Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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Arc 14 Post 22: Out of the Dark
Out of the Dark

Thirty Sixth Day of Elnu-Hamba (Elnu Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

Battle is joined in a moment amid the shouts of men men at war and the chants of sorcery called forth. By now your eye is not drawn to the flash of Esha's power and your feet know the way to avoid the threads that Inge lays. No amount of planning can prepare you or anyone else for when Zaia releases his devil's brew, you would swear the flames only grow higher and more hungry by the moment.

Silver does not balk and nor do you, no sooner had the flames parted that you charge right into the thick of the battle, Durendal hewing in wide arcs though the crowd of men. Sword of bronze, haft of wood and limb of flesh all fly about you in the melee as the weapons of your foes fall bruising in their sheer weight but nowhere near enough to slow the pair of you.

You take 6 Damage; Silver takes 3 Damage

"On, on to victory!" you hear Tom call encouragement that mingled with your own. Spears are not meant for a bawl, but armor serves well beside the armored coats of the Anwa warriors. The highborn of the lot marked by the silver in their beards and the tassels on their sandals fall into nets like fresh caught salmon... though their guard fights with a fury renewed.

There you see it out of the corner of your eye, a figure that may have been a man as tall as you once, not hunched and ragged, garbed seemingly in the refuse of the street. A beggar caught in the fight... you think and it is almost the last thought you have as it lunges as you, joints twisting and stretching as no man can. Eyes like dead stars look back at you and in your mind you hear as if in your own voice:

Do you fear death?

It is only when Silver neighs in rage and strikes the black thing in the chest sending it flying, as though it weighs little more than a feather that you realize its claws had found their mark after all, tearing the quilting under the armor and the flesh of your neck all at once.

You take 11 Damage

A javelin almost strikes Inge, another lodges itself in Zaia's foot with a cry from the scholar, but it is Tom who has the worst of it, even as he and Wanderer between them manage to kill one of the axe wielding foes another hooks the spear out of his hands with a blade seemingly made for just that purpose and then the mankin dives in to grasp it and in a swirl of chocking shadows they are gone.

Zaia takes 4 Damage
Tom Lost Spear

Such pretty baubles, such pretty things... the mocking words echo on the air even in the midst of the sounds of war and death, but your ears turn then to Esha who bears news: "Veil!" she shouts and so it might be, but what eyes have you to see though that manner of trickery? Before you can call to her asking where to strike, before you can do more than raise your shield to cast aside another bruising strike Lina finally wakes from her trance and from her hand spins water, as swift as a river falling down the slopes of a river towards the sea, hitting a spot where none seemed to be... only to throw the mankin into the wall of the house nearby with a sound like dry wood breaking.

"You will rue the day you took power by the false iron Queen of Nothing," this time the figure speaks aloud in a voice that reminds you of old leaves crunching underfoot.

What do you do?

[] Write in battle plan

OOC: And done, late but still not a missed day at least. Also one of the disadvantages of not being magically savvy, poor Roland does not know what he is dealing with and so no links for now.
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Damn, that thing needs killing. You don't get to live after trying to loot our shit. :mad:

