The World Government actually wants to keep Vegapunk as far away from Pokeballs as possible, for certain reasons.Will that stop Vegapunk from trying to reverse engineer Pokeballs? He will see it as a way to harmlessly capture criminals and prevent bloodshed for law enforcement.
Of course the World Government has... other ideas for it.
The fact that trainers have to yell out exactly what they want their Pokemon to do does create a tactical disadvantage, and it's something that the Pokemon and Pokemon trainers in the story will need to overcome in order to remain relevant in the face of the progressively stronger One Piece characters, though there are workarounds in the same way that Observation Haki has workarounds. No matter what happens, though, the trainers themselves will at no point become redundant and they and their Pokemon will always be a package deal when it comes to major fights.One thing continuously irks me to no end every time I come to your story. Just outright infuriates me. I run out of story. Every time.
Joking aside I check this one near daily and assuming the hows of it all will be explained later I am not worried about that except for one which you aptly displayed in the fight with Zoro and sneezy. How can a pokemon win a fight with people who can potentially outfight them while getting instructions and the opponent having not only more time than needed to win but also clear knowledge of what's coming? I'm having a hard time picturing them being able to overcome that and still being the pokemon of so and so and not suddenly totally independent crew members as the trainers become redundant minus nami's kidnapping ways.
As Zoro's fight showed, Pokemon also have a lot of natural resilience that ordinary fighters don't, which is one of the big things they have going for them on top of the special effects of some of their moves.
Next complaint is not real feel free to ignore it. Why no rhyhorn? Rhyhorn gets no love if it's not a Brock fic![]()
If the Straw Hats had a Rhyhorn on their team, it would either have Lightning Rod and make Skypiea laughably easy, or it wouldn't have Lightning Rod and Spruce would kick himself so hard he would die and the story would end. Had to be done, unfortunately.
Now for my only real complaints. Mr. Sneezy's gimmick really does irk me to the point I can never even remember his name. I can not even think of a pun or funny reason for it. It's just adding an achoo every time he talks. Also fairly sure Sanji would have beat nickel 11/12ths to death. That is all for that.
I view Sanji's treatment of Nickel as being somewhat similar to how Luffy spares his enemies. Not strictly out of mercy, but because what he did was actually the crueller option. Ordinarily, Sanji would have just kicked Nickel into oblivion, but because he was in that specific scenario with the soup already there, he chose to take the path that would inflict the much more grievous damage.
Sorry to hear that Copper's gimmick falls flat. The sneezing is supposed to be because he's a poison type trainer, and sickness is close enough to poison type vibes. If it's any comfort, he's the only member of Team Steel's leadership that I currently have no plans to revisit in the future.
Oh... I got a notification and thought the next part was here... tis instead a pumpkin thingamabob... but that also made me have more thoughts.
I would commit unspeakable acts to be able to write this story's chapters within a day.
Because me brain is weird like that. Pumpkin>gourgeist> ghost>zombies>brook arc is where my brain went. Can we expect non land bound pokemon to appear random places not originally from the pokemon world? Like ghost types attracted to zombie land?
"Gengar no get out of that shadow I am trying to do something we can play later!"
It'll take a while for the story to get there, but yeah. Ghost types on Thriller Bark wasn't even a question.
Oh, right, I meant to post the realization that aura being haki means that ghost types are immune to armament!
Aura and Haki aren't necessarily the same thing. They're closely related to each other, and Observation Haki is almost identical, but there are some key differences that will become more apparent once the Straw Hats start using Haki themselves and Spruce becomes more proficient with Aura.
If I tried to give everyone a full team of six Pokemon I would be crushed by my own hubris. It won't just be Spruce who gets a full party, but most of the Straw Hats are just going to get the one main partner Pokemon. The Straw Hats who are already strong enough on their own don't have much incentive to incorporate Pokemon into how they fight, whereas the weaker ones like Nami and Usopp will be more pushed into becoming proper Pokemon trainers. Even then, there are almost no scenarios in which one of the main Pokemon battlers is going to have a full team of six Pokemon all out in a battle at once.On teams. I dont expect everyone to get a full team of 6, for reasons of both character bloat and keeping fight scenes reasonable, as well as the settings preferences for 1 on 1 duels. 2-4 each seems more reasonable, with likely only Magnus getting the full 6 since he is the specialist here.
I also am not expecting more than one, maybe 2 pokemon per SH when they leave Iron Island, both because Iron Island only has Sinnoh and earlier pokemon, limiting options, and to give time to focus on them. Likely with the bulk of the crew picking up a partner in the after-battle 'party' segment, since the climax of the arc is so close and only Zoro and Nami have picked up tagalongs.
Left it out of the quote but your speculations surrounding which Pokemon each Straw Hat might acquire were interesting, and there were some that I hadn't even considered. The lack of Vivi wounded me deeply.
Not every member of the crew will be leaving IronIsland with a Pokemon, especially because at this point that would mean having half the crew go off after the main battle is finished and have some kind of meaningful encounter. It would feel too rushed at that point, and I don't want every Straw Hat to suddenly have a Pokemon each after just one island. That would be a nightmare with balancing Little Garden and Drum, and spacing it out adds to the sense of progression, I feel.
Some notes:
-The Ralts suggestion brings to mind an image of Luffy with a Gardevoir that throws a black hole at Blackbeard in some big showdown (possibly Impel Down?) and I found that funny.
-Hancock getting jealous over a fish is funny enough that I am considering changing my plans for Luffy to incorporate it. I also imagine that he would try and jump into the water in order to try and play with it and be in constant need of saving.
-Sanji suffers enough post-Thriller Bark and especially post-Timeskip that I would feel bad if I went through with the Lopunny gag.
-Usopp is going to catch one of the Pokemon you listed. He will also catch a ghost type Pokemon that I don't think anyone will see coming.
-If Smoker or Tashigi did catch a Wingull, it would definitely have Smoker's smoking habits.