Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 17: Quality Quest Quizzes Quixotic, Quailing Quorum

Point. revising it to mention EOA instead. Sec.
Anything Bonesaw can do, Wyld can undo, especially with us around to provide a source of infinite biomass. Wyld is also much closer than flying all the way to the cradle. As long as we keep her alive, emergency Exaltation isn't even an issue.
Not necessarily, if it involves wired in traps in the organs.Bonesaw is working with Bakuda and Mannequin.
Sniping might not be too useful against the S9 overall coz of Bonesaw's upgrades, though I might be underestimating EOA here.

We have a full-auto crossbow that can fire artillery grade explosive bolts, besides buying at least one dot in something and getting specialities opens up other stuff iirc? So why not purchase it since its our last chance to do so?
We have a full-auto crossbow that can fire artillery grade explosive bolts, besides buying at least one dot in something and getting specialities opens up other stuff iirc? So why not purchase it since its our last chance to do so?

Forgot about that. Eeh, my bad. Guess that sticks me right in the A&S xp camp.

So... how long do we have till the voting closes? (Mah first time, y'all.)
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THIS as the party face for the Assembly? Oh man, that would be a blast to write.

1 Int characters are so fun to play! You end up doing little crap like wearing fake vampire teeth, the kind you get for tickets at an arcade, in a vampire game as a vampire because someone told you you didn't look the part.

[X] Holding Out For A Hero: Time is critical right now and you need everyone you have. (Stunt details what situation might cause Taylor to offer Exaltation, emergency or otherwise, to someone.)
-[X] Stunt: Penetrating to the heart of the Nine's macabre labyrinth, Taylor gazes in horror at the 'machine' in it's core. Missy, the living centerpiece of a mock cathedral, built into a crossbeam, internal organs and spine replaced with intricate mechanisms. Her eyes remain resolute, even as she blinks back relieved tears. "Missy, I...have an offer. Blink once if you accept."

[X] EOA - 4 XP - Dodge ●●●○○
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Craft (Drones ●○○)
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X] EOA - 2 XP - War (Parahumans ●●○)
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Presence (Swarms ●●●)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - Craft ●○○○○

The drones will be there next time and we might be able to use that XP elsewhere. Worst case we use our new craft to make new ones and open the XP option again when we have some to spare.

If we do Exalt someone we are going to want assembly XP set aside to buy Char Creation stuff for them. We still can't switch out charms till we get the equipment for it so that extra boost will be extra important.
[X] Holding Out For A Hero: Time is critical right now and you need everyone you have. (Stunt details what situation might cause Taylor to offer Exaltation, emergency or otherwise, to someone.)
-[X] Stunt: Penetrating to the heart of the Nine's macabre labyrinth, Taylor gazes in horror at the 'machine' in it's core. Missy, the living centerpiece of a mock cathedral, built into a crossbeam, internal organs and spine replaced with intricate mechanisms. Her eyes remain resolute, even as she blinks back relieved tears. "Missy, I...have an offer. Blink once if you accept."

[X] Free Action: Cerulean lightning slashes through the air and strikes the ground, leaving heavy crates of medical supplies and communicators where they are most needed, Vajra moving with impossible efficiency. The city divided into an optimal grid, simultaneously reaching the worst affected areas, restoring communications and locating the origin point. Order will be restored through proper Administration.

[X] EOA - 3 XP - Artifact (Bezalel's Insect Drones) ●○○○○
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Dodge ●●●○○
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Craft (Drones ●○○)
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X] EOA - 2 XP - War (Parahumans ●●○)
[X] EOA - 2 XP - Presence (Swarms ●●●)
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - Craft ●○○○○
Total XP Cost: 21, will add Resistance(we're running without sleep it helps), Sniping(we'd probably find a use) and Athletics if the XP somehow manifests

Replaced the Accord stunt.
[x] Holding Out For A Hero: Time is critical right now and you need everyone you have.

i would prefer not to exalt anyone right now we need a tinker amelia would do . but were not gonna kidnap people to exalt and id prefer not to exalt anyone right now if we can help it. meybe getting a small stasis box for severed heads would be good.

[X] EOA - 3 XP - Artifact (Bezalel's Insect Drones) ●○○○○
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Dodge ●●●○○
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - Craft ●○○○○
I think exalting Missy is a bad idea, especially now. Everyone just heard Jack's speech, and even if they don't believe him they're not going to be eager to let a 13-year old girl undergo a process that they're not even sure is safe. I would much rather get her to Amelia, or another healer.

She's already got the whole "hide the pain and be strong" thing going on. Tack this trauma on top of that, and I doubt that she'd be very sane. Or perhaps she'd sink into Clarity and never leave.

We've got our combat exalt. Let's work through this sequence so that we can make rational choices.
[X] Holding Out For A Hero: Time is critical right now and you need everyone you have. (Stunt details what situation might cause Taylor to offer Exaltation, emergency or otherwise, to someone.)
-[X] Stunt: Penetrating to the heart of the Nine's macabre labyrinth, Taylor gazes in horror at the 'machine' in it's core. Missy, the living centerpiece of a mock cathedral, built into a crossbeam, internal organs and spine replaced with intricate mechanisms. Her eyes remain resolute, even as she blinks back relieved tears. "Missy, I...have an offer. Blink once if you accept."
Yeah, Missy is in a pretty bad place I feel and not in the right head-space to agree. It could look like we took advantage of her while she was vulnerable to some people.

