Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 16: Playful Parasites Pervert Prayer, Perpetuate Plagues

Nevertheless, after considerable thought, I need to object strenuosly to the Marrow/Bladedancer kiss and Intimacy.
It is OOC for both Marrow and Bladedancer as they have been portrayed, and explicitly contradicts a consistent pattern of depiction as far back as our arrival in Philly and as recent as the 7.6 update.

How so? They've known each other for a while, and while I wasn't expecting eros, I did get the vibe of there being more than simple friendship there. Looking back, there's even hints after First Prayer of Perfection's return to Earth-Bet (I'm thinking of FPoP refusing to be a 'conquest').

Fair enough. Just seemed odd to mention teleporting in the guy who flies at interstellar-travel speeds and works about a 1.5 hour drive away.

Longer, actually. Traffic is a nightmare.

I prefer to describe Legend's power as "shooting rainbows". :D

Skittles endorsement?

You have given me the gift of excitements, Mr. Gromweld. I thank you. :)

As do I. Thank you!
Longer, actually. Traffic is a nightmare.

I'm assuming that when Behemoth mostly destroyed New York, he blew several conveniently-placed tunnels that help traffic in and out of Manhattan. It's part of what made the city worth rebuilding. Also, flyers cheat. (But yes, I've lived in both and know traffic around or between them always sucked. To this day, I'm convinced that every Philly radio station just plays a recording of "The Schuylkill is backed up, Montgomery through Gerard" as the intro to their traffic report.)
I'm assuming that when Behemoth mostly destroyed New York, he blew several conveniently-placed tunnels that help traffic in and out of Manhattan.

They aren't Endbringers, they're helping! They just get a little...carried away sometimes, that's all.

Sadly, given the number of flyers in the area the FAA has instituted very strict flight patterns allowable in the area to keep, say, Warhawk from colliding with Legend mid-flight hard enough to cause someone to spill their morning coffee and make things worse. Honestly, some days it really is less trouble to grab a cab.
Do you have any thoughts you would like to share on who would be a good candidate Exaltation next, Gromweld? Or characters you would like to write more about? I would l like to plumb the inner depths of your mind for dark secrets and recipes for ice cream. Very important.
dark secrets and recipes for ice cream


@Gromweld we don't get to see the exact details on the Shard of Excised Imperfections until after we meditate on charms, correct? Or is that a separate action?

A thought; Jack Slash tried to tear down Autochthon's reputation with that broadcast, but had the Protectorate response team broadcast as well. First Prayer of Perfection's anima was active, and (as I recall) she decided that, well...

The Great Maker has gifted you with a new chance at life, and a new purpose through which you may prove that it is not wasted. But how are you to inspire faith, to rally others to the cause of the Machine God if the glories you work in his name are a blur?

Therein lies the answer: they do not need to remember you...


… but they must never forget him.

They'd remember Autocthon in her place. People watching this broadcast are going to see the Great Maker wrecking the Slaughterhouse Nine's shit and saving people.

This is gold. Glenn will have a field day for this, and if we don't get some kind of influence boon for this I will be amazed. This is the kind of positive PR that you can't pay for, and Jack's practically giving it to us.
On the other hand, it is turbo-illegal to teach that to anyone but other Sidereals and approved gods
I laughed. "Turbo-illegal" is the best kind of illegal!
(Non-Canon) Omake/Interlude: Iris of Innovation
There is a potential Iris Interlude planned in this quest, but I think it'll come a little later than Arc 8. For reasons. But still, you pretty much hit the nail on the head - though Bonesaw was ever-so-eager to have Mrs. Bearing be a nurse during the many operations Bonesaw performed. Bonesaw even made/took a pink nurse outfit for her to wear! (Iris was not amused.) +1 XP!
The solution to this is simple: Dragon/Colin/Kali/Sirkalla/Robert/Hannah OT6. The connections are in roughly that order, too.
I like it! Print it!
You had this chance to use the phrase 'gorilla warfare' and you missed out? Really? So disappointed right now.
There were many opportunities for puns and comedy, but it kinda would have broken the mood. Also, Marrow isn't much of a punner. If we had been with Aisha, however, totally.
*activates Flash Shutters*

