Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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We could do this with some prep work. But we need to gather more intel, IMO.

[X] Return to Willowbrook and try to convince the otters to lead you to the dragon's chamber
More prepwork might require moving on - I'd not trust our current nets being able to survive against a Break attempt or just the dragon using its natural weapons on them. We could return with better tools, though, unless the chamber provides us with something more directly actionable.

Maybe not-Albion will have anti-dragon weaponry we can buy?

[X] Return to Willowbrook and try to convince the otters to lead you to the dragon's chamber
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To be fair, by the time we return Tom will be a full fighter and if we go for drill sergeant we will have teamwork feats to work with.
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[X] Return to Willowbrook and try to convince the otters to lead you to the dragon's chamber
[ ] Return to Willowbrook and try to convince the otters to lead you to the dragon's chamber

P.S. Changed my vote

[X] Artemis1992
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[X] Return to Willowbrook and try to convince the otters to lead you to the dragon's chamber
-[X] Set some men on building Pavises
-[X] See if Antonio can improvise some overstrenght nets from the ships rigging (not Marcellas)
-[X] Zaia and Inge should look into alchemical means to hinder or bind the creature

If we only have a week we should start preparing right away.
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[X] Artemis1992

@Artemis1992, if possible, we should also have Zaia and Inge working on trying to come up with some sort of Alchemical binding agent (i.e. Tanglefoot Bags).

Or in this case, a huge Tanglefoot Satchel.
I think putting in effort now is a bad idea, mostly because I feel this is something that would be better properly prepared for during our southern voyage. Do a swift turnaround in not-Britain, get some gear/aid there, and then blitz south again to hit this thing before it wakes up.
Hunting a dragon is bound to bring prestige. I wanna tie its head to the front of the Marcella.

It has nothing to do with me wishing that it gains a breath attack. No, sir.
A potentially awake and prepared dragon is much more dangeeous, while we with a month extra are only slightly more dangerous.
I disagree. We'll have our fully trained Drill Sergeant in play to boost combat tricks and the like, plus whatever aid (magical or otherwise) we can rustle up in not-Britain for bringing down a dragon.

Unless we find a smoking gun in the cavern where it slept before, I think it safer to move on and slay it on our return journey.
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@DragonParadox It is possible for Roland to finish training Tom to PC while all others preparations are done? Isn't he almost done with it? I mean in a span of a week we have here.
@DragonParadox It is possible for Roland to finish training Tom to PC while all others preparations are done? Isn't he almost done with it?

I was going to say no but them I realized that our plan is going to involve some king of group effort that most if not all of your men will have to participate in and keep their nerve... you guys were going to give Tom some kind of marshal aura or other group buff right?
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