Ah, nice. Orinilu sounds interesting. A major trade city should have plenty of opportunity for Antonio to flex his merchant chops.
That's a pretty neat ability for Esha, too. Given the significant differences between a traditional Vampire and the Vetala variant, it makes sense that the Dhampir offspring of one would have much different abilities, too.
Don't worry, buddy. We haven't forgotten about you!
[X] Spend some time with Silver, he seems moody and troubled over these last few days
-[X] Bring him out on deck to enjoy the sun and fresh air if he feels like it.
I cannot claim the ability, it is just straight PF that a Velata-born vampire has Comprehend Languages as a SLA, the part that is mine is that she cannot read the languages of another world because no Veleta of the line that made her father ever ate anyone who spoke those tongues.
I cannot claim the ability, it is just straight PF that a Velata-born vampire has Comprehend Languages as a SLA, the part that is mine is that she cannot read the languages of another world because no Veleta of the line that made her father ever ate anyone who spoke those tongues.
Ah, I didn't realize there were already templates for the Dhampir offspring of other Vampire breeds. I'm going to keep calling her a Dhampir, though, because Ajibachanas is a freaking mouthful and I'll never remember how to spell it.
Intercept: An Honor Guard learns to better disrupt the attacks of his enemies. When an adjacent ally is attacked, he may use an Attack of Opportunity to attempt the Aid Another action to improve his ally's AC.
Aid Allies: Whenever an Order of the Dragon cavalier uses the Aid Another action to assist one of his allies, the ally receives a +3 bonus to his Attack Roll, Saving Throw, or skill check, and +4 bonus to his Armor Class.
Mounted Combat: 1/round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check as an Immediate Action to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.
Expert Trainer: The Cavalier receives a +2 bonus (1/2 Cavalier level) whenever he uses Handle Animal on an animal that serves as a mount. In addition, he can reduce the time needed to teach a mount a new trick or train a mount for a general purpose to 1 day per 1 week required by increasing the DC by +5. He can also train more than one mount at once, although each mount after the first adds +2 to the DC.
Challenge: 2/day, a Cavalier can Challenge a foe to combat. As a Swift Action, the Cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge.
The Challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends.
The Cavalier's melee attacks deal +4 extra damage (equal to Cavalier level) whenever the attacks are made against the target of his Challenge.
Challenging a foe requires much of the Cavalier's concentration. The Cavalier takes a -2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his Challenge.
Whenever an Order of the Dragon Cavalier issues a Challenge, his allies receive a +2 Circumstance bonus on melee Attack Rolls against the target of his Challenge whenever he is threatening the target.
Whenever an Honor Guard issues a Challenge, he can select one ally as his ward for the duration of the Challenge. Whenever the Honor Guard is adjacent to his ward, he takes a -1 penalty to Armor Class, and the ward receives a +1 Dodge bonus to AC.
Additional Equipment of Note: Cold Iron Short Sword, Steel Longsword
Medallion of Mind Sentinel
Appearance: A ring wrought of flowing yellow gold in the shape of a dragon or a serpent swallowing its tail. Eyes green as grass sparkle by moonlight and by sunlight.
Ability: The medallion grants a continuous +2 resistance bonus on saves versus mind-affecting spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. If the wearer fails a save to avoid becoming dominated or confused, the amulet immediately allows the wearer to roll a second saving throw to resist the effect as a free action. If this second save is successful, the medallion's power fades away entirely and it becomes a simple piece of jewelry.
Spell-Break Shield
Appearance: Of shining bronze unmarred is the face of this shield, as a mirror to the light of sun and moon and of the hidden realms beyond. What meaning the runes set about its rim might have you cannot say, yet when the power of some spell or enchantment it upon the bearer they burn white as forge's fire.
+1 AC (Constant)
When affected by a spell of levels 1-3 the bearer may choose as a free action to roll 3d6 for Spell Resistance. If the resulting SR is defeated by more than a margin of 10, the shield gains the Broken condition. If this is repeated with the shield already broken it is destroyed. (3/Day)
DEFENSE: AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+5 Dex, -1 size, +4 natural, +4 chain shirt) HP 61 (6d8+30) Fort +10, Ref +10 (+2 vs Falling), Will +5 (+2 vs Fear, +4 on subsequent rounds if allowed)
OFFENSE: Speed 50 ft. Melee bite +8 (1d4+5), 2 hooves +8 (1d6+5) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Shared Vigilance (Ex): You and your designated companion gain Alertness as a bonus feat whenever you are adjacent.
