Chapter 7
A/N: I totally made a mistake and gave you guys +5 Mp for 1 SPD. My bad, this has been rectified but wont affect previous events.

Adventurer Quest
Arc 1: A New Frontier
Chapter 7


Day 277 of the Year 290 AW.
Late Afternoon.
Weather: Overcast.

[X] Plan Never Die And Let Summons Do All The Work
+10 Vit
+5 Cha
Green Ostrid +1 Lv.
Animal Healing +1 Lv.
Iron Crackrock +1 Lv.​

[X] Return to the Town.

Your return to the Frontier Town takes as little time as your journey out. That's to be expected though, you barely even ventured out into the expansive stretch of land that is the Mushy Quag. There's not much in the way of monsters or obstacles to slow your return.

Swooping past the inn you departed from, you reach into your pack and pull out the map you were provided just a scant two or so hours ago. Consulting the crude map, you manage to path a route from the inn to the workshops and immediately head that way.

They should still be open at this time so you may as well finish up this mission.

[X] Profession Workshop.

The Frontier Workshop is actually a series of cabins and huts built around a few of the more massive trees growing in the center of the town. Ladders, walkways and rope bridges connect the various workshops together, while rune etched posts and boards ensure that the whole construction wont come toppling down anytime soon. You circle around to take in the full construction before coming in for a landing near a group of cabins with the universal symbol of the Alchemist's Guild, a green herb over a black cauldron, on a post out front. Other groupings of cabins also have such posts to symbolize what profession they service, the Smiths anvil, the Bakers loaf and the Jewelers jeweled ring to name a few.

Some of buildings leak smoke from a number of chimneys and you can hear people hard at work within them. The smiting section rings with the pounding of metal on metal, while the baker and hunter sections fill the air with the scent of freshly cooked bread and meat. From the Alchemist section, which you've landed near, you can hear glass clinking together under a hubbub of voices and movements. As you approach one building with an open doorway, you see a number of individuals bustling about or seated at tables with beakers, vials and cauldrons over small flames. They are apparently mixing potions together. Of the people you see, quite a number have the look of adventurers about them but a vast majority of them seem to be general laborers hard at work.

You call out to one such laborer as they pass and ask where Alchemist Jiho can be found. Receiving simple enough directions, you follow them to one of the smaller, quieter buildings with a closed door. Straightening yourself out, you knock on the door and wait. A moment passes. Then another. And another. Frowning, you knock on the door again. Harder than the first time.

"Eh? Yes? Who is it?" A voice, male and of advanced age, calls from behind the door.

"My name is Lireal, I'm here to see Alchemist Jiho about a mission!" You shout back through the thick door.

"Oh! Yes, my mission. Do come in!" The voice calls back.

Shrugging, you open the door and enter the small building. Inside, you find that there is only a single person. Jiho appears to be a bearded old human in thick brown robes with rounded spectacles hanging low on his nose. He is seated at a table, bent over a particularly thick tome while surrounded by a number of potion crafting materials. A round beaker in front of him bubbles and froths with a glowing green mixture.

He looks up as you enter and smiles in a kindly manner.

"Greetings dear girl, I am Jiho." He greets, slowly standing from the table with a groan and stretching his back. "You completed my request?"

[X] Complete 'Silver Herb Gathering'.

You nod.

"Yes Sir. I'm Lireal, a new adventurer." You reply, reaching into your pack and retrieving the twenty Silver Herb as you speak.

"Oh? New you say? Hmm, you certainly give off the impression of someone new to this business." Jiho hums, taking the plants and placing them on the table. He then reaches into his own pack and retrieves a small sack of jingling coins. "Well, here you go girl."

You smile and accept the bag of gold, placing it in your pack without counting them. That would be rude.

"Thank you sir." You say with a nod, turning to go.

"Ah, just a moment young lady." Jiho calls out, drawing your attention. He's turned away and seems to be bustling around the room in search of something. "Now, where did I put that dan- ah ha!"

He holds up a dusty old book. Blowing the dust off the book, which causes you both to cough, he holds it out towards you.

"I know how you young ones think. You probably jumped head first into things without a thought to supplies and equipment. Well, you'll come to regret that someday, especially out here, so you may as well take this." He says, waggling the book until you take it. "That there is a primer on the basic gear and items that an adventurer will need. I can't tell you what to do but you'll benefit greatly if you study that there book and pick up a profession or two."

"Oh, uh, thank you sir!" You reply. This is actually quite the useful gift even if you don't have an interest in any of the professions.

"Hmph, you can thank me by learning a thing or two and staying safe." The old man grumbles, turning to the desk.

"And with some more herbs I suppose." He adds with a chuckle. "In fact, if you find any profession materials that you don't need, just bring em to me or one of the other Workers around here. We always fill up our shop quota right away so everything else has to be gathered or traded for. Bring anything you dont want to one of the workshops and you'll likely get market price for em."

"Really?" You ask and he nods. "Okay, thanks for telling me."

He simply waves you off over his shoulder, absorbed in the book on his desk, and you leave with a soft click as the door closes.

[Quest Completed!]

Items gained.
+1,000 gold.
Basic Profession Recipes (Lv 1 to 25) unlocked (added to professions tab on character sheet).

[You have completed a quest 1 rank above yours: Gain 10 rank xp]

[X] Go home and train.

Lireal | Female | Fae - Angel | DoB: 272 AW.
Class: Summoner - Tamer.
Level: 4.
Rank: E.
Guild: N/A.

