Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 16: Playful Parasites Pervert Prayer, Perpetuate Plagues

Out of curiosity, but does Gallant qualify for Exaltation?
Should be. And I wouldn't half mind having him as the party face.

Since everyone else seems to be venting, I'll weigh in with my probably unwanted opinion. Apologies for the strong language. Personally, this update frustrated me for reasons nobody has brought up yet. Jack being too competent and PRT being shit at everything doesn't really strain my SoD, but that's not what I'm talking about. My main problem is twofold. First, for some reason I got it into my head that we had a viable chance against the Nine when we demonstrably don't. We, as far as I can tell, haven't once gotten an actual win under our belts, but I thought that was because we went up against PRT buraucracy, Behemoth, then more PRT bureaucracy. Behemoth we were never going to actually beat with the ressources we had available, which is fine (if frustrating). And I thought we were making progress with the PRT (but apparantly I was wrong, since they've taken our trust and, intentionally or not, used it to screw us like a roofied prom date). The Nine were a threat that was actually human and theoretically beatable, so I got my hopes up we wouldn't just get our shit pushed in all over again. I was mistaken.

Because that's the main thing that's pissing me off: Jack's plan here was pretty much airtight. There was no possible way for it to backfire or fail in a way that he wasn't perfectly fine with. He's stolen our best fortress, run our PR through the mud, maimed Aisha, made Missy and who knows who else into Bonesaw's personal torture dolls, forced some Sophie's Choices on us, and then he blew us the fuck up. All without so much as risking a single pawn. It's maddening. And that wasn't even the Main Event, this was the fucking curtain jerker. It's going to get much worse before it gets better.

Futility is not really a feeling I enjoy in RPG's or Quests, so it bothers me that we can't seem to score any kind of victory at all. Hopefully we can actually make sure when Jack inevitably gets away, he at least has a few less members. That'll be something, at least.
I completely understand what you're saying.
This is the intro to the S9 arc. This is Jack showing up and suckerpunching the good guys.
Since we're still going to be alive after this update (thanks, Marrow!), what follows will not be nearly as one-sided, because now we know Jack is in town.
And that means the rest of the S9 arc will be happening very differently. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but the Slaughterhouse get to reveal they're in town only once before, well, before everyone knows they're here.
Robert's power is also much more useful to us. It can tell Autocthon a lot about Nowhereverse physics, and I'd really love to see what the converted version does.
Chevalier is imo more useful as a human supporter to our cause just like glenn is. with him not converted his support is easier to see as non-biased, and he fits the Jade slot which overlaps with Vista who's shard would be equal to if not a greater boon to Autobot when it comes to Nowhereverse physics.
Chevalier is imo more useful as a human supporter to our cause just like glenn is. with him not converted his support is easier to see as non-biased, and he fits the Jade slot which overlaps with Vista who's shard would be equal to if not a greater boon to Autobot when it comes to Nowhereverse physics.
Hrm. Why are you saying Vista should be Jade? Jade caste seem like they are more tanky frontline combatants. Chevalier would probably be a good Jade caste so he could be our knight. Yep.
Chevalier is imo more useful as a human supporter to our cause just like glenn is. with him not converted his support is easier to see as non-biased, and he fits the Jade slot which overlaps with Vista who's shard would be equal to if not a greater boon to Autobot when it comes to Nowhereverse physics.
I think we already run into enough problems from EOA being a minor, and don't need more underaged Assembly members if others are available.
@sun tzu On Exalted Dean

He'd definitely be an interesting addition to the group. He's also kind of like Chevalier personality wise, and might have a better chance of joining (revenge against Behemoth!)
Hrm. Why are you saying Vista should be Jade? Jade caste seem like they are more tanky frontline combatants. Chevalier would probably be a good Jade caste so he could be our knight. Yep.
it's not about what they should be so much as what they qualify for, Vista is vary much a jade even is being a tank isn't her current power set.
Man, watching this complaining is like watching someone complain about the villain of the week during the next episode previews. Let's at least get past the opening titles, shall we?

That's not really a fair statement. This is like opening the episode with your base in ruins and three or four named characters already dead, several more likely in a fate Worse than death, and one major character mortally wounded, and finding out this was only the opening step in the pain train.

