to confirm it.


"Those bars you see are made of a rare substance known as seastone." Crocodile explained, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice, "One of its properties is that it emits an energy identical to that of the ocean. As such, it has the effect of nullifying Devil Fruit abilities of anyone who comes in contact with it."

"A material that can nullify Devil Fruit abilities?!" Nami gasped.

"So this is one of the Warlords of the Sea, huh…" Zoro remarked.

"HEY!" Luffy bellowed, throwing himself at the bars once again, "FIGHT… Me…"

In a matter of seconds, all the rage and energy inside of him was quashed by the effect of the seastone bars. He once again crumpled.

"STOP TOUCHING THE BARS!" Nami yelled at him. Zoro intervened, grabbing Luffy around the waist and yanking him away from them to let his strength return. As he did, Crocodile rose from his seat.

"You did well to make it this far, Straw Hat. I never thought I'd get to meet you in person. And now that I have, I'm going to kill you. But the guest of honour hasn't arrived yet. I've sent my partner to fetch her."

"Long wait for him to kill us, then." Zoro said dryly.

"Oh, yeah." Luffy nodded, "Good thing he doesn't know that Vivi didn't come with us here."

From where he was standing, Crocodile raised an eyebrow in their direction. At the same time, Nami heaved a deep, heavy sigh, and Zoro just facepalmed. Even Spinner stopped spinning to fix Luffy with an unimpressed look.

"It was a good thing." Nami groaned.

"Your group split up, did they?" Crocodile said, "I suppose at least some of you had the self-preservation to avoid coming here."

The sound of footsteps descending the grand marble staircase and approaching the group quickly drew their attention. Miss All-Sunday led Spruce behind her, who marvelled at the luxurious chamber before his eyes, before his attention was snatched away by a Bananawani which swam by one of the windows. He turned away from Miss All-Sunday and began making his way over to the window to get a closer look, only for a human arm to sprout out of the banister. It placed a hand on Spruce's chest to stop him from wandering, and lightly shoved him back towards Miss All-Sunday, who walked over to where Crocodile was.

For the two of them, it was an entirely ordinary sight, but the same did not apply to the Straw Hats. Seeing the arm then proceed to vanish into a handful of flesh-coloured petals was even more of a shock.

"Did you see that?! That arm just appeared!" Nami said.

"That must be her Devil Fruit ability then." Zoro surmised.

"The Flower-Flower fruit is its name." Miss All-Sunday said, glancing back to the captive pirates with a half-smile on her face, "I can make my limbs sprout anywhere."

"Hey Spruce! Can you get us out of here?" Luffy called out.

"Hi guys. Sorry that we ran off like that. Ria really wanted to gamble." Spruce gave an apologetic wave, while seeming to ignore Crocodile's presence in front of him entirely. The Warlord, in contrast, seemed distinctly intrigued by the boy- his voice, in particular.

"You're the one I spoke to on Little Garden, aren't you?"

"On the snail thing?" Spruce said, finally acknowledging Crocodile, "Yeah."

"Your friends say that you didn't bring Miss Wednesday with you." Crocodile said, "Miss All-Sunday seems to believe it as well, seeing as you're the one she brought back with her."

"The four of them were the only ones spotted entering the casino." Miss All-Sunday said, "No sign of Miss Wednesday, or the one with the weird eyebrow."

"That's not a nice thing to say about Sanji. He's actually very nice." Spruce said.

"If they're not here, then that must mean they're headed for Katorea, aren't they?" Crocodile said.

There was a sharp intake of breath from Nami. Zoro's muscles tensed, and Luffy bit his tongue. Crocodile's gaze remained fixed on Spruce, who he towered over with a raised eyebrow. Under his scrutiny, the trainer looked away. His eyes travelled over the rest of the room, seeking out the Bananawani-infested waters through the window, where they lingered for a few seconds before he looked back at Crocodile and cleared his throat.

"No. They're going somewhere else."

"Yeah! Stupid Crocodile!" Luffy agreed.

"It doesn't matter either way." Crocodile shrugged, "At one point, I believed she posed a genuine threat to my plan. Did you know that she and the leader of the rebellion were childhood friends?"

"Huh?! She was?!" Nami said, "Talk about coincidence…"

"You'd think she'd have mentioned that." Zoro said, "Guess her confidence wasn't misplaced after all."

"It's irrelevant now." Crocodile continued, "Even she can't stop the rebels anymore. Still, she's a loose end. The Nefertaris have no place in my Alabasta. If she isn't caught in the crossfire, I'll enjoy getting to finish her off myself."

"Spruce! Open this cage and I'll kick his ass!" Luffy said. Despite the plea, Spruce remained rooted to the spot. His hands didn't even near the Pokeballs on his belt.

"What time is it, Miss All-Sunday?" Crocodile asked, prompting her to take out a silver pocket watch from her coat.

"Quarter to seven."

"Fifteen minutes until the operation commences, then."

"Are you going to kill me as well?" Spruce interjected, crossing his arms over his chest and giving the Warlord of the Sea an unimpressed look.

It almost caught Crocodile off-guard, to be asked so bluntly and without a shred of fear perceptible in the voice. Miss All-Sunday's face twitched as well, as she pocketed her watch.

"If Miss Wednesday isn't here, I see no reason to waste any more time than I already did on third-rate pirates like yourselves." Crocodile dismissed. He reached into his own pocket and retrieved an ornate, golden key. Spruce's eyes narrowed as he watched a trapdoor open in the floor between the two of them, through which Crocodile dropped the key.

"A key! Is that the key to the cage?!" Luffy exclaimed.

Beneath the floor was a large, circular chamber with walls made of glass that let one view the lake outside, and the Bananawani which inhabited it. As Spruce soon witnessed, the chamber was designed to allow them to swim up into it, as he watched one enter and make its away over to the key. It swallowed it and then walked back to where it had entered through, returning to the water to be lost in the population of its kin.

"If that was the key, one of those gators just ate it." Spruce said to the others, who weren't able to see through the trapdoor from where they were caged.


"Ah, my apologies." Crocodile smirked, "They think anything that falls down there is their food. And you should know that it was indeed the key to the very cage you're trapped in right now."

"Go get that key back, Spruce! Hurry!" Luffy urged.

On the other side of the room, a set of enormous wooden doors opened to reveal a passageway through the lake. While Spruce remained where he was, Crocodile and Miss All-Sunday made their way towards the passage, and Luffy pounded his fists against the cage. Every few poundings, he swapped between a glare in Crocodile's direction, and an imploring look towards Spruce.

Then, just as the duo stepped through the doorway into the tunnel, part of the floor in the room opened up. Water instantly began to pour in from outside.

"AH! IT'S FLOODING!" Nami cried, reflexively leaping up onto the seat behind her. At the sound of her terror, Crocodile stopped and turned back towards them. Seeing the room begin to fill with water brought a cruel smirk to his face.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. In one hour, this room will be one big fish tank."

"That explains the water." Zoro commented.

"I used this room as the president of Baroque Works, but I won't be needing it anymore." Crocodile said, "This water will keep pouring in until it sinks into Rainbase Lake. I suppose that would mean that the three of you in that cage would drown."

"SPRUCE!" Luffy bellowed. His fingers went white with how hard he gripped the bars, as if to break them apart with his bare hands. It took seconds for him to collapse against the cage, but even that didn't diminish the intensity of his gaze. Full of rage and desperation, the former for Crocodile and the latter for Spruce.

Yet Spruce did not move. He didn't even look in the direction of his crewmates.

"Of course, you have several options before you." Crocodile said, now speaking directly to Spruce, "You could try and save your friends. Figure out which of the Bananawani swallowed the key, force it to spit it up. You could head to Katorea, to try and prevent what will transpire there. You could follow us to Alubarna, in a bid to get revenge for your fallen companions. Or, you could flee to Nanohana, and leave this kingdom behind completely. The choice is yours."

A second passed. The trainer and the Warlord's eyes remained locked with each other, and a silence hung in the air that it seemed Crocodile was waiting for him to fill. But it wasn't as if he cared that much anyway, so after the second had passed, he turned around to continue on his way with Miss All-Sunday following beside him.

"You know…"

When Spruce did speak up, it didn't even make him stop. Not at first, at least.

"You're a pretty terrifying guy, Crocodile."

A raised eyebrow, even if Miss All-Sunday was the only one who could see it.

"It's a good thing we have our captain to kick your ass."

When Crocodile did look back, he saw that Spruce had his hand out with his middle finger raised. He snorted at the sight of it. Then he turned his attention to the cage.

"Your friend here has a great deal of trust in you, Straw Hat. But trust is the most overrated thing in the world."

This time when he turned back to leave again, there was nothing to make him look back. He and Miss All-Sunday disappeared down the tunnel, to head for their stated destination of Alubarna. Behind the two of them, another opening appeared in the tunnel. A much larger one than before, it allowed one of the Bananawani from the lake to climb into it. Its eyes immediately singled out where Spruce stood beside the cage. Then it took off, thundering down the tunnel and into the room towards him.

"Sorry about that, guys."

Just as the creature came rushing towards him, Spruce finally turned his head away to focus his attention on the cage. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly with one hand, while his other hand snatched a Pokeball from his belt and pointed it towards his oncoming attacker.

"Spruce! Get that key, quick!" Luffy urged.

The Pokeball opened, and Whiskers emerged. The Bananawani was close enough to attack, and it opened its mouth to try and snatch Spruce up in one bite. He didn't so much as spare it a glance, while Whiskers sprang off the ground. Using his tail to hurl himself upwards, he sank fangs with a black sheen to them into its upper jaw. His tail slammed into the underside of its mouth from below, and he coiled himself around its mouth to slam its jaws shut. Its eyes widened, suddenly panicked at the constriction, and it began to swing its head around. Whiskers, however, turned its wild movements against it, and managed to direct the momentum so that it slammed its own mouth into the seastone cage. The cage barely even shook.

"I didn't want to bring this up until Crocodile wasn't around to hear it," Spruce said, as the sound of the Bananawani slamming against seastone became a regular rhythm in the background, "But we don't actually need the key."

"Huh?! How?!" Nami said.

"Can you break it open?" Luffy guessed.

"No. Nami's Pokémon can bite our way out." Zoro said.

"Yeah, that." Spruce nodded.

It took a second for Nami to realise what they were talking about, before she gasped, and ripped Julius' Pokeball off the Log Pose. She pointed it towards the cage, and it burst open to send Julius out. He materialised next to where Luffy was.

"Sableye!" Julius exclaimed, "Sable… Eye?"

The water had flooded the room to submerge everyone's feet. For Julius, being of a much shorter stature, that meant it was reaching his knees. He looked down at the water. Then Whiskers slammed the Bananawani against the cage again, and Julius' head whipped around towards where he heard the collision, and he saw the two mighty aquatic creatures tangling with each other.

"SABLEYE?!" He whirled around to see Nami was still standing atop the seat, the only one who hadn't yet gotten wet, and with eyes somehow full of panic, he started pointing frantically towards the commotion outside the cage. A cage which he hadn't even realised they were in.

"Ignore them! You need to free us!" She instructed, "Bite through the bars of the cage! Quickly!"

"Sable?" Julius seemed confused. His panicked eyes trailed over their surroundings, taking in the walls before finding their way to the bars again. This time, he looked them up and down and from side to side, and he noticed that there was no way out.


"YES! NOW GET US OUT!" Nami snapped.

"E-Eye! Eye!" Julius nodded, and quickly started climbing up the bars. He scampered across them for a second, examining different parts, before finally settling on where to take the first bite.

Everyone else watched intently as he angled his jaw and tilted his head to be able to get his teeth around it. His mouth clamped down, hard. The water was a couple of inches above their ankles now.

Then they heard it.


Where Julius had bitten into it, the bar had snapped. The piece of seastone which had been in his mouth came pouring out, broken into dust and powder by his jaw. Apparently the taste left something to be desired, as he cringed even while raising his head to bite on the bar right above it. Just like before, he had to get his mouth around it, then clamp it shut around the bar. After a moment, he bit through that one as well, and it was onto the next one.

"Nifty little thing. Huh?" Zoro said.

"Yeah… He really is…" Nami murmured.

By now, the Bananawani had endured enough punishment that Whiskers was able to uncoil his body and release it. It staggered away, dazed and with an incredibly bruised jaw, and made no attempt to attack anyone else as it retreated to the water. In its wake, though, others came. Three of them had come into the flooding room and were making their way over as well. None were deterred by what their kin had just been put through. All of them were hungry.

"Look at those beauties…" Spruce said. The sentiment was almost comical, given that he proceeded to grab the other two Pokeballs off his belt and send Ria and Pex out to complete the trio.

"Riolu!" Ria barked. At the feeling of the water around her legs, she looked down, then looked around the room.

"Ravia. Staravia!" Pex said, and she quickly nodded. Wading her way over, she hauled herself onto the bars of the cage, and then jumped off to be snatched up in Pex's talons. He flew the both of them over to the oncoming Bananawani. One of them was blasted in the side of the head by a powerful Brine attack, courtesy of Whiskers, which had him becoming its new target. The other two, though, were Pex and Ria's.

While Whiskers constricted his opponent the same way he had previously, Pex flew straight towards the other two. His eyes narrowed as he and Ria neared them. Then, he spun himself around, building up momentum with which to send Ria flying towards the one on their right as he released his hold on her. As soon as she was out of his grasp, he sped up. A hazy white aura appeared around his body. He dove, just before he reached the Bananawani, and then swerved upwards. With all his momentum and power, he slammed into its lower jaw from below. A sickening crack echoed from the sound of bird colliding with reptile. It launched the creature off its feet, head jerked back, to crash back down and send a wave crashing over the rest of the room.

Julius was making good time. Almost a quarter of the way through, and getting more efficient as he went. He stopped, however, and stared at the fight. It wasn't a battle, not in any of the ways that he knew them. What he was witnessing was a spectacle of violence and raw power. The sight of it had him awestruck.

Even more impressive than Pex's attack was Ria's. Flung like a missile from a catapult, she hurtled across the room towards her own target. Her fist glowed orange as she reared it back, then threw it forwards just as she reached the Bananawani. So fast, too fast for it to even realise she was attacking. The attack landed between the creature's eyes, a bit below the banana-shaped growth on its head. Water was flung into the air from the sheer force of the punch, and the crack of fist-on-hide dwarfed the sound of Pex's attack.

Two Bananawani down, one indisposed.

Even more trickling in from the lake.


His trainer's voice snapped Julius back to reality. Frantically, he started chomping down on the bars again. Next to Nami, Luffy and Zoro had both taken a seat to watch him work. They were astonishingly calm for a pair of men watching their only hope of escaping a watery grave. And next to Zoro, still on the floor, was Spinner. Trying to spin, he found himself being jostled around by the rising water, which was submerging him faster than it was submerging any of the humans.

"LU!" Ria stood atop her bested foe and pumped her fist. She had a mad gleam in her eye, and a grin to match it. Seeing more Bananawani approach, she leaped off the one she was standing on. Pex snatched her up once again, flying forwards to meet their approach, and the two dove into the fray.

"It's a shame they want to eat us." Spruce sighed, "I'd love to get a closer look at them."

"If Sanji was here, we could get him to cook them up for lunch." Luffy said.

"Stop chatting like everything is normal right now!" Nami snapped.

"Isn't this what counts as normal?" Spruce blinked, "Everywhere we've gone since I joined, we ended up with a bunch of dangerous stuff happening."


"Nope! It makes it fun!" Luffy said.


It didn't take long before Julius' work was done. Having chewed through enough bars that it caused a door-sized part of the cage to fall away. Nami was the first to rush out, scooping Julius up into her arms as she did and then making a beeline for the stairs. After her came Luffy, who almost toppled over as his body brushed against the cage, needing Spruce's help to yank him away. The last to exit was Zoro, who eyed the shards of seastone which were now floating in the rising water. He scooped a handful of them up and pocketed them. Just before he stepped out of the cage, however, he heard something behind him.


The Pokémon's voice was muffled, likely by the rising water which had submerged the part of his face where a mouth probably was. It was becoming clear that he wouldn't float. Zoro hesitated for a second.

