Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
FPoP and WoRI both have 3 in their personal pools so we can get them a little something
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The more the merrier for both questions. See the various votes already casted for how to cast either.
I'll just copy votes i like...

Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Camden Bureaucracy/Relief Management
[X] Narrative Focus: Therapy Sessions
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building
-[x]STUNT: "Aah!" "Mmm." "A delight, noble spirit." "What is the point of this?" The Alchemicals turned in Lord Grasp's spa to regard Alexandria, stoically resisting the heavenly pleasure of the water. Ciara, head partially submerged, answered, "To lay down your mask and remember the face beneath." Alexandria grunted sourly, but allowed herself to sink a few more inches in. (58 words)

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Accord
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Alexandria
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

XP Expenditures

[X] FPoP - 3 XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○

[x] WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○

[x] AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 6XP - Manifold Transhuman Implants[Supernatural Quickness] + General Slot
[x] AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[x] AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[x] AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[x] AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[x]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○

Lik that, right? Maybe add stunts later... Don't think i can write any, so will wait if someone writes stunts i like.
Or maybe change XP expenditures - i don't know Exalted system, so don't understand what they mean, and vote just so they won't be denied because of not getting 50%. If anyone gives better plan and convinces me it really is better - i'll change votes for XP. These changes should be done in the original post, right?
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So... how much XP do we actually have?
We have 89XP in the Assembly Pool.
Because we are STILL in extended chargen for Aisha, that also counts the 71XP we have already spent.
18XP left in the Assembly pool.

Taylor has 1XP in her Personal pool.
Sirkalla has 3XP in her Personal pool.
Saki has 3XP in her Personal pool.

The GM has yet to award XP for the last two pieces of fanart I submitted.

Finally, to put a cap on the Pre-Vote Poll that has been running at the top of the Thread, it's time to start winnowing down our major Orichalcum candidates. Again, this vote will allow you to select three options out of the group, and your vote should largely be whom you want to see more of in the story - Assembly members feature much more prominently in the narrative, so pick Candidates that you would enjoy reading more about.
Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
Bossman, I need clarification on this vote.
Because who I'd be interested in seeing more of in the story(Riley, Accord) only partially overlaps with who I think would make a good Orichalcum for our Assembly. And I worry about what are the implications if we leave Alexandria off the list after dropping that nuke on her.
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We have 89XP in the Assembly Pool.
Because we are STILL in extended chargen for Aisha, that also counts the 71XP we have already spent.
18XP left in the Assembly pool.

Taylor has 1XP in her Personal pool.
Sirkalla has 3XP in her Personal pool.
Saki has 3XP in her Personal pool.

The GM has yet to award XP for the last two pieces of fanart I submitted.
as soon as he does, I'll be adding Taylor's skill purchase to my vote, but not before
Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Tinkering
[X] Narrative Focus: Relief Camp Patrols
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Accord
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

[X]WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Trans-Chosen Emulator + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
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Though seriously guys what's holding us back from getting Panacea or Wyld or whatever she's calling herself these days to give our assembly maxed physical attributes? I mean up to the mortal level, as in 5 dots in strength, stamina, and dexterity before adding excellencies and such. I mean First Prayer already has those, but everyone else could benefit from the tune up.

Does it still cost exp? In that case strength might not be a priority for most of the assembly but maxing dex and stam would be worthwhile.
Well, Prayer is already at max physicals so that's not really an option. Second, the Alchemical in question needs to remain in their Human Disguise for the entire process, which takes hours while the new meat is being absorbed and converted to essence in the Alchemical's body - something that Taylor can't do at all, since she doesn't have the Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier charm at the moment. Third, improving physical stats this way costs more XP than it would if done in a vat, to represent the difficulty/alien methods of the procedure.
I'm new here (well, reading for a few months, but only story posts), are there any restrictions about who can vote?
And about Stunts: they need voting too, right?
Welcome! The only restriction on voting is that you have to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. So... DO YOU?!

