A Tree in a Dungeon, SV, You Chose This!

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I look at what Ive gained (Day 2)
Well, just to officially state it here: there is a potential change to upcoming priorities, with the newly acquired Trait 'Food Storage', which can not be used while using your Mutant Omnivoric Bond skill. Therefore, there must now be a distinction between simply eating something, and using M.O.B.

Other than that, I hope this quest has been fun so far. I do apologize for the uneven spread of votes per round/day, I hope to fix that and settle into a pattern. Thank you for your patience :)

Now that you've slowed down from your mad rush to gain skills, you look again to Adders, who stirs only to look back at you. Getting them to calm down and accept your presence is a good start, but not what you're after. Another of your starting skills, Bestow, requires a bond with someone in order to work. You're not sure if a snake is exactly a 'person' in terms of the skill, but there's nothing wrong with befriending it anyways, right?

You slowly go back to where most of the bugs are and look through your options, overlooking a strange unknown bug for larger than usual pillbug. Just like before, you moves slowly in place, before releasing the prey. As far as snake body language goes, you think Adders might be less afraid than last time, and more on the side of just apprehensive. The bug was eaten faster than last time too, making you smile some.

What to do now, regarding Adders?
[] Boop the snek
[] See if they want another bug
[] Relax as close as you can get away with
[] This is enough, back off for now

Later on, when you're done with Adders, you think about how you've been focused mostly on exploration, and gaining as much from eating as you can. Just looking at yourself, you can tell that you've gained some useful things...but there must be a way to find out the details. Or maybe not. Maybe this is the extent of the help you'll get from that strange God...

But as you focused on the idea, you almost gave up. But then an idea came to mind, some understanding. That same god...had said that you could summon a list of your skills right? How do you even do that? Do you...do you just...?


Calm Heart (Passive): It takes more to make you succumb to intense emotions such as fear and anger. You know that it is better to solve problems with a clear mind. Not always easier, of course, but better. Similarly, those around you benefit from your calming presence. Level 1.

Mutant Omnivoric Bond (Active): Unlike most dryads, who need no food, but instead rely on the health of their trees...Your humanoid body can take in food and materials as well, and convert them into nutrition, which can be shared between you and the tree, as you share a deep bond. And the original bond to the tree is maintained, therefore, your collective being has two methods of collecting nutrition. Activating this skill will both give your tree the temporary ability to consume anything it can break down, as well as provide the option to gain a skill based on a nutrition source from you, or the tree, but only one per activation. (You still cant eat lava) Level 2.

Bestow (Active): You may gift someone access to a Skill that you possess. This copies it over to them as is, and will not level, upgrade, or evolve when yours does. It is entirely up to them to level, upgrade, or evolve it on their own. You must have formed a bond with the target person for Bestow to work. Level 1.

Nimble Roots (Active): When activating this Skill, you can push your will into a part of the tree - its roots, and move them as you wish. With enough concentration, anything that is possible with human hands is possible with your roots, and beyond. This skill also allows you to feel anything that the roots do: things like cold, heat, pressure, solidity, etc.. Level 2.

Efficient Digestion: Earth (Passive): Whenever you (or your tree) consumes dirt, the minerals and nutrients are easier to break down and receive nourishment from than before. Level 1.

Independant Photosynthesis (Passive): You now possess green hair, but also the ability to turn sunlight into into extra energy for yourself and , through your bond, your tree. This also allows you to produce sap to heal yourself, should you ever be separate from your tree, which has previously been your only source of replenishing sap. Remember to keep drinking water to keep photosynthesis going, otherwise you may start to feel comparatively sluggish. Level 1.

Seismic Sense (Passive): So long as a part of your body is in contact with the ground, or a structure directly connected to the ground, you are able to 'see' how things move along these surfaces- as well as 'see' the structures themselves. Such as stone castles and caves. The clarity with which you 'see' is determined by how easily vibrations can be sensed. the looser the substance (such as sand), the harder it is to 'see'. Likewise, the harder the surface, the easier. You are also always able to know what is happening around your tree, as it also has this ability, and sends the knowledge to you through your bond. Level 1.

