Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 17: Quality Quest Quizzes Quixotic, Quailing Quorum

Missy is in no worse a headspace than Marrow was when we received her consent.
And we were pretty sure she would have agreed even in normal times; she's third on our list for a reason.
The whole point of maybe doing it now is because she is a minor, who has to get permission from her legal guardians for body-changing work.
That's the PRT.

The PRT sure as hell won't agree unless in extremis, when it can be spun as emergency treatment.
Aisha is likely an easier sell, because her guardian is her brother, but she is currently not in immediate danger.
Missy is.
Missy is in WORSE headspace now, since she just went under painful torture and is apparently still in excruciating pain an dmental stress from being turned into Bonesaws plaything.
Let's discuss who we want to Exalt before moving on to the circumstance that will lead to us offering it to them.
I'd be open to Exalting pretty much any of the former Brockton Bay Wards other than Dean (he's likely to produce a social combat monster and I want nothing to do with that), with a preference towards Missy and Aisha. That said, Aisha has no chance of winning this vote, considering her injuries aren't life threatening and that was basically the only thing that would push people to vote for her. Chevalier is a candidate if he accepts, as is Bladedancer. No to Accord (he's not really an option right now, but honestly no to Accord forever). Lisa is someone I'd be okay with, but I don't consider it very likely that she'd accept. None of the other Wyld Hunt members jump out at me as candidates (Wyld's power is incredible, but she really doesn't fit the mold of an exalt candidate.) so none of them.
Really? I'm a little skeptical of that.
13 years of constant, nerve-shattering pain.
As in, breaking off bone makes your vision go white, and you have to shed bone every morning to avoid getting entombed.
Then you offer her an alternative that is an unproven technique with only one alleged result.

Missy is in WORSE headspace now, since she just went under painful torture and is apparently still in excruciating pain an dmental stress from being turned into Bonesaws plaything.
Marrow was under worse conditions for over thirteen years.
Then add Case 53 discrimination.
You don't think Marrow was desperate?

The only thing different here is that Missy is a cute minor.
She's only been in Bonesaw's hands for <12hours.
What do we think about gender balance on the team? If we want to have a reasonable balance then we can only get one more girl. And I think Lisa is the best of our choices there. Yep.
As a side note, if Accord's currently fighting for his life in Boston, what the hell's happening there? Endbringer attack?

We may need to Exalt him to keep him alive if that's the case.

What do we think about gender balance on the team? If we want to have a reasonable balance then we can only get one more girl. And I think Lisa is the best of our choices there. Yep.

Loom is clearly the best option there ;)
What do we think about gender balance on the team? If we want to have a reasonable balance then we can only get one more girl. And I think Lisa is the best of our choices there. Yep.
Honestly, I don't think that's a thing we actually care about. Which characters are cooler and we want to see more of is the bigger deciding factor, at least for me.
We may need to Exalt him to keep him alive if that's the case.
No! Absolutely not! We are not wasting our emergency-Exaltation on a slave trading, murderous supervillain! Unacceptable!
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I'd be open to Exalting pretty much any of the former Brockton Bay Wards other than Dean (he's likely to produce a social combat monster and I want nothing to do with that), with a preference towards Missy and Aisha. That said, Aisha has no chance of winning this vote, considering her injuries aren't life threatening and that was basically the only thing that would push people to vote for her. Chevalier is a candidate if he accepts, as is Bladedancer. No to Accord (he's not really an option right now, but honestly no to Accord forever). Lisa is someone I'd be okay with, but I don't consider it very likely that she'd accept. None of the other Wyld Hunt members jump out at me as candidates (Wyld's power is incredible, but she really doesn't fit the mold of an exalt candidate.) so none of them.
Well, aside from anyone already fit for active duty being removed for a week while we deal with the Nine.
I'd be open to Exalting pretty much any of the former Brockton Bay Wards other than Dean (he's likely to produce a social combat monster and I want nothing to do with that),
That's actually one of the strongest points in his favor, IMO--and Lisa's, for that matter. We kind of suck at social situations, I don't think FPoP is much better, and while it would be amusing for Armsmaster to be outfitted with Social charms...

