[X] Being a witch
[X] The mission

oh come on, the hot sauce cant be that bad.
[X] Where the Neurois come from
[X] Being a witch

To defeat the enemy, we must know the enemy. Since there doesn't seem to be any way of knowing the enemy, we can at least guess about where they come from and feel smugly superior about how they're invading Earth ("The Neuroi homeworld really sucks." "How much does it suck?" "It sucks so much it inspired them to cross interstellar distances just to violently murder sentient life, that's how much it sucks!")
[X] Where the Neurois come from
[X] Being a witch

To defeat the enemy, we must know the enemy. Since there doesn't seem to be any way of knowing the enemy, we can at least guess about where they come from and feel smugly superior about how they're invading Earth ("The Neuroi homeworld really sucks." "How much does it suck?" "It sucks so much it inspired them to cross interstellar distances just to violently murder sentient life, that's how much it sucks!")

Well they're obviously not here for the water at least.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] (Write-in) Where the Neurois come from.
[X] Being a witch
No. of votes: 1
[X] Orussia
[X] The carrier
No. of votes: 3
SirLagginton, Night_stalker, sgtbaker47
--[X] The hell liquid you put on your eggs
[X] The carrier
No. of votes: 1
[X] Being a witch
[X] The mission
No. of votes: 1
[X] Where the Neurois come from
[X] Being a witch
No. of votes: 1


The carrier: 4
Being a witch: 3
Orussia: 3
Where Neuroi come from: 2
The mission: 1
The hell liquid you put on your eggs: 1

So we shall talk about the carrier.

I'm a bit lost as to what to have us do after that though. Move forward to launch or let you do whatever for a post?
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"I'm a bit lost as to what to have us do after that though. Move forward to launch or let you do whatever for a post?"

Well I vote we
[X] Go check out the hanger.

Because nothing is better then a room filled with grease monkeys and techno babble.
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4.0 - Carrier Hueg

[><] The carrier

You give up on the eggs entirely. They are a lost cause. Sure you can still eat them, but like discussing politics in Syria you'd rather not.

Instead, you move on to your pancakes. Delicious, sweet, and fluffy pancakes. It's easy to forget that they're effectively mass produced, or that their ingredients probably came premixed to save the Liberion Navy a few dollars a pound. Or that the maple syrup may very well not be maple syrup at all - though you can't really tell.

"So," you begin.

"This carrier..."

"Is huge?" a lieutenant in your squadron finishes for you.

"Yes. I think it's even bigger than the Ulyanovsk." Unsurprising. The Ulyanovsk-class is only about the size of the Kitty Hawks, a substantially older Liberion carrier class - the Nimitz-class that replaced them was almost twenty thousand tons larger, as the Liberions believed that bigger was always better for carriers. You believe they may be right.

"It's too big," a girl from a rich district of Moscow complains. "My bunk is all the way at the front, and I have to walk all the way to the hangars in the back just to get to my PAK FA Strikers..."

"Baby! You have to walk to your hangars back at our own base anyway!"

You roll your eyes at the two and slip another bite in as the conversation carries on.

"I'm not sure if they'll make us use the catapults or just have us launch straight up," you say. You hope it's the former. The catapults scare you, but at the same time you can't help but feel excited about the thought of being shot forward at 270 kilometers per hour.

"I wish they had a ski ramp," an Orussian Navy witch says. "The Potemkin and Ulyanovsk both have ski ramps, and so does the Admiral Kuznetov."

"Da. But Liberion carriers don't need ski ramps, because they have stronger catapults," you point out.

"You've never taken off from a carrier before. It's a lot smoother taking off with Strikers from a ski ramp than it is from a catapult."

Considering you have never done either, you aren't sure what to say. Most carriers designed to primarily carry witches have ski ramps, so the navy witch may have a point. There's always vertical takeoffs, but those are tricky with jet Strikers - it's much easier going down than up.

Eventually though, breakfast ends, and you mostly have the next few hours for yourself, as you're not scheduled to go up until the battle group gets within launching range.

What will you do with your time?

[ ] Go to the hangar

[ ] Go to the library
-[ ] Books
-[ ] Internet
--[ ] SV
[ ] Go topside

[ ] Practice your magic

[ ] Nothing (skip to launch)

[ ] Write in
Usually best to move forward if you have no specific ideas. Stalling means a quest just spins it's wheels for the whole time.