[X] Kill it!
-[X] Roland continues leading his men against the Human enemies, trusting the mages and Lina to deal with the Dark Whisperer.
-[X] Tom uses his Coordinated Maneuvers ability as a Standard Action, boosting the combat maneuver bonus of all nearby allies, and arms himself with his backup weapon (assuming he has a short sword, or at least a dagger). In the following round he continues supporting Roland and the other men.
-[X] Wanderer continues Raging, doing what he can to disrupt enemy attempts to organize themselves while our spear-men support him and Roland. The net-wielders will act to Trip or Disarm their foes to make them easier pickings for the rest of our men, and the archers will pick targets at their discretion, prioritizing enemies who are attacking from range.
-[X] Esha targets the Dark Whisperer with a Magic Missiles spell if she can see it. If combat goes into another round and it has not been destroyed, she targets it with either another Magic Missiles spell or Blindness/Deafness, but only if she believes it is not Undead. If she cannot see the Dark Whisperer, she instead targets whichever remaining enemy she deems most threatening with a Cause Fear spell.
-[X] Inge uses a Web spell to ensnare the Dark Whisperer if she can see it, or if she cannot see it a nearby group of enemy soldiers if she can do so without catching our men in the effect. If she see the Dark Whisperer and cannot safely use a Web spell against an enemy group, she instead uses her Healing Hex on Roland. If she uses her Web spell, in the following round she uses her Healing Hex on Roland, and if she used her Healing Hex first, she either uses a Web spell against a group of enemies or targets the Dark Whisperer with a Snowball spell, assuming it is still present and visible.
-[X] Zaia targets the Dark Whisperer with a Tanglefoot Firebomb if he can see it or nearby enemies if he cannot. In the following round, he does the same, prioritizing the Dark Whisperer if possible.
-[X] If Swift Pebble sees an opportunity to leap into the fray, she does so with gusto, going full Razor Weasel on an unsuspecting enemy. Bonus points if she is able to attack while Flanking one for a nice Sneak Attack. :drevil:
-[X] Lina does her own thing. Hopefully that involves nuking the Dark Whisperer.

BTW, @DragonParadox, I noticed that Swift Pebble's character sheet hasn't been added to the front page with the rest of the companions yet.
Name: Swift Pebble
Alignment: ???
Age: ???
Race: Otter-kin [Tiny Magical Beast]
Level: 1
Class: Rogue (Vexing Dodger)
Feats: Deadly Agility, Improved Initiative (B)
Traits: Cliff Jumper, Recreational Fisher, Trap Finder, Unlearned (Knowledge: Nature)
Class Features: Limb-Climber, Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Special: Darkvision 60ft, Hold Breath, Low-Light Vision, Thought Speech (60ft)

HP: 10/10
AC: 10 + 5 (DEX) + 2 (Size) = 17
Initiative: +5 (DEX) + 4 (Improved Initiative) = +9
Movement: 20 feet (Land), 30 feet (Water)
  • Short Sword: +0 (BaB) + 5 (DEX) + 2 (Size) = +7 [1d3+5, Critical: 19-20/x2]
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Short Sword

6 (-2) Strength
20 (+5) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
14 (+2) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
10 (+0) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 0 + 1 (CON) = 1
REFLEX: 2 + 5 (DEX) = 7
WILL: 0 + 0 (WIS) = 0

+1 Trait bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid falling.

Acrobatics: 4 + 5 (DEX) + 1 (CJ) = 10
Climb: 4 + 5 (DEX) + 1 (CJ) = 10
Disable Device: 4 + 5 (DEX) + 1 (TF) = 10
Escape Artist: 4 + 5 (DEX) = 9
Perception: 4 + 0 (WIS) = 4
Profession (Sailor): 4 + 0 (WIS) = 4
Sense Motive: 4 + 0 (WIS) + 2 (Racial) = 6
Sleight of Hand: 4 + 5 (DEX) = 9
Stealth: 4 + 5 (DEX) + 8 (Racial) + 1 (RF) = 18
Swim: 4 + 5 (DEX) + 8 (Racial) = 17

Special Abilities:
  • Hold Breath (Ex): You can hold your breath for 52 rounds (4 times your Constitution attribute) before risking drowning or suffocating.
  • Thought Speech (Su): You can communicate with any other creature within 60 feet that has a language. This communication is thorough but not always perfect, particularly when dealing with abstract or arcane concepts you are not familiar with. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once using Thought Speech, although maintaining conversations with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time. You lack the mechanisms to vocalize complex language.
  • Limb-Climber (Ex): When you are adjacent to or in the space of a corporeal creature at least one Size category larger than yourself, you can climb that creature's body with a successful Climb check against a DC equal to the target creature's CMD. Although you are holding on to the creature, this action isn't a Grapple; it doesn't provoke Attacks of Opportunity from the creature, and neither you nor the creature you climb gains the grappled condition. While you are on the climbed creature, the creature takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls against you (equal to the number of Sneak Attack dice you possess).
Equipment of Note: Short Sword (Tiny-sized)
How dare he!

