Adventurer Quest

[X] Plan Nervous Newbie
-[X] Talk to the Sun Elf and Bovine Beastkin.
-[X] Investigate the giggle.
-[X] Go outside and talk to the cloaked quartet.
-[X] Talk with the innkeeper.
-[X] Talk to the partying Dwarves.
-[X] Check the mission board.
-[X] Talk to the dark stranger

The first two already have a mission but look like they're worried about not having enough manpower.
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[X] Investigate the giggle
[X] Talk to the Sun Elf and Bovine Beastkin
[X] Talk with the innkeeper
[X] Check the mission board

Ones I find interesting, in order.
Chapter 5
Adventurer Quest
Arc 1: A New Frontier
Chapter 5


Day 277 of the Year 290 AW.
Mid Afternoon.
Weather: Overcast.

[X] Plan Nervous Newbie
-[X] Talk to the Sun Elf and Bovine Beastkin.

A calm smile on your face, you head directly towards the table with the Elf and Beastkin. The woman seems to be troubled over a quest of some sort. Maybe you can help, or make allies at the least. The innkeeper watches you cross the floor for a few seconds before turning away. None of the other patrons seem to notice or care however.

The Beastkin catches your approach and his hand tightens around the shaft of his weapon. Not threateningly, you dont think, just prepared.

"Hi, I'm Lireal!" You chirp, hoping for a positive reception. Your wings are tucked in to reduce the size of your profile and you have a calming smile on your face. "I'm a new adventurer and just got here today."

The Elf sniffs but doesn't bother to look up. The Beastkin gives you a curt nod.

"Uh, yeah..." You continue, unsure what to do with such blatant dismissal. Even that Orc shopkeeper wasn't this rude. "Well.. you look a bit troubled. Do you guys need help with something?"

The Elf sniffs again and you can see her frown deepen. The Beastkin looks to her for a moment before turning to you and leaning forward. The action jostles the small chain around his neck and you catch sight of a golden Plate peeking out. High level adventurers.

"The thought is appreciated little Fae," He rumbles out, the gravely voice resonating from deep within his armor. "but the Lady Jastra does not wish to be disturbed at this time. I must ask that you leave us."

"Oh, uh, okay." You reply, backing away. Well, looks like they're not up for conversation right now. Oh well, maybe next time. Having such experienced adventurers as friends and allies would be awesome. Taking another glance around between the table of boisterous Dwarves and the shadowed stranger, you decide to-

[X] Investigate the giggle.

-take a look upstairs.

You take the stairs two at a time and come to the second floor of the inn. Immediately in front of you is a closed door with a thick brass knob. Six more such doors line the walls, all closed. To your immediate left is a windowed door that seems to lead outside, to the porch from what you can tell. Lastly is a seating area overlooking the floor below, the tables and chairs are all empty however.

You hear the giggle again and immediately pinpoint the source. One of the closed doors. A bit unsure, you stalk up to the door and press your ear close -another giggle, a deep grunt, a soft moan- and immediately back away. Right, not going in there.

[X] Go outside and talk to the cloaked quartet.

Blushing, you dart out the door to the porch and look around. It's just you outside. The cloaked figures are gone now, three empty mugs resting on the table. You stick around for a moment, taking deep breaths to calm your nerves before heading down the stairs and back through the main door. The innkeeper catches your eye and raises a brow in question, you smile nervously and make your way over.

[X] Talk with the innkeeper.

"Hello." You greet, receiving a nod in return. "I'm Lireal."

"Alog." He grunts in reply. "What can I getcha?"

"Oh, uh, nothing thanks." You say, glancing at the menu above. "I'm kind of a new adventurer and new to the area, can you tell me anything?"

"Hrm." He shrugs. "Well, the regions divided inta four main parts. This here's the Mushy Quag, monsters here are weak as it gets and the camp's here. Then ya got the Bottomless Peat Bog, not a lotta monsters there but the sinkholes make it very unsafe ta walk around in. Afta that is the Deep Marsh, lots of dangerous monsters round those parts. Last is the Misty Woods, no one much knows what's in the Misty woods. Other then that, look out fer the Crocs I guess."

"Crocs?" You ask in confusion.

He nods.

"Crocodyls, got a village of em somewhere out in the swamp." Alog explains, setting down the now clean mug in exchange for another. "You'll see em swimming or walking round the Bog and Deep Marsh sometimes. Lotsa other adventures been going missing round there, gotta be the sneaky buggers at work. Never found the bodies though so ah suppose they must've ate em too."

