Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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I can't really say too much on this topic, but I took Ninjutsu for a number of years, and while there were formal things and moves one had to learn, its actual focus was more on learning how to use what you knew to your advantage at the time. There were kata to be learnt, but most of them are actually pretty useless in the real world.
1. First, she needs to beat her opponent's (Wits+Awareness) with her (Dex+Stealth). ALEHOUSE MEMORY STANCE removes the +2 Difficulty for attacking from plain sight, though in can't be used after any fight has already started. Since we're not planning to have her enter open combat, this should be fine. Still, she'd have to beat her opponent's Wits+Awareness with her Dex 2 and Stealth 0. If she succeeds at this roll, BLINDED BY LAUGHTER prevents anyone from noticing her attack and from rolling Join Battle.
if you get at least (Opponent's Perception+1) successes with a (Wits+Martial Arts) roll. So we can effectively re-try beating our opponent's (Wits+Awareness) again and again, until we get it right, assuming we can make this roll.
Yeah, this is why I'm actually a little surprised that this looks like the style we're getting - Saki's dicepools are pretty godawful from an Exalted standpoint. Two dice plus stunts is pathetic, and 7 dice plus stunts means that we're way to damn close to a coinflip against people with Perception 2 for my liking. We could beef that up relatively easily by buying specialties, but that requires XP which is in short supply.

Anyway, Saki is much more of a grappler IMO since STR + MA 9 is adequate and synergizes nicely with her shard charm. It probably also makes it quite easy to use the drug needle since when you're in control of a clinch your opponent is pretty much at your tender mercies. MEH ~

Thanks for taking the time to write this up, by the way.
I would have thought there were more, considering all the martial arts anime/manga and light novels there are.

Gird your heart with these words, Child: "JAPAN /=/ ANIME/MANGA." Japan is many things, but anime is not one of them, despite what some people may believe. An important distinction to learn if you ever want to travel there.
I would have thought there were more, considering all the martial arts anime/manga and light novels there are.
When you live in the vicinity of other country for a veeery long time, bits of culture mixing here and there are inevitable. How many anime/manga out there borrow stuff from Romance of the Three Kingdoms or try to retell it? Hell, there's probably more than one retelling of Journey to the West with aliens, though only one comes to mind.
Chapter 9.6: Part 6
Chapter 9.6
(Part 6)​


Though you weren't around for all of Taylor's meditation sessions, you did at least catch her first. Thankfully she'd somehow managed to prevent an anima flare, which would have been a problem given that your group had been stuck in the back of a PRT van leaving New York at the time.

Knowing what you know now - that meditation
usually causes an anima flare - your group should have probably told Taylor to just wait.

Her anima's lack of a 'friend or foe' check isn't what brings that meditation session to mind, however; instead, you're remembering how all her charms started
popping out of her body.

Besides the slightly different perspective you've gained from getting an injection of magical ninjutsu directly into your brain and soul, you don't… feel much different? Given Taylor's own comments, you'd think that having four of your original charms swapped out for five new ones would have fixed the "alignment" problem.

No… there's still that slight discomfort in the back of your head, like wearing too-tight leggings with too-big underwear: something you only notice if you move in a specific way or pay attention to it. In fact, you wouldn't have noticed at all without Prayer and Taylor specifically asking whether you could feel any kind of irregularity during the PRT tests.

Oddly, it was the
absence of that feeling that stopped you from trying to meditate earlier today.

Which… makes sense. Your charms know how to work in a fully-Essence environment just fine, after all - it's all this
completely normal Earth reality that your magical robot powers have problems handling.

… which sounds like something you've read in one of those bad capefics about Taylor, actually. Weird. Maybe you should look that author up after all this.

Still, you're probably oversimplifying it since all this magic stuff is more Taylor's Thing. Along with Science, Tinkering, and Bugs. And Cooking.

Ugh, as much as you like just thinking about stuff you've never been good at meditation… or is that why you're bad? Too
much thinking?

Right. Charms popping out when Taylor meditated before. That means… she... unattuned them? Somehow? You're still not really sure what "attunement" even means or how it works. So maybe… start there?

Eyes still closed, you shift from your seiza position on the loose dirt and bring the bottoms of your feet together in one of the stretching positions that Bladedancer had you do during warm-ups. It's not especially comfortable, but if your charms are going to stop popping out of your everywhere then you'd rather keep as much space free as possible - your butt being largely free of Charms except for those glowing circles on the sides, while your calves and thighs have some glowing circuitry and metal reinforcements that you wouldn't want getting trapped.