As you suspected, that single fight had been enough for you to level up. Not just one level but three. Simply amazing, the life of an adventurer. A civilian could go ten, maybe twenty years before achieving a level up yet here you are, up three levels after a single fight. Simply amazing. That said, you're in for a busy few hours because of this.

Leveling up, the process in which a beings soul accumulates enough 'experience' to grow stronger and empower their body basic ability, releases a lot of excess energy into the body. If you sit around and twiddle your thumbs for too long, that energy will be wasted. Instead, you can perform some simple exercises taught to almost all children in order to channel that energy towards beneficial means. They are time consuming but well worth it, you've come to find.

Your future plans decided, you take to the air and begin gliding towards the map location labled as your cabin. When you arrive, you find yourself landing on the porch of a squat, homely cottage atop a thick tree stump. Rune etched posts keep the cabin high above the water and provide enough reinforcement for the stone chimney at the side.

Entering the cabin, you're met with the sight of a small, two room dwelling. The first and largest room is your kitchen slash bedroom. To the left of the door is a single cot with a straw mattress, a feather stuffed pillow and a thick woolen blanket. Beside the cot is a four drawer cabinet with an oil lantern on top of it. In the center of the room is a small, square table with two chairs. On the floor next to the table is a plain wooden chest with a simple looking padlock and key on top it.

Storage Chest (0/20).
[] Write in: any items you want to deposit to free up inventory space.

To your right is the aforementioned fireplace and chimney, around which are a number of cookware and utensils. You'd spotted a campfire outside the cabin when you landed so you suppose you can use that instead of the fireplace for the more troublesome to prepare meals. Beside the fireplace is a basin with a rune-etched bucket on a rope under an open window. Water purification runes you assume, meaning you can just use the filthy bog water for your water related needs without worry. The second room appears to just be a washroom with a bath, a toilet, and another sink basin and rune-etched bucket combo.

Unpacking your clothes, toiletries and personal effects, you spend a few minutes putting them away before taking a walk through your new home. Once your exploration is finished, just seconds after it started to be honest, you go about preparing a quick meal for the night. You have enough of your original supplies remaining to fix a meal without digging into your provisions.

Your meal doesn't take all that long to finish and you're soon clearing a space on the floor to sit and begin the first of your exercises. The next nine hours are taken up by a mix of strenuous stretching and running laps around the room. You channel the excess energy flowing through you to you lungs, muscles and brain while this is going on, circulating it like you were taught years ago as it's slowly absorbed into your body. By the time you finish, it's pitch black outside and your entire body is aching.

You barely manage to crawl into your bed before passing out for the night.

+5 Con.
+4 Spd.

You will sleep until late morning, what do you do after waking?
*one Provision will be consumed unless you choose to go to the inn for a meal.
[] The Frontier: you can explore the region or perform a quest.
[] The Mushy Quag (Recommended Level: 5 - 20)
[] The Bottomless Peat Bog (Recommended Level: 20 - 30)
[] The Deep Marsh (Recommended Level: 40 - 50)
[] The Misty Woods (Recommended Level: 50+)​
[] The Inn. you can grab a meal, pick up a mission or hire party members for a quest here.
[] Weapon Store: sells weapons.
[] Armor Store: sells armor.
[] General Store: sells potions and misc items.
[] Profession Workshop: you can gather resources, craft items, sell materials or commission a craft.
[] ! Bank: stores money and items for a fee, can be accessed from any branch.
[] Your Cabin: You can sleep here and store items for free.
[] Church of Light: you can pray to the gods for blessings.
[] Write in.

A/N: I tried drawing up a simple but detailed recipe list. What a waste of time that was. Rather than worrying over it, you guys can just ask for specific items of specific levels and I'll tell you what materials and how many you need to gather to be able to craft it. Assuming you want to even bother with the crafting system.

Voting is Closed.​
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Hmm, I'm thinking about going to bank to pay off out debt, visiting church to check out buffs then going to in for quest.
I do want to dip our toes into the professions, just to try it out if nothing else, and I don't want an entire system that the QM slaved over to be ignored. But since we'd have to go out to gather materials, it's probably safer if we do more low level quests and get stronger before doing that.

[X] Plan The Next Quest

Edit: Actually, if this plan is allowed, then it should save us some time by speeding through updates.
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[X] Plan The Next Quest
-[X] Store all crafting materials.
-[X] ! Bank: stores money and items for a fee, can be accessed from any branch.
--[X] Pay off your debt
-[X] Church of Light: you can pray to the gods for blessings.
-[X] The Inn. you can grab a meal, pick up a mission or hire party members for a quest here.

We have some resources at hand. We could either sell them, or we could get four Empty Vials and try to create two Minor Potions, to grind Alchemy. Although i'm note sure if we really want to spend out time on crafting, to be honest.

I think that we will be forced to be in the first area for now, and there is that pedant quest we can do.

E: Good point on materials.
[X] Plan Unlock Your Jobs
-[X] Store all crafting materials.
-[X] Read the book, see what it offers for professions and needs
Chapter 8
Adventurer Quest
Arc 1: A New Frontier
Chapter 8

Day 278 of the Year 290 AW.
Late Morning.
Weather: Overcast.