[X] Practice your magic

Or we spend all the time seeing the sights and smelling the flowers
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Go to the hangar
No. of votes: 4
sgtbaker47, Night_stalker, Explodinggruntz, Spectre

[X] Practice your magic
No. of votes: 3
veekie, Nightfallen, Red Wing

[X] Go to the armory
No. of votes: 1

Well I'd rather break the tie, but we can practice our magic in the hangar so long as we don't do anything crazy/stupid. We should be fine, our Ability doesn't condone itself to blowing things up. LOL Vote program forgot to count Spectre's vote

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5.0 - Hangaring Out

[><] Go to the hangar

With breakfast out of the way, you decide to go to the hangar.

While not nearly as loud as the deck, the hangar is still loud. The noises are different though - the flight deck is full of the hiss of the catapults, the roar of the ocean, and the whine of jet engines. The hangar has none of those; instead it has the thumps and shudders of planes taking off and landing, the noise of the elevators, and the sound of crews working on aircraft and Striker units.

The old notions that male crews and female witches should avoid each other has long been worn away by time. Sure, there are some older, more conservative crews that think they should at least try, but they are mostly in air forces and armies. On a carrier (or any ship with witches really), there simply isn't enough room for the two groups to avoid each other. Not even on a behemoth like the Yeager.

It doesn't help the 'situation' that the hangar has a lot more witches than normal. The carriers that will be arriving later in the day will alleviate the problem somewhat, but they're also bringing more witches, so they won't alleviate it much.

Your own Strikers are stored on the port wall of the hangar bay, mounted on a cradle just like any other. These cradles are much more compact than the ones seen in the Second Neuroi War, they also weigh less for easier transport. In addition to the supporting arms, restraining bar, and ladder of 2NW cradles, they also feature a built-in diagnostic computer that can plug in directly to the Strikers' computers.

You pat the stubby swing wing of your left Striker unit as you lean against its cradle. The Su-24 may not be the newest model unit, and it may not even be the one you had wanted - you were hoping for the much newer Su-34s - but it was good. Its sizable radar system (for a Striker) gave it excellent detection range and let it strike far and strike hard.

Not that you've used that ability... yet. Technically. No combat experience means you've never tried it against targets that could have even tried to shoot back. Just brightly colored training targets. Some were 'camouflaged' to look like Liberion tanks, or Ukrainian tanks, or Karlslandic tanks, or Osman tanks... you get a feeling that your commanding officer really didn't like tanks.

You spend the better part of an hour just observing the witches, pilots, and crews move about the hangar. At the end of the hour, the captain announces over the speaker that they are now within flight range of the place where the Varyag's crew states it was attacked.

You'll be going up shortly with an SH-60 and another witch. The helicopter will drop sonobuoys while you and the other witch take turns scouting ahead and around the helicopter. The other will stick close in case the scouting witch misses anything.

Besides Aphids, you will also carry:

[ ] More missiles
[ ] Rocket pods
[ ] Bombs

You will also carry:

[ ] Fragmentation grenades
[ ] High-explosive grenades

I know I said in an earlier post that Strikers do not carry full-size missiles. But I feel like retconning that and making it so that they do, they're just smaller when mounted on a Striker because magic. Or I could just have them still be smaller, but have the same power as a full-size, also because magic.

[ ] Unshrinking weapons
[ ] Smaller missiles with equal power to full size weapons
[X] More missiles
[X] Fragmentation grenades

For the OOC: I'd go with smaller missile and higher payload. Makes more sense and come on, science marches on, so can magic. Ex. There was black powder as gunpowder, then Bam! Frenchies made smokeless gunpowder that made cartridges better. Sure they had to tinker to making the projectiles better but at the end of the year, science.
[X] More missiles
[X] Fragmentation grenades

For the OOC: I'd go with smaller missile and higher payload. Makes more sense and come on, science marches on, so can magic. Ex. There was black powder as gunpowder, then Bam! Frenchies made smokeless gunpowder that made cartridges better. Sure they had to tinker to making the projectiles better but at the end of the year, science.

That's what I was thinking, but I wanted SV's judgement.

Also I'd just like to say that I am (slowly) reading your Quest thread and will get involved with it once I catch up.