Ace Attorney Investigations: Ema Skye: Turnabout of the Stars (Kirby/Ace Attorney Quest)

Yeah, not sure on the current status of that though.

It requires art skillz, but based on the icons and such it may be a possibility.
AAI:ES Ad Banner Production Update!
Day 28: Things are coming along right on schedule. So far, we seem to have only hit one major snag. Um, and that is I haven't, um, made the ad banner yet.
But, before you start throwing hammers and hot, bitter coffee at your computer screen, let me offer this as a cop-out: the background of the image in question:

This took about a day's worth of work, mostly due to those horizontal lines. I also couldn't find a good size of the original pose I wanted, but this is still a decent silhouette regardless, thanks to those sunglasses and that distinctive hairstyle.

Was it unnecessary? Oh, absolutely. But I do a lot of unnecessary things. like doing Homestar Runner references years after they were relevant
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I'd say something about the vote being unanimous again, but...


I'm busy.
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The Explosive Turnabout: Beginning (10/29)
[X] Question Chief Bookem:
-I'm here to talk about the level of crime here. What can you tell me about that? I expect it's low, what with you being the only cop here.

First off, is there anything you can tell me about the level of crime here in Cappy Town? It seems pretty peaceful around here to me, but I've been fooled before.

Chief Bookem
The crime level? Well, for the most part, we've got maybe a handful of troublemakers around town. But they've done nothing too serious—mostly petty thievery, shoplifting or vandalism.

The butter to any settlement's bread, eh?

Chief Bookem
If that's the analogy you're sticking with, I'll take my bread dry.

(Yeesh. This really isn't a game to him... Still, gotta give him credit for that retort there.)

I suppose the low crime rate is the reason you're on your own on the force?

Chief Bookem

(Strange... Why is he so hesitant now?)

Chief, tell me why there's no one else working on the force.

Chief Bookem
I...There... *sigh* ...Because there's no reason to have anyone else...

No reason, you say?

Chief Bookem
I just told you; all we've got for crime in town are a few small-time crooks. Most of the time, I just direct traffic instead.

So you're the chief...and the traffic director as well?

Chief Bookem
SOMEONE'S gotta do it! Can't have people standing in the streets or just driving on through blind spots... That's how accidents happen!

(Looks like he snapped back to his old self...)

(Wait, how could I possibly know that? I just met the guy! Maybe he was just born to be a cop...?)

-I've heard you've had a few issues with the King, don't see eye-to-eye all the time. Can you tell me anything about that?

Before I stopped here in town, I spent some time talking to your king.

Chief Bookem
You've already been to the castle, huh?

Yeah, and from what I was able to get out of him, he doesn't seem to agree with the way you run things here.

Chief Bookem
Oh, he doesn't, does he? Can't say I'm surprised...

Mind if I hear your side of the story, then?

Chief Bookem
His Majesty can get a when it comes to the law sometimes. As much as I may want to on some days, I can't lock up every person who breaks the law! I don't even have enough jail cells to do that!

How many cells do you have?

Chief Bookem
...Just one.

(One is better is none, I suppose.)

Chief Bookem
There's never been much of a need for expansion. It's been years since I've had to arrest any really nasty criminals! About the worst thing that happens here most days is the neighborhood kids getting themselves into trouble, but kids will be kids, you know? As long as their parents let them know what they did was wrong, I don't see why I should butt in.

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from.

Chief Bookem
But His Majesty says I SHOULD get involved. Says I need to teach them a lesson. Sorry, but I can smell something fishy there. If I do that, I'll probably end up in the slammer myself for "abusing my powers" as a cop—with His Majesty himself throwing away the key!

(That seems...more than a bit excessive. Just what is going on between the King and the Chief?)

I just realized that I hadn't added Chief Bookem to the Profiles. My bad.
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The Explosive Turnabout: Beginning (11/29)
-Lastly, the main reason I'm here. I've heard of a small pink ball with legs roaming the area. What can you tell me about him?

Let's get down to business. I'm looking for someone... A person of interest, you could say.

Chief Bookem
What? Here in town?

Exactly. Based on the description I got, I'm looking for a small pink ball with feet. They've been sighted around the area.