[X] Plan The Next Quest
[X] Store all crafting materials.
Mushd Mud x3 --> Personal Storage.
Muddy Mushd Heart --> Personal Storage.
Silver Herb → Personal Storage.​

It is quite late in the morning when you wake up the next day. Yesterday was a very busy day and you were quite exhausted when you finally crawled into bed. Standing with a loud yawn, you wince as you stretch out your sore muscles before tiredly trudging towards the bathroom of your new home and slamming the door shut. Half an hour later, you exit the room naked but completely refreshed. Your damp wings drip water as you walk along but you pay that little mind. A hot shower was just what you needed to loosen them up after a night on that awkward bed. You make a note to see about getting something more suitable to your species. Or to drag the cot away from the wall so you can flop your wings over the sides.

Another half hour later and you're out the door with a cheese and beef sandwich in hand. Your provided provisions aren't really of the highest quality but you're not going to complain about free food. You should probably look into getting some groceries to cook your own meals though. Provisions are best saved for use during long missions or journeys. That can wait for later though, for now you have some business to attend to.

[X] Bank.

The Great Bank.

While there are hundreds of banks the world over, there is only one that truly matters enough to be known as The Great Bank. With its near impenetrable vault dimension and its standing army numbering in the hundreds of thousands, the Bank of Gauldemain is practically a nation unto itself. Established almost two millennia ago by the Archmage Gauldemain for the sake of his nephew, a newly crowned king of a long destroyed empire, the bank has grown to encompass the whole world and handles the finances of billions of individuals.

Thanks to their patented, and vehemently protected, space-time array, the bank is able to store items in a separate dimension and withdraw them from any one of their numerous branches. This allows a degree of protection, peace of mind and speedy transport that goes far beyond the thick metal vaults and guarded caravans that lesser banks provide. It's only due to an ancient agreement, and the fearsome reputation of The Postmen Union, that the Great Bank does not also serve as a premier postal service.

Knowing all this, you are still a bit disappointed when you land before the Frontier branch of the Great Bank. Rather than a building, the Frontier Bank is a rickety looking gazebo built off to the side of Foreman Coalflayers office building. The inside of the gazebo appears to only contain a simple wooden desk in the center with a few stacks of paper on it. There are a pair of stiff backed chairs for clients to the front of the desk and a third, more comfortable looking, chair at its back upon which sits a hooded human in the black, red and silver uniform of the bank.

The man is busy writing on one of the papers on his desk but looks up as you come in for a landing. He gives you a stiff smile, one that looks downright sinister when coupled with his thin mustache and dark uniform. Tch, bankers. Could be worse, you suppose. You could be dealing with one of those Wolfram and Hart lawyers after all. Or, Light forbid, a librarian of the Grand Library. You don't even bother trying to supress your shudder at the thought.

As you pass through the threshold of the gazebo, all sounds of the swamp outside are immediately cut off. The putrid stench of swampland that you are already getting used to is also replaced by a thick aroma of tropical fruits. Even the slight chill is gone as the inside of the gazebo radiates pure warmth. How pleasant.

"Good day miss and welcome to the Bank of Gauldemain." The man says, standing from the desk and giving you a shallow bow. "I am Banker Percival, branch manager of this fine bank, how may I be of service today?"

You hurriedly return the bow and approach the desk. Percival nods and sweeps his hand towards one of the open seats.

[X] Pay off your debt.

"Uh, yeah, good morning." You greet, taking the offered seat. "I'm Lireal. I became a new adventurer about a week ago and the Association gave me a loan to get started, I was hoping to pay it off now that I have the money."

Percival nods again and begins fishing for something among his stack of papers.

"Good, good. It is always wise to deal with these matters as quickly as possible." He says, pulling out a blank piece of paper and holding a hand out towards you. "Your Adventurer Plate if you dont mind."

"Oh, yeah." You reply, quickly grabbing the item from within your pack and handing it over.

"Thank you."

Taking the plate, Percival places it squarely in the center of the paper. As you watch, the paper begins to glow with a faint blue light. The light grows in intensity for several seconds before rushing towards the plate at its center. Your plate glows with the same light for a number of seconds before growing dim. A moment passes, then a deluge of black characters surge out the top of your plate and begin swimming all over the paper. Over the next few seconds, the letters begin settling in a seemingly random order until soon enough, the whole paper is filled with several paragraphs of text. The paper flashes blue before returning to normal.

"Excellent." Percival says, taking your plate off the paper and handing it back. "Allow me a moment to review the details of your contract miss."

"Oh, yeah, sure." You reply, taking the plate back and putting it away. That was pretty cool to watch. You didn't know they could do that.

A few seconds pass in silence as Percival reads the paper and you try not to fidget in boredom. Just when you're about to start tapping your fingers or something, Percival sets the document down and looks up at you.

"Well, nothing seems to be amiss here. According to this, you were provided with a standard beginners loan of five hundred gold for the purchase of the bare necessities an adventurer requires. As the loan is quite minor, I will not require any receipts or proof of purchase to justify expenses." Percival explains, glancing down at the paper every once in a while. "There is of course the standard interest charge of twenty percent and an additional five percent fee for services rendered by the bank. This equates to a total of six hundred and twenty-five gold."

"Wh-what? How?" You sputter, wide-eyed. You can afford it sure but that's way more than you were expecting to pay today.

Percival frowns and flips the paper around.

"Here and here miss." He sighs, pointing to two really tiny lines of script around the middle of the document. Both have your signature on the line next to them. "This here is an explanation of the interest charge placed on all loans, and this is a mention of the additional fees for using non-affiliates of the Association to repay the loan. Presumably, those are your signatures there so you should have received an explanation when you signed."

You frown as your read the two paragraphs. Dang it, he's right. How did you sign this without reading it fir- the image of a smarmy Vampire in a pinstripe suit pops up in your mind and you remember why you were in a hurry to sign the papers and leave. Dang it.