Votes can be made without Stunts, but Stunts help me come up with ideas for scenes so I appreciate them - and as a reward, I generally try to make the events set up with Stunts be more favorable to the character in question at the outset (doesn't mean it'll stay that way, but... you get the idea).
Aisha Laborn.
Because the best part of being a Stranger is, no one gets to tell you what to wear.
Art by LenLenbell on DeviantArt
I actually picture her skin tone as a little darker, myself, but the attitude and clothes on display here fit my mental image. Kudos to the artist! +1 XP!
Moonsilver Caste candidate. Teleporter. Dialable knockout touch. Parahuman. Case53.
Making like a tree. Bending like a willow. Insert tree pun here.
I'd make a comment about "showing a little too much skin there" but... she doesn't have skin? Hm. Her appearance/"outfit" isn't as suggestive in-story as this piece would imply, but yeah this is pretty good! Kudos to the artist! +1 XP!
Bossman, I need clarification on this vote.
Because who I'd be interested in seeing more of in the story(Riley, Accord) only partially overlaps with who I think would make a good Orichalcum for our Assembly. And I worry about what are the implications if we leave Alexandria off the list after dropping that nuke on her.
Just because they're on the vote list does not mean that if we shoved them in right now they'd catalyze an Orichalcum, it just means they have the potential to do so with continued work. Some require more 'work' than others, but just how much is something that should be gathered from the story itself. Each other characters also has their own agency, however, so if we want them to continue to develop in that manner Taylor needs to keep at it... but note that just because I'm having people vote for their Top 3 doesn't mean that ONLY the winning three get attention going forward; if the votes are close enough, I'll widen the final "Top" winning group to four or five if the voting is close enough. Also, characters that have Ally points will still be in the narrative regardless if we choose to Exalt them.

But yes, just because you like a character and want to see more of them doesn't mean they don't also possess the potential to blow up in our face if we don't handle them properly. Choose wisely.
[x] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)
[x] Denounce Holy Crusade, Acquire Emo Rebel Boyfriend
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Alexandria
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] Taylor Does Not Go To The Charity Relief Concert
[X] Narrative Focus: Therapy Sessions
[x] Narrative Focus: Danger-Zone Patrols
[x] Narrative Focus: Philly Bureaucracy/Relief Management

[X]WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 6XP - Manifold Transhuman Implants[Supernatural Quickness] + General Slot
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
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[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building
[X] Narrative Focus: Camden Bureaucracy/Relief Management
[X] Narrative Focus: Therapy Sessions
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)
-[X] STUNT: The foreman took a final look around the construction site, and at the PRT officers keeping gawkers at bay behind the caution lines. "We're clear. Let her rip." Thirty seconds later the heterodyne whine of heavy-duty agrav drives presaged the arrival of the cogdragon construction drone. Multitools unfolded as it began to stump over to the bombed-out electrical installation.
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone
[X] FPoP - 3 XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○

[x] WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
One issue with B.B. Rain's argument, imo, is that it does not take into account that DM has significant doubt/mistrust regarding us and/or Autochthon (IIRC anyway). Why would she want to become an Ori Caste Alchemical?
Getting to know someone and getting them to trust us is hardly outside our powers. She has said herself: To beat Scion we need Autochthon - then helping get Autochthon is why she should join. (Plus the usual great power, longevity, more rounded than parahuman power, scope for further development that she gets a say in, no chance of mutation, improved social life...)

You Really Should Have Used The Discussion Time To Come Up With Stunts!
This week has been pretty damn brutal so far and I don't see things clearing up much in the immediate future :(

It does indeed cost XP, which is generally better spent elsewhere. Though getting extra Bureaucracy for Taylor may well be wise. Given the new system, its possible that it will be a long time until we get another chance, and that skill is something Taylor is likely to require continuously and to increasing extent in the future.

Can we afford it though.
Also remember that Gromweld attaches narrative weight to extra dots. We've been using it a lot and it's directly related to our current big projects of getting Philly back on its feet and rebuilding Camden from scratch.
Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Tinkering
[X] Narrative Focus: Relief Camp Patrols
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)

[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)

[X] Taylor Does Not Go To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Accord
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Bonesaw

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

[X] FPoP - 3 XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
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[X] Narrative Focus: Tinkering
[X] Narrative Focus: Philly Bureaucracy/Relief Management
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building

[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)
-[X]STUNT: The foreman took a final look around the construction site, and at the PRT officers keeping gawkers at bay behind the caution lines. "We're clear. Let her rip." Thirty seconds later the heterodyne whine of heavy-duty agrav drives presaged the arrival of the cogdragon construction drone. Multitools unfolded as it began to stump over to the bombed-out electrical installation. (61 words)

[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Bonesaw
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

[X] WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X] FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X] AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X] AISHA - 5XP - Trans-Chosen Emulator + Dedicated Slot
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X] EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○

Don't mind the outcomes of the rest of the vote options.
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I actually picture her skin tone as a little darker, myself, but the attitude and clothes on display here fit my mental image. Kudos to the artist! +1 XP!
Yeah, it's generally meant to be.
Artist discretion, though.