Chief Bookem
You mean Kirby? Why would you need to find him?

So his name is...Kirby? Can you tell me what you know about him?

Chief Bookem
Well...he's pretty much the town hero, to make a long story short.


Chief Bookem
Sure, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but his heart is definitely in the right place, and we can always count on him in a pinch.

Can... Can you tell me more?

Chief Bookem
Of course! When he's sleepy, he sleeps, and when he's hungry, he eats. Oh, BOY, does he eat! Sometimes I wonder if he's got another world inside of him instead of a stomach...

(Okay, so THAT'S the same, at least...)

Chief Bookem
Most of the time, he acts like just like a kid...because he pretty much IS a kid. Or so I've heard. Either way, he's cute enough to give you cavities.


Kirby Notes
Type: Information
Account received from Chief Bookem. Consult the "Status / Inventory" post for more details.

Criminal Notes data jotted down in my Notepad.

(Is this for real?! Why would there be two different stories about the same person?!)

(Ugh...this is so not worth my pay grade...)

Had to split it in three this time.
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The Explosive Turnabout: Beginning (12/29)
-He's the suspect in a number of significant crimes. Mind explaining that to me?

It's...funny how you mention all that about this "Kirby", because he's actually a suspect in a number of various crimes around the area.

Chief Bookem
What?! Kirby, a criminal?! What for?

Theft, vandalism, destruction of public property, and public endangerment among others. I've heard he has a hideout just outside town, and that he's been sighted most often near the grocery store, a restaurant, and the toy store.

Chief Bookem
Whoa, whoa, slow down! Let's take this one step at a time!

Fine. First, the hideout.

Chief Bookem
Look, I don't know anything about a hideout, but he does live in a house out on the outskirts.

Was it there before? Did he steal it from someone?

Chief Bookem
No, the neighborhood kids pitched in and built it for him shortly after he first showed up here.

...What about the sightings?

Chief Bookem
Well, it's not all that surprising to find him at Brightway or Kawasaki's. Tuggle and Chef Kawasaki love to let him eat their old food or leftovers for free, and Gengu's all too happy to let Kirby try out a toy or two.

And...the crimes...?

Chief Bookem
Look, I don't know where you got your information, but most of that's already been cleared up. Other than maybe one time, the worst he's ever stolen has been the food off our plates. As for the destruction and endangerment, that's practically collateral compared to what the real culprits did!

The "real culprits"?

Chief Bookem
Every so often, a real rabble-rouser would stroll into town and start wreaking havoc in some way or another. The kids would call them "demon beasts" sometimes, but we usually just called them "monsters", because that's what they were! Monsters!

("Monsters"?! You can't be serious...!)

Chief Bookem
But thanks to Kirby, we got rid of every last one of them! Now we haven't had a monster sighting in months! Cappy Town is the most peaceful it's been in a long time.

Kirby Notes
Update: Current residence is a house on the edge of town, built for him by the other neighborhood kids. Often seen eating unwanted food at the grocery store and a local restaurant at the owners' behest, and frequents the toy store to play with toys there. The subject has also saved Cappy Town many times in the past from monster attacks.

Kirby Notes updated in my Notepad.

That's quite the story, Chief... I'm curious. Did anyone ever find out where these..."monsters" came from?

Chief Bookem
Some big corporation. I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but I know I've got it in my files. We all had our suspicions after the first ten or forty or so attacks, but it's kind of a moot point now.

Why do you say that?

Chief Bookem
During the last attack, the whole town was destroyed. Even the castle wasn't spared. Just about everything you see here in town and you saw up at the castle is fresh and brand-new.

(So it's pretty safe to say just about all the evidence that could have pointed to a culprit behind the "monster" attacks was destroyed, along with the rest of Cappy Town and Castle Dedede...)

(Maybe I should ask to see those files...but... I can't help but feel as if I'm getting off-track here.)
(Is this even relevant to the case...?)

[] It's very relevant
[] Not all that relevant
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[X] It's very relevant
These attacks can be used to clear Kirby's name, and put the real culprit behind bars! After all, we worked under Phoenix "Miracle Boy" Wright in his halcyon days, and he managed to clear ours and our sister's names, and put the real murderer behind bars!
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[X] Not all that relevant
Not exactly irrelevant, but at this point it seems to function as background. I'd much rather see how the Chief reacts to us not wanting to know.

