All shall Fear her and Rejoice (Worm/Shadow of Mordor+War)

Also since she cant REALLY die, and will "Respawn" at some nearby point...well...things will get hideously bad for the villain and gangs. Especially if she targets the merchants for combat experience...which is going to cause...issues.

Is that thunderously manical laughter I hear off in the distance?

And the Brands other effect can come into play, the more you De-level a Uruk, the more mentally damaged they are until all they know is basic survival skills and are so fucked in the head its terrible. Occasionally you get the mad-one's that are so fucked up even Jack-Slash could be appalled at what she did, and then congratulate her for surpassing him.

You know, I don't think Taylor will use the Brand on purpose to begin with. It's not really her speed. At least, it's not her style with how she is at the start of canon. It's gonna take something bad to cause her to break someone's free will like that.
(edit: unless your iteration of Taylor is a little bit different, which is tots fine, just try and give her a reason to be a little harsher, yeah? Make the Wraith!SI guy a bad influence in her moment of vulnerability. Have her flip when she realizes Sophia killed her and that Sophia is a Ward and a "hero." Believe me, ya gots a lot of wiggle room, however you decide to go.)

Side note: I could totally see an SI going after Lung, De-leveling him until he can be Branded, and then having an insane Rage Dragon at their disposal.

Also animals tend to be permanent when branded, so get Doggo and they wont ever attack you.

No, no, no. Brand a bear and then use it as a mount. A warbear. Topped with plate armor and everything.
It's the superior option, search your heart. You know it to be true.
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I'd say being murdered would make for a decent motivator to start branding scumbags at the very least.
From there ego and the corruption of power can take things.

That said Taylor doesn't have Celebrimbor 'bad ideas' Silver Hand telling her what to do.
Isn't the powerset the SI got from a max level Celebrimbor from Shadow of Mordor?
That means his Ring is almost as powerful as Sauron's.
I'm pretty sure he was called a Bright Lord in the chapter, meaning he's ditched Talion...

So we have the Wraith ability tree maxed out but nothing on Taylor's side?
Mind you some of the Wraith abilities are super useless in Worm.
Like, there's no equivalent of Wargs, Graugs, and Drakes...
...unless you do mental twisting and classify Lung as a Drake... XD

Then there's the whole stronghold conquering part.
Is Wraitaylor going to take over the Rig as her stronghold? XD

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Make the Wraith!SI guy a bad influence
Wraith!SI might even be being influenced to do that himself because in the scene where he gets Celebrimbor's power it looks like(to me at least) that he gets the corruption of the One aswell.(Though most of the Villains in Brockton deserve to get their shit pushed in.)
The being raises a hand, and the Elven Smith falls to his knees with a silent scream, dark tendrils ripped from his spectral form and flowing into me. I fall to one knee, for whatever that is worth in a place such as this, as I feel something…crawling beneath my skin, armor like the one Celebrimbor wears forming around me as his own armor falls away, leaving the elven wraith in his underclothes. His scars fade away too, and I can feel as my face becomes cratered with deep lines like his until we have switched places: he, a whole and unmarred spirit, and me, a scarred, armored Wraith.

Celebrimbor feels his face gingerly, horror dawning on his expression as he realizes what has happened, and the realization of everything he had done now that the subtle corruption of the One was gone.

That was Fantastic.
  • Piggot isn't an anti-cape biggot; she's just a cynical, misanthropic bitch that hates everyone.
Monarch 16.3 begs to differ:
Tattletale said:
"That we're monsters. In her eyes, our trigger events highlight a moment at the worst point of our lives and our powers make it so we can never put that behind us. Good guy or bad, she sees us as walking personifications of whatever issues drove us to get our powers in the first place, inflicting some shadow or abstract representation of those traumas on others with our powers."

"How can someone educated and professional like her think that way?" Grue asked.

"For one thing, she's not all that wrong," Tattletale replied, shrugging.


"We are. But even people without powers are walking issues. That's no big surprise. Having powers just… makes it all more noticeable. Piggot's suffering from some tunnel vision, is all. Happens with any bigot. Anyways, my point was, if we torture her, we're only reinforcing her worldview. It would almost negate any psychological stress we put her under. No, torture is out for a few reasons."
Now maybe Tattletale is incorrect, but I see no reason to assume that under the circumstances.