"If there are no issues…" Percival comments with a raised brow.

You sigh and:

[] Pay the full loan.
[] Pay some of the loan.
[] Write in: how much?​
[] Don't pay the loan at this time.

"Very well miss." Percival says with a nod, setting the paper aside. Then he leans forward and grins. It is not a nice grin. "I notice you dont have an account with us, with any bank really. Tsk, that is quite irresponsible young lady. What say we remedy this issue?"

As Percival pulls out a thick stack of papers, you cant help but gulp.

"Now then, let's talk interest rates and storage fees.."

Oh light, there's that urge to shudder again.

[Roll 1d20 + 2 (diplomacy) vs 1d20 + 5 (diplomacy) = 10 vs 22 = failed save]

An hour later, you trudge away from the gazebo with slumped shoulders. Your entire frame radiates defeat. Percival, the ass, has a practically joyful smirk on his face as he watches you go. That had not been fun at all. Not in the slightest. As it is, you are now the proud owner of a class five account with the Bank of Gauldemain. Five percent monthly interest on all deposited funds, seventy-five slots of item storage, and a line of credit attached to your Plate for up to three thousand gold. All for the low, low fee of fifty gold a month plus additional charges for number of deposited items.

Honestly, it's not a bad deal all things considered. You just hate how long, tedious and confusing the whole process was.

Do you deposit any gold or items in your bank?
[] Write in.

[X] Church of Light.

Shaking off your malaise, you take to the air and begin gliding towards a stone construction near the center of town. Your target? the Church of Light.

While you are as devout a believer in the gods as the next person, it being almost impossible not to believe when said gods are known to descend to the mortal plane from time to time, you've never really been a church goer. You hometown certainly had one but like most people, you preferred praying at a personal shrine rather that going to the church. Plus there was that... embarrassing incident then one time you went. That certainly put you off all places of worship.

Things are different now though. Now, you're an adventurer and that comes with certain benefits. Namely, blessings. Adventurers, as the defenders of the civilized races from the depredations of monsters, are able to beseech the gods for the tiniest sliver of their favor. These blessings grant a number of benefits that aid the adventurer in their never ending war against the monster hordes. Of course, there is a price for this. The church asks for a donation of gold to support their operations. As for the gods… well, no one really knows what they get out of it

Either way, you're looking forward to finding out what one of these blessings is like.

As you float along through the sky, you catch sight of a few other fliers making their way around the town. A trio of female fairies fluttering along while giggling. A male angel winging down towards a small building. What might be a druid in owl form given the sheer size of the bird and time of day. A quartet of armored adventures on the back of a massive Wyrm making their way out of town. Individual adventurers on the back of various winged mounts. Considering yesterdays showing, you were almost ready to think your were the only flier in town but the sky is just full of life and activity today.

Smiling, you begin circling and dropping altitude. According to the map, the building you are dropping towards is the local chapter of the Church of Light. The Frontier Church appears to be based inside a tall, moss covered, domed ruin, one that looks to have been here long before the town was established. Strange, seeing as there are no other ruins in the area. Either the building was a stand alone outpost of some kind or the rest of the ruins have been lost to the marsh over the years.

Landing on the solid island of dry ground the building sits upon, you stride forward to pass through the wide open doors of the building. Just as with the bank, all outside sound and scents are cut off as you pass the threshold of the building. The air is thick with the scent of a woody incense and there is a constant ringing of wind chimes coming from far above. Overall, a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.

Stone benches fill the room, all ringing a statue in the center and fanning out from there. Three incredibly large banners hang on the outskirts of the room, each placed an equal distance from the others so that they form a diamond formation with the door as one point and the statue standing in the exact center. A number of people are milling about the area, speaking in hushed tones or knelt down and praying. You make out the armored forms of adventurers, the robed figures of clergymen and the shabbily clothed forms of townsfolk all within the spacious hall.

[Roll 1d20 + 2 (Religion) = 16]

Looking to the banners on the walls, you are able to easily identify what god each represents. While seemingly stitched of the finest cloth and thread, you're willing to bet that these banners are nothing compared to the statues in the Great Church. Those sculptures are said to be of such high quality that even a grandmaster of the craft would be left speechless. Each is said to be a clear rendering of the three gods of light as they were last seen during the Great War. Sculpted by an aging general that bore witness as the three gods descended to the mortal plane to wage a cataclysmic battle against their dark counterparts. A battle that is said to be the cause of the southern wasteland, now called the Red Sands, and the many bottomless fissures that crisscross the land.

The first banner, the one to the left of the door, is that of the goddess Illumina. The Motherly Goddess of Wellness and Health, Illumina is the patron of all healers and representative of Noshi's order, the Luminous Hand. Hers is the most popular order as her clerics are spread far and wide across the world, providing free healing to those that need it. Her banner is that of two hands cocooning a vibrant heart.

The second banner, directly across from the door, is of the war god Solaire. Solaire is commonly known as the Knightly God of Justice and Valor. He is the patron god of both warriors and craftsmen alike and his order, the Lightbringers of Solaire, serve as the primary militant arm of the Church. They are the ones that go where all others fear to tread in pursuit of justice and the complete eradication of evil. His banner is of kite shield, its emblem that of a sword mixed with a balanced scale.

The final banner, to the right of the door, is of the god Lumino. Known as the Mage God of Light and Fire, Lumino is patron to all that would fight against the encroaching forces of the Dark. Lumino's order, that of the Purified Flame, is the second militant arm of the church. One with the sole focus of seeking out and eradicating both undead and demonic threats. His banner is of a single golden sun.