Okay, space secured. Now… maybe focus on your energy grids and power lines?

Just wondering about them brings the mental images to the fore, much more easily than your previous mediation efforts. Because of your time in the vat? Maybe. Still-...

Oh, you can still see your old charms that are inside Lord Grasp!

(You will allow yourself this one instance, otherwise you're just going to keep getting distracted:

Right. Traded-in Charms still visible. Though… they're not as…

You have the two spiral hexagons with varying amounts of power inside them (zero and lots), glowing wires trailing down from them attached to your various charms. Some wires are glowing like strips of LED lights, connecting to the nearby buzzing nodes of power that are your (you guess) equipped charms, while other, dimmer wires trail down further to your unequipped, and un-lit charms.

Huh. Now that you're looking at all of it again, you can see they're not in the same order as before. Is that because Lord Grasp shuffled them around when he was stuffing things inside you-

LEWD okay last one. For real.

You know, you're surprised Lord Grasp hasn't actually hit on you given how much he talks about lewd stuff. Though his stories about his previous owners didn't seem to imply that he was interested in them, either, so maybe he's only into… other... buildings? How would that even… work?


Going back to Charms now! Let's see, glowing power lines annnnd- phew, got it back!

Uhhh… right, what were you doing? Oh, yeah, the dimmer ones… are unattuned? Maybe? That sounds right, since they're not equipped.

So… how do you…
unequip your current ones without having Lord Grasp tear them out? Hmm…

Maybe… focus on the charms themselves?

Actually, maybe instead of thinking of them just like hazy floating balls of glowing blue energy… try to focus on what they
actually look like? You've already seen the five that Lord Grasp put in, so you should be able to figure those-

Five of the hazy orbs start to vibrate, but as you focus your attention on one at a time, they stretch and warp… slowly… into…

Glass mannequins, standing atop glowing blue pedestals - each's respective wire plugged into its glowing base.

… makes sense? You can see the charms within them like before, except any exposed circuitry, panels, or studs are actually glowing like you're sure they are now if you were to look at yourself in the mirror. Looking at each in turn...

Perfected Lotus Matrix is the charm you noticed earlier as a circular disk at the back of the skull. Why does that seem… familiar-?

I know Kung Fu."


Another really weird coincidence to add to the pile.

As you're focusing on it, however, you notice it's not just a stand-alone Charm - it's actually got some sort of overlapping starmetal-and-adamant filagree set into the skull-facing side, their combined designs forming some kind of fractal-like flower. Maybe if you try pushing a little bit more essence into it you can see what it does?

Mentally, you pull at the spiral of power above and drag it down the line towards the charm… except… there's… resistance…?

Whatever, just

The whole charm surges and crackles with power, blasting away any other conscious thought as-

-two familiar hue three nothing to see four out the door-

-you are bombarded with flashes of-

-step angle pause step angle pause step angle pause-

-insight, mantras, katas, forms, mnemonics, positions, attitudes too much too much-


Like one of Chris' tinkertech projects overloading and fizzing in a show of sparks, the entire Perfected Lotus Matrix Lotus Charm - and its submodule, Lotus Filament Conduction - glows incandescent in your mind's eye and then winks out, cutting off the torrent of enlightenment that was threatening to turn your brain into double-speak-filled mush.

The line running down from your smaller spiral of power is completely dark for a long moment of absent thought…

… but then one hexagon fills… two hexagons fill...


But before you have any chance to panic (or have any thoughts whatsoever) about damaging your Charm, the two newly-refilled hexagons in your smaller spiral empty out again with a 'On-button'-like click, causing a rush of power down the darkened line.

...aaaand you can think again.



What...? What was that? Why… couldn't you even


Oh. Right. You weren't supposed to be able to remove that Charm.


Well… now that you're looking at it more critically, you can tell that the circuit running from your Personal essence reserve looks
far more solid and vibrant than the others - the only possible exception being the one you're pretty sure runs to your Safe Space Charm, because that one looks like a firehose instead of a circuit.

You… aren't looking forward to repeating what you just did with
that one. Probably… save it for last? Mmmhm.

Alright. Not as… painless as what Taylor did, but it… worked?

No slight headache from thinking too hard about the Style you
definitely don't have, so you're pretty sure that counts as "working as intended." Ah, and… well, if you had been having trouble with a Martial Arts Style encoded in your charm… then you would probably be relieved at being able to remember the actual names of the moves that Style might have!

Some pretty amusing names… and some… kind of disturbing names… huh.

