Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
Missed your post overall (kinda lost interested in the debate), and while I am not really interested in continuing, I will answer this atleast.

No, I don't want her to suffer.

What I wanted to do was rehabilitate Bonesaw, make her understand the consequences of her crimes, and make amends for them, and try to be accepted to society as best as possible. Basically, I wanted Bonesaw to become Riley, a sane stable person (as much as its possible after the horror she has gone through). Pointless punishment or suffering for the no purpose is, well, pointless.

The thing is, CM (the best authority we have on this vote, barring Gromweld), basically stated that option 2 would have Bonesaw rely on Taylor as her Moral Compass for whats right and wrong. The obvious assumption from there is that it means that by not having to face her past, Bonesaw will never grow up to develop a moral compass of her own. If Taylor tells Bonesaw that its wrong to vivisect innocent people, then thats wrong. If Taylor tells her that she should horribly torture someone to death and make sure its as painfull as possible, Bonesaw will do it, because if Taylor says to do it, then obviously it must right.

I viewed option 1 as the rehabilitation option and Riley facing the past so she could deal with it and move beyond it. Not out of some pointless cruelty, but to make her understand, so she could realise WHY her actions were viewed as horrific by well, the world. So she would understand why making amends was important. So she would actually develop a moral compass entirely her own. Frankly, for Riley, I view option 2 as far more cruel thing to do. Rather than proper rehabilitation, we are making sure she will always obey us, always rely on us to tell her whats right and wrong and do whatever it is we want her to do.

Thank you for that. That's what I wanted to know. If I am understanding you correctly, you want to make sure that Riley grows up to be someone who thinks and acts for herself, who does things because she believes in them, not because she is told they are right, yet also has the compassion and empathy to respect the rights and privileges of others. If that is your position, then I think we are in agreement; we're just reading into the options differently. Considering that the thread seems to be reaching a consensus on that, @Gromweld can we have a WoG as to what exactly the various options in Playing House entail? We've kinda gone round in circles with assumptions, and I'd like to get them cleared up if at all possible.
[X] No, wait until Saki is settled and Sakura is confirmed to not exit in a week.

[X] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
-[X]Stunt: "Do I really have to?" Riley asks again, looking extremely uncomfortable. "Yes." Taylor sighs, repeating herself once more. "The Nine are dead and gone, and I can only shield you so much. There's a long road ahead of you if you want a life outside of the Birdcage, and attending therapy is just one of the first steps."

[X] Medical Nanites
-[X]Stunt: Uriel kept his amusement hidden as Weaver chivvied the inmates of her kindergarten into the conference room, stopping as faces turned."I'm sorry, am I early?" He waved his hand for her to go on. She put out her hand and a slot opened, unfolding into a medical container of the sort used to transport vaccines. "Director, I present Asclepius."

[X] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.
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GM doesn't mind overmuch if you are a few words over the limit(<5), as long as you don't make a habit of it.
The avatar of @FunkyEntropy is a good approximation of the look I am giving you right now.
Whiiiile I'm on the subject of things you may have forgotten, I seem to recall something about Eden screaming in pain from beyond the grave when we exalted Marrow? This seems like a thing that Cauldron would take note of. And maybe tell us about. And factor into our plans for potential Exaltation of Cauldron capes, though I think we already went over that last part. :V
I have not forgotten. There are things that I try not to blab about in these threads - gotta save some surprises, you know?
Aisha in the same post. Gromweld does sometimes change his mind.
Thanks for digging up all those quotes of mine - I'd like to think my memory is pretty good, but I've written well over 1.5 million words in WoG posts/statements so... some things slip through the cracks.