"Fine." He muttered. Turning around, he hauled Spinner out of the water and slung him onto his shoulder with an arm wrapped tightly around him. Both of them exited the cage just as Spruce returned Whiskers, Pex and Ria each to their Pokeballs one after the other. The room was a sight of absolute carnage. Windows all around were cracking, on the verge of shattering and letting even more water spill in to flood them faster. Beaten but not dead Bananawani littered the floor near the tunnel which Crocodile had left through. They still weren't quite done yet.

One more came charging. Stomping over its fallen kin, it sped towards the staircase which everyone else was quickly escaping up. Its mouth opened wide, completely set on eating the four humans that it had in its sights.

And then in the blink of an eye it was dead. Either by Luffy's brute force or by Zoro's one-handed swordsmanship, but certainly not by both, because both of them together was beyond overkill.

"Stupid lizard." Both of them said in unison.


After leaving Rain Dinners behind, Crocodile and Miss All-Sunday made their way to where a pair of gators were waiting for them. They were known as F-Wani, and bore a striking resemblance to the Bananawani which populated Rainbase Lake. They were the same colour, though were only a fraction of the size, and they had two banana-shaped growths on their body instead of one. One was located on the tip of their snouts, and the other on the end of their tails. Both were equipped for one person to ride each. Of course, the one which Crocodile mounted was notably larger than the one which was Miss All-Sunday's, given the disparity in their own sizes.

The F-Wani were the second fastest animals in all of Alabasta. Crocodile didn't delay in setting off for his next destination with his partner. Neither bothered with idle chit-chat. Only a few minutes after they set off, however, Crocodile's attention was drawn to an object within the pocket of his coat. Something was ringing. He reached into the pocket to retrieve a baby Transponder Snail and answer the call it was receiving.

"Who is this?" He demanded without preamble.

"Boss, it's us…" The voice wasn't one Crocodile was familiar with. An unimportant lackey, probably. But they were wheezing. They sounded quite injured. Given the timing, Crocodile would guess that the person speaking on the other end was one of the numerous Millions who had been stationed in Rainbase.

"Why are you calling?"

"Your orders were to… kill the pirate boy if he tried to leave the casino… But he… wasn't alone! The other pirates were with him! Straw Hat, the swordsman, and the woman too! They defeated all of us! Every Million in Rainbase!"


Crocodile didn't even waste the energy to reply to the Million. He simply hung up and returned the snail to his pocket, before bringing his F-Wani to a stop in order to dismount it. Miss All-Sunday, who had been following closely behind, did the same, and made her way over to where he was. He was glowering, eyes positively full of murder, and it didn't phase her in the slightest.

"Is something the matter, Mr. 0?"

"Those pirates managed to escape their cage. Somehow." Crocodile spat.

"Then the boy must have managed to recover that key in time. I think that's rather impressive."

"That key was a fake. This is the real one." Crocodile said as he took out a similar-looking gold key from his pocket, and then returned it again. As soon as it was empty, his fist clenched. The veins in his hand bulged.

"Does it make a difference one way or the other?" Miss All-Sunday inquired, "They have no means of reaching Alubarna or Katorea until long after our plans are complete."

"Silence." Crocodile snapped, hurling a glare in her direction that she didn't so much as flinch at, "Nobody makes a fool of me and lives."

Beneath him, his entire lower body collapsed into a mass of whirling sand. Grains lifted off from the surrounding desert and became part of the miniature sandstorm. It lifted his body up into the air, and he took off back the way that they had come.


There was chaos in the palace. The sun had barely risen before guards were sprinting down the halls, breathlessly passing messages along to each other that found their way to Chaka and Pell. King Nefertari Cobra had finished during the night. He was nowhere to be found in the entire palace. As soon as the news reached Pell, he assumed the form of a falcon and took off into the skies over Alubarna, single-minded in his determination to locate his ruler. Meanwhile, Chaka was left in the palace, to contemplate where he may have gone.

He stood by a window through which he could see out across the city skyline. A group of guards stood a short distance away from him, with one of their number having stepped forwards to relay their information to him.

"We searched the entire palace! The royal chambers, the balconies, the gardens- even the grain storehouses- but we can't find him anywhere!"

"This is absurd!" Chaka said, "Could he have possibly gone out in the middle of the night?"

"That's impossible! He couldn't have gotten past the palace guard, we have the entire palace under our surveillance!"

"Then where is he?!" Chaka snapped. The guard flinched at his tone, while Chaka turned away and looked out at the city. He heaved a sigh. In the distance, he saw the form of his ally streak across the sky, before doubling back and flying towards the palace. Pell, still in the form of a falcon, perched on the windowsill in front of Chaka. The two matched each other's frustration, which only frustrated them both further.

"Search the entire city if you must, but find the king." Chaka ordered the guards.

"YES, SIR!" They said in unison, saluting him before rushing off to follow his orders. Once they were out of earshot, Pell changed into his normal form and hopped off the windowsill.

"I flew over the entire city and couldn't see him." He said.

"He couldn't have simply vanished." Chaka said.

"There were no signs around the palace, either. No tracks of any kind he left behind." Pell said.

"Damn! Why now, of all times?!" Chaka cursed. Pell went to say something, perhaps offer words of reassurance to his friend, but he was interrupted by the sound of someone racing down the halls towards the two of them.


A lone guard skidded to a stop, half-kneeling as he caught his breath. Both men stared at him intently as they waited for him to catch it, and say what it was that he wanted to say.

"Did you find him? Where is he?!" Chaka demanded, his impatience proving too great.

"We have information on his whereabouts." The guard said, "But it's not just him! With all the commotion from his disappearance, it went unnoticed at first, but there's something that you need to know about!"

The explanation which the guard gave was still echoing in Chaka's ears when, beside him, Pell climbed up onto the windowsill and leapt out. Once again he assumed the form of a falcon and took off, flying at the greatest speed he could manage, in the direction of Katorea.


Bodies littered the bridge across Rainbase Lake. Bodies and discarded weapons. Some of them were bleeding, gashes across their body. Others were bruised and swollen. Standing at the other end of the bridge, unbothered by the carnage which surrounded them, were the four members of the Straw Hat Pirates who had just escaped Crocodile's trap. Plus Spinner. Their scout was giving their surroundings a once-over, eyes glowing blue, until something off in the distance snatched his attention. It wasn't in the distance for very long.

"YOU GUYS!" Yelled the approaching Chopper, in his full reindeer form.

"Oh, hey Chopper." Luffy waved, only for Chopper to ram into him and knock him off his feet.

"You guys just left me to wait outside! Without saying anything!" Chopper said.

"We got locked in a cage and nearly drowned. You didn't miss out on much." Zoro retorted.

"O-Oh… I guess I don't missing out on that…" Chopper admitted.

Some of the people on the street were staring at them as they walked by. They were given a wide berth, mainly owing to all the unconscious bodies in their vicinity.

"Well, what do we do now?" Nami asked. Julius was back in his Pokeball, and the ball was back on the Log Pose.

"We had to Alubarna, right? That was the plan." Chopper said.

"Things didn't go according to plan." Zoro said, "Luffy didn't beat Crocodile. While we were all trapped, he left."

"If I wasn't in that cage, I'd have kicked his ass!" Luffy pouted, "Stupid coward-dile…"

"And it sounds like Baroque Works has some kind of plan they're pulling off in Katorea." Nami added, "Vivi and the others are right in the middle of it."

"What?! We need to help them!" Chopper said, only for Luffy to shake his head.


"But Nami just said-!"

"That doesn't mean they need our help." Spruce interjected. He smiled reassuringly at Chopper, "We have faith in Sanji, Usopp and Vivi. They'll be alright."

"We said we were gonna kick Crocodile's ass, and we still need to do that!" Luffy said, "And since he said he was heading to that All-barn place, that's where we'll head to next."

"Alubarna." Nami corrected, "Which brings us to our next problem… How the hell are we going to go anywhere in time for it to matter? Heading to Alubarna on foot must be at least a two or three day journey."

"Actually…" Chopper said, "I think I have a way for us to get there quicker! Come on!"

He turned around and hurried off into the street. The others followed after him, leaving Rain Dinners behind them as they made their way back towards the desert. As they went, Chopper explained it to them.

"While you left me outside, I asked the animals around the city if any of them knew how we could get to Alubarna faster! One of them told me about someone that could help us!"

Right on cue, as they reached the edge of Rainbase, where the streets gave way for desert as far as the eye could see, the sound of limbs thundering across the sand heralded the arrival of an enormous red crab. It came to a stop right in front of them, and Chopper didn't waste any time before climbing up onto its back. The others took a moment to marvel at its sudden appearance before them. Or in Nami's case, be uneased by the creepy leer it seemed to have.

"Wow! Look at that massive pincer!" Spruce gushed, being the first to climb up onto it after Chopper, before the reindeer even said anything.

"Looks tasty!" Luffy said.

"Hop on!" Chopper said to the others, beckoning for them to follow him and Spruce.

"We can ride it? Wow!" Luffy said.

"Beats running." Zoro commented.

"What's with the creepy leer, though?" Nami said, frowning slightly. Nevertheless, she and the other two all climbed up onto the crab's back together. Once they were all aboard, it started moving again. It dashed sideways across the sand, carrying all of them atop its back towards the Sandora River. And, past that, Alubarna.

After a string of fights and dangers which had been unending since entering the Rain Dinners casino, it was in that moment that the Straw Hats had a moment to catch their breath. Nami's body relaxed, while her thoughts drifted to those of them that weren't present.

'Will Vivi and the others really be alright?'

Her worry must have been showing on her face. That, or Spruce had sensed her trepidation, because he opened his mouth to speak just a second later.

"I guess we'll have to apologise to Vivi when we see her in Alubarna."

When she heard him speak, Nami looked over to see Spruce sitting cross-legged, with his chin resting in his palm as he gazed out at the desert around them. He glanced in her direction, briefly, and flashed her a reassuring smile. There was an earnestness in what he said, an unshakeable faith in not just Sanji and Usopp, but in Vivi herself, which put her at ease. She looked down.

'I guess they're probably thinking the same thing about us right now.'

She may have been at ease, but just as Nami relaxed, Spruce became the worried one. Though worried would be underselling it. His eyes widened suddenly, filling with fear, and he whipped his head around to look towards the direction they were travelling in. There was nothing to be seen but an expanse of sand stretching out past the horizon. It wasn't something he had seen that had him in such a state of panic, however. Rather, it was something else.

Reaching down, he grabbed Ria's Pokeball off his belt and sent her out. As soon as she materialised, and her eyes flashed blue, she mirrored her trainer's emotions, while the others riding the crab were briefly confused at Spruce's sudden action. It was Zoro who noticed their shared demeanours first, which had him preparing to unsheathe his blades. And it was Luffy who was the first to actually see what had them worried in the first place.

Off in the distance, approaching them rapidly, was what looked to be an enormous column of sand. It wasn't merely a column, though- rather it was a blade of sand, stretching up into the air even higher than the crab they were on. Its edge was razor-sharp. In its wake it left a trench, carving through the very desert itself on its trajectory towards them.

"What's that?! Some kind of monster?! A freak sandstorm?!" Nami sputtered, unable to justify in her own mind the sight of the desert itself manifesting its wrath to attack them. And how could she?

"It's him." Spruce said gravely, "VACUUM WAVE!"



The pair of attacks were launched, one after the other, towards the oncoming sand. First was Ria's, the blast of wind which she launched with her fist, and which collided with the blade. Not with its edge, though. It skimmed past the edge of the blade and instead blasted apart the body of sand behind it. An instant later, Luffy's own extended fist flung forwards and struck the sand on the opposite side. Just before it could carve the crab into two pieces, the blade of sand collapsed in on itself, with grains spraying all over them while it continued on its trajectory.

"Blegh!" Luffy spat, spraying sand out of his mouth while he also wiped it off his face and shoulders.

"This must be a Devil Fruit ability." Zoro surmised, "Figures that Crocodile would have one."

"ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?!" Chopper cried.

For all its power, the blade which carved apart the desert itself had only been a precursor. Something in the air shone. Nami spotted it first, recognising the familiar glint of gold. Then it came swinging down, and everyone could see that it was Crocodile's golden hook, controlled by a mass of sand taking place of the arm that should have been attached. Rather than let it impale any of them, or otherwise rip them away from the crab, Luffy threw himself at it. He wrapped a hand around the hook, and it immediately yanked him off his feet.

"LUFFY!" Nami screamed.

"GO ON WITHOUT ME!" Luffy yelled as he was dragged through the air away from his friends. In the distance, he could see Crocodile, whose entire arm was a mass of sand floating through the air and reaching out to where his hook was hauling Luffy towards him. In his eyes there was not a single shred of mercy to be found. As Luffy prepared himself, mentally, for the confrontation which was about to take place, he knew one thing for sure:

Only one of them would walk away from it.
Huh, another really weird interaction that Spruce just doesnt bother explaining.

Why would Seastone collapse into powder in a Sableyes jaws...? They don't have a particularly strong bite, don't even learn the move in spite of being Dark types. And Seastone clearly isn't food, so it just being related to their diet of gemstones seems... off. Related to type energies maybe?
Huh, another really weird interaction that Spruce just doesnt bother explaining.

Why would Seastone collapse into powder in a Sableyes jaws...? They don't have a particularly strong bite, don't even learn the move in spite of being Dark types. And Seastone clearly isn't food, so it just being related to their diet of gemstones seems... off. Related to type energies maybe?
It was explained back in Little Garden. Sableye's diet of gemstones, as well as the fact they prey on Carbink, means they have the biting force necessary to bite through seastone.
Thing there is, while diamonds are hard, they are also fairly brittle. They are hard to scratch, but can be shattered. A regular hammer can be used to smash Diamond.

Seastone is both hard as diamonds AND demonstrably capable of enduring massive impacts without breaking.
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Chapter 27: Misery in Katorea New
None of the doctors, nurses or even the veterinarian who had been brought into the infirmary in the royal palace had expected Carue to wake up when he did. It came as something of a shock when, in the middle of changing his bandages, the duck suddenly bolted upright with a panicked quack. He flailed around for a second, looking all around him while trying to process what had almost become an unfamiliar setting with how long he had been away from it.

"CARUE! CARUE, CALM DOWN! YOU'RE IN THE PALACE!" One of the doctors called out, while the veterinarian hastily prepared a sedative. The frenzied motions of Carue's wings ended up slapping one of the nurses in the face, but she luckily wasn't seriously harmed.

"QUACK! QUACK, QUACK!" Carue cried.

"CARUE!" The doctor bellowed, even louder than before. Stepping past him was the veterinarian, whose needle with the sedative prepared came just an inch shy of Carue's body when the duck finally calmed down and went completely still. Then he cringed, letting out a light groan while collapsing back into his gurney.

"Poor dear… you must have strained your injuries when you were thrashing about like that." A nurse said. Those injuries were quickly attended to by the vet, who put the sedative away. While they tended to Carue, the nurse knelt down at his bedside and stroked the top of his head comfortingly.


"You know, it was just so brave of you, Carue." She said, "Bringing that message all the way across Alabasta for the king, the way you did. You'll probably get a medal for it."

"Quack." Carue sounded at least a little pleased at that idea.

"I can't even imagine what it must have been like, held captive on that boat with all those pirates." Another nurse added, kneeling down on the other side of Carue's bed.


"And yet the king is content to leave his own daughter in the captivity of the rebels? It's practically a disgrace to this duck's efforts." The vet muttered under his breath as he continued to tend to Carue.


Finally, it seemed, Carue had gotten the sense that something was remiss. With a flap of his wings, he shoved the vet back and caused both nurses to retreat. Their immediate reaction was to think he was having another fit like just before, and the vet was already reaching for where he'd placed the needle down before. But there was something different about Carue this time, which he noticed right after, and so the sedative was forgotten.

Rather than just flailing about randomly, Carue instead gesticulated. With quacks at random intervals, he made frantic motions with his feathers, which had the medical staff watching him with rapt attention. None of them could possibly figure out what he was trying to communicate, save for one thing. The crossing of his wings in front of his body in the shape of an X made that part of what he was trying to say, perfectly clear. Or, maybe not perfectly.

"Huh? You're saying that's wrong?" The first nurse guessed, which was met with a nod from Carue.