Good thing that Style doesn't exist, because the PRT would definitely have reason to panic if it did. Not that you would ever use it's ability to cause people to
suddenly dissolve into a screaming puddle of corrosive acid weeks or months after you hit them

… Autochthonia isn't a very nice place, is it? Taylor said it was hard for the humans there to make a living in a world made of metal, lightning, steam, crystal, oil, and smoke, but…

Well, a
theoretical Style based around looking harmless while hitting things with delayed-action poisons and effects... would only be useful against other people.

And then there's your
Personality Override Spike. And Transcendent Brutality Programming. Heck, your Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols, Conceptual Entropy Module, and Agenda Recalibration Protocols Charms are pretty terrifying, too, if not as blatantly evil-sounding.

Alchemical Charms are designed by humans and made by humans, not by Autochthon, you remember Taylor saying during your PRT tests.

But… you remember the drawings Taylor had of their cities! They looked huge and tough and awesome… not like what you'd imagine nations of super-evil people would make. If everything was twisted and wrong there, they'd look more like… China or North Korea, right? Things falling apart everywhere, the highest government members living in luxury while everyone else suffers and dies in poverty…

Still, even if the humans living in Autochthon aren't some hundred-million-strong crazy-evil cult-nation, your Charms make it pretty clear that life is…
not good over there.

And Sakura might be
over there.

Would she be an Alchemical too? Starmetal? She'd probably have the best chance of the two of you to make it...

… huh? One of your Charms is lighting up on its own. It's… one you haven't really used before? You don't think so, at least, but it's also one of those "always on" charms so you may just not have noticed:
Hierarchical Dogma Lock.

What did Taylor say this one did? Umm… makes it… hard for people to convince you to do something? Something something "greater good"? Ugh, you were too busy having a meltdown from
learning about your charms so now you can't fix your charms!

Hmm… it's not glowing anymore now that you're not thinking about Sakura? Well,
now it is again but… that doesn't quite feel right? It's not Sakura that was triggering it but… uh… your memories about Sakura? That's…. closer?

Trying to think about how she would be doing in Autochthon's body? ...No?

So, less about Sakura herself and more… your past with Sakura? Hmm… closer.

Your life with Sakura?

Your life


The Charm pulses with energy as a slight pulse of energy seems to flow through it, causing the vague blue orb to stretch out into another glass mannequin. Inside the transparent copy of your own body, you notice this charm is also installed in your brain - making you wonder just exactly how everything actually fits in there without squeezing your brain into the size of a raisin - looking like three tiny white-metal circuit boards lined up together.

Once of which is glowing much brighter than the others now. Huh.


You are Saki Kurosawa.

Right. You know Taylor has had to deal with people doubting whether she was actually the same person, but you've just… never thought otherwise? She's Taylor, and you're Saki. It's really not that hard.

The first little circuitboard buzzes faintly, apparently... satisfied? Is it… helping reinforce that idea? Odd, and maybe a little overkill, but whatever - this Charm's line seems to be barely drawing any power at all, so it doesn't feel like it's taking up resources you could use for another Charm. Now… what are the other two circuitboards doing?

No thoughts pop into your head by themselves, so… are they blank? Do you need to give them ideas to reinforce?

Right. Well, the obvious one is that the Charm should make sure no one can convince you to give upon Sakura. Get to it, Charm!

Nothing? Huh. Why…

Uh… maybe something to do with… "greater good"? Concepts? Ideals?

smut is obviously for the greater good-


… you do not feel at all ashamed by how easy that was, because yes, smut is truly the way to the hearts of the people. And their minds. And their pants.

Now for a third ideal… hrmmmm.

As much as you want to make it one of your ships, that… probably is a waste right now, since you get the feeling this isn't something you can easily change. So as funny as it would be to have bullshit magic reinforcing the truth of "Weld/Taylor OTP" or "Broadcast/Kid Win OTP" you should probably use this power to help the rest of the Assembly somehow (...more than getting Taylor a boyfriend would help the Assembly, which… would probably not be insignificant).

Well, that does bring up Taylor's - and Cauldron's - problem of losing sight of what it means to be human in the face of all these impending disasters. As worried you're getting that Taylor is on the fast-track to the deep-end, maybe… that can be something you focus on? Not just for Taylor, but… in general?

Ironically, you're reminded of a line from an Alexandria/Eidolon fic: "The Big Picture is made up of lots of Little Pictures, after all. Without them, there'd be no Picture left."


