This has actually inspired me for a while now, but I've been trying to imagine what the like perfectly opposite Anti-Draka would look like.
Maybe just the right change in circumstances leaves Hernando de Soto's Conquistadors just a bit slower on the draw and Tuskaloosa's soldiers just a bit quicker in cutting off the Spanish retreat halfway through Mabila's gates, and though still a bloody slog in the end the Amerindians are able to successfully see the expedition off without enough Conquistadors to breach the palisade and burn the town like they eventually did after hours and hours of back and forth in the OTL Battle of Mabila?
Thus the Mississippian/proto-Muskogee paramount chieftaincy is left with nearly all of de Soto's baggage and loot inside the town walls, all the arms and armor of the fallen Spaniards, plenty of Amerindian "guides" and "porters" from neighboring Mississippian peoples that have been enslaved on the expedition's march, and a couple dozen Spanish prisoners that would be bargaining for their lives in exchange for teaching Tuskaloosa horse-riding. This could lead to the follow-up expeditions trying to avenge de Soto and continue the quest to those golden cities that have to be around here somewhere exhausting Spanish military resources for a such a backwater as the Floridas and Carolinas regardless of success or failure, and furthering along the deterioration/transformation off all the nearby paramount chieftaincies like Tuskaloosa's into leagues of fortified city-states and armed hegemonies able to militarily resist the Conquistadors.
Thus the attempts of the exiled French Huguenots to settle in modern Florida/Georgia nearby could survive with Spain's murderous reaction stymied by the butterfly effect's nasty Caribbean storms and by the military resources devoted to garrisoning Mobile Bay and the Florida Panhandle, and the initial promise of the Huguenot friendships with Timucua- and Hitchiti- speaking chieftaincies fully blossoms into decades of a "least shitty colonial partner" kinda situation. At least using the rule of cool protagonist powers of the Anti-Draka, we could have the Huguenots basically take the same view as their Calvinist brethren in New Netherlands with the Haudenosaunee and freely trade with the townships of the Sea Islands and the great Southeast rivers without any evangelizing urges, as all non-Calvinists are equally damned to hell pagan and Catholic and Lutheran alike, especially as the slowly expanding colony transitions into less hand-to-mouth circumstances by raiding the shit out the Spanish Main and becoming a nest of French Boucaniers just like the English Puritans in the Bahamas opening the way to Nassau and the pirate's republic (and just like some French privateers did OTL).
This could likewise promote big changes back inside those French allied chieftaincies as the old Mississippian mound-complex based lifestyles morph into new practices with Spanish raids and French trade. But because the Huguenots won't be doing the mass reorganization along European missions and posts like the Spanish those chieftaincies can reorganize their new towns and trade centers more along their own choices. Instead of the like post-apocalyptic ethnogenesis of the Yamasee and Seminole in the banding together and assimilation of scattered Timucua, Hitchiti-Mikasuki, Muskogee, and Gaule survivors, you could have the semi-voluntary state development of new city-states based on the intermingling of different Amerindian nations in the camps and entrepots where French trade goods are collected and exchanged, and the still kinda shitty support of smaller and closer French allies against older hegemons like the Gaule and Coosa chieftaincies. With this you could also have the rise of new creoles and metis groups as formally Spanish and English slaves form Maroon peoples under the shadow of the Muskogee *Yamassee and French *Carolana and new classes of mixed-race free people of color grow inside the towns themselves (and also to keep down their own slaves like New Orleans),
By the time our protagonists are more than halfway through the 17th century, the French colony would have reached pretty hard limits to development thanks to the off and on militarized frontiers with the Spanish and English, the sudden starts and fits of any French colonial endeavor thanks to the Wars of Religion, and its treatment by the French Crown which would almost certainly keep trying to freeze and even roll back Huguenot colonization and keep sending official Catholic clergy and civil servants to rule in the name of Catholic lord proprietors and Catholic royal governors. Again using rule of cool protagonist powers this could result in the development of a significant counter-culture of backwoodsmen and fur traders a la the Coureurs des Boise to freely worship out of the colonial government's sight and make a shitton of untaxed money, and thus further integrate Carolana settlers with the new multi-racial environment of the upcountry against the new coastal settlers of stoutly royalist French-Canadiens and Sant-Domingue smallholders pushed out by the slave plantation system.
If and almost certainly when the English conquer Carolana from France (probably finalized close to the 18th century), the indifference and occasional outright aid of many local Francophones against the royal government and the complete clusterfuck that was the multiple sometimes contradictory proprietorships and charters for the English Carolinas, plus later English schemes to use Huguenots as settlers actually being implemented ITTL thanks to merely unfreezing it for an already present community, could result in a general state of benign neglect for Anglo-French Carolana. With the spreading raids by the nascent Muskogee polities and its Black Seminole style subsidiary Maroon groups for fresh deerskins and enemy captives to sell to those hungry English settlers and the depopulation effects of both the imposition and then the destruction of Spanish missions and colonial rule, what would become the Seminole in central Florida instead become integrated into the Muskogee trade and diplomatic systems. Add in for flavor the addition of Scottish Covenanters that OTL went to the Spanish-destroyed colony of Stuart's Town instead serving as an alternative source of European trade goods to play against the others traders, and you have enough juice to kickstart things that OTL would have gone on to lead to the Creek, Chickasaw, Seminole, and Choctaw Confederacies also leading to a very big Muskogee/Yamasee Confederacy trying to monopolize trade under itself.
My thought is that with all the prior developments the Confederacy has ended up like a southern Haudenosaunee by this point and actually ends up somewhat succeeding in their monopolization of trade and holding of English merchants to their treaties (or at least not being genocidally evicted from their lands) thanks to the resources provided by the *Maroons and *Creoles, the *Metis traders, and ruthlessly double-crossing the English to negotiate with the Spanish. With this as we get more and more into the 18th century the stressors put on Carolana by the delayed but nevertheless steady growth of chattel plantation slavery leads to an equivalent to Cato's Rebellion within Franco-English slavery that succeeds in fleeing into Amerindian country (spreading West African inoculation techniques against smallpox), within the Muskogee Confederacy and the Nations opposed to its domineering alike. Followed by further and further encroachments and disputes and escapes ending the benign neglect of the now English royal colony of Carolana, there's now a situation set up for a further final breach with colonial authorities and the development of more generalizable and universal conceptions of the rights and freedoms of the Muskogee Confederacy and the Metis and Maroons into a Pan-Indian struggle like OTL's Pontiac/Obwaandi'eyaag and Joseph Bryant/Thayendanegea and Tecumseh. Thus the perfect Anti-Draka of the Creek Confederacy which is also the State of Muskogee + the Nassau Republic of Pirates + the Fore Mose and Negro Fort freedmen states + the Red River Rebellion + Christian Gottlieb Priber's "Kingdom of Paradise". And then from there it's just a matter of creating a ITTL Confederation of United Indian Nations with alliances with the Five 'Civilized' Tribes and the Haudenosaunee Six Nations and the Northwestern/Tecumseh's Confederacy and conquering most of North America like how the Draka somehow conquered all of Africa.
Any thoughts?