Finally is the statue in the center of the room. The stone statue stands atop a pedestal and towers high above everything else in the room. It is of a three headed figure atop an androgynous frame. One head is that of a helmeted knight, the face concealed by the full helm even as the eyes glow with a blazing white light. The second is of a veiled woman, her features completely indeterminable despite the veil tightly hugging the contours of her face. The last is of a hooded male, only a thin but prominent jawline visible within the shadows of the hood. This is the statue of the Light United, symbol of not only the Church of Light but of the three gods working together in harmony.

Each of the these items represent a different facet of the Light. Each will provide you with a certain form of blessing. Knowing you can only hold one blessing at a time, you choose to pray before the symbol of:

[] Illumina (bonus to healing efforts).
[] Solaire (bonus to combat and crafting).
[] Lumino (bonus to fire damage and damage vs undead/demonic).
[] The Light United (lesser version of all bonuses)

How much do you donate?
[] Write in: must be more than 0.

You receive quite a number of looks as you pass through the church. An angel, a spirit of Light, is certainly sure to draw attention in such places. Thankfully, no one tries to stop or call out to you as you pass. Having people prostrate themselves before you while crying tears of joy was awkward enough the first time... you don't think you can deal with a repeat incident.

You spend a several minutes knelt in silent prayer, asking for protection and support of your efforts. At first, it is just like when you prayed in the privacy of your home but then something different happens. It starts off as a ball of warmth in your chest. An orb of Light and Power that is pulsing in beat with your heart but steadily growing stronger by the second. The pulses grow faster and faster, increasing in power and temperature with each passing moment. Just as the pulses begin to grow too uncomfortable to handle, the orb seems to just explode. You gasp as a surge of warm energy floods through your veins and suffuses your whole body in an instant. For a moment, you feel invincible. You feel as light as air yet as unyielding as a mountain. Then the feeling passes and you return to just regular old you kneeling in the church.

When you finally mange to stand and leave the building, it is with a spring in your step an a grin on your face.

[X] The Inn.

You grin remains all the way to Alog's inn. You land before the building on light feet and begin making your way to the door. The porch to the side is empty this time but you can hear quite a ruckus from inside the inn. Entering the building, you are not all that surprised to see that there's a great deal more people than there were yesterday afternoon. The entire inn is pretty much packed full.

One of the tables is taken up by a trio of Beastkin that are cheerfully conversing with one another. One is a bare chested, white furred, lion-aspect Feline with a fearsome looking double-bladed poleaxe at his side. Another is a chainmail and robe clad crow-aspect Avian with three large kukri knives strapped to his hip. The last is an extremely short, fox-aspect Canine in colorful clothes twirling a small knife. The three seem to be discussing something humorous, with smiles on all of their faces and the odd chuckle leaking out.

Another table in the corner of the room contains the seven Dwarves from the day before. They appear to be more subdued this time, though each is still holding a tankard of ale with many empty cups already on the table. They are gathered close together and seem to be examining a document that is stretched out over the table. Given how they are shooting suspicious glances at everyone in the room and frowning at anyone that passes too close, you figure they don't want to be disturbed.

The rest of the tables, the upstairs level included, and the seats at the bar counter seem to have been taken up by various townsfolk and laborers. Given the hour, and the way they are all eating a meal of some kind, you guess they are on their lunch break.

Alog stands behind the bar counter, busily serving up meals and drinks as they are requested. A female Orc in plain clothes is also there, helping him serve and occasionally making rounds to the various tables. The sign above the bar has been changed to show the days specials.

Chicken and Cabbage Soup. 11 G.
Eel Skewers. 4 G.
Gator Bites and Rice. 7 G.
Fresh Catch Platter (fish, eel and shellfish). 15 G.
Tankard of Bitter, Ale or Stout (3 G)

Room: 20 G/night.

The mission board stands fairly empty. There are only five missions posted, not including the two bounty posters, and even as you watch, a towering Lizardman seems to be looking them over for one to select.

What do you do?
*choose as many as you want to do but list them in the order you want to do them in. Some are time sensitive however.
[] Talk with the laughing Beastkin.
[] Bother the secretive Dwarves.
[] Pester the Civilians.
[] Downstairs.
[] Upstairs.​
[] Head to the bar.
[] Talk with Alog.
[] Talk with the female Orc.
[] Order a meal.
[] Rent a room.​
[] Look at the Mission Board.
[] Talk to the Lizardman.​
[] Write in.

A/N: so, there are a number of major plot hooks that you guys have come close to but missed. Time is ticking down till one hooks you though so I suggest trying to get stronger and kitted out while you can. You have maybe a week of in quest time before the tutorial stage ends and we move onto the next arc.

Voting is Closed.​
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[X] Pay the full loan.
[X] Illumina (bonus to healing efforts).
-[X] 50g
[X] Talk with the laughing Beastkin.
[X] Bother the secretive Dwarves.
[X] Pester the Civilians.
-[X] Upstairs.
[X] Head to the bar.
-[X] Order a meal.
--[X] Chicken and Cabbage Soup.
-[X] Talk with Alog
[X] Look at the Mission Board.
-[X] Talk to the Lizardman.

Damn bureaucrats.

I don't know how much money is usually "fee", but i don't think we can go with fifty gold, i think?

I don't really trust Beastkin and i don't think that we should bother Dwarves, but eh, it will be fun.
[X] Pay the full loan.
Do you deposit any gold or items in your bank?
[X] No.