It's the sort of thing you expect the character to wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare from, not as the curtain raiser for a horror show from out of fucking nowhere.

I mean, yes, we knew it was coming OOCly, but the sheer level of penetration that happened here would be like starting a board game, making a few moves, then watching the Wizard cast Time Stop and take fifteen actions to your every one, and by the time you get to move again, they've already stripped you of every resource you could bring to bear except what you had on your person at that very moment.

I mean, we literally went from "Well, everything's fine" to "Everything is on fucking fire" in the space of a couple hours. This either requires top-tier Master/Strangering capable of micro-scale interactions for them to actually set this up without one of the many Thinkers in town getting wind that something was amiss, or that they basically walked in and everyone let them do whatever they pleased without opposition. I'm not sure what's worse.

I mean, hell, Philadalphia was hyped up as being one of the areas that had been picking up tons of Thinkers just to head this kind of thing off at that pass--and it looks like either everyone was blindsided, or everyone was subverted before the SH9 even made their first move.

I'd argue that heads should roll over this, but likely it'll be ours, because people are criminally stupid in Worm, and we don't have anyone who's good at PR.
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Here's the horrible secret about the S9.

This is how bad they were in Canon.

The differences? The only differences?

They got a hero instead of a villain who accepted their offer...
And we're important enough for Jack to step it up.
Normally, he goes after low-hanging fruit, he doesn't hit the big centers, he doesn't go after big heroes when he can avoid it. He's a scavenger.

But the Simurgh... THE -ING SIMURGH... Inspired him.

For those used to Exalted terms: He's basically the Wyld Hunt.
This is the risk we run by being in any way a public figure: Some jerk will notice us.

Still, the PRT has not reacted to this as well as the BB PRT did. Which is just shameful.
Here's the horrible secret about the S9.

This is how bad they were in Canon.

The differences? The only differences?

They got a hero instead of a villain who accepted their offer...
And we're important enough for Jack to step it up.
Normally, he goes after low-hanging fruit, he doesn't hit the big centers, he doesn't go after big heroes when he can avoid it. He's a scavenger.

But the Simurgh... THE -ING SIMURGH... Inspired him.

For those used to Exalted terms: He's basically the Wyld Hunt.
This is the risk we run by being in any way a public figure: Some jerk will notice us.

Still, the PRT has not reacted to this as well as the BB PRT did. Which is just shameful.

The difference is that the SH9 showing up in canon was them basically being bonepickers over the still warm corpse of a city that had just taken an Endbringer to the face when it was already in hard times, and that the PRT had no Thinkers on staff who might have picked up on it.

Here, they're hitting the stronghold of one of the big Thinker Meccas, that had advance warning that an S-Rank Threat was imminent, and they basically pulled even more egregrious shit then they did in BB.

Newsflash, part of the reason the SH9 lasted as long as they did in canon was because they Avoided fights agaist anything that was threatening. Here, they just straight up marched in on a fairly major stronghold and made a mockery of it. The Protectorate now MUST respond to the SH9 with overwhelming force, because they can't just wallpaper Philadelphia being SH9ed like they could the smaller towns they showed up in. Because if they don't, their credibility crumbles--because if the Triumvate don't sally to stop a bunch of S-Ranks that are attacking a major city and have--as their first step--functionally destroyed the local Protectorate and PRT, then they lose all hope of legitimacy. And Siberian aside, the Triumvate will Destroy the SH9, because they're Not actually that good in a straight up fight. They survive as a unit because they pick fights that they can win, and attack targets that won't force an overwhelming response.

Like I said, heads should really be rolling over this, but we'll likely be the scapegoat, thanks to Jack.
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Ok, awake again. A few items before I go back around, edit a bunch of typos in the update, and respond to people's posts. Minor spoilers for upcoming content, but nothing that shouldn't be surprising given how I've been writing so far.

- Everyone (we care about) is alive.
-- Who is Stabilized due to Omnitool bullshit magic, so even if she looks touch-and-go she'll be fine unless she takes at least two more solid hits.
-- My reading of the Glass Bomb in canon was a "Poof! Everything's glass!" effect, as it flash-glassed Mannequin and Crawler faster than they could react. The "Pile-On Chevalier" stunt allowed FPoP to Perfect Parry the effect.
-- I do not randomly kill/irreparably mind-fuck important characters without allowing us a chance to intervene. This means that everyone the S9 has (that we know) are capable of being saved and returned to normalcy (albeit with some mental trauma, but we can fix that eventually too).

