Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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If we were stumped only by superstitions and suspicions, in addition to our men we probably could involve One Eyed Langa, who was uncommonly untroubled by meeting Ripper and Megin and who, according to Inge, has some skin-changer in his blood; but it still would be involving a person we just hired some days ago with child care for traumatized children, it's better to just stick to our men-at-arms.

And looks like my estimations of them were on the wronger side, it seems none of them lived with the Formless for appreciable amount of time and that we should just care for them and give them a home, like it was said before Wayfarer's Respite with our people and Hugh and his expected wife would be good for them.
[X] Involve those of your soldiers who have experience with children

I guess it really does take a village to raise a child - or in this case a galley
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And looks like my estimations of them were on the wronger side, it seems none of them lived with the Formless for appreciable amount of time and that we should just care for them and give them a home, like it was said before Wayfarer's Respite with our people and Hugh and his expected wife would be good for them.
Yeah, these kids are trending far less toward chaos spawn and much more towards various degrees of traumatized child, more so than I feared or expected.

[X] Involve those of your soldiers who have experience with children
One thing you guys might want to consider is what you plan to do with the kids long term. I mean sure you can feed them and clothe them, but they are going to need a trade of some kind as adults.
Oh also if you guys are interested I started a new quest to do in parallel with this one since I got into Exalted and read Dresden files recently. Come by if you are interested. Age of Ice and Blood will stay my main focus when I can only manage one update per day though.
One thing you guys might want to consider is what you plan to do with the kids long term. I mean sure you can feed them and clothe them, but they are going to need a trade of some kind as adults.
Wasn't there a thought of just giving them apprenticeships to some of our PCs or our men according to their aptitudes? @DragonParadox, do we know anything of their abilities, skills? Any of them have a gift for magic now or maybe later in life?

Asides from that, there's not much to do in Wayfarer's Respite, maybe fishing, cooking, housekeeping work? If we'll open the tavern, maybe they can help there.
One thing you guys might want to consider is what you plan to do with the kids long term. I mean sure you can feed them and clothe them, but they are going to need a trade of some kind as adults.
Do we know if Sacha, Hugh the Younger's prospective bride, is literate? Is Hugh, for that matter?

If nothing else, we can have one or more of our men, whoever we station at Wayfarer's Respite next, begin the preliminaries of training them for combat whenever they're deemed old enough.

Given their young ages, just getting them literate, teaching them basic arithmetic, and general socialization should come first. If they only speak Anwari, learning another language, preferably whatever is spoken primarily in Orinilu would be a priority. Sacha should be able to help there, if nothing else. Learning a trade can come in the next couple years, if not later for the younger ones.
Oh also if you guys are interested I started a new quest to do in parallel with this one since I got into Exalted and read Dresden files recently. Come by if you are interested. Age of Ice and Blood will stay my main focus when I can only manage one update per day though.
Oooh, I'm OMW now. Wish I knew about it sooner.
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Neither of them are literate, solid peasant stock on both sides, farmers and fishers respectively.
Maybe we can arrange a live in caretaker/instructor to help wrangle the kids? We should have enough contacts in Orinilu to find someone qualified for that at a reasonable pay rate. It would be a good opportunity to educate some of the Otter-kin, as well as any of our other people who we station there.
Did you know that you can stalk follow a user and always get an Alert when they start a new thread?
Haha, yeah, I know about it, I've just never bothered.
[X] Involve those of your soldiers who have experience with children

ooh cool, evil number of pages!
Also, is From Hell's Heart still active?
@DragonParadox can we exhume Tam's body? Or at least visit his grave with Tom and the boys and share our stories and deeds with him? That sounds IC to me, just some time with the bros reminiscing and how far we had come... then leave a marker and cleaning up his grave site.

Edit: just a short Interlude is good enough, to just show that we care and remember our men, that we are a band of brothers
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@DragonParadox can we exhume Tam's body? Or at least visit his grave with Tom and the boys and share our stories and deeds with him? That sounds IC to me, just some time with the bros reminiscing and how far we had come... then leave a marker and cleaning up his grave site
It would have to be done retroactively, since we're already back at sea.
@DragonParadox can we exhume Tam's body? Or at least visit his grave with Tom and the boys and share our stories and deeds with him? That sounds IC to me, just some time with the bros reminiscing and how far we had come... then leave a marker and cleaning up his grave site.

Edit: just a short Interlude is good enough, to just show that we care and remember our men, that we are a band of brothers

Sure I think I could fit an interlude.
By the way, is the giving of awards and mementos to ordinary soldiers a thing during Roland's time? IIRC it was during the Napoleonic era where medals and ribbons became the norm.