[X] The Light United (lesser version of all bonuses)
How much do you donate?
[X] Write in: 75g.

[X] Head to the bar.
-[X] Talk with Alog.
--[X] Order a meal.
[X] Look at the Mission Board.
Jeezus, we are never taking out another loan if I can help it. I'd rather be broke than have to deal with that kind of interest and fees.

[X] Pay the full loan.
Do you deposit any gold or items in your bank?
[X] No.

I eventually want us to have a big enough account where our monthly interest overtakes the monthly fees so we don't have to worry about it. So at least 1,000 gold before the month is out. In the meantime we need to use what we have to strengthen ourselves, not have it sitting in a vault.

[X] The Light United (lesser version of all bonuses)
How much do you donate?
[X] 50g.

All of the bonuses should apply to our future plans. Just wish I knew what the power difference between buffs is.

[X] Look at the Mission Board.
-[X] Talk to the Lizardman.
[X] Head to the bar.
-[X] Talk with Alog.
-[X] Talk with the female Orc.
-[X] Order a meal.
--[X] Gator Bites and Rice.

Ordering a meal means we don't have to consume a Provision later right?
All of the bonuses should apply to our future plans. Just wish I knew what the power difference between buffs is.

They wont be super powerful. You'll get a ten to thirty percent bonus to the relevant effects. The united bonus is weaker by a third in all categories. So if Illumina gives you a 30% bonus to healing, united gives you a 10% bonus.

Ordering a meal means we don't have to consume a Provision later right?

You've already consumed 1 provision and that means you're all fed for the day. You can eat more if you'd like but you wont get the Malnourished status if you dont. Blah, blah, magic food.
[X] Pay the full loan.
Do you deposit any gold or items in your bank?
[X] No.
[X] The Light United (lesser version of all bonuses)
How much do you donate?
[X] 50g.
[X] Look at the Mission Board.
-[X] Talk to the Lizardman.
[X] Head to the bar.
-[X] Talk with Alog.
-[X] Talk with the female Orc.
-[X] Order a meal.
--[X] Gator Bites and Rice.
They wont be super powerful. You'll get a ten to thirty percent bonus to the relevant effects. The united bonus is weaker by a third in all categories. So if Illumina gives you a 30% bonus to healing, united gives you a 10% bonus.

You've already consumed 1 provision and that means you're all fed for the day. You can eat more if you'd like but you wont get the Malnourished status if you dont. Blah, blah, magic food.
So if we automatically consume a Provision at the start of the day, and it keeps us fed all day, why would we ever buy a meal at the inn while we have Provisions?
So if we automatically consume a Provision at the start of the day, and it keeps us fed all day, why would we ever buy a meal at the inn while we have Provisions?

You'll have to buy or make more when you start taking on missions that have you out in the field for days at a time. Supplies being limited as is, it will get tedious soon enough and become a bottleneck on what sorts of missions you can take or how long you can spend in a dungeon.

Edit: it's only automatic if you start the day without a vote to get a meal elsewhere or the materials to prepare one.
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You'll have to buy or make more when you start taking on missions that have you out in the field for days at a time. Supplies being limited as is, it will get tedious soon enough and become a bottleneck on what sorts of missions you can take or how long you can spend in a dungeon.

Edit: it's only automatic if you start the day without a vote to get a meal elsewhere or the materials to prepare one.
I'd honestly prefer to either cook our own meals if we get into those professions or buy them at the inn, and keep the Provisions in reserve for the field, because they're a lot more expensive.

My point is we can't do this, because you had us automatically consume one even though we're in town. Could you retcon that so we actually have a reason to get a cheap meal here? We should only consume a Provision if we haven't fed ourselves through some other means.
I'd honestly prefer to either cook our own meals if we get into those professions or buy them at the inn, and keep the Provisions in reserve for the field, because they're a lot more expensive.

My point is we can't do this, because you had us automatically consume one even though we're in town. Could you retcon that so we actually have a reason to get a cheap meal here? We should only consume a Provision if we haven't fed ourselves through some other means.

It was mentioned in the chapter 7 vote that one provision would be used up unless you voted to go to the inn for a meal. Time constraints from when you went to bed (1 am) to when you woke up (9 am) means that your trip to the bank and church take up to much time to count the trip to the inn.

I'll expand the vote next time to get a clearer choice of what you want to do for a meal.
[X] Pay the full loan.
[X] No.
[X] The Light United (lesser version of all bonuses)
[X] 50g.
[X] Look at the Mission Board.
-[X] Talk to the Lizardman.
[X] Head to the bar.
-[X] Talk with Alog.
-[X] Talk with the female Orc.
-[X] Order a meal.
--[X] Gator Bites and Rice.
It was mentioned in the chapter 7 vote that one provision would be used up unless you voted to go to the inn for a meal. Time constraints from when you went to bed (1 am) to when you woke up (9 am) means that your trip to the bank and church take up to much time to count the trip to the inn.

I'll expand the vote next time to get a clearer choice of what you want to do for a meal.
So in the future we should go to the Inn first thing after waking up so we don't waste our 50g Provisions? Alright.

[X] Pay the full loan.
[X] No.
[X] The Light United (lesser version of all bonuses)
[X] 50g.
[X] Look at the Mission Board.
-[X] Talk to the Lizardman.
[X] Head to the bar.
-[X] Talk with Alog.
-[X] Talk with the female Orc.
Chapter 9
Adventurer Quest
Arc 1: A New Frontier
Chapter 9

Day 278 of the Year 290 AW.
Early Afternoon.
Weather: Overcast.