Evasion (Ex): If you are subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, you take no damage if you make a successful saving throw.
Tenacious Guardian (Ex): You can always act in a surprise round (though you remain flat-footed until you act). As long as your ward is adjacent, you remain conscious (though you become staggered) when your hit points fall below 0. While below 0 hit points, you lose 1 hit point per round but gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, dying only if its hit points reach a negative total equal to your Constitution score plus your total hit dice.
*Against Diseases and Poisons
**Halved when Dealing with the world he now finds himself in due to its strange nature. Does not apply to magical beings
Special Abilities:
Non-magical: Knowing no magic Zaia cannot apply it to his Alchemy.
Swift Poison: You can apply poison to a weapon as a Move Action, instead of a Standard Action.
Poison Use: You are trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison yourself when applying poison to a blade.
Helpless: The first time per combat encounter that an ally within 30 feet falls Unconscious or dies as the result of an attack, you are Dazed until the end of your next turn.
Scholar: As a man of letters not battle, you do not gain Sneak Attack bonus and instead learn a feat whenever you would gain such, similar to the Adventurer, but able to pick only non-combat feats.
Chemical Weapons: You are able to retrieve an Alchemical item as if drawing a weapon. You add your Intelligence modifier to damage dealt with splash weapons, including any splash damage. You add 1/2 your level to Craft (Alchemy) checks.
Master Poisoner: You can use Craft (Alchemy) to change the type of a poison. This requires 1 hour of work with an Alchemist's lab and a Craft (Alchemy) skill check with a DC equal to the poison's DC. If successful, the poison's type changes to contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury. If the check fails, the poison is ruined. You also receive a bonus on Craft (Alchemy) skill checks when working with poison equal to 1/2 your Rogue level.
Amateur Investigator: 4/Day (INT modifier), you can expend one use of Inspiration as a Free Action to add +1d6 to the result of a Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft check, as long as you are trained in that skill (even if you take 10 or 20 on that check). You make this choice after the check is rolled and before the results of the roll are revealed. You can use Inspiration only once per skill check. Your pool of Inspiration refreshes each day, typically after you get a restful night's sleep.
Improvisational Healer: When attempting a Heal check that normally requires a healer's kit, you don't take a penalty on the check for not having a healer's kit. When you use a healer's kit, you can augment it with improvised supplies, gaining an additional +2 Circumstance bonus on your check. Finally, you can treat any potion ofCure Light Wounds, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, or potion of Cure Serious Wounds you drink yourself or administer to another character as though its caster level were equal to the number of ranks you have in the Heal skill. The spell's normal limitations apply; for example, a potion of Cure Light Wounds can cure a maximum of 1d8+5 points of damage, even if you have more than 5 ranks in the Heal skill.
Sea Creature Empathy: You can influence the attitude of water-dwelling animals and animals that live along coasts and shores, including birds, as if using Wild Empathy. You use your Witch level as your Druid level for this ability.
Guiding Spirit: Once per day as a Swift Action, you can look to your guiding spirit for advice. The next time you roll a d20 in that same round, roll twice and pick the better result. If one of these two rolls is a Natural 20, you can use this ability again that same day.
Conduit Surge: You are adept at channeling energy from ley lines to enhance your spells. 4/Day as a Swift Action, you can increase your effective caster level for the next spell you casts in that round by 1d4- levels. After performing a conduit surge, you must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + level of spell cast + number of additional caster levels granted) or become Staggered for a number of minutes equal to the level of the spell cast.
Description: Honey gold crystal bursting forth from roots of silver, this crystal seems more akin to some fruit of the earth than anything mined by the hand of man. Having once been forged for a respected and much beloved midwife and healer of the Boar Folk of Lirman this stone seeks to preserve its bearer against all the ills of the Border Woods, from poison to dark enchantment.
Ability: The Stone of Safekeeping grants its wearer a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws made to recover from a continuing effect, such as ongoing poison damage, daily saving throws against disease, a hold person spell, or lingering damage from an attack. This bonus does not help against initial saving throws against such effects. Should the wearer ever drop below 0 hit points, the stone heals the wearer for 2d8+3 points of damage and then crumbles to dust.
*Bonus applies to the Hunch task when dealing with anyone in some way related to your Profession (Sailor) skill.
**When dealing with people associated with the marketplaces in which you have invested.
Special Abilities:
Charmer: Re-roll Diplomacy 1/day.
