Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 6: Fatal Fires Flagrantly Fry Frantic Friends, Family

That could work and would be cool to see, but I'd rather that be on a different member of the Assembly. Tentacles seem more intended for grabbing someone just outside of our standard melee range then strangling and/or ipmeding them while the user moves in with a melee weapon. Extra sets of arms would be better for multitasking, using more multitools at a time, and maybe using multiple guns at once. I'm not really talking about multi-gun mojo, rather more like one set of arms reloads a gun while another set is firing.

Since we're talking about vat upgrades here anyway, I believe there is a mod that costs a single mote to activate, lasts indefinitely and removes any negative dexterity bonuses from our armor.
I think it needs something like 15 minutes to 'calibrate' the armor or something, but yeah, with that we could get super heavy armor with tons of soak and still dodge.

.IronSun. said:
Since we're talking about vat upgrades here anyway, I believe there is a mod that costs a single mote to activate, lasts indefinitely and removes any negative dexterity bonuses from our armor.
5m, takes 5 minutes motionless to enable, lasts until we take the armour off (or cancel the commitment).
Elero said:
Iris isn't dead, he's just in space. I don't know about Armsmaster, though.

Btw, how good are Manifold Transhuman Implants? Could we, for example, get a bunch of tentacles to help with crafting and combat and hide them with Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier when we don't need them?
Extra limbs are kind of "meh" in my opinion. If you wanted to do extra attacks you'd be better off buying a charm that gives you a magical flurry (which typically means that you get a set number of attacks that can exceed the weapons rate and they don't have any multiple action penalties attached to them); extra limbs just reduce your flurry penalties by one die (per set of extra arms/tentacles) down to a minimum penalty of -1. On the other hand, flurry charms can get expensive - Alchemicals have two that I saw, the single-target one costs 7m1WP, the multi-target costs 3m/target but refunds 2m per hit that does damage.

I don't see how they'd be of use in crafting since I can't even think of any situations where you'd want to be inflicting flurry penalties on yourself since when crafting you'd want to be sticking to one project at a time. I'm not even sure you can flurry a dramatic action like that anyway.
As far as crafting goes, I was hoping that with a high enough dexterity you could reasonably use a stunt to decrease the time necessary to build, dismantle or repair an object.
ticktrick said:
Practical considerations, given the effectiveness of his power. It'd well worth it to convert him, and Danny would be probably easier than some of the candidates out there. Capes don't grow on trees, and any powerful cape that can be converted to your side is worth much more than permanent imprisonment, not to mention the legal advantages of keeping Danny around.
What legal advantages? He violated the Endbringer truce willfully. He's quite likely done.
.IronSun. said:
As far as crafting goes, I was hoping that with a high enough dexterity you could reasonably use a stunt to decrease the time necessary to build, dismantle or repair an object.
Having a higher Dex (or Perception, or Intelligence) is already factored into reducing the amount of time it takes to complete an extended project because rolling more successes per interval means you hit the necessary number of cumulative successes faster.

If you want to reduce the amount of time between intervals - well, that's what IEU is for.
Yeah let's wring everything out of Lisa before we settle on a fate for Danny. Not to mention we need the man himself if he's going to answer for anything.
As far as keeping Danny from going to the slammer to keep us from being a ward of the state goes, it would be more efficient to just have Taylor Emancipate herself.

Just playing devil's advocate here, I want to resolve these Danny issues as well.
I would rather focus our efforts in buildng Panacea back up as she's barely functional right now. She's tried to help us in the past, time to return the favor.
spudman said:
Taylor is Exalted and has a mandate for authority from Autocthon himself.

We control Taylor.

I declared an absolute resolution on this matter and beat the rest of you lot to it.