[X] Pay the full loan.
-625 G.
Quest 'In debt' completed.​

[X] The Light United.
-50 G.​
Blessing of the Light (Expires in 24 hrs).
+1 Medicine skill.
+2 to Hit chance and Armor.
+5 Fire and Light damage.
+5% Fire and Light power.
+10% to Healing.
+10 Melee damage.
+10% to crafting efforts.
Advantage on the first heal applied each.
Damage is doubled vs demons and undead foes.
Gain Temporary Spell: Radiance.
Radiance | Lv: N/A.
A one use spell that damages enemies and helps allies.
Damage: 1d100 Fire (Crit: 2x).
Heals: 1d100 hp (Crit: 2x).
Buffs: +5 to Hit chance and Armor (2 turns).​
Cost: 3 ap | Range: 30 ft around Self.
1 use per day | Cooldown: 1 day.

[X] Look at the Mission Board.

Smiling and nodding to everyone that looks up as you pass, you make your way across the tavern floor and stop before the mission board. Glancing over the board, you frown at the number of empty nails. You really need to come by earlier if the missions get taken so quickly. Looking to the remaining posts, you notice that only one of the five is actually a new one.
D Rank: Lost Medallion.
A medallion belonging to a Cleric of Lumino has been lost near the Mushy Quag. The Cleric reported seeing the item sink into the body of a Mushd.
Kill various Mushd to find the medallion and return it to Cleric Hamil in the Church of Light.​
Recommended Level: 5.
Reward: 500 G.
B Rank: Crocodyl Extermination.
Mobs of Crocodyl have been seen roaming the swamp and attacking any they come across. Cull their numbers before they become a great danger to the inhabitants of the Frontier Town.
Kill at least ten Crocodyl and bring their tails to Foreman Hedwick.​
Recommended Level: 20.
Reward: 250 G/tail, limit 20.
C Rank: Scarab Extermination.
A Scarab hive has been spotted near the Frontier Town. Cull their numbers before they become a danger to the inhabitants of the Frontier Town.
Kill at least fifteen Scarab and bring their shells to Foreman Hedwick.​
Recommended Level: 5.
Reward: 100 G/shell, limit 40.
B Rank: Golden Scarab Capture.
The rare Golden Scarab has reportedly been spotted in the Mushy Quag. It can likely be found nesting with others of it's kind.
Capture the Golden Scarab alive and bring it to Alchemist Jiho.​
Recommended Level: 10.
Reward: 5000 G (increased due to newly reported difficulty).
D Rank: Supply Gathering.
New cabins are needed in the village and supplies are low. Chop wood and mine ore in the Mushy Quag for the carpenters and smiths.
Bring 100 Ash Wood to Carver Bowin and 50 Low-Grade Ore to Smith Ironhewer.​
Recommended Level: 1.
Reward: 500 G.

Reading the newest one over, you reach out to select the:

[] Lost Medallion.
[] Crocodyl Extermination.
[] Scarab Extermination.
[] Golden Scarab Capture.
[] Supply Gathering.
[] None.

More importantly however, are the little paper slips you notice stuck at the bottom of the board. Were those there the day before? Maybe, maybe not. Leaning forward, you read a number of the slips with a quizzical frown.
Beginner level Druid looking for a party to explore with!
Contact me at cabin 34!
Need a high level healer to round out a 4 man party!
Send details to Cabin 13!
Looking for help to assault a Crocodyl encampment!
Come to the red and yellow tent near the Bog obelisk!
High level Rogue looking for a party to hunt Crocabulia!
Find me at the Deep Marsh outpost, I'm the Drow in the scaled cap!

Oh, oh! Nice. Adventurer post-its. That's pretty handy. You can maybe use those to find some party members, or even put your own information down and have them come to you! Awesome. Of course, very few of them are around your level range and looking to do something you'd be interested in. Still, it might be better than going solo right?

*due to arbitrary rules (because I say so) a normal party caps at 4 members. This will only change for special occasions like a special quest or a dungeon. Dungeon parties cap at 8 members.
[] Recruit a party member.
[] a Druid Changer looking to explore the area.
[] an Air Mage looking to gather Scarab materials.
[] a Knight looking to slay monsters.​
[] Post your own note.
[] Write in: a short and concise message. Make sure to mention if you are solo or if you have other party members already.​

[X] Talk to the Lizardman.

The whole time you have been looking the board over, someone else has been doing the same. The Lizardman adventurer at your side is quite the intimidating figure. Standing at close to nine feet tall, the Lizardman is impressively muscled with a variety of thick and thin green scales around a pale underbelly. A ridge of bony, green horns run from the top of his skull, down his spine and all the way to the tip of his thick tail. He's clothed only in a tattered loincloth with a belt of cloth and bones. Wrapped around his clawed hands and legs are dirtied bandages, and on his back is a heavy looking battleaxe of stone and wood. Despite his intimidating form, there's a funny look of confusion on his face as he scratches the top of his head.

Taking a deep breath to settle your racing pulse, you smile brightly and hold up a hand.

"Hi there, I'm Lireal." You greet, waving awkwardly. His head snaps over and you gulp as those slit pupils lock onto you. There's a growling hiss deep in his throat as his nostrils flare and you cant help bot notice all the pointy, sharp teeth.

"Hello, thisss one iss Sssen." He finally says. His voice is deep but sibilant, the words rumbling from deep within his chest.

"Nice to meet you Sen." You reply nervously, nodding before looking to the board. "Uh, do you need some help? I'm kinda new here, just got here yesterday actually, but you were looking a bit confused there."