Inspiring Speaker: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks when addressing crowds of 10 people or more.
Doubt: Whenever you fail a skill or ability check, you take a -4 penalty on that type of skill or ability check for the next hour.
Drunkard's Recovery: If you are dying and a creature gives you at least a sip of alcohol (a standard action for an adjacent creature), you immediately stabilize.
Convincing Attitude: If you attempt a Diplomacy check and fail to influence a creature's attitude by 5 or more, the creature's attitude remains unchanged instead of decreasing by one step.
Boots ofCat's Luck
Description: At first sight these boots looks like nothing more than sturdy travel wear, albeit with an ostentatious fastening, but to the mage's eye there is a glint of good fortune forged into the silver, such that one should only ever fall like the cat upon its feet.
Ability: The boot's wearer always takes the minimum possible damage from falls (as the result were 1 on each die of damage incurred by the fall) and at the end of a fall always lands on his feet.
Here's the updated character sheets, @DragonParadox. Added Inge's new level up, plus Antonio's swapped Rogue talent and his new boots.
The Marcella
(Eastern Mediterranean Galley 121 ft length 21 ft width 130 Metric tons of Cargo)
- Property of Captain Antonio
80 tons of somewhat moldy grain
Rare Trade Goods
-2846 Gold Roland
-1700 Gold Zaia
-8390 Gold Antonio
Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
[X] Spend some time with Silver, he seems moody and troubled over these last few days
-[X] Bring him out on deck to enjoy the sun and fresh air if he feels like it.
[X] Spend some time with Silver, he seems moody and troubled over these last few days
-[X] Bring him out on deck to enjoy the sun and fresh air if he feels like it.
[X] Spend some time with Silver, he seems moody and troubled over these last few days
-[X] Bring him out on deck to enjoy the sun and fresh air if he feels like it.
Best horse needs some care. After that maybe see if we can talk to our men either on the trip or when we arrive. Need to keep those bonds strong.
"Those... like my father do not feed upon flesh or blood, or any other gross matter that defines life, rather they feed upon minds, thoughts, that which makes a man a man and not just a beast that has learned the trick of walking upright. Of this knowlege most is hoarded deep in the caverns of their souls, but in the moment of quickening, when such a soul as mine is brought into the world, some sliver of affinity is passed on.
[X] Spend some time with Silver, he seems moody and troubled over these last few days
-[X] Bring him out on deck to enjoy the sun and fresh air if he feels like it.
@Goldfish , how do you see the idea of retraining Tom when he gets to fighter to be the strong one? I mean, going for powerful maneuvers, granting him a Crow's Beak, and nive armor. The big hammer guy.
Thirty Ninth Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascending) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)
Leaning back on Silver's warm solid flank brings back memories of many lazy summers in the fields of home, but besides the warm sun and blue skies above now all else around you is different. You are sitting not on fragrant grass and wildflowers, but the deck of a ship moving with the ebb and flow of unfamiliar currents, all around you there is the sound of voices not in French and English, but most often in Sicilian and Greek mingled with the slow rising quick falling tones of Anwari. Yet of all the changes that remind you of what you have lost there is one, greatest of all which you do not regret. "Running on blue fields are you?" you hear Silver ask, a soft rumble you hear as much with your back as with your ears.
"Pardon?" you ask lazily opening an eye.
"Running over the sky instead of staying with your feet properly on the ground, I mean, it's an expression," he replies at once.
"Where from?" you ask bemused, you had not heard such a thing, not in Normandy, nor Sicily, nor Apuku from whence you had left two weeks past.
"From me of course, I am the only one of my kind so I can make my own twists of language if I care to and that one seemed particularly horse-like."
Without thinking you feel a laugh bubble to your lips. "Particularly horse-like..." Then as abruptly as it had come the mirth fades as a suspicion falls over your mind. "Is that what was the matter these last few days? Are you feeling... lonely?" It had not occurred to you when you made the choice, but Silver is indeed alone in all the world, more alone than even you in this strange world, for you have brought with you some fellow travelers and you have found here others to keep pleasant company, but he is truly alone in all the world, a horse with the mind, perhaps the soul of a man. Had you overstepped some line you did not then see?
This answer cuts off the dark thought cleanly as the blade of a knife. "I worry about you, worry about not being able to help. I could hear the fight above decks you know and smell it too..." He trails off, the breath of a long sigh ruffling your hair. "But what would I have ever done on deck? Try to hit him with my hooves. Ha! Imagine if all the weapons you had were two rings of iron held in your fist."