Not that it's really relevant, but I wonder if having a Social combat-type would actually benefit us against Jack. He's good (and his shard makes him unreasonably good when it comes to parahumans), but he doesn't have bullshit magic on his side.
I admit, I am loathe to let Lisa go without at least trying to get her on our team as soon as alchemically possible. I think we have a strong chance to do it if we explain things to her.
Marrow was under worse conditions for over thirteen years.
Then add Case 53 discrimination.
You don't think Marrow was desperate?

The only thing different here is that Missy is a cute minor.
She's only been in Bonesaw's hands for <12hours.
Marrow didn't try to kill herself the day before her Exaltation, and she was at peace (mostly) with her eventual death by getting too old to fight. She was in her right mind when she consented, as much as she could ever be. Vista on the other hand is not.

My personal choice for this one is Armsmaster, because I think this is our best chance to nab him from the Protectorate as he doesn't have any big responsibilities right now. If the clock is ticking and getting the mindset of the candidate "just right" becomes more and more of an issue, I think this is our best chance to get him.
Honestly, I don't think that's a thing we actually care about. Which characters are cooler and we want to see more of is the bigger deciding factor, at least for me.

Well, we ended up with Marrow last time, which is pretty much the opposite of that.

No! Absolutely not! We are not wasting our emergency-Exaltation on a slave trading, murderous supervillain! Unacceptable!

An Exalted Accord probably doesn't need to be like that.
That's actually one of the strongest points in his favor, IMO--and Lisa's, for that matter. We kind of suck at social situations, I don't think FPoP is much better, and while it would be amusing for Armsmaster to be outfitted with Social charms...

Not that it's really relevant, but I wonder if having a Social combat-type would actually benefit us against Jack. He's good (and his shard makes him unreasonably good when it comes to parahumans), but he doesn't have bullshit magic on his side.
No no, you misunderstand. It's not that I dislike the idea of having a party face. I dislike the idea of what Autochton thinks a party face is. IE: Someone who magically influences anyone who disagrees with you until they don't disagree anymore. I want none of that. If I could trust Autobot to stick to non-magical influence abilities, I'd be all for it, but I can't so I'm not.

Just say no to mind control, kids.
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As a side note, if Accord's currently fighting for his life in Boston, what the hell's happening there? Endbringer attack?
The same reason that the Dragonslayers aren't dead.

He suffered a major loss in trusted personnel at the BB Crater, and he is currently dealing with the E88 moving in from out of town, along with whatever new triggers they recruited.
And then there are people like the Teeth, who are trying to take advantage of perceived weakness.
Ergo, gangwar.
No! Absolutely not! We are not wasting our emergency-Exaltation on a slave trading, murderous supervillain! Unacceptable!
The problem is that he is not suitable as a team player, not that he is a murderous supervillain; the stakes are too high for that to be a consideration.
Missy is in no worse a headspace than Marrow was when we received her consent.
And we were pretty sure she would have agreed even in normal times; she's third on our list for a reason.
The whole point of maybe doing it now is because she is a minor, who has to get permission from her legal guardians for body-changing work.
That's the PRT.

The PRT sure as hell won't agree unless in extremis, when it can be spun as emergency treatment.
Aisha is likely an easier sell, because her guardian is her brother, but she is currently not in immediate danger.
Missy is.

Why would we want to guarantee that Exaltation becomes necessary when we can actually succeed in saving them without forcing the situation? We should focus on turning those bandwagon votes that force the situation on a specific person. I don't care about legal complications later on regarding the Wards candidates...we can find a way around those if we want Vista (or any other Ward) for the assembly badly enough.

But we should not manufacture an exaltation situation when we can very likely save someone by regular means.

We can help that with an improved version of my (very poor) parameters stunt. Establishing the GENERAL situation that we would exalt a candidate (and just how good a candidate they need to be-I say yes/strong wait, ignoring age since in an emergency) under.

Really, it's what Gromweld is asking for with that option.
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The problem is that he is not suitable as a team player, not that he is a murderous supervillain; the stakes are too high for that to be a consideration.