OK, I now feel comfortable about linking these facts. Although it is strange that we didn't get new Logic pieces from the Chief:
Often seen eating unwanted food at the grocery store and a local restaurant at the owners' behest, and frequents the toy store to play with toys there.
Why is the perpetrator often seen near the toy store?
There's something suspicious with King Dedede's story about his criminal problems. But what?
[X] It's very relevant

Proving the existence of the "monsters" is absolutely relevant. After all, Whether Kirby or the monsters actually committed those crimes are contradictory facts. Especially since His Majesty made no mention of these "monsters" at all, the information could either shed a new light to the case or confirm prior facts.
The Explosive Turnabout: Beginning (13/29)
[X] It's very relevant

Chief, may I see the files on those monster attacks? I'd like to know more about what exactly was going on back then.

Chief Bookem
Oh, uh, of course! Let me go grab them.

[He gets up and enters the other part of the station through the door leading deeper inside.]


[He returns a couple minutes later with a big pile of case files.]

(...Is it too late to change my mind? Because that is one big stack of files.)

Chief Bookem
Here you go. Take as long as you need to look through them.

...Right. Thanks.

( goes nothing...!)


(...There. I at least took a good look at what seemed to be the most important details.)

(I skimmed the rest, but...if I didn't know any better, these files read like the outlines of a Saturday morning cartoon!)

Monster Attack Files
Type: Reports
Received from Chief Bookem.

Summary of Monster Attack Files jotted down in my Notepad.

Chief Bookem
Was there anything else you needed of me, Detective?

(IS there anything else...?)

(I already had a lot to think about, and that was before I read those files...)

[] Ask more questions (Write-in)
[] Collect my thoughts first
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Definitely thought collecting time, unless we can think of a really important question to ask. We've put this off enough.

[X] Collect my thoughts first
The Explosive Turnabout: Beginning (14/29)
It was unanimous, so we're skipping the snacks this time around.

why do I feel so hungry right now

[X] Collect my thoughts first

(Okay, I've got plenty of information now... What I don't have are the connections that bring it all together.)

(Or at least...not yet I don't. Time to apply his specialty!)

(Let's see... First, I need to recall all the facts and leads I've picked up so far, and then, I try to Connect them with my Logic and see where those links take me.)

(Even if a connection leads me away from the truth, I can always go back to where I started and try again. A good scientist should always think scientifically!)

(It's all about forming and testing hypotheses, following leads until only truth and science remain!)


[ordered from left to right]
The lone badge
Cappy Town's Chief of Police is the only cop on the force, but works pretty hard anyway.

King vs. Chief
King Dedede and Cappy Town's Police Chief don't seem to see eye-to-eye.

Laws between worlds
The sets of laws between Earth and Popstar are very similar to one another for some reason.

The toy store
Why is the perpetrator often seen near the toy store?

Trustworthy king?
There's something suspicious with King Dedede's story about his criminal problems. But what?

Doctorate of what?
Dr. Escargoon is intelligent and skilled enough to build an interstellar spaceship. Is his doctorate in physics or maybe engineering?

Just as Ema says; if a select pair of facts doesn't end up leading anywhere, we can simply pick ourselves back up and try again. Unlike a certain prosecutor's way of thinking, there is no real penalty for incorrect Ema!Logic.
After all, it's only fair that we explore the many possibilities before us, scientifically speaking.

When in Logic mode, every different vote that connects two different Logic nuggets will count as a separate action, but if a specific vote has more support, it will go earlier in the action queue. If you're comfortable with sharing your theory on why you see a link between the two leads you connected, go right ahead and add that to your post.

Logic uses the "Riot" voting system
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Right. First connection!

[X] Trustworthy king? + The lone badge

We know that the King is a bit suspicious, and his story about his criminal problem especially true. It's made more suspicious by the fact there is one policeman, and we know from the chief the reason he's alone is the general lack of crime. Let's put two and two together on this front, focus on the exact hows and whys of the suspicions we have.