As for Aisha, that statement was based on outdated/incorrect information on my part, so I will go ahead and override that previous statement: Aisha's shard being converted will have no impact on trigger events/memories (past, present, or future).
It might be a bit late to say this, but I feel like the main issue with the "Playing House" vote is that we don't really know what we're voting for. We do, as far as I can tell, have a general consensus: We want Riley to understand what she did wrong and why it was wrong, we want her to start trying to make amends and become a better person, we want her to get therapy from someone more qualified than Taylor, we want to provide proper oversight on Riley and Iris, and we want to do all this without being unnecessarily harsh. The problem is that we don't know which of the three options that actually is, so now instead of trying to determine what we want to do, we're trying to figure out which of the short descriptions we've been presented with actually reflects that choice. Does that make sense? Is that intentional?
The voting choices were deliberately a little fuzzy to allow for room to influence the result through Stunts. People have been treating them (mostly) correctly thus far, but since clarification is requested:

- "Bad Girl, No Biscuit" is Taylor being the primary force of rehabilitation in Bonesaw's life.
- "Respect My Authority" is Taylor splitting her efforts with the PRT therapists, being the visible reminder of rehabilitation for all the times that the therapists can't be there.
- "I Am Not A Doctor" is Taylor being a constant presence in the quarantined workshop as an overseer, while the PRT/Youth Guard do the vast majority of the rehabilitation work.

Well thats some relief. Thank you for that.

How many hours is it until vote closes anyway?

Also, heres the current tally. Disappointed that we don't even try to make Armsmaster into a better man when we could just ask access to GU as a reward from Cauldron and easily have Taylor have acquired the information elsewhere via baboon hacking everything in a library using Lore 5 (what? Common thing. Happens all the time.) I mean high level vials are not really usefull due to the Eden screaming thing anyway. Ohwell.

Vote Tally : Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane | Page 54 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.
No. of Votes: 41

[X] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
No. of Votes: 28

[X] Soulgem Injector
No. of Votes: 24

[X] No, wait until Saki is settled and Sakura is confirmed to not exit in a week.
No. of Votes: 21

[X] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.
No. of Votes: 19

[X] Medical Nanites
No. of Votes: 17

-[X] Stunt: "You gave Bonesaw a soul," Glenn states flatly from the other side of the screen. "Well, more like forged one, though it was really a group effort" Taylor replies, gesturing to Iris and Riley. Riley's grin is as bright as the shiny diamond lodged in her forehead. "But why-" Glenn pinches his brow, exasperated. "Whatever, I can work with this."
No. of Votes: 16

[X] Bad Girl, No Biscuit: This is penance, not vacation. Taylor is constantly making sure Riley is aware of her past horrors and the public reputation that she must now overcome.
No. of Votes: 13

[X] WoRI - Free Action: "Now, hear me out - sure my safe place is currently a vast expanse of emptiness, but while you're stretching the space outside we can spend the whole time inside Lord Grasp watching movies. He's pretty accommodating, he won't have any problems having both of us inside him at the same time."
No. of Votes: 13

-[X]Stunt: "Do I really have to?" Riley asks again, looking extremely uncomfortable. "Yes." Taylor sighs, repeating herself once more. "The Nine are dead and gone, and I can only shield you so much. There's a long road ahead of you if you want a life outside of the Birdcage, and attending therapy is just one of the first steps."
No. of Votes: 11

[X] EOA - Free Action: Reconstruction: Whistles blew across the construction site to stop work as the Wyld-crafted chimera shambled into view, it's armored hide painted in PRT colors and escorted by a PRT trooper squad. It gingerly moved it's multiton bulk around the site to the clearly marked piles of wreckage, and extended a tentacle to the first junked car. And then activated TIE.
No. of Votes: 11

[X] EOA - Free Action: Reconstruction: Whistles blew across the construction site to stop work as the Wyld-crafted chimera shambled into view, it's armored hide painted in PRT colors and escorted by a PRT trooper squad. It gingerly moved it's multiton bulk around the site to the clearly marked piles of wreckage, and extended a tentacle to the first junked car. And then activated TIE. (58 words)
No. of Votes: 10

-[X] "...and you'll find the relevant citations here." "My thanks to you and your assistants, Doctor," you say as the thumb drive is absorbed by the currently Administratored therapy dog. You drum your fingers on your desk in quiet contemplation. Working on redeeming herself, earning her victim's forgiveness, is difficult enough. Harder still will be learning to forgive herself.
No. of Votes: 9

-[X]Stunt: Uriel kept his amusement hidden as Weaver chivvied the inmates of her kindergarten into the conference room, stopping as faces turned."I'm sorry, am I early?" He waved his hand for her to go on. She put out her hand and a slot opened, unfolding into a medical container of the sort used to transport vaccines. "Director, I present Asclepius."
No. of Votes: 9