Given that Alchemicals are built to operate in teams as part of a social context, I believe this is something that Autocthon would fix.
Marrow didn't try to kill herself the day before her Exaltation, and she was at peace (mostly) with her eventual death by getting too old to fight. She was in her right mind when she consented, as much as she could ever be. Vista on the other hand is not.
Keep in mind WHY she tried to kill herself, and in such a manner as biting off her own tongue. This is made with the knowledge that Bonesaw has her, and will make use of her against us. She's not inherently suicidal, but she values her friends more than her own life.

It's what makes her a Jade candidate.

My personal choice for this one is Armsmaster, because I think this is our best chance to nab him from the Protectorate as he doesn't have any big responsibilities right now. If the clock is ticking and getting the mindset of the candidate "just right" becomes more and more of an issue, I think this is our best chance to get him.
Problem is, based on the most recent assessment, he'd fail the requirements.
The problem is that he is not suitable as a team player, not that he is a murderous supervillain; the stakes are too high for that to be a consideration.
This angle doesn't make any sense to me. His power is neat, but it's hardly exceptional. He's just as useful to us as a mortal ally as he is as an Exalt, with the added bonus that we didn't Exalt someone who actively sells people to the Yangban and tortures his subordinates. I'm against Exalting him at all, but I'm even more against wasting an exaltation that could be used to save the life of an actual Hero on his miserable ass.
Amelia cannot heal away a Bakuda Bomb implanted in her brain, or other vital organs to go off on a trigger or on removal.

Amy can grow people an entire redundant body if she has to, let alone organs.

These are things installed which Amelia cannot heal from, but Exaltation can.
That is not remotely what Gromweld said. Amelia AND Exaltation can fix those.

And this indicates that we don't have the leisure to just sit out exalting someone. We're on a tight schedule, that we have a crisis right now emphasizes that, rather than mitigating.
Then we can't afford to pick "Holding Out" and should go with "BRB". We will probably just move on to a new crisis after this. Exalting someone means we won't have their help, but I think we're just going to have to accept that, now or later. Since you want Vista, we can pick a candidate now that she won't conflict with, such as Armsmaster.
Using a stunt to Exalt Missy doesn't exclude the other hostages from being fixed. If anything the Stunt people were voting on seems to imply that she is just that much worse off than the others to provide us that opportunity.

The Anima display isn't that hard to explain away. We are dealing with an entity that counts as a god, small g, and the nine just tried to defame his name in front of the entire planet. The nature of the Anima in question is just a general stranger effect dictated by the GM. Autobot being the one everyone saw means that he was SUPER PISSED at the nine and chose to intervene to make his presence known. Now that isn't always going to be seen in a positive light, but it also won't automatically be seen negatively either. The event has more to do with people's general acceptance of people with stranger powers than anything else. I also thing that everyone can just go back over the footage to prove that the effect isn't lasting can only work in the assembly's favor here.
Well, we ended up with Marrow last time, which is pretty much the opposite of that.

Yes well a lot more people seemed to like Marrow and think she's cool and wanted to see more of here than the ones who didn't, you can't please everyone and what one person finds a boring personality another finds interesting.
Yes well a lot more people seemed to like Marrow and think she's cool and wanted to see more of here than the ones who didn't, you can't please everyone and what one person finds a boring personality another finds interesting.
Yeah, I actually think Sirkalla is a really neat character, and I don't really see why people have a problem with her. She wasn't my first choice, sure, but people decided we needed a combat Exalt right now and she's what we ended up with. Her backstory's neat, her antics post-exaltation are entertaining (Hair~!) and the Case 53 drama, while an unwelcome difficulty, still makes for an interesting story. I don't regret voting to Exalt her one bit, personally.
Just say no to mind control, kids.
I feel that this is unfair, considering we have Marrow, Taylor, and Who. Each of them have Mind-Warping powers even greater than Gallants.

What do we think about gender balance on the team? If we want to have a reasonable balance then we can only get one more girl. And I think Lisa is the best of our choices there. Yep.
Gender balance doesn't matter.