I say we wait till the S9 is killed and then consider are options. I definitely don't mind stunting in a rescue though!
Remember, based on our assessment, situation or not she's expected to agree. We have world class Perception + Investigation, and extensive personal experience to know that. Asking is only a formality, though an important one.
... Intresting title, so saying the quest is high quality that is quizzing a scared group of impulsive (or impractical) questors (guessing that is the quorum), now to have another look at the vote
[X] Holding Out For A Hero: Time is critical right now and you need everyone you have. (Stunt details what situation might cause Taylor to offer Exaltation, emergency or otherwise, to someone.)
-[X] Stunt: Penetrating to the heart of the Nine's macabre labyrinth, Taylor gazes in horror at the 'machine' in it's core. Missy, the living centerpiece of a mock cathedral, built into a crossbeam, internal organs and spine replaced with intricate mechanisms. Her eyes remain resolute, even as she blinks back relieved tears. "Missy, I...have an offer. Blink once if you accept."
[X] BRB, Exalting: Propose Exaltation to someone right now, as some people might be more willing than before to take the opportunity. (Stunt details whom we are choosing, argument we use.)
-[X] Stunt There was no questioning Aisha's Will now. She is ready to be an invaluable member of your Assembly. You gently interrupt her enthusiastic chatter. Lives are on the line, but before conversion her brother deserves reassurance. The explanation of Exaltation is grounded in logic but resonates emotionally and true; that his sister will remain so, even as champion of Autochthon.

[X] Free Action: "Thank you for helping push the reinforcements through, Marrow." Miss Militia says as she steps out of the helicopter, Armsmaster behind her. "It's Vajra now, and it is good to see you as well. The situation is dire; our top priority is creating a defensive perimeter." You gesture to the current headquarters, windows broken but otherwise intact. "Weaver is inside."
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[x] Holding Out For A Hero: Time is critical right now and you need everyone you have.
How about we wait with deciding who gets an emergency exaltion until we've actually rescued everyone?

[X] EOA - 3 XP - Artifact (Bezalel's Insect Drones) ●○○○○
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Dodge ●●●○○
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[X] FPoP - 4 XP - Craft ●○○○○
Yeah, Missy is in a pretty bad place I feel and not in the right head-space to agree. It could look like we took advantage of her while she was vulnerable to some people.

I say we wait till the S9 is killed and then consider are options. I definitely don't mind stunting in a rescue though!

we already basically sure that Missy will agree to Exaltation, and what's wrong with Autochthon undoing the Damage the S9 did?

Crippled girl agrees to experimental procedure in the absence of other therapies.
Literally the only person who could object is Amelia, and she is none too eager to advertise that she does brains now.
also the procedure has a 100% success rate ( so far ).
also with Husk sculpting and a starting height of 5'4" Missy can be a range of heights 4'10" - 5'10" and thus doesn't have to give up on a childhood if she wants one.
Should we be writing character specific stunts or trying to set up a more general "if we find someone on our list in X situation, ask them if they wish to be exalted?"

Also, are there any characters (or specific versions of characters) that people would be interested in seeing an Alternative Exalts omake about? I have a few more in the rough planing stages, but I'm trying to force myself to write from different perspectives (and, hey, more Assembly XP is always better, right?).
Uh, guys?
Discussion FIRST, vote later.
I am seeing way too many people bandwagoning votes without thinking of what they are voting for.
We are not currently on a time limit, so let's not waste this.
Oh, here's a big question - does Missy/Vista have a heroic enough motivation to be an exaltation candidate? That matters a lot. Given what's been done to her, would her motivation for accepting be to get herself fixed or would it be to save the world?
*= Available For Purchase
*Athletics ●●●●●
*Dodge ●●●
*Resistance ●●●●○
*-Archery/Firearms (Sniping
*-Athletics (Running
*-Craft (Cooking
*-Craft (Costumes
*-Craft (Drones
*-Larceny (Pranks
*-Linguistics (Specialty: Autochthonian)
*-Presence (Swarms
*-War (Parahumans ●●○)

Archery/Firearms (5/6 Intervals)
*Craft ●○○○○
*-Athletics(Ramming Speed [/B]●○○)... intresting

[] EOA - 3 XP - Artifact (Bezalel's Insect Drones) ●○○○○
[] EOA - 4 XP - Dodge ●●●○○
[] EOA - 2 XP - Craft (Drones ●○○)
[] EOA - 4 XP - Medicine ●●○○○
[] EOA - 2 XP - War (Parahumans ●●○)
[] EOA - 2 XP - Presence (Swarms ●●●)
[] EOA - 2 XP - Archery/Firearms (Sniping ●○○)

[] FPoP - 4 XP - Craft ●○○○○

Should be affordable given other XP sources
Not sure about main vote
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we already basically sure that Missy will agree to Exaltation, and what's wrong with Autochthon undoing the Damage the S9 did?

also the procedure has a 100% success rate ( so far ).
also with Husk sculpting and a starting height of 5'4" Missy can be a range of heights 4'10" - 5'10" and thus doesn't have to give up on a childhood if she wants one.
Because it's a life-long commitment to a very controversial project? Which is only going to be even more controversial since everyone know Autocthon Masters people through TV sets.

I'm all for saving Missy, but we can't deny that it LOOKS like we coerced her while in intense pain and mental weakness, which while not truly coercing she really is under pain and mental stress.

It's best that we wait to have Wyld and Marrow heal her and the Twins before we commit to it.
I think talking about trying to get Lisa this arc should be a thing. We finally are able to speak with her and if we explain ourselves then maybe she would be willing. I was thinking about a stunt where we work out her guilt and ask her to step up to save the world. Yep.
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