[X] FPoP - Free Action: Leaning forward in her chair, Prayer pushed a file across the table. "Your team comes highly recommended. I'm looking to acquire additional information on the Fairy Queen. Early life, relatives, rumors, anything and everything. Discreetly." Ballistic began to open his mouth, but the lady in the wheelchair silenced him with a look. "Alright, then. Let's talk costs." (57 words)
No. of Votes: 9

[X] WoRI - Free Action: A shipper is a terrible thing. Two shippers in ship to ship combat clashing upon the seas of torrid romances is worse. "So..." Saki asks Skein during her visit. "Miss Militia and Rime? No, Rime goes with Myrddin, and let me tell you why..."On the couch, Aisha steals some more of her brother's popcorn and settles in to watch.(60 words).
No. of Votes: 9

[X] EOA - Free Action: Being able to fly from hot-spot to hot-spot, as well as singlehandedly clear closed routes put Weaver on the forefront of the reconstruction effort. Whether it was sucking up fallen rubble, moving high-priority items to work crews, reconnecting downed power lines or liasing with the locals on what sort of services were most immediately needed, her face was the face of the reconstruction every bit as much as the face of victory over the Nine.
No. of Votes: 8

[X] FPoP - Free Action: Armsmaster sits tiredly on his cot back at the refugee camp. No longer bursting with people, it feels even worse now; a ghost town on top of a collection of people without hope or homes. Marrow stands, even in the pretend-flesh that gives her an appearance of normalcy her face is unreadable. "Young Administrator speaks well of your efforts both here and in the recent conflict. Personal glory is no sin, but that alone is not virtue."
No. of Votes: 8

[X] FPoP - Free Action: "Yes. I will speak for Bulldozer." You gently put the phone down and sigh. You're not one for speeches, but the PRT is holding a public commemorative service for Bulldozer. You will speak and honor your friend. It will do the Case 53 community good to see that they are not taken for granted.
No. of Votes: 7

-[X]Stunt: Bright yellow posters on the wall list a number of rules for the two craftsmen in the room to follow."Informed free consent: Not a joke" glares luridly above the workbench where Iris and Riley collaborate on what appears to be a vivisection in reverse. EOA looks in to confirm that the subject is indeed an orange before resuming her work.(61 words)
No. of Votes: 5

-[X] A thin trail of blood trailed down her face to mix with the tears of pain. Still, Riley maintained a rictus that could almost be mistaken for a smile. "Implantation was successful. Phase one complete, L-lord Iris." Good girls helped people and fixed what they broke.
No. of Votes: 4

-[X]Stunt: Uriel kept his amusement off his face as Weaver chivvied the inmates of her kindergarten into the conference room, stopping as faces turned."I'm sorry, am I early?" He waved his hand for her to go on. She put out her hand and a slot opened, unfolding into a medical transport container of the sort used to transport vaccines. "Director, I present Asclepius."(63 words)
No. of Votes: 4

[X] WoRI - Free Action: A shipper is a terrible thing. Two shippers in ship to ship combat clashing upon the seas of torrid romances is worse. "So..." Saki asks Skein during her visit. "Miss Militia and Rime? No, Rime goes with Myrddin, and let me tell you why..."
No. of Votes: 3

[X] FPoP - Free Action: Leaning forward in her chair, Prayer pushed a file across the table. "Your team comes highly recommended. I'm looking to acquire additional information on the Fairy Queen. Early life, relatives, rumors, anything and everything. Discreetly." Ballistic began to open his mouth, but the lady in the wheelchair silenced him with a look. "Alright, then. Let's talk costs."
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Saki uses her own charms on herself to purge her trauma problems.
No. of Votes: 3

-[X]Stunt: Uriel kept his amusement off his face as Weaver chivvied the inmates of her kindergarten into the conference room, stopping as faces turned."I'm sorry, am I early?" He waved his hand for her to go on. She put out her hand and a slot opened, unfolding into a medical transport container of the sort used to transport vaccines. "Director, I present Asclepius."
No. of Votes: 3

