In Balefire's Light
Thirty Fourth of Olweje-hamba (Olweje Descending) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)
All who have ever walked into danger knowingly can recognize its shadow. When silence gathers close close and the heart too loudly beats, when unseen eyes are felt upon the back of one's neck and when the hairs rise up at the nape of one's neck then fear if not your foe, but a friend that might spare you death or worse. So it is in the strange dancing light of the lantern. Now that you look upon it out of the wind and rain it seems a thing wholly apart from the world under the sun, a bale-fire that reveals around it faces pale and distorted, making of the familiar strange, and of the strange uncanny parodies of form.
Antonio seems thinner, twitching as he rubs his hands together by the chill air, Inge seems at once paler and smaller, skin like ivory or bone and Zaia looks be garbed not in robes, but a shroud that binds his arms and legs even as his eyes seem to cast the strange light back brighter than it had been. But it is Esha who is most transformed by the light and she does not seem dead as her father had been, red eyed and hungry, her hair falls a a shadow around a face carved as though by the sculptor's chisel, remote and watchful and the eyes within it burn as the dying embers of some cosmic flame.
What must I look like to their eyes? You wonder and yet you are glad that there is nary a looking glass to hand.
"I'll do it," Esha says. "I have more experiences listening to voices in my head than most..." Her smile is familiar even now.
You watch with no small amount of trepidation as she opens a panel in the lantern with a click and darts her hand into the balefire that ripples up her arm, spreading and spreading until she is crowned and cloaked in the thing, eyes wide and unseeing. Then swift as a bolt of lightning the flame is gone and the five of you are left in the dark.
For a moment all you can hear is the sound of Esha's breathing, harsh and quick, then she speaks: "It was an a man in black guise and black of heart, a killer though he did not come to kill. He was here at the behest of another, one who means ill not just to this ship and all upon it but to the world entire." Here her words become far less certain. "I think the intruder was playing with us, perhaps testing us though whether of his own will or by the will of another I could not say." She sighs. "Truths learned in an instant are in an instant lost."
"Well good to know we might be dealing with the son of a bitch in the future..." Antonio begins, but Esha cuts him off.
"Wait there is something else... 'He speaks the Hidden Tongues'. I am not even sure what that is supposed to mean, but it leaves a weight upon the mind."
"Well we know our mysterious trespasser is a man at least," you note as Inge conjures another light. "That and he is one with a poor taste in masters."
"Whatever the case he has seen how we guard against the unseen once, he will be ready for sand upon the threshold and for watchers next time." For his part Zaia does not sound the least dispirited. "We shall just have to me more creative about it..."
Gained Broken Wyrd Lantern (might serve as the base for future enchantments)
What do you do over the last two weeks of the journey to Apuku?
[] Try to learn more of the local tongues from Esha, you will not be able to get by with Anwari in every port
[] Spar with your men, thanks to Inge's healing you can be a good bit freer with live steel
[] Spend some time talking with Silver and getting to know him more
[] Write in
OOC: Admittedly not the most exciting vote, but I did not want to just roll the next encounter die and potentially overshadow the 'who are you in the lightning's glow' moment and divination about the intruder.