"Okay, I'm sorry." The vet said, "I just- as a father, I just can't understand why King Cobra is doing-"

"QUACK!" Carue shook his head before the vet could finish.

"Wait, so that means I'm right?"

Carue shook his head again, then began gesticulating even faster than before. Any hope of understanding him was lost.

"Maybe something else was wrong?" The doctor suggested.

There were more than just the medical staff in the infirmary. Admittedly, with how much buzz there had been around Carue's arrival and the message he brought, most of those other patients had found themselves overlooked and neglected. The nurses wanted to dote on him. The vet was only there for the purpose of treating him. The doctors didn't like letting the vet operate in the infirmary without their constant supervision. It had been easy to forget altogether that Carue was not by his lonesome without them. The sound of laughter from across the room, however, served to remind them all of that fact.

"Heh… Heh… Hah…"

A wizened laugh from an older individual. The staff all looked to see a man in his senior years, chuckling loudly to himself at Carue's attempt at charades, who then stared back at them the moment he had their attention.

"Seems rather simple to me, what the duck is trying to say." He said, "And what's got him in such a panic."

"What makes you such an expert?" The vet said, sounding a little affronted by the man's statements while he tried not to let it show on his face.

"Please, these charades aren't working!" One of the nurses pleaded.

"It's not hard to figure out. Those injuries he came here with should've been a redder flag… It is what it is. That information that those guards and the king got off of him was false. Someone probably attacked the duck, and replaced the princess' actual message with one that said what they wanted it to say. King Cobra sorta had it figured out, right? He realised he was only being told stuff the enemy would want him to hear…"

"QUACK!" Carue nodded so hard it seemed like his neck might rip itself apart. The medical staff were all astonished. Then after they were astonished, they were horrified.

"It was… a lie? Everything? The stuff about being captured by pirates, them trying to sell Vivi into the rebels' captivity, then you escaping and managing to bring that message here?!" A nurse cried. Carue nodded again. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.

"But it's too late now!" The doctor exclaimed, "This morning, an entire battalion of soldiers set out for Katorea, where the rebel base is! They claimed it was being done under King Cobra's orders, they even had his signature and everything!"

"QUACK?!" Carue leapt to his feet. He had to suppress a wince as he felt his injuries flare up again. In spite of the pain, he tried to make a dash for the exit, but one of the nurses moved to block him.

"There's nothing you can do! You need to rest and let your injuries heal!"

"QUACK!!" Carue stepped around her and continued to make for the exit. It was his own body that stopped him this time. One of his legs gave out, pain shooting up through the rest of his body, and he tumbled to the floor.

Both nurses hurried to help Carue back into his bed, but an aggressive flap of his wings kept them away. His eyes narrowed as he stood back up on his own, and once again made for the exit. His steps were more tentative this time, as if he waited for each one to make sure he would remain upright. What was previously a dash had become a sneak, one which moved at a glacial pace compared to what he was really capable of it. The sight of it made the vet sigh.

"Get back into bed, Carue." He instructed, "We'll need to patch you up better than that if you're going to go for another run."

Carue turned back around.


They were in and out of Nanohana. Docked, anchored, then sneaking about the city with their heads down and their hoods up. There was a man who sold horses, for travellers to cross the desert with, and they bought two. Usopp and Sanji rode together on one, and Vivi rode on the other, and they headed for Katorea. It was a refreshing change, to make the journey on horseback rather than on foot, and shrank the time spent in the sun to a fraction of what it otherwise would have been.

The only one who had anything to complain about was Sanji, who muttered under his breath about having Usopp clinging to him from behind rather than Vivi.

When the town of Katorea did finally become visible in the distance, so too did a trio of riders. One rode a horse of their own, while the other two rode out on camels, headed directly for the approaching Straw Hats. As soon as Vivi spotted the three of them, she pulled on her reins to bring her horse to a halt, and Sanji did the same. The riders slowed their approach as they neared, with the two on both sides splitting off from the one in the centre in order to surround them.

Now that they were closer, Vivi and the others were able to make out more details about the identities of the riders. The one to their left was a burly man, with a clean-shaven head and a number of scars decorating his neck and jawline. To their right was a woman with short, curly blonde hair and a handkerchief tied over her mouth and nose. Both of them were armed. A rifle was slung over the man's shoulder, while the woman had a pistol holstered at her hip, and her hand was already on the grip, ready to unholster the weapon at a moment's notice.

Most of interest to Vivi, however, was the third rider in the centre, the one who was facing them from the front. He was of a lighter build than the scarred man, with tanned skin and black hair styled into a ponytail beneath a red hat and a pair of goggles. Like his companions, he was armed, having a holstered shotgun hanging off his saddle. The sight of the man made Vivi lower her head, letting her hood dip down and obscure more of her face from his view, even as the man's attention was primarily focused on the duo of Sanji and Usopp.

'Kebi… You joined the rebels as well?' Vivi thought to herself, memories of time spent playing together as children flashing through her mind. In the meantime, Sanji was the one to speak up on their behalf.

"Easy there! We don't want any trouble." He said, raising his hands placatingly while glancing around at the two rebels behind them. The woman was the one who seemed closest to using their weapon.

"What's your business?" Kebi demanded.

"We're headed for Katorea."

"And what's your business in Katorea?"

"We'd like to speak to the members of the rebel army." Vivi declared, even as her head remained bowed. Her hood blocked from view the faces of those around her, yet she didn't raise it.

"You're speaking to three of them right now." The scarred man deadpanned. Across from him, the blonde woman narrowed her eyes.

"What we want to say isn't for the small-fry like you guys." Sanji said, "Take us to see your leader. He'll want to hear this."

"Small-fry?!" The scarred man growled.

"Sanji!" Usopp hissed.

"Sanji!" Vivi admonished, more audibly. Her voice quickly had him lowering his head in apology to the rebels.

"Sorry." Sanji muttered.

"Calm down." Kebi said, fixing the other two with a stern look before giving Sanji and Vivi a nod, "It's alright. If you'd like to speak with Koza, we can take you to see him. We'll need to search you and make sure you're not carrying any weapons, though."

"That's only fair." Vivi replied.

"Follow me."

Kebi turned his horse around and began heading back towards the town which he and the other rebels had come from. His companions remained where they were, at least until Vivi and Sanji's horses got moving, at which point they followed them from behind.

"Um, if they search us for weapons, what happens when they find all the stuff on me?" Usopp leaned in to whisper to Sanji, his eyes darting fearfully back towards the rebels every few seconds.

"They won't search the two of us. Just Vivi. She's the one who'll be seeing their leader." Sanji whispered back. Not quietly enough to avoid being heard at all, as it turned out.

"Hey! Talking about something there?" The woman piped up, squinting her eyes at them.

"Just telling my friend here he's lucky I didn't boot him off the horse for not being a beautiful lady!" Sanji replied.

"Ugh. Okay then, weirdo." She said.

When they reached the town, they continued onto the streets at a pace which gave Vivi and the others plenty of time to take in the new location. Compared to some of what they had seen, Katorea was certainly luckier than some of the other towns and cities in Alabasta. It wasn't desolate or decrepit like Yuba or Erumalu were, though it also wasn't as bustling as Nanohana was either. Instead, it fell somewhere on the spectrum between their states, closer to Nanohana's prosperity than not. Like Nanohana, it wasn't abandoned either.

Some of the buildings had people in them. Workers, or families in their homes. There were even a couple of children who were spotted racing to their windows at the sound of their arrival. They stared at them intently, from when they came into view to when they passed out of it, at which point they would return to whatever they had been doing beforehand. Some of the children looked curious, while others looked downright eager to see the rebels ride through.

"What's the rebellion doing with all these children hanging around?" Sanji asked, with an edge to his voice as he did so.

"This was their home before it was ours." Kebi said calmly, not even looking back as he answered.

"Water's hard enough to come by without people hoarding one of the only supplies of it." The blonde woman added, "We're not like those royal dogs."

Vivi's hands tightened around the reins.

"Some people left when we came here. Others stayed. A few of them even joined. But most of them just didn't have the option to go anywhere else." The scarred man explained, "We try not to get in the way of things."

Eventually, they came upon an encampment around the outskirts of the town, made up of various tents. It had a clear border, with hastily-erected fences supported by stacked crates and barrels. As they approached the entrance, which was guarded by another pair of rebels, Kebi dismounted his horse, and gestured for them to all do the same. One of the guards made their way over, giving the group a once-over as they did so. They wore a thick cloak, which hid from view the wooden prosthetic which had replaced their right leg, except for when they walked.

"Who's this lot? New recruits?" They asked Kebi. Behind him, everyone dismounted, and then stood in place while the two talked.

"They say they want to speak with Koza. Apparently he'll want to hear what they have to say." Kebi glanced back at the group, then leaned in to add, "Even gave us a bit of attitude."

"Well alright then." They said, "We'll have to search them."

Then they nodded to the other guard, who headed into the camp. The scarred man and blonde woman came up behind the three visitors, and gave them a rough shove forwards and away from their horses.

"Arms up." Kebi instructed.

"Um, is it alright if I decline?" Usopp asked hastily, while Sanji and Vivi both obliged, "I'm fine with waiting out here."

That earned him a raised eyebrow, from both Kebi and the cloaked rebel. The former looked to the latter expectantly, apparently deferring to their judgement, who just shrugged in return.

"If he isn't going in, I don't see a need to search him."

"Alright then." Kebi nodded.

Usopp stepped away from his comrades, who were each patted down by the rebel of the corresponding gender. There was nothing to be found on Vivi, but the scarred man's eyes narrowed as he felt something beneath the folds of Sanji's garments, and he reached into his pocket to extract a lighter, which he held up in front of the chef with an accusatory glare. In response, Sanji retrieved his box of cigarettes. He took one out and stuck it in his mouth, then pointed to the lighter. The man shoved it back in his pocket.

Once they were both satisfied, they gave Kebi and the other rebel a nod. With that, Kebi beckoned for Vivi and Sanji to follow him into the camp, while Usopp was left outside. The cloaked rebel went back to their guard post by the entrance, and the other two who had escorted them in led the quintet of animals away elsewhere.

As they were led into the camp, Vivi took a chance to look around at the state things were in. The camp itself was as one might suspect from a rebellion, thrown up with whatever supplies were available. What Vivi cared more about was the rebels who populated it. There was no shortage of them who they passed on their way to where Koza was. And in this place in particular, many of them didn't care to hide the spoils of war.

It had been one thing to read about it in the newspaper, but as Vivi walked past the men and women whose bodies had been ravaged by battle, she had to fight to keep the tears spilling down her cheeks. The rebels wore scars like accessories. Bandages were the most common cloth. Like the guard with the prosthetic leg, several of them were missing limbs and appendages. Try as she might, Vivi couldn't stop a lone tear from trickling down her face as she walked past all of it.

Even Sanji was affected. He didn't let it show like Vivi did, as he retrieved his lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette which had been dangling out of his mouth since the search. As they walked, he let his gaze settle on the ground beneath their feet, avoiding the sight of what was around him.

"Alright." Kebi said as he came to a stop. He gestured to a couple of crates which were laying on the ground nearby, seemingly beckoning for them to take a seat. Vivi didn't hesitate to, while Sanji gave their surroundings a once-over before doing so himself.

"I take it your leader's a busy man, then?" Sanji guessed, "It's a shame rebels don't hire secretaries."

"He'll be with you soon." Kebi said, "Despite what you insist, Koza does have more important matters to attend to first."

He stayed standing, his eyes never leaving the two of them while they sat and waited. Left as they were, they both found different ways to occupy themselves. For Vivi, she stewed in what she had seen. Not just in the rebel encampment, but everything that she had seen since docking in Nanohana. Cities left ruined and buried in the desert, innocent people maimed in a conflict that should never have been. So much pain and suffering, so little of which would go away even when she and her friends succeeded.

She had seen the grievous wounds which her kingdom had suffered. She could only imagine what kind of scar would be left behind.

In contrast to Vivi's bitter reflections, Sanji was more focused on the present. Leaning over his knees and resting his chin atop his hands, he inclined his head slightly to hide his eyes from Kebi's view. Hidden as they were, the flitted around their surroundings every few seconds, making sure that he was constantly aware of what was happening around them.

'Baroque Works clearly deal in infiltration, going off what Vivi said about manipulating the rebellion.' He thought, 'It's not unlikely that they would have one of their agents join the rebellion as a ruse just in case we tried to approach the leader. Devil Fruit abilities can be hidden in a way that normal weapons can't, so our enemy could be just about anyone.'

Their thoughts were interrupted by the sound of frantic running. A rebel came, sprinting as fast as they could through the entrance and past where Sanji and Vivi were sitting. Kebi tried to hold a hand out to stop them, but they pushed past him and just kept running. They gave a yelled explanation in their wake, "NO TIME! NEED KOZA!"

"Need Koza?" Kebi repeated, glancing from the frenzied rebel over to where Vivi and Sanji were sitting. Both shot to their feet at the mention of the rebel leader, however, and Kebi quickly pointed his extended hand in their direction to gesture for them to stay where they were.

It wasn't just them that the rebel ran past. The guard who had gone in ahead of them came walking by, raising an eyebrow at the rush their comrade was in, but otherwise not paying them much mind as they walked over to Kebi and gave them a nod.

"Koza's ready to see them now." They said, "You see Khalid run by? What's got him in such a frenzy?"

"All he said was that he needed to see Koza. Made it sound urgent." Kebi replied.

As the two conversed, Vivi and Sanji stood by and listened in. Technically they'd been given permission to see Koza, something which had no small measure of relief flooding through Vivi as her goal finally came within reach, but neither of them knew where in the camp he was, and knew better than to go wandering off without their escort. There was also some concern shared between them, wondering what had the rebel called Khalid so panicked.

Then, they heard the yell.


A man's voice, so loud it must have echoed across the entire camp. Barely a second passed before there was the sound of people running and the clattering of weapons being picked up. Distant voices started to yell, though not as loud as the man, and so they couldn't tell what was being yelled from where they were. Rebels came running past Sanji and Vivi, heading for the entrance to the camp, and none spared even a glance for the pirate or the princess. One of them was a man with a scar running down across his left eye. He tore past all of them, leading several others behind him.

'Koza!' Vivi stared at him as he passed, her eyes following him even as he left her in his dust.

"Wha-?! KOZA?!" Kebi gaped, seeing his leader run by like there was a fire to be put out, "The hell's going on?!"

From Koza's group, one of them skidded to a stop and turned back around towards Kebi and the guard. They took a moment to pant for breath before giving a panicked explanation.

"It's the royal army! They're here in Katorea, and not just them! Apparently they've got the king leading them! They're armed, too!"

"THOSE DOGS ARE HERE?!" Kebi exploded. As soon as he had processed the news, Sanji and Vivi were forgotten. Tuned out as he and the other rebel raced after the direction Koza had gone in.

It was lucky Kebi's reaction had been so strong, because he hadn't been the only one unable to hold back his emotions. As soon as she heard the news herself, Vivi let out a gasp of "FATHER?!" which went noticed only by Sanji. The chef immediately looked to the rebels around them, to see if any of them had caught her slip-up. None of them had, and he breathed a sigh of relief while running a hand back through his hair.

"Why would your father come here, Vivi?" Sanji asked, "Does this have anything to do with the message you sent Carue off with?"

"I don't know!" Vivi said, "It had everything that I'd learned about Baroque Works in it- maybe he came to broker a peace with the rebels now that he knew who was responsible for the Dance Powder incident?"

The theorising was interrupted by Usopp coming racing towards them. He looked almost as panicked as Khalid earlier had been.

"Vivi!" He cried, apparently deciding to forgo any attempts at secrecy, "What's your father doing here?! There are guys with guns running around all over the place!"

"I don't know! I-!" Vivi's voice had an edge of frustration to it as she started to repeat what she had just told Sanji, before the chef in question suddenly tackled her.

His actions hadn't been without precursor. Moments before, the sand around their feet had suddenly been blasted into the air in small bursts. It was a sign of gunfire, racing across the ground towards where they were, and Sanji moved like lightning to try and shield Vivi's body with his own. As he did, one of the bullets grazed his leg, and the wound began to drip blood down onto the sand. Accompanying the attack was the distant sound of machine gun fire, coming from up in the sky.