[X] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
No. of Votes: 2

[X] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
No. of Votes: 2

-[X] Armsmaster sits tiredly on his cot back at the refugee camp. No longer bursting with people, it feels even worse now; a ghost town on top of a collection of people without hope or homes. Marrow stands, even in the pretend-flesh that gives her an appearance of normalcy her face is unreadable. "Young Administrator speaks well of your efforts both here and in the recent conflict. Personal glory is no sin, but that alone is not virtue."
No. of Votes: 2

[X] WoRI - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other activities.]
No. of Votes: 2

-[X] A shipper is a terrible thing. Two shippers in ship to ship combat clashing upon the seas of torrid romances is worse. "So..." Saki asks Skein during her visit. "Miss Militia and Rime? No, Rime goes with Myrddin, and let me tell you why..."
No. of Votes: 2

-[X] "Actions have consequences, Riley. I understand that you had to do things to survive, but now it's time to make things better."
No. of Votes: 2

-[X]Stunt: "Do I have too?" Riley asks for asks again, looking extremely uncomfortable. "Yes." Taylor sighs, repeating herself once more. "The Nine are dead and gone, and I can only shield you so much. There's a long road ahead of you if you want a life outside of the Birdcage, and attending therapy is just one of the first steps."
No. of Votes: 2

-[X]Stunt: A bright yellow poster on the wall lists a number of rules for the two craftsmen in the room to follow."Informed free consent: Not a joke" glares luridly above the workbench where Iris and Riley collaborate on what appears to be a vivisection in reverse. EOA looks in to confirm that the subject is indeed an orange before resuming her work.(62 words)
No. of Votes: 2

-[X] Whistles blew across the construction site to stop work as the Wyld-crafted chimera shambled into view, it's armored hide painted in PRT colors and escorted by a PRT trooper squad. It gingerly moved it's multiton bulk around the site to the clearly marked piles of wreckage, and extended a tentacle to the first junked car. And then activated TIE.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Write In: Autocthonian Video game systems.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] I Am Not A Doctor: Leave the mind games to the professionals. Taylor maintains oversight to make sure Riley isn't regressing and answers her questions, but otherwise lets Iris and Riley work on their own.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Being able to fly from hot-spot to hot-spot, as well as singlehandedly clear closed routes put Weaver on the forefront of the reconstruction effort. Whether it was sucking upfallen rubble, moving high-priority items to work crews, reconnecting downed power lines or liasing with the locals on what sort of services were most immediately needed, her face was the face of the reconstruction every bit as much as the face of victory over the Nine.
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Riley looked in the mirror at the shiny new soulgem embedded in her forehead. She thought its instillation went well but she didn't actually remember that part. Still Taylor said it was scary and other people wouldn't want to do it even if it looked pretty afterwards. Maybe they would if she designed something else so she could give people both at the same time, like covering veggies in sauce to make them better? Where did she put all the ideas stuff for those tiny robotic cells (Medical Nanites)
No. of Votes: 1

-[X]"You gave Bonesaw a soul," Glenn states flatly from the other side of the screen. "Well, more like forged one, though it was really a group effort" Taylor replies, gesturing to Iris and Riley. Riley's grin is as bright as the shiny diamond lodged in her forehead. "But why-" Glenn pinches his brow, exasperated. "Whatever, I can work with this."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] WoRI - Free Action: A shipper is a terrible thing. Two shippers in ship to ship combat clashing upon the seas of torrid romances is worse. "So..." Saki asks Skein during her visit. "Miss Militia and Rime? No, Rime goes with Myrddin, and let me tell you why..."On the couch, Aisha steals some more of her brother's popcorn and settles in to watch.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Bad Girl, No Biscuit: This is penance, not vacation. Taylor is constantly making sure Riley is aware of her past horrors and the public reputation that she must now overcome.[/QUOTE]
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] The figure in front of her was eerie with its familiarity, like looking into a mirror. "This will be a great help." Taylor said, patting the younger girl on the head. This would double her coverage of her Camden patrol, but first...Clockblocker hasn't been pranked recently, has he?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Body Double
No. of Votes: 1

