Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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How much for a map of the known world by the way?

Well this is the bronze age, so a proper map of the world is unlikely to be found, there are navigational charts, but they are more in the way of approximations of 'it takes so and so many days to get from here to there in this season'. That Zaia was even able to tell where he was is a testament to his significant cross disciplinary skills.
Well this is the bronze age, so a proper map of the world is unlikely to be found, there are navigational charts, but they are more in the way of approximations of 'it takes so and so many days to get from here to there in this season'. That Zaia was even able to tell where he was is a testament to his significant cross disciplinary skills.
Maybe we can make it a business by selling consolidated charts and a more precise map of the islands to various scholars and merchants? Adding in where the reefs are and other notable landmarks?

I.e. there is a cartographer occupation in Pathfinder right?
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@DragonParadox, rather than selling some of the geldings, would it instead be possible to have them stabled here in Apuku while we are gone? Or is that impossible due to their rarity and/or lack of appropriate facilities?
Just in case, let's ask Ohun if there are any weird dangers we should look out for. Weird for us doesn't mean weird for everyone else on this planet, after all, and the sea itself is likely full of dangerous shit.

As for the Cold Iron, we can always sell the weapons if we need the money in the future, but for now I would like to have some ready for anti-Fey combat if it proves necessary.

[X] Yes
-[X] Are there any particular hazards between Apuku and Korman, be they creatures of the sea or products of the environment, but which Inge might not be familiar with or think to warn us of due to familiarity?
-[X] Is piracy common in this area? Are there any telltale signs that an approaching vessel might be crewed by pirates, be it sails or flags, size or shape, etc?

[X] Yes
-[X] Reforge the Cold Iron Box: x6 Spearpoints and x100 Arrowheads

[X] Arrange for 10 of our geldings to be stabled in Apuku while we travel to Korman. Cost: 70 silver pieces per day.
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[X] Yes
-[X] Are there any particular hazards between Apuku and Korman, be they creatures of the sea or products of the environment, but which Inge might not be familiar with or think to warn us of due to familiarity?
-[X] Is piracy common in this area? Are there any telltale signs that an approaching vessel might be crewed by pirates, be it sails or flags, size or shape, etc?

[X] Yes
-[X] Reforge the Cold Iron Box: x6 Spearpoints and x100 Arrowheads
[X] Yes
-[X] Are there any particular hazards between Apuku and Korman, be they creatures of the sea or products of the environment, but which Inge might not be familiar with or think to warn us of due to familiarity?
-[X] Is piracy common in this area? Are there any telltale signs that an approaching vessel might be crewed by pirates, be it sails or flags, size or shape, etc?

[X] Yes
-[X] Reforge the Cold Iron Box: x6 Spearpoints and x100 Arrowheads
[X] Yes
-[X] Are there any particular hazards between Apuku and Korman, be they creatures of the sea or products of the environment, but which Inge might not be familiar with or think to warn us of due to familiarity?
-[X] Is piracy common in this area? Are there any telltale signs that an approaching vessel might be crewed by pirates, be it sails or flags, size or shape, etc?
[X] Yes
-[X] Are there any particular hazards between Apuku and Korman, be they creatures of the sea or products of the environment, but which Inge might not be familiar with or think to warn us of due to familiarity?
-[X] Is piracy common in this area? Are there any telltale signs that an approaching vessel might be crewed by pirates, be it sails or flags, size or shape, etc?
-[X] who are the political players in Korman? Which house is more willing to trade or will be more suspicious of us?
-[X] Aside from your order, are there other organized magic users around? If we may ask, is there anyone powerful enough around which can send us back home?
Maybe we can make it a business by selling consolidated charts and a more precise map of the islands to various scholars and merchants? Adding in where the reefs are and other notable landmarks?

I.e. there is a cartographer occupation in Pathfinder right?