None of the bullets which were fired had even the slightest chance of hitting Vivi. They had been aimed squarely at Sanji, who had only saved himself with his quick reflexes. As the pain from his new wound raced up his body, it was followed up by a feathery impact. An enormous creature swooped down from above, with a swiftness that astonished even him, and ripped him away from Vivi with what felt like a bird's talons. They ripped through his cloak and shirt and left light gashes across his back, then the creature shoved him back to tumble over the crate which he had just been sitting on.

Before either of the pirates could grasp what was happening in that moment, the feathery mass had scooped Vivi up in the arms that it possessed, and then it took off into the air like a bird with her in its grip.

"D-DID YOU SEE THAT?!" Usopp screamed, his eyes darting between the feathered creature- a man, he could now see- who was flying away with Vivi, and Sanji who shot to his feet and glared up at the man with a burning intensity in his eyes. No matter the rage he felt in that moment, though, he couldn't fly after him. He could only remain on the ground where he was.

"A transformation like that… it has to be a Zoan Devil Fruit! That guy must be Baroque Works!" Sanji deduced, "QUICK, USOPP! DO SOMETHING!"

"WHY ME?!"


With the two focused on each other and on Vivi's seeming abductor, neither paid much attention to the pair of rebels who ran by and stared at the sight of the carnage for themselves. One looked to the other and grabbed their shoulder as they pointed up at the sky with their other hand.

"You see?! That's Pell the Falcon! He must have come with the king and the soldiers! Is he launching a surprise attack?!"

"He is now." The other rebel drawled. A cold metal barrel pressed itself against the rebel's back, courtesy of who they had thought was an ally before now, and then a series of bullets of the same calibre as the ones used in Pell's weapons, ripped through the rebel's body. They died just before they realised who had killed them. The rebel who had murdered them, and who bore a particular tattoo concealed beneath their garments, snuck away in the chaos.

The conversation that was taking place in the air between Pell and Vivi was radically different from the frantic and murderous exchanges taking place on the ground. He held her tightly in his arms, the way that a parent might do so to comfort a terrified child. Thinking of Vivi like such was not unreasonable in the moment, because she had gone deathly still. Not because of the terrible trauma she had experienced as a pirate crew's hostage, though.

'That blood… That was Sanji!' She realised. In her mind, the sight of Sanji moving to protect her, only to get shot at and diced up like he had, replayed again and again. To have one shock thrust upon her after another proved too much in the moment, she didn't say anything even as Pell spoke to her.

"His majesty refused to let us attack a single rebel of our own volition, no matter what they did." Pell explained, "They are all still his subjects, and citizens of our kingdom, after all. But those pirates- those barbarians- will not see any of the same mercy! You can be at ease now, princess. You're safe."

Whatever Pell might have expected Vivi's response to be, he never could have predicted it accurately.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, PELL?!" She screeched with such a ferocity that he almost dropped her. Fury blazed in her eyes, accompanied by glistening teardrops as she leaned as much away from him in his hold as she possibly could.

"Princess?!" Pell gasped. But then that gasp turned into a strangled cry of pain.

"DELUXE PEPPER SAUCE STAR!" Was what Usopp yelled from his place down on the ground. Despite how high into the sky Pell had ascended in a brief interval of time, or the fact that he was holding Vivi to his chest, it did nothing to stop Usopp's attack from hitting the target dead-on. A pellet of super-spicy hot sauce had exploded right in Pell's beak, making it feel like it had been set on fire on the inside.

For a seasoned warrior like Pell, enduring such a level of spice was simply one of the many feats he was capable of. For one crucial second, however, Pell's concentration slipped. He dipped down several feet in the air as he was caught off-guard by the initial wave of spice. That one crucial second was all that Sanji needed.

Hooking his foot beneath one of the crates, Sanji quickly sent it flying into the air. Not towards Pell yet, though. It wasn't high enough for that. What it was high enough for, was for Sanji to leap up off the ground himself. He planted his feet on the windowsill of the nearest building, and pushed off it to launch himself up above the building's roof. That was how high he had kicked the wooden crate. Then he kicked it again. Spinning around in the air, his foot struck it like it were a ball in a sporting game, and it promptly exploded into fragmented wood pieces.

One of those pieces, on the larger end of the spectrum, sailed through the sky with pinpoint accuracy of Sanji's own, to collide squarely with Pell's beak. With his greater size, it was easier to avoid hitting Vivi, who had already been trying to distance herself anyway. The tremendous power behind his kick was transferred, through the wood as a medium, into Pell's face. Such a brutal attack could only cause Pell's grip on Vivi to slacken. Her own efforts plus gravity did the rest of the work of causing her to fall out of his arms entirely.

"PRINCESS!" Pell cried.

"VIVI!" Sanji screamed.

Both men raced to catch her out of the air. Sanji planted his heel on the rooftop he had just jumped above, and then sprinted forwards to leap up and try to catch her in his arms. At the same time, Pell shoved the pain of the spice to the side and dove down after her. They locked eyes as they did so.

While in the air, both men prepared to attack the other. For Sanji, that meant winding a leg back so it could be driven into his foe's body. His foe, on the other hand, drew the blade which was sheathed at his hip, with plans to run Sanji through with it. The first of them to reach Vivi was Sanji, who scooped her up in a princess-carry. She was in his arms less than a second before Pell had reached them both. The falcon's eyes were wide, unblinking, as his whole face was hardened with the focus that allowed him to attack while Vivi was so close.

Such focus was unnecessary, because Sanji didn't allow the sword to move even a fraction of an inch towards Vivi. He drove his heel like a battering ram into the talons grasping the hilt, and then reared his leg back to kick the cross-guard in the same second. The weapon was flung from Pell's grip, but Pell had more pressing concerns- namely, Sanji completing his three-kick combo by kicking him in the chin. His head jerked back. The world went black for an instant around him and he careened through the air before managing to regain his bearings. By the time he did, Sanji had landed back on the ground with Vivi in his arms.

"Nice shot, Usopp." Was the first thing Sanji said, giving the sniper in question an approving nod.

"Thanks! But look out!" Usopp said. He'd placed himself a good distance away from where Sanji landed, and from there he pointed upwards. In the sky, Pell had righted himself in the air, and then snagged his sword before it fell so that he could swoop down towards Sanji and attack once again.

"SANJI, WAIT-!" Vivi began, but he set her down and jumped into the air before she even uttered his name.

Somewhere in the back of Sanji's mind, he lamented being forced to put Vivi down so soon. That part of his brain may have been why he met Pell's assault with the ferocity that he did. Pell tried to cleave him from shoulder to hip with a downwards swing of his sword, but Sanji blocked the attack with a kick of his own. Blade and leg were locked against each other, but Pell's momentum carried them both downwards, driving Sanji back down into the ground.

With only one foot to stand on, the landing unbalanced him. He teetered backwards, and Pell continued to push. Just before he toppled over and created an opening that could be exploited, though, Sanji went with it. He let himself fall back, reaching out with his hands to transition into a handstand. Then he twisted his foot around and let his leg drop. As Pell's sword swing came crashing down with all the force he had been exerting against Sanji, the chef redirected it away from himself, so that all he carved through was air.

The sudden lack of resistance threw Pell off. He slammed into the ground, but recovered quickly, letting go of his sword before the impact and letting its momentum send it skidding away from him. Sanji tried to capitalise on the moment with a barrage of kicks, only for Pell to whirl around with his bare talons. One of the kicks struck his chest. He retaliated with a swipe, which grazed Sanji's leg and caused him to end his barrage early. Both men looked at each other. For one brief moment, neither was attacking the other. Blood had been drawn on both sides, and they were ready to spill more. Only-



Neither of them had even noticed Vivi retrieving her Pokeball and sending Bonbon out. So locked into their fight with each other that it caught them by complete surprise when a series of stones came hurtling through the air to slam into the both of them. The stones struck with less force than they'd been attacking each other with, but the presence of a new attacker allowed the momentary lapse in their fight to draw on for several more seconds. They became more aware of the world around them. And, as a result, they heard clearly what Vivi said next.



She had called both of them by name. It would take a few seconds for both of them to realise that, and then realise the implications of that. They understood her instruction, though, so they attacked neither each other nor Bonbon herself.

"Princess-?!" Pell started, the first to voice his confusion, but he was interrupted before he could finish.

"He tried to abduct you! He must be Baroque Works!"

"BOTH OF YOU STOP TALKING, TOO!" Vivi snapped. Her fists were clenched at her sides, anger positively wafting off of her. It was a stark contrast to Bonbon, who looked pleased with herself for hitting the both of them. Seeing her trainer's demeanour, she crossed her arms and tried to match the glare she was directing at the two men.

Just as they had stopped fighting, the two stopped talking as well. Even Usopp clamped a hand over his mouth, daring not to even risk Vivi's wrath. For a few seconds, everyone was silent, which gave Sanji and Pell an opportunity to both ponder and reflect on things. Their eyes darted to each other, both sizing the other up. The aggression they regarded the other with simmered down. After a few seconds had passed, Vivi took a deep breath, and then continued.

"Sanji, you're a member of the pirate crew who protected me after my true identity was discovered by Baroque Works and they tried to kill me, and who escorted me back here to Alabasta. Pell, you're a member of the royal guard who's been protecting me and the kingdom since I was a child. Neither of you are my enemy, both of you are trying to keep me safe. Is that understood?"

They both nodded. Usopp nodded as well. Then he eyed Pell and his talons, which promptly disappeared as the man transformed back into his human form. He walked over to where his sword had ended up, and returned it to its sheath. Once that was done, he walked back over to where he was standing before. His gaze steered clear of the numerous wounds which now decorated Sanji's body, and which were still bleeding, even if the chef did his best to not acknowledge it.

"Um, I'm one of those pirates too." Usopp piped up, glancing over at Pell, "One of the ones helping protect Vivi. Just in case you were wondering."

Since Vivi's mandated silence had been broken, Pell took the opportunity to speak, ignoring Usopp entirely in favour of asking Vivi, "Princess, I have no idea who this 'Baroque Works' you mentioned is. Is that the name of the enemy who's been conspiring against the kingdom?"

The question made Vivi's eyes widen. A thousand thoughts flashed through her mind, but there was only one emotion which presented itself on her face: distress.

"What do you mean you have- Haven't you received Carue's message?"

That only confused Pell even more, "We did. It said you had been taken captive by pirates, and they were bringing you here to sell you into the custody of the rebels! There were even pictures included, of the different members of the crew! One of them was of him!"

He pointed at Sanji, though still neglected to actually look at him. His focus was more on Vivi, upon whose face a look of abject horror was quickly dawning. Confusion made way for realisation, which then became understanding. From the way that Sanji's brow was scrunching up, and his mouth was tightening into a grimace, he may very well have been making the exact same deduction that Vivi was in that moment.

"I didn't write any of that! Carue's message was supposed to-!"


A distant gunshot silenced Vivi. Her head whipped around in the direction that it had come from, towards the heart of the city where Koza and the other rebels had rushed off to just a minute or two ago to meet the king and his soldiers. The others turned their heads as well, and they listened out to the deafening silence which hung in the air for just a second in the aftermath, before it was broken.




More gunshots. They were accompanied by indistinguishable yells from people. A fight was breaking out, and the yells and gunshots were soon joined by the ringing of swords against each other.

"That- His majesty could never-!" Pell gasped.

"They're fighting here?! There are children around!" Sanji said.

While the two of them spoke, Vivi acted. She took off running, as fast as she possibly could, in the direction she had seen Koza rush off in before. Bonbon was quick to chase after her, and Sanji and Pell's yells echoed in her ears, but she tuned them out. The only thing that she could hear in that moment was the sound of her people killing each other.


It was a sight which was confusing and horrifying in equal parts which greeted Koza as he rushed out from the rebel camp as fast as he possibly could. He had moved with such urgency that he hadn't even armed himself. So unlike his enemies, he was completely unarmed.

The streets of Katorea had filled up with Alabastan soldiers. Armed, uniformed, and in a military formation. He looked out over the heads of the ones at the front, and saw how far back their lines stretched. At just a glance, he would guess that there had to be at least a thousand, if not even more than that. They were carrying banners as well, lining the sides of their formation. Painted with a black and yellow-green insignia which he didn't recognise at all. The banners might have led him to believe that the soldiers were defectors, marching under their own flag instead of that of Alabasta, except for the fact that King Cobra was with them.

Some of the rebels may not have recognised him, having never seen him in the flesh, but Koza had. He wasn't located at the front of the soldiers, but instead closer towards the middle, with several rows of them positioned between him and the rebels. Koza saw him, sitting atop a horse and looking down at them and he recalled a vow which he had once made as he was leaving the royal palace. The face of the man who had watched him leave after refusing to help him, and the face of the man atop the horse, were identical to each other.

There could be no doubt that it was King Cobra of Alabasta who was in Katorea before them.

By the time Koza emerged from the camp and stood before the soldiers, several rebels had already gotten there. Some looked confused, likely as a result of the banners, while others seemed ready to take the first shot at a moment's notice. Every second that passed, more of them trickled out from the camp. Some simply stood by and looked on, while others tried to take up positions for if a fight did break out. There were civilians, too. Children who had been watching through the window opened their doors to come out and see it more closely, and had to be wrangled back inside by terrified mothers. A couple of rebels helped usher them into their homes.

"What is this?!" Koza demanded, marching over to stand just a few feet in front of the soldiers. They weren't who he was yelling at, though. His words were aimed at Cobra, who looked back down at him from up on his horse and didn't say a single thing.

"YOU REBELS HAVE COMMITTED A GRAVE OFFENCE!" A soldier standing in the front lines barked. He stepped forth and whipped out a scroll of parchment, which he unfurled.

"Answer me, Cobra! What is this?! Is this an attack?!" Koza continued, ignoring the soldier entirely. The other rebels in the vicinity, hearing the king called by name, quickly realised their situation. Those that had been confused, no longer were, and they hurried to take up positions of their own. A few of them, who were unsuitably armed, rushed back into the camp.




"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Koza lunged forwards and ripped the scroll from the soldier's hands. He tossed it to the ground, then shoved him back into his formation, before pointing an accusatory finger up at Cobra, who remained unmoving.


"For these crimes, the members of the rebel army, situated here in the town of Katorea, are sentenced to execution."

The soldier said it with a deathly calmness, speaking only loud enough for Koza to hear it. As soon as he did, the rebel leader's body went as still as a statue. He lowered his gaze, and saw the soldier staring at him with a look of sadistic glee. Next to him, his comrade had drawn his rifle and was pointing it directly at him.


Hot lead flew from the rifle and ripped through Koza's body before he even realised what was about to happen. It pierced a bit below his left shoulder, and blood splattered the sand at his feet. The soldier who had read from the scroll smirked at him, and then he stepped back, with the lines of soldiers behind him parting to allow him to vanish into their numbers. Meanwhile, the soldier who had shot him remained as he was, with his weapon raised, even as Koza stumbled back and fell to the ground.

Smoke wafted off the barrel.

Silence hung in the air.

Horror blossomed on the faces of the rebels.

A mother ripped her child away from the windowsill.

Then the silence was broken.


It was fire from three separate firearms which gunned down the offending soldier. He dropped like a puppet whose strings had been cut, and with blood having been spilled on both sides, everything commenced all at once. The soldiers at the front raised their weapons and opened fire, and the rebels who had taken up positions of their own did exactly the same. The latter saw much more success than the latter, who were practically sitting ducks standing in formation like they were. Even so, the soldiers proved to be terrible shots. As bullets ripped through them, their own shots hit windows, ricocheted off walls, or flew uselessly through the air to hit nothing. For every twenty shots they fired, only one would actually hit a rebel.

Of course, none of the rebels paid any mind to the ineptitude of their foes. All that mattered to them was the sound of the gunfire directed at them. So they fired back. The sound of the battle brought more rebels from the camp rushing out to reinforce their numbers, in contrast to the soldiers whose numbers only shrank. After the first few rows had been gunned down, those that came after them opted for a different approach. Rather than guns, they brandished spears, and charged directly into the city. Rather than standing in place and staying clumped together in a formation that made them sitting ducks, they spread out to fill the streets.