- Jack can not talk to Iris.
-- First-Age Solars couldn't do it, and Jack sure as hell can't beat that level of Bullshit.

- We can kill everyone in the Slaughterhouse 9 this arc.
-- Some will be more difficult than others, of course.
-- We may or may not have the ability to capture some, as well.
-- Their biggest weapon is the element of surprise, and that's (mostly) gone now.
-- They're good, but we're Exalted.

Ok, now on to editing and replying.
Is Shatterbird still going to "announce" their presence? Because Jack's broadcast totally blows her's out of the window.
It occurs to me that Iris is Essence-based. It seems very plausible to me that even though Jack can't talk to Iris, they can still make use of that fact as a Thinker-screen; Iris is in power-saver mode, so even if he can integrate with local metatemporal physics normally he may not be able/inclined now.
I myself find it curious that we were blowing motes and WP left and right to use the DOOM COMBO on all those walls when we really should have been able to bust them down simply by using IEU-enhanced feats of strength. Takes all of 10 seconds per wall, and probably not even that as we go through more of them as we get progressively better at knowing just where to hit the wall for maximum effect.
One word: Unfamilarity.

Marrow has yet to train her Charms, so she is operating sub-optimally, and spamming the only moves she KNOWS work.
Just like Taylor's lack of meditation on her Charms cost Jotun and Penitent their lives when she couldn't operate on Noelle after the nanothorn knife broke.
It would likely have been worse if we hadn't bought that dot of Occult.

I have my issues with the update, but the combat actions aren't it.
Shouldn't be. There's no real reason for an Exalt to not have full control. This is like saying that if you have Monkey Leap Technique up you must double the length of all your jumps even if you don't need to jump that far.
See above.

You have a Combat-specced Exalt who still does not understand most of her Charms, how much power they consume, or how they work together.
She likely doesn't even understand stunts yet.
It's a testimony to just how badass she is that she survived being thrown into the deep end of the pool.

Are you denying that the debate about saving PRT vs Tourists would have gone differently had players known that Vox was broadcasting?
Actually, speaking as someone who voted for PRT workers?
If I'd known it was being broadcast, I would have voted for Tourists.
It's FANTASTIC PR for the PRT, and for us.

In all fairness, it's not like they didn't have security measures for Bezalel, (e.g. Chevalier's override codes for the drones), it's just that Bezalel overrode them.
No they didn't.
Those were standard anti-hacking overrides.
If they had measures against Bezalel, they wouldn't have been activating his combat drones, or there would be EMP weapons in play.

The - other - thing that bothers me about this update is that Vox conveniently neutralized one of the bigger tactical choices made by the players - to make Marrow an Adamant and thus use the illusion-based anima to hopefully gain a small edge against the Nine. It'd be one thing if they all blew the WP to ignore the Illusion effect, but we didn't even get to try this once against them. It's particularly frustrating since this is based on a suspiciously narrow interpretation of the Adamant anima. It is the equivalent of saying that you can ignore a Dawn's anima because you're sniping him via remote-controlled drone, or that you can avoid a Night's sense-muting aura via remote viewing, or that you can avoid being bound by an Eclipse oath because you were using a prop fake hand when you shook on it - you should not be able to so trivially defeat these effects through something as small as the mere application of mundane technology. It is too clever by half.
Lemme note that Marrow's anima does not take effect for several hours; see the testing scene in the Labs.
There is no indication that the S9 will remember what she did, or how she did it.
Out of curiosity, but does Gallant qualify for Exaltation?
He'd probably make a pretty good Starmetal, but I'm still holding out for more options than Tattletale.

I'd much rather have Exalted!Chevalier. We already have a stealth expert in the team, and have a more pressing need for highly-charismatic, great leaders who can go into melee with Behemoth.
Rather have Alchemical!Who; we already have a tank who can melee Behemoth, and Aisha fills a much needed hole in our Assembly.
Chevalier serves us better as a human ally than as an Exalt at the moment, and he competes both with Vista for Jade, and Armsmaster for Orichalcum.