Trading Words and Treasures
Day Eleven, Year Unknown
All the aches and pains that had been lost in the heat of battle come rushing back all at once and as you look at the small girl breathing heavily as she clings to the wounded Ripper your stomach tightens with fear you did not have the luxury of feeling before.
What is she, what does she want? There is you know an easy answer, she is a witch and wants nothing more than to bring ruin to the world. But the counsel of fear does not match with what she actually did, save your life from an actual monster, one who had tried to hold you in thrall and then to slay you, one she too had feared.
"Thank you," you say, speaking slowly in your tongue, pointing first to yourself than to the broken foe and last to her, but she merely blinks up at you confused and grows only more so when you motion to the towers and then the bodies questioning.
"You are well, yes?" Doctor Zaia asks, coming beside you. At your nod he turns to the girl and then points to his face and enunciates. "Zaia" Then he points to your face and says: "Roland" and last he points to the girl's face and stops.
"Inge," the child says softly, her eyes lighting up in understanding.
"Well we have a name at least, unless I miss by guess," the doctor sighs. "Getting any sort of understanding is not going to be easy."
"We need to know if there are more dangers in the towers," you point out, glancing uneasily behind you.
"Well she is not running back into whatever hiding place she had so she is obviously not that concerned about there being one. I fear we shall have to have to trust her judgement on this. I need to get your men under a roof and treated sooner rather than later. A small roof will do as well as a large one for that."
"We aught to try at least." Taking your cue from what he had done you point first to yourself. 'Roland', then to her 'Inge', then to the body of the monster and pause.
"Ilfa," she sounds miserable when she says it, not afraid but sorrowful. It is almost impossible to reconcile the tone and manner with the harsh cold words that seemed to split the world asunder to her will.
You push the memory aside and motion to the other bodies which had been filled with cursed life. "Ilfa?"
The girl, Inge, blinks at you thoughtfully, seeming to regain more of her breath and vigor more by the moment finally she shakes her head and says, "Okoro."
You nod to show you understand. You hope to God you actually do understand. "Okoro?" you point at the towers.
The girl shakes her head and says about twelve words, of which you only recognize 'Ilfa,' 'Okoro' and the name you had never heard before spoken but only in your mind 'Ikomi', the name of the corpse-lord's goddess. An odd thought occurs to you and you cannot keep back a laugh. At Zaia's curious look you explain. "I briefly wondered if we could have captured
that, and used it as an interpreter."
"He did not seem very amenable to the task," the doctor replies in a dust-dry tone.
"Ukota," the girl interjects, pointing at the seeking stone still in his hand, then another phrase, including her name as she reaches out for it.
Seeing the scholar obviously loath to give it to her you note. "We would be dead without her... aid. The stone feels like a fair price to me."
"Perhaps, but it seems to me foolish to trade a thing so precious when you do not know enough of the other's tongue to bargain with them," comes the swift reply, wholly untroubled it seems by the fixed look Ripper is giving him.
"It is likely hers to begin with if she was the one who sent Ripper," you try, though without much success from the looks of things. "If you give it to her she might eventually explain more of what it is when we can speak her tongue better..." You cut yourself off, realizing you had committed yourself to not just keeping company with a witch child, but had suggested to the scholar that he learn more about magic. One might expect Zaia to look affronted.
Is is better or worse that he looks intrigued?
Still, he does reluctantly hand Inge the stone.
She takes it in one small hand with what you assume is a word of thanks then heads towards the towers.
What do you do?
[] Follow, you would see where this mystery leads you
[] Lead your men into the shelter of the village to be tended
[] Try to delay her until things are more settled
[] Write in
OOC: Welcome to the joys of 'no common language'. Still, at least Zaia has a linguistics skill and a feat that helps with that. You will be getting his sheet soon as you have seen a lot of what he can do.