Silent Drums and a Dark Lantern
Thirty Fourth of Olweje-hamba (Olweje Descending) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)
in the end you counsel that it is better to say neither yay nor nay to the chance to sail north until you have seen port, there is yet a stretch of water to cross with all its perils. Thus it is in the subdued company of the Pride that you make your way west and see from apart the passage of the Mouth of the World. Hopefully this time you will pass without sign or song out of the hills. There are foes aplenty here and twice now the passage had been marked ill.
While the watchers atop the mast keep their eye upon the shore others still count weapons of fine bronze and the ill gotten spoils of the Red Drummer's Ruin. As has by now become custom of a sort all that is taken directly from the dead is counted yours while Antonio claims the contents of the newly named
Penitenza as well as the ship itself to add to his growing 'investments'. He tries to explain the concept of it one evening, of tending to ones fortune the same way a gardener would care for his plants. You think you understand it a bit around the edges, the parts that are not so different from prudent and wise lordship, but it seems to you that trade is to a noble's estate what a swift flowing river is to a wide and placid lake. It sounds like a burden on the mind you would not wish to have and once more you are glad for a loyal friend to deal with such matter.
Gained 312 Gold in weapons and armor
Antonio gains 670 Gold in cargo from the raider
At first it seems the ship would hold little of interest to Zaia or Esha, for Okunrin's drums seemed to have lost their voice with the death of their master. Not only would they not sound of their own accord they would not sound at all. One might strike then with a hammer and be met with naught but silence. Even blows that came close to tearing leather and splintering wood could draw no sound from them.
"It is almost as though they were a sort of familiar, a part of his living soul that is not gone beyond recall..." Esha muses. "Perhaps they might prove a touch easier to enchant than other drums should we gain the skill and find ourselves in the proper circumstances..."
Truth be told you to not expect much to come of it, but if there is one thing you have come to learn about sorcerers since you have found yourself in the company of two present and one aspiring it is that they will hoard curiosities the way a magpie fills its nest with things that glitter in the sun. Yet that is not all that they find.
Gained Okunrin's Hollow Drums
In the depths of Ohunrin's sea chest, sealed by stout chains and further wrapped in soft wool is a strange contraption unlike anything you have seen, and indeed unlike what even Zaia had seen in all his days. It seems almost like a fine lantern, six panels of hexagonal glass clear as a snowflake such as could only have been wrought by sorcery are held in place by thin frames of lead, but strangest of all in place of a wick dipped in oil at the heart of it there is only a spiral woven of copper wire.
After studying the thing for many hours Esha claims there are faint markings upon the glass that only those with a wizard's eye can see, spells of binding and warding. "An old working, perhaps once a great one, but now faded, little more than a bauble with a remarkable past. It might not even be counted magical by the time we make it to port," she concludes.
Inge looks at it and for a moment seems wholly confused, she starts to shake her head then stops, as though listening to the sound of the wind outside the candlelit cabin. "It is of old make indeed, mayhap older than all the kingdoms of the Anwa and filled with pride they would not dare to hold." The girl pauses and speaks the next words slowly as if not quite understanding them herself. "It is meant somehow to bind the storm,
lightning to mortal hands."
For a long moment the silence falls heavy, then Antonio speaks again, his tone dry as he weighs the thing in the hand. "Well that sounds like it is worth at lest twenty icari."
Gained Lightning Lantern (???)
Yet levity too is short lived for, as if summoned by the words, distant thunder sounds from beyond the cabin's windows and the by now familiar rolling of the boards under your feet grows a little stronger.
"Perhaps we should test this out there, see if it still has some virtue, before we sell it for a score icari," Zaia offers.
Inge, now returned wholly to herself, still looks dubious at the prospect while Esha has taken on the appearance of mild curiosity. For his part Antonio does not look like he is minded to disagree, though he still turns to you and asks. "What say you friend Roland, will you be the voice of caution once more or shall we see what the storm does to this thing?"
"Perhaps it would not be the wisest thing to tempt the ship to waking by inviting strange magics upon it," you reply, recalling the fate of the rat and its ritual.
"Ah of course, I meant to have it placed on the
Penitenza," Antonio laughs. "True she is not with out her worth, but that worth was only a few elixirs of healing and a finger eh?"
What do you reply?
[] Approve of the experiment, if the magic is fading best to try to take advantage of it while you can
[] Counsel against the experiment, no need to borrow trouble
[] Write in
OOC: Inge initially rolled really low for her arcane check, but then I recalled she had not used her guiding spirit re-roll for the day.