I'd make a comment about "showing a little too much skin there" but... she doesn't have skin? Hm. Her appearance/"outfit" isn't as suggestive in-story as this piece would imply, but yeah this is pretty good! Kudos to the artist! +1 XP!
Plant-themed dryad. It made sense that she would prefer to have sunlight on as much of her skin as possible.
And since she'd only showed up about a week before the Nine attack, she probably didn't even have a real costume yet; certainly Bulldozer wouldn't have let her out on normal patrols.

What she's wearing in the pic is more or less adhoc.
Also, characters that have Ally points will still be in the narrative regardless if we choose to Exalt them. But yes, just because you like a character and want to see more of them doesn't mean they don't also possess the potential to blow up in our face if we don't handle them properly. Choose wisely.
Thank you for the clarification. And the XP.
I'll probably organize my vote tomorrow once I get RL under somewhat more rigorous control.
And make a proper plea argument for why we need to buy up Aisha's Panoply.

This week has been pretty damn brutal so far and I don't see things clearing up much in the immediate future :(
I know the feeling. Take care.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Nov 9, 2017 at 1:14 AM, finished with 62 posts and 30 votes.
Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Tinkering
[X] Narrative Focus: Relief Camp Patrols
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Accord
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Support Holy Crusade, Get Boyfriends
Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Tinkering
[X] Narrative Focus: Therapy Sessions
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] I Am Fire, I Am Death (Parahuman Combat Drone)

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Bonesaw
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Doctor Mother

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Support Holy Crusade, Get Boyfriends

Armsmaster is my pick for Ori. Bonesaw and Doctor Mother are just there for fun.
Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

Dunno who I want as my third, and don't really have the time to figure out the other votes, but I would infinitely prefer GU to any other option.
Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)

[X] Narrative Focus: Camden Bureaucracy/Relief Management
-[X] STUNT: Emily Piggot stood at the edge of what was an intersection and stared down into a mass of tunnels waiting for Tinkertech. "You're sure it will work?" she asked over her shoulder. "With all variables controlled-," Accord began. "Not you. Her," Piggot snapped. "This is but the snare. I am the knife," Prayer answered. Piggot nodded. "Then get the bastards."

[X] Narrative Focus: - Philly Bureaucracy/Disaster Relief Management (with Uriel, Dragon, local/national government agents)
-[X] STUNT: The mayor of Philadelphia started to use the defiant line that "Philadelphia is where the Slaughterhouse Nine came to die". This started to spread among the people and memetically online. It spoke of the defiance of the human spirit after the devastation the city had suffered, and the hope engendered by the death of an S-class threat.

[X] Narrative Focus: Tinkering
-[X] STUNT: Riley suggests a tinker jam session between Taylor, Dragon and herself as a means to help Dragon get her mind off Armsmaster. Despite her better judgement, Taylor agreed and it was a night of giggling, girl talk and SCIENCE! Saint nearly had a heart attack after reading transcripts about the things they discussed.

Narrative: Taylor noticed that lately more and more people held their head a little higher in Philadelphia. The civilian casualties had been rather light for a Slaughterhouse Nine attack although an exacting toll had been laid on the PRT and Protectorate. As she walked past the makeshift monument for the people who died in the attack, she saw a small banner hung up by the Mayor's office. "Welcome to Philadelphia. Where the Slaughterhouse Nine came to die." It was defiant braggadocio but it spoke of the defiance of the human spirit. It helped remind everyone that these people did not die for nothing. That they had been avenged. A lot of people would sleep easier from now on and even small hopes can be a light shining in the darkness. One of the S Class threats was no more, people had the right to be proud of that fact.

Taylor swore that she would punch into the horizon the first person to suggest that they use this for tourism revenues.

Narrative: Riley was of the age where children could use some adult supervision. Considering that she was a recently recovered supervillain, she needed quite a lot of supervision if only so that the local PRT Directors could fall asleep at night. Her demeanour made it easy to forget that she was a genius on top be being a Tinker. "Taylor, Dragon's feeling down because Armsmaster is a cheating cheater right?" Taylor nodded and fought down the urge to chastise Riley for her language. Fifteen was too young to be a Mom damnit! "So how about we have a jam session? Just us three girl tinkers? Heck, we're probably the three best girl tinkers in the world!" Taylor declined to refute that statement, it held true for Dragon and Riley anyway. Then she mentally slapped herself for thinking that a suggestion by Bonesaw was a good idea. Then she slapped herself again for thinking of her as Bonesaw rather than Riley. "I'll ask Dragon and see if she's up to it."

