All shall Fear her and Rejoice (Worm/Shadow of Mordor+War)

panacea may not be able to change taylor's dead body, but she could make orcs for taylor if she brands panpan and maybe also nilbog,they could make humanoids that quickly reproduce like potatos (this would break the whole "no self replication" rule which would earn taylor a "kill" order(ha ha ha hahah).

Also,big question raptorus maximus, is the wraith an elf or a human, cause that would definitely effect the specifics of taylor's reaction to wraithy boy. If he is now an elf, then maybe taylor could go by galad hir (light lord) or something else in sindarin
panacea may not be able to change taylor's dead body, but she could make orcs for taylor if she brands panpan and maybe also nilbog,they could make humanoids that quickly reproduce like potatos (this would break the whole "no self replication" rule which would earn taylor a "kill" order(ha ha ha hahah).

Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen lol

Also,big question raptorus maximus, is the wraith an elf or a human, cause that would definitely effect the specifics of taylor's reaction to wraithy boy. If he is now an elf, then maybe taylor could go by galad hir (light lord) or something else in sindarin

The Wraith was human before, now...he's sort of a mix of the two, somehow, in a weird way. That's what happens when like half of Celebrimbor gets shoved into your soul by a ROB.
Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen lol

The Wraith was human before, now...he's sort of a mix of the two, somehow, in a weird way. That's what happens when like half of Celebrimbor gets shoved into your soul by a ROB.
1 does he therefore have pointy ears,making him apper elfish
2 doesn't that make him a numenorian-sorta but not really and therefore really tall even compared to the lanky taylor
In relation to the height thing I just looked it up. The average 20 year old white American woman is 5' 4". So Taylor at 5' 9" while 15 is somewhat beyond the norm, if not extreme. I'm not sure about Sophia as I didn't search average height of a black woman.
In relation to the height thing I just looked it up. The average 20 year old white American woman is 5' 4". So Taylor at 5' 9" while 15 is somewhat beyond the norm, if not extreme. I'm not sure about Sophia as I didn't search average height of a black woman.

Apparently its relatively the same give or take a decimal point
I love this idea, and I have no clue why it has not been done yet. This power set fits so perfectly into Worm with only some minimal adjustments. Here's my own tidbits I'd like to point out

  • Taylors personality is one that while being a good person, is also a control freak. She can convince herself to do anything AND think she's completely justified, this might cause a lot of friction with a wraith over her shoulder.
  • If you're gonna have a Lung fight, remember that he's only strong AFTER he ramps up. He can probably take on the PRT after ramped up. But before then? If someone gets the jump on him with a decent power, he's dead. As a matter of fact, the wraith power set is a really good Lung counter. She should have more trouble with Oni Lee.
  • Be careful about dedicating too much of the story on revenge on the bullies. I've seen stories that do stuff like have Purity redeemed, then send Emma to jail. Just insane to me.
  • On that note, keep in mind that Purity is a Nazi who has murdered people. She may have quit, but that's because it's a dangerous lifestyle, not because she believes it's inherently wrong.
  • Keep in mind that villains in Worm much prefer to keep their head down. I once saw a story that had Hookwolf attack a school and couldn't stop rolling my eyes. Think about a real life school shooting. If the PRT wanted any sort of legitimacy they would send Legend to his front door. When you write a scene just think about the logical ramifications of what the characters are doing and you'll be fine.
Now with all of that being said, I also have to say don't be afraid to throw canon to the garbage bin. Just make sure there's some sort of explanation. For example, if you do want to have Purity in your story as one of the good guys, you've gotta change her backstory a bit. And show the changes! As long as it's logical, no one will really care (no one should care).
All fair points.
However, do remember that Wraith controls the power. If they disagree and he wants to press the issue, Taylor only has the 'Banished from Death' thing, like darker Alabaster.
Well, it would certainly be a different kind of a story.
Less willpower or abstract thinking, but better social. Different setup, because Emma would start as a traumatized little princess with a grudge, possibly quite entitled and possibly with Taylor still around to find out about her Wraithdom. After all, Emma needs someone to lean on, be it Taylor, Sophia, WraithSI or another person...