Several of the gunners found themselves shooting one soldier, only for another to rush at them while they reloaded. Those of them who had swords on hand drew them, and steel clashing against steel rang through the air. The rebels continued to prove themselves vastly superior to their foes, but it was no longer such an overwhelming difference as before.

While his subjects fought, Cobra turned his horse around and retreated. The rebels were too preoccupied with their attackers, that they barely noticed a massive portion of the soldiers breaking away to retreat with him. Those located at the rear, mainly, leaving the front and middle lines behind to fight and die like they were. The soldiers who carried the banners stayed behind. Even as they marched forwards and into the carnage themselves, they never drew weapons of their own. With so many bodies between them and the rebels they were fighting, it took a long time before all the banners eventually fell.

There was another difference between the soldiers in the middle versus the soldiers in the front, other than their choice of weapon and method of attack. After the initial surge of them, those that followed behind them had red insignias painted across their chests. The passion of the rebels only intensified at the sight of them. Those who had drawn their swords attacked with even greater ferocity, pushing recklessly back against their foes until, finally, the constant flood of new soldiers onto the streets began to die out.

The bodies which were piling up at their feet were accounting for more and more of the population of soldiers that had remained behind. Every moment that passed saw their numbers thinned out more and more.

As victory against the unprecedented and incompetent ambush neared, that was all that the rebels focused on. The people on their own side, who were shot, sliced, stabbed or even trampled in all the chaos, were left to fend for themselves. Those that could fight, fought. They didn't do anything else. And when they weren't even paying attention to their own allies, they certainly weren't paying attention to the presence of a young woman in a cloak, whose face was obscured by her hood, who ran out onto the street and froze at the sight of what laid before her.

To even call it a battle may have been disingenuous to the sheer, unfathomable slaughter which the soldiers had been the victims of. Death littered the streets at such a scale that Princess Vivi couldn't even see it. In her min, the fallen became one blurry mass which she looked past. Those that stepped between them, or trod carelessly over them as part of their efforts to add to their number, were overlooked as well. In the face of such tragedy, Vivi's mind sought refuge in distraction. Her eyes locked in on specific details which presented themselves amidst the blur of violence.

Splotches of fresh red paint decorating the buildings which the soldiers had shot at instead of the rebels. The red insignias painted on the chests of the guards who weren't all finished dying yet. Banners bearing symbols and colours which had never been flown before in the history of Alabasta.

All the way down the end of the street, far away from the fighting, a petite young woman- so youthful in her appearance she could be mistaken for a child- leaned against a wall. In one hand was a paintbrush, the bristles still red. In her other hand was a rice cracker. The woman known as Miss Goldenweek turned her head. She met Vivi's gaze, and as the two locked eyes, she took a bite out of her cracker.

Then she stepped away and vanished around the corner of the wall she had just been leaning against. Vivi was left to stare at where she had just been. Chasing after her would have been a fruitless endeavour.

Before Vivi had a chance to determine what wouldn't be a fruitless endeavour, someone else made that choice for her. A shadow fell over her from above, and she was suddenly scooped up by a half-falcon Pell.


Gunshots rang in her ears, but none of the bullets came close to even grazing her or Pell, as the two of them flew away. The rebels quickly gave up, and didn't even bother trying to chase after him on foot. It wasn't long before the last of the soldiers who hadn't fled were dead. Barely a thought was spared for Pell and his momentary presence on the battlefield.

None of the rebels would even remember the lady who he had flown off with. Not even Kebi, who would completely forget the three strangers who had been escorted into their camp to speak to Koza. What Kebi would remember was the stench of blood and gunpowder that permeated through the streets, filling his nostrils as he made his way over the pile of bodies over to where Koza laid amongst them. He would remember hauling his leader onto his feet, slinging his good arm over his shoulder and helping him remain upright.

He would remember the look in Koza's eyes. Two eyes, one scarred, both brimming with pure hatred.

It was the look of a man who was going to bring an end to things.


Vivi did not say a single word as she was carried through the air in Pell's arms. Her body was stiff, shrinking into itself. They didn't fly for long. Only a short distance away, atop a nearby sand dune where she found that Usopp and Sanji were already waiting for the pair of them. As soon as they touched down, Vivi stumbled out of Pell's arms and fell to her knees in the sand. Her nails dug into her palms as she turned her head towards the sky.


She screamed until her throat gave out. Then when it did, her body was wracked by sobs. Tears spilled down her cheeks. When a pair of arms wrapped around her, her vision was so blurry she couldn't even tell who they belonged to. At least, not until she felt how thin they were, and the fact they had balls instead of fingers.

"Sudowoodo…" Bonbon whispered. Her body was as hard as a stone, and yet Vivi still clutched her tightly. The Pokémon ran a hand up and down Vivi's body comfortingly.

Even after screaming her throat out, the emotions were still there. Still burning inside of her. She raised one of her hands up, fist still clenched. Then she froze. Her fist remained raised.

"It's okay."

That voice was Sanji's. At the sound of it, Bonbon let go of Vivi and stepped back to allow Sanji to take her place. He knelt down in front of Vivi with a sombre gaze upon his face. Vivi couldn't see it, not with her vision still blurry from the tears. She slammed her fist into his chest with every bit of might that she could muster and he didn't even flinch at the impact. Then she did it again and again, pounding out her frustrations while he knelt there and took all of it.

It was an uncomfortable sight for Usopp and Pell, both of whom stood a distance away. The former's arms were crossed over his chest and his head was turned away. The latter returned to his human form and bowed his head solemnly. Only when his head was bowed, and his face obscured from the view of the others, did he allow his expression to contort into an infuriated grimace. His fists clenched at his sides. His body trembled with anger.

Eventually, Vivi ceased her assault. Her arm fell limply at her side in the sand. All those blows hadn't even bruised Sanji. Bonbon stood next to her, running a hand up and down her back comfortingly, and she had a pained look in her eye which she shared with Sanji.

"I'm sorry." Vivi whispered suddenly. She sat up straight, still kneeling in the sand, and reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes as she turned with an apologetic gaze to face Bonbon. Her voice was incredibly hoarse. As soon as he heard it, Pell retrieved a canteen of water and passed it down to Vivi, who took it gratefully and started to sip its contents.

"Wood?" Bonbon asked. Vivi took a few sips before answering.

"I just left you behind. Actually, I left all of you behind, didn't I?"

"There were more important things on your mind." Pell said, "I should apologise to you as well. I flew you out of there without even taking a moment to ask if it was what you wanted."

"No, she needed to leave." Sanji interjected, "All of us did. Something like that… only bad things could have happened if we tried to insert ourselves into it."

"Luffy was right after all." Vivi muttered. She brushed the sand off her clothes as she stood back up.

"Luffy… he's your captain, right? The man worth thirty million?" Pell looked to Sanji and Usopp as he made the inquiry.

"That's right. He and the rest of our crew split off and headed to Rainbase, to take down Crocodile." Sanji explained. The casual way in which he said it was a stark contrast to the shocked reaction such information elicited from Pell.

"CROCODILE?! Are you saying that HE is behind all of this?!"

"Oh, right. I forgot what kind of a shock that would be to most people." Sanji said.

"But why would a Warlord of the Sea- How would he-?!"

"Baroque Works." Vivi said coldly, cutting Pell's confused rambling off, "That's the name of the organisation which is behind all of this, the one that Igaram and I infiltrated two years ago. Their top brass consist of Devil Fruit-using assassins, most of whom are here in Alabasta now."

"I see…" Pell nodded, "Then the reason I was mistaken for one of them was because of my own ability?"

"Pretty much." Sanji said.

"Sorry about that." Usopp mumbled.

"Don't apologise. I'm glad that the princess found such competent protectors. If a little… unorthodox." Pell couldn't help but glance at Bonbon as he added the last part.

"I thought if I could just talk to the rebellion, and make them understand who the true culprit behind everything was, then I'd be able to defuse things." Vivi looked off into the distance, staring down at where Katorea was. From where she stood outside the city, she couldn't see a single sign of the attack which had just transpired.

"Maybe it's not too late!" Usopp piped up, full of hope with his suggestion, "I mean, Baroque Works had to be behind what just happened, right? Your father would never actually do something like-"

"It's too late." Sanji interrupted.

"Yes… I'm afraid so as well." Pell said gravely, "The rebels just saw the king lead an army into Katorea and try to have them all shot down in the street. It would be a miracle if they were willing to hear a single word out of the royal family's mouth, let alone an explanation that absolves the king and pins the blame on the nation's greatest hero."

"Miss Goldenweek was the one behind this attack." Vivi said, "She's one of the few officer agents without a Devil Fruit. Instead, she specialises in a paint-based method of hypnosis, using different colours to control the emotions of others. She was there in Katorea just now, manipulating both sides into attacking each other."

"Then what people thought was the king must have really been one of Mr. 3's wax figures!" Usopp realised.

"Damn that coward!" Sanji cursed.

"So the soldiers were being controlled!" Pell exclaimed, "Controlled… and led to slaughter like that…"

He looked away, his face briefly contorting with anger.

"Luffy was right when he said we needed to attack Crocodile down directly." Vivi said, "Baroque Works are too powerful, and too invisible. As long as their organisation is intact, the rebellion can't be stopped."

There were no more tears being shed as Vivi turned around to face the three men before her. Bonbon scurried to stand at her side. A shift occurred right in front of them in Vivi's demeanour. From her hardening gaze to her straightening posture, they watched her quash the grief and frustration within herself. The instructions which proceeded to come from the princess' mouth were given with the authority of a queen.

"We're going to head to Alubarna now. Words won't be sufficient to stop the rebellion, not anymore. I need to speak to my father directly. Only actions will suffice now."

"Princess, your father disappeared earlier today!" Pell interrupted, "I searched the city myself, the entire royal guard couldn't find a trace of him!"

Vivi pursed her lips tightly. For a second, anger flashed across her face at the new information. Then she let out a deep breath, and the anger melted away back into her façade of control.

"Then I'm afraid what comes next will have to be done on my authority rather than his." She declared, "We need to move fast. Once we're in Alubarna, you'll need to head for Rainbase without delay. However many of the group there you can ferry, the two you need to prioritise are Luffy and Magnus Spruce. Is that understood?"

Pell nodded. Awe shone through his eyes at the air of authority which Vivi had assumed at a moment's notice. He opened his mouth to give a verbal confirmation which would accompany the gesture, but found himself being interrupted by Usopp, whose attention was directed towards the horizon. He didn't realise it, but he was looking in the direction of Alubarna.


"Huh?" Sanji said. Quick as a flash, he and Bonbon both stood at attention, ready to throw themselves into a fight with whatever threat may have been coming their war. Pell transformed into his half-falcon form, and began to hover a few inches off the ground. The beating of his wings kicked sand into the air around them, while he squinted in the direction Usopp was looking to try and get a look for himself at whatever it was the sniper had seen.

Despite that, it was Vivi who recognised the distant blurs on the horizon first. For the first time since the first shot had been fired in Katorea, hope blossomed in her eyes. A smile began to tug at the corners of her lips, and she couldn't help but announce for the others just who it was that Usopp had spotted coming their way.



It was at the insistence of his doctor that Koza abstained from giving any orders to the other rebels until his wound had been properly dressed. The rebels whose injuries were the least severe, or who had been spared outright from any, could do nothing but stand off to the side and watch their leader be attended to. Even whispered comments shared between themselves earned a harsh reprimand from the doctor, so they had to remain silent and stew in their own thoughts. It was a perfect environment to let them reflect on what they had just witnessed, with clarity tainted by vindictiveness and a festering resentment for who they believed to be the culprit.

Remaining in total silence inside Koza's tent also gave them the opportunity to listen to the aftermath of the attack. Not just Koza's laboured breathing and the sound of him wincing when the wound was disinfected, but the noises that came from the rest of the camp as well. Children sobbing as they were stitched up after being grazed by bullets, or simply because what they had just witnessed was too much. As gut-wrenching as such sobs were to hear, they were in their own way, a relief. To cry was to have survived, after all.

Even so, the sobs were drowned out in part by the sounds of the wounded. Screams of pain as wounds were cleaned and disinfected, or bullets were dug out of the body parts they had penetrated. Worst of all were those who had been crushed or trampled in the chaos itself, and who had broken bones that needed to be set so they could heal properly. The rebels in Koza's tent could hear everything as they watched the doctor save their leader.

Compared to what some of his followers had suffered, Koza's single gunshot proved to be at least mildly trivial in comparison. It didn't take long before the doctor had finished their work and stepped back, but it took long enough. As Koza sat up in his bed, he looked out at each of his comrades in turn. None of them spoke a single word, even now that they could. All of them just stared back at him.

It wasn't the silence itself which hung over them, but rather the weight of such an indescribable outrage. With emotions left to fester as they had been, how could they even now be put into words? Koza was the one who figured out where to start.

"Do we know why it happened?" He muttered. His voice was hoarse. As soon as the doctor heard it, they scrambled over with a cup of water for him to drink for. The water was downed greedily in just a second while Kebi opened his mouth to answer his leader's question.

"What we've been hearing is that a rumour was spread around, that a band of pirates had kidnapped Princess Vivi and were going to deliver her here, to sell her into our captivity."

The only one who this was news for was Koza, and hearing it instantly brought a scowl to his face.

'That bastard… He'd even use her as part of this?!'

"It's slander! Spread around to justify that slaughter! If the people thought it was an unprovoked attack, the king wouldn't have a single supporter left in all of Alabasta!" One of the other rebels raged.

"There's no need to state the obvious." Another retorted, "Obviously it was a lie. The attack wasn't unprovoked, though. We've gotten too powerful. The king knows that as soon as we have the weapons, we'll march on Alubarna. And we'll win."

An expectant look was tossed in Koza's direction as the declaration was made. Several of the others mirrored it, while some of the others lowered their heads or looked anywhere but at their leader. Said leader heaved a deep sigh, then winced at how the action made his shoulders move and aggravate his wound.

"This attack didn't change anything about our current state." Koza finally said, giving his comrades a firm look in return, "We still don't have the weapons."

A sobering reminder, for everyone in the tent save for Kebi. While fists were clenched and postures slouched with disappointment, Kebi pursed his lips tightly. A war raged in his eyes, his emotions wrestling with each other to be what would guide him in what he did next. As they did, he found himself fixating on the bloodstains on Koza's clothes, and the bandages around his shoulder. Then he fixated on the firm look in Koza's eyes. Unyielding resolve. The fire of a man who would lay down his life for a cause that he believed in.

If he were to look around, or venture outside and search the camp, it would be a look he could find shared amongst much of the rebel population.

From outside the tent, a young voice wailed, "DADDY!"

The decision was made.

"Actually, Koza, there was a development in Nanohana just earlier today." Kebi said.

After what had just happened, speaking in vague terms only left room for those around him to assume the worst.

"In Nanohana?! Don't tell me that those dogs-!" The rage-filled rebel snarled.

"It's not like that!" Kebi cut them off, "No, it's different. It happened some time after the attack here. A ship crashed into the port- some kind of arms freighter. According to the reports, it has more than enough weapons in its cargo to make a march on Alubarna possible."

The words had barely left Kebi's mouth before Koza was frenzying to his feet. He strode out of the tent, moving like his injuries had vanished when he heard the news. His firm gaze had come alive, his eyes an inferno of determination and anger. Kebi hurried out of the tent after him, with the doctor's protests against Koza's sudden physical activity echoing in both their ears.

"We have sympathisers in Nanohana." Kebi continued to explain as he followed his leader, "They started scavenging the cargo when they heard about the attack."

"IF YOU CAN STAND AND WIELD A WEAPON," Koza barked, his voice resounding across the camp and silencing any chatter which might have opposed it, "PREPARE TO SET OUT FOR ALUBARNA!"

Cheers rang out as the orders were given. Able-bodied and injured rebels alike hurried to do as they had been told, scrounging up what weapons they had available to them and making haste for the stables. In his periphery, Koza watched the whole camp fly into a frenzy with his instructions, but his attention was focused solely on Kebi as he continued to relay his orders.

"Inform the other rebel leaders. We'll set out for Nanohana first. Organise, arm ourselves. Then, we ride for Alubarna. It's time that we saved this country."

Kebi was left standing in the middle of the camp, watching as Koza strode off to do what he had ordered his followers to do. Though it would not have ever occurred to either of them to check for such a thing, there wasn't a speck of fresh paint to be found anywhere as far as the eye could see.

