Alt History ideas, rec and general discussion thread

Are there any decent timelines, by the way, focusing on the interwar years, and - while I'm naming wishes - specifically on the Greeks against the Turks, or the Russian Civil War? Not really as popular a subject as in either end, I guess, but who knows?
Arabs = use "Nakba" as a distraction to divert attention from the fact that they were the main aggressor in 1948.

Japanese: Use "Hiroshima" and "Nagasaki" to distract attention from how they were the main aggressor in the Pacific War.

This makes about as much sense as claiming the native Americans were the main aggressors when they organized counter attacks against the American settlement of the Americas. They obviously weren't. The Israeli were the aggressor from the first settlement that took land from locals.
The Palestinian and Arab leadership would have mass murdered or expelled the Jews had they won in 1948. Anything else you are willing to lie about?

You mean the way the Israeli mass murder, expel or force into reservations the Arab population they have under their boot too? Why the double standard? It's obvious Israel was built as a settler state and we know exactly how unkind those are to local populations.
What about that time supporters of the Palestinians murdered innocent athletes?

Pro-Palestinians pushed a helpless man in a wheelchair in the sea?

Pro-Palestinians bombed a night club largely full of teenage girls?
I mean you seem to be dancing around the point still. Palestinians were forced out of their land by the Israeli state, terror and massacres were used to do so. The Israelis weren't forced to do ethnic cleansing, and East Jerusalem and the West Bank are being ethnically cleansed now. If you are continuously going to refuse to engage with anyones points I fail to see why i should engage with you.
I think post-Mughal India is particularly fascinating because of the rise of the highland people's with the mughal decline.

The Marathas in the Deccan plateau, the Gorkha kingdom coming down from the Himalayan foothills, and the Sikhs coming down from the western Himalayan foothills after the declining mughals.

Plus the Mysore kingdom under Muslim Prime Ministers was a rising power as well. Basically there are four major powers in-between the Mughal decline and the British takeover.

Without a European age of exploration ever happening, it'll be interesting to see how this "game of thrones" shapes up.
What about that time supporters of the Palestinians murdered innocent athletes?

Pro-Palestinians pushed a helpless man in a wheelchair in the sea?

Pro-Palestinians bombed a night club largely full of teenage girls?
Good to know that a side having extremists who targets innocents means it's completely okay to ignore any crimes against humanity targettin them. I guess Lehi means we can't condemn any of the genocidal anti-Israel factions out there then?

(No it does not mean that.)
It would be really nice if this thread didn't get locked because it descended into another Israel-Palatine pissing contest instead of talking about what the topics the thread is supposed to be discussing.

On that note to go on a subject I meantioned before I wonder what the greater fallout would have been if the Surprise Anglo-Saxon invasion of the united Kingdom of Wales had failed and instead resulted in yet another Anglo-Saxon defeat.

First off, I'd imagine Harold Godwinson likely wouldn't become King if he survived given it was his success in shattering Wales that played a major role in being picked as king over Edward's surviving kin but there would still be the threat of foreign invasion over the crown that had prompted his selection in the first place as well as a hostile and still United Kingdom of Wales on its border.
So I've been planning out a TL or possibly a GSRPG set in Kaiserreich universe (Kaiserverse?) that's essentially a rework of the 2ACW to be more logical and detailed than the current ridiculous state. Instead of a civil war with frontlines, standing armies, and clearly defined sides, the collapse of central authority of a very large but unmilitarized federal state leads to a "warlord" era, with pre-existing governors, politicians, or other important figures becoming military leaders of their local areas who make and break quick alliances with one another.

So I'm looking for figures are both notable and interesting, who could plausibly fit the bill and be among those to quickly fill the power vacuum, and want to ask you all if you have any ideas

I have quite a few so far so just ctrl f to see if I already got them:

Miriam "Ma" Ferguson, Frank Hamer, the Darrow Gang and other Public Enemies, Upton Sinclair, Frank Merriam, Clarence D. Martin, Charles Henry Martin, James J. Davis, George Howard Earle III, William Hale Thompson, Henry Horner, Frank F. Murphy, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Al Smith, Tom Pendergast, James Michael Curley, Norman Thomas, Robert La Follete, Floyd Olson, William Langer, Milo Reno, Jasper McLevy, Devere Allen, Fiorello La Guardia, Harry Byrd, John L. Lewis, Burton K. Wheeler, Thomas Gore, Hiram Evans, William H. Murray, MacArthur, Huey Long, Bill Haywood, James Burnham, Andrew Mellon, Henry Ford, John Edgar Hoover, Norman Thomas, Smedley Butler, Warren Harding, Daniel Hoan.