There are PC classes that do that yes, not sure I would call it an occupation. PCs are generally speaking rather rare
Just added this to my vote;

[] Arrange for 10 of our geldings to be stabled in Apuku while we travel to Korman. Cost: 70 silver pieces per day.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 15, 2021 at 10:13 AM, finished with 22 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Yes
    -[X] Are there any particular hazards between Apuku and Korman, be they creatures of the sea or products of the environment, but which Inge might not be familiar with or think to warn us of due to familiarity?
    -[X] Is piracy common in this area? Are there any telltale signs that an approaching vessel might be crewed by pirates, be it sails or flags, size or shape, etc?
    [X] Yes
    -[X] Reforge the Cold Iron Box: x6 Spearpoints and x100 Arrowheads
    [X] Arrange for 10 of our geldings to be stabled in Apuku while we travel to Korman. Cost: 70 silver pieces per day.
    [X] Yes
    -[X] Are there any particular hazards between Apuku and Korman, be they creatures of the sea or products of the environment, but which Inge might not be familiar with or think to warn us of due to familiarity?
    -[X] Is piracy common in this area? Are there any telltale signs that an approaching vessel might be crewed by pirates, be it sails or flags, size or shape, etc?
    -[X] who are the political players in Korman? Which house is more willing to trade or will be more suspicious of us?
    -[X] Aside from your order, are there other organized magic users around? If we may ask, is there anyone powerful enough around which can send us back home?
Which one was this, again?
I mean the first one, when Viseris decided to go to Mantaris through Volantis, but not to get involve in any quests in the city. It was an (almost) perfect plan... up to the momemt he met (not) Melisandre, a priestess of (not) R'hllor right on the pier. At the end players almost exausted the DragonParadox'es table of Volantis random events... :D
Arc 3 Post 5: Wolves of the Sea
Wolves of the Sea

The Thirty Seventh of Elnu-hamba [Elnu Descendent] Year 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)

Ohun's account of how the lives and feuds of the Anwa are supposed to go have the ring of authority to them, as one who has been judge to many a conflict between clans, but also has something of formality to it, as though you were listening to a monk versed in the particulars of dusty parchments over the practicality of living in the world. This too you take into account as you listen closely to his recollections of how things aught to be and what you are likely to find between here and Korman as well as at your destination

Firstly you discover that war in its full brutality is thought of as a sacrament of Olweje, the wailing of the fallen as music to his ear and the blood of the dying mead for his feasts, and thus it is only the kings acting as instruments of the war god's will that can proclaim war one upon the other and even then only with the agreement of their great nobles who will sail and bear banners in their wake. The nobles are perhaps unsurprisingly hesitant to spend their blood and the flower of their children's youth in war between the kings of the islands. The last of king who was able to proclaim full war with his neighbors was Unke the Red more than six hundred years ago.

Most of the conflicts and feuds of the Anwa are either brought before the counsel of the Order of the Stone Keepers of whom Ohun is one or when pride and battle lust, or greed and gold love be too strong for the mediating they are resolved in rajira, raiding. This is defined not merely in its practice as the act of one or a few ships sailing out to steal what they can and burn what they cannot, but in the formal structures of what can and cannot be done to the enemy, his property, his kin and his people. For one raids among the islanders may not see the attacker witness dusk and dawn upon the same shore so in one night or one day they must do their work, then also they may not take thralls or burn and destroy crops and basic shelter. Such is thought to bring down the storm of Elnu's judgement upon the transgressor. Rare according to Ohun is the intercession of his son into the domain of his mother but always clearly marked.

Thus raids are done upon swift slender ships that can be easily beached upon the shore and just as swiftly pushed off to sea, laden with treasure and the spoils of the raid, while they hide in narrow coves and move by moonless night. It is a dangerous sport and one not many of the lords have a stomach for these days. Alas that in the years since the Redman's War some of the kings realized that they need not send their own trusted men in rajira, after all it is not formal war and when one wishes to harm a rival more than claim plunder... well warriors could be found to work for that plunder. Outlaws and broken men they were, the mad, the ambitious and the exiled from kith and kin, a weapon that any king or lord could call upon with one breath and disavow with the next if need be for they swore no oaths and took their price only in treasure to be aimed this way and that.