Soften Soil(Passive): When you, or your tree, comes into contact with new dirt, soil, clay, clay-soil, or silt, the substance in question will immediately become softer and looser. Level 1.

Still Double (Active): You may create a perfect replica of yourself, made entirely of stone. An abundant source of stone must be present to use this skill. At the level you are at, you may only create one replica per day. Level 1.

Geomancy(Active): Having taken in the essence of multiple forms of earth within yourself, you are now able to command it to a degree. Low levels can only move and form small amounts of earth at a time. Level 1.


Exoskeleton: Bone: Your body is now encased in segments of thick, pure, bone material. Level 1.

Crumbly Skin: No matter what your outer layer currently is, it will dry (if needed), crack, and crumble on its outside layer. This will, perhaps surprisingly, not cause you any damage. It is as natural as a human shedding flakes of their own skin as they go about their day. The crumbly texture that comes off of you is ever-producing, and in some cases, may help attacks glide off of you easier. Level 1.

Food Storage: You have gained an inner pouch which holds a thick, nutritious, honey-like substance as a form of food storage should you, or anyone else, require it at a later time. You also gain in inner gland that makes the stuff, fully controllable by you. You can not digest material to store later if Mutant Omnivoric Bond is also being used. Inorganic materials also may not be digested this way, unless a skill allows it. Level 1.

Heart of Stone: If you have a regular heart, it has now been turned into a stone, magically capable of continuing to be able to keep regulating your bloodflow. If you have not had a heart before, for any reason, you've managed to create one without the drawbacks of needing to regulate bloodflow. Damaging it will be harder than one made of flesh, however, it still will act as a heart in that damage it does take on will be exceptionally dangerous to your continued survival.


...Wow. That's a lot more than what you started with. Even so, you havent gotten a single one of these...toggles? what the heck is that? You suppose the only way to find out is to get one, and that will probably be a matter of time. But...what do you do now?

[] Start planning what to do to prepare for night time
[] Start resting early, hopefully before the screams set in
[] Eat something else
-[] what?
[] Follow this feeling...you can give up skills/traits to benefit others..
-[] make a plan
[] Write in (1 action)
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I Look at the Bed Again (Day 2)
Power climb has been a concern for me, and for those playing so far. But here's how it played out in the end.

- 6 slot base
- you will recieive various benefits as you level up the skill
- If you have all the skills from a certain thing, mob-ing it will count as a failure, since there is 0% chance of getting anything. meaning that it wont count towards leveling up through usage.
- for something common, or otherwise difficult to come up with new ideas for, repetition is possible for increased slots

For leveling MOB up to level 2, you've gained two new slots!

You want to push it a little bit, explore what's the limit with Adders. You don't attempt to touch it yet, but you do slowly lower yourself down to the surface of the tree and just...chill. Relaxing there with you snake buddy, you eventually close your eyes too. Befriending an animal is a game of patience.... at least you think so. Even so, a part of you is excited about it still, wanting to rush the process. But you stay still, allowing your passive skill to do its thing; and for Adders to do whatever it is that the young snake is want to do. If you needed to breath, you'd count your breath. Just for something to do. But as far as you know, so long as youre smart about it, you're pretty much immortal. So you can manage some waiting. You can even pretend you're sitting on the lifeguard chair....which is admittedly more stimulating than waiting for an animal to move in an otherwise silent room.

But your patience is rewarded, as Adders does eventually approach, stopping to flick its tongue in your general direction, and then moving on todo its own exploring. or maybe even hunting.


You've amassed an interesting set of skills and traits. Some of them are nothing what you'd associate with Dryads. But you've decided that the point of this life isnt to become the perfect definition of a dryad. The point is to survive. To get the heck out of this trap of a room. You will not allow yourself to die without seeing past these dark, dank walls. And so with a huff, you look around the room again. You're close to being able move forward with better plans, but another skill or trait cant hurt.

...your eyes land on the bed.

Your first instinct is to try to use the tree to eat the thing, but something about it must be undigestable to its roots. Instead of being consumed, the last of its structural integrity is shredded to bits. You stare long and hard at the squishy, fibrous pile....and steel yourself.