Ethan was in the neighbourhood and dropped in to say "hello". Sure he was taken but Weaver was awfully easy on the eyes. Besides she was one of the most interesting Wards he had ever worked with. As he entered the workshop he saw Bonesaw, Dragon's holographic projection and Weaver all cackling in stereo as they worked on a machine that looked diabolical enough to qualify for its own goatee. Ethan immediately turned on his heel and walked away. He had been Madcap for almost as long as he had been Assault which meant that he had better developed survival instincts than most Protectorate heroes.

"Nope, nope, nope..."

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)
-[X]STUNT: The foreman took a final look around the construction site, and at the PRT officers keeping gawkers at bay behind the caution lines. "We're clear. Let her rip." Thirty seconds later the heterodyne whine of heavy-duty agrav drives presaged the arrival of the cogdragon construction drone. Multitools unfolded as it began to stump over to the bombed-out electrical installation. (61 words)

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Alexandria
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Bonesaw
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

Hypothetical situation with Alexandria becoming an Alchemical:
Legend fidgeted in his chair. He supposed he should be happy for her but at this point in time all it did was make him extremely uncomfortable. She smiled, she laughed, she even told jokes. Sure she was not good at any of the above but still... at long last the meeting wound up and he could finally do something about this. "Door. Weaver."
"Okay Weaver, who is she and what have you done with Alexandria?"

Hypothetical situation with Bonesaw becoming an Alchemical:
Saki: Taylor no!
Weaver: Taylor YES!
*Missy returns from her vacation, sees the new and improved Bonesaw.*
* Sakura returns from Cybertron, sees the new and improved Bonesaw.*
* Glen meets new Assembly member, realizes her identity as Bonesaw.*
Uriel: Weaver, I hate you so, so SO much.

Hypothetical situation with Glaistig Uaine becoming an Alchemical:
Using one of her many, many powers, the Faery Queen aged herself into a beautiful twenty something. It might not hold water for long but at least she did not look like Glaistig Uaine very much anymore. Perhaps with some speech coaching, some Alchemical bullshit charms, they might actually get away with it.
"Weaver. Recall how I said I maintained a younger form because I did not desire courtship?"
"Yes?" No.Nonononono......this can't be happening.
"I am now an adult. You may court me now. However I expect to be treated like the royalty I am."
FML Taylor thought as she cradled her head in her hands.

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Support Holy Crusade, Get Boyfriends

[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 6XP - Manifold Transhuman Implants[Supernatural Quickness] + General Slot
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
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As a note, I limit Stunts to ~60 words (preferably less than that) so as to avoid meandering Stunts that try to cover too many bases. It's more difficult to write Stunts when they're shorter, yes, but I've found that it helps focus the idea and encourages wittier diction. Also, the Vote Tally programs only catch the first "paragraph" of votes, so Stunts that have a paragraph break in them don't work - try to keep them as one solid block of text.
Adhoc vote count started by Gromweld on Nov 9, 2017 at 2:45 AM, finished with 102 posts and 33 votes.
Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Tinkering
[X] Narrative Focus: Philly Bureaucracy/Relief Management
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building

Assembly building is a no-brainer. The other two are me wanting more Dragon (and tinkering is fun).

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)

Let's be less like the US and actually give a damn about our public works.

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Does Not Go To The Charity Relief Concert

I think Taylor would rather not go. After the bullying, even if she's recovering, I don't think it's in character for to WANT to go. Send Saki?

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Bonesaw
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

Accord just bores me as a character to put under the microscope. Gromweld, you write a very good Alexandria, therefore I don't like her and would rather hold her at arm's reach. Colin gets enough of the limelight as it is, I'm satisfied with him not getting more. Riley... kind of a joke vote, but I wouldn't mind the girl who wants to "fix" everyone. That's ambitious for her age; I can respect that. I don't even remember interacting with Doc Mom. The Fairy Queen is the only one that really captivates my imagination right now.

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

Autobot says to stop rocking the Autoboat!

[X]WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous
Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona +
Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 6XP - Manifold Transhuman
Implants[Supernatural Quickness] + General Slot
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System
[X]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
Adhoc vote count started by DschingisKhan on Nov 9, 2017 at 3:02 AM, finished with 103 posts and 34 votes.
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