[Roll 1d20 + 1 (Dungeoneering) = 11]

You nod slowly, trying to recall what exactly a Crocodyl is. All you can recall is something about feral Lizardmen though. Alog seems to take your nod as acknowledgement and moves on.

"Be careful bout where you go stepping too. Lotsa sink holes, hidden roots and deep water. Check the ground before you take a step and keep an eye out for Mushds, they blend in well but they shouldn't give ya too much trouble." He continues before nodding to your wings. "Dont forget to look up if you go flying low too. Them trees always got something in em. Snakes, leeches or some of them damn Scarabs."

[Roll 1d20 + 1 (Dungeoneering) = 5]
[Roll 1d20 + 1 (Dungeoneering) = 19]

"Mushds? What are those?" You ask, curious as this is your first time hearing the term. Scarabs you already have an intimate knowledge about. Annoying insect monsters the size of your head. They live primarily in forests and swamps like this and have an annoying affinity for elemental magic dependent on the color of their thick shells. The lake near your hometown has had an infestation of the Blue variety for years now.

"Mud monsters." He grunts, spiting off to the side. Gross. "Small little things but they can hide really good in the swamp and will drag you into the water if you get close. Keep an eye on the ground, you can tell em from the regular mud cus they're browner than the stuff out there."

You nod in understanding.

"That's about it." The Orc says, looking up in thought. "Just be smart and careful out there, you go missing and there ain't many that're gonna risk themselves looking."

"Oh, thanks Alog." You reply with a small smile. The advice and warnings are really well appreciated.

The Orc grunts and goes back to cleaning his glass so you look around before moving off.

[X] Talk to the partying Dwarves.

The table of Dwarves is still a loud affair as you approach. There's drunken singing, tankards clanking and fists pounding on the table. They seem to be celebrating something. Even the normally dour Nethers are raising a ruckus. You're not sure the reason but you have a feeling there's probably treasure involved.

You try to get a word in but they're all too distracted and loud. You can't really get their attention without ending their fun and that would defeat the purpose of things. You hover around the table for a few seconds before deciding to head off.

[X] Check the mission board.

The mission board seems to be calling out to you, so you head over to take a look. There are over a dozen nails on the board but only seven papers remain. It would seem that others have already taken their pick. Of the seven remaining papers, two are really old and don't seem like they are meant to be taken off as they are long standing bounty posters.
A Rank - Bounty: 'Man-eater' Crocabulia!
A heavily scarred member of the Dread Swamp Crocodyl tribe. Crocabulia is often in the village but sometimes roams the Deep Marsh with a small squad of his fellow tribesmen. Crocabulia is a powerful Barbarian known to wield a pair of cleaver like axes.
Wanted dead for the slaying of various adventurers.
Recommended Level: 50.
Reward: 20,000 G.
D Rank - Bounty: 'Bullseye' Welton!
The last surviving member of the Ruby Crows bandit gang. Welton is believed to be hiding out on the outer fringes of the Bottomless Peat Bog. His hideout is believed to be well hidden and trapped. Welton is an expert Ranger utilizing a high grade crossbow stolen from an Imperial weapons shipment.
Wanted dead or alive for the crime of Banditry.
Recommended Level: 15.
Reward: 5,000 G.
You make sure to memorize the provided sketches in case you come across either one of the criminals. Below the wanted posters are papers for available mission requests.
B Rank: Crocodyl Extermination.
Mobs of Crocodyl have been seen roaming the swamp and attacking any they come across. Cull their numbers before they become a great danger to the inhabitants of the Frontier Town.
Kill at least ten Crocodyl and bring their tails to Foreman Hedwick.
Recommended Level: 20.
Reward: 250 G/tail, limit 20.
C Rank: Scarab Extermination.
A Scarab hive has been spotted near the Frontier Town. Cull their numbers before they become a danger to the inhabitants of the Frontier Town.
Kill at least fifteen Scarab and bring their shells to Foreman Hedwick.
Recommended Level: 5.
Reward: 100 G/shell, limit 40.
D Rank: Silver Herb Gathering.
A requirement for mid level healing potions, Silver Herb can be found growing around the Mushy Quag and Bottomless Peat Bog.
Bring twenty Silver Herb to Alchemist Jiho.
Recommended Level: 5.
Reward: 1000 G.
B Rank: Golden Scarab Capture.
The rare Golden Scarab has reportedly been spotted in the Mushy Quag. It can likely be found nesting with others of it's kind.
Capture the Golden Scarab alive and bring it to Alchemist Jiho.
Recommended Level: 10.
Reward: 2000 G.
D Rank: Lost Medallion.
A medallion belonging to a Cleric of Lumino has been lost near the Mushy Quag. The Cleric reported seeing the item sink into the body of a Mushd.
Kill various Mushd to find the medallion and return it to Cleric Hamil in the Church of Light.
Recommended Level: 5.
Reward: 500 G.
Looking through the mission requests, you decide to try your hand at the:
*choose as many as you want but if you dont complete them in a timely manner you will either fail the quest or receive a greatly reduced reward.
[] Crocodyl Extermination.
[] Scarab Extermination.
[] Silver Herb Gathering.
[] Golden Scarab Capture.
[] Lost Medallion.
[] None.