A minute later, youre on your knees and shuddering. Unlike dirt, which was disgusting as a human, but gained a new flavor as a dryad... old, dingy, moldy, slimy, fibrous mattress flavor did not gain any appeal. A part of you wishes you could throw it back up and forget this ever happened. But you glance over at your still-present skillsheet. Dank Aura is...not the worst outcome from this.

You look up at the hole in the ceiling. The sunlight is fading again. Suddenly, the memory of the screams from the previous night come back. You need to do something...

Choose an action to prepare for the night!
[] Just another night of cowering
[] Write in
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Preparing for the Screams (Night 2)
[] Plan: Aura Add-ers
-[] Sacrifice; Dank Aura
--[] Evolve; Calm Heart
---[] Result; Calm Aura

As the night comes closer, you look thoroughly at your skills. You know you can do more than just collect them. A combination of the words of that god from earlier, and your own instincts tell you so. Your lips press together as you consider your options. Finally you settle on Sacrificing a skill, to empower another, still half surprised when you double check and find out that it actually worked.

Calm Aura (Passive) - Regardless of what you are doing, saying, or feeling yourself, other beings around you will find themselves remaining calm and soothed by your presence. Anyone sensitive enough to perceive auras would see a soft periwinkle aura, almost fuzzy at the edges.

Great. Excellant. At least...maybe...anything attacking could be calmed. Or anyone screaming. Perhaps a bit morbidly, you think you could even offer peace, if they happen to be tortured souls.

But you don't have much time to think hypotheticals. You've made your decision, and sunset goes by quickly in these parts. You face yourself forwards as darkness falls, a silent blanket at first. Your senses shift back, focusing all of your attention on using the senses of the root system to 'see'. Things remain silent for some time, and its just the rat that moves, out looking for food no doubt.

But slowly, scritching and tapping sounds reach your ears, vibrations from movement picked out by your roots. You 'see' a large....thing. it looks like an alien cross between a crab, and a spider. A spider crab...but more literally than the ones that existed into your previous life. Stranger still, it seems to have some fungal growth on it. Weird.

...And then it happened.

The rat happened upon one of the strange spider-crabs, and that was when the first scream of the night rips through the air, spooking the rat to dart away.

You sit dumbfounded for a moment. That terrifying sound was a defensive maneuver? God.


That was certainly anti-climactic. And you can feel yourself slowly relax, even as more screams break through the otherwise quiet night.

There's still plenty of night left, what will you dedicate your time too?

(Three actions, multiple write ins allowed)

[] Try to rest anyways
[] Continue to observe through seismic Sense
[]Dig at the wall
[] Play with your skills more
-[] Sacrifice
--[] skill
-[] Eat
--[] stuff
-[] Practice
--[] skill
[] Write in
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Welcome Back; Casual disclaimer
In fact! I will just put a disclaimer here and now:

I have ADHD!

I like to make new quests, classic and experimental! But I mgiht get distracted by RL and/or another hobby/project. This has led to me leaving SV sit, I think a maximum span of 3 years before?

But all is not lost if you like me as QM, or any particular quest (unless Ive officially ended it)

You can reach me easily by discord! Im a part of the YQC discord, the two SV discords, and Homucifer's Labyrinth. And I am *very* open to being poked!

My Discord tag, as of right now, is crawkid#7235

Hopefully, when Im required to change it, I will also inform you
Opening the Sky (Night 2)
[] Continue to observe through seismic Sense
[] Dig at the wall: Near one of the glowing mushrooms (are they tasty...?)
[] Play with your skills more
-[] Practice
--[] Focus on the area around the ceiling hole with Geomancy.

Now feeling less terrified, you dont have to spend your time curled up in fear... you sit more casually in your spot, and observe your surroundings for the night. The spider-crab-things...which you tentatively call Screamo Crabs seem pretty harmless, actually. All they do is scuttle around eating things and screaming at each other, and the occassional rat. but after a while, you conclude that nothing else really happens here, at least, not in your part of the dungeon. You dont have high hopes of much else either, noticing a couple small humanoid skeletons on the edges of your vision.