I have always seen her a bit like Cersei Lannister - capable of courtly intrigue and using others for her purposes, but relatively straightforward and blind to her faults. And in the end... Frail like a glass dagger.

So, a viable option, but completely different narrative.
I like this quite a bit and hope that you continue it. Very curious to see how Jaded Tay and Disembodied Deadman interact.
Chapter 2: Exposition
Chapter 2

The sky was just beginning to turn red with the rising of the sun when Taylor awoke from her dreamless sleep. The first few moments of wakefulness were blissfully peaceful as she sat up, yawned, stretched her arms above her head, and blinked a few times.

Then the memories caught up.

Her eyes widen and she starts to shake, drawing her knees to her chest and wrapping herself into a ball as tremors wrack her body, already becoming trapped in a feedback loop of terrible memories of insects, filth, and darkness.

The firm grasp of a cold hand on her shoulder makes her start, and the glowing, heavily scared ghost-elf kneeling next to her bed is enough to snap her out of the loop.

"…what?" She says blankly, pulling away from the ghost and scooting towards the end of her bed, "Who…what?" She says again, her voice now starting to get a bit of panic to it.

The Elf holds up his hands in a non-threatening manner, making no moves to follow her, "I am sorry for startling you, Taylor, but it seemed like you were remembering the events of last night, and I did not think it prudent to let you dwell on them." He says, his voice echoing as he talks. "As for who and what I am, my name is Eruantien-" he stops, a look of confusion crossing his face greatly at odds with the calm confidence he was projecting before.

"Eruantien. Eruantien. My name is…E…Eruanti-what the hell?" Now she can tell for certain, that he is confused. "Why can't I…is that what my name is in Sindarin?" He glances towards the ceiling, then back to Taylor, who is still staring at him with wide eyes. He clears his throat, smiling sheepishly.

"Apologies, it seems my new state comes with a few mental changes I was not aware of, it…tripped me up. As I was saying, my name is Eruantien, and I am a Wraith. Your Wraith, specifically." He says, managing to recapture a little bit of his initial mask.

Taylor is starting to relax a little bit, though she still looks very confused. "I…have a Wraith? What does that even mean? And what did you mean by 'new state' and 'mental changes'? Are you some sort of weird cape-projection?" Her eyes widen. "Am I a cape?!?" She says in a quiet, excited tone.

Eruantien chuckles. "Effectively, yes, you are a Cape. But you aren't a Parahuman." He says.

"What? But…how does that-"

"It's…complicated." The Wraith interrupts. "You have powers, a fairly wide array at that, but you didn't get them in the same manner that Parahumans did. Parahumans get their power from the Corona Pollentia, which is activated by undergoing extreme mental and/or physical trauma."

Taylor frowns, anger bubbling into her expression. "Yeah, I know about Trigger events. But…what…the locker doesn't count as enough 'mental and physical trauma' for me to trigger?!?" She says angrily.

"Oh, no, it certainly does." Eruantien agrees. "And we'll need to talk about how to deal with the people who did that to you, but in this instance, for whatever reason, you didn't trigger, and couldn't get out of it. So I…stepped in, once I was able to."

Taylor is still frowning, but her anger has faded. "Ok, so…" she shakes her head, closing her eyes as she tries to gather her thoughts. "The way you've been talking, you make it sound like you're a…separate being from me. Not like some projection of a power."

The Wraith nods. "Yes, that is right." He confirms with a nod.

"Then…what are you?" Taylor asks with exasperation. "Cause you look like some sort of elf-ghost, but that sounds…insane!"

The Wraith grimaces. "Well…you aren't actually entirely wrong when you say that…" He says, sighing at his host's look of disbelief. "Alright, I'll start from the beginning. Have you ever read 'Lord of the Rings?'"


It was about an hour later, and both Taylor and the Wraith were sitting on her bed; her, staring sightlessly at the far wall, the Wraith watching her with no small amount of concern on his marred face.

"So…I died." Taylor finally says, her voice hollow and flat.