Do you ask anyone for help?
[] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.
[] Partying Dwarves.
[] Write in.

[X] Talk to the dark stranger

Finished with that, you turn towards the dark corner where the cloaked figure was sitting. Only to find them gone and an empty glass on the table. So much for that.

Where do you go next?
*it is now late afternoon.
[] The Frontier: you can explore the region or perform a quest.
[] The Mushy Quag (Recommended Level: 5 - 20)
[] The Bottomless Peat Bog (Recommended Level: 20 - 30)
[] The Deep Marsh (Recommended Level: 40 - 50)
[] The Misty Woods (Recommended Level: 50+)​
[] The Inn: You can sleep here for a fee, gather information about the area, pick up a mission or hire party members for a quest.
[] Weapon Store: sells weapons.
[] Armor Store: sells armor.
[] General Store: sells potions and misc items.
[] Profession Workshop: can gather resources or craft items.
[] Bank: stores money and items for a fee, can be accessed from any branch.
[] Your Cabin: You can sleep here and store items for free.
[] Church of Light: pray for blessings.
[] Write in.

Voting is Closed.​
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[X] Church of Light: pray for blessings.

Might as well check it out before going to sleep and starting quests tomorrow.

[X] Scarab Extermination.
[X] Lost Medallion.

Good starting quests that are found in the same area. Herb gathering looks like another decent one, but it's in another area and it doesn't include killing stuff.
[X] Silver Herb Gathering.
[X] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.
[X] Profession Workshop: can gather resources or craft items.

Noncombat opening mission to get our feet wet, and the craft workshop to get the tutorial on that.
[X] Silver Herb Gathering.
[X] Scarab Extermination.
[X] Lost Medallion
[X] The Frontier: you can explore the region or perform a quest.
-[X] The Mushy Quag (Recommended Level: 5 - 20)

Do we need to buy anything to gather herbs, or can we just go out immediately to try to collect them?
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Do we need to buy anything to gather herbs, or can we just go out immediately to try to collect them?

You can just head out and collect them. It's just a matter of Nature or Survival rolls for whether you find them, and random encounter rolls for whether you get attacked or not.
[X] Silver Herb Gathering.
[X] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.
[X] Profession Workshop: can gather resources or craft items.

Lets get on our feet and maybe gain a bit of experience before fighting right away. I agree with veekie.
[X] Silver Herb Gathering.
[X] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.
[X] Profession Workshop: can gather resources or craft items.
Ugh, the Frontier suuuuuuuucks.

We've only met two people who aren't rude jerks so far, and neither of them are adventurers who can help us.
[X] Church of Light: pray for blessings.

Might as well check it out before going to sleep and starting quests tomorrow.

[X] Scarab Extermination.
[X] Lost Medallion.

Good starting quests that are found in the same area. Herb gathering looks like another decent one, but it's in another area and it doesn't include killing stuff.
Not sure what you mean, since the Silver Herbs grow in both the Mushy Quag and Bottomless Peat Bog. And it's something we can do while working on other quests. Also sounds like something we need to do to make higher quality potions available for sale.

[X] Silver Herb Gathering.
[X] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.
[X] Profession Workshop: can gather resources or craft items.

Noncombat opening mission to get our feet wet, and the craft workshop to get the tutorial on that.
I see no reason why the busy high level adventurers would want to help us with our low level quests after telling us to take a hike. But I guess we don't lose anything by asking.

It's currently late afternoon. Since going out into the Frontier at night sounds like a Bad Idea, going to the Profession Workshop now will put off our questing until tomorrow. And we were just warned not to delay once we accept quests. And the Profession Workshop sounds like we won't get anything done without any materials to work with, which we don't have.