Growing bored, you focus on what appears to be the source of light around here : the mushrooms growing high up on the wall. There are two near your room, on either side of the door. Lifting the root up, you use your sight to target one of them and work at a nearby crack. This takes most of the night, but eventually you can start carefully pulling parts of this big mushroom through the hole. And you can see that, yes, this stuff does glow. Using the tree to sample it, you surmise that it is not poisonous, and gives up a little water, minerals, and protein. it probably tastes like a regular mushroom, you ponder that... but then sit to rest.

While you rest, you notice a couple crickets, and another worm, have all fallen into your domain from up above. Looking up, you smile and get a bright idea. So you climb the tree to get closer and start to *pull*. Suddenly, the crumbling roof starts to fall and expand the hole under the influence of your Geomancy. With it comes more resources! More worms, some moss, a frog, and a small stream of water. Nice.

What do you do upon Day Break? (up to three options)

[] Write in
Starting a Garden (Day 3)
[] Small steps
-[] Gathering more mushrooms
-[] Get some roots on the surface
-[] Start gardening with grass moss and mushrooms

The addition of new resources is exciting, but as your rest comes to an end and the sun begins to fall on your leaves again, you turn your attention back to the mushrooms. With a little bit more work, you are able to pull the rest of the mushroom through the hole, and work on digging through to the one on the other side of the door. In the end, you end up with two broken mushrooms and two new holes in the wall.

Gardening with your mushrooms is included in this vote, but also, you know that mushrooms are grown with spores, so even broken mushrooms are ok. What do you do here?

[] Eat one mushroom with M.O.B, using one to garden
[] Eat one mushroom normally, using one to garden
[] Use both mushrooms to grow more mushrooms

After your work gathering those mushrooms from the other side of the wall, you turn your attention back towards the ceiling, appreciating the new found light and photosynthetic energy coursing through you. In a bit to explore more, and stretch out your presence, you carefully guide your longest roots up, and over the nearest ledge, which so happens to be up the wall and into the source of your new little stream of water. Ah, refreshing!

[] Grow further into the water source
[] Dig into the earth below the water
[] Send your roots in another direction to explore
[] Return your roots down into the room

Once your explorations are over with, for now, you turn your attention back to your spoils of last night. Finally, something to garden with! Using your hands and your trusty soil knife, you relocate a lot of dirt over to where water in now streaming from, and create a little circle to enclose the water. With moss and mushroom slurry on the wetter side of the mass of dirt, you have yourself a mini enbankment that will no doubt grow wild....if slowly.

[] Leave this for now, let time do its thing
[] Add more dirt from around the tree
[] Add rotting leaves
[] Add worms

Finally, because of the sudden burst in nutrition and energy from the sun and water, you feel more energized than usual and you get an extra action! What will it be?

[] Write in
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Omake Policy
Hi there! Ive decided that perhaps you guys would like even more influence?

How about the ability to influence possible Dungeon threats, loot, NPCs or even skills?!

Write something up, and if I canonize it, you could get rewards!

- An extra M.O.B roll?
- A Special Event Die?
- Introduced adventurers or loot?
- Introduced magic mechanics/ new setting developments?
Introducing: Special Event Die
So what *is* the Special Event Die?

The Special Event Die will hereby be an Omake specific reward, designed to cause additional chaos and a possible boost to Aldea's everyday life.

The Special Event Die will be a 1d10 roll, where the scale of the event will coincide with how high you roll. A 1 is on the low end, and will cause an event that will be barely perceptible. Meanwhile, a 10 could very well cause a calamity of some kind - such as a nearby war, or cause for sudden climate change.

As always, its up to you to adapt and make the most out of what life gives you. But I believe in you, and with the right application of your creative juices, the Special Event Die could be a great boon indeed
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Growing and Gardening (Day 3)
Yea, thats not great luck on the MOB roll. I even gave you 50% chance of getting a glow of some sort ^^; Thats ok though, im sure you can get it eventually

[] Eat one Mushroom with MOB, use one to garden
[] Dig into the earth below the water
[] Add rotting leaves
[] Use the extra sunlight to grow in general

Yes, there are sometimes repeats in the same roll sets. If you get both passive/active or passive/toggle for something, Ill figure it out.

