[X] Go for the kill
- [X] Vinogradov
- [X] Actually use your goddamn missile already FFS
- [X] If you get the chance after killing the Vinogradov, strafe the Kulakov's core with your gun.

Also, two missiles striking the same spot in succession would result in MORE damage, not LESS. As in, "possibly cut the ship in half or gut the internals" levels of damage. It's like swinging an axe at the same spot twice on a block of wood--it's more effective, not less.
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The radio fills with cheers.
[jk] Insert Orussian Han Solo impression: "That's great, Liberions. Don't get cocky!"

[X] Go for the kill
- [X] Vinogradov

We've been Kedgeing our bets up until now by hanging onto that last missile 'just in case'. Now seems like a good time to use it.
I actually intended to use the Kedge that last round, but after those rolls I decided I could afford to save it for the next one.
you know its amazing what we pulled off what we just did, given how cruddy our handling characteristics must have been.
Well, we'll get our chance to fly inside the enemy ship to bomb its guts out another time.

Then we can be all "We Ace Combat now".

Granted, that shit we just pulled pretty much already qualifies for Ace Combat-levels of shenanigans (dancing right in the face of two enemy destroyers, alone, and wrecking them piecemeal? Yup).
yah I think we just solved the issue of why command might give us brand new state of the art tech even though we're a rookie problem.
yah I think we just solved the issue of why command might give us brand new state of the art tech even though we're a rookie problem.

Putin: Remind me why we are giving a rookie attack Witch state-of-the-art, still-officially-in-testing Strikers?
Shoygu: She is favored by the roll gods.
Putin: Ah yes, of course, carry on then.
Well, we'll get our chance to fly inside the enemy ship to bomb its guts out another time.

Then we can be all "We Ace Combat now".

Granted, that shit we just pulled pretty much already qualifies for Ace Combat-levels of shenanigans (dancing right in the face of two enemy destroyers, alone, and wrecking them piecemeal? Yup).
No shit. We dodge tanked the CIWS batteries of two ships more or less on our own so that our allies could hit.
To be fair, witches canonically perform those kinds of stunts as a matter of course. So... yeah.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Go for the kill
-[X] Vinogradov
No. of votes: 5
veekie, obssesednuker, TheDamnedDesire, Ol'Delux, sgtbaker47

[x] Go for the kill
-[X] Vinogradov
[X] have felix 1-7 strafe the Kulakov.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Go for the kill
-[X] Vinogradov
-[X] Actually use your goddamn missile already FFS
-[X] If you get the chance after killing the Vinogradov, strafe the Kulakov's core with your gun.
No. of votes: 1

Congrats, you have a dead boss. Your first. Hooray!

18.0 BOSS (5/5)

[><] Go for the kill
-[><] Vinogradov

The destroyers are clearly on their last legs. Even with their impressive AA suite they just couldn't hold up to an attack witch and a swarm of anti-ship missiles. Now would be as good a time as any to put them out of their misery. And your Kedge is perfect for the job.
Accuracy: 91, 90
Damage: 95
Jamming: 61, 54
Enemy CIWS: 0
Enemy Armor: 2
With a scream and a shower of white shards, the Vinogradov is laid to rest, its core destroyed. The Kulakov attempts to fire off a Moskit in a last ditch attempt to do some damage, but Felix One-Seven strafes it with gunfire as it readies its turret.
Accuracy: 85
Damage: 91
Enemy CIWS: 0
Enemy Armor: 11
It, too, sheds its Neuroi hide in a shower of shards, and the Moskit pops from its launcher, inactive. You pass over the rapidly sinking destroyer's deck and fire at the Moskit as you pass.
Accuracy: 18
Rounds expelled: 32
You almost leave yourself with only one belt as you pepper the deck, launcher, and the missile's engines, but fail to hit anything explodey.

Doesn't matter, the Neuroi are dead.

<<Felix One-Seven to Bonneville. Enemy ships sunk.>>
Cheers fill the radio, louder, longer and more varied than before.
<<You idiots.>>
<<Bonneville roger. No further Neuroi presence detected within radar range. You'd better come in and land. You too, Dekabrist, Cipher, Empress>>
<<You think they would announce their presence so brazenly if they were going to settle for one measly frigate?>>
<<No, this time they won't rest until your planet is an empty husk.>>

You head for the carrier, watching as the two destroyers bubble and groan as they slip beneath the ocean - for a second time. For a moment you think you can see blood leaking from the Kulakov's bridge, but the moment passes and you are too far away to tell blood from oil by the time you look again. It makes you shiver nonetheless.

After circling a few times to let the Hornets land, you 'touch down' on the carrier. Landing vertically is a lot easier than taking off vertically, though you still welcome the padding the Liberion Navy provides around you as you come down. Some witches would consider it patronizing. But you don't think there's anything patronizing about safety, especially for a witch such as yourself without much ship landing training - though the Yeager's enormous size makes it stabler than the destroyers you practiced on. It would take a tsunami to rock this boat.

There is an announcement over the radios, but the roar of a landing Hawkeye drowns it out.

It is 11:30 AM.

What will you do?

[ ] Go to your quarters. You could use a nap after so much combat.
[ ] Go to the galley. Flying burns mana, and mana burns calories.
- [ ] What will you eat? (Write-in)
[ ] Go to the library and check the internet.
- [ ] News - see if it's leaked yet
-- [ ] Regular news sites
-- [ ] Imageboards
--- [ ] Reddit
--- [ ] 2ch.hk
--- [ ] /int/
-- [ ] SV
- [ ] Other internet stuff
[ ] Go to the lounge. Play vidya
- [ ] Write-in
[ ] Go to the gym. Never too young to get swole.
[ ] Stay on deck, find out what was announced
[ ] After-action report (Can be combined with Quarters, Galley, or Library, though Library will cause it to take longer)
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[X] After-action report (Can be combined with Quarters, Galley, or Library, though Library will cause it to take longer)
[X] Go to the galley. Flying burns mana, and mana burns calories.

Why would they announce something over the deck when landing aircraft? No one would be able to hear anything.
[X] After-action report (Can be combined with Quarters, Galley, or Library, though Library will cause it to take longer)
[X] Go to the galley. Flying burns mana, and mana burns calories.

Isn't there a debrief?
[X] After-action report (Can be combined with Quarters, Galley, or Library, though Library will cause it to take longer)
[X] Go to the galley. Flying burns mana, and mana burns calories.
[X] After-action report (Can be combined with Quarters, Galley, or Library, though Library will cause it to take longer)
[X] Go to the galley. Flying burns mana, and mana burns calories.

Why would they announce something over the deck when landing aircraft? No one would be able to hear anything.

Probably a ship-wide announcement that simply got to the deck speakers because they cba to not send it to the deck speakers.
[X] After-action report (Can be combined with Quarters, Galley, or Library, though Library will cause it to take longer)
[X] Go to the galley. Flying burns mana, and mana burns calories.
[X] After-action report (Can be combined with Quarters, Galley, or Library, though Library will cause it to take longer)
[X] Go to the galley. Flying burns mana, and mana burns calories.