"If it did not risk giving the trap away I would have been glad to have you right there besides me and as for weapons edged steel clous barely hurt the thing more than blunt would iron and hoof might have. We all struggled with it," you assure your friend.
"Not all, the wizards were doing a good enough job making themselves felt," he counters tossing his head playfully,
"Well if you take up sorcery be sure to warn me first," you counter in jest.
The hours pass, the sun passes into the west though it is not yet fallen beyond the horizon as you talk of things that are and things that were, and some things than might be when the sound of familiar splashing draws your attention to the aft side of the ship. Ripper is there with a large una in his mouth and if he is actually bringing that one back the fishing must have been great otherwise and he is in the mood to play.
"Do you want to get in the water?" Inge asks Silver, seeing his wistful look.
You and he share a meaningful look. It is not that horses cannot swim, far from it, they can swim fine, in streams, and rivers so long as they do not flow too swift, in ponds, maybe even near the shore of some still and shallow lake, but not in the sea. Silver is about to shake his head when the girl adds. "I've got a spell to give you the sea's grace so you can swim quick as a fish in water."
"Well then I have certainly enjoyed the last bit of magic worked on me, so why not this?" Silver gets up and gingerly walks to Inge, still uneasy of the tilting deck.
The magic passes over him like the shimmer of moonlight on water, shifting the coat of white to silver grey marked with the pattern of grey, upon his head and his front hooves sprouts delicate pink webbing and most miraculous of all his hind legs merge mid jump into a tail to the amazement of all who see it, be it among your won men or the sailors. Silver himself does not seem to care for the audience, he jumps and frolics among the waves, playing catch with Ripper, who is still able to outrun him thankfully for his pride, or else circling the ship and tossing his head and feet at the setting sun.
"Can you..." you start to ask Inge, then catch yourself short. You shouldn't. It is not dignified, it probably isn't even all that safe. You don't know what is in the water. "Cast that spell again?" Good sense can wait a few days more.
You do not get a tail, just fingers and toes webbed like a frog, and a greater gift for swimming than you ever had. Alas, the magic does not last long, but in your mind the memories endure.
Fortieth Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascending) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)
That night the dark shapes of what would be Hispania and Africa begin to show on the horizon and with that the question of what to do about the passage. On the one hand Inge would wish to linger and summon the knikut whom you had broken faith with before to offer some manner of restitution, while on the other Antonio would prefer let the matter pass as water under the bridge, reasoning that they did not own the Mouth of the World and thus they are owed no more notice of your passage coming or going than brigands who tried to ambush you in a narrow place. You might have asked for Zaia's wisdom but both he and Esha are too bound out in whatever studies they had set about in to worry about the passage through the straights.
Thus you are left with the deciding opinion, should you risk another meeting with those who would have little cause to recall you fondly for the sake of fairness and not leaving foes behind you, or should you instead press on by night as you had done on the journey westward?
[] Linger and seek to make amends with the Stout Folk of the South for your broken word
[] Pass on by night as you had done before
[] Write in
OOC: There was a roll for spotting something glinting in the depths wile horsing around, but that cane up no encounter so it was just pure play. Not yet edited.
I honestly couldn't care less about what we do with the stout folk, I have found my purpose in this quest.
"Well if you take up sorcery be sure to warn me first," you counter in jest. magic horse.
Is there also more animals like Silver in the rest of the world so there's Narnian talking animals or Redwall's mouse monks and professional hares that scream blood and vinegar war cries?
Is there also more animals like Silver in the rest of the world so there's Narnian talking animals or Redwall's mouse monks and professional hares that scream blood and vinegar war cries?
The people who tried to block you from going through the straights because they sensed some curse on the Marcella, you said you would turn back then ran the passage in the dark
Not that Roland knows of, but then he has no knowledge skills at all, so not the best person to ask
If the Stout Folk turn out to be enemies,sneaking past them now would be for the best, IMO. That way we don't have to fight our way through them going into the Mediterranean and leaving again when we return to Lirman.
The people who tried to block you from going through the straights because they sensed some curse on the Marcella, you said you would turn back then ran the passage in the dark
Not that Roland knows of, but then he has no knowledge skills at all, so not the best person to ask
Oh yeah those folk who blocked the party because of a curse they sensed on the ship.
He definitely won't know. His only first encounter with an animal that talks is his own horse because of a reward that lets his prized companion become smart enough to talk in a magic ritual.