Just as the third circuitboard buzzes with energy and starts to settle down, you grab hold of another few motes from your Peripheral pool and shove them down… down… down-



...phew. No mind/soul-tearing, no dangerous overload of epiphanies and enlightenment, just a more comfortable feeling with the Charm and a better understanding of how it works - like that it's got three installations because of its Multimodal Duty Integrator submodule, instead of just being able to support one ideal. Better still, apparently you can use its Herald Infuser submod to give someone else that shares one of your three ideals the same boost your Charm gives you like how Taylor gives people her Thinker boost!

... might be a while before you can get the rest of the Assembly behind your second ideal, but it's a noble cause - they'll come around eventually.

Alright… now that you've got proof that you're not going to be frying your own brain for each charm you fix, time to move on to the next one. Now where to start?

Industrial Survival Frame? Hmm, well, both Taylor and Prayer have this one so it's as good as any to start diving into…

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Optical Shroud/Hidden Assembly Conclave would drop, even if no one noticed the attack, because you're still interacting with the world in a violent manner. However, OS/HAC wouldn't drop if you aborted the attack with Owl Clutches at the Night, since you didn't actually interact with the world (yet).
Thought as much, but might as well check.
If a Style like White Veil existed, which it obviously doesn't, it would be about hiding in plain sight and appearing to be harmless rather than actually being invisible (that's more for Crystal Chameleon and other Stealth-aspected Styles). As a result, you wouldn't really want to use OS/HAC in conjunction with it since that'd defeat the purpose of the (theoretical) style. It wouldn't be a front-line combat Style, but rather it would be more focused on either preventing combat from starting in the first place or sitting quietly on the side and looking harmless while making unnoticed attacks. A practitioner of this style that is being deliberately targeted with violence by a combat monster is in trouble... unless, you know, they had the ability to teleport away at-will.
I know it doesn't fit thematically, but as Elero pointed out, WoRI's doesn't really have a good dice pool for this sort of thing. Even with the Charms, it's probably an ~equal dice pool, which is not a good starting position to be in. Figured perfect invisibility could possibly help her non-existant stealth if needed.
But that's just a silly hypothetical, so I'm not sure why we're talking about it.
Because talking about hypotheticals can be interesting :p .
One note, though, is that I'll accept Larceny in lieu of Stealth for purely slight-of-hand attacks (ie: attacker only has to move their arms), since that specifically is listed as what Larceny covers in Core.
...+1 dice yay?
you've never been good at meditation
Well, smut is obviously for the greater good-

… you do not feel at all ashamed by how easy that was, because yes, smut is truly the way to the hearts of the people. And their minds. And their pants.
Oh, god. This can't end well.
Ironically, you're reminded of a line from an Alexandria/Eidolon fic: "The Big Picture is made up of lots of Little Pictures, after all. Without them, there'd be no Picture left."
…At least you got one good dogma, Warden.

We were already planning on training Larceny and getting Panacea to raise Dex. Not as big a problem as it first seems.

We also get one BP out of the meditation, which we could use to immediately bump her Wits up(originally slated for Str for swolemoebot, but Amy can raise physicals, not mentals)
…At least you got one good dogma, Warden.
Honestly, her being supernaturally sure of her identity I'd class as pretty important as well.
We were already planning on training Larceny and getting Panacea to raise Dex. Not as big a problem as it first seems.
Was intended partially as a joke comment (i.e. people were saying that her nonexistant stealth's going to render it less than useful at current. Then Grom comments how he'd let us use larceny as a substitute, making it sound like it would actually make a difference at present :rolleyes: ).
No… there's still that slight discomfort in the back of your head, like wearing too-tight leggings with too-big underwear: something you only notice if you move in a specific way or pay attention to it.
Sounds like a fairly specific metaphor...
… which sounds like something you've read in one of those bad capefics about Taylor, actually. Weird. Maybe you should look that author up after all this.
Hope it's not Greg is it?

Eyes still closed, you shift from your seiza position on the loose dirt and bring the bottoms of your feet together in one of the stretching positions that Bladedancer had you do during warm-ups. It's not especially comfortable, but if your charms are going to stop popping out of your everywhere then you'd rather keep as much space free as possible - your butt being largely free of Charms except for those glowing circles on the sides, while your calves and thighs have some glowing circuitry and metal reinforcements that you wouldn't want getting trapped.
I was going to ask about the injector when I realized she had that taken out earlier.

Hmm, the sides should be elements of Emotive Aesthetics. The legs are probably Industrial Survival Frame and Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh sections.

Oh, you can still see your old charms that are inside Lord Grasp!