"And you…possessed my body, brought me back, and broke the locker open. Does that make me…undead?"

"No, you are Banished from Death, not undead. They are distinctly different. You Live, and Cannot Die. You should still present as 'alive' to any outside sources, but the moment I leave, your body will revert to the state it was in at the moment of death. And should you suffer mortal injuries, you will awaken some time later…likely here, actually, until we can bind ourselves to another location."

Taylor nods. "And you…are a human from another world, given the powers of the millennia-old Wraith of an Elven Ring-Maker from J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings universe, sent to Earth Bet by some sort of…Random Omnipotent Being after you died in your old world."


Taylor takes a deep breath in, and lets it out shakily, wrapping her arms around herself again. The Wraith just watches, not wanting to disrupt her processing of the frankly insane tale he spun for her.

Eventually, the teenage girl whimpers quietly. "Alright."

"Alright?" The Wraith asks.

"Alright. I believe you." She elaborates. "It's not like I really have anything to disprove what you said. And…I do remember things going…dark, and numb, in the…locker…"

She trails off again, and the Spirit is again content to wait.

"So…what now?" She says finally, looking at him.

"Well, that depends on you, Taylor," Eruantien says with a shrug. "Unlike most parahuman powers, we don't actually have to exert our abilities in order to stay sane. If you wanted, you could just live a normal life for the average human on Earth Bet, and then I could leave you, and we could both rest in whatever comes after."

He pauses. "But…I don't think that would be satisfying to you, would it?" He says knowingly.

The young woman-far, far to young-shakes her head, here eyes shining with determination. "I…I have powers. Even if they aren't like anyone else's, and I'm not a normal cape, I can still help people. I couldn't just…not do that." She says passionately, here eyes flaring slightly with blue fire.

Eruantien smirks. "'With great power, comes great responsibility.'" He says, standing from his spot at the edge of the bed. "A good code to live by." He turns to her.

"If that is the path we are to walk, we will need to have a much longer and more detailed talk about everything we can do. But not right now." He glances at the clock on her bedside. "It is barely seven, and you have been through a great ordeal. You won't need much sleep nowadays, but it will still be good to take time to recover."

"…alright." Taylor says less-enthusiastically.

"Besides, we will have our hands full for the next few days at least, between bringing your father up to speed on your bullying and getting the Police onto the Trio and Winslow as an institution." He continues nonchalantly.

"Wait, what?!?" Taylor yelps. "But…but, what would-"

"Taylor." The Wraith's tone shifts in an instant to one of deadly seriousness. "You have been bearing this burden alone for far too long out of a desire to keep it from burdening others. And it led to your death." She flinches at that, face flushing with shame. "Your father almost lost you. Your peers who torment you literally killed you, and the administrators who ignored them are just as culpable. They must be punished, and I would rather the System handle it than you and I."

"…but…they won't believe me." Taylor says, looking at the ground dejectedly, her body language hunched and withdrawn, and Eruantien feels a pang of regret as he realizes he pushed too hard, too fast.

He steps back towards her, and with an expression of will, grasps her chin gently and lifts it so she is looking at him, his ethereal orbs locked with her large, watery eyes.

"Taylor," he says gently, releasing his grip on the material world and her chin with it. "Your father has his flaws, just like anyone, but there are two things I know for certain about Danny Hebert; that he loves you more than anything else in this world, and that he is a good man. He will believe you, and he will do everything in his power to make sure the people responsible for this pay."

Taylor sniffs, but she nods slightly, looking less upset now. "And…the police?"

Eruantien smiles slightly. "Give the boys in blue a little credit. Tell them the truth, present everything that you have, and make sure to name your attackers, and that will give them enough to investigate the others. I cannot guarantee anything, but if you say nothing, then they can do nothing. Do or Do Not, there is no try."

She gives her Wraith an unamused look, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "Star Wars? Really? I don't think that really applies here." She says.

The Wraith shrugs, chuckling. "Hey, I couldn't think of anything else on such short notice."

Taylor mutters something under her breath, before a gurgling from her midsection makes itself known, loudly.

Taylor blushes again, looking down at her rude stomach before glaring at the Wraith.