Depends on whether or not we'd be allowed to collect them, as civil servants doing their jobs. If we are, I would imagine it would be...decidedly nontrivial.
One person collecting all the bounties on the entirety of the Slaughterhouse 9 would be enough to take someone from Resource 1 to 5 instantly.
I have not had the time to do a proper review of the update, and probably won't until Thanksgiving; RL is a bitch sometimes.
My condolences and sympathies.
Nevertheless, after considerable thought, I need to object strenuosly to the Marrow/Bladedancer kiss and Intimacy.
It is OOC for both Marrow and Bladedancer as they have been portrayed, and explicitly contradicts a consistent pattern of depiction as far back as our arrival in Philly and as recent as the 7.6 update.
This is odd, because it was planned from the get-go. I have intentionally dropped a hint in every single update this Arc about it coming, too. The growing attraction to Chevalier is still there, but Marrow had been keeping Kali at arm's length due to her years of self-doubt and disatisfaction over her inability to relate to Kali the way Kali does with everyone: physically. I've also been dropping hints from their first introduction that they're super-close, and this was merely Marrow finally saying 'fuck it, I'm not wasting Autochthon's gift by keeping the world at arm's length again.' She's still gonna be reserved and Temperance 4, but that's different than shutting out the world because you don't love yourself enough to give anyone else a chance.

Unless you're saying it was a forced/bad scene, in which case that's probably true because I've never written lovey-dovey stuff before and likely am turrible at it.
Do you have any thoughts you would like to share on who would be a good candidate Exaltation next, Gromweld? Or characters you would like to write more about? I would l like to plumb the inner depths of your mind for dark secrets and recipes for ice cream. Very important.
I prefer to keep my opinions regarding current possible Alchemical possibilities to myself, as that's largely why I'm running this as a quest and not a fanfiction - this is a collaborative story, really, and I'm much more interested in your all's opinions on things. As for characters I enjoy writing about? Hmm.

- I (somewhat obviously, I suspect) enjoy writing Aisha, but I also find her difficult to 'keep in check' because SB and SV are still bound by Puritanical Value Systems (by varying amounts). I can do it, and it's an interesting writing exercise to do so, but it's something I have to keep in mind.
- Chevalier and Armsmaster are fun to write, as their different types of social awkwardness create fun situations all on their own.
- Accord is a blast to write, strangely enough, as he shares a lot of similarities with a long-running character I had in VtM years ago.
- Bonesaw is fun because it's motherfucking Bonesaw.
- Bladedancer has grown on me, as has Marrow. Amusingly, my original plan for Philly had both of them dead long ago.
- Geode is fun, because I get to have Clueless and Mean Girls playing in the background for inspiration.
Actually, the more I think about it, I enjoy writing basically everyone we've met so far... which is a good thing, I suppose. Keeps me going.

As for ice cream, here's a recipe for my favorite Mint-Vanilla flavor:
@Gromweld we don't get to see the exact details on the Shard of Excised Imperfections until after we meditate on charms, correct? Or is that a separate action?
Until we meditate on Charms, yes.
A thought; Jack Slash tried to tear down Autochthon's reputation with that broadcast, but had the Protectorate response team broadcast as well. First Prayer of Perfection's anima was active, and (as I recall) she decided that, well...

They'd remember Autocthon in her place. People watching this broadcast are going to see the Great Maker wrecking the Slaughterhouse Nine's shit and saving people.

This is gold. Glenn will have a field day for this, and if we don't get some kind of influence boon for this I will be amazed. This is the kind of positive PR that you can't pay for, and Jack's practically giving it to us.
Winner winner, chicken dinner.

I hope you know that the idea of getting to flip Jack's perfidy back on him like that made me actually squee a bit out loud.
And a lot internally.

Amina meditation: JUSTIFIED.
Still woulda been less of a kick in the balls if you'd just gone with him parading about the interesting things he'd learned from his ol' buddy Director Samson here instead of making us feel like we've been betrayed by our own character sheet.
Legitimate question: have I done that enough to earn that reputation now? If not, just keep in mind that when fecal matter hits oscillation devices it's not entirely unreasonable. If so... well, shit.
So does the Infernal charm Racing Veritas:

Note here that the charm explicitly mentions that you have to go full bore or it doesn't work. PTA doesn't do that, nor does Racing Hare Method for that matter.
Fair enough, since PTA does not explicitly declare that you must move at full speed all the time. I'll just take the 'you auto-take Terminal Velocity damage' part of the sub-mod as saying that the charm flips out when you hit an errant object and grinds you into it before cutting out. (Which calls to mind Sinestro during the end fights of The Incredibles.)
- I (somewhat obviously, I suspect) enjoy writing Aisha, but I also find her difficult to 'keep in check' because SB and SV are still bound by Puritanical Value Systems (by varying amounts). I can do it, and it's an interesting writing exercise to do so, but it's something I have to keep in mind.

I've raised this before, but I think that part of the problem with scenes that she appears in is that you enjoy writing Aisha so much, that it warps the narrative around it, detracting from other characters in order to keep the focus on her even when it would probably be better to showcase other characters or parts of the plot. The advice to 'kill your darlings' isn't always right, but the idea behind it is something to keep in mind.
Bonesaw looked down at the prone heroine. "I thought the famous Weaver would put up more of a fight than that." She stepped over the empty eyed corpse of Burnscar. "I mean, you were OK but going down to a telescoping arm, that cost you points as Mr Jack would say. Oh well, I'll just disable your motor functions and then we can do science..." Her cheery voice faded.