There are limits to how large a single band can grow before the lords start eyeing them darkly, a score warriors is common, two score is a band grown rich in the practice of their bloody craft and three score is likely to get them hunted down like dogs if they do not find a master or settle and put down roots on some deserted shore which some had done. No clans boast of being from raider stock, but some bear the mark even here on Lirman. It is from these pirates in all but name that you might face a threat on the passage to Korman, one longboat or two, three at the absolute most, but they will come with guile if they are to dare a ship as large as the Marcella, perhaps by night, perhaps by sorcery aided.

"Look to a ship of ill make and slovenly crew and there you shall find men without care for gods or lord, kept as half-wild wolves at the door and just as likely to bite the hand that feeds them."

You nod, taking in the full tale and glad that you had the chest of sky metal reforged into arrows and spears. They might not aid as well against mortal magecraft as against the fey, but they cannot hurt and might help.

Gained 6 Cold Iron Spears and 100 Cold Iron Arrows

"And what of perils that are not of mortal hands wrought, beasts and spirits from Beyond the Pale?" You ask and for a moment find yourself surprised at how easily the words pass your lips, not only that you should expect such things, but that you had used an expression common in Anwari and not in French or English. Already this world is changing you...

"Were you sailing upon any other ship I would say that the strangest beast you are likely to meet is the one already swimming alongside, but there is power unspent in wood and sail, in canvas and rope, you might yet meet the spirits of Ikomi's Dance while you yet live and breathe above the waves. If you do take heart in the fact that you are in the company of one who is by the Dark Mother beloved and in the fact that they are like to be near the nadir of their power as the drums of Olweje thunder."

Right then, you will have to wait for winter to meet the things begotten of death and drowning at their mightiest, such good fortune. You do not say the words, though perhaps the old man could read them in your eyes.

As you set off upon the journey what do you spend your time doing?

[] Train with Tom (Progress 1/10 in helping Tom retrain to fighter)

[] Teach Inge how to use that dagger (Inge gains proficiency with her new weapon)

[] Learn more about the Anwa and their world (Can make untrained Knowledge Local rolls about the world you are now in) Choose one:
-[] Local affairs
-[] The doings of kings and princes
-[] The great deeds of the past
-[] The shape of the world
-[] Plants, animals and the spirits of the land

OOC: Sorry this took so long guys, I had not one but two power outages as I was writing and that killed my pacing.
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That's some really solid world building, DP. I'm always up for learning more about the cultures of the people we interact with. This was a lot more than I was expecting from the question we asked, but I sure won't complain about that.

Tough to choose which option to go with, since they're all appealing, if for different reasons. Gonna go with the Tom option, though. Getting him retrained to a Fighter would be great, not only because it improves his effectiveness significantly, but also because he could then begin the process of retraining our other men. The more NPCs we turn into PCs, the better.

[X] Train with Tom (Progress 1/10 in helping Tom retrain to fighter)
That's some really solid world building, DP. I'm always up for learning more about the cultures of the people we interact with. This was a lot more than I was expecting from the question we asked, but I sure won't complain about that.

Tough to choose which option to go with, since they're all appealing, if for different reasons. Gonna go with the Tom option, though. Getting him retrained to a Fighter would be great, not only because it improves his effectiveness significantly, but also because he could then begin the process of retraining our other men. The more NPCs we turn into PCs, the better.

[X] Train with Tom (Progress 1/10 in helping Tom retrain to fighter)

It should be said that not everyone has the potential to be a PC. I'm not saying Tom is necessarily the only one, but you may eventually hit a wall in terms of lacking natural talent or just drive and interest. Men at arms may be the closest thing to professional soldiers where you come from but they are not really as invested into martial skill as a fighter would be, that is more the domain of knights who are trained from a young age.
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