[X] Goldfish

@DragonParadox , some questions about current battle, if you do not mind.
1) What armor is Roland currently wearing?
2) How many charges did left in Esha's staff?
After using it to cast Shield before the fight and Magic Missile during the first round, it would have 7 charges left. Casting it again in this coming round as my plan calls for will bring it down to 5 charges.
Arc 14 interlude 4: Sea's Daughter
Sea's Daughter

Thirty Sixth Day of Elnu-Hamba (Elnu Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

It had seemed like such an easy thing in the palaces of pearl where she had walked for a time under the power of the Formless and forgotten, it had been so simple to believe in herself when she was so near the beating heart of a a power older than the gods. Fascination, seduction even one could name it, though Lina knew little of such matters, less than she would have liked. Had they planned this she wondered in that moment of cold fear with the stink of her own death in her nostrils? Was she a pawn in the games of those who saw all living things as patterns to shift and to warp? Was she no more than a toy that had been cast from the mountaintop to see how it would break.

The power was still on her the thrum of blood in her veins moving with the tides... the world was so thin, so fragile. So of course she reached, so she called and the sea answered, a blast of water into the horrid shadow, the thing Unnamed, it would have been called in a tale like she had listened to by the roots of the Hearth Tree... but then what am I? Thief and liar...

The words bit deep even in the midst of battle, she had lied, she had fled, not once but twice, the first time from her mother's kin and the fate she did not want and the second in the company of one who had borne her, breaking her pact with the Formless and claiming her heritage by sorcery and trickery.

Where was Ohun? She wondered, needing to be cleansed in the waters of Ikomi so she could take the seat in the High Hall with honor, or at least so she would know at the last that she was damned.

How much easier it had been to play the monster when she had been in the company of those who knew neither shame nor honor. Mother... Alloy as she had asked to be called had been no less willing to help her see her way to land and to the throne of Lirman than the Faceless had been to help her escape the island.

'There's a surprise waiting for you...' the giggle had been silvery as spring-melt on the mountainside. 'It's a secret.'

Smoke stained skies and bloody streets seemed to mock her with the very thing her ambition had most desired for even as she had not been able to let herself dream of, power. Her father's power, her brother's then. Now her brother was as dead as her father, lost to the sea now she would have to prove that she could do more than dream of it....

Another blast of water, but the shadow thing was already gone and the one who snared her also if one was to trust the pale witch.

"Fey of some kind?" the bearded scholar, Zaia she thought his name was, asked looking around at the carnage. "No friends of your kin I assume?"

Lina could not even tell who her kin even were anymore, yet she had to say something, queens did not sit silent as though struck dumb when asked a question so she nodded.

What do you do next?

[] Try to find Ohun

[] Continue on to the king's hall, it is still burning

[] Try to join up with other parties from the fleet so you can have more warriors at your back

[] Write in

OOC: At the end of the day I could not do the interlude justice without rolling the combat, but I did not focus on that since everyone important ran. BTW you can split up if you want.
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Did it flee with Tom's spear, @DragonParadox?

I don't know what forces the Iraenae have waiting at the King's Hall or in the general vicinity, but chances are they out number our small contingent significantly, and we don't know the full extent of their inhuman allies, either. What we just fought could be all of it, or just one of many. I'm sure Lina would prefer to take the hall with as few supporters as possible, if only to add more legitimacy to her claim for having been able to do it without the aid of the clans. I would prefer that we not die, however, so I'm in favor of trying to link up with others from the fleet.

Ohun might be able to help, or he might be working with the Iraenae, and there is no telling where he is even if he's still on our side.

[X] Try to join up with other parties from the fleet so you can have more warriors at your back
[X] Try to join up with other parties from the fleet so you can have more warriors at your back

Was about to vote to find Ohun, since we already have quite a few warriors, but he may be preoccupied. Finding the warriors before somebody else gets them first is probably important.
[X] Continue on to the king's hall, it is still burning

We gotta pacify the situation, once Lina has even a vague resemblance of actual authority here it will be easier to organise the rest.
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