Its been a while, and this mushroom is a new resource, so of course you eat one right? One gamble later, and you M.O.B gives you:

[Spore Cloud (Active) lvl1

Produces a visible cloud of spores 2 feet in either direction of you, or a 4 foot diameter cloud away from you in a range of a maximum 5 feet away from your body in any direction. Choose between ferns, fungi, or trees. Any form chosen will have some sort of trait linking it back to you. Spores from the Spore Cloud experience accelerated growth.]

Interesting. So you can grow more of your trees. You wonder what a mushroom or fern would look like, as you look at your tree. It shares a link back to you, so you assume all trees that you make with Spore Cloud would be the same.

You consider possibilities as you mash put moss on the dirt, mash the remaining mushroom into the pool, and then water the garden with the mushroom water.

[ ] Sacrifice this Skill (Check out the Guide to Skills and Traits)
[ ] Create Fern and Fungi
[ ] Leave things be here
[ ] Other?

And speaking of your tree, you spend some time just focusing on that. it is part of your, after all. So with that, you focus on the root that is in the water, and command it to grow down. Harnessing the extra energy from the sun you got, youre able to dig down further and faster, but you dont forget the rest of the tree either. You can feel it grow a little taller, and grow new buds on its branches. You smile a little to yourself, satisfied with some or the progress there. You note that you must be in an outter room, since when you grew downward, you were could grow freely, with the only wall on your side.

[ ] Spread more roots
[ ] Spread more leaves
[ ] Try to bust through that wall
[ ] Take a break

Done with your tree, for now, you look around the room to figure what more you can do. You spot some of the rotting leaves you still have left, and think that it would be a wonderful addition to your garden, since moss and mushroom both help break things down into dirt. You sit back after a few handfuls and nod to yourself. Youve made progess gardening and growing. Your confidence and motivation grows.

[ ] Continue adding to the garden
[ ] Wash yourself
[ ] Water yourself
[ ] Other?
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Our First Look (Night 3)
[X] Plan: energy growth
-[X] Create Fern and Fungi
--[x] Grow symbiotic mushrooms that can help you decompose things into nutrients
-[X] Spread more leaves
-[X] Try to look out the hole in the ceiling. What does the outiside look like?

also, sorry for taking so long. I had the stress and the internet troubles... AND writers block :mad:

But I hope the discovery was worth it

The first thing you do is to activate your new skill, twice. Soon, the room, and especially your little garden, is covered with Ferns and Mushrooms. The ferns appear to be slightly above knee level, and have a white dust on its surface. While the mushrooms are also green in color, and smell sweet. You dont care though, this is progress. Given a little time, they should be able to breakdown the debris into nutrients.

Spurned on by your immenant success, you rummage around more, and pile on all the leaves you can find. And after look at it for a moment, you try to temper your act of excitement, and spread it out a little for more surface area.

Your next act will be to look at your tree, and how much open space youve been creating. Adders slithers away, hiding in your garden as you climb the tree. Finally, you are able to pop your head out of the room and get a good look around. Right infront of you...is a swamp, where your little stream is coming from. Your rooms wall is situated right on the edge, and you wonder...who the hell was stupid enough to build an underground dungeon next to a swamp?

Yet, you push that aside. What you really must be doing now, is taking a look around you. Looking for the sun, you find it sinking down in the sky behind you, headed towards a hill in a vast grass land. You will have to assume that direction is west. That means the swamp is to the East. Turning to your south side, more grassland and swamp edge. And to your north...a gorgeous mountain in the distance. And is that civilization?

Its hard to tell with the distance, and the dwindling light. But you hope that its civilization. For now though...you duck back inside.

All this work and excitement has you mentall tired, as well as not really resting the last couple nights, with all the screaming. You have maybe enough time to do one more thing before the sunlight is gone, and it is time to call it a night

[ ] write in?
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