[x] FunkyEnthropy
No. of Votes: 1

[X] FPoP - Free Action: Accord opens the door, his strained expression quickly shifting into surprise. "To what do I owe this visit, Miss Prayer? Or do you prefer Miss Marrow?" "My Alchemical name is fine," answers the blue woman. "Administrator has marked you as a possible candidate for Exaltation. I would see our differences resolved before agreeing to your introduction into the Assembly."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] FPoP - Free Action: Armsmaster sits tiredly on his cot at the refugee camp. No longer bursting with people, it feels like a ghost town on top of a collection of people without hope or homes. Prayer stands, face unreadable. "Young Administrator speaks well of your efforts both here and in the recent conflict. Personal glory is no sin, but neither is it virtue."
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 46
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Also, heres the current tally. Disappointed that we don't even try to make Armsmaster into a better man when we could just ask access to GU as a reward from Cauldron and easily have Taylor have acquired the information elsewhere via baboon hacking everything in a library using Lore 5 (what? Common thing. Happens all the time.) I mean high level vials are not really usefull due to the Eden screaming thing anyway. Ohwell.
It's pretty damn close in a few places (FPoP action has a total of one vote between GU and Armsy if I'm counting right*, to Exalt or not to Exalt has two votes).

Which makes it kind of paralyzing. No matter what vote or lack of a vote I pick, I'll feel responsible for the results. aaaa :V

* admittedly I may have changed my vote there after the fact because I basically had a holy fuck I'm seriously talking about the Faerie Queen here moment after you so kindly pointed it out.
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The voting choices were deliberately a little fuzzy to allow for room to influence the result through Stunts. People have been treating them (mostly) correctly thus far, but since clarification is requested:

- "Bad Girl, No Biscuit" is Taylor being the primary force of rehabilitation in Bonesaw's life.
- "Respect My Authority" is Taylor splitting her efforts with the PRT therapists, being the visible reminder of rehabilitation for all the times that the therapists can't be there.
- "I Am Not A Doctor" is Taylor being a constant presence in the quarantined workshop as an overseer, while the PRT/Youth Guard do the vast majority of the rehabilitation work.
In other words, as long as we have a stunt that shows some degree of coordination between Taylor and the therapist team we get to apply dat sweet SPU bonus which means that the primary considerations should be:

- How many successes do we think need to be thrown at the problem of rehabilitating Bonesaw
=> The less Taylor is involved the fewer successes since Taylor probably has higher relevant Attribute/Abilities

- The choice reflects how much we use Taylor as Bonesaw's new moral center
=>This is both good (Taylor is a good person) and bad (having one person serve as the foundation of your moral compass is essentially just swapping out Jack for Taylor)

-[X]Stunt: "Do I really have to?" Riley asks again, looking extremely uncomfortable. "Yes." Taylor sighs, repeating herself once more. "The Nine are dead and gone, and I can only shield you so much. There's a long road ahead of you if you want a life outside of the Birdcage, and attending therapy is just one of the first steps."
No. of Votes: 11
Hence my primary qualms with this stunt is that it does not show any amount of coordination between Taylor and the therapists. What we are show is Taylor telling Riley to go to therapy. The critical component for any successful rehabilitation stunt is SPU-compatability, and this, at least to me, does not have it.

You could honestly just swap out my stunt for Bad Girl and tack it on to Respect Muh Authoritah, I wrote it with that compatibility in mind.
You could honestly just swap out my stunt for Bad Girl and tack it on to Respect Muh Authoritah, I wrote it with that compatibility in mind.

Done and done. I agree that showing the teamwork is better, and the "I can only shield you so much" in the other stunt is an attitude I'd rather not bring into this.

On another note, I just noticed that the Armsmaster-related free action that's currently in second place for FPoP is 78 words, well over the limit. Proposed revisions?
One thing I will like to note for those who are suggesting to send in a Vail with potential exalted candidates. If I recall correctly gromweld said that each vial takes a month off the time the cradle is open. And since iris takes a month or so to charge a demise we would need to have his start on it asap.
Probably not going to matter, but I'll make one last ditch effort to argue to Exalt Now.