What occurred to both men in that moment was that they had just endured a harsh and unforgiving night. One that had stretched out across entire years, and blanketed the country in its darkness.

Now the sun would finally rise. A new day would finally dawn on Alabasta.
Chapter 28: Reuniting in the Sandora New
It had come as a tremendous shock to Chaka when he had been informed of not only Carue's awakening, but of the critical information that the duck had revealed. A small part of him breathed a sigh of relief at learning that Vivi had not been captured and wasn't being delivered to Katorea, but was instead being protected by the pirates whose pictures had been included. Not just relief at the wellbeing of the princess, but relief that the king's restraint had been vindicated, even if he wasn't around to know it.

That relief was only temporary. The first thing that Chaka had asked him, after bursting into the infirmary and finding the veterinarian in the midst of preparing him for an arduous dash across Alabasta, was whether Igaram's demise had been a lie or not. Carue only nodded sombrely, and Chaka bowed his head at the news. There was more that he wanted- needed- to ask, about who the true enemy was, where Vivi and her pirate protectors were, but they were left unanswered by Carue's immediate departure from the palace as soon as he was in a state to make it. Him and the rest of the Supersonic Duck Squadron, who all headed for Katorea as fast as they could.

So Chaka was left behind. By Carue, by Pell, by Igaram and Vivi, and even by King Cobra himself. He vacated the infirmary, not wanting to take up space he didn't need to, and stood in the halls of the palace with his brow furrowed and a hand raised to his forehead as he tried to process everything which had been thrown at him since the day started. After some time, his standing around turned to pacing.

'The information about the rebels and Katorea was a deception by our true enemy, obviously some kind of ploy to provoke a reaction. But then why did the king vanish last night? Why did he order a brigade of soldiers to march for Katorea?! It couldn't have been him, but the only other explanation would indicate that this invisible enemy has managed to infiltrate us at even the highest levels…'


Distracting Chaka from his thoughts was the sound of one of the guards racing through the halls towards him. They skidded to a stop a little ahead of him, gasping for breath for a couple of seconds after having run as fast as they possibly could. With how much urgency had been in the guard's voice, Chaka instantly gave him his full attention.

"What about Katorea? Is this about the soldiers who were sent there?"

"They attacked it!" The guard said, "There was a huge firefight between them and the rebels there!"

Those two sentences of their own made Chaka's entire body go stiff. Thoughts exploded through his mind, of who was behind such a thing, of what kind of consequences would come as a result, as well as him recalling the fact that Pell had flown off towards Katorea in order to find out what the dispatched soldiers were going to do.

The thoughts were brought to a screeching halt, though, because the guard wasn't finished.

"But that's not it! Witnesses say that the king was there himself! He gave the order for the soldiers to execute all the rebels!"

"THAT'S PREPOSTEROUS!" Chaka exploded, having to take a moment to breathe and calm himself after the initial outburst, "His majesty would never do something like that! Those reports must be fabrications!"

"It's not just the rebels claiming it! Civilians are too! They say they saw him leading the soldiers in person! The soldiers were ordered to execute the rebels, not just for insurrection, but for planning to take the princess hostage!"

Another guard came running up, not with quite the same urgency as the first one did. Hearing what the first guard was saying, they jumped in right as they finished recounting what they knew.

"The news is spreading to the other cities, commander! People are in outrage, and the rebels are preparing to launch a full-scale assault on Alubarna! Sympathisers are flocking to join them, they think we spread the accusations about Princess Vivi as fake news to justify the attack!"

'Dammit! Now the rebels are finally launching a full-scale attack?! That misinformation we were fed, those forged orders which were given to the soldiers… even the guard who thoughtlessly blurted out the contents of the letter in the infirmary for others to hear… is this what all of it has been leading up to? Is this the plan of our invisible enemy, who's been one step ahead all along? What am I to do, your majesty?! You never would have wanted us to fight our own people, but what choice is there, if they're going to come to attack us?!'

Seconds passed while Chaka was lost in his own thoughts. A myriad of emotions danced across his face. From understanding to outrage to dread, it was anything but inspiring for the two guards who waited silently for him to respond to their news. Until, finally, he did just that.

"If the rebels are going to attack, then we will defend the city! MUSTER EVERY SOLDIER IN THE PALACE! TELL THEM TO PREPARE FOR THE ATTACK!"

Both men wordlessly obliged. They turned and hurried off down the halls to do just as he had instructed, and he strode after them. His eyes were fierce, face hardened- yet there was still a sliver of uncertainty that slipped through his façade of confidence. It became especially apparent as he turned his gaze, briefly, in the direction of the palace's windows, and stared out into the distant sky. There was nothing populating it but the clouds, and he looked back ahead after a second.

'Of all the times for you to be absent, Pell! If you had been harmed, surely the news of that would have spread as well, right? Where are you right now? Must I handle this crisis alone?!'


For some of the Rainbase group, the voyage across the Sandora River atop Whiskers' back was calm. For others, it was the exact opposite of that.

After leaving Luffy behind to fight Crocodile, the crab had carried them to the riverbank, which was as far as he could take them. Just as they'd planned in advance, they piled onto Whiskers' back without delay, and let him carry them across the water. The uncertainty of Luffy's fate had hung in heavily in the air the entire time they were riding the crab, with nobody daring to admit that they genuinely feared for his life.

Luckily enough, they hadn't even been riding on Whiskers' back for a minute before the river had delivered a distraction to help them worry about their own lives instead.

A colossal grey catfish, several times larger than even Whiskers, had poked its head out of the water behind them. As soon as it had them in its sight it began its pursuit, clearly intent on making them its next meal.

Had it been able to catch up to them, then it would have been a problem that needed to be dealt with. Before any Pokémon were ordered to handle it, and before Zoro decided to dive in and deal with it himself, however, Spruce had observed that the catfish wasn't actually gaining on them at all. They weren't putting any distance on it either. Both Whiskers and the catfish were moving at the same speed as each other, preserving the distance between them, and ensuring that it would be unable to catch up and eat them unless they fell off.

Realising this was a relief to Spruce and Zoro. The latter simply ignored its presence altogether, while the former turned around to marvel at the catfish's many features as it chased after them. His attitude wasn't matched by Chopper or Nami, who had started clinging tightly to each other in fear from the moment it had first appeared, and who weren't stopping any time soon. Spruce's awestruck descriptions certainly didn't put them at ease in the slightest.

"And those teeth, too…" The Pokémon Trainer murmured, "Just look at how big they are! I reckon if we were in the Merry, that thing would chew right through her!"

"Gyarados." Whiskers snarled in response.

"Well obviously, yeah. Not even a big thing like that could beat you in an ocean fight!" Spruce said.

"If that's true, can you please take care of it instead of leaving it to chase after us?!" Nami wailed.

"Seriously, it's okay! I'm keeping a real careful eye out, and it isn't getting any closer!" Spruce assured her and Chopper.

"It's not getting any further, either!" Chopper said.

They were focused on each other, and on what was behind them. Only Zoro, who was ignoring the catfish altogether, was paying any attention to the sky over their heads. So he was the one who first noticed something racing through the air towards them. Something that was too big to be an ordinary bird. He turned himself around, reached past the terrified Nami and Chopper, and planted a hand on Spruce's shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, Spruce."

At Zoro's call, Spruce was already sensing their surroundings. His eyes darted upwards, towards the man in the sky, only for his attention to be seized by something over by the riverbank. Zoro raised an eyebrow seeing his attention shift, and he glanced over his shoulder to see that they weren't close enough for him to see anything for himself. Their interaction provided a distraction for Chopper and Nami as well, who spotted the flying being for themselves.

"It's the others! They're waiting for us on the other side of the river!" Spruce said, "Carue's there too, and a bunch of other ducks!"

"They are?! Vivi, Sanji and Usopp?" Nami exclaimed, immediately putting aside the presence in the sky.

"They must have come to help us get to Alubarna!" Chopper said. His and Nami's eyes both shone with relief. The emotion wasn't shared by Spruce.

"Forget them!" Zoro snapped, "Spruce, who's that up in the sky?"

"I'm not sure." Spruce replied, "I think he's sort of like Chopper? But he's a bird instead of a human."

"A Zoan User!" Chopper gasped.

"Wait, does that mean-?!" Nami said. It didn't need to be said for the others to follow her train of thought. Zoro was already reaching to unsheathe his swords, but he stopped when he noticed the nonchalance that Spruce was displaying.

"Nah, they seem alright." He said.

With any fears concerning the new arrival alleviated, those riding on Whiskers' back watched as the man known as Pell the Falcon dipped down and came close enough for them to make out his features. He was in a hybrid state between man and bird, with both arms and wings, and he flew right overhead in the direction of the catfish which was pursuing them. Before their very eyes, Pell unsheathed his sword and swooped down in order to rake it across the length of the fish's body which was above the surface of the river.

Then Pell sheathed his blade again, as blood spurted out from the catfish's new wound. Its pursuit ceased, as it instead began to sink into the river's depths, while Pell circled back and flew towards them. He flew low, just a couple of feet above Whiskers' head, and parallel to them. When he was close enough, he opened his mouth.

"Hello Straw Hat Pirates! Please do not be alarmed, my name is Pell, and I am part of the Alabastan Royal Guard."

"Hello!" Spruce said as he waved at the falcon-human.

"I guess they have some tough fighters of their own here after all." Zoro remarked. He eyed the sheathed sword which Pell had on his person, showing the tiniest sliver of admiration at how the catfish had just been dispatched.

Pell's eyes narrowed as he looked over the lot of them. He was very mildly taken aback at the presence of Chopper and Spinner, which told Spruce that he'd likely had a run-in with Bonbon already. It was the crew member not present that concerned Pell more than any that were, though.

"Where is your captain, Monkey D. Luffy?" Pell asked, "Princess Vivi told me that he was to be the top priority!"

"He had to stay behind!" Nami explained, "We were attacked by Crocodile, so he told us to go on ahead while he fought him!"

"Crocodile attacked you?! And your captain is fighting him all alone?!" Pell said, unable to stop himself from gawking at the revelation.

"Don't worry about him! What about Vivi and the others?! Are they alright?" Nami said, "Did they manage to talk down the rebellion?!"

For a second, a faraway look appeared on Pell's face. Recollections and regret flashed through his eyes all at once, and when he answered Nami's question, his voice held a chipper tone which was clearly holding back deeper emotions.

"When you reach the other side of the river, you can discuss the situation with the princess and your comrades. I will make for Rainbase. I cannot match the speed of a Spot-Billed Duck, but I'll carry him to Alubarna as fast as I possibly can."

There was no room for discussion, because as soon as the words had left his mouth (beak?), Pell turned around and flew off in the direction of Rainbase. For a few seconds, the Rainbase group watched him shrink into a distant speck. Then Spruce looked ahead again, and he reached down to stroke Whiskers' scales affectionately.

"You hear that, buddy? Vivi and the others are waiting for us by the riverbank! We better get a move on for them!"


Some of them were almost thrown off of Whiskers' back entirely as the sea-serpent suddenly accelerated the speed which he was crossing the river at. Nami had to reach out and snag Chopper by the wrist to stop the poor reindeer from flying into the water, while she directed her attention towards Spruce.


"WHAT THE HELL, SPRUCE?!" Chopper yelled.

"SORRY, I JUST FIGURED THERE WASN'T ANY RUSH!" Spruce said, laughing while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

It wasn't long before the riverbank came into view and they rapidly drew nearer to it. Nami and Chopper were too busy holding on for dear life to look for themselves, but Zoro and Spruce both saw the three members of the Katorea group waiting for them, joined by Carue and six other ducks like him, all of whom had their own hats. They were standing a distance away from the riverbank, which proved to be for the better, as Whiskers only began to deaccelerate when his body actually touched the sand beneath it. He slithered across the ground, kicking sand up on both sides of his body, towards Vivi.

The princess was caught off-guard by his charge, which culminated in him slithering past her and then turning his head around in order to nuzzle her from behind. Those atop his back slid off as he finally slowed to a stop in order to do it. What was intended as an affectionate nudge from Whiskers became a forceful shove due to his size, and it almost sent Vivi tumbling to the ground, only to be snatched up into a hug by Nami, which was soon joined by Chopper.

"You're okay!" Nami said.

"Hi guys." Spruce said, waving to the two guys, who both gave him a nod in return. Spruce wandered past them and over to where the ducks were all assembled. One of them was wearing a cowboy hat and looked incredibly cool, so he started petting him.

"SANJI!" Chopper suddenly cried, jumping away from Vivi to point at the chef.

"Yeah?" Sanji said.


Indeed. The numerous wounds which Sanji had picked up in his brief and misguided confrontation with Pell had remained, with there not having been an opportunity for them to be properly tended to. Apparently it wasn't high on Sanji's list of concerns. He took a drag of his cigarette before nodding.

"I am."

"Have a bad run-in with a cactus or what?" Zoro said dryly, flashing Sanji a smirk.

"Why? Looking for some pointers?" Sanji retorted.

"YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR!" Chopper interjected.

"Chopper, you're the doctor." Usopp pointed out.

It took Chopper a second.

"Oh, right." He said, "YOU NEED TO SEE ME!"

There was a flurry of bandages and disinfectant as Chopper almost tackled Sanji, ripping his own medical kit open and hastily tending to the numerous injuries which his crewmate had accumulated over the day.

Meanwhile, Vivi took a few seconds to savour Nami's embrace. Whiskers joined in as well, managing to rein in his own strength better as he pressed the side of his head against Vivi from behind. After those seconds had passed, though, Vivi extricated herself and looked over everyone who had just arrived.

"I'm glad you're all alright as well," She said, before her brow furrowed, "but where's Luffy?"

"He stayed behind to fight off Crocodile." Zoro said, which didn't clear Vivi's confusion up one bit.

"Then why did you leave without him? Wasn't the whole plan to defeat him in the first place?"

"Well, it was kind of a whole thing." Nami admitted, "First we were trapped in a cage that was going to fill up with water and drown us. Crocodile left for Alubarna before it was finished, but then we broke out. We set off for Alubarna, only for Crocodile to attack us while we were on our way, so Luffy told us to go on without him while they fought. In hindsight, I guess we didn't actually need to leave him behind like that…"

"Since beating Crocodile was Luffy's job, and there were still other Baroque Works agents in Alabasta, he might have figured we could do more if we continued for Alubarna." Zoro suggested.

"Crocodile's powers seemed to be sand related." Spruce chimed in, "We'd all probably have been killed if we hadn't left anyway, considering he attacked us in a desert."

"Yes, Crocodile possesses the power of the Sand-Sand fruit." Vivi nodded, "It's one of the rarest Devil Fruit types, a Logia, which allows him to control the element of sand. He can even transform himself into it."

Everyone stared at her.

"Are we keeping a tally of how many times Vivi accidentally withheld important information from us until after it would have been useful?" Usopp said. Vivi immediately blushed and looked away awkwardly at the realisation of her own oversight.

"Um… sorry?" She mumbled.

"What's done is done. All we can now is believe in Luffy." Sanji said firmly.

"How did things go on your end, then?" Nami said, "We asked Pell, but…"

Just like that, the mood came tumbling down. Usopp and Sanji's eyes both darkened and they bowed their heads slightly. For a brief moment, Vivi clenched her fists tightly at her sides, before managing to relax herself with a deep breath. Even so, she was unable to completely conceal the pain in her eyes as she answered Nami's question.

"Right as we were about to have an audience with the rebel leader, Katorea was attacked by members of the royal army."

"WHAT?!" Nami gasped.

"Why would your father do that?!" Chopper said.

"It wasn't her father!" Sanji said hotly.

"It was Baroque Works, wasn't it?" Zoro surmised, "Between Mr. 3's wax figures, and Mr. 2's clone powers, impersonation is one of their specialties."

"Yeah. The rebels saw what they thought was my father, but in reality it was Mr. 3's powers deceiving them." Vivi said.

"That coward!" Usopp cursed.

"But it wasn't just the wax figure. Miss Goldenweek's special hypnosis technique, the one that involves paint, allowed them to manipulate the soldiers into opening fire on the rebels. After the first shot was fired, it turned into a bloodbath in seconds. I…" Vivi stopped, and then continued in a quieter voice, "I don't think any of the soldiers survived."

