Uncanny Accountants
Tenth of Olweje-hamba (Olweje Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)
The first thing you notice about the chests brought out by fearful servants, not wishing to be contaminated by the evil that had already ensnared their lord once was just how much of it was simply clothes, colorful shawls tassel adorned robes, slippers of the sort the nobles of the city wear indoors and sandals as well an belts of leather and of cloth. It must have been her whole wardrobe and not one she had carried from some distant realm. These are all Odorin's gifts, there are the things she would have worn as his lady wife. He probably doesn't want to see them anymore and you cannot blame him in the least.
"No jewelry," Antonio notes, though he does not sound as much upset at the lack as perturbed by the nature of the contents. "Boy probably couldn't afford to give those away."
Among the contents there are a few things that catch the eye with no sparkle to them, a trio of
maps not written or carved but woven onto cloth that shifts and ripples in colors that catch the light of the new sun and break it into shapes unseen. According to Ingethe map drinks deep of the magic of the earth and even the fickle sea.
"It can show you where you are, wherever you are," the girl says.
"Scale what's the scale on it?" Antonio asks, a gleam in his eye that is more than greed, a seeking for the horizon that sends a man away from warm hearth, from kith and kin and onto the wide ocean
Alas the map is not as expansive as he might have hoped, only an area about fifty leagues on the side and also according to Inge as they are drawn from the land and the understanding of its denizens they show rivers and mountains, hills and lakes, but no cities or roads of men.
But maps are not all that is made of the odd substance, tucked away carefully in the false bottom of a chest is a
robe that shifts not only itself but also the guise of its wearer, a precious thing for one who would ever be on the run.
Where was it made you wonder... another question in a world filled with them.
Arc Fifteen Complete
+Took in the changeling children and saw them cared for
++Safely returned the king to his people and assured that he would rule
+Summoned the spirit hunter
+Recruited the aid of the temple of Ikomi
+Got into contact with the hunters
++Dealt with the dark traveler without harming Odorin
++Dealing with the Yayar champion
+Dealing with the thief, though not recovering the skull
Total XP gained: 2,750 XP
What have been the lessons of this war for you and yours?
[] More skills in peace and war
Cost: 0 XP
[] Not all that is learned is of the sword, the battle has left Tom more somber, but also more determined in battles against magicians
-[] Write in Tom level up
Cost 1,000 XP
OOC: The turn vote is kicking my ass right now so I decided to just do a brief arc ender.