Also since she cant REALLY die, and will "Respawn" at some nearby point...well...things will get hideously bad for the villain and gangs. Especially if she targets the merchants for combat experience...which is going to cause...issues.

But all it takes is one BAD day for her to lose some parts of her humanity and sees villains and gangs as potential Soldiers...maybe one or two people may have sufficient will to push off the effects. Problem is, they can be made a example out of...
Yes, you can't really kill someone who is already dead. Being undead will doubtlessly have some rather significant short and long-term psychological effects, because duhhh.

Amongst other things, being undead means no functioning biochemistry, things like hormones, adrenaline etc. are all vital components of the human emotional process. Without those things, many emotions will be muted or even nonexistent; a substantial amount of the human experience is physiological chemistry, chemistry that Taylor no longer has. This is one of the primary reasons why the undead are so frequently depicted as going insane or growing 'cold' and emotionless; because they lack the necessary functioning squishy bits that produce said emotions.

That said Taylor doesn't have Celebrimbor 'bad ideas' Silver Hand telling her what to do.
And thank god for that. Calling Celebrimbor a bad influence is an insult to perfectly good bad influences. A line from The Last Crusade sums up Celebrimbor perfectly: 'He Chose Poorly.'

You could write a flawless 'How to Ruin Everything' guide and it would just be 'Step 1: Listen to Celebrimbor. Step 2: That's it! You did it!'
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I love this idea, and I have no clue why it has not been done yet. This power set fits so perfectly into Worm with only some minimal adjustments. Here's my own tidbits I'd like to point out

  • Taylors personality is one that while being a good person, is also a control freak. She can convince herself to do anything AND think she's completely justified, this might cause a lot of friction with a wraith over her shoulder.
  • If you're gonna have a Lung fight, remember that he's only strong AFTER he ramps up. He can probably take on the PRT after ramped up. But before then? If someone gets the jump on him with a decent power, he's dead. As a matter of fact, the wraith power set is a really good Lung counter. She should have more trouble with Oni Lee.
  • Be careful about dedicating too much of the story on revenge on the bullies. I've seen stories that do stuff like have Purity redeemed, then send Emma to jail. Just insane to me.
  • On that note, keep in mind that Purity is a Nazi who has murdered people. She may have quit, but that's because it's a dangerous lifestyle, not because she believes it's inherently wrong.
  • Keep in mind that villains in Worm much prefer to keep their head down. I once saw a story that had Hookwolf attack a school and couldn't stop rolling my eyes. Think about a real life school shooting. If the PRT wanted any sort of legitimacy they would send Legend to his front door. When you write a scene just think about the logical ramifications of what the characters are doing and you'll be fine.
Now with all of that being said, I also have to say don't be afraid to throw canon to the garbage bin. Just make sure there's some sort of explanation. For example, if you do want to have Purity in your story as one of the good guys, you've gotta change her backstory a bit. And show the changes! As long as it's logical, no one will really care (no one should care).
Also, would Amy be able to maipulate Taylor's biology to any like useful degree if she's clinically dead and being reanimated by an otherworldly spirit? Asking for a friend.

As far as I'm aware, Amy's main limitation is LIVING tissue. In fannon, she's usually shown using tubs of flesh and blood, or hotdogs, or other such things to make up for biomass. However, I can't remember any instances of her actually doing that sort of thing in cannon. If memory serves properly, it's actually the opposite. I can't remember for sure if this was cannon or not, but I do remember a scene in which Vicky flipped her shit on her because she couldn't just poke someone back to life, given they were dead and all and thus outside her power's scope of effect.

Edit, addendum: Also, that was what stopped her from regrowing someone's hand right off. Needed them to bulk up a bit so she'd have the biomass to actually do so without resorting to a donation from someone else. Same sort of reason she normally advises that her patients eat more after healing as she used their own body's stores to do whatever she did.
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Yes, you can't really kill someone who is already dead. Being undead will doubtlessly have some rather significant short and long-term psychological effects, because duhhh.