1. I sincerely believe that the wait, if we choose no, will be longer than four days.
a. Grom doesn't hold meaningless votes. Why bother holding the vote at all if we just wait a few days with negligible effect? There was no stunt option for us to specify "wait four days to make sure extra sure, Sakura doesn't come out, then shove candidate's face into cradle." In my experience with this quest, things are never that convenient.
b. There is plenty of shit that could come up to prevent us from Exalting someone, outside of Behemoth spawn-camping the Cradle. For example, exalting Vista this turn has been rendered unfeasible by the (understandable) bureaucratic roadblocks thrown up by her foster parents and the Youth Guard. Something could happen to Aisha. Maybe she gets severely injured, and her overprotective brother and his band heal her and keep her aways from us. Maybe something happens to make the PRT and Youth much less likely to be cooperative. Maybe there's an attack that requires all of Taylor and Prayer's attention. Remember that the Administrator shard is injured, which will curtail multi-tasking for a while- longer than four days at least.
2. To feed off of that, the sooner we Exalt Aisha, the safer she'll be. Especially if my hunch is correct, and something big is coming in the next couple of days.
3. OOC, I just want to get the next Exaltation over with. We're talking in circles about our future plans to Exalt people and who to exalt, and whether or not we should assemble an ad-hoc committee to review candidates... And it really feels like paralysis by analysis at this point. It doesn't really feel like we're doing any of the stuff we're talking about, and this way, we'd finally take action.
4. Autochton told Saki in the vision to hurry the fuck up. I think we should listen.
5. This is speculation, but the timeline may have shortened a bit since Autochton created the Jupiter-sized sub-dimension.
6. Again, I don't remember the specifics, but Taylor does need to meditate to complete the transition to Essence 4, and Iris needs time to create the demense. I'm not sure if we can do that stuff and Exalt a candidate at the same time. But if we can't then that's a significantly shortened timeline.

I understand that there are benefits to waiting. It's good PR to say that we're waiting for Sakura, and it might give us more time to convince Brian (though I think that convincing Brian will be part of the process of Exalting Aisha). I also know my last few points are little bit weak and speculative, but I still think the benefits to Exalting someone now far outweight the benefits of waiting.
a. Grom doesn't hold meaningless votes. Why bother holding the vote at all if we just wait a few days with negligible effect? There was no stunt option for us to specify "wait four days to make sure extra sure, Sakura doesn't come out, then shove candidate's face into cradle." In my experience with this quest, things are never that convenient.
Maybe something happens and we want to have that candidate available. Maybe things could go horribly wrong.

By the same token, if it's not a meaningless vote, and it's not a vote with an obvious right answer, then there has to be a decent reason to wait as well. Personally, I'm leaning towards 'some disaster is going to happen in the next four days, because we haven't had enough of those already', but on the other hand... we've had plenty of those already, soooo... hrm.

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Speaking of Lisa interrupt, did we ever discuss potential reasons why she's so fucking terrified of us? (Weaver in particular, although I think she's pretty scared in general.) I have my own theories*, but I'd like to know that they haven't been discussed to death already first while I wasn't paying attention.

*basically boiling down to: either she's scared of what we can do or she's drawn particularly scary conclusions from limited data. And my first idea on how to work around it basically boils down to 'throw the book at her', the book being all the Autobot info we have. Something something Weaver's internal monologue about the Truth back during Behemoth at some point.
Probably her Shard deliberately feeding her garbage info to stoke conflict (perhaps with a little push from Jack's Shard during the VTV broadcast? Not sure...).

We were told actually, she didn't go crazy hostile (though she was still really fucking terrified due to thinking we'd want revenge for Danny) until after we made our pitch about Auto and Exalting Marrow to the PRT. She got the recording of the meeting from Dragon due to being part of the Guild and combined with the info from watching the invasion of Protectorate Island on TV caused her to believe we're a podperson infiltrator of a Dark God.

Combined with the fact that she hadn't interacted with Taylor enough to know she wasn't interested in getting revenge (plus the fact that we give her horrible headaches filled with her shard screaming about her being made of souls and stuff when she looks at us) she became like we saw.