He nods.

"Sssen iss new too. Jussst got here today." He says with a nod. "Not sssure what to do."

"Oh really?" You ask, bright-eyed. Someone newer than you? Awesome! Heh. "I can give you some advice if you want, I learned some stuff from the innkeeper over there. What brings you here anyways?"

He shrugs.

"Sssen isss a Warrior. Here to fight and be ssstrong. Jussst like father." He explains with a shrug. "Fairy told Sssen about Frontier, sssaid there are ssstrong enemiesss here."

A fairy… yeah, probably the same one that suckered you into this. Poor guy. Snorting, you turn back to the board.

"Alright." You start with a nod, trying to recall all the information you received the day before. "Well, the first thing you should know is…"

You spend the next few minutes telling Sen everything he needs to know about the Swamp and the dangers within. The big guy is actually excited about the monsters he might get to fight, even the Crocodyls despite their somewhat distant relation. Following the information sharing session, you and the Lizardman get to talking. You tell him some about yourself and he shares the same.

Sen, it turns out, is a warrior of his clan and a newbie adventurer like yourself. Apparently, his father was one of the strongest warriors in their clan and earned himself quite a reputation as an adventurer. Following his father's death against a pretty powerful beast, Sen decided to take up his old man's weapon and follow in his footsteps. Once he'd registered however, he'd been accosted by the same perky Fairy recruiter as you and ended up swindled into this whole Frontier deal. Not that he saw it that way of course.

The conversation was enjoyable and Sen was quite polite despite his intimidating figure. He was also a bit… slow, and bloodthirsty but that was more towards monsters and you're not going to fault him for that. Following the conversation, he decided to head out and find his cabin. You see him off with:

[] An invitation to party up for a mission.
[] A wave goodbye.
[] Write in?

[X] Head to the bar.

Once Sen is gone, you sigh and look around the bar. It hasn't been more than twenty minutes so you're not surprised to see much of it is unchanged. The seven Dwarves seem to be arguing among themselves over the rolled out paper. The three Beastkin are now quietly drinking their tankards while making the odd bit of conversation. Most of the townsfolk and laborers have finished their meals and left but there are still a great deal of them milling about the tavern.

[X] Talk with Alog.

Seeing an empty seat at the bar, you walk over and sit down between a short human in work clothes and a shorter Orc in plain clothes. Alog looks up from the stove, his face lit by the glowing blue runes of the large appliance, but he simply gives you grunt and nod before looking away. He seems to be pretty busy. The scent of some type of meat being fried wafts over and you feel your mouth watering.

[X] Talk with the female Orc.

As if reading your thoughts, the female Orc sidles over and leans forward on the bar counter. There's a warm smile on her face despite the sharp tusks and she's holding a notepad and pencil in one hand.

"Afternoon hun, name's Gris." She says, putting pencil to paper. "What can I getcha?"

"Hi, I'm Lireal." You greet, waving and smiling. "I'm a new adventurer, just got here yesterday."

"Uh huh." Gris drawls with a slow nod. "Bit busy here darling, you want something or not?"

"Oh, uh."

You look up at the menu and frown. You weren't planning to eat more today but it smells really good... and Gris has sort of put you on the spot. Besides, you're a growing girl. There's nothing wrong with eating a bit extra. You'll work it all off in the coming hours anyways.

[X] Order a meal.
[X] Gator Bites and Rice. -7 G.​

"I'll get the Gator bites I guess?" You reply, not a hundred percent sure what exactly those are. You know what it sounds like but they wouldn't serve that here would they? It's just... there's Sen for starters and you're pretty sure you saw another Lizardman upstairs. That would be asking for trouble wouldn't it? Or maybe it's not the same. Light knows you get pretty annoyed when people ask if you eat Chicken.

"Hm." Gris nods, noting the order down. "Anything to drink?"

"Uh, water?"

"Mmhm." With that done with, she turns and walks down to the other end of the bar where someone is waving for her attention.

You find yourself sitting in silence as the human to your left is hunched forward and completely focused on his meal, and the Orc to your right has his back to you as he talks to another Orc beside him. Well, this is another day off to a good start.


Where do you want to go after your meal?
[] The Frontier: you can explore the region or perform a quest.
[] The Mushy Quag (Recommended Level: 5 - 20)
[] The Bottomless Peat Bog (Recommended Level: 20 - 30)
[] The Deep Marsh (Recommended Level: 40 - 50)
[] The Misty Woods (Recommended Level: 50+)​
[] The Inn.
[] Rent a Room.
[] Order a Meal.
[] Socialize.​
[] Weapon Store: sells weapons, tools and shields.
[] Armor Store: sells armor and misc equips.
[] General Store: sells potions and misc items.
[] Profession Workshop: you can gather resources or craft items.
[] Bank: stores money and items for a fee, can be accessed from any branch.
[] Your Cabin: You can sleep here and store items.
[] Church of Light: pray for blessings.
[] Write in.

Voting is Closed.​
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[X] Plan Scarab

[X] Scarab Extermination.
[X] Recruit a party member.
-[X] an Air Mage looking to gather Scarab materials.
[X] An invitation to party up for a mission.
-[X] Scarab Extermination
[X] The Frontier: you can explore the region or perform a quest.
-[X] The Mushy Quag (Recommended Level: 5 - 20)
[X] Plan Scarab

Good eye on the party member synergy, I missed that.

I like Sen, his personality seems to be a nice foil for our own perpetual perkiness.