"Mrs Bearing, what are you doing?" The sphere was moving towards her with deliberate menace. A slow roll but the hostility was palpable. The Siberian interposed herself between it and her little girl - and disappeared as she touched the gloss black surface. In a van across the street there was an explosive sound as of William Manton suddenly turning into a flock of mechanical ducks.

The bloodsoaked blonde tried to run but her implants had other ideas, holding her at attention. Alan entered the room, walking stiffly upright and a Bezazel drone came dragging Bakuda until all four of them were stood before Mrs Bearing like naughty children. A voice came from the drone, from Bakuda's mask, from her comm. It was dry and precise and filled with cold rage.

"My name is Iris Of Innovation. I am going to do Science. And then Art."

(Luckily for them, Enduring Order Administrator ran out of essence halfway through the science and Legend is no artist.)
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If I may ask: how did you get through canon Worm, then?

Slowly and painfully. The thing is, when its the POV character suffering, its different. For some reason. It may be readers projecting themselves onto the character, or it may be that seeing how her mind works, I don't think of her as a child, but Taylor's suffering was always like... an opportunity. It still sucked, but it made me angry, rather than sad and depressed. It felt personal.

In this case though a kid I've come to like while reading about has been tortured and mindbroken, it just makes me really sad. Imagining what happened to the rest of them also makes me depressed.

Its good storytelling, but it just so happens to push my buttons in such a way that I'm not enjoying it.
So, something that immediately occurs to me. Iris is really fucking bright to essence occulars. What are the chances of picking him up wiht a simple sweep of the city?
So, something that immediately occurs to me. Iris is really fucking bright to essence occulars. What are the chances of picking him up wiht a simple sweep of the city?
Mass-Penetrating Scan costs 1 mote of essence, is for only ~5 seconds, and is limited to 9 total feet of matter you can penetrate. It's really good for when you've got something narrowed down, but simply spamming will not find you everything in a range as large as Philadelphia+Camden+outlying areas.

Also worth noting is that Iris is not 'leaking' Essence (since he's not using any), so there isn't an easy trail to follow that way. Still, we have a shit-ton of dice and auto-successes for tracking things down, so it's going to happen eventually.
I was thinking about everyone seeing the Great Maker in place of Sirkalla. Since prayer basically creates essence it should help us convert EarthBet over to essence physics since each prayer would spread it around. Especially if we capitalize on this to do a public reveal of Autochthon and start to organize his worship. We could tell everyone that he could help us save the world but he is dying and needs prayer to help him bridge the gap between worlds. I imagine we could get many followers right quick.

Maybe we need to work on getting everyone actual souls for it to work though? We could try to get everyone souls by building a crucible of souls thing. What would it take for us to build an artifact that makes souls and gives them to our followers?
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Slowly and painfully. The thing is, when its the POV character suffering, its different. For some reason. It may be readers projecting themselves onto the character, or it may be that seeing how her mind works, I don't think of her as a child, but Taylor's suffering was always like... an opportunity. It still sucked, but it made me angry, rather than sad and depressed. It felt personal.

In this case though a kid I've come to like while reading about has been tortured and mindbroken, it just makes me really sad. Imagining what happened to the rest of them also makes me depressed.

Its good storytelling, but it just so happens to push my buttons in such a way that I'm not enjoying it.
Fair enough. Something to consider?

To paraphrase a great quote: "Sad people don't changes things. Mad people do." So don't get sad, get mad! Or better yet - don't get mad, get even.
I was thinking about everyone seeing the Great Maker in place of Sirkalla. Since prayer basically creates essence it should help us convert EarthBey over to essence physics since each prayer would spread it around. Especially if we capitalize on this to do a public reveal of Autochthon and start to organize his worship. We could tell everyone that he could help us save the world but he is dying and needs prayer to help him bridge the gap between worlds. I imagine we could get many followers right quick.
Prayer only works if you have a soul. Earth-Bet meat machines (aka: humans) don't have souls. Yet.
Also, people haven't answered my question, so I'll just make it an easy (no Stunts or write-ins!) vote:
[ ] Pay for Hover Throne and you folk get to stat it.
[ ] Free Hover Throne, but I stat it.

Artifact 2, similar to our armor but not quite so ridiculous. There is also the potential to upgrade/augment/give to Iris afterwards, but that requires time.

Vote closes in 12 hours (5pm PST). I sleep now.
[X] Free Hover Throne, but I stat it.
Reasoning: XP is at an extreme premium right now (6 is a lot right now!), so better to get a slightly less awesome shiny for free.