Not doing:
Jack Reed (essentially replaced by Bill Haywood)
Foster or Browder (their whole "syndicalism but evil" schtick doesn't make any sense, replaced by the "Managerial" James Burnham)
Mobsters (aren't nearly as powerful exist as they were OTL)
Pelley (just a total fucking weirdo, replaced by Hiram Evans as "far right evil dude")
Alf Langdon (has no fucking personality at all and was only prominent OTL as a lame compromise candidate)
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Rose Lane, Isabel Paterson, and Zora Hurston are incredibly talented writers with prominent political books published in exactly the right time period.
Like, what's allowed here? Only real world realistic AH's? Or straight up ISOT's and ASB's. What about AH's based on fictional works?

Anyway, other AH's concepts that I find fascinating are neolithic POD's. So here's a couple ideas.

1. According to this paper, early cattle management attempts were made in what is now modern-day northeast China, but never advanced to full domestication, taurine cattle (domesticated in the middle east), reached China only about 3000-2000 BCE. What if this attempt was successful?

2. Horses were domesticated around 2200 BCE, much later than many thought (before this research was published, I remember reading articles that the horse was domesticated possibly as far back as 4500 BCE), and turns out the Botai, similar to the earlier northeast asian cattle domestication attempt, never made it past the animal management phase. Similar to my first scenario, what if the Botai did manage to domesticate horses?
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Does anyone know any good Space Race timelines or those that try to do a believable take on the punk genre?

I just want a man mission to Mars and Lunar base by the 2000's.
Does anyone know any good Space Race timelines or those that try to do a believable take on the punk genre?

I just want a man mission to Mars and Lunar base by the 2000's.

Eyes Turned Skywards

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." --Commonly attributed to Leonardo da Vinci Truth is Life and I have been working on this for a while, and we're finally ready to...

Alternate Space Race. No space shuttle. Semi-permanent lunar base "Armstrong" in 2010s.
Eyes Turned Skyward is so so so so good.

One of the biggest lore issues with Kaiserreich's 2ACW is this:

The heavy industry crucial to manufacturing weapons is overwhelming concentrated in the Northeast and Midwest, the sole exception being Delaware.

Is there any pausible way here to redistribute it even slightly more equitably? That doesn't require fundamentally changing the country much earlier?

How possible is it for Big Business magnates to simply transport them elsewhere, by ship or rail? Either immediately, seeing the writing on the wall with radical labor, or earlier to get away from labor regulations reducing their profit? Would also make strikes and uprisings much more likely away from their traditional areas.

Perhaps the government could do it? As I know Stalin relocated like his entire industry to Siberia and I know America did redistribute the heavy industries elsewhere pretty early into the Cold War so as to not be vulnerable to nuclear attacks.

Although I guess it really depends on the distribution and ability to extract coal. Any sort of plausible PODs on that, some deposits found early?
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On the topic of CSA victory scenarios:

Assuming that both U.S. political parties fracture after the war (GOP for losing, Democrats for perceived treason), how would the parties realign and rebuild? What would be their new philosophies? Who champion abolitionism? Who would champion labor rights or big business? Who would be classically liberal or conservative? Who would champion anti-immigration sentiment or Christian Socialist views?

(Note: This scenario will also have the Union decisively win the second war.)
Assuming British control still expands to British Columbia and Baffin Bay, how would New Spain develop with all that territory?
Moving from the cringe AH thread

Well, for one, Louisiana was distinct from New Spain, given it was a later acquisition. This in turn means there's good odds that Spain will be able to hold onto Louisiana at least for now, even after New Spain declares independence from Spain. The biggest challenge for Louisiana to stay Spanish is how well the Americans are beaten into accepting that moving westward into Louisiana to settle is not going to be tolerated and anyone who crosses the border will have to bow to the Spanish king. And there is going to be pretty serious pressure from people seeking to seize a farm for themselves and their family. And if the offer for settlement is the Mississippi Basin or settling up north in Canada, most people will pick the Mississippi basin as it has a considerably more agreeable climate.