Crazy paranoid and desperately trying to prevent us from "murdering" Aisha and our other candidates so we can replace them with Doombots who pretend they're the real person reborn instead of a fake with the real person now being a cooling corpse with their brains melting out their ears.

IIRC anyway.
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It's pretty damn close in a few places (FPoP action has a total of one vote between GU and Armsy if I'm counting right*, to Exalt or not to Exalt has two votes).

Which makes it kind of paralyzing. No matter what vote or lack of a vote I pick, I'll feel responsible for the results. aaaa :V

* admittedly I may have changed my vote there after the fact because I basically had a holy fuck I'm seriously talking about the Faerie Queen here moment after you so kindly pointed it out.

I know! I still want Armsy to get some love. We aren't voting on Ori yet, so I voted for the GU stunt so she could at least be brought into the story. We can decide later if we want to strike up a dialogue with Colin.

Now to change some other votes.
Autochthon wants YOU! - Emergency Draft Edition: (Choose ONE, NO Stunts!)
[X] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.

With A Box of Scraps!: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)

[X] Soulgem Injector

Playing House: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed!)
[X] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.

Self-Medicating: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt Allowed!)
[X] Saki uses her own charms on herself to purge her trauma problems.

Vote still open I hope.
One of the things that people are overlooking is that in-world there's probably going to be a lot of questions asked about why exactly Sakura isn't popping out of the cradle. If we exalt now people are going to start wondering if maybe it's our fault since we preempted the known 7 day conversion period.
On another note, I just noticed that the Armsmaster-related free action that's currently in second place for FPoP is 78 words, well over the limit. Proposed revisions?
Yeah, noticed that yesterday as well. Here's my suggestion on changes:
[X] FPoP - Free Action: Armsmaster sits tiredly on his cot at the refugee camp. No longer bursting with people, it feels like a ghost town on top of a collection of people without hope or homes. Prayer stands, face unreadable. "Young Administrator speaks well of your efforts both here and in the recent conflict. Personal glory is no sin, but neither is it virtue."
(60 words)? (Also didn't like the use of 'Marrow' over 'Prayer' as well).

GM doesn't mind overmuch if you are a few words over the limit(<5), as long as you don't make a habit of it.
Well, the AM one was 17, so...
Hence my primary qualms with this stunt is that it does not show any amount of coordination between Taylor and the therapists. What we are show is Taylor telling Riley to go to therapy. The critical component for any successful rehabilitation stunt is SPU-compatability, and this, at least to me, does not have it.

You could honestly just swap out my stunt for Bad Girl and tack it on to Respect Muh Authoritah, I wrote it with that compatibility in mind.
Huh, good point (and same to Evil Atlas). Changed.
... you know what, just in case
[X] No, wait until Saki is settled and Sakura is confirmed to not exit in a week.

[X] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
-[X] "...and you'll find the relevant citations here." "My thanks to you and your assistants, Doctor," you say as the thumb drive is absorbed by the currently Administratored therapy dog. You drum your fingers on your desk in quiet contemplation. Working on redeeming herself, earning her victim's forgiveness, is difficult enough. Harder still will be learning to forgive herself.
The avatar of @FunkyEntropy is a good approximation of the look I am giving you right now.

Is it even possible for Riley Elizabeth Lamark to have a semi-private ID if she has a soulgem in her head?
Because that will stand out at least as much as Taylor's does.
Having a rando with a grudge tracking her home and shooting up whoever her foster parents are will complicate things immensely.
Or some moron who doesn't recognize her trying to rip the multi carat jewel-quality stone out of her head.

In other words, as long as we have a stunt that shows some degree of coordination between Taylor and the therapist team we get to apply dat sweet SPU bonus which means that the primary considerations should be:
Note that Iris actually counts as an assistant for those purposes, assuming her has any dots in Presence or Socialize.
After all, he has definite ideas about what proper children should and should not be; see his Intimacy:
Autochthonians (Much Better Than Creation's Lot) [Emotion|Satisfaction] ●●●●
Now off to draft some replies.
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I do not believe so, not for Non-Alchemicals anyway.
Yeah, I know in Autochtonia that only Alchemicals can hide their soulgems.
But I will note those are generally installed by ordinary humans using Autobot's innards.
Iris would be installing this using a custom charm, so I am wondering if it's something he/she considered during the design process, just like Riley's input meant that effort was spent towards erasing memories of pain afterwards.
[X] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
-[X] Stunt "...and you'll find the relevant citations here." "My thanks to you and your assistants, Doctor," you say as the thumb drive is absorbed by the currently Administratored therapy dog. You drum your fingers on your desk in quiet contemplation. Working on redeeming herself, earning her victim's forgiveness, is difficult enough. Harder still will be learning to forgive herself.