For a few seconds, everyone was silent. Chopper went still, freezing halfway through bandaging one of Sanji's wounds. The picture which Vivi had painted with such a brief description was enough for those who hadn't been there to envision it themselves. Except that they couldn't help but imprint their own experiences upon their imagination, being brought back to times they had witnessed innocent life be lost in needless slaughter.

The least effected was Zoro, who only seemed more resolute than ever at the news. He crossed his arms as he broke the silence.

"So Baroque Works have the means to manipulate both sides of the war, and nothing you can do will stop it otherwise?"

Vivi nodded.

"Quack… Quack, Quack." Carue added.

"Carue says that he was attacked on the way to Alubarna. Vivi's message was replaced with a forgery." Chopper translated.

"They're too powerful, too ingrained in both sides." Sanji said.

"After what happened today, words alone won't be enough to reach them." Vivi admitted, "I have a plan for that, actually, but… Luffy was right. For this country to be saved, Baroque Works needs to be eliminated. Not just Crocodile, but the Officer Agents as well."

Nami reached down, seeking out where she could feel through her cloak the three red pipes Usopp had given her before they parted ways. Then she tapped Julius' Pokeball on the bottom of the Log Pose, confirming its presence as well. Chopper hastened his tending to of Sanji, finishing it off with a much more determined look on his face than before. Zoro rolled his shoulders and glanced over where Spruce and the ducks were, seeing that the trainer had adopted the same determined look the crew was beginning to share. He pointed Whiskers' Pokeball out and returned the Pokémon with a beam of red light, before returning it to his belt.

"Our destination is the same as before, then?" Nami said.

"And that makes six enemies in total for us to deal with." Zoro noted, "One for each of us, I guess."

"Nosepass." Spinner said.

"That's right." Vivi said.

"And while we deal with the assassins, Vivi will be going through with her plan to stop the war before it's too late." Sanji said.

"We'll ride the Supersonic Duck Squadron to Alubarna. They're the fastest creatures in all of Alabasta." Vivi continued, "Once we're there, if Baroque Works don't attack us first, you'll need to seek them out. I figure that shouldn't be a problem, though, given our scout."

She looked over in Spruce's direction as she said it. The trainer met her gaze and gave her a firm nod.

"Yeah. I'll find them, then we'll all kick their asses."


As war loomed over the Kingdom of Alabasta like an oncoming tsunami, bringing nothing but death and destruction with its inexorable approach, it was easy for a handful of unsavoury individuals to go overlooked. The soldiers in Alubarna and their commander, Chaka, braced for the rebel army's arrival. Sympathy for the underdogs and festering resentment against the king, all egged on by circumstances that were too perfect, had caused the rebel numbers to balloon far beyond what had already been a significant numerical advantage of their enemies.

Even in the face of such overwhelming numbers, the soldiers stood ready. Cannons were manned, formations were held, and Chaka oversaw all of it himself, gazing out at the desert horizon and waiting for the countless misguided citizens who would appear and force his hand against them. There were five main gates to Alubarna, with all of them being guarded. It was the West Gate, far away from the point where the rebels and the royal army would meet each other, where the six Officer Agents of Baroque Works loitered. A mere six people, unnoticed or overlooked by those in Alubarna who would soon suffer the fruits of their labour.

The Agents waited. Even as the thundering of the oncoming rebels became audible in the distance, they waited. Some with more confidence than others.

"You're sure the princess and the pirates are going to come?" Miss Merry Christmas asked, addressing her question to Mr. 1 and his partner, "I can already hear the rebels! They're going to reach Alubarna first, aren't the Straw Hats trying to stop them?"

"There's a good chance the pirates won't make it in time." Miss Doublefinger said, "Either way, after what Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek did in Katorea, they'd have no hope of stopping the rebellion even if they did."

Two of their number weren't partaking in the conversation at all. One was Miss Goldenweek, who had laid out her picnic blanket away from where her peers were gathered, and was currently munching on a rice biscuit. The other was Mr. 4, who stood atop a rock which gave him a good vantage point with which to observe the horizon through a pair of binoculars. It may have been unwise for the others to have made him their lookout.

"They're… Here…" Mr. 4 said, speaking in an incredibly drawn-out manner. Nobody else heard him.

"Now that they've seen the effectiveness of Miss Goldenweek's Colours Trap firsthand, the pirates may very well plan to eliminate her and myself first before trying to talk down the rebels again." Mr. 3 said.

"All the easier for us then. Once the battle begins, it won't matter what they do. Not even the princess will be able to stop it." Miss Doublefinger said.

"She might be the top priority, but our orders are to eliminate every member of the Straw Hats." Mr. 1 added, "You can feel free to single out the weaker ones if you'd prefer."

"Hey! I had two of their strongest fighters subdued and at my mercy!" Mr. 3 protested, the tip of his hair catching fire as he did, "Their captain was the only one who could threaten me, and he defeated Mr. 2 as well! If you'd been in my place, I doubt you'd have fared any better!"

"Settle down, you two." Miss Doublefinger chided them both lightly.

"OH! MY BACK!" Miss Merry Christmas burst out, reaching back to try and massage the body part in question, "MY ACHING BACK! MR. 4, I NEED A MESSAGE!"

"They're…" Was the response that she got. The fact he wasn't immediately obliging with her instructions prompted Miss Merry Christmas to start paying him more attention. Looking over, she saw he had lowered his binoculars, and he was well on the way to getting out the next word in his sentence.


"WHAT?!" She screeched.

"This way…"


It was a rhetorical question. Scurrying over, she snatched the binoculars out of his grip while he stood there passively, and raised them to her face to take a look for herself out into the distance. She was immediately taken aback.


"Ducks? What are you talking about?" Miss Doublefinger said.

Visible in the distance through the binoculars were six cloaked individuals. Each one's identity was completely obscured, differentiated only by the different hats which were worn by the spot-billed ducks that they were all riding. They ran beside each other, all of them racing towards Alubarna and rapidly approaching it. They were already barely visible as specks on the horizon without the binoculars, and getting nearer by the second.

"There's more of them now! Six of them!" Miss Merry Christmas said, "Scratching Straw Hat off the list, shouldn't there only be five left?!"

"The boss mentioned that they brought a pet with them to Rain Dinners, didn't he?" Mr. 3 said, "Maybe they brought it along to make their numbers seem more imposing?"

"It doesn't matter either way. Pet or not, we'll eliminate it like the rest of the pirates." Mr. 1 dismissed, "But remember that the princess takes priority."

"Sure, you say that…" Miss Merry Christmas said, "But which one is she?!"

The Straw Hats had rocketed across the desert on the backs of the ducks. They were close enough now for all of the agents to make them out clearly, both their cloaks and the animals they were riding on.

"They're all wearing identical cloaks!" Mr. 3 exclaimed.

"And they're riding spot-billed ducks, the fastest creatures in Alabasta!" Miss Doublefinger added.

"WHATEVER! GET THEM MR. 4!" Miss Merry Christmas ordered.

Unlike his manner of speaking, there was no delay in Mr. 4 heaving an enormous bazooka over his shoulder and taking aim at the approaching pirates. He took aim and fired, launching- of all things- a baseball to land in the sand just a short distance in front of them. It gave off a faint ticking noise as it laid in the sand, just for a second. One of the riders yelled something to the others, and they all split away from where it had landed. Just in time, as the explosive within the ball exploded, blasting smoke and sand into the air while the pirates managed to remain unharmed and continue their approach.

Two of them broke off from their group and began heading in a different direction, towards Alubarna's South Gate. The other four continued as they were for the time being.

"LEAVE THOSE TWO TO US! LET'S GO, MR. 4!" Miss Merry Christmas yelled. She and her partner took off running after the pair.

Seeing the ducks racing towards them, Mr. 3 raised a hand. The flame on his hair sparked to life as he formed a mass of wax in one hand and prepared to hurl it in a wave towards the four who remained in his line of sight. Before he could, however, one of the pirates revealed a slingshot from within the folds of their cloak. They fired a pellet towards Mr. 3 and his handful of wax.


As the name implied, the pellet exploded into a mass of flame. Mr. 3 frantically shielded his face, stumbling back and ultimately falling on his ass while the wax in his hand dissipated into nothingness. Mr. 1 threw him a momentary unimpressed look, before focusing back on the actual enemies in front of them. In the chaos of the attack, the pirates had split up once again. A pair of them raced right past the assembled assassins to make for the West Gate behind them, while the other pair changed course for the nearby Southwest Gate.

"Three of Alubarna's gates are accessible from this direction!" Miss Doublefinger realised, "Their plan it to split up and head for those gates! But it doesn't make any difference, we'll eliminate them inside the city!"

She and her partner turned around to hurry after the two who had gone up the West Gate. There were a handful of guards keeping an eye out, who let the pirates through when they saw who they were riding. The same courtesy wasn't extended for the two assassins who chased after them, and with the little patience that the two of them had to deal with any obstacles, they simply cut the men down in an instant before continuing their pursuit.

That left Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek to chase after the pair responsible for shooting at him. Embarrassment flashed across Mr. 3's face at the unbecoming display as he hopped up to his feet and looked over at his own partner. She was still enjoying her picnic, not disturbed in the slightest by the ruckus of all the pirates riding ducks running by. At Mr. 3's look, though, she diligently stood up and began packing her things away so she could follow behind him as he hurried for the Southwest Gate.

Up in Alubarna, Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger charged down empty streets after their targets. The pursuit drew on for less than a minute before both pirates brought their ducks to a sudden stop. They turned around to face their pursuers directly, though the cloaks still obscured their faces for the time being.

"Well, looks like you got us." One of them said, her voice distinctly female.

"Or maybe we got them? They're the ones who had to chase after us like idiots." The other one replied, speaking with a young man's voice.

In unison, both of them lowered the hoods of their cloaks. Nami stuck her tongue out playfully at the assassin duo as she did so, while Spruce had a smug smirk plastered across his own face.


The pair headed for the South Gate stopped short before reaching it. There were some ruins half-buried in the sand nearby which they chose for a battleground, both pirates dismounting and waiting for Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas to catch up to them. Once the assassins had, one of them lowered the hood of their cloak, while the other chose to throw it off their body entirely with a great dramatic flair.

Chopper and Sanji stood at the ready for whatever their foes had to throw at them.


Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek were treated to the same reveal as their peers. They chased their targets into the city, leaving the guards by the gate encased in solid wax behind them, until the two pirates eventually came to a stop on a random street. They both dismounted their ducks, and then Zoro and Usopp pulled back their hoods to finally expose their faces.

"Wait, who the hell are you?" Mr. 3 said to Usopp.


Thirty seconds passed after the Officer Agents all left their gathering point to pursue the different Straw Hat groups. Nobody was left to see a seventh rider reveal herself. Riding atop Carue, Vivi approached the West Gate. As she ascended the stairs into the city, she was met with the sight of the guards who had been unfortunate enough to find themselves in the way of two Devil Fruit-using assassins. Vivi bowed her head as she passed them, her fists tightening around Carue's reins.

'Thank you, everyone. I won't let you down!' She vowed. In the distance, she could hear the fighting breaking out between the rebels and the royal army. The sounds were the same as in Katorea, with gunshots and blades ringing against each other and the furious cries of people throwing their lives away for a cause- but they were worse as well. There were horses and camels and the thundering of hooves and feet against the ground. Cannons being fired. Soldiers who weren't brainwashed into being totally incompetent while holding a firearm.

She shoved those sounds and the images they brought to the back of her mind. All that mattered was what was in front of her. Her destination was the Royal Palace, which meant that she needed to get from the West Block to the North Block of the city. She couldn't afford to waste a single second. Carue knew it as well, and he ran like it. He ran as fast as his legs would push him, navigating the streets of Alubarna like it was second nature. He wasn't just outrunning the battle raging in the distance, he was outrunning his own injuries.

The veterinarian's treatment was only a temporary measure, a rush job that would keep him standing and help numb the pain as he ran. By now, Carue had sprinted across the entire country. From Alubarna to Katorea to the Sandora River and back to Alubarna again, all without delay or complaint. The pain wasn't numbed anymore. His legs were starting to give out on him.

'Just a little farther. Just a few more steps.' Became the duck's mantra as he charged ahead. Vivi began to feel it. He was teetering, his steps shakier, but they were close. Up ahead they both saw exactly what they were after: a barricade. Sandbags piled upon each other in the street, though it wasn't finished yet. Soldiers were in the midst of piling them up, with an opening left in the middle. Carue put on one final burst of speed, his body screaming at him as he did so, and only collapsed as he reached the sandbags. Vivi hopped off as he did, stumbling a little but managing to right herself.

Their arrival had whipped the soldiers into a frenzy, though none of that was owed to her just yet.

"It's Carue!" One of the soldiers called out.

"He's hurt!" Another pointed out, immediately rushing to Carue's side. He was soon joined by two of his comrades, and they all heaved the duck up and began carrying him in the direction of the palace. Vivi watched them go.

'You can rest now, Carue. You've done more than enough.' She thought. Then she went to follow after them.

"Wait a second, who are you?!" A soldier demanded, extending a hand out to block her, "Civilians are supposed to evacuate the city!"

"She came with Carue!"

The whole time, Vivi hadn't removed her hood. Reaching up, she pulled it back while looking the man directly in the eye. All of the men recognised her instantly.


"Take me to Chaka!" She ordered, "There's something I need him to do!"

The men were awestruck. Words failed them, jaws agape with some moving their mouths like fishes on dry land. One of them recovered from his stupor first, and beckoned for Vivi to follow him as he ran off towards the palace.


"Truth be told, I was hoping for Roronoa."

Those were Mr. 1's first words after Spruce and Nami revealed themselves. They were also his only words before he suddenly dashed forwards. His partner followed suit, the two of them moving in sync to close in on their targets without having to even share a single word. Nami took a step back, while Spruce took a step forward, bracing himself to evade whatever attack would come his way while he grabbed two of the Pokeballs from his belt.

No attacks came his way, though. Both assassins ignored him completely in favour of singling out Nami. They attacked from both sides. Mr. 1 surged ahead and raised his arm in front of himself as if to swing it into her, while Miss Doublefinger followed up after him, seeking to pounce while her partner had Nami's attention.


A burst of white light from where Spruce was standing signalled Ria being sent out. Before it had even subsided, she drove her fist into the air and sent a blast of wind shooting towards Mr. 1's head from behind. The assassin skidded to a stop and whirled around, adjusting the position of his raised arm so his palm could block the attack. There was a brief glint between his fingers, like a blade, before he swiped through the blast and it dissipated into the air. His attention remained fixed on Spruce and Ria in the aftermath. The former had dropped his smirk entirely, replacing it with a fierce glare shared by his own partner, directed at Mr. 1.

With Mr. 1 no longer attacking her, Nami could devote her attention to Miss Doublefinger, whose attack came in the form of a jab straight towards her chest. Nami lurched back, away from it, and then scrambled to put more distance between them. For a moment she hesitated, one hand drifting towards the Pokeball on her wrist, but then the moment passed and she committed to fleeing. She took off running down the street away from Miss Doublefinger as fast as she possibly could, and the assassin gave chase.

That left Spruce and Ria facing off against Mr. 1. After the initial attack, neither was making a move just yet.

"What's the problem? Think a guy might be too much for you after all those other agents we beat?" Spruce said.

"The first rule of killing is to eliminate the weaker foes first." Mr. 1 replied coolly.

"I guess if we beat both of you, you'll still be following that rule at least." Spruce said.

He might have had more to say, but Mr. 1 ended their exchange pre-emptively by charging towards him. Ria was ignored completely, the assassin's attention focused solely on the trainer, and he swept his foot across the ground, kicking up a large cloud of sand which obscured Ria's vision. Then in the blink of an eye he closed the distance between him and his target. He swept a hand downwards, like he was clawing at Spruce, and there was the same metallic glint as before.


Blocking Mr. 1's attack were a pair of gleaming silver claws. They came protruding out of Ria's paws, with the canine having dashed over to intercept the attack. Both her eyes were closed, and it took both her paws locked against his own bladed fingers to hold the attack in place. Despite her eyelids being in the way, he could feel the intensity of the glare behind them. That wasn't the only thing he could feel either. His other hand was free, and he tried to slash at Spruce from below.