I mean kind of, the point is less to a give awards for the sake of glory and more 'here is this piece of looted silver ain't I a great commander?' Generally speaking the troops claim their own loot after a victory with only the likes of kings and emperors sometimes sharing out of their pile beyond just handing out coins directly to the commoners. It was generally assumed that if you handed a common soldier something they would sell it for the wealth,
Arc 15 interlude 2: As We Go Along
As We Go Along

Eighteenth Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascendant), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

"Tam would have known what to do with this lot," Luc watched the pair of boys trying and mostly failing to work sailors knots, make-work of course, but one you could put youngsters on a ship in a quiet place without getting in the way. A ship was not like a farm where there was never alack for slow borring labor to while away the hours. There was always getting ready for winter if nothing else, but out here, well the fish bit just as well winter or summer and the merchants would sell you lots of sausage, hardtack and salt meat year-round too as long as you had the coin to buy it.

"Ayup," John agreed, much to Luc's relief. It did feel strange to be told to work with the taciturn Lordson. He had a lot of brothers and sisters by any measure, six in all and every one made it past their second year, but John had grandchildren back home... even one of them wasn't got under wedlock.

"He was better with the little 'uns than I was. D'you ever wonder..." he cut himself off. "Never you mind lad, I know you ain't yer pa."

"Say what you will, I don't think God will hold a grudge over honest words. I know I won't."

"If he can find his way back proper-like and be in heaven by Judgement Day. They say it could be any day now, that the Empire of the Franks would be the last one before the Day of Reckoning comes..."


Seven Days past, a Sunday by Zaia's Reckoning

Luc shaded his eyes against the sun, the dappled leaves of the Laurel trees poor cover from its golden gaze as it peered down at the cairn then had left for Tam, nothing had touched the mark of name or cross, but then they were humble things and unlikely to be a draw to any thief. He had been half afraid that something else might have meddled, some ghost or gremlin, some hag or spirit. All of them knew witches had their own use for the bodies of the dead, though most of the time it would have been for those who died unbaptized or a suicide and Tam wasn't any of those.

They all prayed, as best they knew in hope of Resurrection and that Tam was already with Christ in heaven and that he would find there those of his kin who had passed before.

"We saved two kingdoms this season, hell of a tale to tell over ale," Pete had quipped once they had all lifted their heads.

"Ain't much ale around here, nor wine either," Nico had said, sort of glancing at the lord, finding the smile his jape had been after. Sir Roland was an easy lord to serve when it came to everything but charging into battle like a madman to save the shaggy one horns or some shit, having never met anyone or anything he didn't want to give a helping hand to... which is how they had gotten talking otters around the ship and Luc had to admit those were dead useful and fine folks.

They had been sitting off to the side looking on at the remembrance of Tam. They had never known him and they weren't too clear on talk of God, but they wanted to come and offer a hand... or a paw as it may be in silence.

They had talked about what Tam might have thought of this mad journey, or how he would have taken to this fight, the which careered into stories about how others would take their stories of they were to sail into Verley on the morrow.

Things had gone quiet then and it almost looked like Sir Roland would be wroth with them, but it had been Luc himself who broke the silence with a laugh. "Well my pa would't greed me with a fat lamb like a prodigal son on account of we don't have any of those. Probably say I'm doing God's work"


Sixteenth Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascendant), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

"Tam did God's work at least as much as the rest of us," Luc said, more sure of himself than he had been a moment ago. "He knows his own."

"You don't know that," John sort of grunted and he was about ready to put an end to all this talking here and now from what Luc had heard of him, but he wouldn't have any of it this time.

"You know those skull tossing things that killed him, I asked Mog about their sort... they're bad, real bad what they do to other spirits just going about their way in the world. I figure any man who might die fighting their lot's gotta count more to good grain than weeds."

For a long moment there was quiet other than the boys talking to each other, then the older man turned to him with a smile: "You watch that wisdom lad or we might try to make you a priest like your pa anyway."

"Just as soon as you find a bishop hiding under a rock," Luc quipped back, a little surprised at his daring...

A pair of little voices broke in then: "We are done, we are done! Tell us which of us made the best one!"
The look the two men shared then was one that overcame generations and experience in the ways of war. Do you know shit about knots?

OOC: Closing this here without a vote, this was tricky enough to get through even without trying to jam one in here. They are alluding to a Bible Parable in there even though neither of them had read it because village priests often used those as part of what would be counseling and community building, especially the ones that would relate to the everyday life of the village.
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