Suck on that, bitches. :p ;)

.....I am serious about saving Danny and rebuilding bridges, though.
Your tone sucks. As for your absolute resolution, it doesn't mean a thing if the majority disagrees with you.
I'm pretty sure Spud's arrogance was in jest. I don't really think we can fix our daddy issues right now, but we DO need to talk to him at least. We should try and get some conversation in with Panacea once our Clarity has worn off a bit to help her handle the aftermath of her craptastic day and start working on a close positive intimacy with her. The second we've recovered enough to have a good shot at taking out Coil we need to roll Lisa hard and then render Coil down into as many component parts as possible. He's WAY too dangerous to try and take to court and he's proven already that he's willing to break the unwritten rules whenever he feels like it.
Given our level of injuries and apparent importance to Cauldron, it's entirely possible they'll deal with Coil. Not necessarily the most narratively satisfying solution though (having the antagonist dealt with by someone else, even if on your behalf).
spudman said:
To Hell with your logic, good sir!

*glove slap*

...Danny's in the state he's in because the majority of the players let him be neglected for several days, making him vulnerable to Coil's manipulation. We owe him, and she is Taylor's father no matter what.
We owe him nothing, given that he has tried to kill us. Right now, at least, effort spent on him is better directed at others.
landcollector said:
We owe him nothing, given that he has tried to kill us. Right now, at least, effort spent on him is better directed at others.
And even THAT would be fine if he tried it at ANY TIME OTHER THAN AN ENDBRINGER ATTACK, when that alarm sounds you put that petty shit to the side and WORK TOGETHER! He's just lucky he didn't fuck things up as badly as perdition did during the behemoth battle.
What can we do to Lisa? Bear in mind that I actually want to recruit her, let's think about just how different we are from Coil. It's not about what can we do to her that Coil can't or hasn't already, It's about what we can do and what Coil WON'T. Lisa knows that we know she works for Coil, she knows she was involved in Danny getting nab, and she knows we're going to be pissed about Danny attacking us and that Coil set it up. She's going to be at least a little bit scared of us.

We just played duck duck goose with an Endbringer. If we decide that we need to kill Coil, Coil is going to die. Lisa knows we're going to be gunning for Coil now, and that if she can stay out of the crossfire we likely won't kill her, whereas Coil keeps his death promise over her head constantly. If she can weather the storm she'd likely decide that she really need to get back in our good graces and that we'd be a MUCH better boss to work for than Coil.

I suggest we wait and approach Lisa seriously until we are ready to drop Coil immediately. To cover our bases however I think it would be a smart idea to publicly and angrily cut ties with her before we leave the battlefield. If we do a good job at it Coil will likely believe it while Lisa would be able to deduce our real motivation. We could then approach her at a later date and pump her for information. With Echidna pumping out evil Lisa clones her real identity may be blown, but her undercover identity at the school likely isn't. If Coil is unaware that we know exactly who she is he is unlikely to pull her from the school since he'll probably be desperate to keep eyes on us.

Remember when we buffed her at the medical station and she started cackling and laughing about how we'd changed the game? Odds are she's figured out something important that we may not even know yet, and/or she may have figured out a way to get out from under Coil.
Klaus said:
Our character sheet says our name is Taylor Hebert, alias EOA, not the other way around.
Which is appropriate, since she considers herself to be Taylor Hebert, as a result of the fact that she was catalyzed using a soulgem containing a single set of memories.

I don't consider that to be a healthy state of mind for an Alchemical Exalt, but since this spiraled into a big argument the last time it came up, I'll drop it here.
Can we not? look at the page count numbnuts.
PAGE NINETY SIX GUYS try not to fill the thread up before Grom can make a new one, ESPECIALLY with pointless crap we've argued about before!
Taylor Herbet didn't have a soul for virtually all her life, only for the last fraction of a second.
Menma said:
Cauldron has invested heavily in Coil, they aren't liable to kill him unless absolutely necessary.
I don't have an issue with the rest of your post, but this just isn't true. They aren't heavily invested in Coil at all, which is the whole point. He's a test subject to see if a parahuman can take over and rule a first world city, helping him out too much would invalidate any results they get from him. He may do business with them, but it's nothing different than what any other villain could get. Even in canon they didn't really care much when Coil died and Skitter took his place.

That test is absolutely nothing compared to what Taylor here represents. They know that something else, which they have no other leads on, created here and made her immune to precog like nothing they've ever seen before. An endbringer, for the first time ever, diverted from their pattern solely to kill her and failed despite a complete surprise attack. Her thinker abilities even no selled normal Endbringer thinker protection unlike absolutely everyone.