(You will allow yourself this one instance, otherwise you're just going to keep getting distracted: [/size]Lewd.)

Right. Traded-in Charms still visible. Though… they're not as…
You can't stop at one Saki. It's impossible!

...also, lewd.
Huh. Now that you're looking at all of it again, you can see they're not in the same order as before. Is that because Lord Grasp shuffled them around when he was stuffing things inside you-

LEWD okay last one. For real.


You know, you're surprised Lord Grasp hasn't actually hit on you given how much he talks about lewd stuff. Though his stories about his previous owners didn't seem to imply that he was interested in them, either, so maybe he's only into… other... buildings? How would that even… work?
Ask the one who invented an adaptor for a mountain.
Power lines may be involved.

I figure Lord Grasp is like Saki: Distinctly interested in being an audience more than anything else.

Five of the hazy orbs start to vibrate, but as you focus your attention on one at a time, they stretch and warp… slowly… into…

Glass mannequins, standing atop glowing blue pedestals - each's respective wire plugged into its glowing base.
Handy visualization, though it makes sense since she had already seen them displayed in that manner before, she will be inclined to use that reference image.
Perfected Lotus Matrix is the charm you noticed earlier as a circular disk at the back of the skull. Why does that seem… familiar-?

I know Kung Fu."
Matrix datajack?
First time I realized it.

As you're focusing on it, however, you notice it's not just a stand-alone Charm - it's actually got some sort of overlapping starmetal-and-adamant filagree set into the skull-facing side, their combined designs forming some kind of fractal-like flower. Maybe if you try pushing a little bit more essence into it you can see what it does?
Not a good idea Saki...
Mentally, you pull at the spiral of power above and drag it down the line towards the charm… except… there's… resistance…?

Whatever, just shove-

The whole charm surges and crackles with power, blasting away any other conscious thought as-

-two familiar hue three nothing to see four out the door-

-you are bombarded with flashes of-

-step angle pause step angle pause step angle pause-

-insight, mantras, katas, forms, mnemonics, positions, attitudes too much too much-

I didn't even know you could jam extra power into a PLM!

Well… now that you're looking at it more critically, you can tell that the circuit running from your Personal essence reserve looks far more solid and vibrant than the others - the only possible exception being the one you're pretty sure runs to your Safe Space Charm, because that one looks like a firehose instead of a circuit.

You… aren't looking forward to repeating what you just did with
that one. Probably… save it for last? Mmmhm.
Hmm, so permanent installations look solid.
Some pretty amusing names… and some… kind of disturbing names… huh.

Good thing that Style doesn't exist, because the PRT would definitely have reason to panic if it did. Not that you would ever use it's ability to cause people to [/size]suddenly dissolve into a screaming puddle of corrosive acid weeks or months after you hit them
Maybe. There are uses!
But… you remember the drawings Taylor had of their cities! They looked huge and tough and awesome… not like what you'd imagine nations of super-evil people would make. If everything was twisted and wrong there, they'd look more like… China or North Korea, right? Things falling apart everywhere, the highest government members living in luxury while everyone else suffers and dies in poverty…
Appearance. It's an important stat.
Inside the transparent copy of your own body, you notice this charm is also installed in your brain - making you wonder just exactly how everything actually fits in there without squeezing your brain into the size of a raisin - looking like three tiny white-metal circuit boards lined up together.
They replace the brainmeats.

But Saki does have a very crowded head certainly.

You are Saki Kurosawa.
Nice to see that her self identity is secure, and that Sakura is so integral to her self identity that it's similarly protected.
Uh… maybe something to do with… "greater good"? Concepts? Ideals?

Well, [/size]smut is obviously for the greater good-


… you do not feel at all ashamed by how easy that was, because yes, smut is truly the way to the hearts of the people. And their minds. And their pants.
Well...she can probably swap it out any time she visits the vat.

For now she's impossible to persuade out of smut.
Ironically, you're reminded of a line from an Alexandria/Eidolon fic: "The Big Picture is made up of lots of Little Pictures, after all. Without them, there'd be no Picture left."
Is there anything fics can't do?
... might be a while before you can get the rest of the Assembly behind your second ideal, but it's a noble cause - they'll come around eventually.
If she puts her mind to it, resistance is futile.

Industrial Survival Frame? Hmm, well, both Taylor and Prayer have this one so it's as good as any to start diving into…
You know...she kind of needs this operating while in Brockton Crater right?

Oh well, it's not toxic in a manner that she needs to be concerned about while in robot form.