[X] Scarab Extermination.
[X] Silver Herb Gathering.
[X] Lost Medallion.
[X] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.
[X] The Frontier: you can explore the region or perform a quest.
-[X] The Mushy Quag (Recommended Level: 5 - 20)
[X] Silver Herb Gathering.
[X] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.
[X] The Frontier: you can explore the region or perform a quest.
-[X] The Mushy Quag (Recommended Level: 5 - 20)
Oh right.

[X] Scarab Extermination.
[X] Silver Herb Gathering.
[X] Lost Medallion.
[X] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.
[X] The Frontier: you can explore the region or perform a quest.
-[X] The Mushy Quag (Recommended Level: 5 - 20)

Is there any reason not to get Lost Medallion and Scarab quests? Why the hell are people not getting them?
Chapter 6
A/N: Made a change to the last chapter regarding the Peat Bog, had my descriptions mixed up. The names of the dark gods in the summary have been changed to Nacht and Malitiae to match new naming conventions.

Adventurer Quest
Arc 1: A New Frontier
Chapter 6


Day 277 of the Year 290 AW.
Mid Afternoon.
Weather: Overcast.

[X] Silver Herb Gathering.

You tear the mission notice off the board and look it over. There's only the basic details available, nothing in small print or on the back. You just need to collect twenty of the Silver Herb from the Swamp and take them to the alchemist at the professions center.

[Quest gained: Silver Herb Gathering]

Should be simple enough. But...

[X] Elf Maiden and Beastkin.

You turn towards the table with the Elf and Beastkin. The mission seems simple enough but there's always the chance for unexpected complications. All you've heard about the Swamp so far is how dangerous it is. Asking for help might be a good call right now. Get some higher ranked adventurers to show you the ropes and all.

Yeah, that seems like a good call.

Nodding to yourself, you firm up your shoulders and walk towards the table. The Elf has put the mission notice away and has turned her focused gaze onto a bowl of water on the table. Her hands are to each side of the bowl and as you approach, you can see that the water is rippling without a source. The Beastkin sees you approaching and nods, his hand is still around the weapon shaft but he seems less wary this time.

"Greetings again little Fae, is there something you need?" He asks, rumbly voice low.

You nod, smile and hold up the mission notice.

"I just picked up a mission and I was hoping you could give me a hand." You explain without preamble, better to be forthright about things like this. "Like I said before, I'm a bit new to the adventurer life and I could use some experts to maybe show me how things are done."

He frowns and looks to the Elf, she simply huffs and keeps focusing on the rippling bowl.

"I am afraid not friend Angel." He replies solemnly. "My Lady will be preoccupied for some time and we are already engaged in another matter of import. What mission have you taken up may I ask?"

"The Silver Herb gathering one." You answer, shoulders slumping. You we're really hoping they would help. Maybe.. "Can you help? If she's going to be busy for a while and all..."

He shakes his head in the negative.

"I am oath bound to protect my Lady Jastra. I cannot, in good conscience, leave her side. " He replies. The Elf snorts at that but doesn't look up or say anything. The Beastkin sends a look her way, part fondness and part exasperation, before turning back to you. "You are in luck however, the plant you seek grows in great abundance in a nearby part of the Mushy Quag. I can give you directions and perhaps save you some time."

You beam and nod enthusiastically. That sounds like it would be a great help.

"Thanks, er…" You trail off, realizing that you don't actually know his name yet you know the Elf's despite never speaking to her.

He chuckles.

"I am Noshi of the Mountainbinders, Paladin of the Luminous Hand and sworn shield of the lady Jastra Naemaris. As for your herbs, they-" The now identified Noshi begins explaining.

[Roll 1d20 + 1 (religion) = 20!]

You nod and listen to the instructions with half an ear. The whole while you are wondering what a paladin of the luminous hand is doing all the way out here. The Order of the Luminous Hand, one of the four orders of the Church of Light and followers of the Lady of Light, Illumina. Unlike the more militant orders, the Luminous Hand is more focused towards providing healing to the wounded and eradicating disease. A member of the Hand can be found in almost every village, town and city on the continent, providing free healing and medicine to the residents. They are greatly revered and beloved. It means a great deal for one such member to be the sworn shield of a single individual, Elven noblewoman or not.

"-ope this will ease your quest." Noshi concludes, having provided you with clear directions to a large patch of Silver Herb near the town.

"I believe that it will, thank you Paladin Noshi." You reply with a bow in thanks. Someone of his station deserves all the respect you can give.

"Think nothing of it young Fae." He nods, eyes darting over to the still rippling bowl with a slight frown. "May the Lady of Light guide you well on this quest."