Amongst other things, being undead means no functioning biochemistry, things like hormones, adrenaline etc. are all vital components of the human emotional process. Without those things, many emotions will be muted or even nonexistent; a substantial amount of the human experience is physiological chemistry, chemistry that Taylor no longer has. This is one of the primary reasons why the undead are so frequently depicted as going insane or growing 'cold' and emotionless; because they lack the necessary functioning squishy bits that produce said emotions.

While I'd agree with you in general there, our favorite undead ranger still had his full emotional range for both games. There were bits here and there of genuine shows of emotion, either regret, amusement, or sorrow well after being bonding to the wraith.
While I'd agree with you in general there, our favorite undead ranger still had his full emotional range for both games. There were bits here and there of genuine shows of emotion, either regret, amusement, or sorrow well after being bonding to the wraith.

Yup. Not Undead. Banished From Death. They live, and CANNOT DIE.
Here's an important thing to consider, what are the spiritual ramifications for Taylor being unable to pass on?
Under Tolkien's spiritual system a Human being unable to die is a bad thing because immortality isn't really possible.
What happens is that one slowly becomes thinned out, having one's life stretched out further and further.

Life will lose its luster, food unsatisfying, sunlight wearing and pleasures generally more dull.

Eventually Taylor would find herself slipping into the wraith world more and more until she no longer has the substance to interact with the world.

Maybe trapped in an ever diminishing existence forever if the Wormverse has no eventual Dagor Dagorath.

Depending on how you spin things Taylor doesn't get to have a happy ending other than being able to pass on to her final rest.
Here's an important thing to consider, what are the spiritual ramifications for Taylor being unable to pass on?
Under Tolkien's spiritual system a Human being unable to die is a bad thing because immortality isn't really possible.
What happens is that one slowly becomes thinned out, having one's life stretched out further and further.

Life will lose its luster, food unsatisfying, sunlight wearing and pleasures generally more dull.

Eventually Taylor would find herself slipping into the wraith world more and more until she no longer has the substance to interact with the world.

Maybe trapped in an ever diminishing existence forever if the Wormverse has no eventual Dagor Dagorath.

Depending on how you spin things Taylor doesn't get to have a happy ending other than being able to pass on to her final rest.

whats worse is that she may figure that out, and think she NEEDS to control mankinds fate, and becomes a dark lady by forging her own Nazgul ring of power, and thus becomes one of the most dangerous fuckers out there until someone can bring down the wrath of heaven on her...

issue is the longer a undead is around, the more powerful and harder to put down they become.
Where a teenage girl gets access to arguably the most terrifying Master power on the planet, plus a Striker, Blaster, and Mover abilities for use in combat, mild Tinker abilities to create Enhanced objects, a Thinker ability that lets her see through walls, and oh, the inability to die from conventional means.
Will she also have access to the Shadow Of War Orc Tribes?

Terror Tribe: Torturers and Executioners
Machine Tribe: Weapon and defense makers
Marauder Tribe: Scavengers and raid the lands for resources
Dark Tribe: Stealth and Intel gathering
Feral Tribe: Control of Beasts and Hunters
Mystic Tribe: Necromancy of fallen soldiers and fear in enemies
Warmonger Tribe: Tacticians and Veterans of Sauron's Army
Or will her powerset be only the wraith/ring abilities?
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whats worse is that she may figure that out, and think she NEEDS to control mankinds fate, and becomes a dark lady by forging her own Nazgul ring of power, and thus becomes one of the most dangerous fuckers out there until someone can bring down the wrath of heaven on her...

issue is the longer a undead is around, the more powerful and harder to put down they become.
Maybe not, she doesn't have a ring of power nor the tools to make one.
It is also unclear whether the SI inherited Celebrimbor's knowledge and expertise.

Without something like that then the Undead of LotR continue to wither into empty things like the Barrow Wights or the pitiable and cursed existence of the army of the dead.

It would take years of course but if Taylor's soul works on the same principles then she will wear thin.
Monarch 16.3 begs to differ:
Now maybe Tattletale is incorrect, but I see no reason to assume that under the circumstances.