[X] Soulgem Injector
-[X] Stunt: "You gave Bonesaw a soul," Glenn states flatly from the other side of the screen. "Well, more like forged one, though it was really a group effort" Taylor replies, gesturing to Iris and Riley. Riley's grin is as bright as the shiny diamond lodged in her forehead. "But why-" Glenn pinches his brow, exasperated. "Whatever, I can work with this."

[X] Yes, offer someone Exaltation and put them into the Cradle if they accept.

[X] FPoP - Free Action: Armsmaster sits tiredly on his cot back at the refugee camp. No longer bursting with people, it feels even worse now; a ghost town on top of a collection of people without hope or homes. Marrow stands, even in the pretend-flesh that gives her an appearance of normalcy her face is unreadable. "Young Administrator speaks well of your efforts both here and in the recent conflict. Personal glory is no sin, but that alone is not virtue."
Stunt votes are counted by themselves? Is this a 'within reason' kind of deal or could nanites win but get a soulgem stunt? (a very painful soulgem it would be)

Regardless, it's a close vote. Only a few hours left! Excitement abound!

Really hoping there'll be some GU investigation, I want to at least see her before the ori is chosen.
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About 9 more hours, give or take.
Considering I was actually worried if I'd even wake up before vote ended...(Saturday morning here - yay timezones!)
I do not believe so, not for Non-Alchemicals anyway.
Eh, it's probably possible to just hide it with a headband or something.

*Looks at vote count* Well, there's quite a few issues with the stunts on this one. Mostly to do with the number of words at the end...(some removed, some didn't). I think the only ones where this'd really change much would be the FPoP Free Action. Which has its own issues with the Armsmaster stunt being a fair bit over the word limit.

Also, @wingnut2292, you voted for FunkyEnthropy, not FunkyEntropy.
Picking the best options (that look like they might win):

[X] No, wait until Saki is settled and Sakura is confirmed to not exit in a week.

[X] Respect My Authority: SOMEONE has to be the adult around here. Taylor is a constant presence in the workshop, but more as a stern mom/adult to make sure both Iris and Riley behave.
-[X] "...and you'll find the relevant citations here." "My thanks to you and your assistants, Doctor," you say as the thumb drive is absorbed by the currently Administratored therapy dog. You drum your fingers on your desk in quiet contemplation. Working on redeeming herself, earning her victim's forgiveness, is difficult enough. Harder still will be learning to forgive herself.

[X] Medical Nanites
-[X]Stunt: Uriel kept his amusement hidden as Weaver chivvied the inmates of her kindergarten into the conference room, stopping as faces turned."I'm sorry, am I early?" He waved his hand for her to go on. She put out her hand and a slot opened, unfolding into a medical container of the sort used to transport vaccines. "Director, I present Asclepius."

[X] Saki does not try to fix her own mental problems with charms.

[X] FPoP - Free Action: Armsmaster sits tiredly on his cot back at the refugee camp. No longer bursting with people, it feels even worse now; a ghost town on top of a collection of people without hope or homes. Marrow stands, even in the pretend-flesh that gives her an appearance of normalcy her face is unreadable. "Young Administrator speaks well of your efforts both here and in the recent conflict. Personal glory is no sin, but that alone is not virtue."

[X] WoRI - Free Action: A shipper is a terrible thing. Two shippers in ship to ship combat clashing upon the seas of torrid romances is worse. "So..." Saki asks Skein during her visit. "Miss Militia and Rime? No, Rime goes with Myrddin, and let me tell you why..."On the couch, Aisha steals some more of her brother's popcorn and settles in to watch.(60 words).

No preference on EOA free action.