"Hey, I did say you should be just as Alive as you were before." The Spirit says innocently. "I can turn off your biological functions if you want, but I figured it would be better to ask before I do things like remove your need to eat, drink, or breathe."

Taylor glares at him harder, before wordlessly and purposefully walking through him to get to the door of her room, heading downstairs to get sustenance.

Eruantien sighs quietly as she leaves. "Well…that went better than expected. Now…to deal with Danny." He mutters before vanishing once more.
Well, here's chapter 2. I had a bit of trouble with this one for a bit, but I'm more-or-less ok with how it turned out. Dialogue is probably what I consider the weakest part of my writing, and this chapter was...basically one long conversation. So...yeah. Sorry in advance if it sucks lol. I hope I was able to write a somewhat realistic Taylor, and that Eruantien isn't too 'OC'-y, in like a bad way. Please let me know what you think, comments and discussion sustain me.
'With great power, comes great responsibility.'" THIS saying needs to die in a fire.

I am also curious. Is it cause Peter takes it as a literal drive to have a martyr complex and never do anything to benefit himself with his abilities? Because I can see the argument if you are making that point. But 'I' don't take it quite as literally/hardcore as Peter does.
Why? Honestly curious
mostly because its incorrect
just becasue you have great ability does not mean that you must utilise it and it does not mean that you have a duty to use it for the betterment of others. spider man only subs to this sayin because he is effectively an earth bet parahuman without the conflict drive, he is a traumatised teen who was told by his dyin uncle to "do the right thing" not that im sayin its wrong but this sayin is not as flowery as peeps like to make it out as
I personally would've liked if the SI kept the ROB and alternate earth human thing a secret and just kept with his role as an advisor/source of powers. But that's just me I hate when ROBs get explained to others.
mostly because its incorrect
just becasue you have great ability does not mean that you must utilise it and it does not mean that you have a duty to use it for the betterment of others. spider man only subs to this sayin because he is effectively an earth bet parahuman without the conflict drive, he is a traumatised teen who was told by his dyin uncle to "do the right thing" not that im sayin its wrong but this sayin is not as flowery as peeps like to make it out as
The quote in and of itself, isn't "You have powers, go do good." It's actually, "You have a source of power, consequences of your actions are yours to bear." It isn't Ben's fault that Parker took it wrong. It's applicable on all levels of power, be it knowledge, wealth, social, or biological. A king has great power, and conversely must care for his kingdom, for example.
The quote in and of itself, isn't "You have powers, go do good." It's actually, "You have a source of power, consequences of your actions are yours to bear." It isn't Ben's fault that Parker took it wrong. It's applicable on all levels of power, be it knowledge, wealth, social, or biological. A king has great power, and conversely must care for his kingdom, for example.
hmmmm thats a much better way to interpret it. stupid peter parker. hell the way that mcu one says it is even worse "if you have power and bad things happen they happen because of you"
Why? Honestly curious
While I cannot speak for Shadowcub, for myself the answer is 'because free will.'

Stating that power necessarily carries with it the duty to use said power for the betterment of others is a massive abrogation of free will, having great power means you have great power. Whether you choose to accept great responsibility alongside it or not is your decision, not someone else's to force upon you.

The quote in and of itself, isn't "You have powers, go do good." It's actually, "You have a source of power, consequences of your actions are yours to bear." It isn't Ben's fault that Parker took it wrong. It's applicable on all levels of power, be it knowledge, wealth, social, or biological. A king has great power, and conversely must care for his kingdom, for example.
Not true though, if the robber Peter had decided to let go had targeted someone else then the consequences of Peter's actions would have been someone else's to bear, and history is full of examples of Kings who did not care for their kingdom. It is a good idea for a King to care for their kingdom for a variety of reasons, but they do not have to, there is no metaphysical power forcing kings to take care of their kingdoms, that ensures that they must care for their kingdoms. It is simply wise to do so.