Then there was a burst of white light, and a feathery mass shot out from beneath Ria and slammed into his abdomen. It sent him skidding back across the ground, his breath having suddenly left him, and he was actually left staggering a couple of steps back in the aftermath. Pex rebounded off of him in turn as a result, being slightly dazed himself, but otherwise none the worse for wear. As Mr. 1 righted himself, Pex started hovering in the air a little bit above Spruce's head.

"I can feel it, you know."

Mr. 1 raised an eyebrow at the rather cryptic comment that Spruce had just made. He eyed the new addition to the fight, which brought the number of enemies up to three for him. And all of them as fierce as each other. Spruce didn't get a reply, so he continued.

"The fighting. I can feel the fear, the anger, the pain. People who don't want to fight but think that they have to. People who thought they wanted to fight, but they were wrong. I can feel the thousands of lives that you and your organisation are treating like nothing more than tools for your own goals."

"If you want to survive in the real world, concerning yourself with anyone's life but your own is just a waste of time." Mr. 1 replied, completely uncaring as he spoke, "And trying to appeal to an assassin's sense of empathy is an exercise in futility."

Spruce rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck. In front of him, Ria slammed a fist into her paw and mirrored the action.

"I wasn't trying to appeal to anything. I just wanted to bring it up. Stantler and Bibarel and everything in-between, I want you to understand, Mr. 1, that the rebels and the soldiers don't want to be here. They don't want to fight and kill each other, not really. But us pirates? We want to be here because it gives us the chance to make you pay for everything you've done to our friend's country."

"How cute." Mr. 1 deadpanned.


Both Pokémon charged ahead. Only this time, their trainer joined them. Spruce threw off his cloak, letting it flutter to the ground behind him, as he dashed behind Ria. Pex flew ahead of them both, remaining above all of their heads, and just as he reached Mr. 1, he split into a flock of afterimages which encircled him from above. Mr. 1 met their charge directly. He raised his arm in front of himself, the side of it transforming before their very eyes into a gleaming metal blade which ran from wrist to elbow. Ria's fist glowed orange and she jumped up, throwing it forwards, and it punched the edge of Mr. 1's blade directly. Sparks flew at the contact between blade and blow, and Mr. 1 even seemed taken aback at the fact that she hadn't simply cut her own fist open like that.


He was even more taken aback when Spruce reached into his pocket and threw a handful of sand in his face.


It blurred his vision, making tears well up. The sting of the rough grains against his eyeballs had him recoiling, and left him completely open for Spruce to reach over where he and Ria were locked against each other, and punch him in the jaw. By all accounts, there was nothing special about the punch. Nothing was broken or dislocated, his head was only lightly rocked by the blow, but it hurt. More pain to daze him.


"Iron Guard."

Not enough pain, though. Mr. 1 went completely still just before the numerous afterimages swooped down in unison. A faint white aura appeared around each one right before colliding with him, but unlike before, he didn't even budge from where he was standing. With the collision, all of the afterimages ceased to be, leaving only Pex who bounced off of his body which was now as hard as steel. He fell out of the air to land in the ground, his face scrunched up into a pained grimace.

Then Mr. 1 relaxed his body slightly. He opened his eyes wide, revealing that he had transformed his eyeballs into a pair of steel blades, and he ran a bladed finger over the pair of them. Sparks flew from the grinding of steel against steel, while all the grains of Spruce's pocket sand were brushed away. By now, the energy behind Ria's attack had subsided.


They all heard the words. Ria landed back down on the ground. Gleaming claws of silver began to protrude from her paws, just like before, but this time Mr. 1 swept a bladed foot across the ground. The force of a slash slammed into Ria at the same time as a cloud of sand obscured her vision, right before he surged forwards and drove the limb directly into her abdomen. His kick launched her into the air, bringing her into the range of his next attack. Placing both hands together, he thrust his palms out. Blades gleamed on the insides of his fingers as they slammed into Ria's body.

Slashes dug into her whole, tiny body. Her face scrunched up in pain, even as none of them managed to break her skin. The force of the attack launched her back, and she crashed into the ground and skidded across it. That left Spruce, who had backed a few feet away after ordering Pex's attack, with nobody between him and Mr. 1

"Your pets are pretty resilient. That just makes you the weak link."

Spruce ducked. He immediately sprung backwards off his feet, rolling across the ground. The reaction had been instinctual, and it was what kept him alive. Mr. 1 lunged forwards and clawed at the air with his fingers, missing Spruce's skull just by a hair, and the trainer felt how the attack carved through the very air itself. Then came Mr. 1's foot, kicking upwards towards him and the blade once again just narrowly missing him. Spruce scrambled to stand back up on his own feet. He was already panting for breath.


Throwing a handful of sand from his pocket into his opponent's face went quite poorly the second time around. There was more distance between them than before, most of the sand didn't even reach him, and the few grains that did were easily blocked by a raised hand. What was more effective was Pex shooting off the ground again and throwing himself at Mr. 1.

His wings glowed with a bright white light. He spread both of them out and span around in the air, his body becoming like a saw blade directed at the assassin. Mr. 1 blocked Pex's wing with a bladed arm, which was actually pushed a couple of inches back by the attack. Spruce saw the assassin struggling against the attack, while Pex poured everything he had into it.


Suddenly, Pex eased up, and the light in his wings subsided. He let Mr. 1 shove him away with a sheep of his arm which sliced through the air itself, before splitting into a dozen afterimages just like before. Unlike before, though, Mr. 1 didn't hesitate before sweeping his foot across the ground to send a wave of dust flying upwards around him. His trick immediately revealed the location of the physical Pex. He jumped up and kicked a leg out towards him.

It was an error on the assassin's part to focus his attention solely on Pex. From beneath him, Ria came sprinting across the ground. Blue fire enveloped her right fist, and he noticed too late as she leaped up and drove that fist into his abdomen. The flame exploded and enveloped his body in an instant before disappearing. A second passed, during which Mr. 1 and Ria both landed on the ground and stared each other down.

Then Mr. 1 was flung off his feet as razor-sharp winds whipped the air behind him. His chest, left bare as if to flaunt the tattoo in the centre of it, spurted blood from almost a dozen different gashes which appeared in unison across it. He landed on his back, blood oozing from his wounds and pooling on the ground beneath him.

Across the street, Spruce smirked.


Lunacy. That was what every soldier had decried Vivi's orders as when she reached Chaka and finally revealed her plan to him: the total destruction of the Royal Palace. She wanted them to gather every single explosive they had and lay them throughout the palace so as to blast it to smithereens. All of it for the sake of stopping the rebellion, even if just for a moment, so that she could convince them to stop their fighting, and make them aware of who the true culprit behind their suffering was.

Centuries of history would be destroyed in one fell swoop. The soldiers yelled as much to Chaka. King Cobra would never permit such an outrageous thing to be done. They yelled that as well. But King Cobra's daughter had looked Chaka in the eye and spoken with a firmness and an air of authority which she had not possessed two years ago before she disappeared. She told him that the survival of Alabasta depended not on a palace, but on the people who lived in it. The citizens who were killing each other even as they spoke, whose survival was more important than anything else.

Just like that, Chaka agreed, and he and his men carried out her orders. They prepared every single explosive they possessed in order to bring the Royal Palace crumbling down in one fell swoop. Many of the soldiers questioned it, but they obeyed their orders without delay.

Most of them evacuated, as was the reasonable course of action. They congregated by the entryway to the palace, waiting for the work to be done, while Vivi and Chaka lingered in the courtyard of the palace. The sounds of the battle were even more distant than before, and the battle itself could almost be missed if one were to stand by the palace walls and look out across the city. It was a view that would soon cease to exist, and Vivi and Chaka stood side-by-side. The princess looked out at the city skyline with a nostalgic fondness, while the man beside her bowed his head shamefully. He had finally gotten the answers he initially wanted from Carue.

"To think that he was behind everything the entire time… And I played completely into his hands!" He muttered, "Your highness, I can't even begin to express my shame!"

"It's okay, Chaka." Vivi replied, her tone carrying a certain softness to it, "I understand. There was no choice but to defend the city. You handled the situation admirably for more than two years without having Igaram to guide you. I'm sorry we had to leave you like we did."

At her words, Chaka raised his head. It came as a surprise, to hear such words of praise directed his way. Just as her words put him at ease, though, he saw a darkness and an anger quickly begin to fester within her, no doubt brought on by her own recollections of everything which had transpired to bring her to this current moment. Cannons fired in the distance.

"It still isn't over. Even if we succeed in ending the rebellion, this kingdom won't know peace as long as he runs free." She said, "I'm… worried about them!"

It took Chaka a couple of seconds, watching Vivi wrestle with the despair inside of her, before he could find the right words with which to put her soul at ease. Once he had, however, he spoke them with a gentle smile upon his face.

"Your highness, in the two years you've been away, you've become much wiser, and matured a great deal as well." He remarked, "When this war is over, I think it's only right that we throw a grand celebration for these pirates."

"Yes…" Vivi nodded, a smile poking at the corners of her mouth, 'I know that at least one of them would really enjoy a party, as long as there's food involved.'

For a brief moment, the two of them were able to turn their thoughts towards the future. One in which the war had ended, and the kingdom could have something worth celebrating. It was a dream, and like all dreams, it eventually had to come to an end. In this case, they were ripped back to reality by the sound of a soldier running into the courtyard and collapsing in the grass with blood spurting from a grievous wound.

"COMMANDER CH-CHAKA! Here in the palace-!"

That was all the soldier could force out with what little strength he had left. Both Vivi and Chaka whirled around and watched him bleed out, eyes wide with shock. Before they could even realise what the man had been talking about, or look around for the culprit, he revealed himself to them with a booming voice.

"TUT, TUT! YOU'RE PLAYING A DANGEROUS GAME, MISS WEDNESDAY! TRYING TO DESTROY MY NEW HOME!" Sir Crocodile said, from where he sat perched atop the roof of the palace itself. His eyes were as cruel as ever, and his posture oozed confidence. He sat like he had already won, and the enemies before him were simply corpses waiting to be made.

"I've always liked palaces." He remarked, a sinister amusement presenting itself in his tone, "It's the perfect place to look down on vermin from!"

"CROCODILE!" Vivi cried. Beside her, Chaka's eyes narrowed, and he began to let out a faint growl.

They weren't the only ones to react. Vivi's yell worked wonders for bringing attention to Crocodile's presence, at least from the countless guards who had evacuated the palace just a couple of minutes before. Some of them even managed to spot him for themselves, and there was a frenzy to ascend the stairway and get back inside. Those that reached the gates suddenly found a number of arms sprouting out from them, which shoved them back down the stairs and created a mini-avalanche of guards.

One second, Crocodile was sitting atop the palace. The next moment, he had collapsed into a mass of sand and reformed down in the courtyard where Vivi and Chaka were. Joining them was Miss All-Sunday, who strutted out of the palace with a row of additional arms trailing behind her. The arms shoved a man along them, who was practically limp in their hold, until he could be shoved against the outer wall of the building, at which point a pair of metal stakes were driven through his arms to hold him upright.

A display of horrifying brutality, and blood immediately began to trickle down the man's sleeves and drip onto the ground at his feet. Now that he was upright, Vivi and Chaka were able to see that the man- the man who was badly bruised and beaten even without the dual-impalement- was none other than King Cobra of Alabasta.


Both Cobra's daughter and his loyal vassal cried out in unison at the sight of him. The king raised his head, the small movement seeming like a tremendous effort with the amount of pain he must have been in. Looking across the courtyard, he saw for the first time in over two years, the face of his own daughter. He saw her newfound maturity, the prevailing resemblance to her mother, and the pain she was racked with as a result of everything that Crocodile had done.

"Vivi…" He uttered, voice heavy like he was struggling to find the breath, "Forgive me. You risked your life to save this kingdom, but I ruined it…"


"FREE THE KING, CROCODILE!" Chaka snapped. Anger wafted off of him with such intensity that a cheap thug or novice pirate would have likely surrendered on the spot. His foe was neither of those things. Instead, Crocodile retrieved a cigar and lit it while letting out a chuckle at Cobra's suffering.

"The king's correct. But don't forget, Miss Wednesday, that you were only able to make it back here because those pirates helped you. Be grateful to them."

"SHUT UP! WHERE'S LUFFY?!" Vivi said.

"Dead and buried in the desert." Crocodile said bluntly.


Her hand flew to where Bonbon's Pokeball was, concealed beneath the folds of her cloak. If Crocodile noticed it, he wouldn't have cared, but he was barely paying any attention to her as it was. The only one who noticed Vivi grab the ball was Miss All-Sunday, who didn't particularly care either. Instead, Crocodile turned away from Vivi and Chaka, and slowly began to walk over to where Cobra was.

"Hmph. That fool aside…" He said, "Let's be clear on one thing- I will not spare you or your father. When a kingdom perishes, its royal family dies with it. That is the natural order of things. However, Cobra… There's something I need to know before I take your throne. Since this is what I was after all along."

He came directly up to Cobra, standing just a couple of feet in front of him. His massive body, which towered over the wounded king, cast a shadow over him. For all the pain that he was in, Cobra mustered up as much defiance in his eyes to face the Warlord with. It was a pointless gesture, however. As soon as Cobra heard the next three words which came out of Crocodile's mouth, the defiance vanished in an instant.

"Where is Groudon?"

...well then.

That certainly lines several things up now doesnt it.

But at the same time, the fit is imperfect. Pluton was a weapon, a construct, a warship. The blueprint of which should be held by Franky and the real deal lying in slumber deep beneath Wanos freshwater sea.

Though there was that artificial Groudon in the Jirachii movie...

I need more details.
So with this we can assume that Fishman Islands got access to Manphy. Why did I say Manaphy and not Kyorge? Make no mistake Kyogre is still the muscle, but Manaphy and Posiden are cut from the same cloth.
So with this we can assume that Fishman Islands got access to Manphy. Why did I say Manaphy and not Kyorge? Make no mistake Kyogre is still the muscle, but Manaphy and Posiden are cut from the same cloth.
Yeah that's part of why I said the immediate conclusion Groudon being Pluton gives us doesn't quite fit. Logically, it would mean that Ouranos becomes Rayquaza and Kyorgre Poseidon.

While we know barely anything at all about Ouranos, it could still be pretty much anything. Kyogre just does not fit with what Poseidon does.

Kyogre is the primordial sea, drowning landmasses, creating tidal waves, creating storms. Commanding other water types just is not a part of its repertoire. Manaphy yes, but even Lugia has a better claim to a power to command Sea Kings.
...well then.

That certainly lines several things up now doesnt it.

But at the same time, the fit is imperfect. Pluton was a weapon, a construct, a warship. The blueprint of which should be held by Franky and the real deal lying in slumber deep beneath Wanos freshwater sea.

Though there was that artificial Groudon in the Jirachii movie...

I need more details.
It might take a while given how much stuff will happen between Alabasta and Water 7/Enies Lobby, but there will be more details to come. Hopefully it'll all make sense in the long run. You are certainly correct when you bring up the differences between Groudon and the canon Pluton.
I mean one major benefit of Groudon being around is it having the power to dry the sea's. Which is normally a problem except the One Piece Ocean is rising.
Presumably, this mechanism will also exist natively somewhere. Because I doubt Oda would give OP that kind of bittersweet ending where Luffy wins, probably topples the World Government, and none of it really matters as the entire world outside the Red Line and Fishman Island drowns beneath the rising waves.

It's fairly obvious that the current state of the One Piece world is a result of intelligent design, be it by some manner of god, the Ancient Kingdom, or someone else. Hell, we know for a FACT that the stone cliffs and waterfalls encircling Wano were built by its people to keep the world out. If geoengineering on that scale is possible, it should be possible to undo it all, eventually.

Speaking of. I now half expect the Celestial Dragons have Kyogre chained up in a cave somewhere, using its blood or its tears or something equally horrific to raise sea levels since the Fusion has apparently positioned the most powerful Legendary Pokemon as significant figures of the ancient past.
I also predict that Reshriam and Zekrom are filled with APOCALYPTIC fury at the state of the current world and who rules it.

The one thing they can both agree on is turning Marijois into a charred molten crater.