I see nothing there that directly contradicts my statement, except that Tattletale thinks she's a bigot. Lisa even admits Piggy has a point, but claims everybody is just as messed up as parahumans.

TT's power isn't perfect, though, and is shown to suffer from GIGO and confirmation bias when extrapolating through multiple layers. She's either made a bad extrapolation or cut her power off and assumed "bigotry" because she refuses to accept she, Taylor, and every other cape are damaged goods with a loaded gun.

Which they are.

The starting requirement for getting powers is trauma bad enough to induce a psychotic break. That's not the normal, day-to-day baggage that everyone deals with.
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I see nothing there that directly contradicts my statement, except that Tattletale thinks she's a bigot. Lisa even admits Piggy has a point, but claims everybody is just as messed up as parahumans.

TT's power isn't perfect, though, and is shown to suffer from GIGO and confirmation bias when extrapolating through multiple layers. She's either made a bad extrapolation or cut her power off and assumed "bigotry" because she refuses to accept she, Taylor, and every other cape are damaged goods with a loaded gun.

Which they are.

The starting requirement for getting powers is trauma bad enough to induce a psychotic break. That's not the normal, day-to-day baggage that everyone deals with.
just because its undertandable and right doesnt make a biggot magically not a biggot
good example would be the gobs from goblin slayer and the main character. the gobs are evil rapist midget things that everyone on their planet hate. but just because they are as i just said evil rapist midget things doesnt make it so that they arent a minority (just fyi i agree with the viewpoint that they should be exterminated) and doesnt change the fact that peeps are bigoted towards them. same with parahumans just because piggots view point that they are the root of most problems facin bet is honestly right doesnt instantly make her not a biggot
Tattletale isn't an objective measure for whether Piggot is bigoted towards parahumans or not because she is a Parahuman criminal in a city where Piggot leads the parahuman related law enforcement. Of course she's going to claim that Piggot is a bigot, because she already doesn't like the woman.
Tattletale isn't an objective measure for whether Piggot is bigoted towards parahumans or not because she is a Parahuman criminal in a city where Piggot leads the parahuman related law enforcement. Of course she's going to claim that Piggot is a bigot, because she already doesn't like the woman.
not objective no but when you have someone whose power is litteraly deductive reasonin out the ass say that someone is biased against parahumans then you better believe that person because honestly who else are you gonna believe? also just because tattles is a parahuman criminal and she was talkin about the law enforcement doesnt mean she was wrong or lying now i wanna stop talkin about this because we are cloggin up the story thread with this argument and i cant be bothered to think at the mo as i am too tired
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Hey guys, this is a pretty significant derailment. Beyond that, it's not really constructive for the author. Let's take it over to the PM's, yeah? This is a pretty cool fic and I'd hate for the author to become disinterested in writing more for fear of causing circular, irrelevant arguments like this. Let alone mod-interference. Please take it to your PMs.
dude we already stopped talkin about it a couple hours ago
I didn't even really notice it lol. Tho once I did, I got more than a little confused.

Also, thinking about this story, I realized another way I could have taken this, which would have been a bit less 'stereotypical' of Worm fanfiction, but potentially just as interesting.

Instead of Taylor, Emma. Those ABB guys take things a bit further than they intended orginally, and this time, Shadow Stalker isn't around to leap to her aid.

However, a Wraith is.

I didn't even really notice it lol. Tho once I did, I got more than a little confused.

Also, thinking about this story, I realized another way I could have taken this, which would have been a bit less 'stereotypical' of Worm fanfiction, but potentially just as interesting.

Instead of Taylor, Emma. Those ABB guys take things a bit further than they intended orginally, and this time, Shadow Stalker isn't around to leap to her aid.

However, a Wraith is.

hmmm that could be interestin if ya want some inspiration in that area read the emma butcher power swap fic (sry cant remember the name )
Instead of Taylor, Emma. Those ABB guys take things a bit further than they intended orginally, and this time, Shadow Stalker isn't around to leap to her aid.

However, a Wraith is.


I assume you'd want to write from immediately after Emma comes back, rather than traditional canon start, given the number and size of the butterflies that would generate?

I can dig it.