"Ah, thank you, to you as well." You reply, taking the polite dismissal for what it is and walking away.

Well then, it looks like you're on your own for this quest.

[X] The Frontier.
-[X] The Mushy Quag.

Exiting the inn, you take a look around the empty Swamp before nodding to yourself and taking flight. Noshis instructions are simple enough to follow but they were given for a land bound being, your ability to fly allows you to cut off several steps to the journey. You remember Alogs advice and decide to fly high above the trees, you wouldn't put it past some of the wildlife to drop down on you in a surprise attack. Following the truncated instructions from high above, you soon leave the camp behind and glide towards a distant patch of solid looking ground.

The Mushy Quag is an wide expanse of swampland upon which the the Frontier Camp rests on the outer edge. The water is tinged a dark green and has a tendency to bubble in some parts. There are various sized patches of solid looking land and the many trees grow up to almost fifty meters in height. In the far distance, you can see a horizon of hilly, black land. That must be the Bottomless Peat Bog. Looking around, you spot quite a few figures moving about the Quag. The smaller shapes you spot seem to be monsters, primarily Scarabs, or wild critters roaming the Quag, while the larger forms are adventurers and townsfolk going about their business. You even spot four figures that might be the cloaked individuals from the inn. They seem to be heading towards the Peat Bog with purpose.

Soon enough, you spot the area of land Noshi has directed you to. It's a small, grassy island surrounded by swamp. Growing in the shallows off the edge of the island is a large patch of silver plants that shine and glimmer in the sunlight. The herbs that you need. Your wings flare out and you drop down towards a solid looking patch of land. You land with nary a sound and walk towards the plants, eyes solidly fixed on the ground you're stepping on. The ground proves solid enough however and you're soon squatting on the waters edge and reaching for the plants growing out of the muddy brown water.

[Roll 1d20 + 2 (forewarned) = 14]

It's only as your hand nears the first herb that you suddenly understand what it means for the water near them to be such an odd shade of brown. You manage to pull your hand back just in time to avoid the surge of mud in the shape of a grasping claw. Beating a hasty retreat, you clear some ground just as the now revealed monster rises from the water and advances on you.

It's just as small as Alog said, only coming up to your knees, and a gross looking creature. Its form is somewhat reptilian, except made completely of mud. There's a trail of sharp rocks jutting out along its spine as well as on the back of what functions as its elbows. It has two large hands and a stubby tail but no legs whatsoever, somehow oozing its way across the ground.

[Roll 1d5: 3]

The creature looks up at you through eyeless pits and releases a keening wail. From the muck behind it rises another creature of the exact same appearance. Then a third. All three advance on you at a deceptively speedy pace.

You uncoil the weapon hanging at your side and prepare for your first real fight as an adventurer.

You are facing 3 Mushd, small, reptilian looking mud monsters. The creatures are roughly fifteen feet away, are ground bound and have no weapons or armor equipped save for their natural abilities. The Mushd are faster than you, one of them will get the first attack. You have 6 ap and 35 ft of movement speed. What do you do for the first round?
[] Write in.

Available spells.

[] Basic Attack: 5 ap.
[] Healing Word: 2 ap.
[] Flame Whip: 4 ap.
[] Green Ostrid: 4 ap.
[] Animal Healing: 4 ap.

*I'll answer any questions you may have about the combat system so don't be afraid to ask.

Voting is Closed.​
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Can we attack while flying? If that's the case i'd go fly in, flame whip, fly out.

Yes you can, as long as it's within range. This will also involve flight rolls simce your attention will be split and the enemy will ne trying to stop you from taking flight or shoot you down. Getting shot down means fall damage too, not a lot though unless you go real high.
[X] Attack with the flame whip, then fly back far enough to avoid retaliation.
-[X] Flame Whip: 4 AP

The Flame Whip has a range of like, 15-20 feet IIRC, so we can simply attack from this distance. Plus, one of them is going to try and attack first so maybe they'll get up close and personal enough to really hit.
Yes you can, as long as it's within range. This will also involve flight rolls simce your attention will be split and the enemy will ne trying to stop you from taking flight or shoot you down. Getting shot down means fall damage too, not a lot though unless you go real high.
How would these things shoot us down?

[X] Summon a Green Ostrid, then fly back to let it take the aggro.
-[X] Green Ostrid: 4 AP

We chose this class so that we wouldn't have to fight alone.
They can probably chuck stuff at us.

Also, Flame Whip seems more impressive, but I guess we can use it in second turn.