As for New Spain. Well, for one they probably won't lose Florida, giving them a pretty controlling position of the Caribbean. The northern territories were rather sparsely settled, so unless there's a strong influx of settlers into the northern parts of New Spain, they probably stay sleepy backwaters. If you have a Gold Rush into New Spain, you might see more development in that area, same for the development of Texas. New Spain nominally had a lot of territory north of the Rio Grande, but didn't do a whole lot with it.

Mexico would probably profit from not having the US as neighbor, but that still leaves a lot of internal issues that they need to sort out if they want to become a great power in the Americas.

And finally, there's still the possibility of Britain seizing more of what would be otherwise the continental US should they feel like it. It's not like there's anyone in North America who could stop them if they decide to expand. Or Spain might sell Louisiana.
On the topic of CSA victory scenarios:

Assuming that both U.S. political parties fracture after the war (GOP for losing, Democrats for perceived treason), how would the parties realign and rebuild? What would be their new philosophies? Who champion abolitionism? Who would champion labor rights or big business? Who would be classically liberal or conservative? Who would champion anti-immigration sentiment or Christian Socialist views?

(Note: This scenario will also have the Union decisively win the second war.)
Ironically, for a state founded on states rights, the big internal CSA division was that the Confederate government basically nationalized a big chunk of their economy. That would be the dividing line for future confederate parties, I think.

States rights, big air quotes. Obviously.
The heavy industry crucial to manufacturing weapons is overwhelming concentrated in the Northeast and Midwest, the sole exception being Delaware.
You could just have the Northeast (and in the 1920s it would almost be just specific industrial cities and regions within the Northeast still), be the big prize that everyone is competing for, the acquisition that would likely cement their victory, and thus a giant mosh pit that everyone is mobbing? Not like a complete free-for-all but like how throughout the Chinese Warlord Era you'd have various constellations of strongmen cliques gather and take the capital and much of the big coastal cities and implement various quasi-sovereign provisional governments and absorb some of the last clique but then last all of nine months before the whole cycle repeats again. Like how some in some eras going down to Rome or Constantinople to get crowned Emperor was like almost more a curse than anything, as it would have taken a lifetime of army-building and network-gathering and aligning all the power brokers to be able to first hold a memorable coronation and then be able to actually keep it.

Maybe depending on the structure of the different factions, they could reflect different outcomes as you go down the years, and like decision trees in the hypothetical paradox game mod, and in some you're more just trying to loot and evacuate some of those industrial resources into your own more secure power base, in some maybe you're more using the sea access and importance in trade and finance to become a proxy of foreign powers and do a like New York as interwar Shanghai thing, and in others you're trying to retool a full industrial ecosystem able to support a whole like council of national defense or war communism style big industrial mobilization.

I could definitively see the golden age of the railroad and the Great Lakes and the Ohio River providing a bunch of ways for Chinese warlord style collections of garage-engineered armored trains, improvised gunboats, cowboy posses, bicycle troops, etc... to easily penetrate various arteries of the industrial belt and flank around or bribe to defect or whatever the various hardpoints and pre-war fortifications.
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Ironically, for a state founded on states rights, the big internal CSA division was that the Confederate government basically nationalized a big chunk of their economy. That would be the dividing line for future confederate parties, I think.

States rights, big air quotes. Obviously.
I was thinking more about Northern parties actually. Though personally, I feel as if the CSA would have factions rather than parties.
the funni timeline would be like by 1875 the battlefield is raging between like
-A. General Benjamin Butler's Greenback/Labor/Independent party fusion and coalition with the smallholder's Grange and tradesman's Knights of Labor proclaiming that God has abandoned us like the Lord of Hosts abandoned Israel, until we put our own house to order. To make it cursed, also with wings of prohibition, prayer in school, and autarkic immigrant xenophobia. The National Independent Party?
-B. the punished abolitionists and dark brandon stalwarts of Governor Oliver P. Morton, that see no need to legalize unions and try down free men and free enterprise into union contracts, when instead they could be tied down by ever expanding development directed by military procurement, and can be kept warm in winter by the burning need to hang every secesh traitor. The Radical Democracy Party?
-and C. the OTL northern war democrats and post-war Bourbon democrats of free trade and economic liberalism and immigrant patronage and also the fullest protection of white supremacy, under like General McClellan and his protégé General Custer, eating the conservative wing and a healthy chunk of moderates of the old GOP. The National Union Party?
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Ah General Bulter the war profiteer who sold war supplies to the confederates and only escaped being put on trial for his crimes by the general amnesty at the end of the war. Would he even be free and able to run for office after he helped supply the confederate war effort?