Who bears the consequences of a person's actions depends on the people involved, the actions taken and the consequences that occur. History is replete with instances of consequences being born by people who had nothing to do with their instigation; consequences are an unthinking, uncaring aspect of the nature of reality, they have no sense of justice or reason to seek out the 'correct' target, they simply are.
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The quote in and of itself, isn't "You have powers, go do good." It's actually, "You have a source of power, consequences of your actions are yours to bear." It isn't Ben's fault that Parker took it wrong. It's applicable on all levels of power, be it knowledge, wealth, social, or biological. A king has great power, and conversely must care for his kingdom, for example.

The actual quote makes that even clearer. It isn't "With great power comes great responsibility." The original quote is "With great power must also come great responsibility."

"With great power comes great responsibility" - Spider-Man vs. Wolverine #1 (1987)
"With great power must also come great responsibility" -Amazing Fantasy Vol 1 #15 (1962)
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I personally would've liked if the SI kept the ROB and alternate earth human thing a secret and just kept with his role as an advisor/source of powers. But that's just me I hate when ROBs get explained to others.

That's fair, but it would have eventually led to awkward questions and needless drama down the line. I am of the opinion that a SI or any dimensional traveler akin to a SI who is going to be in a very close relationship with someone should probably let them know right off the bat. Now, Taylor knows, no-one else really needs to be told, and I don't have to worry about some stupid drama-shit happening later cause Tay found out the Wraith was keeping stuff from her and blah blah blah.

"You have a source of power, consequences of your actions are yours to bear."

This is basically my interpretation of the 'Great Power' quote like in general terms, just for the record. Everyone has power in some form or another, and how you choose to use it or not use it is your responsibility alone to deal with.

In my own case, if I got superpowers or something, I would personally feel I have at least some level of responsibility to try and use them for good to help people. Not necessarily by fighting crimes, but somehow. And that is bleeding into the character here, who is encouraging that same sort of feeling in Taylor when she displays it. He wants to be Heroic as well, at least at the start of things.
hmmmm thats a much better way to interpret it. stupid peter parker. hell the way that mcu one says it is even worse "if you have power and bad things happen they happen because of you"

I mean it makes perfect sense that Peter takes it that way. Literally the first time he had the power to act and did nothing his uncle ended up dead. It's not rational by any means, but you can totally see how he got there easily.
Not true though, if the robber Peter had decided to let go had targeted someone else then the consequences of Peter's actions would have been someone else's to bear, and history is full of examples of Kings who did not care for their kingdom. It is a good idea for a King to care for their kingdom for a variety of reasons, but they do not have to, there is no metaphysical power forcing kings to take care of their kingdoms, that ensures that they must care for their kingdoms. It is simply wise to do so.

That's pure sophistry, and you know it.

The phrase was never intended to be a law of physics; it's broad-strokes, universally applicable advice on how to live an ethically solid life.

Actions have consequences, and with more power comes greater ability to act and proportionately greater consequences from those actions. A person trying not to be an absolute shit-heel that needs to be punched in the dick needs to consider those consequences when they use that power.

Yeah, there's nobody forcing you to do so, but you're still an absolute shit-heel that needs to be punched in the dick if you don't.
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Oh sure, it is a good idea to take responsibility for ones actions, but there is a difference between taking responsibility for your actions and considering possession of power to inherently carry an equal quantity of responsibility to use that power on the behalf of others.

If a person has power that they do not want and makes the decision to not use that power and accept the consequences of doing so, there is nothing inherently wrong with that. Suggesting that they have somehow failed by not bearing an equal amount of 'responsibility' to their power is not an ethically sound argument. Being able to do a thing does not mean you must do the thing, only that you can choose to do so. The importance of choice is the entire point of the illusion of free will, and abrogating that choice should not be considered a good thing, even when justified by the 'greater good'.

Otherwise, where do you draw the line? Follow that logic and it's a surprisingly short path to justifying things like forced conscription. Being stronger and faster than the average person does not magically convey a responsibility to use that strength and speed to fight crime onto a civilian like Peter Parker, not unless he chooses to accept that responsibility for himself. (Preferably by joining the police, but apparently putting on a costume and being a vigilante became ethically acceptable at some point, so that's okay too I guess.)
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